French Infantry Regiments Part I (original) (raw)
French Infantry Regiments and the Colonels who Led Them: 1791 to 1815
Part I: 1er - 10e Regiments
By Tony Broughton, FINS
The peacetime establishment of the French Infantry consisted of the following:
Eighty-two regiments of the line (each regiment having two battalions consisting of nine companies with one company being a Grenadier company): 85,407 men
Twelve foreign regiments: 12,848 men
One regiment of Swiss Garde: 2,330 men
Eleven Swiss regiments: 11,429 men.
12 Battalions of Infanterie Leger (each with eight Companies): 5,414 men
Grand Total: 117,428 men
In 1791, the old French regiments receive a regimental number instead of a title. The number of regiments was also increased to One hundred and eleven Regiments. The next major change occurred in 1793(by decree of 21st February) when demi-brigade de bataille were formed. The formation of these new demi-brigades being one regular infantry battalion and two volunteer battalions. This meant that the old regiments were split up to form demi-brigades de bataille.
Demi-brigades d'Infanterie de Ligne were formed in 1796 (by the decree of 1 February) from demi-brigades de bataille these gave a much larger formation. The 238 demi-brigades de bataille became 110 demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne. In 1803, the demi-brigades became the regiments that we are familiar with, each regiment having three battalions.
The next major change occurred in 1808 (by decree of 18 February) when the strength of the regiments was raised from three battalions to five, with four in the field and one Depot battalion. Each battalion in the field was to comprise of six companies, one Grenadier, one Voltigeur and four Fusilier companies. The Depot battalion was to comprise four companies.
With war looming between France and the major powers in Europe the following new armies were created:
Armee du Nord - created on the 14th December 1791, divided into the Armee du Nord and the Armee des Ardennes on the 1st October 1792.
Armee du Centre - created 14th December 1791, on the 1st October 1792 it became the Armee de la Moselle
Armee des Vosages - created 1st October 1792.
Armee du Midi - created 13th April 1792, divided into the Armee des Alpes and the Armee des Pyrenees on the 1st October 1792. The Armee des Alpes was subsequently divided to form the Armee de Savoie and the Armee d'Italie on the 1st November 1792.
Armee des l'Interior - created 4th September 1792
From these early days the regiments and commanders that we are familiar with were formed, resulting in the Emperor Napoleons famous Grande Armee.
1er Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne.
Regimental History
1569: Created in Picardie
1585: Regiment de Picardie
1785: Regiment Colonel-General
1791: 1er Regiment d'Infanterie
1794: 1er demi-brigade de Bataille(formed from the following battalions)1er Bataillon, 1er Regiment d'Infanterie
1er Bataillon Volontaires La butte des moulins de Paris 3e Bataillon Volontaires du Loiret1796: 1er demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from)
131e demi-brigade de Bataille
(1er Bat, 71e Regt d'Inf, 17e Bat Vol des Reserve and 8e Bat Vol de Paris)1803: 1er Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonels and Chef de Brigade
1791: De Chantereine (Jean-Dubois) - Colonel
1791: De Courcy d'Hervilly (Charles-Augustin) - Colonel
1792: De Montigny (Louis-Adrien Brice) - Colonel
1794: Levrier (Joseph-Placide-Alexandre) - Chef de Brigade
1796: Delamarre (Jean-Francois) - Chef de Brigade
1798: Lepreux (Antoine-Francois) - Chef de Brigade
1799: Desgraviers-Bertholet (Francois-Ganivet) - Chef de Brigade and Colonel in 1803
1807: Saint-Martin (Jean) - Colonel
1814: Cornebize (Louis-Jean-Baptiste) - Colonel
1815: Jacquemet (Michel) - Colonel
Of the above officers three attained the rank of General of Brigade and above
De Montigny (Louis-Adrien Brice)
Born: 19 December 1738
Colonel: 26 October 1792
General de Brigade: 8 March 1793
General de Division: 10 July 1796
Commander of the Legion d'honeur: 14 June 1804
Baron of the Empire: 19 March 1808
Died: 6 May 1811Levrier (Joseoh-Placide-Alexandre)
The Regimental History states Chef de Brigade Levrier was promoted G of D in 1796, no further information available, he is not mentioned under this name in George Six.
