HMS Hermione, British AA cruiser, WW2 (original) (raw)

DIDO-Class cruiser ordered from Alexander Stephen's of Govan, Glasgow under the 1937 Programme on 21st March 1937. The ship was laid down on 6th October 1937 and launched on 18th May 1939 as the third RN ship to carry the name, previously used in 1893. Her completion date was 25th March 1941 and following a successful WARSHIP WEEK National Savings campaign in November 1941 she was adopted by Smethwick then in the county of Staffordshire

B a t t l e�� H o n o u r s


H e r a l d i c�� D a t a

Badge: On a Field Blue, in a ducal coronet an oak tree fructed Gold

penetrated transversely in the main stem by a frame saw White.

D e t a i l s�� o f�� W a r�� S e r v i c e

(for more ship information, go to Naval History Homepage and type name in Site Search

1 9 4 1

March������� Contractors Trials.

������ 25th��� Commissioned and carried out Acceptance Trials.

April��������� On completion of trials and storing took passage to Scapa Flow.

������ 13th��� Began work-up with 15the Cruiser Squadron Home Fleet for service.

May���������� Deployed with 15th Cruiser Squadron in NW Approaches

������ 15th��� Provided Ocean Escort for ships of 1st Minelaying Squadron during a minelay in Northern Barrage.

����������������� (Operation SN9A). For details see Naval Staff History - MINING.

������ 22nd�� Deployed with ships of 2nd Cruiser Squadron, Home Fleet search for the German battleship

����������������� BISMARCK.

������ 24th��� Escorted HM Aircraft Carrier VICTORIOUS with HM Cruisers AURORA and KENYA when carrying

����������������� outair strikes on BISMARCK

����������������� (For details of the search and sinking of BISMARCK see Naval Staff History and BATTLESHIP

����������������� BISMARCK by Mullenheim Rechberg).

������ 25th��� Detached to refuel in Iceland.

������ 29th��� In collision with merchant ship TEMBIEN.


�������� 2nd��� Escorted HMS VICTORIOUS from Clyde carrying aircraft for delivery to Malta.

�������� 4th���� On passage aircraft from Carrier searched for German supply ship GOZENHEIM in Atlantic.

������������������ (See ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY by Corelli Barnett).

������� 13th��� Joined by destroyers from Force H at Gibraltar for escort during passage in Mediterranean for

������������������ Malta aircraft delivery

������������������ (For details of all Mediterranean activities between 1940 and 1943 see ENGAGE THE ENEMY

������������������ MORE CLOSELY, THE BATTLE FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN by D MacIntyre and The

������������������ Naval Staff History)

������� 15th��� Diverted during return passage to UK to join Force H search for enemy raider in Atlantic.

������� 22nd�� Escorted HMS VICTORIOUS for passage to Gibraltar carrying aircraft for delivery to Malta.

������������������ Joined Force H on arrival.

������� 26th��� Covered HM Aircraft Carriers ARK ROYAL and FURIOUS during aircraft deliveries to Malta

������������������ (Operation RAILWAY 1)

������� 30th��� Provided cover to same ships for repeat delivery RAILWAY 2 on 30/6).

�July���������� Under repair at Gibraltar.

������� 21st��� Escorted HM Battlecruiser RENOWN, HM Battleship NELSON and HMS ARK ROYAL which were

������������������ covering passage of Malta personnel convoy as far as Skerki Channel and transit of HM Supply Ship

������������������ BRECONSHIRE) from Malta (Operation SUBSTANCE).

������� 23rd��� Transferred to Convoy Close Escort after HM Cruiser MANCHESTER was damaged and remained

������������������ with convoy for rest of passage.

������� 24th��� Sailed from Malta to rejoin Force H at Gibraltar.

�� �����28th��� Embarked troops from Transport LEINSTER which had grounded and had not joined SUBSTANCE

������������������ convoy.

