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Thomas K. Wukitsch, B.A., M.S., standing in the Republican Forum in Rome, summer 2001

Tom Wukitsch teaches Ancient Mediterranean History and Archeology at Encore Learning (formerly Arlington Learning in Retirement Institute -- ALRI) and is a member of the Board of Directors of SMATCH (Scientific Methodologies Applied to Cultural Heritage). He has led study tours for Encore Learning (ALRI) students to Rome (Ancient sites), Florence (Renaissance), Venice (Renaissance), Pompeii and other towns destroyed by the 74 AD Vesuvius eruption, Egypt (Ancient Egypt), Greece (Archeology), and Turkey (Archeology) .

In 2002 he returned from four years of residency in Rome where he was the dependent spouse of Ms. Margaret Dean, who was Minister-Counselor for Economic Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Rome. During that period, he was a member of the Gruppo Archeologico Romano (GAR) and provided teaching materials for courses taught in the English Language section of that organization. He also wrote many short articles on Roman history and culture for the Veneto Views, the U.S. Embassy newsletter, which were also used in other publications in Rome -- total weekly circulation of several thousand. (Some of that material is available under appropriate headings at He also led tours of historical/cultural sites around Rome and Italy for the U.S. Embassy and for visitors.

Before going to Rome, Tom was a diplomat in the Foreign Service of the United States for 24 years, serving in the Middle East (Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Tunisia), Europe, and the State Department in Washington DC. In Washington he was the State Department's Desk officer for Algeria and later for Cyprus, and was the head of Analysis (Division Chief) for the State Department's office of analysis for the Middle East and then for the office of analysis for Western and Central Europe. His last position in the State Department was an assignment in the Pentagon as Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of Defense for Chemical, Nuclear, and Biological Weapons and Missile Proliferation.

Before joining the State Department he designed computer hardware and software in private industry, and prior to that he served for seven years in the US Navy in a variety of technical, archeological, and aviation positions.

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