Desgraviers-Bertholet (Francois-Ganivet)
Born: 4 February 1768
Chef de Brigade: 30 June 1799 (1er demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Colonel: 1803 (1er Regiment d'Infanterie)
Colonel: 14 August 1809 (4e Regiment d'Infanterie Legere)
General de Brigade: 22 June 1811
Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804
Baron of the Empire: 1 January 1813 (awarded posthumously)
Died: 26 July 1812 (of wounds sustained at the battle of Salamanca)
Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 1er Regiment d'Infanterie
Colonel Saint-Martin: wounded 16 April 1809
Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 1er Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815
Officers killed: Twenty
Officers died of wounds: Eleven
Officers wounded: One hundred and twenty-seven
Regimental war record (Battles and Combats)
1792: Valmy
1793: Wissembourg
1794: Fleurus
1799: Zurich
1800: Moeskirch and Biberach
1805: Caldiero
1806: Civita-del-Tronto and Galiano
1809: Sacile and Wagram
1811: Miranda-Castegna
1812: Arapiles (Salamanca)
1813: Saint-Sebastien
1813: Lutzen, Bautzen, Dresden and Leipzig
1814: Saint-Julien
1814: Brienne, Sezanne, Montmirail, Vauchamps, Laon and Paris
1815: Quatre-Bras and Waterloo
Battle Honours
Fleurus 1794, Moeskirch 1800 and Biberach 1800
2e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regimental History
1776: Formed from the 2e and 4e Bataillons de Picardie
1780: Regiment de Picardie
1791: 2e Regiment d'Infanterie
1795: 2e demi-brigade de Bataille (formed from the following)2e Bataillon, 1er Regiment d'Infanterie
4e Bataillon Volontaires de la Somme
5e Bataillon Volontaires de Paris1796: 2e demi-bigade d' Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)
94e demi-brigade de Bataille (2e Bat, 48e Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol de Saone-et Loire and 1er Bat Vol du Cher)
5e Bataillon Volontaires de l'Yonne
Part Bataillon of the, Volontaire Amis de l'Honneur Francaise1803: 2e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonels and Chef de Brigade
1791: Du Cavigny (Charles-Leon) - Colonel
1791: Drouet (Francois Richer) - Colonel
1792: De Fontenay (Henri Nadot) - Colonel
1793: Macdonald (Etienne-Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre) - Colonel
1795: De Marpaude (?) - Chef de Brigade
1796: Perrin (Joseph) - Chef de Brigade
1801: Pouchin de la Roche (Pierre-Guillaume) - Chef de Brigade and Colonel in 1804
1805: Delga (Jacques) - Colonel
1809: De Wimppen (Felix-Victor-Emmanuel-Charles) - Colonel
1813: Veran-Andre (Jean) - Colonel
1813: Staglieno (Charles-Louis-Sebastien) - Colonel
1814: Corvinus (Jean) - Colonel
1814: Tripe (Jean) - Colonel
Three of the above officers attained the rank of General of Brigade and above including one Marechal
Macdonald (Etienne-Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre)
Born: 17 November 1765
Chef de Brigade: 8 March 1793 (2e demi-brigade de bataille)
General de Brigade: 26 August 1793
General de Division: 28 November 1794
Member of the Legion d'Honneur: 16 October 1803
Grand Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804
Grand Eagle of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 August 1809
Marechal: 12 July 1809
Duc de Tarente: 9 December 1809
Died: 25 September 1840Perrin (Joseph)
Born: 28 February 1754
Chef de Brigade: 19 April 1796 (2e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 5 June 1800
Died: 9 June 1800 (died of wounds sustained at Genes)Pouchin de la Roche (Pierre-Guillaume)
Born: 31 January 1767
Chef de Brigade: 19 June 1794 (132e demi-brigade de bataille)
Chef de Brigade: 29 February 1796 (26e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Chef de Brigade: 8 February 1801 (2e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Colonel: 1803 (2e Regiment d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 1 February 1805
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 23 August 1814
Baron of the Empire: 5 December 1811
Died: 5 April 1825
Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 2e Regiment d'Infanterie
Chef de Brigade Perrin: Wounded 12 May 1800
Colonel Delga: Died of wounds 6 July 1809
Colonel De Wimpffen: wounded 18 August 1812
Colonel Staglieno: wounded 18 October 1813
Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 2e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815
Officers killed: Forty
Officers died of wounds: Nineteen
Officers wounded: One hundred and forty nine
