grossman - The Erdös Number Project (original) (raw)

This is the website for the Erdös Number Project, which studies research collaboration among mathematicians.

The site is maintained by Jerry Grossman, Professor of Mathematics Emeritus at Oakland University. Please address all comments, additions, and corrections to Jerry at

Erdös numbers have been a part of the folklore of mathematicians throughout the world for many years. For an introduction to our project, a description of what Erdös numbers are, what they can be used for, who cares, and so on, choose the “Information about the Erdös Number Project” link below. To find out who Paul Erdös is, look at this biography at the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive, or choose the “Information about Paul Erdös” link below. Some useful information can also be found in this Wikipedia article, which may or may not be totally accurate.


This website is the successor to the Erdös Number Project website hosted by Oakland University, which is scheduled to be closed by the university at some point. If anyone has information that might improve the accuracy of this site, such as published articles that I am unlikely to be aware of, or the fact that an Erdös coauthor has died (or, as Paul Erdös would say, “has left”), please let me know. The data currently shown on this site are based primarily on all items appearing in MathSciNet and DBLP through mid-2020. About 1600 new people with Erdös number 2 were added in this quinquennial update.

This page was last updated on January 4, 2022 (but subpages may have been updated more recently).