NCLS Research (original) (raw)

NCLS Research is a world leader in research focused on connecting churches and their communities. Decades of rigorous and thoughtful research has examined wellbeing, spirituality and church health. Our vision is for thriving Christian communities understanding their role and mission within a changing society.

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Latest Research Findings

Ministry resilience foundations

Ministry resilience in the face of stressors and challenges can be thought of as a group of qualities in a person’s makeup and life that act as foundations for sustainability and wellbeing in ministry. Six ministry resilience qualities, known as ‘personal foundations’, have been outlined by NCLS Research, from decades of research.

Do churches intentionally develop emerging leaders?

The identification, formation, training and support of new leaders is crucial to the viability and future of churches. According to the most recent National Church Life Survey, 85% of senior local church leaders say they intentionally develop emerging leaders.

Latest News and Features

Innovation in Church Life: Watch Now

Free webinar exploring new church plants, initiatives and gatherings around Australia

We're delighted to invite you to view a free webinar where we launch the results of our first 'New Churches Snapshot Report for 2024', as well as present our latest research findings on innovation in church life. Sponsored by Baptist Financial Services and Exponential Australia.

Student Spiritual Life Survey

A survey to understand the spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices of your students and the impact of your school

Understand the spiritual beliefs, attitudes and practices of your students and the impact of your school activities on their faith. Developed by NCLS Research, this survey is based on more than 30 years of experience in world-class research into faith, church life and spirituality.

Church Life Survey

Anytime, any church can order a Church Life Survey!

You can discover valuable insights about your church through a Church Life Survey anytime. It is simple to run, and in only 20 minutes, enables your church to assess your church health, discover and build on your strengths, and determine priorities and future directions.

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