������� 31st��� Joined HM Cruisers MANXMAN and ARETHUSA as Force X for passage to Malta with

������������������ passengers (Operation STYLE).


�������� 2nd��� During return passage to Gibraltar rammed and sank Italian submarine TEMBIEN off Tunis.

�������� 4th���� Under repair to bow structure at Gibraltar.

������� 21st��� Escorted HMS NELSON and HMS ARK ROYAL for air attacks on Tempio, Sardinia and

������������������ during a demonstration sweep by Force H off Valencia as diversion for minelay off Italian coast

������������������ by HM Minelaying Cruiser MANXMAN (Operation MINCEMEAT).


�������� 8th���Escorted HMS NELSON during covering operations for three aircraft deliveries to Malta by HMS

������������������ ARK ROYAL and HMS FURIOUS (Operations STATUS 1 , 2 and 3)

������ 14th��� Resumed duties with Force H on completion.

������ 24th��� Joined Force X with HM Cruisers KENYA, EDINBURGH, SHEFFIELD, EURYALUS for the

����������������� escort of a personnel and stores convoy through Sicilian Narrows to Malta with cover by HM

�� ���������������Battleships NELSON, PRINCE OF WALES and RODNEY as Force A.

����������������� Provided AA cover for HMS ARK ROYAL during passage.

����������������� Italian intervention was prevented by the astute use of covering force and the enemy ships withdrew.

����������������� (Operation HALBERD).

������ 28th��� Detached to carry out diversionary bombardment of Pantellaria.

October���� Deployed with Force H.

������ 16th��� Escorted HMS ARK ROYAL covered by HMS RENOWN for aircraft delivery to Malta.

������������������ (Operation CALLBOY).

November� Force H Deployment in continuation.

�������� 3rd��� (Note: Under unsuccessful attack by U83 near Gibraltar during escort of HMS ARK ROYAL and

����������������������������� HMS ARGUS during passage near Gibraltar.

����������������������������� See HITLERS U-BOAT WAR, Volume 1 by C Blair.)

������ 10th���� Escorted H M Battleship MALAYA, HM aircraft Carriers ARK ROYAL and ARGUS for an aircraft

������������������ delivery to Malta (Operation PERPETUAL).

������ 13th��� HMS ARK ROYAL torpedoed east of Gibraltar by U81 and sank the following day.

December� Deployment at Gibraltar in continuation.

1 9 4 2

January����� Routine docking and maintenance at Gibraltar.

������������������ Took passage to UK with Admiral Somerville embarked after his appointment as Cin C designate

������������������ East Indies Station.

February����Deployed in Home waters and nominated for escort of military convoy during return passage to

������������������ Gibraltar for service in Force H,

������ 17th���� Joined military convoy WS16 in Clyde with HM Battleship MALAYA, HM Aircraft Carriers

������������������ ARGUS, EAGLE and FORMIDABLE as� Ocean Escort during Atlantic passage.

����������������� (Note: HM Destroyers ACTIVE, ANTHONY, BLANKNEY, CROOME, DUNCAN, FIREDRAKE,

����������������������������� FIREDRAKE, LAFOREY and LIGHTNING provided screen during passage.)

������ 21st����Detached from WS16 and took passage to Gibraltar with HMS MALAYA, HMS ARGUS and HMS

������������������ EAGLE for service in Mediterranean.


�������� 6th���� Escorted HMS MALAYA, HMS ARGUS and HMS EAGLE for aircraft delivery to Malta.

������������������ (Operation SPOTTER).

������ 20th���� Escorted HMS MALAYA, HMS ARGUS and HMS EAGLE for aircraft delivery to Malta

������������������ (Operation PICKET I).

������ 27th���� Repeat aircraft delivery with same ships (Operation PICKET II).

