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Teach and learn with The Times: Resources for bringing the world into your classroom

Teach and learn with The Times: Resources for bringing the world into your classroom

  1. How to Use This Site
  2. Lesson Plans
  3. Writing Prompts
  4. Quizzes and Vocabulary
  5. Photos, graphs and videos
  6. Contests


  1. Conversations With Journalists

Let’s Discuss: ‘Love, Hate or Fear It, TikTok Has Changed America’

What role does TikTok play in your life? Read the article and post your comments and questions for our journalist Sapna Maheshwari by Oct. 3.

CreditThe New York Times 2. current events conversation

What Students Are Saying About Celebrity Endorsements, Trendy Water Bottles and Their Sleep Routines

This week, teenage responses to three recent Picture Prompts.
By The Learning Network

CreditInstagram; Dania Maxwell/The Los Angeles Times, via Getty Images; Sean Dong 3. 1. Film and Podcast Club

Watch: ‘High-Functioning Anxiety Isn’t a Medical Diagnosis. It’s a Hashtag.’

Is there a problem with how we talk about mental illness?
By The Learning Network

2. Student Opinion

Which Food Is the Most Underrated? ​

A guest essay argues that anchovies (yes, anchovies!) deserve more love. What underappreciated food would you make the case for?
By Jeremy Engle

CreditVanilla Chi

  1. CreditMaría Jesús Contreras
    Student Opinion
  2. A photo by David Concepcion, a winner of our 2019 “Show Us Your Generation” contest. He wrote, “We were all born dreaming, yes. But we were also born into a world against our dreams — into a world where we have to fight and push to keep our dreams burning and unsmothered.”
    CreditDavid Concepcion
    Election 2024 Student Conversation Forum
  3. Forum 4 | What Is Your Relationship With News?
    Where and how do you get your news? How do you know whether to trust it? How do your sources of information affect your understanding of our world?
    By Jeremy Engle and Katherine Schulten
    Photo by Asa Glassman, 16, a winner of our What High School Is Like in 2023 Contest: She wrote, “Through these illuminated screens, news whips around our school faster than an F1 jet.”
    CreditAsa Glassman
    Election 2024 Student Conversation Forum

  4. CreditCésar Debargue
    Lesson Plans
  5. Our 2024-25 Student Contest Calendar
    Ten challenges that invite teenagers to engage, experiment, reflect and create — via writing, photography, audio, video and more.
    By The Learning Network
    Work from some of the teenage finalists for our 2023-34 “Where We Are” photo essay contest. We’ll be running this challenge again this winter.
    CreditClockwise from top left: Sydney Voorhees; Jaewon Yoon; Hannah Tang; JD Noonan; Jiajia Long; Ruixin Zhang



Resources for Teaching and Learning

More in Resources for Teaching and Learning ›

  1. Credit
  2. Writing Prompts
    Student Opinion Q’s, Picture Prompts & Current Events Conversation


  3. Credit

  4. Credit
  5. Contests
    Student Contests & Our Contest Calendar


Resources by Subject

More in Resources by Subject ›

  1. Credit
  2. Social Studies
    Lesson plans for social studies from The Learning Network.

  3. Science & Math
    Lesson plans for science and math from The Learning Network.

  4. E.L.L. & Arts
    Lesson plans for E.L.L. & arts from The Learning Network.

  5. Current Events
    Lesson plans on current events from The Learning Network.




  1. Picture Prompts
    Melting Man
    Tell us a story, real or made up, that is inspired by this image.
    By The Learning Network

  2. Word of the day
    Word of the Day: curtailment
    This word has appeared in 10 articles on in the past year. Can you use it in a sentence?
    By The Learning Network

  3. Picture Prompts
    Newspaper vs. Phone
    What do you think this image is communicating?
    By The Learning Network

  4. Word of the day
    Word of the Day: illusory
    This word has appeared in 28 articles on in the past year. Can you use it in a sentence?
    By The Learning Network

  5. Picture Prompts
    Favorite Restaurants
    What is the best place to eat where you live?
    By The Learning Network

  6. Picture Prompts
    What memories do you have of recess?
    By The Learning Network