NeuroKitchen Arts Collective (original) (raw)


I want to be a better artist in everything I do.

Can you explain this workshop differently?
How does one get from having a skill.... to being a wildly creative, emotionally expressive artist?
​We will be studying the path from skills..... to being an artist.=============================================================================================================================​

“I wouldn't be this confident without the training I got from the NeuroKitchen. I look at the idea of being an artist in a whole new way.” - Noah Tomko-Jones (ASM student with 2 years of arts training with NeuroKitchen Arts)

The NeuroKitchen Ensemble is dedicated to their students developing a strong foundation in the creative process with an emphasis on emotional flow. Through acting, character building, scene writing and music making, the ensemble experiences what it means to be present, open, and spontaneous.

Artistic Director Ron Bieganski has been a part of After School Matters since it began in 1991. Ron has been working with youth to develop the artist within them for 35 years at ASM, Free Street Theater, DePaul University, Columbia College, NYU, UNLV, at art centers throughout northern Europe, and with NeuroKitchen Arts Collective.

“Honing in on being comfortable with the uncomfortable has led me to so many life changing opportunities. I have applied everything I've learned at NeuroKitchen to all aspects of my young adult life. It has set me up for a life of successful artistic endeavors.” - Christine Meinders (ASM student with 4 years of arts training from NeuroKitchen Arts and now on scholarship at The Art Institute of Chicago).

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Performance Ensemble: for teens NeuroKitchen Ensemble provides young people with the freedom, responsibility and tools to find their artistic edge. As ensemble participants develop acting skills, write dialogue, practice yoga, and play music we are also reinforcing the mental skills of focus, awareness and the happiness that arises from quality work.In addition to the valuable experience they gain, teens earn a stipend from After School Matters. Picture The Curiosity Club builds art and science workshops with kids. Each session of the Curiosity Club is structured around a theme. Through hands-on projects we nurture children's interests to help them understand themselves and the world around them. Kids are encouraged to take initiative, be inquisitive, and increase their awareness of themselves and of others.Find out more now! Up Next:​ Theater Ensemble June 24-Aug. 2 An Artist's Mind with After School Matters.