������������������ and DUNCAN, six corvettes and six minesweepers for support of planned landings in Madagascar as
������������������ as Force F.
9th������Passage from Freetown to Durban.
19th�����Arrived at Capetown.
22nd����Arrived at Durban.
28th�����Escorted HMS RAMILLIES and HMS ILLUSTRIOUS with screen of six Fleet destroyers to meet
Convoy Y taking main Diego Suarez assault force to assault area (Operation IRONCLAD).
(For full details see Naval Staff History, RELUCTANT ENEMIES by W Tute, ENGAGE THE

3rd����� Carried out diversionary bombardment of French positions south of Diego Suarez Bay
Bombarded shore batteries commanding Orja Pass which ceased return fire after 10 minutes.
10th���� On release from IRONCLAD completion transferred to Mediterranean Fleet.
(Note: This was necessary to replace ships sink or damaged during operations in defence of Crete.)
Passage to Alexandria for service with 15th Cruiser Squadron.

7th���� �Arrived at Alexandria with HM Cruisers NEWCASTLE and ARETHUSA.
Joined Squadron.
11th���� Nominated for support of passage to Malta of relief convoy MW11 with HM Battleship
CENTURION (Disguised as a KING GEORGE V battleship,) HM Cruisers NEWCASTLE,
by 17 destroyers.

�������������������� (Note: In addition nine HUNT Class Escort destroyers were deployed as close escort for

�������������������������������� mercantiles to fight this convoy through to the beleagured island (Operation VIGOROUS).

������� 13th����� Sailed with these ships to join MW11

������� 14th����� Joined MW11 and under air attacks and threat from Italian major warships.

�������������������� (Note: Heavy expenditure of AA ammunition)

�������������������� Attack by Torpedo boats after nightfall was driven off by escort

������� 15th����� Convoy ordered by CinC at Alexandria to reverse course and under attack by torpedo boats.

�������������������� (Note: HM Destroyer HASTY was hit and had to be sunk by HM Destroyer HOTSPUR.

�������������������������������� HM Cruiser NEWCASTLE was also hit and sustained serious damage,

������� 16th��� ��Under heavy and sustained air attacks during which several ships were damaged.

�������������������� (Note: HM Escort Destroyer AIREDALE and HM Destroyer NESTOR (RAN) were later

�������������������������������� sunk by other ships in escort.

����������� ���������Convoy ordered by CinC to resume westward passage and later rescinded

�������������������� Later instruction to resume west passage was ignored owing lack of AA ammunition

�������������������� During return passage hit on starboard side amidships by torpedo fired from U205 in position

�������������������� 33-30N 26.10E, south of Crete.

�������������������� Machinery compartments flooded and ship took on a 22 degree list- before lying completely on one

�������������������� side for 21 minutes prior to sinking.

�������������������� 440 of ship�s company were rescued by HM Escort Destroyers ALDENHAM, BEAUFORT and

�������������������� EXMOOR.(Casualty List - note on casualties)

�������������������� (Note: Surviving mercantiles and escorts returned to Alexandria when operation was abandoned

������������������������������� due to threat of surface intervention by Italian fleet and continuation of heavy air attacks.

������������������������������� For full details of this disastrous operation during which ill-advised and unhelpful

��������� ����������������������instructions by CinC deprived those at sea from making appropriate decision based on actual

������������������������������� circumstances. See ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY by Corelli Bamett,

������������������������������� THE BATTLE FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN by D MacIntyre, MALTA CONVOYS by

������������������������������� R Woodman and the Naval Staff History.

������������������������������� Casualty List was published on 30th July 1942.)



by Don Kindell

These convoy lists have not been cross-checked with the text above

| | | | | | | | ------------------ | --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------------------- | | Date convoy sailed | Joined convoy as escort | Convoy No. | Left convoy | Date convoy arrived | | | | | | | | | 24/09/41 | 24/09/41 | HALBERD | 27/09/41 | 27/09/41 | | 11/06/42 | 14/06/42 | MW 011 | 15/06/42 | 16/06/42 | | | | | | | |

(Note on Convoys)