Regimental war record (Battles and Combats)
1792: Lille
1793: Tourcoing
1795: Armee du Nord
1796: Armee de Sambre-et-Meuse
1797: Armee d'Allemange
1798: Armee de Mayence
1799: Stokach and Zurich
1800: Genoa
1805: Cape Finistere and Trafalgar
1806: Armee d'Italie
1807: Armee d'Italie
1808: Grande Armee
1809: Essling, Aspern and Wagram
1812: Polotsk and Berezina
1813: Dresden and Leipzig
1814: La Rothiere
1815: Fleurus and Waterloo
Battle Honours
Zurich 1799, Genes (Genoa) 1800 and Polotsk 1812
3e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regimental History
1569: Regiment de Brissac
1584: Regiment de Piemont
1791: 3e Regiment d'Infanterie
1793: 3e demi-brigade de Bataille (formed from the following)1er Bataillon, 2e Regiment d'Infanterie
5e Bataillon Volontaires de l'Aisne
5e Bataillon Volontaires de la Cote-d'Or1796: 3e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)
91e demi-brigade de Bataille (1er Bat,46e Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol du Jura and 1er Bat Vol de l'Ain)
127e demi-brigade de Bataille (1er Bat, 68e Regt d'Inf, 2e Bat Vol du Haute-Rhin and 3e Bat Vol de la aute-Marne)1803: 3e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonels and Chef de Brigade
1791: De Chadenac (Jean-Louis de Blou) - Colonel
1792: Cambios d'Audrian (Jean-Baptiste) - Colonel
1793: Salme (Jean-Baptiste) - Chef de Brigade
1793: Anglebert (?) - Chef de Brigade
1794: Sarrut (Jacques-Thomas) - Chef de Brigade
1796: Martilliere (Pierre) - Chef de Brigade
1799: Mouton (Georges) - Chef de Brigade
1803: Schobert (Laurent) - Colonel
1811: Ducouret (Louis) - Colonel
1813: Deslon (Claude-Marcel) - Colonel
1814: Vautrin (Hubert) - Colonel
The 3e Regiment produced five officers who became General de Brigade and above
Salme (Jean-Baptiste)
Born: 18 November 1766
Chef de Brigade: 28 October 1793 (3e demi-brigade de bataille)
General de Brigade: 30 March 1794
General de Division: 15 May 1802
Member of the Legion d'Honneur: 7 May 1811
Died: 27 May 1811 (killed before Tarragone)Sarrut (Jacques-Thomas)
Born: 16 August 1765
Chef de Brigade: 28 May 1794 (3e demi-brigade de bataille)
Chef de Brigade: 19 February 1796 (8e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 29 August 1803
General de Division: 20 June 1811
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804
Baron of the Empire: 14 April 1810
Died: 26 June 1813 (died of wounds sustained at the battle of Vittoria)Martilliere (Pierre)
Born: 23 March 1759
Chef de Brigade: 20 January 1796 (3e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 28 April 1799
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804
Died: 20 November 1807 (as a result of wounds sustained at Vaprio)Mouton (Georges)
Born: 21 February 1770
Chef de Brigade: 26 May 1798 (99e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Chef de Brigade: 14 July 1799(3e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Colonel: 24 September 1803 (3e Regiment d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 1 February 1805
General de Division: 5 October 1807
Count of the Empire: 19 September 1810
Died: 27 November 1838Schobert (Laurent)
Born: 30 April 1763
Colonel: 1 February 1805
General de Brigade: 6 August 1811
Baron of the Empire: 1 April 1809
Died: 30 April 1830
Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 3e Regiment d'Infanterie
Chef de Brigade Mounton: wounded 30 April 1800
Colonel Scobert: wounded 10 June 1807 and 6 July 1809
Colonel Ducouret: wounded 5 February 1812 and 31 August 1813
Colonel Vautrin: wounded 18 June 1815
Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 3e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815
Officers killed: Forty-seven
Officers died of wounds: Twenty-four
Officers wounded: Two hundred and sixteen
Regimental war record (Battle and Combats)
1792: Jemmapes
1793: Weitbruck
1796: Armee du Rhin
1797: Armee d'Helvetie
1798: Armee d'Italie
1800: Genoa and La Verriera
1805: Hollabrunn and Austerlitz
1807: Heilsberg and Friedland
1809: Thann, Schierling, Eckmuhl,Essling and Wagram
1812: Sanguessa and Bilbao
1813: Bidassoa, Nivelle and Bayonne
1813: Ghorde
1814: Bar-sur-Aube and Arcis-sur-Aube
1815: Quatre-Bras and Waterloo
Battle Honours
Jemmapes 1792, Austerlitz 1805 and Wagram 1809
4e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regimental History
1776: Formed from two Battalions of the Regiment de Piemont
1785: Regiment de Provence
1791: 4e Regiment d'Infanterie
