Minor Lesion Mutational Spectrum of the Entire NF1 Gene Does Not Explain Its High Mutability but Points to a Functional Domain Upstream of the GAP-Related Domain (original) (raw)


More than 500 unrelated patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) were screened for mutations in the NF1 gene. For each patient, the whole coding sequence and all splice sites were studied for aberrations, either by the protein truncation test (PTT), temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) of genomic PCR products, or, most often, by direct genomic sequencing (DGS) of all individual exons. A total of 301 sequence variants, including 278 bona fide pathogenic mutations, were identified. As many as 216 or 183 of the genuine mutations, comprising 179 or 161 different ones, can be considered novel when compared to the recent findings of Upadhyaya and Cooper, or to the NNFF mutation database. Mutation-detection efficiencies of the various screening methods were similar: 47.1% for PTT, 53.7% for TGGE, and 54.9% for DGS. Some 224 mutations (80.2%) yielded directly or indirectly premature termination codons. These mutations showed even distribution over the whole gene from exon 1 to exon 47. Of all sequence variants determined in our study, <20% represent C→T or G→A transitions within a CpG dinucleotide, and only six different mutations also occur in NF1 pseudogenes, with five being typical C→T transitions in a CpG. Thus, neither frequent deamination of 5-methylcytosines nor interchromosomal gene conversion may account for the high mutation rate of the NF1 gene. As opposed to the truncating mutations, the 28 (10.1%) missense or single-amino-acid-deletion mutations identified clustered in two distinct regions, the GAP-related domain (GRD) and an upstream gene segment comprising exons 11–17. The latter forms a so-called cysteine/serine-rich domain with three cysteine pairs suggestive of ATP binding, as well as three potential cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) recognition sites obviously phosphorylated by PKA. Coincidence of mutated amino acids and those conserved between human and Drosophila strongly suggest significant functional relevance of this region, with major roles played by exons 12a and 15 and part of exon 16.


Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1; also known as “von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis” [MIM 162200]) is a common autosomal dominant disorder affecting ∼1 per 3,000–5,000 people. It is fully penetrant and exhibits a mutation rate some 10-fold higher than that reported for most other disease genes. As a consequence, a high number of sporadic cases (up to 50%) is observed (Upadhyaya and Cooper 1998). NF1 is clinically characterized by cutaneous neurofibromas, café-au-lait spots, iris hamartomas (Lisch nodules), and freckling of axillary and inguinal regions. These features are present in >90% of patients at puberty. Further manifestations, such as deeply situated and arbitrarily located neurofibromas, plexiform neurofibromas, optic glioma, macrocephaly, short stature, learning difficulties, scoliosis, and pseudarthrosis, as well as certain malignancies, occur less frequently among patients with NF1 (Riccardi 1992; Huson and Hughes 1994; Friedman and Birch 1997). NF1 is notable for its extreme phenotypic variability, both within and between families (Riccardi 1992). In addition to multiple allelism of the NF1 locus, the influence of modifying genes (Easton et al. 1993) and the impact of stochastic events (Riccardi et al. 1993) have been suggested as causes of this variability. So far, none of these hypotheses has been tested satisfactorily. A comprehensive analysis of the mutational spectrum might help to elucidate the role of different NF1 mutations.

The NF1 gene maps to chromosome 17q11.2 and is considered to be a tumor-suppressor gene, because loss-of-function mutations have been associated with the occurrence of benign and malignant tumors in neural-crest–derived tissues (Legius et al. 1993; Colman et al. 1995; Serra et al. 1997) as well as myeloid malignancies (Shannon et al. 1994). The NF1 gene was cloned in 1990 (White and O’Connell 1991). It spans over 350 kb of genomic DNA comprising ⩾60 exons. The open-reading frame codes for 2,867 amino acids, including three alternatively spliced exons. The most common transcript codes for a polypeptide of 2,818 amino acids called neurofibromin (Marchuk et al. 1991; Danglot et al. 1995; Li et al. 1995). A central region of about 360 amino acids shows significant homology to the mammalian GTPase-activating protein (GAP) (Xu et al. 1990). This region, the NF1 GAP-related domain (GRD), is encoded by the exons 20–27a and has been found to interact with p21_ras_ (Martin et al. 1990). As a result of this interaction, GTP•Ras levels may be elevated in human NF1 peripheral nerve tumors, in which neurofibromin is usually found to be totally absent or, at least, dramatically reduced (Guha et al. 1996). Commensurate with its pivotal functional significance, several missense mutations were identified in the GRD (Li et al. 1992; Upadhyaya et al. 1997; Kim and Tamanoi 1998; Klose et al. 1998_a_).

In general, mutation analysis of the NF1 gene has turned out to be a major challenge, for several reasons. The large size of the gene under investigation and the diversity of the underlying pathological lesions (Korf 1998; Upadhyaya and Cooper 1998) make analysis problematic. In addition, the presence in the genome of several unprocessed NF1 pseudogenes severely hampers PCR approaches to the analysis of genomic DNA samples, because of coamplification of homologous sequences of the _NF1_-like loci at other chromosomes (Purandare et al. 1995; Régnier et al. 1997). Most of the NF1 mutations are point mutations or other small lesions leading to premature termination codons (PTCs) (Upadhyaya and Cooper 1998). Hence, the application of the protein truncation test (PTT) was thought to substantially accelerate the rate of identification of NF1 mutations. In an initial study, mutations were identified in 14 (67%) of 21 individuals (Heim et al. 1995). Before PTT was introduced, the best results had been obtained by using chemical mismatch cleavage analysis. In a study covering 70% of the coding sequence, seven mutations were found in 25 patients (28%) (Purandare et al. 1994). In a more recent study, by using a combined heteroduplex/SSCP approach, researchers identified only 13 disease-causing mutations in 67 unrelated NF1 patients (a 19% detection rate), even though as many as 45 exons were tested (Abernathy et al. 1997). Most other analyses focused on one or a few arbitrarily selected exons but sometimes were performed in very large cohorts of NF1 patients (e.g., Maynard et al. 1997).

Together with multiple reports of isolated mutations, most of these data have been submitted to the NF1 Genetic Analysis Consortium. The consortium was organized in the autumn of 1992 to facilitate mutation detection in the NF1 gene and to pool mutation data into a common database for better interpretation of the growing body of information. By November 1997 a total of 240 mutations, including 173 minor lesions (72%) had been reported to the consortium (Korf 1998). The mutational spectrum obtained from these data, however, suffers from a strong bias towards more thoroughly investigated regions of the NF1 gene. To overcome this drawback, we launched a mutation-screening project in Germany aimed at the complete analysis of the entire NF1 gene in a large cohort of unrelated NF1 patients. According to the preferences of the participating centers, PTT, temperature-gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) analysis (Riesner et al. 1989; Wartell et al. 1990), and direct genomic sequencing (DGS) of all individual exons were used for our analysis.

Materials and Methods

Patient Samples

The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Charité University Hospital. NF1 diagnostic criteria (Gutmann et al. 1997) were used to identify 521 unrelated patients with NF1, all of whom were of German or Turkish descent. Once informed consent was obtained, DNA from peripheral blood was obtained from each patient, applying one of several standard procedures. RNA was also obtained from some patients, either from fresh blood or from cell cultures (i.e., fibroblast-like cells or Epstein-Barr virus–transformed lymphocytes) by using the RNeasy total RNA purification kit (Qiagen). The SuperScript preamplification system (BRL Gibco) was used to prepare cDNA from the RNA samples. The cDNA reaction was performed in a 20-μl reaction volume containing 2–3 μg total RNA, 1.5 μg random hexamers (BRL Gibco), 0.5 μg single-stranded binding protein (Promega), 20 units RNAsin (Promega), 4 mM each dNTP, and 300 U Superscript II reverse transcriptase (RT) (BRL Gibco). cDNA was stored at -20°C.

Analysis of NF1 Gene Expression

Allele-specific expression level studies were performed by RT-PCR reactions by using the following primer pair to amplify the polymorphic exon 5 (Hoffmeyer and Assum 1994) from cDNA: 5′-TAGTCGCATTTCTACCAGGTTA-3′ (sense primer) and 5′-GAGAATGGCTTACTTGGATTAAA-3′ (antisense primer). Thirty PCR cycles of 1 min at 92°C, 1 min at 54°C, and 1 min at 72°C were used. After _Rsa_I restriction, the fragments were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. Subsequently, the band intensities were measured densitometrically by using a charge-coupled-device camera and the ImageQuant software package distributed with the Phosphoimager from Molecular Dynamics.



Hot-start PCR reactions to amplify each of the five overlapping segments required that 2.5–3 μl cDNA be added to a lower-phase PCR mixture containing 1× PCR buffer (50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris, pH 8.3, and 2 mM MgCl2), 0.8 mM each dNTP, and 10 pmol each primer (primer sequences were as described elsewhere (Heim et al. 1995) in a total volume of 40 μl. A wax gem (Perkin Elmer) was added to each tube. Reaction mixtures were heated to 80°C for 5 min, followed by cooling to room temperature. A 10-μl upper-phase mixture containing 1× PCR buffer, 0.25 μg single-stranded binding protein, and 2.5 units Taq polymerase (Pharmacia) was layered onto the solidified wax. Reactions were performed in a Cetus model 9600 thermal cycler (PE Biosystems), under the following conditions: 95°C for 1 min; 40 cycles of 95°C for 30 s, 61.5°C for 30 s, and 72°C for 90 s; and 72°C for 10 min. The PCR products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Apparent splice defects, for example, exon skipping events, were verified by cDNA sequencing by using radioactive labeling and the Thermo Sequenase kit (Amersham Life Science). Subsequently, the presumably mutated exons or exon/intron boundaries were sequenced from the patients’ genomic DNA samples.

