Daily Fantasy Football and Self-Reported Problem Behavior in the United States - PubMed (original) (raw)

Daily Fantasy Football and Self-Reported Problem Behavior in the United States

Brendan Dwyer et al. J Gambl Stud. 2018 Sep.


Traditional, season-long fantasy sport participation has grown considerably since the late 1990s, and in an attempt to capitalize on this growing demand, daily fantasy sports (DFS) providers have created a new game where money changes hands instantly. This change has led some legal commentators and state agencies to believe the game is a form of Internet gambling similar to online poker, blackjack, and sports wagering, and thus, it requires increased regulation or even prohibition. Little is known, however, about the gambling behavior associated with DFS participation. Thus, the purpose of the current study was to examine problem gambling severity in conjunction with DFS participant motives, perceptions, and consumption behavior. Over 500 DFS participants were surveyed, and the results suggest DFS participants behave similarly with participants in other forms of gambling activities. In addition, the findings suggest additional consumer protections may be needed to prevent further problem behavior such as chasing.

Keywords: Fantasy sports; Motivation; Problem gambling; Regulation.

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