1794: 4e demi-brigade de Bataille (formed from the following)2e Bataillon, 2e Regiment d'Infanterie
3e Bataillon Volontaires de la Republique
4e Bataillon Volontaires Haute-Saone1796: 4e demi-bigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)
39e demi-brigade de Bataille (1er Bat, 20e Regt d'Inf, 1er and 2e Bat Vol Basse Pyrenees)
Plus various detachments from the following demi-brigades. 55e,130e,145e and 147e demi-brigades de Bataille1803: 4e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonels and Chef de Brigade
1791: Vial d'Alain (Charles-Guillaume) - Colonel
1791: De Thiballier (Francois-Hubert) - Colonel
1794: Arnaud (Antoine) - Chef de Brigade
1796: Pourailly (Bernard) - Chef de Brigade
1796: Frere (Bernard-George-Francois) - Chef de Brigade
1800: Savettier de Candras (Jacques-Lazare) - Chef de Brigade
1804: Bonaparte (Joseph) - Colonel
1806: Boyeldieu(Louis-Leger) - Colonel
1811: Bucquet (?) - Colonel
1812: Massy (Charles-Baptiste-Bertrand) - Colonel
1812: De Fezensac (Raymond-Aimery-Phillipe-Joseph) - Colonel
1813: Materre (Jean-Baptiste-Martial) - Colonel
1814: Gelibert (Honore) - Colonel
1814: Faullain (Jean-Francois-Antoine-Michel) - Colonel
Seven of the above officers attained the rank of General
Arnaud (Antoine)
Born: 14 January 1749
Chef de Brigade: 18 August 1794 (4e demi-brigade de bataille)
General de Brigade: 29 August 1803
Died: 11 April 1806Frere (Bernard-George-Francois)
Born: 8 January 1764
Chef de Brigade: 8 September 1796 (4e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Chef de Brigade: 3 January 1800 (Consular-Garde infanterie)
General de Brigade: 13 September 1802
General de Division: 6 March 1808
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804
Count of the Empire: 18 March 1809
Died: 16 February 1826Savattier de Candras (Jacques-Lazare)
Born: 24 August 1768
Chef de Brigade: 11 March 1800 (4e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Colonel: 1803 (4e Regiment d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 13 April 1804
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804
Baron of the Empire: 27 November 1808
Died: 28 November 1812 (killed at the battle of the Berezina)Bonaparte (Joseph)
Born: 7 January 1768
Colonel: 1804 (exact date not known)
General de Division: 3 January 1806
Grand Eagle of the Legion d'Honneur: 2 February 1805
King of Naples: 31 March 1806
King of Spain: 6 June 1808
Died: 28 July 1848Boyeldieu (Louis-Leger)
Born: 13 August 1774
Colonel: 9 March 1806
General de Brigade: 21 July 1811
General de Division: 7 September 1813
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 11 July 1807
Baron of the Empire: 20 July 1808
Died: 17 August 1815 (as a result of wounds sustained at Waterloo)De Fezenac (Raymond-Aimery-Phillipe-Joseph)
Born: 26 February 1784
Colonel: 11 September 1812
General de Brigade: 4 March 1813
Baron of the Empire: 19 September 1809
Died: 18 November 1867Materre (Jean-Baptiste-Martial)
Born: 16 November 1772
Colonel: 25 February 1813
General de Brigade: 25 February 1814
Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 7 October 1807
Died: 2 February 1843
Colonels killed and wounded while in command of the 4e Regiment d'Infanterie
Chef de Brigade Pourailly: Killed at Castiglione
Colonel Boyeldieu: wounded 10 June 1807 and 6 July 1809
Colonel Massy: Killed 7 September 1812
Colonel Materre: wounded 16 October 1813 and 1 February 1814
Colonel Faullain: wounded 16 June 1815
Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 4e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1791-1815
Officers killed: Forty-four
Officers died of wounds: Twenty-four
Officers wounded: Two hundred and forty
Regimental war record ( Battles and Combats)
1791: Expedition to Saint-Dominique
1795: Mannheim
1796: Mantoue, Castiglione, Verone, Primolano, La Brenta, Caldiero, Arcole, Tagliemento
1798: Expedition to the Iles Saint-Marcouf
1800: Engen, Moeskirch, Memmingen and Hohenlinden
1805: Ulm and Austerlitz
1806: Jena
1807: Eylau, Heilsberg and the capture of Koenigsberg
1809: Eckmuhl, Aspern, Essling and Wagram
1812: Smolensk, Valoutina, La Moskowa and Krasnoe
1813: Dresden, Leipzig and Hanau
1814: Brienne, La Rothiere, Monterau and Troyes
1815: Ligny
Battle Honours
Arcole 1796, Hohenlinden 1800, Jena 1806 and Wagram 1809
5e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regimental History
1569: Regiment des Gardes du Jeune Henri
1589: Regiment de Valirault
1594: Regiment de Navarre
1791: 5e Regiment d'Infanterie