In vitro transcription/translation and analysis of the peptides

For each in vitro transcription/translation reaction, 4–9.5 μl PCR product (volume depends on the quality of the PCR product) and 0.5 μl 35S-methionine (specific activity: >1000 Ci/mmol; Amersham) were added to the commercially available TNTTM Coupled Reticulocyte Lysate System (Promega). Reactions were performed under conditions recommended by the manufacturer, with 1 exception: for all components, only a one-half volume was added to the PTT reaction (e.g., 12.5 μl TNT Rabbit Reticulocyte Lysate). After incubation of the complete reaction for 1.5 h at 30°C, 5 μl of the reaction was added to 5 μl loading buffer (10% glycerol, 5% 2-mercaptoethanol, 2% SDS, and 0.1% bromphenol blue), and was heated for 5 min, then placed on ice. Samples were subjected to electrophoresis in a 14% SDS-polyacrylamide gel for 1.5–2 h at 40 mA (Rainbow 14C methylated protein (Amersham) was used as a protein-weight marker). The gel was fixed in a solution of 40% methanol and 10% acetic acid and dried for 1.5 h at 80°C in a gel dryer. The synthesized polypeptides were visualized by means of a Phosphoimager (Molecular Dynamics) after the gel had been exposed overnight to a special film slide (Molecular Dynamics). On the basis of the determined fragment size, the positions of the mutations causing shortened polypeptides in the PTT were predicted and the presumably affected exons were sequenced from the patient DNA samples. Either the Thermo Sequenase kit (Amersham Life Science) and radioactive labeling were used for DNA sequencing or samples were analyzed on an ABI 377 PRISM DNA Sequencer by using the Big Dye terminator chemistry (see below).


For TGGE analysis, the individual NF1 exons were usually amplified directly from genomic DNA. For several exons, however, preamplification of a larger genomic fragment was necessary (see table 1) to improve specificity—that is, either to avoid coamplification of NF1 pseudogenes or simply to relieve constraints of TGGE primer design. Final TGGE primers were chosen by using the programs MELT87 and SQHTX (Lerman and Silverstein 1987), which allow prediction of the impact of mutations on the melting behavior of the PCR products. Sequences containing two or more melting domains were split into several overlapping fragments. One or both oligonucleotides of each primer pair were 5′-modified with psoralen (table 2). Using two psoralen-modified primers in one reaction results in bipolar clamping of the fragments that may improve the sensitivity of mutation detection (Gille et al. 1998). For PCR, some 100 ng of genomic DNA (for the nested PCRs, 50 ng PCR product is required) were added to 25 μl standard Perkin Elmer PCR buffer containing 1.5 mM MgCl2, 200 μM each dNTP, 0.2 μM each primer, and 0.5 U Taq polymerase. All reactions were performed on a Perkin Elmer thermocycler (model T1), under the following conditions: 95°C for 3 min; 35 amplification cycles of 95°C for 30 s, specific annealing temperature Ta (seetable 2) for 30 s, and 72°C for 50 s (final extension for 10 min). A commercially available apparatus was used for TGGE (Diagen GmbH, Germany). Prior to electrophoresis, the PCR products were placed directly under a portable UV light source (365 nm) for 15 min to permit cross-linking of the psoralen moiety to the thymine residues of the opposite DNA strand. For exons 2–49, TGGE was done on an 8% polyacrylamide gel with 8 M urea in 3–_N_-morpholino–propanesulfonic acid (MOPS) buffer. For exon 1, an 8% polyacrylamide gel with 7 M urea and 35% formamide in MOPS buffer was used. The individual running conditions for each exon are given intable 2. Silver staining was used for visualization of bands. Samples that showed altered mobility patterns were subjected to DNA sequencing, as described below. Alternatively, radioactive labeling and the Thermo Sequenase kit (Amersham Life Science) were used for sequencing.


Pre-Amplification PCR Primers and Conditions for Nested PCRs in the TGGE Approach

Exon Primer Sequencesa (5′→3′) Fragment Size (bp) Ta (°C)b

Table 2.

TGGE-PCR Primers and Conditions

Exona Primer Sequences (5′→3′)b Fragment Size (bp) Ta (°C)c TGGE Conditionsd (gradient, running time × voltage)
1 (nested) TATTCTCTCCGTCGCCCCCC 137 59 30–60°C, 2 h × 300 V
2 TAAGGATAAGCTGTTAACGTG 221 55 25–55°C, 3 h × 300 V
3 _p_-AATGGTAGCAGAAAGTGAAAC 175 58 35–60°C, 1 h 30 min × 300 V
4a TTGTTCTGTGTGTGTGTTTG 316 56 32–53°C, 2 h 30 min × 300 V
_p_-A-ACTTCAGTAGTCCCATGTGG (35–70°C, 5 h × 300 V)e
4b CTGTCCCCTAATACTTAATT 209 52 29–52°C, 3 h 15 min × 300 V
4c _p_-AA-GCTCTGAGTTGTATTTGTGT 190 51 27–53°C, 3 h 15 min × 300 V
5 GAAGGAAGTTAGAAGTTTGTG 213 54 30–60°C, 1 h 30 min × 300 V
6 _p_-A-AATGCCAGGGATTTTGT 247 47 35–60°C, 1 h 30 min × 300 V
7 (nested) GAAACTTCATATATTATCTTA 254 52 30–60°C, 2 h 30 min × 300 V
8 _p_-AA-TTGTGTGGGTAATGTGTTGA 248 52 30–60°C, 2 h 15 min × 300 V
9 (nested) _p_-AATCTGCTTTTTTTTTTCTTT 136 51 30–60°C, 1 h 30 min × 300 V
AATCTGCTTTTTTTTTTCTTT 136 51 30–60°C, 2 h × 300 V
9br _p_-AATTGTGAAATATTTTTGTCTAC 102 52 32–62°C, 55 min × 300 V
10a _p_-AATTTTGTACTTTTTCTTCC 217 53 30–60°C, 2 h 10 min × 300 V
10b _p_-A-ATTATCCTGAGTCTTACGTC 229 51 30–70°C, 50 min × 300 V
10c ATTTTTTTTAATTGAAGTTTC 186 50 30–60°C, 2 h 30 min × 300 V
11 AAGTACTCCAGTGTTATGTTTAC 205 52 20–45°C, 3 h × 300 V
12a CTAAGCTTCTCTAAACTTGTATTCA 297 62 25–55°C, 3 h × 300 V
12b GTGTTTATTCCTCTTGGTTGTC 274 59 25–55°C, 3 h 30 min × 300 V
13 CCCAAGTTGCAAATATATGTC 277 60 35–65°C, 4 h 30 min × 300 V
CTCTTGCCCAACTATAACAC 89 58 35–65°C, 2 h 30 min × 300 V
14 (nested) _p_-AA-CCTACTCCTTTTGGGTGGAGCTTA 191 55 31–61°C, 2 h 40 min × 400 V
15 (nested) _p_-AATATACATCAAGTTTGAAACTT 208 55 28–60°C, 2 h 10 min × 400 V
16 (nested) _p_-AATGTTGGATAAAGCATAATTT 330 55 31–61°C, 2 h 40 min × 400 V
_p_-AAGGGTTCTATGATTTCATGAT 275 55 31–61°C, 2 h 40 min × 400 V
17 (nested) _p_-AA-TCATCTCTCTAGGGGGTCT 240 55 31–61°C, 2 h 40 min × 400 V
GATGGCAAATCATTAATGTAT 204 55 28–60°C, 2 h 10 min × 400 V
18 (nested) _p_-AA-TGATAATTTTTTTATTGTTTCTATG 230 55 31–61°C, 2 h 40 min × 400 V
_p_-AA-TATTTAGAATGCCTTCTCTTTTG 222 55 28–60°C, 2 h 10 min × 400 V
19a GTGTGTGTGTGGCTTCAAAA 192 60 30–55°C, 3 h 30 min × 300 V
19b TTTTTTTTCAGAGATTTGGACCA 174 58 30–55°C, 3 h 3 min × 300 V
20 _p_-A-ATACGGCCTTCACTATGTAAAGGT 276 58 30–60°C, 3 h × 300 V
21 _p_-AA-GCATGTAAGAGAAGCAAAAATTA 328 55 35–60°C, 3 h × 300 V
22 TCTTTAGCTTCCTACCTAAGAA 262 59 30–55°C, 4 h × 300 V
23-1 (nested) _p_-AAGGTAAAATATATGGAGCAG 191 63 25–55°C, 3 h × 300 V
23-2 (nested) _p_-AAGTGTTAGGATTTTATTTTTATTTTTT 93 59 35–65°C, 1 h 30 min × 300 V
GTTAGAACCATCAGAGAGC 159 59 33–63°C, 3 h 30 min × 300 V
23a (nested) GCTGTATGTAGTCGGTGCT 78 58 33–63°C, 1 h 30 min × 300 V
TGCTCATCTCTGTTCTGTA 113 55→53 33–63°C, 1 h 15 min × 300 V
24 (nested) AACTCCTTGTTTTTAGGTGG 171 56 37–67°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
ACCTTTGAACTCTTTGTTTTCAT 230 52 37–67°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
_p_-AA-TTCAAACCTTATACTCAATTC 238 48 30–60°C, 2 h 10 min × 400 V
25 _p_-AACCCTGTTTTATTGTGTAG 138 62 30–60°C, 5 h 20 min × 300 V
26 TGAAAATTCTAATGACTTTGC 212 64 30–60°C, 2 h 40 min × 300 V
27a TGTGTAGTGCTAAATGTG 263 54 30–60°C, 2 h 30 min × 300 V
27b _p_-AA-CTACTCAGTAGACAACAT 195 55 25–55°C, 3 h × 300 V
30 _p_-AA-GGAACTATAAGGAAAAATACG 181 57 25–55°C, 3 h 30 min × 300 V
GCCAGTTACTAGAGACAT 182 50 25–55°C, 3 h 30 min × 300 V
31 _p_-A-ATTGACCATCACATGCTAATAG 260 62 30–55°C, 2 h 30 min × 300 V
32 (nested) _p_-AA-TGATTAGGCTGTTCCAATGAATA 156 48 30–64°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
_p_-AA-CTTGATGTTGTACTAGACAGTT 156 48 30–64°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
33 (nested) _p_-AATTAAACTGAACTTTTTTGTGCTA 204 48 30–64°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
_p_-A-ATGTGGGATGATATTGCTATTTTA 202 48 30–64°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
_p_-A-ATGGACTGGTCATTAATATCATT 114 48 30–64°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
34 (nested) _p_-A-ATGGAACTTTAGAAATTAAAAAGTA 187 48 30–64°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
_p_-AA-CAAAGTCAAGTCAGCTGCTGT 179 48 30–64°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
35 (nested) _p_-A-ATCATAATAAACATTATTTAAACAGTT 168 48 30–60°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
36 (nested) _p_-AAGGTTTTTATAAGTTCTGTGGAT 189 48 30–60°C, 2 h 30 min × 400 V
37 TCCGAGATTCAGTTTAGGAGT 203 51 25–55°C, 3 h × 300 V
38 _p_-AA-TTGAAAGAGACTATGTCATGAT 235 62 30–60°C, 2 h × 300 V
39 CCTTTAAAGAAAGCTACTG 215 48 30–60°C, 2 h × 300 V
40 _p_-A-AGATGCTTGTTCAAAAAATTA 241 52 30–60°C, 4 h × 300 V
AAGATGCTTGTTCAAAAAATTA 241 52 30–60°C, 4 h × 300 V
41 GAGACTGTAAGAAGTTCATC 268 50 25–49°C, 2 h 30 min × 300 V
42 _p_-AA-TAATTGATTTTTCTCTATTG 230 52 30–60°C, 4 h 30 min × 300 V
43 _p_-A-ATGTCCAAACATTTTCTTTTT 251 53 30–60°C, 3 h 30 min × 300 V
44 _p_-AACATTGAAATAGTTAGGTGAA 253 52 35–65°C, 2 h 45 min × 300 V
45 _p_-AA-CCACAAAGTAAAAATGTTGT 179 49 30–58°C, 2 h 15 min × 300 V
46 _p_-A-ATTTTCATTTAATTTTCCTCT 246 48 30–55°C, 1 h 50 min × 300 V
47 _p_-A-ATTTAATTTCTGTTACAATT 143 44 26–52°C, 3 h × 300 V
48 _p_-AACTAAAATAATTTCCTATTTTCC 294 58 35–55°C, 3 h 45 min × 300 V
48a _p_-AATCTTATGAACATCACTTACTT 134 54 35–55°C, 2 h × 300 V
49 CCTGGAAGGAAAAGAAGA 216 56 35–60°C, 4 h × 300 V


