The New Criterion (original) (raw)

On intellectual elites in a democracy.

On the bureaucracy swallowing America’s capital.

On the shortcomings of Democracy in America today.

On the trouble with democracy in America.

On what we can learn from the Athenian experiment.

On the specter of communism.


Democracy in America: a symposium

Democracy in America: an introduction

by Roger Kimball

On the trouble with democracy in America.

Democracy in America: a symposium

Our Athenian American democracy

by Victor Davis Hanson

On what we can learn from the Athenian experiment.

Democracy in America: a symposium

Tocqueville versus progressive democracy

by Daniel J. Mahoney

On intellectual elites in a democracy.

Democracy in America: a symposium

The Washington octopus

by James Piereson

On the bureaucracy swallowing America’s capital.

Democracy in America: a symposium

Tocqueville’s limitations

by Glenn Ellmers

On the shortcomings of Democracy in America today.

Waxing about Amy

by Joshua T. Katz

On recent developments in the case against Amy Wax.

Week in review

by Suzanna Murawski

On Simone Weil, the Voynich Manuscript & Dostoevsky’s Demons_._


A teller of tales

by Richard Tillinghast

On the life & work of Robert Louis Stevenson.

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Rookies of the year

by Kyle Smith

On JOB_,_ Suffs_,_ Oh, Mary! & Cellino v. Barnes_._

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“The Critic’s Notebook.”


Lethière at the Clark

by Karen Wilkin

On “Guillaume Lethière” at the Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts.


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Salzburg chronicle

by Jay Nordlinger

On performances at this year’s Salzburg Festival.


Safety off

by James Campbell

On Thom Gunn: A Cool Queer Life by Michael Nott.


by Marc M. Arkin

On American Bloods: The Untamed Dynasty That Shaped a Nation by John Kaag.

The Belle curve

by Brooke Allen

On Balzac’s Paris by Eric Hazan & City of Light, City of Shadows: Paris in the Belle Époque by Mike Rapport.

Bellow falls

by Paul Devlin

On Saul Bellow: “I Was a Jew and an American and a Writer” by Gerald Sorin.

Not by chance

by Simon Heffer

On Kingmaker: Pamela Harriman’s Astonishing Life of Power, Seduction, and Intrigue by Sonia Purnell.

Reading jail

by Anthony Daniels

On The Prison before the Panopticon by Jacob Abolafia.

The Boston Perry

by James Panero

On In the Company of Art: A Museum Director’s Private Journals by Perry T. Rathbone, edited by Belinda Rathbone.