Call Letter Origins: The List (original) (raw)
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Call Letter Origins: Key and Listing
Calls | Call Letters (All are AM unless otherwise noted) (CC):Carrier Current (FM):FM (LP):Low Power FM (SW):Shortwave (TV):Television |
City of License | Current City of License as of this document's date |
* | Origin of the Call Letters E: Euphony - Sound of call letters, perhaps spelling a word F: Frequency - Call letters related in some way to dial position O: Ownership Related - Initials or name of [original] licensee L: Location Related - Pertaining to geographic feature, region or city S: Slogan - Promotional phrase, often reflecting licensee or city nickname |
Explanation/Notes | The relationship to the call lettersFor instance, WCFL (once in Chicago) would be shown as: C)hicago F)ederation of L)abor to clarify "CFL" in the callsign. In some cases, additional historic facts dealing with the call letters or station is also indicated. |
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Calls City of License * Explanation/Notes
2BD Aberdeen, Scotland L Ab)erd)een
2BE Belfast, Ireland L B)e)lfast
2BS Bathurst, NSW L 2 = New South Wales, B)athurs)t
2DE Dundee, Scotland L D)undee)
2EH Edinburgh, Scotland L E)dinburgh)
2LO London, England L L)o)ndon
2LS Leeds, England L L)eeds)
2LT Lithgow, NSW L 2 = New South Wales, L)ithg)ow
2RN Dublin, Irish Free State E RN=phonetic of 'Eireann' Gaelic for Irish
2WR Birmingham, Witton L W)itton R)adio Note: changed to 5IT when BBC took over from Western Electric
5IT Birmingham, Witton L Wi)t)ton
5NG Nottingham, England L N)otting)ham
5NO Newcastle, England L N)o)rrth of England
5PY Plymouth, England L P)ly)mouth
5SC Glasgow, Scotland L S)c)otland
5SX Swansea, England L S)wansea, X a cypher for the second letter
5WA Cardiff, Wales L W)a)les6BM Bournemouth, England L B)ournem)outh 6CK Cork, Irish Free State L C)ork) 6FL Sheffield, England L Shef)fiel)d 6KH Kingston, England L K)ingston upon H)ull 6LV Liverpool, England L L)iv)erpool 6PR Perth, WA L 6 = Western Australia, P)er)th 6ST Stoke-on-Trent, England L S)toke-on-T)rent CBA Moncton, NB O C)B)C A)tlantic CBCV-FM Victoria, BC L C)B)C) V)ictoria CBE Windsor, ON L C)B)C E)ssex County CBF Montreal, QC O C)B)C F)rench Network CBG Gander, NF L C)B)C G)ander CBH Halifax, NS L C)B)C H)alifax CBK Regina, SK K C)B)C K) refers to Kelsey, the Explorer CBL Toronto, ON L C)B)C Great L)akes CBM Montreal, QC O C)anadian B)roadcasting M)ontreal CBN St. Johns, NF L C)B)C N)ewfoundland CBO Ottawa, ON L C)B)C O)ttawa CBR Calgary, AB L C)B)C R)ocky Mountains CBR Calgary, AB L C)B)C Calgar)y CBSI-FM Sept-Iles, QC L C)B)C S)ept-I)les CBU Vancouver, BC L C)B)C Vancou)ver CBW Winnipeg, MB L C)B)C W)innipeg CFAM Altona, MB L A)ltona, M)anitoba CFAR Flin Flon, MB O A)rtic R)adio CFCF Montreal, QC S C)anada's F)irst, C)anada's F)inest (CFCF is Canada's oldest radio station) CFCO Chatham, ON L C)oming f)rom C)hatham, O)N CFFB-TV Iqaluit, NU L F)robisher B)ay, former name of Iqaluit CFGP Grand Prairie, AB L G)rand P)rairie CFJP-TV Quebec City, QC O J)ean P)ouliot CFLC Brockville, ON S C)anada's F)inest L)ittle C)ommunity CFMO Ottawa, ON S F)M) O)ttawa CFMT-TV Toronto, ON S C)anada's F)irst M)ulticultural T)elevision Station CFNB Fredericton, NB L F)redericton N)ew B)runswick CFOS Owen Sound, ON L O)wen S)ound CFPL London, ON O F)ree P)ress L)ondon CFPR Prince Rupert, BC L P)rince R)upert CFRA Ottawa, ON O F)rank R)yan A)ssociates CFRB Toronto, ON O C)anada's F)inest R)adio B)atteries or R)ogers B)atteryless, Radio Manufacturer CFRC Kingston, ON S C)anada's F)inest R)ugby C)hampions Note: operated by Queen's University at Kingston, it is Canada's second oldest station CFRE-TV Regina, SK L R)e)gina CFRX-SW Toronto, ON S C)F)R)B Ex)tended Range CFSK-TV Saskatoon, SK L S)ask)atoon CFTK-TV Terrace, BC L T)errace-K)itimat CFTO-TV Toronto, ON L T)o)ronto CFTR Toronto, ON O T)ed R)ogers, see CFRB-Roger's Batteryless CFTU-TV Montreal, QC O T)ele-U)niversite CFVP-SW Calgary, AB S V)oice of the P)rairies CFWH Whitehorse, YT L W)h)itehorse CFYK Yellowknife, NT L Y)ellowk)nife CHAM Hamilton, ON L H)a)m)ilton, ON CHAT Medicine Hat, AB L H)a)t) CHEX Peterborough, ON O Peterborough E)x)aminer (newspaper) CHEZ Ottawa, ON E CHEZ = French 'home of' CHFD-TV Thunder Bay, ON O H). F). D)ougall CHNC New Carlisle, QC L N)ew C)arlisle CHNS Halifax, NS L H)alifax, N)ova S)cotia CHOO Ajax, ON S C)ountry H)eart o)f O)ntario CHQM Vancouver, BC S Q)uality M)usic, was once classic and easy listening CHQM Vancouver, BC S Q)uality M)usic, was once classic and easy listening CHSJ Saint John, NB L Saint John CHSM Steinbach, MB L S)teinbach, M)anitoba CHTM Thompson, MB L T)hompson, M)anitoba CHUM Toronto, ON E CHUM = chum (friend) CHVN-FM Winnipeg, MB S H)eav)en) CHWK Chilliwack, BC L C)h)illiw)ack) CHYR Leamington, ON E CHYR = 'Cheer' CICT-TV Calgary, AB S I)ndependent C)algary T)elevision CIDC Brampton, ON O D)oug C)unningham (founder) CIHF-TV Halifax, NS L H)alifax and F)redericton CIII-TV Toronto, ON F III=Roman numeral for 3, refers to Global, Canada's third TV network, of which CIII-TV is a part CILQ Toronto, ON E CILQ='silk' Note: was to be easy listening, silky smooth, now rock CINC-FM Selkirk, MB O N)ative C)ommuinication CINF Montreal, QC S I)n)f)o 690 CINW Montreal, QC S 940 N)ew)s CIOO Halifax, NS E C = SEA IOO = 100.1 mHz CIPA-TV Prince Albert, SK L P)rince A)lbert CISA-TV Lethbridge, AB S C)anadian I)ndependent S)outhern A)lberta CITE Montreal, QC E CITE = French 'city' CITL-TV Lloydminster, AB S I)ndependent T)elevision in L)loydminster CITO-TV Timmins, ON L T)immins, O)ntario CITV-TV Edmonton, AB S I)ndependent T)elev)ision, now part of Global TV Network CITY-TV Toronto, ON E C)i)t)y) of Toronto, from the fact that Toronto is Canada's largest city CIUT Toronto, ON O U)niversity of T)oronto CIVI-TV Victoria, BC L V)ancouver I)sland CIVM-TV Montreal, QC L V)ille de M)ontreal CJAD Montreal, QC O J). A)rthur D)upont CJAR The Pas, MB O A)rtic R)adio CJBC Toronto, ON O J)arvis B)aptist C)hurch CJCB Sydney, NS O J)ennie Hathanson C)apre B)reton CJCD-FM Yellowknife, NWT O C)harles D)ent, former member of legislative assembly CJDC-TV Dawson Creek, BC L D)awson C)reek CJKL Kirkland Lake, ON L K)irkland L)ake CJME Regina, SK O J). M)arsh E)llis CJOB Winnepeg, MB O J).O). B)lick CJOH-TV Ottawa, ON L O)ttawa-H)ull CJPG-FM Portage la Prairie, MB L P)ortag)e la Prairie CJRT-FM Toronto, ON S J)ournalism R)adio-T)elevision (Ryerson Polytech) CJTT New Liskeard, ON L T)ri T)owns of New Liskeard, Haileybury and Cobalt CJUM-FM Winnipeg, MB O U)niversity of M)anitoba CJVI Victoria, BC L V)i)ctoria CKBB Barrie, ON O B)arrie B)roadcasting CKCL Vancouver, BC S C)l)ear CKCO-TV Kitchener, ON L K)itchener, C)entral O)ntario CKDM Dauphin, MB L D)auphin. M)anitoba CKEK Cranbrook, BC L C)ranbrook K)imberley E)ast K)ootenay CKJD Sarnia, ON O K)eith J). D)ancy Note: now CKTY CKLC Kingston, ON L K)ingston-L)imestone C)ity CKLT Saint John, NB S L)T)V (former nickname for station) CKLT-TV Saint John, NB S L)ionel T)elevision (Name of system station used to be part of) CKLW Windsor, ON L L)ondon-W)indsor CKMW Morden, MB L M)orden-W)inkler, adjacent towns CKNB Campbellton, NB L K)ampbellton = Campbellton), N)B) CKND-TV Winnipeg, MB L N)orth D)akota, station used to be located in Pembina, North Dakota CKRD-TV Red Deer, AB L R)ed D)eer CKRN Rouyn, QC L R)ouyn) CKSA-TV Lloydminster, AB L S)askatchewan and A)lberta CKSB Winnipeg, MB L S)t. B)oniface. original location CKSO-TV Sudbury, ON L S)udbury, O)ntario, now CICI-TV CKUW-FM Winnipeg, MB O U)niversity of W)innipeg CKVD Val d'Or, QC L V)al d)'Or CKVI Kingston, ON O K)ingston C)ollegiate and V)ocational I)nstitute CKVN Vancouver, BC O V)ancouver N)ews (newspaper) CKVR-TV Barrie, ON O V)alerie and R)alph Snelgrove CKVU-TV Vancouver, BC L V)ancou)ver CKWS Kingston, ON O K)ingston W)hig-S)tandard HCJB(SW) Quito, Ecuador S H)eralding C)hrist J)esus' B)lessings Note: in Spanish - H)oy C)hristo J)esus B)endice ICRT Taipei, Taiwan S I)nternational C)ommunity R)adio T)aipei KAAL(TV) Austin, MN L A)ustin-A)lbert L)ea KAAT Oakhurst, CA E KAAT = cat KABC Los Angeles, CA O A)merican B)roadcasting C)ompany KABF Little Rock, AR O A)rkansas B)roadcast F)oundation KABI Abilene, KS L A)b)i)lene KABL Oakland, CA E KABL = Cable (Cars) KABQ Albuquerque, NM L A)lb)uq)uerque KABR Aberdeen, SD L A)b)er)deen Note: now KGIM KACC Alvin, TX O A)lvin C)ommunity C)ollege KACV Amarillo, TX S A)marillo C)ollege V)oice KADA Ada, OK L A)d)a) KADY-TV Oxnard, CA O Once owned