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The Alexandrina Site -- Rebuilding the Alexandria Library

Electronic Texts
Starting Points

ABCentral: Literature Books/Authors
American Literature and Online Research
Ancient Authors/Texts/Sources
Links2Go: Literature
Repositories of Primary Sources
VoS English Literature: English Literature Page
Yahoo! Arts: Humanities:Literature


American Literature Index -- The San Antonio College LitWeb
American Literature Resources!
English Literature - Home Page
Library of Congress Home Page
-- Library of Congress FTP site
The Libyrinth: Entrance
Literary Resources on the Net (Lynch)
London Review of Books online
The New York Times: Books
New York Review of Books
Perspectives in American Lit -- CSUStan
Repositories of Primary Sources
VoS English Literature: English Literature Page
Yahoo! Arts:Humanities:Literature


Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts
American South, Documenting
American Verse Project
Ancient History Sourcebook: Rome: Republic and Empire
Anthology of Middle English Literature (1350-1485)
Argus Clearinghouse -- literature
Athena: Literature, Books, Lists; Pierre Perroud
Bartleby Library: Great Books Online
Bibliomania: Classic Fiction
Bibliotheca Augustana
La BitBlioteca: Contenido (Spanish)
Books -- Virginia Tech
Byzantine Text Web Links
CETH - Directory of Electronic Text Centers
Children's Stories
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Christianity -- Yale Library Selected Internet Resources
Classics Archive -- Greek/Roman (MIT)
Classics/Online Literature
Concordances of Great Books
CTI Centre for Textual Studies
Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Early Church Documents
Electronic Text Center -- University of Virginia
Electronic Text Resources -- Oxford (HumBul)
English Language Resources -- Electronic Text Center
English Literature Page
English Medieval Resources
English Resources -- UVA eText Center
English Resources (external to UVA) -- UVA eText Center
English Server -- CMU
European Literature - non-English Texts
The Fathers of the Church
Gutenberg - INDEX
Historical Text Archive -- Index
Humanities Text Initiative -- Unrestricted Resources
Highlights from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek
The Internet Classics Archive | Search
Internet Public Library Collections
IPL Online Texts Collection
Labyrinth Latin Library
Labyrinth Library Main Directory
The Latin Library
Latin Texts in Perseus
Library of Congress Home Page
Literature, Full-Text, Online -- Tasha's List of Links
The LOGOS Collection of Electronic Books
The Mad Cybrarian's Library
The Middle English Compendium
Modern English Collection/UVa Electronic Text Center
The Moonlit Road - Ghost Stories/Folktales--American South
Online Book Initiative -- Index
OnLine Books --
On-Line Books Page -- CMU
Online Libraries and Text Collections - Medieval
ORB: Medieval Studies for the Nonspecialist
Oxford Text Archive Catalogue
Perseus Project Home Page
Primary Sources - Ancient/Classical
Renaissance Electronic Texts (RET) Main Page
Romantic Circles: Electronic Editions
Shakespeare Sonnets
Society for Ancient LanguagesTexts -- U.Ala
Twain - -- Mark Twain
Vergil -- UKy
Victorian Women Writers Project Library
VoS English Literature: American
VoS English Literature: English Literature Page
VoS English Literature: Other Literatures in English
The Western Canon
Wiretap Electronic Text Archive
Women Romantic Writers -- Texts and Links
Yale Library Selected Internet Resources: Christianity


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Contents
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Multimedia) - INDEX
Apuleius, Apologia: seminar
Bartlett, John. 1901. Familiar Quotations
Livy The History of Rome 1.01
Piers Plowman eArchive
Plutarch -- Lives
Sallust -- ad Fontes (Latin)
Sallust -- Conspiracy of Catiline (Eng)
Seneca Essays Book 1
Seneca Essays Book 2
Shakespeare Sonnets
Tacitus - ANNALS
Twain - Adam and Eve Diaries
Twain -
Vasari: Lives of Artists
Vergil -- UKy
Vitruvius on Architecture -- LacusCurtius

Book Buying

Academic Press Book Database
BookSearchEngine - Home
MX BookFinder -- Out of Print and Used Books