Comprehensive Cancer Information (original) (raw)
Improving the lives of all people through cancer research
Featured News and Research
- Emergency ResourcesLearn about resources for patients and health care providers to continue cancer care when natural or human-made disasters occur.
- Training Program Aims to Reduce Lung Cancer StigmaThe training program for health professionals is being tested in a clinical trial.
- How One Type of Sugar Might Help Tumors GrowFructose gets a lift from the liver to fuel the growth of some types of tumors, a new study suggests.
National Cancer Plan: Maximize Data Utility
Ensuring patient privacy, enhancing data sharing, and improving accessibility can speed progress against cancer.
NCI Fiscal Year 2026 Annual Plan & Professional Judgment Budget Proposal
Each year, NCI prepares a plan for advancing cancer research and proposes the budget required to fund a broad research portfolio.
Get Answers
Connect with a cancer information specialist at 1-800-4-CANCER, through live chat, or by email.
Our Organization
- Senior LeadersInformation about NCI senior leadership.
- NCI Divisions, Offices, and CentersNCI has 30 divisions, offices, and centers who work together to build, maintain, and enhance a cohesive and comprehensive cancer research agenda.
- Advisory Boards and Review GroupsNCI relies on advisory committees to provide advice on the National Cancer Program, NCI scientific priorities, and more.
Risk Factors for Cancer | Did You Know?