by Meshulum Riklis and then-wife Pia Zadora, named after daughter Kady (same spelling) KAFA(FM) Colorado Springs, CO O A)ir F)orce A)cademy KAFB Petaluma, CA S K)rowing [sic] A)lways F)or P)etaluma, (poultry area) now KTOB KAFF Flagstaff, AZ L Flagsta)f)f) KAGG Bryan, TX S A)g)g)ies (Texas A&M city) KAGT Anacortes, WA L Ska)g)it) County KAID Boise, ID L A)da county I)D) KAIN Nampa, ID O KAIN='Cain', Dolye Cain, original owner KAJN Crowley, LA E KAJN = Cajun KAKC Tulsa, OK O Sam A)vey, K)ellough and Glen C)ondon KALB Alexandria, LA S K)now A)l)exandria B)etter KALN Iola, KS L A)l)len) County KALP Alpine, TX L A)l)p)ine KALS Kalispell, MT L K)a)l)is)pell KALV Alva, OK L A)l)v)a KALX(FM) Berkeley, CA E KAL = Cal, University of California KAMD Camden, AR L K)a)m)d)en KAMO Rogers, AR L A)rkansas M)issouri O)klahoma KAMR(TV) Amarillo, TX L A)m)ar)illio KANA Anaconda, MT L A)n)a)conda KAND Corsicana, TX O Wolf Brand Canned (KAND='canned') Chili Company, wanted W)O)L)F) but FCC regulations prohibited KANE New Iberia, LA E sugar KANE = cane KANG Angwin, LA L A)n)g)win KANO Anoka, MN L A)n)o)ka KANS Larned, KS L K)a)n)s)as KANU Lawrence, KS O K)a)n)sas U)niversity KAOH Duluth, Minnesota E 'K.O.' as in 'knock out', now KQDS KAOR Oroville, CA L K)a)lifornia O)r)oville KAOS(FM) Olympia, WA E KOAS='chaos' KAPE Cape Girardeau, MO E KAPE = Cape KAPJ Apache Junction, AZ L A)p)ache J)unction KARB Price, UT L KARB='Carbon' for Carbon County KARE-TV Minneapolis, MN E KARE='Care' 11 KARL Carlsbad, CA L K)a)r)l)sbad KARM Fresno, CA O George Ha)r)m) KARN Little Rock, AR O A)rkansas R)adio N)etwork KARV Russellville, AR S A)rkansas R)iver V)alley KARX(FM) Claude, TX S The K)a)r) KARZ Phoenix, AZ L A)r)iz)ona KASC Conway, AR O A)rkansas S)tate [Teachers] C)ollege KASD Aberdeen, SD L A)berdeen S)outh D)akota KASH Eugene, OR E KASH="cash" KAST Astoria, OR L A)s)t)oria KASU Jonesboro, AR O A)rkansas S)tate U)niversity KATD Pittsburg, CA S The K)a)t) KATH-TV Juneau, AK O K)a)t)h)y, owner's wife's first name KATL Miles City, MT E KATL = cattle KATN Boise, ID F A)da county, TN='10', 1010 kHz KATT Oklahoma City, OK E KATT='Cat', AOR KATU Portland, OR F K-2, analog channel 2 KATV(TV) Little Rock, AR L A)rkansas T)V) KAUB Auburn, NE L A)u)b)urn KAUS Austin, MN L A)u)s)tin KAVA Burney, CA E KAVA = lava (Mt. Lassen) KAVE Carlsbad, NM E KAVE = cave KAVL Lancaster, CA L A)ntelope V)al)ley KAWC-AM Yuma, AZ O A)rizona W)estern C)ollege KAXE-FM Grand Rapids, MN S AXE='the cutting edge' in the Minnesota northwoods KAYS Hays, KS L Ha)y)s KBAD Carlsbad, NM L Carlsb)a)d), calls now in Las Vegas KBAY(FM) San Jose, CA L San Francisco B)a)y) Area KBBC Lake Havasu City, AZ L B)ritish B)roadcasting C)o. Note: home of the relocated London Bridge KBBF-FM Santa Rosa, CA O B)ilingual B)roadcasting F)oundation, Inc. KBBI-AM Homer, AK O K)achemak B)ay B)roadcasting, I)nc. KBBQ Burbank, CA S K)-B)ar-B)-Q), country format, later Ventura and Santa Barbara KBBY(FM) Ventura, CA S Originally 'K-B)ab)y)' as album rock station KBBZ(FM) Kalispell, MT O BBZ = 'Bees', owner Benny Bee KBCI(TV) B)oise, ID L B)oise C)ity I)daho KBCM(FM) Sioux City, IA S B)est C)ountry M)usic Note: now WNAX-FM KBCO Boulder, CO L B)oulder, C)O) KBCV Hollister, MO S B)ranson's C)hristian V)oice KBEC Waxahachie, TX L E)llis C)ounty KBEM Minneapolis, MN O B)oard of E)ducation-M)inneapolis KBET Reno, NV S Place your BET KBEW Blue Earth, MN L B)lue E)arth KBGH Memphis, TX O B)roadcast Frank G)uess and Jerry H)ooser KBGO(FM) Waco, TX S B)ig) O)ldies KBHU Spearfish, SD S B)lack H)ills U)niversity KBIG(FM) Los Angeles, CA S 'K)-B)i)g)' 104 KBIS Highland Park, TX E BIS = 'Business', financial format KBJR Duluth, MN S K)eeping B)usiness J)obs and R)ecreation in Duluth KBJR(TV) Duluth, MN S K)eeping B)usiness, J)obs and R)ecreation, but may actually have had more to do with its original owner: Bob J. Rich KBLG Billings, MT L B)il)ling)s KBLI Blackfoot, ID L B)l)ackfoot, I)daho KBLI(FM) Bellingham, WA L 'BLI' airport code for Bellingham KBLR(FM) Blair, NE L B)l)air) KBLX Berkeley, CA E BLX = Black's KBME Houston, TX S B)est M)usic E)ver Made (was KKBQ) KBMR Bismarck, ND L B)ismark-M)andan R)adio KBNA El Paso, TX S K)e B)uen)a, Que Buena for It's Great KBOB(FM) West Covina, CA O B)o)b) Burdette Investments KBOC Bridgeport, TX S B)est o)f C)ountry KBOI Boise, ID L B)o)i)se, Idaho KBOM Los Alamos, NM E BOM = bomb (birthplace of atomic bomb) KBON Mamou, LA E K-BON='que bon', French KBOW Butte, MT S Silver BOW County KBOZ Bozeman, MT L B)o)z)eman KBPI(FM) Denver, CO O B)ill P)earson I)nc. KBPR(FM) Brainerd, MN S B)rainerd P)ublic R)adio KBPS Portland, OR O B)enson P)olytechnic S)chool KBRK Brookings, SD L B)r)ook)ings KBRO Bremerton, WA L B)r)emerto)n KBRR Leadville, CO E BRR = brrr! KBRS Springdale, AR L B)entonville R)ogers S)pringdale KBST Big Spring, TX L B)ig S)pring, T)exas KBSU-FM Boise, ID O B)oise S)tate U)niversity KBTM Jonesboro, AR O B)eard's T)emple of M)usic Note: Originally licensed to Paragould KBUE(FM) Long Beach, CA E 'Que B)u)e)na' ('Que' is how you pronounce 'K' in Spanish) KBUF Holcomb, KS S B)u)f)falos, mascot of Garden City Community College KBUR Burlington, IA L B)u)r)lington KBUY Amarillo, TX S B)u)y) and Sell (see once co-owned KSEL, Lubbock, TX), now KTNZ KBVO(TV) Austin, TX E BVO = Bevo, University of TX Mascot KBVR Corvallis, OR S B)eav)er), Oregon State Beavers KBWS Eden, SD L B)ritton W)ebster S)isseton, cities served by station KBXJ Los Ybanez, TX S West Texas J)ukeb)ox) KBYU Provo, UT O B)righam Y)oung U)niversity KCAL(TV) Los Angeles, CA L C)a)l)ifornia KCAP Helena, MT L C)a)p)ital of Montana KCAT Pine Bluff, AR S K)eeping it C)hristian A)ll the T)ime KCBI(FM) Dallas, TX O C)riswell B)ible I)nstitute KCBN Reno, NV S C)B)S for N)evada KCBQ San Diego, CA S C)olumbia B)roadcasting Q)uality KCBS San Francisco, CA O C)B)S), Inc. KCBY(TV) Coos Bay, OR L C)oos B)ay) KCCI-TV Des Moines, IA O C)owles C)ommunications, I)nc. KCCK-FM Cedar Rapids, IA O K)irkwood C)ommunity C)ollege KCCM Moorehead, MN O C)oncordia C)ollege-M)oorehead KCCM(FM) Moorhead, MN O C)oncordia C)ollege M)oorhead KCCO(TV) Alexandria, MN O WCCO-TV satellite station KCCR Pierre, SD S C)apital C)ity R)adio KCCV Independence, MO S K)ansas C)ity's C)hristian V)oice KCCW(TV) Walker, MN O KCCO satellite station-W)alker KCDA(FM) Coeur'd Alene, ID L C)oeur'd) A)lene KCDL Cordell, OK L C)ord)el)l KCEN-TV Temple, TX L C)e)n)tral Texas KCET(TV) Los Angeles, CA S C)ommunity E)ducational T)elevision KCFB St. Cloud, MN O C)hristian F)ellowship B)roadcasting KCFE Eden Prairie, MN E CFE='Cafe' Note: now KZNZ KCFR Denver, CO S C)olorado F)ree R)adio, early 1970s KCFV Ferguson, MO O Community C)ollege F)lorissant V)alley KCFW-TV Kalispell, MT L K)alispell, C)olumbia F)alls, & W)hitefish KCGQ Cape Girardeau, MO L C)ape G)irardeau KCHA Charles City, IA L C)h)a)rles City KCHJ Delano, CA O C)harles H)enry J)ones KCID Caldwell, ID O C)ollege of I)d)aho KCII Washington, IA S L)leanest C)ity I)n I)owa KCIK-TV El Paso, TX S C)hrist i)s K)ing KCIS Seattle, WA S C)hristian I)nformation S)tation Note: see KCMS KCIT(TV) Amarillo, TX E C)I)T)='See It' KCIT(TV) Amarillo, TX S C-IT 'See it here' KCIX(FM) Boise, ID F CIX='six', for 106 FM KCLD St. Cloud, MN L St. C)l)oud) KCLE Cleburne, TX L C)l)e)burne, TX KCLS Flagstaff, AZ O C)heryl L)ynn S)aunders, daughter of owner Ken Saunders KCLU-FM Thousand Oaks, CA O C)alifornia L)utheran U)niversity KCLV Clovis, NM L C)l)ov)is KCLX Colfax, WA L C)ol)fax) KCLY Clay Center, KS L C)l)ay) Center KCML(FM) St. Joseph, MN S C)entral M)innesota's L)ite Music Station KCMO Kansas City, MO L K)ansas C)ity, M)O) KCMS(FM) Shoreline, WA S C)hristian M)usic S)tation Note: see KCIS KCMT(TV) Alexandria, MN S C)entral M)innesota T)elevision Note: Now KCCO KCMU(FM) Seattle, WA O C)om)mu)nications Dept Note: dept at the UOW originally ran station KCMW Warrensburg, MO L C)entral M)issouri - W)arrensburg KCOH Houston, TX O C)all o)f H)ouston, Newspaper KCOR San Antonio, TX O Raul C)o)r)tez, original owner KCPN(LP) Amarillo, TX O C (co-owned with KCIT-TV), UP)N) affiliate KCPQ-TV Tacoma, WA S C)lover P)ark (Technical College) Q)uality KCPT-TV Kansas City S K)ansas City's P)ublic T)elevision KCPX Salt Lake City, UT O C)olumbia P)ix) (pictures) KCRG Cedar Rapids, IA O C)edar R)apids G)azette KCRO Omaha, NE S C)hristian R)adio O)maha KCRW-FM Santa Monica, CA S C)ollege R)adio W)orkshop KCSM(FM) San Mateo, CA O C)ollege of S)an M)ateo KCSN-FM Northridge, CA O C)alifornia S)tate University-N)orthridge KCSU-FM Fort Collins, CO O C)olorado S)tate U)niversity