For DGS-PCR, samples were cycled with a first activating step for HotStar_Taq_ (Qiagen) at 95°C for 3 min. Primer sequences, fragment sizes, and annealing temperatures are given in table 3. Each cycle consisted of a denaturation step at 95°C for 90 s, annealing for 40 s (48°C to 65°C, see table 3) and an extension step for 1 min at 72°C. 35 cycles were performed in a 20-μl reaction volume on a 9700 thermal cycler (PE Applied Biosystems). PCR products were purified by using the PCR Product Purification Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Cycle sequencing was performed in a 5-μl volume at 60°C with 25 cycles. Sequencing products were purified on Sephadex G-50-80 columns (Sigma) and analyzed on an ABI 377 automated DNA sequencer (PE Applied Biosystems).

Table 3.

DGS-PCR Primers and Conditions

Exon Primer Sequencesa (5′→3′) Fragment Size (bp) Ta(°C)b
5 (amplification as for 4c) 904 62
15 (amplification as for 14) 511 54
18 (amplification as for 17) 808 64
21 (amplification as for 20) 758 62
23-1 (amplification as for 22) 518 60
25 (amplification as for 24) 1023 60
33 (amplification as for 32) 885 58
35 (amplification as for 34) 794 62
44 (amplification as for 43) 1144 60
45 (amplification as for 43) 1144 60
47 (amplification as for 46) 856 58


Synopsis of Mutation Screening

We analyzed 521 unrelated patients with NF1 by means of PTT, TGGE, or DGS for mutations in the whole coding sequence and the splice sites of the NF1 gene. Twenty patients were included in both the PTT and the TGGE screening program. In total, we identified 301 sequence changes (table 4), 278 of which were considered pathogenic. The detection rates for the different methods were 40/85 (47.1%) for PTT, 65/121 (53.7%) for TGGE, and 184/335 (54.9%) for DGS. The mutations of 11 patients were identified independently by PTT as well as by TGGE. Among the 278 mutations identified, we observed 84 (30.2%) nonsense mutations and 140 (50.4%) frameshift mutations, comprising 78 deletions and 32 insertions of one or a few base pairs, as well as 30 out-of-frame exon skipping events. Thus, as many as 224 (80.6%) mutations caused, directly or indirectly, a premature termination codon (PTC). Another 25 (9.0%) of the mutations caused in-frame exon skipping. Furthermore, 28 (10.1%) missense mutations and one initiation codon mutation were also observed. Most mutations were found only once in any one patient. The total number of different mutations identified was 216. Among the recurrent mutations, the three most common were R1513X in exon 27a (7 patients), 499delTGTT in exon 4b (6 patients), and 6789delTTAC in exon 37 (five patients). Furthermore, we found that 216 of our mutations, of which 179 were different, were not listed in the most recent review in the field (Upadhyaya and Cooper 1998). Overall, the total number of different minor lesion mutations of the NF1 gene described to date well exceeds 276, because 97 other mutations of this type have been published before (Upadhyaya and Cooper 1998) and some more unpublished mutations have been reported to the International NF1 Genetic Analysis Consortium.

Table 4.