1794: 5e demi-brigade de Bataille (formed from the following)1er Bataillon, 3e Regiment d'Infanterie
1er Bataillon, Volonaires du Doubs
4e Bataillon, Volontaires de la Seine-Inferieure1796: 5e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)
146e demi-brigade de Bataille (2e Bat, 79e Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol Cote d'Or and 8e Bat Vol l'Isere)
193e demi-brigade de Bataille ( 1er Bat, 109e Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol de l'Yonne and 3e Bat Vol de la Loire-Inferieure)1803: 5e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonels and Chef de Brigade
1791: De Vouliers (Francois-Charles) - Colonel
1791: Guenand (Louis-Charles) - Colonel
1794: Burnot (?) - Chef de Brigade
1796: Bourdois de Champfort (Edme-Martin) - Chef de Brigade
1797: Le Feron (Louis-Hyacinthe) - Chef de Brigade
1800: Teste (Francois-Antoine) - Chef de Brigade and Colonel in 1803
1806: Plauzonne (Louis-Auguste-Marchand)
1809: Roussille (Jean-Isaac) - Colonel
The 5e Regiment produced four officers who reached the rank of General de Brigade and above
Bourdois de Champfort (Edme-Martin)
Born: 11 March 1750
Chef de Brigade: 21 June 1795 (193e demi-brigade de bataille)
Chef de Brigade: 19 February 1796 (5e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 12 July 1797
Member of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804
Died: 24 December 1825Le Feron (Louis-Hyacinthe)
Born: 30 November 1765
Chef de Brigade: 21 March 1797 (5e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 11 October 1794 (Le Feron however refused the promotion)
Died: 23 August 1799Teste (Francois-Antoine)
Born: 19 November 1775
Chef de Brigade: 9 August 1800 (5e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Colonel: 1803 (5e Regiment d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 4 November 1805
General de Division: 14 February 1814
Baron of the Empire: 21 November 1810
Died: 8 December 1862Plauzonne (Louis-Auguste-Marchand)
Born: 7 July 1774
Colonel: 5 Auguste 1806
General de Brigade: 5 June 1809
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 6 December 1811
Baron of the Empire: 14 April 1810
Died: 7 September 1812 (at the battle of Borodino)
Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 5e Regiment d'Infanterie
Colonel Rousille: wounded 13 November 1811 and 18 June 1815
Officers killed and wounded whislt serving with the 5e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815
Officers killed: Seventeen
Officers died of wounds: Fourteen
Officers wounded: One hundred and nineteen
Regimental war record (Battles and Combats)
1792: Marcon, Valmy and Jemmapes
1793: Lannoy and Hondschoote
1794: Siege of Le Quesnoy, Fleurus, Kaiserlautern and Eselsfurth
1796: Lonato, Castiglione and Mantoue
1797: Cimbras
1799: Pastrengo, Magnano and La Trebbia
1803: Armee d'Italie
1805: Caldiero
1806: Dalmatia , Montenegrins andBergato
1809: Sacile, Malghiera, Ervenich, Gospich, Wagram, Znaim, Lavacca and Meran
1811: Figueras and Moncado
1812: Olot, Saint-Vincent, Carriga and Vich
1813: Bisbal and Barcelone
1813: Lutzen, Wurschen, Dresden, Torau and Leipzig
1814: Belfort, Saint-Julien and Villeseneuse
1815: Waterloo and Belfort
Battle Honours
Castiglione 1796 and Wagram 1809
6e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regimental History
1776: Formed from two battalions of the Regiment de Navarre
1791: 6e Regiment d'Infanterie
1794: 6e demi-brigade de Bataille (formed from the folllowing)
2e Bataillon, 3e Regiment d'Infanterie
2e Bataillon Volontaires de l'Aube
10e Bataillon Volontaires des Vosges
1796: 6e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)196e demi-brigade de bataille ( 2e Bat, 110e Regt d'Inf, 1er Bat Vol de la formation d'Orleans, Bat Vol de l 'Egalitie, 4e Bat Vol de l'Aude, 7e Bat Vol de la Manche and 4e Bat Vol de Seine-et-Marne)
6e bis Regt de l'Ouest1803: 6e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonels and Chef de Brigade
1791: De Cappy (Jean-Baptiste-Marie-Joseph Florimund) - Colonel
1791: L'Huillier de Rouvenac (Jacques-Thomas) - Colonel
1792: Cleday (Pierre) - Colonel
1794: Hotte (?) - Chef de Brigade
1794: Delpierre (Antoine-Joseph) - Chef de Brigade
1796: Hotte (?) - Chef de Brigade
1799: Lepreux (Antoine-Francois) - Chef de Brigade
1799: Dufour (Francois-Marie) Chef de Brigade and Colonel in 1803
1807: Devilliers (Claude-Germain-Louis) - Colonel
1811: Barre (Jean-Etienne) - Colonel
