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subroutine comqr(nm,n,low,igh,hr,hi,wr,wi,ierr) c integer i,j,l,n,en,ll,nm,igh,itn,its,low,lp1,enm1,ierr double precision hr(nm,n),hi(nm,n),wr(n),wi(n) double precision si,sr,ti,tr,xi,xr,yi,yr,zzi,zzr,norm,tst1,tst2, x pythag c c this subroutine is a translation of a unitary analogue of the c algol procedure comlr, num. math. 12, 369-376(1968) by martin c and wilkinson. c handbook for auto. comp., vol.ii-linear algebra, 396-403(1971). c the unitary analogue substitutes the qr algorithm of francis c (comp. jour. 4, 332-345(1962)) for the lr algorithm. c c this subroutine finds the eigenvalues of a complex c upper hessenberg matrix by the qr method. c c on input c c nm must be set to the row dimension of two-dimensional c array parameters as declared in the calling program c dimension statement. c c n is the order of the matrix. c c low and igh are integers determined by the balancing c subroutine cbal. if cbal has not been used, c set low=1, igh=n. c c hr and hi contain the real and imaginary parts, c respectively, of the complex upper hessenberg matrix. c their lower triangles below the subdiagonal contain c information about the unitary transformations used in c the reduction by corth, if performed. c c on output c c the upper hessenberg portions of hr and hi have been c destroyed. therefore, they must be saved before c calling comqr if subsequent calculation of c eigenvectors is to be performed. c c wr and wi contain the real and imaginary parts, c respectively, of the eigenvalues. if an error c exit is made, the eigenvalues should be correct c for indices ierr+1,...,n. c c ierr is set to c zero for normal return, c j if the limit of 30*n iterations is exhausted c while the j-th eigenvalue is being sought. c c calls cdiv for complex division. c calls csroot for complex square root. c calls pythag for dsqrt(a*a + b*b) . c c questions and comments should be directed to burton s. garbow, c mathematics and computer science div, argonne national laboratory c c this version dated august 1983. c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c ierr = 0 if (low .eq. igh) go to 180 c .......... create real subdiagonal elements .......... l = low + 1 c do 170 i = l, igh ll = min0(i+1,igh) if (hi(i,i-1) .eq. 0.0d0) go to 170 norm = pythag(hr(i,i-1),hi(i,i-1)) yr = hr(i,i-1) / norm yi = hi(i,i-1) / norm hr(i,i-1) = norm hi(i,i-1) = 0.0d0 c do 155 j = i, igh si = yr * hi(i,j) - yi * hr(i,j) hr(i,j) = yr * hr(i,j) + yi * hi(i,j) hi(i,j) = si 155 continue c do 160 j = low, ll si = yr * hi(j,i) + yi * hr(j,i) hr(j,i) = yr * hr(j,i) - yi * hi(j,i) hi(j,i) = si 160 continue c 170 continue c .......... store roots isolated by cbal .......... 180 do 200 i = 1, n if (i .ge. low .and. i .le. igh) go to 200 wr(i) = hr(i,i) wi(i) = hi(i,i) 200 continue c en = igh tr = 0.0d0 ti = 0.0d0 itn = 30*n c .......... search for next eigenvalue .......... 220 if (en .lt. low) go to 1001 its = 0 enm1 = en - 1 c .......... look for single small sub-diagonal element c for l=en step -1 until low d0 -- .......... 240 do 260 ll = low, en l = en + low - ll if (l .eq. low) go to 300 tst1 = dabs(hr(l-1,l-1)) + dabs(hi(l-1,l-1)) x + dabs(hr(l,l)) + dabs(hi(l,l)) tst2 = tst1 + dabs(hr(l,l-1)) if (tst2 .eq. tst1) go to 300 260 continue c .......... form shift .......... 300 if (l .eq. en) go to 660 if (itn .eq. 0) go to 1000 if (its .eq. 10 .or. its .eq. 20) go to 320 sr = hr(en,en) si = hi(en,en) xr = hr(enm1,en) * hr(en,enm1) xi = hi(enm1,en) * hr(en,enm1) if (xr .eq. 0.0d0 .and. xi .eq. 0.0d0) go to 340 yr = (hr(enm1,enm1) - sr) / 2.0d0 yi = (hi(enm1,enm1) - si) / 2.0d0 call csroot(yr**2-yi**2+xr,2.0d0*yr*yi+xi,zzr,zzi) if (yr * zzr + yi * zzi .ge. 0.0d0) go to 310 zzr = -zzr zzi = -zzi 310 call cdiv(xr,xi,yr+zzr,yi+zzi,xr,xi) sr = sr - xr si = si - xi go to 340 c .......... form exceptional shift .......... 320 sr = dabs(hr(en,enm1)) + dabs(hr(enm1,en-2)) si = 0.0d0 c 340 do 360 i = low, en hr(i,i) = hr(i,i) - sr hi(i,i) = hi(i,i) - si 360 continue c tr = tr + sr ti = ti + si its = its + 1 itn = itn - 1 c .......... reduce to triangle (rows) .......... lp1 = l + 1 c do 500 i = lp1, en sr = hr(i,i-1) hr(i,i-1) = 0.0d0 norm = pythag(pythag(hr(i-1,i-1),hi(i-1,i-1)),sr) xr = hr(i-1,i-1) / norm wr(i-1) = xr xi = hi(i-1,i-1) / norm wi(i-1) = xi hr(i-1,i-1) = norm hi(i-1,i-1) = 0.0d0 hi(i,i-1) = sr / norm c do 490 j = i, en yr = hr(i-1,j) yi = hi(i-1,j) zzr = hr(i,j) zzi = hi(i,j) hr(i-1,j) = xr * yr + xi * yi + hi(i,i-1) * zzr hi(i-1,j) = xr * yi - xi * yr + hi(i,i-1) * zzi hr(i,j) = xr * zzr - xi * zzi - hi(i,i-1) * yr hi(i,j) = xr * zzi + xi * zzr - hi(i,i-1) * yi 490 continue c 500 continue c si = hi(en,en) if (si .eq. 0.0d0) go to 540 norm = pythag(hr(en,en),si) sr = hr(en,en) / norm si = si / norm hr(en,en) = norm hi(en,en) = 0.0d0 c .......... inverse operation (columns) .......... 540 do 600 j = lp1, en xr = wr(j-1) xi = wi(j-1) c do 580 i = l, j yr = hr(i,j-1) yi = 0.0d0 zzr = hr(i,j) zzi = hi(i,j) if (i .eq. j) go to 560 yi = hi(i,j-1) hi(i,j-1) = xr * yi + xi * yr + hi(j,j-1) * zzi 560 hr(i,j-1) = xr * yr - xi * yi + hi(j,j-1) * zzr hr(i,j) = xr * zzr + xi * zzi - hi(j,j-1) * yr hi(i,j) = xr * zzi - xi * zzr - hi(j,j-1) * yi 580 continue c 600 continue c if (si .eq. 0.0d0) go to 240 c do 630 i = l, en yr = hr(i,en) yi = hi(i,en) hr(i,en) = sr * yr - si * yi hi(i,en) = sr * yi + si * yr 630 continue c go to 240 c .......... a root found .......... 660 wr(en) = hr(en,en) + tr wi(en) = hi(en,en) + ti en = enm1 go to 220 c .......... set error -- all eigenvalues have not c converged after 30*n iterations .......... 1000 ierr = en 1001 return end