Summary of NF1 Mutations and Sequence Variants Detected with PTT, TGGE, and DGS

Patienta Location Sequence Changeb CpGc(CpNpG) RNA Leveld Protein Leveld,c Mutation Type Reference; NF1 Mutation Database No.
2318 Exon 1 T2C M1T; initiation at M68, M102 or M108 (?) (Missense); faulty initiation This report
34 Exon 1 G26A No W9X Nonsense This report
650 Exon 1 G55T E19X Nonsense This report
1852 Exon 2 C147G Y49X Nonsense This report
348 Exon 2 C168T Yes S56S Silent This report
2732 Exon 2 C168T Yes S56S Silent This report
2938 Intron 2 204+1G→T Skip of exon 2 (?) In frame; −48 aa Splice site This report
710 Intron 2 204+2T→G Skip of exon 2 (?) In frame; −48 aa Splice site This report
1972 Intron 2 205−1G→A No Skip of exon 3 (?) In frame; −28 aa Splice site This report
119 Exon 3 220delG aa 74; PTC 84 1-bp deletion This report
214 Exon 3 227insA aa 76; PTC 106 1-bp insertion This report
2170 Exon 4a 426delATTTT aa 142−144; PTC 153 5-bp deletion This report
2253 Exon 4b T482A L161X Nonsense This report
420 Exon 4b 496delGT aa 166; PTC 172 2-bp deletion Toliat et al. (1999); 844
461 Exon 4b 499delTGTT aa 167-168; PTC 176 4-bp deletion This report
1062 Exon 4b 499delTGTT aa 167-168; PTC 176 4-bp deletion This report
110 Exon 4b 499delTGTT aa 167-168; PTC 176 4-bp deletion Toliat et al. (1999); 843
U-36/375 Exon 4b 499delTGTT aa 167-168; PTC 176 4-bp deletion Toliat et al. (1999); 848
E13795 Exon 4b 499delTGTT aa 167-168; PTC 176 4-bp deletion Toliat et al. (1999)
E13332 Exon 4b 499delTGTT aa 167-168; PTC 176 4-bp deletion Toliat et al. (1999)
696 Exon 4b 527delA aa 176; PTC 177 1-bp deletion This report
1899 Exon 4b T528A D176E (Missense); polymorphism This report
2406 Exon 4b T528A D176E (Missense); polymorphism This report
190 Exon 4b T528A D176E (Missense); polymorphism Toliat et al. (1999); 545
702 Exon 4b T528A D176E (Missense); polymorphism Toliat et al. (1999); 849
422 Exon 4b T539A L180X Nonsense Toliat et al. (1999); 845
NF58a/124 Exon 4b 540insA Unequal expression aa 180; PTC 200 1-bp insertion Däschner et al. (1997); 97-003
1559 Exon 4b C574T Yes R192X Nonsense This report
380 Exon 4b C574T Yes Unequal expression R192X Nonsense Toliat et al. (1999); 847
1511 Intron 4b 586+1delG Skip of exon 4b (?) Out of frame; PTC 164 1-bp deletion; splice site This report
3399 Intron 4b 586+1G→A No Skip of exon 4b (?) Out of frame; PTC 164 Splice site This report
U-76 Intron 4b 586+1G→A No Skip of exon 4b; unequal expression Out of frame; PTC 164 Splice site This report
2395 Exon 4c T647C L216P Missense This report
U-61 Intron 4c 655−2A→T Skip of exon 5 Out of frame; PTC 255 Splice site This report
314 Intron 4c 655−1G→A No Skip of exon 5 Out of frame; PTC 255 Splice site Horn et al. (1996); 550
2048 Exon 5 703delTA aa 235; PTC 240 2-bp deletion This report
434 Exon 5 C715T (Yes) Q239X Nonsense Horn et al. (1996); 549
3358 Exon 6 754delT aa 252; PTC 280 1-bp deletion This report
2880 Exon 6 G801A No W267X Nonsense This report
1862 Exon 6 838delATAA aa 280-281; PTC 293 4-bp deletion This report
NF84a Exon 6 887delA Unequal expression aa 296; PTC 316 1-bp deletion This report
1008 Intron 6 888+1G→A No Skip of exon 6 (?) Out of frame; PTC 261 Splice site This report
3080 Intron 6 888+1G→A No Skip of exon 6 (?) Out of frame; PTC 261 Splice site This report
620 Intron 6 889−2A→G Skip of exon 7 In frame; −58 aa Splice site Klose et al. (1999)
U-15 Exon 7 C910T* Yes Skip of exon 7; unequal expression R304X; in frame; −58 aa (Nonsense); splice error Hoffmeyer et al. (1998), 0156
2180 Exon 7 C910T* Yes Skip of exon 7 (?) R304X; in frame; −58 aa (Nonsense); splice error This report
U-5 Exon 7 918delT No exon skipping aa 306; PTC 316 1-bp deletion Hoffmeyer et al. (1998), 97-012
1815 Exon 7 918delT aa 306; PTC 316 1-bp deletion This report
1163 Exon 7 955delAG aa 319; PTC 328 2-bp deletion This report
3109 Exon 7 1019delCT aa 340; PTC 351 2-bp deletion This report
3293 Exon 7 1019delCT aa 340; PTC 351 2-bp deletion This report
737 Exon 7 1019delCT aa 340; PTC 351 2-bp deletion This report
750 Exon 7 A1060T K354X Nonsense This report
448 Exon 7 G1062A No Skip of exon 7; unequal expression K354K; in frame; −58 aa (Silent); splice site This report
2719 Intron 7 1062+67T→C ? ? Splice error ? This report
2239 Intron 7 1063−13G→A No ? ? Splice error ? This report
2837 Exon 8 T1070C L357P Missense This report
256 Exon 8 1111insT aa 371; PTC 378 1-bp insertion This report
NF172 Intron 8 1185+1G→A No Skip of exon 8; unequal expression In frame;−41 aa Splice site Hoffmeyer et al. (1995); report w/o no.
59 Intron 8 1185+1G→T Skip of exon 8 In frame;−41 aa Splice site Horn et al. (1996); 551
889 Intron 8 1185+3insTAAA Skip of exon 8 (?) In frame;−41 aa 4-bp insertion; splice site This report
763 Exon 9 T1224G Y408X Nonsense This report
U-51 Exon 9 C1246T Yes R416X Nonsense This report
NF56 Exon 9 C1246T Yes Unequal expression R416X Nonsense This report
1994 Exon 9 C1246T Yes R416X Nonsense This report
2413 Exon 9 C1246T Yes R416X Nonsense This report
1023 Exon 9 1255delA aa 419; PTC 472 1-bp deletion This report
248 Exon 10a G1275A No W425X Nonsense This report
U-65 Exon 10a C1318T Yes R440X Nonsense This report
1138 Exon 10a C1318T Yes R440X Nonsense This report
2349 Exon 10a C1318T Yes R440X Nonsense This report
1571 Exon 10a 1338delA aa 446; PTC 472 1-bp deletion This report
E11034 Exon 10a C1381T Yes R461X Nonsense This report
U-57 Exon 10b 1398insT aa 466; PTC 469 1-bp insertion This report
33 Exon 10b 1436insA aa 479; PTC 490 1-bp insertion This report
2788 Exon 10b A1466G Skip of the 3′ end of Exon 10b (?) Y489C; out of frame; PTC 489 (Missense); splice error This report
250 Exon 10b A1472G Y491C Missense This report
936 Exon 10b A1472G Y491C Missense This report
1917 Exon 10b 1484delCC aa 495; PTC 509 2-bp deletion This report
2859 Exon 10b 1519insT aa 507; PTC 509 1-bp insertion This report
1288 Intron 10b 1527+1delG Skip of exon 10b (?) In frame; −45 aa 1-bp deletion; splice site This report
22 Exon 10c 1541delAG aa 514; PTC 556 2-bp deletion Robinson et al. (1996); 544
190 Exon 10c 1541delAG No exon skipping aa 514; PTC 556 2-bp deletion Robinson et al. (1996); 545
535 Exon 10c 1541delAG aa 514; PTC 556 2-bp deletion This report
1169 Exon 10c 1546delC aa 516; PTC 525 1-bp deletion This report
2243 Intron 10c 1641+1G→T Skip of exon 10c (?) In frame; −38 aa Splice site This report
3918 Intron 10c 1642−8A→G Exon 11 enlarged by 7 bp (?) Out of frame; PTC 559 (?) Splice error This report
1003 Exon 11 T1646C L549P Missense This report
279 Exon 11 G1721C Skip of exon 11 (?) S574T; out of frame; PTC 560 (Missense); splice site This report
945 Exon 11 G1721A No Skip of exon 11 (?) S574N; out of frame; PTC 560 (Missense); splice site This report
1070 Intron 11 1721+3A→G Skip of exon 11 (?) Out of frame; PTC 560 Splice site This report
1377 Intron 11 1721+3A→G Skip of exon 11 (?) Out of frame; PTC 560 Splice site This report
3855 Exon 12a T1742C 1581T Missense This report
1584 Exon 12a A1748G K583R Missense This report
1700 Exon 12a A1748G K583R Missense This report
3853 Exon 12a 1756delACTA aa 586-587; PTC 603 4-bp deletion This report
2869 Exon 12a 1817insT aa 606; PTC 609 1-bp insertion This report
753 Intron 12a 1845+1delGTAAG Skip of exon 12a (?) Out of frame; PTC 589 5-bp insertion; splice site This report
2273 Exon 12b 1935delG aa 645; PTC 687 1-bp deletion This report
2760 Exon 12b C1994T No S665F Missense This report
NF92 Exon 12b 1998insCCTCT aa 666; PTC 689 5-bp insertion Böddrich et al. (1995); 546
2889 Exon 13 2027delC aa 676; PTC 687 1-bp deletion This report
3259 Exon 13 2027insC aa 676; PTC 699 1-bp insertion This report
NF176 Exon 13 2033insC Unequal expression aa 678; PTC 699 1-bp insertion 97-014
212 Exon 13 C2041T* Yes R681X Nonsense This report
666 Exon 13 C2041T* Yes R681X Nonsense This report
2052 Exon 13 C2041T* Yes R681X Nonsense This report
3806 Exon 13 C2041T* Yes R681X Nonsense This report
2296 Exon 13 C2076G Y692X Nonsense This report
1982 Exon 13 T2084C L695P Missense This report
4132 Exon 13 2190delCCTCT aa 730-732; PTC 734 5-bp deletion This report
520 Intron 13 2252−31A→T Polymorphism This report
E11225 Intron 13 2252−31A→T No exon skipping Polymorphism This report
E13339 Intron 13 2252−31A→T Polymorphism This report
168 Exon 14 2272delAG aa 758; PTC 766 2-bp deletion 552
173 Exon 14 T2288C L763P Missense 553
66 Exon 15 G2330C W777S Missense This report
640 Exon 15 C2339A T780K Missense 554
1137 Exon 15 A2342C H781P Missense This report
U-55 Exon 15 C2356T No Q786X Nonsense This report
1624 Exon 16 2427insGTCTT/2430delG aa 810; PTC 815 Insertion/deletion This report
U-62 Exon 16 C2446T Yes No exon skipping; equal expression R816X Nonsense This report
1551 Exon 16 C2446T Yes R816X Nonsense This report
2746 Exon 16 C2446T Yes R816X Nonsense This report
942 Exon 16 T2540C L847P Missense This report
NF213 Exon 16 2590insTATA Unequal expression aa 864; PTC 865 4-bp insertion Report w/o no.
2332 Exon 16 2666delC aa 889; PTC 901 1-bp deletion This report
633 Exon 16 2674delA aa 892; PTC 901 1-bp deletion This report
626 Exon 16 C2842T No Q948X Nonsense This report
1031 Exon 16 2844delA aa 948; PTC 953 1-bp deletion This report
3212 Exon 16 2845insT aa 949; PTC 955 1-bp insertion This report
2803 Exon 16 2850insTT aa 950; PTC 954 2-bp insertion This report
1742 Exon 17 2970delAAT aa 990-991; 991delM 3-bp deletion This report
E13563 Exon 17 2970delAAT aa 990-991; 991delM 3-bp deletion This report
NF183 Exon 17 2972insT Unequal expression aa 991; PTC 1020 1-bp insertion 97-013
U-88 Intron 17 2991−2A→G Skip of exon 18; equal expression In frame; −41 aa Splice site This report
646 Intron 17 2991−1G→A No Skip of exon 18; equal expression In frame; −41 aa Splice error This report
U-27/507 Intron 17 2991−1G→C Skip of exon 18; equal expression In frame; −41 aa Splice site This report
3365 Exon 18 T2994A Y998X Nonsense This report
858 Exon 18 3060delA aa 1020; PTC 1021 1-bp deletion This report
223 Exon 19a 3178delG aa 1060; PTC 1061 1-bp deletion This report
NF23 Exon 19a 3193insA aa 1065; PTC 1087 1-bp insertion Klose et al. (1998_c_); 440
1572 Exon 20 3394insAG aa 1132; PTC 1142 2-bp insertion This report
3400 Exon 20 3456delACTC aa 1152-1153; PTC 1156 4-bp deletion This report
255 Exon 20 3456delACTC aa 1152-1153; PTC 1156 4-bp deletion This report
460 Exon 20 3456delACTC aa 1152-1153; PTC 1156 4-bp deletion This report
3809 Exon 20 A3467G* N1156S Missense This report
520 Intron 20 3496+2T→C Skip of exon 20 Out of frame; PTC 1133 Splice site Klose et al. (1998_c_); 444
1747 Exon 21 3525delAA aa 1175-1176; PTC 1193 2-bp deletion This report
