Brunswick Nuclear Power Plant - North Carolina (original) (raw)

Brunswick Nuclear Plant

Progress Energy's 2 unit Brunswick Nuclear Plant is located west of the Cape Fear River, near Southport, North Carolina. Each unit has a General Electric Boiling Water Reactor with generator rated at 821 MWe. Brunswick is located on a 1200 acre site. The intake canal is 2-1/2 miles long. The discharge canal is 5-1/2 miles long and discharges 2000 feet offshore into the Atlantic Ocean. Commercial operation started for the two Brunswick units for Unit 1 - 1977; Unit 2 - 1975 .

Courtesy CP&L

In the photo, the Reactor Buildings are the taller buildings near the center; the Turbine Buildings are to the left. The tall stack to the right is used to exhaust gases from the offgas system, which controls the discharges from the plant's air ejector system

The following photos and graphics (courtesy CP&L) illustrate the Brunswick plant:

Progress Energy, a company formed by the merger of Carolina Power & Light and Florida Power, also owns and operates:

See the US plant address, plants, and map pages for more information.

Copyright � 1996-2006. The Virtual Nuclear Tourist. All rights reserved. Revised: January 11, 2006.