Ministry of Natural Resources (original) (raw)
- Forest, wildland and outdoor fires
- Floods
- Drought
- Dam failures
- Erosion
- Landslides and sinkholes
- Oil and gas
- Aggregate reform
- Aggregates
- Forestry
- Oil, gas and salt
- Approvals
Crown land
- Outdoors Card
- Regulations
- Updates
- Licence (Ontario residents)
- Licence (non-residents)
- Apply to hunt big game
- Wildlife management unit maps
- Hunter reporting
- Moose in Ontario
Wildlife and nature
- Bear Wise
- Find a wildlife rehabilitator
- Invasive species
- Natural Heritage Information Centre
- Reporting wild pigs
- Tree atlas
- Outdoors Card
- Regulations
- Licence (Canadian residents)
- Licence (non-residents)
- Limits and restrictions
- Management zones
- Fish ON-Line
What we do
- Sustainably manage Ontario’s fish and wildlife resources.
- Lead the management of Ontario’s Crown lands, water, oil, gas, salt and aggregates resources, including making Crown land available for renewable energy projects.
- Ensure the sustainable management of Ontario’s Crown forests.
- Protect people, property and communities from forest fires, floods and droughts.
- Develop and apply geographic information to help manage the province’s natural resources.
Social media
The ministry administers the following legislation:
- Aggregate Resources Act
- Algonquin Forestry Authority Act
- An Act for the Settlement of Certain Questions between Governments of Canada and Ontario Respecting Indian Reserve Lands
- An Act to Confirm the Title of the Government of Canada to Certain Lands and Indian Lands
- Arboreal Emblem Act
- Avian Emblem Act
- Beds of Navigable Waters Act
- Conservation Land Act, R.S.O 1990, c. C.28
- Crown Forest Sustainability Act
- Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Act, 2005, S.O 2005, c. 30
- Far North Act
- Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
- Fisheries Act (Canada) – Ontario Fishery Regulations
- Fisheries Development Act (Canada)
- Fisheries Loans Act
- Forest Fires Prevention Act
- Forestry Act
- Forestry Workers Lien for Wages Act
- Freshwater Fish Marketing Act (Ontario)
- Gas and Oil Leases Act
- Heritage Hunting and Fishing Act
- Indian Lands Act
- Indian Lands Agreement (1986) Confirmation Act
- Industrial and Mining Lands Compensation Act
- Invasive Species Act
- Lake of the Woods Control Board Act
- Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act
- Migratory Birds Convention Act (Canada) – Ontario Regulations
- Mineral Emblem Act
- Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act
- Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act
- Ontario Forest Tenure Modernization Act
- Ontario Geographic Names Board Act
- Ottawa River Water Powers Act
- Professional Foresters Act
- Public Lands Act
- Seine River Diversion Act
- Steep Rock Iron Ore Development Act
- Surveyors Act
- Surveys Act
- Wild Rice Harvesting Act
- Wilderness Areas Act