2861 Exon 21 3525delAA aa 1175-1176; PTC 1193 2-bp deletion This report
3340 Exon 21 G3628T E1210X Nonsense This report
878 Exon 21 3643delATG 1215delM 3-bp deletion This report
2340 Exon 21 G3707A No W1236X Nonsense This report
742 Exon 22 C3721T* Yes No exon skipping R1241X Nonsense This report
2266 Exon 22 3737delTGTT aa 1246-1247; PTC 1264 4-bp deletion This report
1528 Exon 22 G3749C R1250P Missense This report
76 Exon 22 G3773A (Yes) W1258X Nonsense This report
51 Exon 22 3822delCT aa 1274-1275; PTC 1282 2-bp deletion This report
1186 Exon 22 C3826T* Yes R1276X Nonsense This report
157 Exon 22 C3826T* Yes R1276X Nonsense Klose et al. (1998_b_); 441
U-63 Exon 22 C3826T* Yes R1276X Nonsense This report
1899 Exon 22 G3827A Yes R1276Q Missense This report
1939 Exon 22 G3827A Yes R1276Q Missense This report
364 Exon 22 G3827C No exon skipping R1276P Missense Klose et al. (1998_a_); 442
288 Exon 22 C3831T No G1277G Silent This report
2235 Exon 23-1 3909dclT aa 1303; PTC 1308 1-bp deletion This report
578 Exon 23-1 3911dclT aa 1304; PTC 1308 1-bp deletion This report
258 Exon 23-1 C3916T Yes “CpG, RNA editing site” R1306X Nonsense This report
2601 Exon 23-1 C3916T Yes “CpG, RNA editing site” R1306X Nonsense This report
71 Exon 23-1 C3916T Yes “CpG, RNA editing site” R1306X Nonsense This report
3979 Exon 23-1 C3916T Yes “CpG, RNA editing site” R1306X Nonsense This report
82 Intron 23-1 3975−2A→G Skip of exon 23-2; equal expression Out of frame; PTC 1339 Splice site This report
796 Exon 23-2 C4006T (Yes) Q1336X Nonsense This report
471 Exon 23-2 4016delT aa 1339; PTC 1342 1-bp deletion This report
206 Exon 23-2 C4084T Yes No exon skipping R1362X Nonsense This report
415 Exon 23-2 C4084T Yes R1362X Nonsense This report
E13562 Intron 23-2 4110+1G→C Skip of exon 23-2; unequal expression Out of frame; PTC 1339 Splice site This report
U-19 Exon 24 G4243T E1415X Nonsense This report
1765 Exon 24 4247ins74-bp from intron 25 aa 1416;PTC 1422 74-bp insertion This report
895 Exon 25 T4274C L1425P Missense This report
219 Exon 25 T4274C L1425P Missense Peters et al. (1999_a_)
278 Exon 25 4311delAGAA aa 1437-1438; PTC 1446 4-bp deletion This report
238 Intron 25 4368−46G→C rare variant This report
333 Intron 25 4368−1G→T Skip of exon 26 In frame; −49 aa Splice site This report
3745 Exon 26 4374insT aa 1459; PTC 1460 1-bp insertion This report
1517 Exon 26 4431delC aa 1477; PTC 1478 1-bp deletion This report
U-77 Exon 26 G4473A No W1491X Nonsense This report
31 Exon 26 4486delA aa 1496; PTC 1552 1-bp deletion This report
U-66 Exon 26 4497insG aa 1499; PTC 1508 1-bp insertion This report
831 Intron 26 4514+1G→A No Skip of exon 26 (?) In frame; −49 aa Splice site This report
2928 Intron 26 4515−2A→G Skip of exon 27a (?) In frame; −49 aa Splice site This report
U-39 Exon 27a C4537T* Yes R1513X Nonsense This report
U-40 Exon 27a C4537T* Yes R1513X Nonsense This report
401 Exon 27a C4537T* Yes R1513X Nonsense This report
740 Exon 27a C4537T* Yes R1513X Nonsense This report
2488 Exon 27a C4537T* Yes R1513X Nonsense This report
2713 Exon 27a C4537T* Yes R1513X Nonsense This report
2789 Exon 27a C4537T* Yes R1513X Nonsense This report
U-87a Exon 27a G4614A No W1538X Nonsense This report
966 Exon 27a 4649insG aa 1550; PTC 1554 1-bp insertion This report
U-29 Exon 27b 4703delC aa 1558; PTC 1569 1-bp deletion This report
1784 Exon 27b C4719G Y1573X Nonsense This report
2646 Exon 27b A4750G 11584V Missense This report
486 Exon 28 T4839G No exon skipping; unequal expression Y1613X Nonsense Peters et al. (1999_b_); 97-001
3696 Exon 28 4936insT aa 1646; PTC 1660 1-bp insertion This report
56 Exon 28 5050delAGGCTTG aa 1684-1686; PTC 1686 7-bp deletion This report
102 Exon 28 5055insT aa 1686; PTC 1696 1-bp insertion Peters et al. (1999_b_); 450
345 Exon 28 A5106G Q1702Q Silent Peters et al. (1999_b_)
734 Exon 28 5152delG aa 1718; PTC 1725 1-bp deletion This report
B-212 Exon 28 5168delTC aa 1723; PTC 1734 2-bp deletion Peters et al. (1999_b_); 842
342 Exon 28 G5172A No K1724K Silent Peters et al. (1999_b_)
186 Exon 28 G5172A No K1724K Silent Peters et al. (1999_b_)
B-250 Exon 28 5205delAGTAA Skip of exon 28 (?) Out of frame; PTC 1599 5-bp deletion; splice site Peters et al. (1999_b_); 97-002
1218 Exon 29 C5242T Yes R1748X Nonsense This report
2886 Exon 29 C5242T Yes R1748X Nonsense This report
U-34/40 Exon 29 C5242T Yes No exon skipping R1748X Nonsense Peters et al. (1999_b_); 97-011
68 Exon 29 5248delAAA 1750delK 3-bp deletion This report
1079 Exon 29 T5286G Y1762X Nonsense This report
388 Exon 29 C5329T (Yes) Q1777X Nonsense This report
528 Exon 29 T5339A L1780X Nonsense This report
1698 Exon 29 T5339A L1780X Nonsense This report
3443 Exon 29 C5353T (Yes) Q1785X Nonsense This report
1038 Exon 29 5399delT aa 1800; PTC 1841 1-bp deletion This report
63 Exon 29 C5458T No Q1820X Nonsense Peters et al. (1999_b_); 97-010
3344 Exon 29 5484delT aa 1828; PTC 1841 1-bp deletion This report
U-25/702 Exon 29 G5546A Yes Skip of exon 29 R1849Q; Out of frame; PTC 1740 (Missense); splice site This report
1990 Exon 29 G5546A Yes Skip of exon 29 (?) R1849Q; Out of frame; PTC 1740 (Missense); splice site This report
2191 Intron 29 5546+1G→A (Yes) Skip of exon 29 (?) Out of frame; 1740 Splice site This report
NF113 Intron 29 5546+2T→G Skip of exon 29; unequal expression Out of frame; PTC 1740 Splice site report w/o no.
1164 Exon 30 5584delAC aa 1862; PTC 1863 2-bp deletion This report
527 Exon 30 5592delTTTAA aa 1864-1866; PTC 1889 5-bp deletion Harder et al. ((1999)); 439
224 Exon 31 C5839T Yes R1947X Nonsense Klose et al. (1999); 437
1197 Exon 31 C5839T Yes R1947X Nonsense This report
2672 Exon 31 C5839T Yes R1947X Nonsense This report
394 Exon 31 5847delAG aa 1949-1950; PTC 1954 2-bp deletion This report
2097 Intron 31 5943+1G→A No Skip of exon 31 (?) Out of frame; PTC 1922 Splice site This report
472 Intron 31 5944−5A→G Skip of exon 32 (?) In frame; −47 aa Splice site This report
1215 Intron 31 5944−2A→G Skip of exon 32 (?) In frame; −47 aa Splice site This report
2369 Exon 33 6220delG aa 2074; PTC 2089 1-bp deletion This report
2774 Exon 34 6468delC aa 2156; PTC 2178 1-bp deletion This report
608 Exon 34 6470delT aa 2157; PTC 2178 1-bp deletion This report
2912 Exon 34 6471delC aa 2157; PTC 2178 1-bp deletion This report
16 Exon 34 T6566A L2189X Nonsense This report
U-64 Intron 34 6579+2T→G Skip of exon 34; unequal expression Out of frame; PTC 2148 Splice site This report
1126 Intron 34 6579+45T→A ? ? Splice error ? This report
514 Intron 34 6579+87G→A No ? ? Splice error ? This report
2086 Exon 35 6604delT aa 2202; PTC 2211 1-bp deletion This report
234 Exon 35 G6628T E2210X Nonsense This report
3568 Intron 35 6641+2delT Skip of exon 35 (?) Out of frame; PTC 2199 1-bp deletion; splice site This report
2406 Intron 35 6642-1G→T Skip of exon 36 (?) Out of frame; PTC 2220 Splice site This report
1832 Exon 36 C6709T Yes R2237X Nonsense This report
U-67/572 Exon 36 C6709T Yes R2237X Nonsense This report
3634 Exon 36 C6709T Yes R2237X Nonsense This report
952 Intron 36 6756+1G→A No Skip of exon 36 (?) Out of frame; PTC 2220 Splice site This report
NF33 Exon 37 6789delTTAC aa 2263-2264; PTC 2268 4-bp deletion Hoffmeyer et al. (1998)
U116 Exon 37 6789delTTAC No exon skipping aa 2263-2264; PTC 2268 4-bp deletion Robinson et al (1995); 543
342 Exon 37 6789delTTAC No exon skipping; equal expression aa 2263-2264; PTC 2268 4-bp deletion Böddrich et al. (1997); 547
1706 Exon 37 6789delTTAC aa 2263-2264; PTC 2268 4-bp deletion This report
3467 Exon 37 6789delTTAC aa 2263-2264; PTC 2268 4-bp deletion This report
407 Exon 37 6790insTT No exon skipping; equal expression aa 2264; PTC 2270 2-bp insertion Böddrich et al. (1997); 548
1354 Exon 37 6791insA aa 2264; PTC 2285 1-bp insertion This report
25 Exon 37 C6792A Skip of exon 37; equal expression Y2264X; in frame; −34 aa (Nonsense); splice error Robinson et al. (1995); 541
1 Exon 37 C6792A Skip of exon 37; equal expression Y2264X; in frame; −34 aa (Nonsense); splice error Robinson et al. (1995); 542
E11225 Exon 37 C6792A Skip of exon 37; equal expression Y2264X; in frame; −34 aa (Nonsense); splice error This report
1828 Exon 37 C6792G Skip of exon 37 (?) Y2264X; in frame; −34 aa (Nonsense); splice error This report
2472 Exon 37 6792insA aa 2265; PTC 2285 1-bp insertion This report
U-43/547 Exon 37 6797delGT No exon skipping aa 2266; PTC 2284 2-bp deletion This report
1920 Exon 37 T6839G L2280X Nonsense This report
3110 Exon 39 7080insA aa 2361; PTC 2364 1-bp insertion This report
3578 Exon 39 7095delT aa 2365; PTC 2374 1-bp deletion This report
E15470 Exon 40 7208delGA aa 2403; PTC 2405 2-bp deletion This report
260 Exon 40 C7237T (Yes) Q2413X Nonsense This report
61 Exon 40 G7258C Skip of exon 40 (?) A2420P; in frame; −44 aa (Missense); splice site This report
B-214 Intron 40 7259−17C→T No ? ? Splice error? 841
B-212 Intron 40 7259−14C→T Yes rare variant 842
400 Exon 41 7268delCA aa 2423; PTC 2425 2-bp deletion This report
3541 Exon 41 7285delC aa 2429; PTC 2434 1-bp deletion This report
1777 Exon 41 C7285T Yes R2429X Nonsense This report
E14377 Exon 41 C7285T Yes R2429X Nonsense This report
E14071 Exon 41 7367delCC aa 2456; PTC 2460 2-bp deletion This report
395 Intron 41 7395−1G→A (Yes) Skip of exon 42 (?) Out of frame; PTC 2471 Splice site 850
U-20/9723 Exon 42 CT7424AG S2475X Nonsense This report
1000 Exon 42 C7457T No T24861 Missense This report
934 Exon 42 C7486T Yes R2496X Nonsense This report
2717 Exon 42 C7486T Yes R2496X Nonsense This report
U-46 Exon 42 7528ins1 bp Duplication of bases 7515-7528 aa 2510; PTC 2531 14-bp insertion This report
698 Exon 42 7544insGA aa 2515; PTC 2527 2-bp insertion This report
2714 Exon 43 7569delT aa 2523; PTC 2526 1-bp deletion This report
1675 Exon 43 7633insC aa 2545; PTC 2555 1-bp insertion This report
U-87b Exon 44 C7699T No Q2567X Nonsense This report
2253 Exon 44 A7701G Q2567Q Silent This report
90 Exon 44 C7702T (Yes) Q2568X Nonsense This report
2973 Exon 44 C7702T (Yes) Q2568X Nonsense This report
2569 Exon 45 C7846T Yes R2616X Nonsense This report
383 Intron 45 7907+1G→A No Skip of exon 45 Out of frame; PTC 2604 Splice site 555
735 Intron 45 7908-2A→G Skip of exon 46 (?) Out of frame; PTC 2640 Splice site This report
1480 Exon 46 7926insT aa 2643; PTC 2643 1-bp insertion This report
2499 Exon 46 8024delC aa 2675; PTC 2717 1-bp deletion This report
578 Intron 46 8050+20A→G No exon skipping Polymorphism This report
586 Intron 46 5080+20A→G Polymorphism This report
U-82/310 Exon 47 8092insTT aa 2698; PTC 2718 2-bp insertion This report

