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Since the fall of Roe, anti-choice politicians have rushed to champion “crisis pregnancy centers” (CPCs) as a legitimate alternative to qualified reproductive healthcare. As they funnel millions of taxpayer dollars into these unregulated clinics, abortion ban states suffer high rates of maternal and infant mortality and widespread maternal care deserts.

A new documentary, Preconceived (now available to stream), shines a clear light on this evasive industry, deftly navigating a complex landscape of deception, privacy, finances and faith.

Rachel Pickrel-Hawkins was jailed for objecting to court ordered “reunification therapy” that sought to mend the relationship between her children and their father, a man charged with sexually assaulting three of their daughters and physically abusing their son.

As a divorce coach and coercive control expert, who are both domestic abuse survivors, we see these mind boggling, trauma-inducing decisions by family courts every day. This Colorado mom could be any mom. That’s why it’s time that America deals with our family court crisis head on.

This week marks three years since the Taliban banned secondary education for girls in Afghanistan.

The international community holds power, and the past three years have proven that mere condemnation is not enough. Real action is essential to help Afghan girls return to school—because every child deserves that right.

Weekend Reading for Women’s Representation is a compilation of stories about women’s representation.

In this week’s Weekend Reading, we’ll cover dedicated groups committed to election reform, organizations supporting women running for office at the local level, the latest 2024 elections information that women voters need, the Ranked-Choice Voting Act, and state Sen. Jessica Ramos’ campaign announcement.

In early August, the Utah Supreme Court ruled to place a near-total abortion ban on hold, effectively blocking the law until a lower court can assess its constitutionality. For now, abortion will remain legal in the state until 18 weeks.

“This is an individual choice, and it should be between that individual and their healthcare provider, and their healthcare providers should not be afraid that they’re going to be put in prison,” Utah House Minority Leader Angela Romero told Ms.

The fight for gender equality in sports remains a long, arduous journey.

The retroactive NIL (name, image and likeness) payments for former and current athletes included in the pending NCAA legal settlement would represent a new chapter in this battle by offering female athletes a chance to finally be compensated for their contributions to their sports and the universities they represented.

A black dress, bought on Amazon, was the small detail that brought home a poignant truth about the challenges women encounter in finding abortion care in a post-Roe America.

Four guaranteed income recipients share how consistent economic stability fueled their creativity and helped them thrive.

In a world where the political gender gap is growing as women move left, a clever grassroots campaign is reminding women of a fundamental truth: Their vote is private. This guerrilla movement uses a simple yet powerful tool—Post-It notes—to reach women whose partners may disagree with their political choices.

The premise is simple: small, brightly colored notes discreetly placed in public spaces, like bathroom stalls, libraries, cafes, dorm buildings, workplace lounges, doctors’ offices and community boards. Each note carries the message that every woman has the right to cast her vote freely and privately.

We need to acknowledge self-centered individualism as the destructive force that it is. I encounter its effects far too frequently.

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