KCTB Cut Bank, MT L C)ut) B)ank KCTV Kansas City, MO L K)ansas C)ity T)elev)ision KCUR Kansas City, MO S K)ansas C)ity You) Ar)e KCUV Littleton, CO S C)olorado's U)nderground V)oice KCVT Silver Lake, KS S C)hristian V)oice of T)opeka KCVW Kingman, KS S C)hristian V)oice of W)ichita KCWC-TV Riverton, WY O C)entral W)yoming C)ollege KDAC Ft. Bragg, CA O D)an a)nd C)harlie KDAF(TV) Dallas, TX L D)allas a)nd F)t. Worth KDAL Duluth, Minnesota O D)alton A)lexander L)eMasurier, founder KDB Santa Barbara, CA O D)orothy B)arnes, see KGB KDBM Dillon, MT L D)illon, B)eaverhead and M)adison (counties) KDBN(FM) Haltom City, TX S D)a B)on)e, was used on 1480 AM in Dallas for D)allas B)usiness N)ews KDCK Dodge City, KS L D)odge C)ity, K)ansas KDCR Sioux Center, IA O D)ordt C)ollege R)adio KDDB Paso Robels, CA O D)eller D)avis B)roadcasting KDDB(FM) Paso Robles, CA O D)ellar-D)avis B)roadcasting, former owners, now KWSR, San Luis Obispo CA KDDS Superior, WI S KDDS="kids", children's format, now WDUL KDEC Decorah, IA L D)e)c)orah KDEN Denver, CO L D)e)n)ver KDES Palm Springs, CA L D)e)s)erts adjoining Palm Springs KDEW DeWitt, AR L D)e)W)itt KDEX Dexter, MO L D)e)x)ter KDFC San Francisco, CA S D)amn F)ine C)oncerts, classical, may be apocryphal KDFC(FM) San Francisco, CA O D)avis, F)lorence C)rocker or D)amn F)ine C)lassics KDFI(TV) Dallas, TX S D)allas-F)t. Worth I)ndependent KDFT Ferris, TX L D)allas-F)t. Worth T)exas KDFW(TV) Dallas, TX L D)allas-F)t). Worth KDGE(FM) Gainesville, TX E DGE = Edge (alternative format) KDHX St. Louis, MO O D)ouble H)elix) corporation, also see KDNA KDIS Los Angeles, CA S Radio D)i)s)ney KDIZ Golden Valley, MN O DIZ-'Disney' Radio Disney KDJW Amarillo, TX O D)onna J)ean W)alton, owner's wife KDKR(FM) Decatur, TX L D)ek)atur) KDLH(TV) Duluth, MN L D)ul)uth) KDLM Detroit Lakes, MN L D)etroit L)akes M)N KDLN Dillon, MT L D)il)lon) KDLR Devil's Lake, ND L D)evil's L)ake R)adio KDNA(FM) St. Louis, MO O 'DNA', ownership was Double Helix Corp., now KEZK-FM KDNS Downs, KS L D)own)s) KDNT Denton, TX L D)enton N)orth T)Texas KDNW Duluth, MN O D)uluth-N)orthwestern C)ollege KDOE Antlers, OK S Antlers is Deer Capitol of the World, thus 'doe' KDOG Mankato, MN S The D)o)g) Slogan: We've got a leg up on the competition KDOM Windom, MN L Wind)o)m) KDRG Deer Lodge, MT L D)eer) Lodg)e KDRO Sedalia, MO O D)r)o)lich Brothers KDRY Alamo Heights, TX O Dry, Owner was non-drinker KDSU(FM) Fargo, ND O North D)akota S)tate U)niversity KDSX Denison, TX L D)enison-S)herman, TX), now KKLF KDTH Dubuque, IA O D)ubuque T)elegraph-H)erald, Newspaper KDTN(TV) Denton, TX L D)en)ton) KDTX(TV) Dallas, TX L D)allas T)X) KDUK Eugene, OR S University of Oregon D)u)ck)s KDVL-FM Devils Lake, ND L D)ev)ils L)ake KDWG(FM) Billings, MT S The D)a)g) KDWN Las Vegas, NV E DWN = dawn KDYN Ozark, AR S D)y)n)amite Country KDZN(FM) Glendive, MT E DZN = 'Dawson' County, was KIVE KECA Los Angeles, CA O E)arle C). A)nthony, owned both KECA and KFI Note: now KABC KEEZ-FM Mankato, MN L KEEZ = 'Keys', refers to Mankato's Key City nickname KEGE Minneapolis, MN E EGE=The 'Edge' Note: now KXXR KEGL Ft. Worth, TX E EGL = Eagle KEIN Great Falls, MT E KEIN = 'keen', was KFBB KEIR(FM) Dallas, TX O E)lkins I)nstitute of R)adio, now KMGC, Rush Limbaugh worked there KEKB Grand Junction, CO O E)rin, K)ristan and B)ecca, daughters of Jan and Dick Maynard, owners KELD El Dorado, AR L E)l) D)orado, AR KELK Elko, NV L E)l)k)o KELP El Paso, TX L E)l) P)aso KELW Burbank, CA O E)arl L). W)hite Note: now KABC-LA KELY Ely, ID L E)l)y) KEMB Emmetsburg, IA L E)m)metsb)urg KEMC(FM) Billings, MT O E)astern M)ontana C)ollege KENO Las Vegas, NV S Keno is a Vegas numbers game KENS San Antonio, TX O S)an Antonio E)xpress-N)ews KEOK(FM) Tahlequah, OK L E)astern O)k)lahoma KEOM(FM) Mesquite, TX S E)ducation o)f M)esquite KEOS Flagstaff, AZ O E). O). S)mith KERG Eugene, OR O E)ugene R)egister G)uard, newspaper, now silent KERN Bakersfield, CA L K)e)r)n) County, CA KERR Polson, MT L nearby K)e)r)r) Dam on Flathead River KESM El Dorado Spr, MO L E)l D)orado S)prings, M)O KESN(FM) Allen, TX S E)S)PN) Sports 103.3 KETC(TV) St. Louis, MO O E)ducational T)elevision C)ommission of St. Louis KETR(FM) Commerce, TX S E)ast T)exas R)adio KEUN Eunice, LA L E)u)n)ice KEVA Evanston, WY L E)v)a)nston KEYC-TV Mankato, MN L K)e)y C)ity, refers to Mankato's Key City nickname KEYT(TV) Santa Barbara, CA S 'K)e)y) 3' KEZI Eugene, OR S E)-Z) on the I), easy on the eye KEZY Anaheim, CA E EZY = Easy (format) KFAA Fayetteville, AR L F)a)yetteville, A)rkansas KFAC Los Angeles, CA O F)uller A)uburn C)ord, car dealer in 1930's Note: calls now used in Santa Barbara KFAI Minneapolis, MN S F)resh A)i)r Radio KFAM St. Cloud, MN O F)red a)nd M)aude, the original owners Note: now KNSI KFAN Minneapolis, MN S The F)a)n) KFAR Fairbanks, AK S K)ey f)or A)laska's R)iches KFAT Gilroy, CA S All sorts of things based on 'FAT' KFAV Warrenton, MO O F)aye a)nd V)ern Kaspar KFAW Santa Ana, CA S K)ept F)rom A)wful W)inters, station dark since 1925 KFAY Fayetteville, AR L F)a)y)etteville, AR KFBB Great Falls, MT O F). B)uttrey B)roadcasting KFBC Cheyenne, WY O F)rontier B)roadcasting C)ompany KFBI Wichita, KS O F)armers and B)ankers I)nsurance Note: KFDI, originally licensed to Milford as KFKB KFCF Fresno, CA O F)ree C)ollege F)oundation KFCR Custer, SD O F)rench C)reek R)adio, original licensee KFDC Ft. Dodge, IA S K)eeping F)t. D)odge C)ountry Note: now KUEL KFDM Beaumont, TX S K)all F)or D)ependable M)agnolene Note: Magnolia Petroleum Co., now KLVI, calls on channel 6 TV KFEL Denver, CO S K)an't F)ind E)nough L)ikker Note: now KYGO KFFX(TV) Pendelton, OR E FFX='Fox' affiliate KFGI Crosby, MN E FGI='Froggy' Country KFGI Brainerd, MN S FGI='Froggy' KFGO Fargo, ND L F)arg)o), ND KFH Wichita, KS S K)ansas's F)inest H)otel, Hotel Lassen KFI Los Angeles, CA S F)armer's I)nformation Station KFIA Carmichael, CA S F)aith I)n A)merica KFJC(FM) Los Altos Hills, CA O F)oothill J)r. C)ollege KFKB Milford, KS S K)ansas' F)irst, K)ansas' B)est, Doc Brinkley's station Note: evolved into KFDI-Wichita KFKF Bellevue, WA O K)emper F)reeman x 2 KFKU Lawrence, KS O K)ansas U)niversity KFLG Flagstaff, AZ L F)l)ag)staff, AZ KFMJ Tulsa, OK O F)red and M)ary J)ones Note: now KGTO KFML Little Falls, MN S F)M) L)ittle Falls KFMT(FM) Fremont, NE L F)rem)ont) KFNF Shenadoah, IA S K)nown F)or N)eighborly F)olks Note: now KYFR KFNW Fargo, ND O F)argo-N)orthwestern C)ollege KFNY Enid, OK S F)un)ny), comedy format KFNZ Salt Lake City, UT E FNZ='Fans' all sports station KFOG San Francisco, CA L San Francisco: F)o)g) City KFPW Ft. Smith, AR S K)ind F)riends, P)lease W)rite KFPW Ft. Smith, AR S K)nown f)or p)oor w)ages KFRA Franklin, LA L F)r)a)nklin KFRC San Francisco, CA S K)eep F)orver R)adiating C)heer OR F)r)isc)o KFRE Fresno, CA L F)r)e)sno, CA KFRM Salina, KS S F)ar)m) Radio KFRO Longview, TX S K)eep F)orever R)olling O)n KFSA Ft. Smith, AR L F)t. S)mith, A)rkansas KFSG(FM) Los Angeles, CA O F)ours)quare G)ospel Church Note: once on 1150 kHz, now used in Roseville, CA on AM KFSN(TV) Fresno, CA L F)res)n)o KFTK(FM) Florissant, MO S F)M T)alk), conservative talk format KFTM Fort Morgan, CO L F)t). M)organ KFUO Clayton, MO S K)eep F)orward U)pward and O)nward KFWB Los Angeles, CA O F)our W)arner B)rothers (Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack), K)eep F)ilming W)arner B)rothers KFWD(TV) Ft. Worth, TX L F)t. W)orth-D)allas KFWR Mineral Wells, TX S F)ort W)orth R)anch KFXO Bend, OR S F)ox) O)regon KFXR Dallas, TX S F)ox) Sports R)adio KFYI Phoenix, AZ S F)or Y)our I)nformation KGAN(TV) Cedar Rapids, IA O Guy G)a)n)nett Communications KGB San Diego, CA O G)eorge B)arnes, see KDB KGCC(FM) Sherman, TX O G)rayson C)ounty C)ommunity College KGDN Edmonds, WA S K)ings' G)ard)en), religious broadcaster KGDP Santa Maria, CA O G)loria D)awn P)atterson, wife of owner KGEF Los Angeles, CA S K)eep G)od E)ver F)irst, now dark KGEI(SW) San Francisco, CA O G)eneral E)lectric I)international KGEM Boise, ID L G)e)m) State, Idaho's Slogan KGET(TV) Bakersfield, CA S K)ern [County] G)olden E)mpire T)elevision KGFJ Los Angeles, CA S K)eeping G)ood F)olks J)oyful KGGL(FM) Missoula, MT E GGL = Eagle KGGR Dallas, TX S G)reat G)ospel R)adio KGIL San Fernando, CA O G)i)l) Paltridge KGLA Gretna, LA L G)retna, LA) KGLD Golden Valley, MN L G)ol)d)en Valley Note: now KDIZ, later used in St. Louis, now in Tyler, TX KGLE Glendive, MT L G)l)e)ndive KGLN Glenwood Springs, CO L G)l)en)wood KGLO Mason City, IA O G)l)o)be-Gazzette, Newspaper KGMO(FM) Cape Girardeau, MO L Cape G)irardeau, M)O) KGNC