NFP: Images of Edward II (1284-1327) (original) (raw)

Edward II (1284-1327) - King of England 1307-1327

Edward was the son of King Edward I. He inherited a great war in Scotland from his father, a situation from which he was incapable of emerging triumphant. The most overtly homosexual of all English monarchs, he quickly alienated the Barons by showering honours on his lovers. Rebellion at home allowed Robert the Bruce to retake Scotland at the Battle of Bannockburn. English opposition was led by the King�s cousin, the Earl of Lancaster. For a while, he was successful in restricting the King�s power; but he was eventually defeated at the Battle of Boroughbridge. Troubles in Gascony led Edward to sent his wife to negotiate with the French monarch. She persuaded Edward to send their son to her in France and then invaded England in open rebellion with her lover, Mortimer. They imprisoned the King in Berkeley Castle where he was eventually murdered in the most gruesome manner.

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