Distribution of NF1 Mutations

To get an idea of their distribution over the NF1 gene, we plotted the 278 pathogenic mutations exon by exon into a diagram (fig. 1). Intronic mutations were allocated to the nearest exon. Direct comparison with the 173 minor lesions that had been reported to the International NF1 Genetic Analysis Consortium by November 1997 (Korf 1998) (white columns in fig. 1) underscores the strong bias towards central parts of the NF1 gene inherent in these data. In particular, exons 28–36—the 9 exons that were described first (Cawthon et al. 1990)—and the GRD region were analyzed in hundreds of NF1 patients by the consortium members, whereas exons of other regions, mainly at the 5′ end of the gene, were not investigated at all. In our study, all parts of the gene were analyzed with equal intensity. Thus, we suppose our data to be an approximate representation of the actual distribution of mutations over the NF1 gene, at least in our study population, which is mainly of German origin, but includes also some patients of Turkish extraction. As indicated by figure 1, it appears likely that all regions of the NF1 gene are subject to mutation to a similar extent. However, if data are weighed for exon size (fig. 2_a_), exons 4b and 37 stand out as sites of a remarkably high mutation density. The reason for this may be found in some structural elements prone to mutation, a short tandem repeat structure in exon 4b (Toliat et al. 1999) and a quasisymmetric element in exon 37 (Robinson et al. 1995; Böddrich et al. 1997). If presented in a logarithmic mode (fig. 2_b_), the data reveal a slight tendency to fewer mutations towards the 3′ end of the gene that may be caused by the distribution of the missense mutations, as discussed later. Furthermore, several exons are easily recognized in which no mutation was found (exons 9br, 19b, 23a, 38, and 48–49) or that are extremely underrepresented (exons 4a and 33).

Figure 1.

Figure  1

Histogram of number of mutations, exon by exon. Black columns represent the 278 pathogenic mutations of table 4. White columns represent the mutations reported to the NF1 Genetic Analysis Consortium as of November 1997 (Korf 1998).

Figure 2.

Figure  2

Weighed distribution of mutations over the NF1 gene. For each exon, the number of pathogenic mutations was divided by the number of base pairs (bp). Ten bp were added to each exon, to allow for splice-site mutations. Values shown are ratios between the exon-specific mutation densities and the average mutation density for the whole gene (278/9,204 bp). A, linear presentation. B, logarithmic presentation.

Cryptic Splice Mutations

We identified a total of 55 splicing-error mutations (19.8% of all the mutations we found). In 22 cases, an exon skip was revealed in the patients’ mRNA. Several mutations were found to affect the splicing process, although they do not pertain to the group of typical splice-site mutations. At first glance, many of these were interpreted as faults, but analysis of mRNA as part of the PTT made us aware of the problem, and we initiated a routine checking of mRNA in all ambiguous cases (if mRNA was available). As reported elsewhere (Hoffmeyer et al. 1998), the two nonsense mutations (R304X and Y2264X) result in a skipping of exons 7 and 37, respectively. The mutation Y2264X may be caused by either of two transversions, C6792A or C6792G, both of which result in skipping of exon 37 (Messiaen et al. 1997). Five other nonsense mutations, as well as six small deletions or insertions, were also tested thoroughly, but did not show any influence on the splicing process (see table 4). However, in addition to the nonsense mutations, we identified a silent mutation (K354K) and several missense mutations (Y489C, S574T, S574N, R1849Q, and A2420P) that also cause exon skipping, presumably or definitely (see table 4). Most of these mutations affect the last base of the exon that is part of the splice donor and is usually a guanine (Krawczak et al. 1992). Messiaen et al. (1998) reported that mutation Y489C generates a new splice donor converting the 3′ end of exon 10b into an intronic sequence that is subsequently removed during splicing as part of intron 10b. The mutation Y491C might act in the same manner; however, no mRNA was available to test this possibility.

Two Sequence Changes

All 60 exons were analyzed in all patients; therefore, multiple sequence changes should have been identified if present. In addition to the known biallelic polymorphisms in exons 5 (702A/G) and 13 (2034G/A) and those in introns 28 (5205+23C/T) and 41 (7395-29A/G), we identified three novel biallelic polymorphisms: 1528-29delT, 1641+39C/T, and 3315-130G/C (located in introns 10b, 10c, and 19b, respectively) with allele frequencies higher than 30% for both alleles. The frequent polymorphisms were not taken into account when looking for additional sequence changes in the NF1 gene, yet two rare sequence changes were found in 10 of the patients (table 5). Determining which change is pathogenic is straightforward if a truncating mutation is observed among them; however, the occurrence of two pathogenic mutations is possible. We tested the mutations 2252-31A→T and 8050+20A→G for their influence on the splicing process, but no exon skipping was observed. In the case of patient 1899, a choice between two missense mutations, D176E and R1276Q, was necessary; the position of the latter gives a helpful hint. Arg1276 is the arginine finger of the GRD—the most essential catalytic element for RasGAP activity. Its mutation into proline was shown to completely disable GAP activity without impairing the secondary and tertiary protein structure (Klose et al. 1998_a_). Mutation R1276Q compromises GAP-stimulated GTP hydrolysis some 500-fold (Ahmadian et al. 1997). Compared with the 8,000-fold reduction by mutation R1276P (Klose et al. 1998_a_), this is still a remarkable residual activity. However, it may be sufficient to cause NF1, because other missense mutations of the GRD with moderate reduction of GAP activity have already been reported (Kim and Tamanoi 1998). It is tempting to speculate about a modifying effect of D176E on the NF1 phenotype. This might occur in cis as well as trans to another missense mutation or in trans to any other pathogenic mutation. In the instance of patient 1899, it is not known whether D176E and R1276Q are situated on the same allele or on different alleles. In the other three cases, both sequence changes cosegregate; that is, D176E is in cis to a truncating mutation, with little or no chance of exerting an effect on the phenotype because of the absence of the mutant gene product normally observed with this type of mutation (Hoffmeyer et al. 1995). Recently, we analyzed the unaffected father of patient 702, who is a sporadic case himself. Because the father is also a carrier of D176E, we were able to determine that this amino acid exchange alone is not sufficient to cause NF1.

Table 5.

Patients with Two Sequence Changes in the NF1 Gene

Patient First Sequence Change, Nonpathogenic Second Sequence Change, Pathogenic
1899 T528A = D176E (exon 4b) G3827A = R1276Q (exon 22)
2406 T528A = D176E (exon 4b) 6642-1G→T (intron 35)
190 T528A = D176E (exon 4b) 1541delAG (exon 10c)
702 = U-25 T528A = D176E (exon 4b) G5546A = R1849Q (skip of exon 29)
520 2252-31A→T (intron 13) 3496+2T→C (intron 20)
E11225 2252-31A→T (intron 13) C6792A = Y2264X (skip of exon 37)
342 G5172A = K1724K (exon 28) 6789del4bp (exon 37)
B-212 7259-14C→T (intron 40) 5168delTC (exon 28)
2253 A7701G = Q2567Q (exon 44) T482A = L161X (exon 4b)
578 8050+20A→G (intron 46) 3911delT (exon 23-1)

CpG Mutations

CpG dinucleotides show a high mutation rate in the human genome caused by spontaneous deamination of 5-methylcytosine; ∼25% of all single base-pair substitutions involve this dinucleotide (Cooper and Krawczak 1993). In the coding region of the NF1 gene, there are 118 CpGs, and a C→T transition on either the coding or noncoding strand of 91 of these would result in a disease-related mutation (Krkljus et al. 1997). Methylation of CpGs is a prerequisite for this type of mutation. Interestingly, methylated CpGs have been reported to occur within and around the NF1 gene; for example, 92% of CpGs in exons 28, 29, and 31 were found to be methylated in sperm DNA (Rodenhiser et al. 1993; Andrews et al. 1996). This prompted us to check our data for typical CpG mutations. Among the 301 sequence changes, we identified 57 (18.9%) C→T or G→A transitions within a CpG dinucleotide (table 4). The 301 sequence changes include 181 single base-pair substitutions, and only 31.5% of these represent a typical CpG mutation. Twenty-one different CpGs from the coding region are involved; that is, 17.8% of the 118 CpGs present in the coding region. They include 1 silent, 2 missense, and 18 nonsense mutations. One of these CpG mutations, R1513X, is the most frequently observed recurrent mutation among all 278 mutations. In addition to CpGs, we identified 9 CpNpG motifs that were subject to a C→T or G→A transition in 10 patients. Although DNA methylation at these sites has also been reported (Clark et al. 1995), it is evident from our data that they do not play a significant role in NF1 mutagenesis.