Amarillo, TX O G)lobe-N)ews C)orporation KGNO Dodge City, KS S K)ansas G)rows N)o O)nions KGO San Francisco, CA O G)eneral Electric-San FranciscO) KGPR(FM) Great Falls, MT O G)reat Falls P)ublic R)adio KGPZ Coleraine, MN L G)rand Rap)ids KGRC Hannibal, MO O G)reat R)iver C)ommunications KGRE Greeley, CO L G)r)e)eley KGRN Grinnell, IA L G)r)in)nell KGRR-FM Dubuque, IA S G)reat R)ock n R)oll KGRZ Missoula, MT S G)r)iz)zlies-school mascot KGTK Olympia, WA S G)reat T)alk) KGTO Tulsa, OK S G)reater T)ulsa's O)ldies KGUC Gunnison, CO S G)u)nnison C)ountry KGUD Longmont, CO E GUD='Good', K-Good KGVL Greenville, TX L G)reenv)il)le KGVW Belgrade, MT S G)allatin V)alley W)itness KGVY Green Valley, AZ L G)reen V)alley) KGW Portland, OR S K)eep G)rowing W)iser KGWY Gillette, WY L G)illette, W)Y) KHAK Cedar Rapids, IA E HAK = Hawk, state bird of Iowa KHAY Ventura, CA S K-Hay, country format KHBI(SW) Saipan, Mariana Islands O H)erald B)roadcasting KHBJ Canyon, TX S H)appy B)irthday, J)ulie KHBT Humboldt, IA L H)umb)oldt) KHCC Hutchinson, KS O H)utchinson C)ommunity C)ollege KHCK(FM) Denton, TX E KHCK = 'Kick' FM, Hot Tejano Hits KHDN Hardin, MT L H)ard)in) KHEY(FM) El Paso, TX S H)e)y)! (Country music) KHHT(FM) Los Angeles, CA E HHT='Hot' 92.3 KHIH(FM) Denver, CO E HIH = High KHJ Los Angeles, CA S K)indness H)appiness J)oy Note: was KKHJ and KRTH(AM), reverted to KHJ in 2000 KHKS Dallas, TX E KS = Kiss KHLO Hilo, HI L H)il)o), HI KHMO Hannibal, MO L H)annibal M)O) KHNE(FM) Hastings, NE L H)astings, N)e)braska KHNR Honolulu, HI S H)awaii N)ews R)adio KHOB Hobbs, NM L H)o)b)bs KHOG Fayetteville, AR L H)o)g)s (Home of Arkansas Razorbacks) KHOI Story City/Ames, IA S H)eart o)f I)owa KHOJ St. Charles, MO S H)eart o)f J)esus KHOK Hoisington, KS S H)eart o)f K)ansas KHOP Modesto, CA E HOP='hope', a religious station at sign on KHOT Paradise Valley, AZ L Aptly describes Phoenix summers KHOW Denver, CO O Robert H)o)w)sam KHOZ Harrison, AR S H)ub of the O)z)arks KHPO Merced, CA S The H)ip)po) KHQA Hannibal, MO L H)annibal Q)uincy A)rea KHQG(FM) Duluth, MN E HQG='The Hog', logo depicted the Q as a hog's rear end KHTY(FM) Santa Barbara, CA S Santa Barbara's H)ot)-FM, Y)97 KHUS Bennington, NE S U)S) 93-3 KHUZ Borger, TX O HUZ='Hughes', KHVH Honolulu, HI O K)aiser's H)awaiian V)illage H)otel KHVN Ft. Worth, TX E HVN = Heaven (Religious Format) KIAK Fairbanks, AK E KIAK = Kayak KICG-FM Iowa City, IA S I)owa C)ity's Greatest, now using other calls KICO Calexico, CA L Calexi)c)o) KICT(FM) Wichita, KS L I)C)T)-Airport Code Wichita's Airport KICY Nome, AK E ICY (cold in Nome, AK - brrr!!!) KID Idaho Falls, ID L I)d)aho Falls, Idaho KIDO Nampa, ID O K)i)d)do), knickname for member of owner's family KIFW Sitka, AK O I)rene F)rances W)agner, first owner's wife KIII(TV) Corpus Christi, TX F III = Roman numeral 3 KIIS(FM) Los Angeles, CA E KIIS = Kiss KIJV Huron, SD L I)n J)ames River V)alley KIKC Forsyth, MT E KIKC = kick KIKS Iola, KS L I)ola, K)ans)as KIKU(TV) Honolulu, HI S Japanese for Chrysanthenum, station formerly ran Japanese-langauge programming, Now KNHL NBC-8 KIKV Alexandria, MN E KIK='Kick' KILO Colorado Springs, CO S as in kilo of ???? (AOR format, you guess) KIMA(TV) Yakima, WA L YaK)i)m)a) KIMN Denver, CO O I)nter M)ountain N)etwork Note: once AM 950, now FM 100.3 KINA Salina, KS L Sali)n)a) KIND Independence, KS L I)n)d)ependence KINF(FM) Dodge City, KS S K)ansas I)n)f)ormation KING Seattle, WA L K)i)n)g) County, WA KINN Alamogordo, NM L Originally located in the Holiday I)n)n) complex KIOA Des Moines, IA L I)o)wa) KIOI(FM) San Francisco, CA F IOI = 101, 101.3 mHz KIOT Los Lunas, NM E KIOT = 'Coyote' KIST Santa Barbara, CA E KIST='Kissed', now used on Clear Channel's 'Kiss FM' in that market KISW(FM) Seattle, WA S I)ndependent S)tate of W)ashington KITC(TV) Nampa, ID O I)daho T)elevision C)ompany, now KIVI KITZ Silverdale, WA L Kitsap County, K)i)t)z)ap County, pronounced the same KIVI(TV) Nampa, ID F I)daho V)I)=Roman 6, TV channel 6 KIWA Sheldon, IA L I)ow)a) KIXI Seattle, WA F IXI = Roman 9-10, Original Frequency KIXX Watertown, SD E KIXX = Kicks KIXZ Amarillo, TX E KIX='Kicks' KJAK(FM) Lubbock, TX S K)eeping J)esus A)s K)ing KJAM Madison, SD O J)oseph A). Muggley, original licensee KJAZ(FM) Alameda, CA E JAZ = Jazz (Station's format) KJBR(FM) Jonesboro, AR L J)onesb)or)o KJBS San Francisco, CA O J)ulius B)ruton and S)ons Note: now KFAX KJCK Junction City, KS L J)unction C)ity K)ansas KJHK Lawrence, KS S K)ansas J)ayh)awk)s, KU's team mascot KJIA Sioux Falls, SD S K)ing J)esus I)s A)live KJIL Meade, KS S K)ing J)esus i)s L)ord KJIN Houma, LA E KJIN = Cajun KJIR-FM Hannibal,MO S K)ing J)esus i)s r)eturning KJIW Helena-West Helena, AR S K)ing J)esus i)s W)orthy KJJO St. Louis Park, MN S K)-J)o)e Note: now KMJZ KJLH Los Angeles, CA O J)ohn L)amar H)ill, original owner KJLH Los Angeles, CA S K)indness J)oy L)ove H)appiness Note: Acronym attributed to Stevie Wonder who owned it. KJLS Hayes, KS O L)arry S)teckline KJLY Blue Earth, MN S K)ing J)esus L)oves Y)ou KJNO Juneau, AK E JNO = Juneau KJRH(TV) Tulsa, OK O J)ohn R). H)oward (Scripps-Howard) KJSL St. Louis, MO S King Jesus, S)alt and L)ight, was KXOK KJUL(FM) Las Vegas, NV E JUL='jewel' KKAN Phillipsburg, KS L K)a)n)sas KKAR Omaha, NE E KAR = car (chosen to reflect where a large number of listeners are presumably located) KKAT Salt Lake City, UT E KAT='Cat' KKBJ Bemidji, MN L B)emidj)i KKDS South Salt Lake, UT E KDS='Kids' (formerly a childrens music station) KKFN Denver, CO E FN='fan' (sports format) Note: once KIMN 950 KKGO(FM) Los Angeles, CA S G)o) Country KKJM St. Cloud, MN S J)am) KKJO St. Josepth, MO L J)o)seph, MO Nite: in 1947 was KRES, for the four owners, Kaufman, Roscoe, Epstein, and Shanin KKJZ(FM) Long Beach, CA S J)azz) format KKLF Denison, TX S KLF='KLIF', simulcasts KLIF, Dallas KKLZ(FM) Las Vegas, NV S L)ed Z)epplin, was rock now classic hits KKMR(FM) Haltom City, TX S MR = 'Merge' Radio KKMT Whitefish, MT L MT='Montana' KKRL Carroll, IA L KRL='Carol' KKSR Sartell, MN S S)tar), also once known as K)is)ser) 96 KKSU Manhattan, KS O K)ansas S)tate U)niversity KKUL(FM) Tulsa, OK E KUL='cool', now KJSR KKUP(FM) Cupertino, CA L KUP = Cupertino KKXS Shingletown, CA E KXS='Kicks' [Country format] KKYA Yankton, SD L Y)a)nkton KKZN Haltom City, TX E ZN=The 'Zone' KLAC Los Angeles, CA L L)os A)ngeles, C)alifornia KLAK Lakewood, CO L L)a)k)ewood KLAK Durant, OK L LAK = 'Lake', K-Lake (Texoma) KLAN(FM) Glasgow, MT E KLAN = 'clan', as in Scotland KLAS(FM) Mandeville, LA S K)eeping L)isteners A)ware in S)tyle KLAS(TV) Las Vegas, NV L L)a)s) Vegas KLAT Houston, TX S L)a) Tremenda, The Big One KLAV Las Vegas, NV L Las Vegas KLAY Tacoma, WA O Klay = Clay Huntington (owner) KLAY-FM Tacoma, WA O KLAY='Clay' Huntington, owner KLBB St. Paul, MN E KLBB='Klub' 14, refers to their lounge music/Music of Your Life format KLBJ Austin, TX O L)yndon B)aines J)ohnson, Former Owner KLCB Libby, MT O L)incoln C)ounty B)roadcasters KLCC Eugene, OR O L)ane C)ommunity C)ollege KLCL Lake Charles, LA L L)ake C)harles, L)ouisiana KLCN Blytheville, AR O Daily C)ourier-N)ews KLCS(TV) Los Angeles, CA O L)os Angeles C)ity S)chool District KLEF Anchorage, AK E KLEF='cleff', a 'G' Cleff, as in classical music KLEI Kailua, HI L L)e)i) KLEM LeMars, IA L L)e)M)ars KLEX Lexington, MO L L)e)x)ington KLFD Litchfield, MN L L_itchf)ield) KLGA Algona, IA L Al)g)ona) KLIB Liberal, KS L L)i)b)eral KLID Poplar Bluff, MO O Don L)i)d)denton KLIF Dallas, TX L Oak Cliff, former suburban city of license KLIT Los Angeles, CA S L)i)t)e Rock KLKO Elko, NV L El)k)o) KLLE North Fork, CA E KLLE = 'Kalle', spelling alteration of Calle or Street, station name KLLK Willits, CA L L)ittle L)ak)e, name of a major street in the area KLMR Lamar, CO L L)am)ar) KLNG Council Bluffs, IA E KLNG = Calling (formerly talk format) KLNO(FM) Ft. Worth, TX S Estereo L)atin)o) KLNV San Diego, CA S L)a N)uev)a, station name KLOL(FM) Houston, TX F LOL = 101 (101.1 mHz) KLOM Lompoc, CA L L)o)m)poc KLON Long Beach, CA L L)o)n)g Beach, now KKJZ KLOS(FM) Los Angeles, CA L L)o)s) Angeles KLOU St. Loius, MO L St. L)o)u)is KLOV Loveland, CO L L)o)v)eland KLPW Union, MO O L)eslie P). W)are KLQL(FM) Luverne, MN F LQL = 101, 101.1 mHz KLRA Little Rock, AR L L)ittle R)ock, A)rkansas Note: now dark, calls used in England, AR KLSU(FM) Baton Rough, LA O L)ouisiana S)tate U)niversity KLSX Los Angeles, CA S K)las)six) Rock KLTF Little Falls, MN L L)it)tle F)alls KLTJ(TV) Houston, TX S K)eep L)ooking t)o J)esus KLTN Houston, TX S Estero L)at)in)o KLTY Ft. Worth, TX E LTY='Light' KLTZ Glasgow, MT E KLTZ = 'kilts', Scotties ball team KLUA Kailua, HI L Kail)u)a), HI KLUC Las Vegas, NV E LUC = luck KLUF Galveston, TX O George Kloeuf='KLUF' KLVE(FM) Los Angeles, CA S 'K-L)ov)e)' KLVI Beaumont, TX F LVI = 56, Roman for '56'0 kHz KLVT Levelland, TX L L)ev)elland, T)exas KLWN Lawrence, KS L L)aw)ren)ce KLXK Minneapolis, MN E KLX='Classic' Hits Note: now KXXR KLXS Pierre, SD E KLXS = Classics (Oldies Format) KLYQ Hamilton, MT E KLYQ = 'click' KLYT Albuquerque, NM E LYT='Light' KLZR Lawrence, KS E LZR = Laser KLZZ St. Cloud, MN E L)oon ZZ)ZZZZZZZZ KMA Shenadoah, IA O M)a)y Seed and Nursery Company KMAG Ft. Smith, AR L M)a)g)azine Mountain, once transmitter location KMAN Manhattan, KS L M)a)n)hattan KMAQ Maquoketa, IA L M)a)q)uoketa KMAV Mayville, ND L M)a)yv)ille KMAX(FM) Arcadia, CA O M)a)x) Isoward KMBC Kansas City, MO O M)idland B)roadcating C)ompany Note: now KMBZ KMBI Spokane, WA O M)oody B)ible I)nstitute, See WMBI Chicago KMCL McCall, ID L M)cC)al)l KMCM Miles City, MT L M)iles C)ity, M)T, Note: See below KMCM Odessa, TX S M)usic C)ity M)all, location of station KMCO McAlester, OK L M)c)Alester, O)klahoma KMCS(FM) Seattle, WA O M)arketc)asters in S)eattle KMDY Thousand Oaks, CA E KMDY='Comedy', used when station was 'Comedy Radio' KMED(TV) Medford, OR L M)e)d)ford Note: now KTVL KMEO(FM) Flower Mound, TX S M)e)mo)ries KMER Kemmerer, WY L K)em)me)r)er KMET Los Angeles, CA O M)e)t)romedia, now KTWV KMEX(TV) Los Angeles, CA S First Spanish-language TV station in market M)e)x)ican KMFB Mendocino, CA L M)endocino-F)ort B)ragg KMFR Hondo, TX S M)ighty F)ine R)ock KMGC Dallas, TX E M)ag)ic) Note: now KDMX KMGK Glenwood, MN E MGK='Magic' KMGQ(FM) Santa Barbara, CA E MGQ='Magic' KMHD Gresham, OR O M)ount H)ood) Community College KMHI Mountian Home, ID L M)ountain H)ome I)daho KMHL Marshall, MN L M)arsh)al)l KMIC Inglewood, CA E MIC='microphone', Universal Microphone Company Note: now KXTA, Los Angeles KMIR-TV Palm Springs, CA O El Mir)ador Hotel KMIT Mitchell, SD L M)i)t)chell KMJC El Cajon, CA S K)ing M)aster J)esus C)hrist KMJZ St. Louis Park, MN S M)inneapolis J)azz) KMKI Plano, TX E MKI='Mickey' Mouse (Radio Disney format) KMKR Meeker, CO L M)eek)er) KMLB Monroe, LA O M)onroe L)iners B)roadcasting KMMJ Grand Island, NE O The M). M). J)ohnson Co. KMML(FM) Amarillo, TX O Started by Mel Tillis, M)-m)-mel) KMMO Marshall, MO S K)eeping M)arshall M)oving O)nward or M)arsall. M)O) KMMR Malta, MT L M)alta M)ontana R)adio KMMS Bozeman, MT E MMS = Moose KMNR Rolla, MO S MNR = 'Miner', Joe Miner, university mascot KMNS Sioux City, IA S M)usic N)ews and S)ports KMOJ Minneapolis, MN S Kim)o)j)a (means community) KMOM Monticello, MN L M)onticello and O)tsego, M)innesota Note: now off air KMON Great Falls, MT L M)o)n)tana Note: also referred to as 'C'mon Radio' KMOO Mineola, TX S K-M)o)o) KMOX St. Louis, MO L K)irkwood, M)O), X)mas, according to a local legend KMOZ Rolla, MO L M)issouri O)z)arks KMPC Los Angeles, CA O M)cMillan P)etroleum C)ompany KMPH-TV Visalia, CA O M)ike P)ete and H)arry Pappas KMPL Sikeston, MO S K)ey to M)odern P)romised L)and KMRN Cameron, MO L KMRN='Cameron' KMRS Morris, MN L M)or)ris) KMRY Cedar Rapids, IA S M)emor)y), adult standards format KMSD Milbank, SD L M)ilbank S)D) KMSM(FM) Butte, MT O M)ontana S)chool of M)ines KMSP(TV) Minneapolis, MN L M)inneapolis-S)t. P)aul KMST Rolla, MO O M)issouri S)cience and T)echnology, formerly KUMR, for the college's former name, the University of Missouri Rolla KMSU-FM Mankato, MN O M)ankato S)tate U)niversity, now Minnesota State University, Mankato KMTI Manti, UT L M)ant)i) KMTN Jackson, WY S M)ount)ain) KMTR Hollywood, CA O K). M). T)urner R)adio Note: now KLAC KMUW Wichita, KS O M)unicipal U)niversity of W)ichita (now Wichita State University) KMXJ(FM) Amarillo, TX S M)ix) 94.1 KMXK Cold Spring, MN E MX='Mix' KMZK Billings, MT E MZK = 'music', formerly KMAY, KUUS, KBMY KNAU Flagstaff, AZ O N)orthern A)rizona U)niversity KNBC(TV) Los Angeles, CA O N)ational B)roadcasting C)ompany KNBH(TV) Los Angeles, CA O N)B)C-H)ollywood, later KRCA(TV), now KNBC(TV) KNBR San Francisco, CA O N)ational B)roadcasting R)adio, former owner KNCI(FM) Sacramento, CA O N)ationwide C)ommunications, I)nc. KNCK Concordia, KS L N)orth C)entral K)ansas KNCQ Redding, CA L N)orthern C)alifornia's, Q) [Q-97] KNDY Marysville, KS O An)d)y) Graur, Station Manager KNED McAlester, OK S K)eeping N)eighbors E)ntertained Daily KNEI Waukon, IA L N)orthe)ast I)owa KNEV Reno, NV L N)e)v)ada KNGS Hanford, CA L K)in)g)s) County, CA KNIM Maryville, MO L K)ansas, N)ebraska, I)owa and M)issouri KNIN(TV) Boise, ID F NIN='Nine', TV channel 9 KNIX(FM) Phoenix, AZ L Phoen)i)x), AZ KNJO(FM) Thousand Oaks, CA L NJO='Conejo' Valley (both a euphonic and a location!) KNLD(TV) Duluth, MN S N)orthl)and) KNMC(FM) Havre, MT O N)orthern M)ontana C)ollege KNMS Las Cruces, NM O N)ew M)exico S)tate University KNMT(TV) Walker, MN O N)orthern M)innesota T)elevision Note: now KCCW KNOE Monroe, LA O James A. N)o)e) KNOM Nome, AK L N)o)m)e, AK KNON Dallas, TX S N)o)n)-commercial KNPR Las Vegas, NV S N)evada P)ublic R)adio KNSI St. Cloud, MN S N)ews S)ports I)nformation KNST Tucson, AZ S N)ews S)ports T)alk KNTU Denton, TX O N)orth T)exas State U)niverity (now University of North Texas) KNUS Denver, CO E NUS = News (CNN Radio) Note: once used by McLendon in Dallas KNUU Paradise, NV E NUU='new' (All news format) KNWC Sioux Falls, SD O N)orthw)estern C)ollege of Minneapolis KNWD Natchitoches, LA S N)orthw)estern State University D)emons, mascot is the Purple Demon KNWS Waterloo, IA O N)orthw)estern College KNX Los Angeles, CA E NX = Annex of Spring Street Arcade Annex Note: original location KNZA Hiawatha, KS E KNZA='Kanza', Indian tribe for which Kansas is named KOA Denver, CO S K)lear o)ver A)merica KOAC Corvallis, OR O O)regon A)gricultural C)ollege KOAI Ft. Worth, TX S O)a)i)sis (smooth jazz format) KOAK Red Oak, IA L Red O)a)k) KOAL Price, UT E KOAL='Coal', coal mining industry in area KOAM Pittsburg, KS L K)ansas, O)klahoma, A)rkansas, M)issouri Note: now KKOW, calls on TV-6 KOBI(TV) Medford, OR O O)regon B)roadcasting, I)nc. KOCA Kilgore, TX O O)il C)apital Broadcasting A)ssocation KOCO(TV) Oklahoma City, OK L O)klahoma C)ity O)klahoma KOCP(FM) Camarillo, CA S The O)c)top)us KOEL Oelwein, IA L O)e)l)wein, IA KOFI Kalispell, MT E KOFI = coffee KOHS Orem, UT O O)rem H)igh S)chool KOIL Omaha, NE O Mona Motor Oil) Co. KOIT San Francisco, CA E KOIT = Coit (Tower, landmark of city) KOLD-TV Tucson, AZ S KOLD = Cold Note: see KOOL, Phoenix KOLM Rochester, MN L O)l)m)stead County KOLS Dodge City, KS O L)arry S)teckline KOLV Oliva, MN L O)l)iv)ia KOLY Mobridge, SD S Owned by Coleman family, men are nicknamed 'Coley' KOMA Oklahoma City, Ok L O)klaho)m)a) City, OK KOME Tulsa, OK S K)overs O)ver M)agic E)mpire, later KCNW, KXXO, and KMOD(AM) KOME(FM) San Jose, CA S I KOME while I drive KOND Clovis, CA S Que O)n)d)a, idiomatic for What'ss happening? KOOL Phoenix, AZ S KOOL = Cool Note: see KOLD, Tucson KOOS Coos Bay, OR L KOOS Bay KOPB(TV) Portland, OR O O)regon P)ublic B)roadcasting KOPR Butte, MT E KOPR='Copper' mines KORE Springfield, OR L O)r)e)gon KORG Orange, CA L Or)ang)e County KORL Honolulu, HI E KORL = Coral KORN Mitchell, SD E Corn Palace in Mitchell KOST(FM) Los Angeles, CA S KOST='Coast' 103 KOTI(TV) Klamath Falls, OR O variant of parent station KOBI KOTN Pine Bluff, AR E KOTN = Cotton, Major crop in area KOTO Telluride, CO S K)eep O)ur T)ransmitter O)n, non-commercial FM KOTR(FM) Cambria, CA L O)t)ter), sea otters in nearby Pacific Ocean KOVA Ojai, CA L O)jai V)a)lley, later KMYX, 'K-Mix' KOVC Valley City, ND S K)all o)f V)alley C)ity KOVO Provo, UT L Pro)v)o) KOWH Omaha, NE O O)maha W)orld-H)erald, Newspaper Note: now KCRO KOWZ Blooming Prairie, MN E KOWZ='Cows' KOXR Oxnard, CA L O)x)nar)d KOZT Fort Bragg, CA E KOZT='Coast' KPAG Pagosa Springs, CO L P)a)g)osa KPAM Troutdale, OR O P)a)m)plin Broadcasting-Oregon, Inc. KPAS El Paso, TX L El P)a)s)o KPBC Garland, TX O P)ercy B). C)rawford KPBS(FM) San Diego, CA S P)ublic B)roadcasting S)an Diego KPCA(AM) Marked Tree, AR L P)oinsett C)ounty A)rkansas KPCB Seattle, WA O P)acific C)oast B)iscuit Co. Note: now KIRO KPCC(FM) Pasadena, CA O P)asadena C)ity C)ollege KPDX Portland, OR L P)D)X) - airport symbol for Portland KPDX(TV) Vancouver, WA L PDX=Portland International Airport, across the river from Vancouver KPEL Lafayette, LA S P)e)l)ican, Pelican State KPET Lamesa, TX S P)e)t)roleum country KPFA Berkeley, CA O P)acif)ica) Foundation KPFA Helena, MT O P)eoples F)orum of the A)ir: Note