Featured Articles | - Part 5 (original) (raw)

Glamour, Glitter, and JemCon: The Truly Outrageous Fans of Jem and the Holograms Part 1

Glamour, Glitter, and JemCon: The Truly Outrageous Fans of Jem and the Holograms Part 1

The year was 1985 and cartoons had never been better. An entire lineup of animated awesomeness was available for young boys and girls to enjoy. There was a little something for everyone. All kinds of stories could be told on Saturday morning and eventually in weekday syndication. There was one show though that came along with all the glamour and glitter, fashion and fame that kids weren’t even aware they needed in their life.

Jem and the Holograms came out at a time when music videos and high fashion were being given a lot of exposure. Hasbro, Marvel Productions, and Sunbow …

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Persona 4: The Golden; Pictorial!

Persona 4: The Golden; Pictorial!

The following is RATED M for MATURE; maybe even NC-17; Reader MATURITY is Advised!!!

The following is NOT a review. The following is a fun pictorial that will make you laugh, make you cry, leave you disturbed or offended—but I just can’t help myself! Why? When you spend hours looking at the small screen of a Play Station Vita with an HD picture, living though a lot of talking and enjoying yourself to the fullest in a game that fully rivals or exceeds Final Fantasy in the Role Playing genre, you just have to share it with others—except, it’ll be MY …

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Movie Review: Captain America The Winter Soldier

captain america the winter soldier wide Movie Review: Captain America The Winter Soldier

Captain America (Chris Evans) is back in the second installment of his solo film franchise along side fellow Avenger, Black Widow (Scarlet Johanson) and finds himself wrapped in a conspiracy spanning decades with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the heart of it all. Things get even worse when a new threat in the form of the Winter Soldier, a mysterious figure with ties to Steve Rogers past, gets involved and pushes Cap to his mental and physical limits.

Interview with Chelsey Cosplay

Interview with Chelsey Cosplay

Here is a really awesome cosplayer that we at NERDSociety.com have gotten the chance to talk to…the lovely and creative Chelsey Cosplay.

NERDSOCIETY.COM: What cosplay name do you go by and where are you from?

CHELSEY: I usually go by Chelsey Cosplay:) I am from the Cincinnati, Ohio area.

NS: How did you first get started in the world of cosplay?

CC: I used to dress up as my favorite characters before I even knew what cosplaying was. When I found out that there were actually conventions you could dress up at, my mind was blown. It was pretty hard for …

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Comic Book Review: X-Men Battle of the Atom

X Men Battle of the Atom Vol 1 1 Cho Variant 1024x792 Comic Book Review: X Men Battle of the Atom

The official Nerdsociety.com review of X-Men: Battle of the Atom, a 10-part comic book crossover storyline published by Marvel Comics that debuted in September and October 2013 and ran through multiple X-Men books.

It was written by Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron and Brian Wood. Drawn by various artists. Review by Game Raging Psycho.…

Cosplay Interview With Lopti!

Cosplay Interview With Lopti!

We are about to go on a costuming journey of make-up and outfits that will change the fantasy into reality…

NERDSOCIETY.COM: Thanks for taking the time to interview with us at NERDSociety.com, would you be so kind as to state your name? Stage name? Where are you from?

LOPTI: My name is Lopti, and I come from the United States!

Flapper Cosplay Interview With Lopti!

NS: What was it that got you into costuming? How did the “light bulb” go off telling you, ‘this is what I want to do?’ Were you introduced into costuming by someone? Do you make your own costumes or do you

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Interview With Tee No Evil!

Interview With Tee No Evil!

Recently, NERDSociety.com got the chance to interview Zombie Tee Shirt manufacturers Franco and Francis Te who are also part of our subculture web site. Although Franco owns NERDSociety.com, I am its Editor-In-Chief and wanted to talk with both he and Francis about their Tee Shirt business and I also thought that YOU, our readers would be interested in the process. So, here is our interview, I hope you all find it interesting.

NERDSOCIETY.COM: Thanks for taking the time to interview with your own crew at NERDSociety.com, we really appreciate it. Can you tell us who makes up Tee No Evil and

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Interview With Curtis Armstrong!

Interview With Curtis Armstrong!

Recently I interviewed actor Curtis Armstrong from “Revenge of the Nerds” fame—quite fitting for a web site called “Nerd” Society, so let’s begin…

We at NERDSociety.com would like to thank you for taking the time to interview with us. It is a real honor and our readers will appreciate it too!

NERDSOCIETY.COM: First, could you tell our readers a little about yourself? What was it like for you growing up?

CURTIS ARMSTRONG: I was born in Detroit Michigan, in 1953. In 1964, my family was transferred overseas and I spent the next few years in Geneva, Switzerland. Returning in 1967, I …

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Cosplay Interview With Knightmage!

Cosplay Interview With Knightmage!

We are about to go on an awesome cosplay journey with…

NERDSOCIETY.COM: Thanks for taking the time to interview with us at NERDSociety.com, would you be so kind as to state your name? Stage name? Where are you from?

KNIGHTMAGE: Thanks for the opportunity. My name is Michael Wilson. I go by either Michael “Knightmage” Wilson or just Knightmage. I’m originally from Cleveland, Ohio; now residing in Youngstown, Ohio.

Deadpool Cosplay Interview With Knightmage!

NS: What was it that got you into cosplaying? How did the “light bulb” go off telling you, ‘this is what I want to do?’ Were you introduced into cosplaying by someone?

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Cosplay Experience: Loki on Midgard aka Fahrlight

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NS – When did you first get into cosplaying?:

FAHR – I made some closet cosplays, but the first was in 2011 as Charles Xavier from X-Men: First Class. The first real one was Loki in 2012.

NS – What are your favorite characters to dress as?

FAHR – Loki, hands down. He is the best! he is so special to me, I could never think of a day without caring about his agenda, his whole character and meaning. I love to portray him, even if I wish I could do more versions of him.

NS – Which Cons do …

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