Relations to Pseudogene Variants

Genetic variation within pseudogenes may serve as a template for pathological lesions in the original gene by means of gene conversion even if located on different chromosomes (Eikenboom et al. 1994). In view of the large number of NF1 pseudogenes, it has been hypothesized that they are reservoirs of preformed mutations and may account for the high mutation rate of the NF1 gene (Cummings et al. 1993). Therefore, we analyzed all _NF1_-like sequences available from the public databases for any sequence deviation from the authentic NF1 gene. We located 31 entries (table 6) and identified 235 discrepancies (of which 196 were different) between the sequences of the pseudogenes and the NF1 gene (not shown). Only 6 (3.1%) of the 196 pseudogene variations were also found among the NF1 mutations in table 4 (indicated by an asterisk); however, 4 of the 6 were recurrent mutations (including R1513X, which was found in seven patients). Unfortunately, all but 1 of the 18 mutations with a pseudogene equivalent happened to occur at highly mutable CpG sites (see above). This definitely weakens further the evidence of NF1 gene conversion. Moreover, for gene conversion to explain the high mutation rate, mutations should predominantly affect the central part of the gene, which is not the case.

Table 6.

NF1 Pseudogene Sequences in the Public Databases

Accession Number Exons Chromosome Reference
AC004527 7–9 21 R. B. Weiss et al.,a unpublished data
D26141 7–11 21 H. Suzuki, unpublished data
U35688 8 18 Purandare et al. (1995)
U35689 9 18 Purandare et al. (1995)
U35696 13 18 Purandare et al. (1995)
YO7853 13–15 17 Régnier et al. (1997)
YO7854 13–15 14 Régnier et al. (1997)
YO7855 13–15 14 Régnier et al. (1997)
YO7856 13–15 15 Régnier et al. (1997)
YO7857 13–15 15 Régnier et al. (1997)
YO7858 13–15 2 Régnier et al. (1997)
YO7859 13–15 22 Régnier et al. (1997)
AF011743 14 15q11.2 Kehrer-Sawatzki et al. (1997)
AF011744 15 15q11.2 Kehrer-Sawatzki et al. (1997)
AF011746 15 15q11.2 Kehrer-Sawatzki et al. (1997)
U35684 15 14 Purandare et al. (1995)
U35685 15 15 Purandare et al. (1995)
U35686 16 12 Purandare et al. (1995)
U35687 16 14 Purandare et al. (1995)
U35690 18 14 Purandare et al. (1995)
U35691 18 15 Purandare et al. (1995)
U35692 18 22 Purandare et al. (1995)
U35693 19b 15 Purandare et al. (1995)
M84131 20–22 15 Legius et al. (1992)
AF011748 21 15q11.2 Kehrer-Sawatzki et al. (1997)
U35694 23-1 15 Purandare et al. (1995)
U35695 24 15 Purandare et al. (1995)
AF011745 24 15q11.2 Kehrer-Sawatzki et al. (1997)
AF011747 24 15q11.2 Kehrer-Sawatzki et al. (1997)
AF011749 24 15q11.2 Kehrer-Sawatzki et al. (1997)
X72619 24 15q24-qter Gasparini et al. (1993)
M84131 25–27b 15 Legius et al. (1992)

Missense Mutations

Formally, we identified a total of 39 missense mutations or deletions of single amino acids. However, as discussed earlier, D176E has to be considered a polymorphism, and others were shown to be splice mutations. Furthermore, substitution of threonine for the first methionine will cause a false start in translation, with one of the following methionines acting as the initiation codon (Neote et al. 1990; Patten et al. 1990). Hence, strictly speaking, only 28 are genuine missense mutations causing changes or losses of a particular amino acid in the polypeptide chain. The distribution of these mutations is shown in figure 3. It is evident that the mutations cluster in two regions: the GRD, and upstream between exons 10b and 17. If we assume the mutation Y491C to be a splice mutation like Y489C (see above), this region would shrink even further, to an interval from exon 11 to exon 17. Interestingly, a total of 11 substitutions into proline (39%) were found among the 28 missense mutations. Proline is known to destabilize helices and beta sheets.

Figure 3.

Figure  3

Weighed distribution of missense mutations over the NF1 gene. For each exon, the number of genuine missense or single-amino-acid-deletion mutations was divided by the number of base pairs (bp). Values shown are ratios between the exon-specific mutation densities and the average mutation density for the whole gene (28/8457 bp). Location of the GRD is indicated by the box.

Except for patient 1899, who carries two missense mutations, R1276Q and D176E, all of the other 28 genuine missense mutations turned out to be the only sequence change present in the entire NF1 gene. This suggests that these mutations cause the disease, yet further evidence is needed to verify this hypothesis. To date, functional and structural assessment of particular amino acids has been obtained only for the GRD. For other regions, information about evolutionary conservation may help to evaluate the significance of an amino acid exchange. Therefore, we generated an amino acid sequence alignment (program PILEUP of the GCG-Wisconsin package, version 9; gap weight 12 and gap length weight 4) between the sequences of the human and the Drosophila NF1 proteins that are 60% identical over their entire length (The et al. 1997). As many as 15 of the 23 amino acid positions affected by missense mutation in our patients with NF1 turned out to be invariant, whereas, at two further positions, the amino acids were replaced by similar ones in the Drosophila protein (Ile1584 by Val and Arg1250 by Lys). At the other six positions nonconservative substitutions were found or the alignment generated a gap in the Drosophila protein (Y491: M; K583: Q; S665:−; H781: F; M1215: I; T2486:−). Moreover, we performed a similarity plot between the human and Drosophila sequences. Most of the mutations are situated on top of the similarity peaks or, at least, in regions of higher similarity, which may represent helices or beta sheets (fig. 4). Exceptions are Y491C—which might, in fact, be a splice mutation—S665F, and T2486I. These findings raise the possibility that the latter two mutations may actually be nonpathogenic.

Figure 4.

Figure  4

Missense mutations in the similarity plot of human versus Drosophila NF1 protein. The program PLOTSIMILARITY of the GCG-Wisconsin package, version 9 was used to calculate the amino-acid-sequence similarity profile of the human and Drosophila neurofibromins (accession numbers AAA59925 and AAB58976, respectively). A sliding window of 40 amino acids was chosen. Note that there are 2,963 instead of 2,839 amino acid positions in the alignment (program PILEUP; gap weight = 12 and gap-length weight = 4). For the first 20 and the last 20 positions, a value could not be calculated, because of the chosen window size. Mutations are located primarily in regions of higher similarity. Usually, helices and beta sheets have a higher local sequence similarity than coils.


The systematic analysis of germline mutations in NF1 patients has been a major challenge for many laboratories during the last couple of years. Here, we present for the first time a comprehensive screen of minor lesions of the NF1 gene in a large cohort of >500 unrelated patients that is free of any assessment bias for special exons or regions. We launched this project hoping that the data would allow us to answer some long-standing questions about the NF1 gene and its proneness to mutate. Some of the questions were answered, but new questions were raised as well.

The Mutational Spectrum

A preponderance of truncating mutations is one of the most prominent features of NF1 mutations. Some 80% of all small lesions result in a PTC; that is, about one half of all NF1 mutations may be direct- or indirect-stop mutations. Distribution of this type of mutation is very even over the coding sequence. We identified the first one in exon 1 and the last in exon 47. At first glance, no difference in phenotype was observed; however, a detailed analysis of a possible relation between clinical features and position of the PTC is in progress and will be presented elsewhere (S. Tinschert, A. Buske, B. Müller-Myhsok, I. Naumann, C. Mischung, R. Fahsold, S. Hoffmeyer, D. Kaufmann, H. Peters, P. Nürnberg, unpublished data). Unequal expression of both NF1 alleles is a common observation in NF1 and has been related to the high number of truncating mutations (Hoffmeyer et al. 1995). This might explain the absence of a position effect of PTCs; however, we also observed equal expression in some cases, including patients U-62, 82, 342, and 407 (table 4). Of all mutations identified in this study, ∼20% were splice defects, with nearly one-half of the latter causing in-frame exon skipping. Hence, analysis of mRNA, in combination with a PTC screening as performed in the PTT, is a good choice for mutation detection in NF1. In our hands, the detection rate was 47.1%, which is lower than the 67% detection rate originally reported (Heim et al. 1995) but in line with the genomic-screening methods applied in this study, taking into account the fact that missense mutations cannot be detected by this approach. According to our data, missense mutations represent ∼10% of all small NF1 lesions.

The identification of a recurrent NF1 mutation has often been heralded as the discovery of a mutation hotspot. The most widely known example is the mutation R1947X in exon 31 (Valero et al. 1994; Lázaro et al. 1995). At least 10 unrelated patients with NF1, among 563 tested, were reported to carry this mutation (recurrence rate ∼2%) (Upadhyaya and Cooper 1998). In our screening of 521 unrelated patients with NF1, however, only 3 presented with this mutation. The most frequent mutation in our study was R1513X in exon 27a found in seven patients. However, when looking for the highest density of mutations, exons 4b and 37 outnumbered all other exons with a value 4- to 5-fold higher than average. This suggests these exons include some minor hotspots. Nevertheless, with the large number of novel mutations presented in this paper, it becomes obvious that the worst-case scenario is operating: hundreds of private mutations for most of the families affected by NF1. Interestingly, all three alternatively spliced exons—9br, 23a, and 48a—seem to be irrelevant to mutation analysis. Likewise, two normally spliced exons—19b and 38—also failed to show a mutation in our study population, and other exons—such as 4a and 33—harbored only a single mutation. The reason for this underrepresentation in the compulsory exons is not clear and may be purely accidental. For exons 33 and 38, additional mutations have been reported to the consortium (Korf 1998).