now KBLL, see above KPFX Fargo, ND E FX='Fox' KPGE Page, AZ L P)ag)e) KPHO-TV Phoenix, AZ L P)h)o)enix KPHR Milbank, SD E PHR = Power KPHX Phoenix, AZ L P)h)oenix) KPIA Ironton, MO L P)ilot Knob, I)ronton and A)rcadia, now silent KPIG Freedom, CA S The P)i)g) at 107 oink 5 FM KPIK Colorado Springs, CO L P)i)k)e's Peak KPIR Granbury, TX O P)i)r)ate Broadcasters, Inc. KPIR Duluth, Minnesota E P)i)(e)r), as in a ship's dock, Pier 99, later WAKX-FM, now KTCO KPLT Paris, TX L P)aris, L)amar (County) T)exas KPLU Tacoma, WA O P)acific L)utheran U)niversity KPLX Ft. Worth, TX S Flex your P)l)ex) (Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex) KPMC Bakersfield, CA O P)ioneer M)ercantile C)ompany KPMO Mendocino, CA E PMO='Pomo', name of the Indian tribe that originally populated this area KPNT St. Louis, MO S the P)oin)t) KPNW Eugene, OR L P)acific N)orthw)est KPNX Mesa, AZ L P)hoen)ix) KPOF Denver, CO O P)illar o)f F)ire Ministries KPOJ Portland, OR O P)ortland O)regon J)ournal, newspaper original owner KPOK Bowman, ND E POK = Poke (Cowpoke) KPOL Los Angeles, CA O John P)oo)L)e Broadcasting Note: now KMPC KPOO(FM) San Francisco, CA S P)o)o)r People's Radio or POO, as close to profanity as owner Lorenzo Milam could get KPOW Powell, WY L P)o)w)ell KPPC Pasadena, CA O P)asadena P)resbyterian C)hurch, Former Owner KPRC Houston, TX S K)otton P)ort R)ail C)enter KPRK Livingston, MT L K)-P)ar)k), near Yellowstone Park KPRL Paso Robles, CA L P)aso R)obl)es KPRM Park Rapids, MN L P)ark R)apids, M)N KPSN Pasadena, CA O P)asadena S)tar-N)ews Note: station no longer exists KPTL Carson City, NV S P)raise t)he L)ord KPTS Hutchinson/Wichita, KS O K)ansas P)ublic T)elecommunications S)ervice KPTV Portland, OR L P)ortland T)V) KPUB Pueblo, CO L P)u)eb)lo KPUR Amarillo, TX S 14K) P)u)r)e Gold KPVI(TV) Pocatello, ID F P)ocatello VI=Roman 6, TV channel 6 KPVL Postville, IA L P)ostv)il)le KPWR Los Angeles, CA E PWR = Power KPXD(TV) Arlington, TX S P)ax)net-D)allas KPXN(TV) San Bernardino, CA O P)ax) N)etwork originally religious KHOF, K)ing's H)all O)f F)ortune KPYK Terrel, TX E PYK = Pick 'The pick of the dial' KQAC Portland, OR S A)ll C)lassical KQAS Astoria, OR L A)s)toria KQDI Great Falls, MT E QDI = 'cutie', formerly KUDI KQED-TV San Francisco, CA S Q)uod E)rat D)emonstrandum, Latin for 'that which was to be demonstrated, has been' KQHR Hood River, OR L H)ood R)iver KQIC Willmar, MN S Q)uick I)nc)ome KQMB Midvale, UT O Q)uarry M)ountain B)roadcasting, original owner KQNK Norton, KS L N)orton K)ansas KQOC Gleneden Beach, OR L O)regon C)oast KQQL Anoka, MN E KQQL = Kool (Kool Gold for Twin Cities) KQRS Golden Valley, MN S Q)uality R)adio S)tation KQTY Everett, WA E QTY='cutie' Note: now KWYZ, one of the Wally Nelskog stations all phonetically spelling cutie KQV Pittsburgh, PA S K)ing of the Q)uaker V)alley KQW San Jose, CA S K)ing's Q)uickening W)ord Note: KCBS-San Francisco, Charles Herrold's Pioneer Station KQZZ-FM Devils Lake, ND O Double Z) Broadcasting Inc. KRAL Rawlins, WY L R)a)wl)ins KRAV Tulsa, OK O George K)r)a)vis, now owned by Cox KRBC Abilene, TX O R)eporter B)roadcasting C)ompany, Newspaper Note: now KFQX KRBE Houston, TX O R)oland B)aker and his wife, E)dith KRBM Bozeman, MT O R)obin B). M)acNab, Note: now KMMS ('Moose') KRBN Red Lodge, MT E KRBN='Carbon' County Note: now dark KRBR Superior, WI E BR='Bear' KRBR(TV) Duluth, MN O R)obin B)r)andt Note: now KNLD KRCA(SW) Bolinas, CA O R)adio C)orporation of A)merica, now dark KRCA-TV Los Angeles, CA O R)adio C)orporation of A)merica Note: now KNBC KRCA(TV) Riverside, CA L R)iverside, C)A) KRCC(FM) Colorado Springs, CO O R)adio C)olorado C)ollege KRCD Inglewood, CA S R)ec)uerd)o meaning Memory KRCG(TV) Jefferson City, MO O R)obert C). G)oshorn, father of original owner KRCH St. Louis, MO S Ar)c)h - named after arch in downtown (Now KYKY) KRCS Sturgis, SD L R)apid C)ity-S)turgis KRCV West Covina, CA S A variant on sister station KRCD KRDO Colorado Springs, CO L K)olor)ad)o) KRDU Dinuba, CA L R)adio D)inu)ba KRDY San Antonio, TX S R)adio D)isney) KRDY San Antonio, TX S R)adio D)isney) KREC Brian Head, UT S R)e)c)reation (Southern Utah is a major tourist destination) KREJ Medicine Lodge, KS S K)ansas R)adio E)xpecting J)esus KREP Belleville, KS L R)e)p)ublic County KRET(TV) Richardson, TX O R)ichardson E)ducational T)elevision, now KUVN(TV) KREV Lakeville, MN S R)e)v)olution Radio Note: now KZNR KREX Grand Junction, CO O R)e)x) Howell KRFE Everett, WA S R)adio F)ree E)verett, now KRKO KRFO Owatonna, MN L R)adio F)rom O)watonna KRGI Grand Island, NE S R)adio G)rand I)sland KRGO West Valley City, UT E KRGO='Cargo' Note: now KMRI, was a country station during the height of CB/trucking music craze KRGT Indian Springs, NV S R)eg)gaet)on or Spanish hip hop KRGV Weslaco, TX L R)io G)rande V)alley Note: now KRGE KRHM(FM) Los Angeles, CA O R)obert H). M)iles, original owner later KKDJ now KIIS KRII(TV) Chisholm, MN L Repeater for KBJR, R)ange I)I), channel 11 KRJB Ada, MN O R)&J) B)roadcasting KRKC King City, CA S R)adio K)ing C)ity KRKD Los Angeles, CA E RKD = Arcade Spring Street Arcade Note: original location KRKE(FM) Denver, CO E RKE = Rocky KRKH Lubbock, TX O R)ochester, K)yle and H)enderson, was KSEL-FM KRKO Everett, WA E KRKO='Crocodile' KRLA Pasadena, CA L R)adio L)os A)ngeles KRLC Lewiston, ID S R)adio L)ewiston-C)larkston KRLD Dallas, TX O R)adio L)abs of D)allas KRLV Las Vegas, NV S R)adio L)as V)egas KRLX Northfield, MN E KRL-ton = 'Carleton' KRMD Shreveport, LA O R)obert M). D)ean KRMG Tulsa, OK O K)er)r-M)cG)ee Oil Company KRML Carmel, CA E KRML = Carmel KRNA(FM) Iowa City, IA S K)iss R)ob N)orton's A)**, legend KRNO Reno, NV L R)en)o) KRNT Des Moines, IA O R)egister an)d T)ribune newspaper, original owner KRNW Chillicothe, MO S R)adio N)orthw)est (Northwest Missouri State University) KRNY(FM) Kearney, NE L K)ear)n)ey) KROC Rochester, MN L R)o)c)hester KROD El Paso, TX O Dorrence D. R)o)d)erick KROF Abbeville, LA S R)ice O)il and F)urs KROK DeRidder, LA E KROK ROK = Crocodile Rock KROQ(FM) Pasadena, CA E ROQ = Rock KROY Sacramento, CA O R)o)y)al Miller Note: now KSAC although the FM maintains the calls KRPL Moscow, ID L R)adio P)al)ouse KRRO(FM) Sioux Falls, SD S K)lassic R)ock and R)oll O)nly, KRRO=Crow KRRV Sherman, TX L R)ed R)iver V)alley Note: now KBLN KRSC Seattle, WA O R)adio S)ales C)orporation Note: now KEZX(AM) KRSC Claremore, OK O R)ogers S)tate C)ollege, now University KRSD-TV Rapid City, SD L R)apid City, S)outh D)akota KRSL Russell, KS L RSL='FAA designator for Russell' KRSY Albuquerque, NM E KRSY = Crazy KRTH(FM) Los Angeles, CA E KRTH='K-Earth' KRTR(FM) Kailua, HI E KRTR = Crater (Volcano) KRUZ(FM) Santa Barbara, CA E KRUZ='Cruise' KRVN Lexington, NE S R)ural V)oice of N)ebraska KRWB Roseau, MN L R)oseau, W)arroad, B)adger, cities in service area KRWC Forest Grove, OR L R)adio W)ashington C)ounty, now dark KRWC Buffalo, MN L R)adio W)right C)ounty KRWF(TV) Redwood Falls, MN L R)edw)ood F)alls KRXV Ft. Worth, TX F R)adio XV=Roman number for 15 (1540 kHz), now KZMP KRYK(FM) Chinook, MT E KRYK = crick KRYS Corpus Christi, TX L KRYS = Christi KRZI Waco, TX E KRZI='Krazy' KRZN Englewood, CO E KRZN = Crusin' (Oldies Format) KSAC Manhattan, KS O K)ansas S)tate A)gricultural C)ollege KSAJ Abilene, KS L S)alina, A)bilene, J)unction City KSAL Salina, KS L S)a)l)ina KSAM Huntsville, TX S S)a)m) Houston, Texas Historical Figure KSAN(FM) San Franscisco, CA L S)a)n) Francisco KSBL(FM) Carpinteria, CA S 'S)anta B)arbara's L)ite FM' KSBW(TV) Salinas, CA S S)alad B)owl of the W)orld KSCB Liberal, KS O S)eward C)ounty B)roadcasting KSCJ Sioux City, IA O S)ioux C)ity J)ournal, original licensee KSCR Benson, MN L S)wift C)ounty R)adio KSCT(TV) Sitka, AK S S)itka C)ommunity T)elevision KSCU(FM) Santa Clara, CA O S)anta C)lara U)niversity KSCV Springfield, MO S S)pringfield's C)hristian V)oice KSD St. Louis, MO O S)t. Louis Post-D)ispatch, Newspaper Note: now KTRS, calls used on FM 93.7 KSDO San Diego, CA L S)an D)iego), CA KSEB Sleepy Eye, MN O S)leepy E)ye B)roadcasters KSEI Pocatello, ID L S)outhe)ast I)daho KSEK Pittsburg, KS L S)outhe)ast K)ansas KSEL Lubbock, TX S Buy and S)e)l)l (see once co-owned KBUY, Amarillo, TX), now KJTV KSEO Durant, OK L S)outhe)astern O)klahoma KSEV Tomball, TX F S)e)v)en, for 700 kHz KSFE Needles, CA S S)ante F)e) Railroad, Needles was a big railroad town KSFI(FM) Salt Lake City, UT O S)immons F)amily, I)nc. KSFO San Francisco, CA L S)an F)rancisco), CA KSFR San Francisco, CA O S)an F)rancisco R)ecords, became KSAN now KYLD KSGB University Park, TX O S)tuart