Galerie Bonnier Records of the Svensk-Franska Konstgalleriet (Stockholm, Sweden) and the Galerie Bonnier (original) (raw)


Complete business records of the Svensk-Franska Konstgalleriet, Stockholm, Sweden (1918-1974) and the successor gallery, Galerie Bonnier, Geneva, Switzerland (1961-1997). The combined galleries dealt in Impressionist, Post-impressionist, Cubist, German Expressionist, and early abstract art.


Svenska-Franska Konstgalleriet, Stockholm, was founded in 1918 by Gosta Olsen. The gallery merged with Galerie Bonnier, Geneva, in 1973. Galerie Bonnier was founded in Lausanne in 1961 by Jan Runnqvist, son of Harry Runnqvist, who was Olsen's partner in Stockholm. Galerie Bonnier moved to Geneva in 1969. Between 1964 and 1973, when his father died, Jan Runnqvist directed both galleries until 1973 when he closed Svensk-Franska and moved all business records to Geneva. The combined galleries handled a range of modern art, from Impressionism to early abstract art.


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