1813: Buchet (Francois-Louis-Julien) - Colonel
1815: Barre (Jean-Etienne) - Colonel
Three of the above officers attained the rank of General de Brigade and above
Delpierre (Antoine-Joseph)
Born: 12 March 1748
Chef de Brigade: 22 July 1794 (6e demi-brigade de bataille)
General de Brigade: 13 June 1795
Died: 15 January 1808Dufour (Francois-Marie)
Born: 5 December 1769
Chef de Brigade: 30 November 1799 (6e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Colonel: 1803 (6e Regiment d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 19 January 1807 (in the service of Naples)
General de Division: 4 March 1813
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 17 May 1807
Baron of the Empire: 18 June 1812
Died: 14 April 1815Devilliers (Claude-Germain-Louis)
Born: 16 November 1770
Colonel: 8 December 1806
General de Brigade: 6 August 1811
Baron of the Empire: 12 November 1811
Died: 21 August 1857
Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 6e Regiment d'Infanterie
Colonel Buchet: wounded 19 October 1813
Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 6e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815
Officers killed: Eighteen
Officers died of wounds: Five
Officers wounded: Ninety-six
Regimental war record (Battles and Combats)
1792: Mairieux, Valmy, Clermont, Namur, Hamptinnes and Treves
1793: Tiriemont, Nerwinden, Conde, Doue, Chantonnay, Nantes, Saint-Fulgent, Mons and Savenay
1794: Chalons and Namur
1795: Saint-Cyr
1796: Sancerre, Castello, La Favorite, Mantoue and Mont Saint-Ovide
1797: Cerigo, Gozo, Preveza, Zante and Saint-Maure
1799: Schwitz
1801: Defence of Malta
1813: Mockern, Mersebourg, Wurschen, Bautzen, Leipzig and Hanau
1814: Mincio
1815: Belfort
Battle Honours
Bautzen 1813
7e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regimental History
1569: Formed in Champagne with four companies of Garde du Roi
1585: Regiment de Champagne
1791: 7e Regiment d'Infanterie
1796: 7e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)128e demi-brigade de bataille (2e Bat, 68e Regt d'Inf, 3e Bat Vol de l'Eure and 6e Bat de l'Oise)
1er Bat, 49e Regiment d'Infanterie
2e Bat , 83e Regiment d'Infanterie
3e,7e and 9e Bataillons de Paris
7e Bat, Vol de l'Yonne
16e Bat des Federes1803: 7e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonels and Chef de Brigade
1791: De la Barthe de Giscard (Jean-Anne) - Colonel
1792: De Rebourguil (Louis-Etienne Auron) - Colonel
1792: De Chanron (Claude-Souchon) - Colonel
1793: Boisconteau (Jean-Joseph Lamy de) - Chef de Brigade
1795: Esprit Arnouilh (?) - Chef de Brigade
1804: Aussenac (Pierre-Gabriel) - Colonel
1812: Bougault (Louis-Loup-Etienne-Martin) - Colonel
1814: Lelong (Barthelemy) - Colonel
1814: Huchet de la Bedoyere(Charles-Angelique-Francois) - Colonel
1815: Boissin (Joseph-Michel) - Colonel
Two officers attained the rank of General de Brigade
Boisconteau (Jean-Joseph-lamy de)
Born: 13 November 1748
Colonel: 8 March 1793
General de Brigade: 23 December 1793
Died: 19 September 1814Aussenac (Pierre-Gabriel)
Born: 30 March 1764
Chef de Brigade: 6 October 1802 (74e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Chef de Brigade: 22 March 1803 (7e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Chef de Brigade: 6 July 1803 (31e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Colonel: 16th September 1804 (7e Regiment d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 6 August 1811
Officer of the Legion d'Honneur: 15 June 1804
Baron of the Empire: 15 August 1810
Died: 2 February 1833
Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 7e Regiment d'Infanterie
Colonel Bougault: wounded 12 September 1813
Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 7e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815
Officers killed: Nineteen
Officers died of wounds: Eighteen
Officers wounded: One hundred and twenty two
Regimental war record (Battles and Combats)
1793: Ceret, Prats-de-Mollo, La Perche and Peyrestortes
1794: Coloioure, Bellegarde, Montagne, Fleurus and Noire
1795: Roses
1800: Memmingen, Hochstedt and Huningue
1801-1804: Saint-Dominique
1808: El Bruch, Girone, Molins del Rey and Cardedeu
1809: Valls
1810: Granollers, Mollet, Sta Perpetua and Vic
1811: Tarragone
1811: Mont-Serrat, Sagonte and Valence
1812 Valence and Castalla
1813: Bautzen, Juterbock, Leipzig, Hanau and Tagliamento
1814 Yecla and Falleja
1815: Waterloo
Battle Honours
Fleurus 1794 and Bautzen 1813
8e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regimental History