G)aines B)roadcasting KSGF Springfield, MO L 'SGF'=Springfield airport designation code, was KTTS KSGL Wichita, KS S K)ansas S)haring G)od's L)ove KSGS St. Louis Park, MN S S)olid G)old S)oul KSHB(TV) Kansas City, MO O S)cripps-H)oward B)roadcasting KSHE St. Louis, MO S originally featured a format targerted toward women KSHY Cheyenne, WY E SHYenne = Cheyenne KSIL Silver City, NM L S)i)l)ver city KSIM Sikeston, MO S K)eep S)ikeston i)n M)ind KSIR Estes Park, CO S New S)ound i)n the R)ockies, note: now in Ft. Morgan, CO KSIV St. Louis, MO S S)t. Louis I)nspirational V)oice KSJN St. Paul, MN O S)t. J)ohn's N)etwork (Minnesota Public Radio) KSJO(FM) San Jose, CA L S)an J)o)se, CA KSJQ St. Josepth, MO L S)t. J)oseph, MO KSJR Collegeville, MN O S)t. J)ohn's R)adio University (Founder of Minnesota Public Radio) KSJS(FM) San Jose, CA O S)an J)ose S)tate KSJU Collegeville, MN O S)t. J)ohn's U)niversity KSKI Hailey, ID S SKI Sun Valley KSKY Balch Springs, TX S K-'sky' KSL Salt Lake City, UT L S)alt L)ake City, Utah KSLQ St. Louis, MO S S)t. L)ouis Q) KSLR San Antonio, TX S S)on L)ight R)adio (Light of Jesus) KSLU(FM) Hammond, LA O S)outheastern L)ouisiana U)niversity KSMA Santa Maria, CA L S)anta M)a)ria KSMJ Sacramento, CA S S)acramento's M)aj)ic KSMO Salem, MO L S)alem, M)O) KSMO(FM) Kansas City, MO L K)ans)as M)isso)uri, postal codes for the states KSNB St. Louis Park, MN S S)ports n) B)usiness, was KCCO and KRSI KSNF-TV16 Joplin, MO O K)ansas S)tate N)etwork, F)our-States (Joplin, MO), formerly KTVJ KSNO Aspen, CO E SNO = snow KSNW(TV) Wichita, KS O K)ansas S)tate N)etwork-W)ichita KSO Des Moines, IA S K)eep S)erving O)thers Note: now KGGO(AM) KSOC Gainesville, TX S S)oul o)f the C)ity, Dallas/Ft. Worth market KSOK Arkansas City, KS L Kansas (KS) and Oklahoma (OK) (city is just north of the state line) KSOO Sioux Falls, SD E SOO = Sioux KSPA Santa Paula, CA L S)anta P)a)ula, later KQIQ, 'Quick' KSPD Boise, ID E S)p)eed), all-news radio or s)p)ud) for Idaho potatos KSPL Kalispell, MT L K)alis)p)el)l KSPN Pasadena, CA S ES)P)N) Radio KSPN Aspen, CO L As)p)en) KSQY Deadwood, SD E SQY = Sky, located in high mountain area KSRA Salmon, ID S S)almon R)iver A)rea KSRF(FM) Santa Monica, CA E SRF='Surf' (beach city) KSRM Soldotna, AK O S)olid R)ock M)inistries KSRO Santa Rosa, CA L S)anta R)o)sa KSSN(FM) Little Rock, AR E KSSN = Kissin' KSTL St. Louis, MO L S)t). L)ouis KSTP St. Paul, MN L St). P)aul, Minnesota KSTT(FM) San Luis Obispo, CA E KSTT='Coast' 101.3 FM KSTU(TV) Salt Lake City, UT O S)pringfield T)elevision in U)tah, see WWLP-TV KSTV Stephenville, TX L St)ephenv)ille, TX KSTW(TV) Tacoma, WA L S)eattle-T)acoma W)ashington KSUB Cedar City, UT O S)outhern U)tah B)roadcasting Co. KSUN Phoenix, AZ S S)u)n)ny Arizona KSUU Cedar City, UT O S)outhern U)tah U)niversity KSWK Lakin, KS L S)outhw)est K)ansas KSWK(TV) Lakin, KS S S)outh W)est K)ansas KSWO Lawton, OK L S)outhw)estern O)klahoma KSXY Fresno, CA E SXY = Sexy 101.1 KTAB Oakland, CA O T)enth A)venue B)aptist Church Note: now KSFO-SF KTAC Tacoma, WA L T)a)c)oma KTAL(FM) Texarkana, TX L T)exas A)rkansas L)ouisiana KTAM Bryan, TX L T)exas A) & M), adjacent to University KTAR Phoenix, AZ S K)eep T)aking the A)rizona R)epublic, Newspaper KTBN(SW) Salt Lake City, UT S T)rinity B)roadcasting N)etwork, now silent KTBN(TV) Fontana, CA O T)rinity B)roadcasting N)etwork KTBT(FM) Tulsa, OK S T)he B)eat) KTCJ Minneapolis, MN S T)win C)ities J)azz Note: now KXBR KTCK Dallas, TX E TCK = Ticket (all sports format) KTCL Seattle, WA S T)he C)harmed L)and, now KOMO KTCO Duluth, MN S K)at) C)o)untry KTCR Minneapolis, MN S T)win C)ities R)adio Note: now KXBR/KTCZ KTCT San Mateo, CA E TCT='Ticket', sports format KTCU(FM) Ft. Worth, TX O T)exas C)hristian U)niversity KTEM Temple, TX L T)e)m)ple KTFI Twin Falls, ID L T)win F)alls, I)daho KTGS Ada, OK S T)he G)ospel S)tation KTHE Thermopolis, WY L T)h)e)rmopolis KTHO S. Lake Tahoe, CA L T)ah)o)e KTHS Berryville, AR S K)ome t)o H)ot S)prings Note: Became KAAY in Little Rock, calls used in Berryville KTHX Reno, NV S T)h)e X) KTIS Minneapolis, MN O T)ravelers I)nsurance S)ervice KTKU-FM Juneau, AK E TKU='Taku' KTLA(TV) Los Angeles, CA S T)elevision L)os A)ngeles KTLB Twin Lakes, IA O T)win L)akes B)roadcasters KTLO Mountain Home, AR S T)win L)akes of the O)zarks KTLQ Tahlequah, OK L T)ahl)eq)uah, Oklahoma KTMO(LP) Amarillo, TX E T)elem)undo) KTMO(LP) Amarillo, TX O T)elem)undo) affiliate KTMS Santa Barbara, CA O T)homas M). S)torke, original owner KTNN Window Rock, AZ O T)he N)avajo N)ation KTNT Tacoma, WA O T)acoma N)ews T)ribune, moved to Silverdale, WA KTNT Eufaula, OK S TNT='dynamite' KTNT Tacoma, WA O T)acoma N)ews T)ribune KTNY Libby, MT E LTNY='Kootenai' River, Mountains, etc. KTNZ Amarillo, TX F TNZ='tens', 1010 kHz KTOB Petaluma, CA S T)op 40 o)f San Francisco B)ay KTOE Mankato, MN L ManK)aT)O) +E) for Mankato KTOP Topeka, KS L T)o)p)eka KTPI(FM) Tehachapi, CA L T)ehachap)i) KTRA Dallas, TX S Ext)r)a) Sports 1190, see XETRA KTRF Thief River Falls, MN L T)hief R)iver F)alls KTRH Houston, TX O T)he R)ice H)otel KTRN Wichita Falls, TX O T)imes-R)ecord N)ews(paper) Note: now KLFF KTRV(TV) Boise, ID S T)r)easure V)alley KTSA San Anotnio, TX L T)exas S)an A)ntonio KTSB Sioux Center, IA O T)ri-S)tate B)roadcasters KTSM El Paso, TX O T)ri S)tate M)usic Company KTTL(FM) Dodge City, KS E KTTL = Cattle Country KTTN Trenton, MO L T)rent)on) KTTR Rolla, MO S K)eep T)uned T)o R)olla KTTS Springfield, MO S K)eep T)alking t)o S)pringfield KTTV(TV) Los Angeles, CA O T)imes TeleV)ision (original owner, Los Angeles Times) KTUC Tucson, AZ L T)u)c)son KTUL-TV Tulsa L T)u)l)sa KTUM Tatum, NM L T)atu)m) KTVB(TV) Boise, ID S T)elev)ision B)oise KTVO(TV) Kirksville, MO/Ottumwa, L K)irksville T)V)-O)ttumwa KTVT(TV) Ft. Worth, TX S T)elev)ision T)exas KTWN(FM) Texarkana, TX L TWN = Twin Cities of Texarkana, AR & TX KTWU Topeka, KS O T)opeka W)ashburn U)niversity KTWV Los Angeles, CA S T)he W)av)e, was KMET KTXA(TV) Arlington, TX L T)ex)as, A)rlington KTXO Sherman, TX S Lake T)ex)o)ma KTXS(TV) Sweetwater, TX L K-T)ex)as) KTYD(FM) Santa Barbara, CA E TYD=The Tide KTYL(FM) Tyler, TX L T)y)l)er, TX KTYS Flower Mound, TX S TYS='Twister' KUAF(FM) Fayetteville, AR O U)niversity of A)rkansas-F)ayetteville KUAM Agana, GU L Gu)a)m) KUAT Tucson, AZ O U)niversity of A)rizona, T)ucson KUDO Anchorage, AK S KUDOs for Anchorage KUEL Ft. Dodge, IA E KUEL = 'Cool' 92 KUGN Eugene, OR L Eu)g)en)e KUHF(FM) Houston, TX O U)niversity of H)ouston F)M KUHT(TV) Houston, TX O U)niversity of H)ouston T)V KUID Moscow, ID O U)niversity of I)d)aho KUKI Ukiah, CA L U)k)i)ah KULY Ulysses, KS L U)l)y)sses KUMD(FM) Duluth, MN O U)niversity of M)innesota-D)uluth KUMM Morris, MN O U)niversity of M)innesota-M)orris KUMR Rolla, MO O U)niversity of M)issori-R)olla KUNI(FM) Cedar Falls, IA O U)niversity of N)orthern I)owa KUNM(FM) Albuquerque, NM O U)niversity of N)ew M)exico KUNR Reno, NV O U)niversity of N)evada-R)eno KUNV Las Vegas, NV O U)niversity of N)ev)ada KUOI Moscow, ID O U)niversity o)f I)daho KUOM Minneapolis, MN O U)niversity o)f M)innesota KUOO Spirit Lake, IA S U)niversity o)f O)koboji, make believe University KUOW Seattle, WA O U)niversity o)f W)ashington KUPD(FM) Phoenix, AZ E KUPD = Cupid KUPI Idaho Falls, ID S U)nited P)ress I)nternational KUSC(FM) Los Angeles, CA O U)niversity of S)outhern C)alifornia KUSD Vermillion, SD O U)niversity of S)outh D)akota KUSF(FM) San Francisco, CA O U)niversity of S)an F)rancisco KUSH Cushing, OK L K)u)s)h)ing, Oklahoma KUT(FM) Austin, TX O U)niversity of T)exas Note: Originally on AM in 1920's KUUY Cheyenne, WY E UUY = 'Double U Y' WY KUVN(TV) Garland, TX O U)n)iv)ision KUWS Superior, WI O U)niversity of W)isconsin-S)uperior KVAL Eugene, OR L Willamette V)a)l)ley KVAN Vancouver, WA L V)a)n)couver KVBR Brainerd, MN S V)oice of B)r)ainerd KVCK Wolf Point, MT O V)ukelich, C)offey and K)rebsbach KVEA(TV) Corona, CA S 'Vea' is Spanish for 'watch it' originally KBSC, K)aiser B)roadcasting S)tation C)alifornia KVEC San Luis Obispo, CA O V)alley E)lectric C)ompany, the original owners of the station. Note: KSBY-TV once used these calls. KVEG Henderson, NV L Las V)e)g)as KVEL Vernal, UT L V)e)rnal) KVEN Ventura, CA L V)e)n)tura KVFD Ft. Dodge, IA L V)oice of F)t. D)odge KVGB Great Bend, KS L V)oice of G)reat B)end or K)ansas V)oice of the G)olden B)elt KVII(TV) Amarillo, TX F VII=7, channel 7 KVIK Decorah, IA S V)i)k)ing - large Norwegian heritage population KVIL Highland Park, TX L V)i)l)lage of Highland Park KVLF Alpine, TX S V)oice of the L)ast F)rontier KVLY(FM) Edinburg, TX