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Riches Begin With Sound Health

Riches Begin With Sound Health

Riches Begin With Sound Health

by Ray Cantu

As I was sitting in my barber’s chair today, he confided in me that his business is in financial trouble and that he can’t seem to shake the funk that he is in. So I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce him to Dr. Napoleon Hill’s Science of Success and how he could lean on it to break through with his barber business. What’s interesting, is how quickly our conversation turned into health and fitness tips.

I explained to him how Dr. Hill opens up his philosophy with the 12 Enduring Riches of life and why it’s worthwhile to pursue riches in the order that Dr. Hill presents them.

I asked him, “Where do you think money is ranked?”

He replied, “It’s first, isn’t it?”

When I shared with him that financial wealth is actually at the END of the list, he was a bit surprised. In fact, the top three riches of life, according to Dr. Hill, are to have a Positive Mental Attitude, Sound Health, and Harmony in Human Relations. So that’s how we started talking about Health and Fitness.

I told him that the same discipline, attitude, time management and work ethic that it would take to lose 20 pounds could be carried over to break through in business. That caught his attention and hopefully it has caught yours as well.

If you too are currently facing an uphill battle or are in a plateau with your finances, then I encourage you to concentrate on your health and fitness as well. And to help, I want to share with you three things that you can do today that will increase your success in obtaining this invaluable richness of life.

  1. Every richness begins with DESIRE. It’s of the utmost importance that you possess a Health Consciousness. This means that you are thinking about your health goals EVERY DAY. The best way to do this is with your cell phone’s screensaver. Set your screensaver as a picture with your health goals. Two easy ways are with a photo of a great body with your own head Photoshopped on it, or you can also take a picture of your written down goals. The important thing is that they are in front of you daily. A person becomes what they think about.
  2. A man’s treasure is where his heart is. This means that you have to budget time AND money for your health goals. Be sure to allocate funding in your monthly budget for nutritious foods and whatever DVDs, gym membership or group classes you need. Also, block time in your daily calendar for at least 20 minutes of exercise daily. This time is non-negotiable and if you cancel it then consider it a self-cancellation of your own dreams.
  3. Don’t do it for the weight loss. Do it for the Positive Health habits you are building. The discipline, self-initiative and constant activity will pour into other parts of your life when you do it right. Instead of judging your success by the number on the scale, judge it by how many days you can be consistent with your health efforts. Print out a 90-day calendar and hang it somewhere you see it daily. Start crossing off each day that you exercised and ate nutritiously. Focus on 21 days straight. If you can make it 21 days with positive habits, then you can make it 90 days. After 90 days, you will find the breakthrough you are in search of.

It’s amazing how much Dr. Hill talks about Sound Health in his Science of Success and how he ranks it as the second most valuable richness of life. I beg you to take his entire philosophy as a whole and put these tips into practice this summer. You only get one body … take care of it.

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As I was sitting in my barber’s chair today, he confided in me that his business is in financial trouble and that he can’t seem to shake the funk that he is in. So I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce him to Dr. Napoleon Hill’s Science of Success….

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