Bear Resistant Food Containers (BRFCs) - Denali National Park & Preserve (U.S. National Park Service) (original) (raw)
What are BRFCs?
These portable containers are a vital part of Denali’s bear/human conflict management program. You must store all food, garbage, and other scented items in a BRFC when camping overnight in Units 1–21 and 23–43. BRFCs are recommended for overnight camping in all other units. Their consistent use has resulted in a bear population that does not associate humans or their property with food sources. A small BRFC weighs 3 lbs. and holds 3–5 days of food for one person, and the larger BRFC weighs 5 lbs. and carries 7–10 days of food. The small BRFCs we lend out are approximately 8" x 12".
You may bring your own BRFC to use if it is listed below or you may borrow one from the Backcountry Information Center while getting your backcountry permit.
BRFCs Approved for Use in Denali
The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) is the authority consulted for what BRFCs are and are not permissible in Denali. The list below reflects items they categorize as "backpacking & small storage containers."
If you choose to bring your own BRFC, be prepared to show it to the Backcountry Information Center staff for approval before a permit is issued.
- Alubox, Metal Storage Case (Model A042)
- The Bare Boxer, Contender (Model 101) and Champ (Model 202)
- BearVault
- BV250 Solo
- BV300
- BV350 Solo
- BV400
- BV425
- BV450 Solo
- BV475
- BV500
- Craftsman Tech Composites, Wise Backpack
- Counter Assault, Bear Keg
- Frontiersman, Frontiersman Insider Bear Safe (Model FBS-100-A and FBS-100-B)
- Garcia Machine, Backpackers’ Cache (Model 812)
- Grub Can, GL500 Backpacking Canister, Wave 6.6, Wave 10.0, Carbon 6.6
- JP Enterprises, 35 Gallon Plastic Screw-top Over Pak Container
- Lighter1 Bear Canisters, Big Daddy Model and Lil' Sami Model
- Loctote Industrial Bag Company, Flack Sack (Model 21228) and Flack Sac Coaltion (Model 21242)
- Missoula Technical Development Center, Modifications to 50 Caliber Ammo Box and Modifications to Military Medical Box
- Riley Stove Company
- Grain Storage Container
- Food Storage Container
- Insulated Cooler
- UDAP Industries Inc., “No Fed Bear” Canister
- Ursack, Ursak Major (formerly the S29 AllWhite) and AllMitey
- Vernon Matthews, Grief Bros., Steel Drum Part #'s: OH-10-1R and OH8-1R
- Wes Mauz, Aluminum Canister
- World Safety Products, Overpack Plastic Drums (95, 65, and 30 gallon)
This reflects the August 2022 product list from the IGBC. We periodically review the IGBC site for updates to the approved list. If you feel that the IGBC has updated their list and we have not provided the latest info on our site, please contact us and we'll update our site as necessary. Learn more about the Interagency Grizzly Bear Council