In general, the mutational spectrum of the NF1 gene seems to be very similar to that of other tumor-suppressor and mutator genes, which all seem to be characterized by a large proportion of truncating mutations—for example, nearly 100% for APC (Suzuki et al. 1998) and TSC1 (Jones et al. 1999), >80% for RB1 (Lohmann et al. 1996; 1997), ∼80% for BRCA1 (Miki et al. 1994) and ATM (Sandoval et al. 1999), and ∼60% for TSC2 (Jones et al. 1999), and all six NBS1 gene mutations identified to date (Varon et al. 1998). Similarly, 5%–20% missense mutations, as well as whole-gene deletions, have been found in some of these genes (RB1, ATM, TSC2). In addition, the problem of unsuccessful mutation detection in many of the patients is common to all these genes. Little more than half of all the NF1 alleles investigated in this study yielded a detectable mutation. It is true that the PTT protocol used here might have failed to detect missense as well as splicing-error mutations—especially those that result in in-frame skips of small exons— but, in most cases, all exons and adjacent intron regions of the NF1 gene were sequenced. DGS, like TGGE, is commonly thought to provide a sensitivity close to 100% in the analyzed regions, and, although some problems with heterozygote detection in automated sequencing are known to impair the identification rate of point mutations, this alone is unlikely to account for missing >40% of the NF1 mutations. Some of the unidentified mutations are definitely large deletions comprising the whole NF1 gene or a major part of it. When analyzing 15 TGGE-negative cases by fluorescence in situ hybridization, we identified three NF1 gene deletions (G. Thiel, unpublished data). Hence, we estimate the overall proportion of gross genomic deletions to be ∼10%. Among the remaining 35% of undetected mutations, multiexon deletions may represent the largest group (15% of all mutations, according to the consortium data [Korf 1998]). Furthermore, large duplications or inversions would also have escaped our PCR-based mutation scanning (Naylor et al. 1993). Incomplete assessment of intronic and regulatory sequences probably accounts for other unidentified cases. However, NF1 promoter mutations seem to be rare and the sequence variants identified so far are unlikely to cause the disease phenotype (Osborn and Upadhyaya 1998). For the RB1 gene, silencing of the promoter by allele-specific hypermethylation of a CpG island in the 5′ region was shown in 10% of retinoblastomas (Sakai et al. 1991; Greger et al. 1994). Interestingly, a hypomethylated region near the transcription start site within the NF1 CpG island could act as a target for silencing of the NF1 gene by local hypermethylation (Rodenhiser et al. 1998). Thus, epigenetic and genetic mechanisms may cause inactivation of NF1 transcription. Recent studies have shown that somatic mosaicism may be a frequent finding among sporadic cases of NF1 (Colman et al. 1996; Ainsworth et al. 1997; Tonsgard et al. 1997; Wu et al. 1997; Rasmussen et al. 1998). Provided the mutation was present in the tissues analyzed, the methods used for exon screening in this study are unlikely to have had sufficient sensitivity to detect low-level mosaicism. Unfortunately, we cannot exclude the possibility that patients who did not have NF1 were included in the screening, because some of the patients were diagnosed by others. Finally, the existence of genetic heterogeneity in NF1 is still an open discussion.

High Mutation Rate

The mutation rate for NF1 is one of the highest known for human disorders, estimated to be between 1×10−4 and 3.1×10−5 (Sergeyev 1975; Huson et al. 1989; Clementi et al. 1990). Thus, the NF1 gene seems to mutate 10 times more often than other disease genes. Several reasons have been proposed to explain the high mutability of the NF1 gene, including its relatively large size of ∼350 kb, gene-conversion events via pseudogenes, and mutational hotspots. Acting on the results of our study, we can definitely exclude the many NF1 pseudogenes as a major reason. Furthermore, pronounced hotspots of mutation have not yet been identified in the NF1 gene. It is true that some of the recurrent mutations, such as R1513X and R1947X, affect CpG dinucleotides, but the overall proportion of C→T or G→A transitions within CpGs is as low as 19% of all mutations and 32% of all the single-base-pair substitutions. Many other genes show similar or even higher percentages of CpG mutations—for example, 46% of factor VIII point mutations in hemophilia A (Antonarakis et al. 1995), 45%–50% of TP53 point mutations in colorectal cancer (Greenblatt et al. 1994), and 20%–25% of all RB1 mutations (Cowell et al. 1994). Likewise, overlap between pseudogene sequence variants and NF1 germline mutations as identified in this study is negligible. Therefore, we assume the large size of the NF1 gene to be the major reason for the high mutation rate, which is in fact not considerably higher than that of other large genes. In Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which is caused by mutations in an even larger gene (79 exons in 2.5 Mb), a similar high mutation rate is found (Vogel and Motulsky 1997). Interestingly, current estimates in Marfan syndrome place its prevalence at 1 per 3,000–5,000 people (Pyeritz 1996). This suggests that the FBN1 gene (65 exons in 110 kb), which is very similar in size to the NF1 gene, has a mutation rate nearly as high as in NF1.

Second Functional Domain

Our characterization of significant numbers of missense mutations and some small in-frame deletions is likely to be helpful in the investigation of putative functions of the NF1 gene product. The RasGAP activity of the central GAP-related domain and the structure of the GRD from neurofibromin have already been well characterized (Kim and Tamanoi 1998; Scheffzek et al. 1998), in particular, the effects of mutations of the arginine finger (Arg 1276) were studied in detail (Ahmadian et al. 1997; Klose et al. 1998_a_). Clustering of missense mutations in the GRD, as observed in this and other studies (fig. 5), is what we could expect from its functional relevance. However, there is another segment in the NF1 gene, upstream of the GRD, that harbors numerous missense mutations as well (see fig. 5). We assume this region defines a second functional domain of the neurofibromin molecule. Interestingly, this region coincides with the cysteine/serine-rich domain (CSRD) defined by Izawa et al. (1996). The CSRD comprises amino acid residues 543–909, in which three cysteine pairs (residues 622/632, 673/680, and 714/721) may be comparable to those that Maru et al. (1991) suggested form the ATP-binding domain of BCR protein. Furthermore, this sequence harbors three potential cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) recognition sites (Marchuk et al. 1991). These are, indeed, subject to phosphorylation by PKA (Izawa et al. 1996), and one is mutated in two of our NF1 families (mutation K583R in exon 12a). A second is situated in a small region (residues 815–834) of sequence similarity with two other proteins (MAP-2 and tau) that also associate with microtubules. It has been speculated that phosphorylation of this region might regulate the association of neurofibromin and microtubules (Gregory et al. 1993). The functional significance of the phosphorylation of neurofibromin by PKA is still unclear, but in view of the compelling evidence for the involvement of neurofibromin in cAMP-mediated signaling from Drosophila (Guo et al. 1997; The et al. 1997), it may explain the observed link between the second messenger cAMP and the Ras signaling pathway (Wu et al. 1993).

Figure 5.

Figure  5

Synopsis of all known NF1 missense mutations and deletions of 1 or 2 amino acids. Mutations on the left and right sides are data from this study and from the literature, respectively. Most published mutations have been reviewed in Upadhyaya and Cooper (1998). Some have been published very recently: R1204G (Krkljus et al. 1997); C39Y(1), Y489C, L847P, and 991delM(1) (Messiaen et al. 1998); and L2317P (Wu et al. 1999). Others have been submitted to the consortium but not published at this time. They are reported here with the consent of the consortium members who identified these mutations: 2366delNF(2) and R2616Q (L. Messiaen, personal communication); R1849G and L1932P (M. Upadhyaya, personal communication); 1658delIY and P2046R (D. Vidaud, personal communication). Mutations not representing genuine missense mutations including polymorphisms, splice mutations, or loss of the initiation codon are printed in italics. Number in parentheses after the mutation symbol indicates recurrent identifications. GRD region is shown in gray, whereas the exons 11–17, supposed to code for a new functional domain, are shown in black with a central light effect. To facilitate orientation, the numbers of some of the larger exons are given.

In summary, we have attributed functional relevance to a new region of the neurofibromin molecule on the basis of the missense mutations identified in a large cohort of NF1 patients. This protein segment was found upstream of the GRD and may be identical with the CSRD described elsewhere (Izawa et al. 1996). PKA phosphorylation sites within the domain suggest this region might be involved in cAMP-mediated signaling. However, further studies will be required to substantiate our hypothesis. To this end, the functional significance of the relevant missense mutations is currently being tested in the Drosophila model.


We thank the patients and their families for their willing cooperation, and we gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Peter N. Robinson, Annett Böddrich, Denise Horn, Fikret Erdogan, Mohammad R. Toliat, Anja Harder-Klose, Detlef Hess, Christiane Bielefeld, Andrea Lüder, Carmen Macsuga, Beatrice Heyne, and Kerstin Kamprath in the TGGE approach. We also thank Frances Hannan for his helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was supported in part by the Deutsche Krebshilfe.

Electronic-Database Information

Accession numbers and URLs for data in this article are as follows:

  1. GenBank, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/index.html (for human and Drosophila neurofibromin protein sequences [accession numbers AAA59925 and AAB58976, respectively] and human NF1 pseudogene sequences [accession numbers are listed in ])
  2. International NF1 Genetic Analysis Consortium, http://www.nf.org/nf1gene/nf1gene.home.html (for unpublished NF1 mutations)
  3. Messiaen L, Callens T, Mortier G, van Roy N, Speleman F, de Pape A (1998) Identification of mutations in the NF1 gene, including 3 different nonsense mutations and 1 missense mutation disrupting normal RNA splicing. (Abstract) http://nf.org/md1aspe1.htm
  4. Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Omim/ (for NF1 [162200])


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