NSF BAC Library Awards (original) (raw)

NSF Awards were made to support the construction of BAC Libraries for the taxa listed below. When each library is available, it will be listed as such in the column indicated. Click on the PI's name to reach their home page. Click on the award number to read the project abstract. Click on the species name to reach the BAC maker page (which may be different from the PI's page).
Principal Investigator Title BAC Library taxa Library Availability
Scott Edwards 0207870 BAC Libraries for the Reptilia, Including Birds: Genomic Resources for Comparative Biology Chrysemys picta Painted Turtle Available
Sphenodon punctatus Tuatara Available
Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus Garter Snake
Alligator mississippiensis American Alligator Available
Dromaius novaehollandiae Emu Available
Marian Goldsmith 0208388 BAC Libraries for Fundamental Studies in Lepidoptera Manduca sexta Tobacco Hornworm Available
Heliconius erato Butterfly Available
Heliothis virescens Tobacco Budworm Available
Linda Holland 0208138 Construction of BAC Libraries of Metazoans Occupying Key Phylogenetic Positions Petromyzon marinus Lamprey
Branchiostoma floridae Amphioxus Available
Spisula solidissima Atlantic Surfclam Available
Ilyanassa obsoleta Eastern Mud Snail
Platynereis dumerilii Marine Polychaete Available
Helobdella robusta Freshwater Leech
Themiste langiformis Sipunculid
Cerebratulus lacteus Milky Ribbon Worm Available
Neochildia fusca Platyhelminth
Mnemiopsis leidyi Ctenophore
Callyspongia diffusa Marine Sponge
Thomas Kocher 0208343 BAC Library: Diversity of Teleost Fishes Astyanax mexicanus Blind Cavefish Available
Metriaclima zebra Lake Malawi Zebra (Cichlid) Available
Jeanne Romero-Severson 0208278 The Insect BAC Library Initiative: A Fundamental Resource for the Study of Evolution and Development Oncopeltus faciatus Milkweed Bug
Nasonia vitripennis Jewel Wasp Available
Mayetiolia destructor Hessian Fly
Thermobia domestica Firebrat
Schistocerca americana Grasshopper Available
Robert Steele 0208335 BAC and YAC Libraries for Exploring Metazoan Origins Monosiga brevicollis Collared Flagellate Available
Nematostella vectensis Sea Anemone Available
William Thomas 0208364 BAC Libraries from Diverse Crustacean Taxa Daphnia pulex Water Flea
Parhyale hawaiensis Amphipod
Tigriopus californicus Copepod
Dina Mandoli 0208502 Collaborative Research: The Plant and Algal BAC Library Project Volvox carteri alga, colonial Available
Caulerpa taxifolia alga, multinucleate
Mesostigma viride alga, unicellular
Coleochaete orbicularis alga, multicellular Available
Chara braunii alga, with sexual cells Available
Marchantia polymorpha Liverwort
Anthoceros sp. Hornwort
Selaginella moellendorfii Shining Club Moss Available
Angiopteris evecta Tree (King) Fern
Ceratopteris richardii Water Sprite Fern Available
Marsilea quadrifolia Water Clover
Amborella trichopoda primitive flowering plant
Nuphar adventa Waterlily Available
Acorus gramineus Sweet Flag Available
Liriodendron tulipifera Yellow or Tulip Poplar Available
Mimulus guttatus Monkeyflower Available
Andrew Paterson 0208311 BAC Resources for Comparative Biology in Selected Angiosperms Ananas comosus Pineapple
Gossypium herbaceum A-genome Cotton Available
Gossypium longicalyx F-genome Cotton
Gossypioides kirkii
Opuntia cochellinifera Prickly-Pear Cactus Available
Rod Wing 0211661 The Oryza BAC Library Project Oryza rufipogon AA genome Available
O. glaberrima AA genome Available
O. punctata BB genome Available
O. officinalis CC genome Available
O. minuta BBCC genome Available
O. australiensis EE genome Available
O. alta CCDD genome Available
O. coarctata HHKK genome Available
O. ridleyi HHJJ genome Available
O. brachyantha FF genome Available
O. granulata GG genome Available
O. nivara AA genome Available

Additional genomic resources funded by other sources can be found at:

NIH/NHGRI link: http://www.genome.gov/10001691

DOE/JGI link: http://www.jgi.doe.gov/sequencing/seqplans.html

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