Enthusiasm | Napoleon Hill Foundation (original) (raw)

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by Larry Myers

Ka-POW! That’s what enthusiasm feels like to me_._ Enthusiasm is an internal … intangible … vibrating energy felt within my mind and within my heart.

Napoleon Hill’s masterful essay on the principle of enthusiasm defined enthusiasm as a state of mind that inspires one to put action into the task at hand. Enthusiasm is contagious and it vitally affects not only the enthusiast, but all with whom he or she comes into contact. Enthusiasm is a vital and moving force that impels action. When you are enthusiastic about what you are selling (be it goods, services, ideas, or yourself), enthusiasm affects the way you say things, the tone of your voice, the sincerity of your beliefs, and it shows the level of your conviction and belief.

Controlled enthusiasm not only affects the one who possesses it, but it also affects others who are within close contact. This is because enthusiasm stimulates the mind of the one who possesses it and keys up the mind to a higher vibratory rate. When your mind is vibrating at a high rate, because it has been stimulated with enthusiasm — that vibration registers in the minds of all within its radius, and especially in the minds of those with whom you come into close contact. With this as the basis of understanding of enthusiasm, it becomes apparent how important it is for you use suggestion to key up and facilitate the potent force of enthusiasm as you pursue your goals or definite major purpose.

One of Napoleon Hills statements that resonates with me is the following: “In as much as it is a radiation of the spirit, enthusiasm is closely related or attuned to Infinite Intelligence.” That statement resonated with me because I have been experiencing the resonating effect of the Spirit of God within me since beginning a drama ministry project at my church over the last year. I currently serve as the Director of Drama for my church and in February of 2016, I delivered a presentation of the poem, “The Creation” from the book God’s Trombones, by James Weldon Johnson. God’s Trombones comprises eight Negro sermons in poem form. My intent was to only present one poem from the book, but the enthusiasm I felt after delivering that first poem compelled me to begin the project to memorize the entire book of poetry and present them one at a time to my church congregation. One year later, I have presented four of the eight poems.

My goal is to present the remaining four poems in 2017. This memorization and presentation project has benefited me in unexpected ways. For one, I have truly felt the spirit and presence of God as I’ve sown the seeds of the poems into my life. My creative imagination has also benefited from visualizing the scenes and imagery of these epic poems. And lastly, I have derived a great deal of satisfaction from the members of my congregation who have appreciated my efforts to minister to them through drama. My experience has proven that enthusiasm truly is the spirit of God within us.

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Ka-POW! That’s what enthusiasm feels like to me_._ Enthusiasm is an internal … intangible … vibrating energy felt within my mind and within my heart. Napoleon Hill’s masterful essay on the principle of enthusiasm defined enthusiasm as a state of mind that inspires one to put action into the task at hand. Enthusiasm is contagious and it vitally affects not only the enthusiast, but all with whom he or she comes into contact. Enthusiasm is a vital and moving force that impels action…..

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