1776: Formed from 1er and 3e Bataillons Regiment de Champagne
1791: 8e Regiment d'Infanterie
1796: 8e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)3e demi-brigade de Bataille (1er Bat, 2e Regt d'Inf, 5e Bat Vol de l'Aisne and 5e Bat Vol de la Cote d'Or)
1er, 2e and 3e Bataillons Volontaires de Lille
1er Bataillon auxillaire de l'Eure
1er Bataillon auxillaire de l'Aisne1803: 8e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonels and Chef de Brigade
1791: De Chalup (Jean-Marc) - Colonel
1792: D'Armenonvil'e (Robon-Antoine-Marie Le Coutrier) - Colonel
1793: Tugnot de Lanoye (Jean-Henri) - Colonel
1796: Sarrut (Jaques-Thomas) - Chef de Brigade
1803: Autie (Jean-Francois-Etienne) - Colonel
1811: Braun (Joseph) - Colonel
1815: Ruelle (Louis-Gabriel) - Colonel
The 8e Regiment produced two Generals of Brigade and above
Tugnot de Lanoye (Jean-Henri)
Born: 24 June 1744
Colonel: 8 March 1793
General de Brigade: 29 April 1794
Died: 25 August 1804Sarrut (Jacques-Thomas)
Born: 16 August 1765
Chef de Brigade: 28 May 1794 (3e demi-brigade de bataille)
Chef de Brigade: 19 February 1796 (8e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 29 August 1803
General de Division: 20 June 1811
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804
Died: 26 June 1813 (as a result of wounds sustained at the battle of Vittoria)
Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 8e Regiment d'Infanterie
Colonel Autie: wounded 5 March 1811
Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 8e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815
Officers killed: Eighteen
Officers died of wounds: Fourteen
Officers wounded: One hundred and thirty-four
Regimental war record (Battles and Combats)
1793: Nerwinden, Nimegue and Tirlemont
1795: Armee du Nord
1797: Armee du Nord and Allemangne
1798: Armee de Mayence, Danube and Rhin
1800: Offenbourg and Hohenlinden
1802: Armee du Hanovre
1805: Austerlitz
1806: Halle and Lubeck
1807: Mohrungen, Ostrelenka, Dantzig and Friedland
1808: Espinosa
1809: Talevera-de-la-Reyna
1809: Essling and Wagram
1811: Chiclana and Fuentes-d-Onoro
1813: Lignenza, Vittoria and Pampelune
1813: Dresden
1814: Bar-sur-Aube and Arcis-sur-Aube
1815: Waterloo
Battle Honours
Hohenlinden 1800 and Friedland 1807
9e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regimental History
1617: Regiment de Normandie
1791: 9e Regiment d'Infanterie
1794: 9e demi-brigade de Bataille (formed from the following)1er Bataillon, 5e Regiment d'Infanterie
3e Bataillon Volontaires du Nord
2e Bataillon Volontaires du Finistere
1796: 9e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)
2e demi-brigade de bataille (2e Bat, 1er Regt d'Inf - 4e Bat Vol de la Somme and 5e Bat Vol de Paris)
161e demi-brigade de bataille (1er Bat, 89e Regt d'Inf - 9e Bat Vol du Nord and 3e Bat Vol de Paris)1803: 9e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonels and Chef de Brigade
1792: Desdorides (Jean-Francois-Louis Picault) - Colonel
1794: Cardon (?) - Chef de Brigade
1796: Marpande (?) - Chef de Brigade
1796: Lefebvre (Simon) - Chef de Brigade
1799: Pepin (Joseph) - Chef de Brigade and Colonel in 1804
1808: Gallet (Antoine) - Colonel
1809: Gouy (Andre) - Colonel
1809: Vautre (Victor) - Colonel
1813: Broussier (Nicolas) - Colonel
Two of the above officers became a General de Brigade
Lefebvre (Simon)
Born: 18 November 1768
Chef de Brigade: 10 September 1795 (161e demi-brigade de bataille)
Chef de Brigade: 31 March 1796 (9e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne)
Chef de Brigade: 19 June 1799 (25e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne)
General de Brigade: 14 December 1801
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 14 June 1804
Baron of the Empire: 23 October 1811
Died: 9 April 1822Pepin (Joseph)
Born: 23 May 1763
Chef de Brigade: 23 October 1799 (9e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Colonel: 1803 (9e Regiment d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 8 December 1808
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 20 May 1810
Baron of the Empire: 15 August 1810
Died: 16 May 1811 (killed at the battle of Albuhera)
Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 9e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonel Gallet: killed 6 July 1809
Colonel Gouy: wounded 6 July 1809 Died 21 July 1809( of wounds sustained at battle of Wagram)
Colonel Vautre: wounded 7 September 1812
