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Final MOTUC: Prahvus, Son Of He-Man and Laser Power He-Man With Laser Light Skeletor!

Final MOTUC: Prahvus, Son Of He-Man and Laser Power He-Man With Laser Light Skeletor!

All things must come to an end, and for the first time I am happy that this toy line finally did. Mattel can make figures here and there, but it is done…so much misinformation this year.

The final figures of Masters of the Universe Classics actually do not disappoint—there are negatives as usual; maybe if I was a fanatic my story would be told in a different way; but what people need to understand is, I have 30 years of MOTU in my veins and I am critical of what Mattel destroys, changes and even does right. I would never just …

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MOTUC Special: Talon Fighter And Point Dread!

MOTUC Special: Talon Fighter And Point Dread!

The 1980’s were an amazing time for children and toys; they offered a very new selection of creativity, and playthings that could stand the test of time, and the everyday wear that a child could put them through.

Masters of the Universe was probably more prominent than G.I. Joe and even the amazing Transformers. A MOTU figure could be nearly beaten on, immersed in water, and buried in the dirt and come out looking pretty.

With tough figures, a selection of vehicles for them to get around was also needed—granted, in time, the vehicles didn’t hold up too well due to …

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MOTUC 2015 And 200X Special Subscription: November; Dragstor And Veena!

MOTUC 2015 And 200X Special Subscription: November; Dragstor And Veena!

We are finally winding down to the end of the MOTU Classics line. With next year offering just Filmation style figures and figures no one wants. That is correct, they are not collector’s choice, they are Mattel’s choice.

Anyhow, there will be no 200X Sorceress anytime soon, no one demanded it—the message boards say different, but who cares what the fans REALLY want. All I can say is, I am happy that MOTUC is coming to an end—first you couldn’t get any of the figures, then there were too many of them. Goodbye Crappy Collector, and sleep tight!

The awesome figure …

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MOTUC 200X Special Subscription: King Chooblah!

MOTUC 200X Special Subscription: King Chooblah!

In this, the third figure of the 200X subscription from Crappy Collector, we are given a big white fur ball with a moldy, defective, Slim Jim—OR—King Chooblah of the one episode of the 200X cartoon.

KC1 MOTUC 200X Special Subscription: King Chooblah!

The King comes packaged like all the rest.

KC2 MOTUC 200X Special Subscription: King Chooblah!

The back of the card has a bio that veered so far off from the cartoon that as usual, I just don’t care.

KC3 MOTUC 200X Special Subscription: King Chooblah!

The king has an amazing sculpt as with the previous 200X figures, and features some parts from Beast Man, Stratos and Zodac. A new head with great detail, new arms and large hands; and cool …

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MOTUC 2015 And 200X Special Subscription- Aug: Buzz Saw Hordak, Evil Seed and Heads of Eternia!

MOTUC 2015 And 200X Special Subscription- Aug: Buzz Saw Hordak, Evil Seed and Heads of Eternia!

Talk about a lot of items for the month of August—a lot of money too…

So, let’s cut to the chase and start with the quarterly variant that is Buzz Saw Hordak.

Aug 1 MOTUC 2015 And 200X Special Subscription  Aug: Buzz Saw Hordak, Evil Seed and Heads of Eternia!

My first impressions on this figure are actually good—amazing right? The usual bits are as follows…Hordak is packaged in the standard bubble—what is really cool is that his chest is open revealing the saw blade, and if I remember correctly, that is how the original 80’s figure was packaged.

Aug 2 MOTUC 2015 And 200X Special Subscription  Aug: Buzz Saw Hordak, Evil Seed and Heads of Eternia!

The back of the card features the usual crap.

Aug 3 MOTUC 2015 And 200X Special Subscription  Aug: Buzz Saw Hordak, Evil Seed and Heads of Eternia!

The bio is…just read it if you want. But, the original …

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200X Special Subscription-July: Callix.

200X Special Subscription-July: Callix.

Offered to the idiots who wanted it, was a half year subscription to figures made after the 200X cartoon. These figures are characters that appeared once and no one cares to remember them…or do they???

The subscription only figure is…well, not a figure at all; but, heads for characters that have already been released such as Buzz-Off, Snout-Spout, Clawful and a few others. Are heads worth subscribing for? NO. 200X Sorceress? Uh…yeah!

What is worth subscribing for is the guarantee that you will receive Veena, the wife of King Grayskull and the first Queen and guardian of Castle Grayskull. Veena is …

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MOTUC 2015: July- Peekablue!

MOTUC 2015: July- Peekablue!

I am seeing something She-Ra. I am seeing that beyond the Whispering Woods there is a magical figure that has traveled a long way. My omnivision tells me that Peekablue is the Masters of the Universe Classics release for July, and she is finally here! Let’s check her out.

iphone 046 MOTUC 2015: July  Peekablue!

Peekablue is one of the Princess of Power figures from the MOTUC line and she comes in the regular MOTUC packaging. I am fond of Peekablue. Her powers in the She-Ra cartoon made her an important force in the Great Rebellion. However I was more closely connected to her vintage toy release. …

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MOTUC 2015: June- Multi-Bot!

MOTUC 2015: June- Multi-Bot!

The always awesome Paladin has already reviewed the slithery Sssqueeze, but the love for Masters of the Universe Classics still goes on for the month of June with the look at Multi-Bot! Like the transforming body combinations of Modulok, Multi-Bot is a MOTUC figure with some variety! Let’s check this out!

001 MOTUC 2015: June  Multi Bot!

Multi-Bot comes with a special box. The cover art for this box is perfect. The large image of Multi-Bot is fearsome in his standard look. However it is the tiny images all around the box that add to the overall awesomeness. The various forms that Multi-Bot can take are endless. …

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MOTUC 2015: June- Sssqueeze!

MOTUC 2015: June- Sssqueeze!

By now if you read any of my reviews on a character affiliated with the Snake Men, you’ll know that I am not a fan; but, I have to say, they would have made great comic relief characters because like Rattlor, Sssqueeze is just as fun and funny!

Sssqueeze is one heck of a figure…oh wait…

Sq 1 MOTUC 2015: June  Sssqueeze!

The figure comes packaged in the usual bubble.

Sq 2 MOTUC 2015: June  Sssqueeze!

The back of the card has some snakes and a bio—I forget what it says, you can read it yourself.

Sq 3 MOTUC 2015: June  Sssqueeze!

Ok…as I was saying, Sssqueeze is one heck of a figure; the detail is what strikes me …

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MOTUC 2015: May- Blast Attak!

MOTUC 2015: May- Blast Attak!

What an interesting figure for the month of May; it is Blast Attak! Packaged as usual on the standard card.

BLst ATK 1 MOTUC 2015: May  Blast Attak!

One of the last figures in the line, Blast Attak has mixed origin stories that are made more complicated in the bio on the back.
To simplify, we will use the story from the mini comic he came with called “Revenge of the Snake Men.” So, what does this mean? It means that the snake sticker on the front is accurate! Something in MOTUC is accurate!!! The end of the world is approaching…

Blst Atk 2 MOTUC 2015: May  Blast Attak!

Blast Attak was created by King Hssss, he …

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