Is there directional smelling? - PubMed (original) (raw)

Comparative Study

. 1989 Feb 15;45(2):130-2.

doi: 10.1007/BF01954845.


Comparative Study

Is there directional smelling?

G Kobal et al. Experientia. 1989.


The aim of the present study was to establish the crucial precondition for directional smelling, i.e. the ability of humans to discriminate between odorous stimuli perceived either from the right or from the left side. When the 'pure' odorants hydrogen sulphide or vanillin were used as stimulants localization was random. On the other hand stimulation with carbon dioxide or menthol yielded identification rates of more than 96%. These results established the fact that directional orientation, considering single momentary odorous sensations, can only be assumed, when the olfactory stimulants simultaneously excite the trigeminal somatosensory system.

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