Colonel Broussier: wounded 2 March 1814
Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 9e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815
Officers killed: Twenty-four
Officers died of wounds: Fifteen
Officers wounded: Ninety-two
Regimental war record (Battles and Combats)
1791: Expedition to Saint-Dominique
1793: Mayence
1794: Fleurus
1796: Armee de Sambre et Meuse
1797: Armee des Alpes
1798: Chebreiss, Pyramides
1799: Saint-Jean d'Acre
1800: Heliopolis, Montebello and Plaissance
1805: Hollabrunn and Austerlitz
1809: Venzone, Sacile, Montebello, Piave, Raab and Wagram
1812: Ostrowno,Moskowa, Malojaroslawetz, Wiasma, Dorogobouj and Krasnoe
1813: Halembourg, Venzone and Bassano
1814: Mincio and Parme
1815: Corps d'Observation du Var
Battle Honours
Austerlitz 1805, Wagram 1809 and Moskowa 1812
10e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regimental History
1776: Formed from the 1er and 3e Battalions Regiment de Normandie1791: 10e Regiment d'Infanterie
1794: 10e demi-brigade de Bataille (formed from the following)
2e bataillon, 5e Regiment d'infanterie
1er and 2e bataillons Volontaires d'Indre-et-Loire
1796: 10e demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne (formed from the following)53e demi-brigade de bataille (1er Bat,27e Regt d'Inf - 1er Bat Vol du Bas-Rhin and 3e Bat Vol de la Moselle)
159e demi-brigade de bataille (1er Bat,88e Regt d'Inf - 12e Bat Vol du Jura and 4e Bat Vol de la Cote- d'Or)1803: 10e Regiment d'infanterie de ligne
Colonels and Chef de Brigade
1791: De Martinet (Amable-Louis-Charles) - Colonel
1792: De Maynard (Madeleine-Charles-Eleazar) - Colonel
1794: Almain (?) - Chef de Brigade
1796: Rivet (Jean-Baptiste) - Chef de Brigade
1802: Soulier (Jean-Antoine) - Colonel
1811: Real (Pierre-Louis-Dominique) - Colonel
1813: Dubalen (Raymond-Martin) - Colonel
1814: d'Ambrugeac (?) - Colonel
1815: Higonet (Philippe) - Colonel
1815: Roussel (Jean-Pierre-Francois Dieudonne) - Colonel
The 10e Regiment produced two General de Brigade
Rivet (Jean-Baptiste)
Born: 14 November 1748
Chef de Brigade: 31 December 1794 (53e demi-brigade de bataille)
Chef de Brigade: 12 May 1796 (10e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 9 February 1796 (Rivet however refused the promotion)
Died: 1805Soulier ( Jean-Antoine)
Born: 19 February 1766
Chef de Brigade: 30 December 1802 (10e demi-brigade d'Infanterie)
Colonel: 1803 (10e Regiment d'Infanterie)
General de Brigade: 6 August 1811
Commander of the Legion d'Honneur: 28 June 1813
Baron of the Empire: 1 January 1813
Died: 14 April 1835
Colonels killed and wounded while commanding the 10e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Colonel Dubalen: 10 April 1814
Officers killed and wounded while serving with the 10e Regiment d'Infanterie during the period 1804-1815
Officers killed: Nineteen
Officers died of wounds: Fifteen
Officers wounded: One hundred and eight
Regimental war record (Battles and Combats)
1792: Armee du Midi
1794: Fleurus
1795: Armee des Cotes de Cherbourg
1796: Armee des Cotes de l'Ocean
1796: Rastadt, Ettlingen, Neresheim, Friedberg, Geisenfeld, Biberach and Keh
1798: Armee d'Angleterre
1799: Armee d'Italie - Murazzo and Genola
1805: Castel-Franco
1806: Siege of Gaete, Tino, Sorra and Trente
1808: Capture of the Isle of Capri
1810: Messine
1811: Saint-Gregoire
1813: Soz and Sarragosse
1813: Lutzen, Bautzen, Goldberg, Liepzig and Hanau
1814: Mincio and Toulouse
1815: Waterloo
Battle Honours
Fleurus 1794, Lutzen 1813 and Toulouse 1814
Charavay J. and N. Les Generaux morts pour la Patrie 1792-1815 Paris; 1893 Vol one and 1908 Vol two.
E-M de Lyden. Nos 144 Regiments de Ligne Paris; N.D.
Deprez E.
Les Volontaires Nationaux (1791-1793)
Paris; 1908.
Garcin M.
La Patrie en danger (histoire des bataillons de Volontaires 1791-1794)
Rhone; 1991.
Historique des Corps de Troupes de l'Armee Francaise
Paris; 1900.
Martinien A.
Tableaux par Corps et par Batailles des Officiers tues et blesse pendant les guerres de l'Empire 1805-1815
Paris; 1899.
Mullie M.C. Biographie des Celebrites militaires des Armes de Terre et de Mer
2 Vols Paris; 1851.
Quintin D. and B. Dictionnaire des Colonels de Napoleon Paris; 1996.
Six G.
Dictionnaire Biographique des Generaux et Amiraux Francais de la Revolution et de l'Empire 1792-1814
Paris; 1934.
Six G.
Les Generaux de la Revolution et de l'Empire
Paris; 1947.
Susane J.
Histoire de l'Infanterie Francaise
5 Vols Paris ; 1876.
Placed on the Napoleon Series: April 2001