Colonic crypt changes during adenoma development in familial adenomatous polyposis: immunohistochemical evidence for expansion of the crypt base cell population - PubMed (original) (raw)

Colonic crypt changes during adenoma development in familial adenomatous polyposis: immunohistochemical evidence for expansion of the crypt base cell population

Bruce M Boman et al. Am J Pathol. 2004 Nov.


Familial adenomatous polyposis patients, who have a germline APC mutation, develop adenomas in normal-appearing colonic mucosa, and in the process usually acquire a mutation in the other APC allele as well. Nonetheless, the cellular mechanisms that link these initiating genetic changes with the earliest tissue changes (upward shift in the labeling index) in colon tumorigenesis are unclear. Based on the tenet that colorectal cancer originates from crypt stem cells (SCs) and on our kinetic modeling, we hypothesized that overpopulation of mutant colonic SCs is the missing link. Directly testing this hypothesis requires measuring changes in the size of the SC population, but specific markers for human colonic SCs are lacking. Hence, we used immunohistochemical mapping to study crypt base cells, of which SCs are a subset. Using colectomy specimens from 16 familial adenomatous polyposis and 11 control cases, we determined the topographic profiles of various cell populations along the crypt axis and the proportions of each cell type. In the formation of adenomatous crypts, the distribution of cells expressing crypt base cell markers (MSH2, Bcl-2, survivin) expanded toward the crypt surface and showed the greatest proportional increase (fivefold to eightfold). Cells expressing a marker for the upper crypt (p27(kip1)) shifted to the crypt bottom and showed the smallest increase. This suggests that: 1) during adenoma development, APC mutations cause expansion of the crypt base cell population, including crypt SCs; 2) SC overpopulation can explain the shifts in pattern of proliferative crypt cell populations in early colon tumorigenesis, and 3) mutant crypt SCs clonally expand to form colonic adenomas and carcinomas.

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Figure 1

Figure 1

Immunostaining of normal crypts from control (non-FAP) patients (A, D, G, J) versus normal-appearing crypts from FAP patients (B, E, H, K) versus adenomatous crypts from FAP patients (C, F, I, L). Staining patterns are shown for hMSH2 (A–C), survivin (D–F), Ki67 (G–I), and p27 (J–L).

Figure 2

Figure 2

Immunostaining of normal colonic crypts (A, C, E) versus adenomatous crypts (B, D, F) from FAP patients for Bcl-2 (A, B); topoisomerase II (C, D), and p21WAF1/C1P1 (E, F).

Figure 3

Figure 3

Changes in proportions of different kinds of cells based on differential staining between normal control crypts (gray bars), normal-appearing FAP crypts (black bars), and adenomatous mucosa (white bars) from FAP patients. The proportion of cells expressing markers for the crypt base (where SCs reside) shows the greatest increase in adenomatous crypts relative to normal-appearing crypts.

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