L Rio Grande V)al)ley) KVMA Magnolia, AR S V)oice of M)agnolia A)rkansas KVNA Flagstaff, AZ S V)oice of N)orthern A)rizona KVNI Coeur'd Alene, ID S V)oice of N)orth I)daho KVOA Tucson, AZ S V)oice o)f A)rizona Note: now KIIM(AM) - formerly KCUB KVOD Denver, CO S K)lassical V)oice o)f D)enver KVOE Emporia, KS S K)ansas V)oice o)f E)mporia KVOM Morrilton, AR S V)oice o)f M)orrilton KVON Napa, CA S V)oice o)f N)apa KVOO Tulsa, OK S V)oice o)f O)klahoma KVOR Colorado Spring, CO S V)oice o)f the R)ockies KVOX Moorhead, MN S VOX='Voice' KVPI Ville Platte, LA S K)eeping V)ille P)latte I)nformed KVRN Sonora, TX E KVRN = 'caverns' of Sonora, now KHOS KVSC St. Cloud, MN S V)oice of S)t. C)loud KVSM San Mateo, CA S V)oice of S)an M)ateo, now KTCT KVSO Ardmore, OK S V)oice of S)outhern O)klahoma KVSV Beloit, KS S V)oice of the S)olomon V)alley KVTA Port Hueneme, CA L V)ent)ura) County was formerly KACY 'Casey' as a top-40 station and KTRO 'Tiro' (Spanish for 'bullet', used sound of a pistol firing as on-air logo) KVTT(FM) Dallas, TX S K)eep V)oicing t)he T)ruth KWAD Wadena, MN L W)a)d)ena KWAK Stuttgart, AR E KWAK = Quack, Area noted for ducks KWAR Waverly, IA O W)a)r)tburg College KWAS Amarillo, TX S K)eep W)earing a) S)mile, Christian format KWAT Watertown, SD L W)a)t)ertown KWAV Monterey, CA E WAV = Wave, Coastal Location KWAX Eugene, OR E KWAK = 'Quacks', University of Oregon (Ducks) KWAY Waverly, IA L W)a)verly) KWBG Boone, IA S K)eep W)atching B)oone G)row KWBU(FM) Waco, TX O W)aco B)aylor U)niversity KWCH(TV) Wichita, KS L W)ic)h)ita KWCR Ogden, UT O W)eber C)ollege R)adio (Weber State University) KWDM West Des Moines, IA L W)est D)es M)oines KWED Seguin, TX S K)eeps W)orking E)very Day KWEI Weiser, ID L W)e)i)ser KWFB Wichita Falls, TX S B)ob F)M KWFT Wichita Falls, TX L W)ichita F)alls, T)exas KWGN(TV) Denver, CO O W)G)N), owned by WGN's parent company KWHP(FM) Edmond, OK O W)illiam H)oward P)ayne, now KKWD KWHR(SW) Honolulu, HI O W)orld H)arvest R)adio KWHY(TV) Los Angeles, CA S 'K-Why' (station was financial news first 30 years of operation) KWIT(FM) Sioux City, IA O W)estern I)owa T)ech KWJJ Portland, OR O W)ilbur J). J)erman KWKH Shreveport, LA O W). K). H)enderson KWKY Des Moines, IA E KWKY='Quickie', from top 40 era KWLC Decorah, IA O L)uther C)ollege KWLM Willmar, MN L W)il)lm)ar KWLO Waterloo, IA L W)aterl)o)o, IA KWLW North Salt Lake, UT O Named after co-owned and same frequency sister, WLW in Cincinnati KWMT Ft. Dodge, IA O Originally owned by the WMT group of Cedar Rapids KWMT-FM Tucson, AZ S The M)ount)ain KWMU St. Louis, MO O M)issouri U)niversity KWNA Winnemucca, NV L W)in)nemucca) KWNE(FM) Ukiah, CA E WNE = Wine Country of California KWNG Red Wing, MN L Red W)in)g) KWNK Simi Valley, CA S 'K-Wink' KWNO Winona, MN L W)in)o)na KWNS Pratt, KS S K)ansas W)eather N)ews and S)ports KWNS-FM Winnsboro, TX E K-Wins WNS='wins' KWOR Worland, WY L W)o)r)land KWOS Jefferson City, MO S K)eep W)atching O)ur S)tate KWRD(FM) Arlington, TX E WRD = Word (religious format) KWSC Pullman, WA O W)ashington S)tate C)ollege KWSH Wewoka, OK L W)ewoka, S)eminole and H)oldenville, OK KWSK Pratt, KS S K)eep W)atching S)outhern K)ansas, now silent KWSN Sioux Falls, SD S W)eather S)ports and N)ews KWST(FM) Los Angeles, CA E WST='West' (now KPWR) KWSU Pullman, WA O W)ashington S)tate U)niversity KWTC Anaheim, CA S K)ome W)est t)o C)alifornia Note: now KWIZ KWTO Springfield, MO S K)eep w)atching t)he O)zarks KWTV(TV) Oklahoma City, OK S W)orld's T)allest V)ideo, TV tower height KWTX-TV Waco, TX L W)aco T)ex)as KWVE(FM) San Clemente, CA S K)-W)av)e) KWWK(FM) Rochester, MN S KWWK='Quick', Quick Country KWYO Sheridan, WY L W)y)o)ming KXAN(TV) Austin, TX L Tex)a)n) KXAS(TV) Ft. Worth, TX L Tex)a)s) KXBR Minneapolis, MN E BR='Bear' KXCI Tucson, AZ F XCI = frequency (91.3) in Roman numerals KXCV Maryville, MO F XCV = frequency (90.5) in Roman numerals KXIC Iowa City, IA L I)owa C)ity KXII(TV) Sherman, TX F XII=12, channel 12 KXLI(TV) St. Cloud, MN F XLI=Roman numerals for '41' Note: now KPXM KXLU(FM) Los Angeles, CA O L)oyola Marymount U)niversity KXMS Jpolin, MO S K)lassix) M)issouri S)outhern State College, classical format KXRA Alexandria, MN L Alex)andr)ia) KXSS St. Cloud, MN E KXSS = kicks Note: now Magic 1390 KXTA Los Angeles, CA S Ex)t)ra) Sports 1150, see XETRA KXUS-FM Springfield, MO S U)S) 97 KXXV-TV Waco, TX F XXV=25 channel 25 KYAK Anchorage, AK E KYAK = kayak KYKC(FM) Ada, OK S K)eepin' Y)our K)inda C)ountry KYLT Missoula, MT E KYLT = kilt KYNG Coos Bay, OR S K)y)n)g) (King) of the Oregon Coast KYNG Dallas, TX S Y)oun)g) Country KYNT Yankton, SD L Y)an)kt)on KYSM Mankato, MN O S)outhern M)innesota Supply Co., part of a family owned Chevrolet automobile dealership KYSR(FM) Los Angeles, CA S S)tar) 98.7 formerly KJOI, 'K-Joy' KYTN Union City, TN L K)entucky)-T)en)nessee KYUS(TV) Miles City, MT E KYUS = 'cayuse', a wild horse KYVE(TV) Yakima, WA S Y)akima V)alley E)ducation KYW Philadelphia, PA S Y)oung W)arriors KZEG Manila, Phillipines O E)rlanger and G)allagher (business that owned the station) KZEL(FM) Eugene, OR O George Z)e)l)lner KZEW Dallas, TX E ZEW='Zoo', now KBFB KZIB Manila, Phillipines O I). B)eck Department Store KZNA Hill City, KS E KZNA='Kanza', Indian tribe for which Kansas is named KZNN(FM) Haltom City, TX E ZNN = Zone KZRF Manila, Phillipines S R)adio F)ilipinas KZRH Manila, Phillipines O R)adio H)eacock (department store) KZRM Manila, Phillipines S R)adio M)anila KZRP Manila, Phillipines S R)adio P)hilippines KZSC Santa Cruz, CA O University of California-S)anta C)ruz KZSU(FM) Stanford, CA O S)tanford U)niversity KZZY-FM Devils Lake, ND O Double Z) Broadcasting Inc. VOA Marathon, FL S V)oice o)f A)merica VOAR St. John's, NF S V)oice o)f A)tlantic R)eligion (Seventh Day Adventist Church) VOCM St. John's, NF S V)oice o)f the C)ommon M)an WAAC Valdosta, GA S A)ny and A)ll C)ountry WAAI-FM Hurlock, MD O A)pex A)ssociates I)nc., original owners WAAL(FM) Binghamton, NY E WAAL = Whale WAAM Ann Arbor, MI L A)nn A)rbor, M)I WAAV Wilmington, NC E WAAV='wave', due to coastal location WABC-770 New York, NY O A)merican B)roadcasting C)ompany Note: formerly WJZ(AM) WABC-880 New York, NY O A)tlantic B)roadcasting C)ompany Note: now WCBS WABD(TV) New York, NY O A)llen B). D)uMont Note: later WNEW-TV, now WNYW-TV WABE Atlanta, GA O A)tlanta B)oard of E)ducation WABM Birmingham, AL L A)labama B)irm)ingham WABS Arlington, VA S W)ashington A)rea B)ible S)tation WABT Birmingham, AL S A)labama's B)est T)elevision, later WAPI-TV, now WVTM WABT(FM) Dundee, IL S W)a)b)bit WABT(TV) Birmingham, AL S A)labama's B)est T)elevision WABY Albany, NY L A)lb)any), New York, now WAMC(AM) WACL Waycross, GA S A)tlantic C)oast L)ine Railroad (largest local employer) WACO Waco, TX L W)a)c)o), Texas WACT Tuscaloosa, AL S A)labama C)rimson T)ide WACY-TV Appleton, WI O Owned by A)c)e Broadcasting WADB(FM) Belmar, NJ O A)damant and D)orothy B)rown, now WRAT WADN Concord, MA L W)a)ld)en, for Walden Pond WAEB Allentown, PA L A)llentown E)aston B)ethelehem WAEO(TV) Rhinelander, WI O A)lvin E)dward O)'Konski,founder, now WJFW-TV WAER(FM) Syracuse, NY S A)lpha E)psilon R)ho, broadcasting fraternity-later referred to as A)lways E)xcellent R)adio WAEV(FM) Savannah, GA E WAEV = Wave WAFN Arab, AL S A)rab F)un) 92.7 WAFR Tupelo, MS O A)merican F)amily R)adio (flagship station) WAGA(TV) Atlanta, GA L A)tlanta, G)A) WAGF Dothan, AL L A)labama, G)eorgia and F)lorida WAHG New York, NY O A). H). G)rebe Note: evolved into WCBS-NY WAHR(FM) Huntsville, AL O A)rnold H)ornbuckle R)ecords WAIA(FM) Miami, FL S A1A, same road as US-1 Note: now WFLC WAIC(FM) Springfield, MA O A)merican I)nternational C)ollege WAIL(FM) Key West, FL E WAIL='Whale' WAIR Atlanta, MI E On the A)i)r) WAIS Nelsonville, OH S A)rea I)nformation S)tation WAIU Columbus, OH O A)merican I)nsurance U)nion Note: now WTVN WAJC Indianapolis, IN O A)rthur J)ordan C)onservatory (of Music), now WJJK WAJR Morgantown, WV O A)gnes J)ane R)eeves WAKR Akron, OH L A)k)r)on WAKW Cincinnati, OH S W)ith A) K)ing's W)itness WAKX Superior, Wisconsin E WAKX='Wax', referring to records, Later KXTP, now WGEE WAKY Louisville, KY S W)a)ck)y) Note: now WWKY, calls in Danville, KY WALA Mobile, AL L A)l)a)bama WALL Middletown, NY S A)L)L) of Orange County WALX(FM) Selma, AL O A)l)ex)ander Broadcasting WAMC(FM) Albany, NY O A)lbany M)edical C)ollege WAMD St. Paul, MN S W)here A)ll M)innesota D)ances Note: now KSTP WAME Miami, FL S W)ha)m)my in Miami Note: now WSUA WAMH Amherst, MA L A)m)h)erst WAMH Amherst, MA O A)m)herst College and H)ampshire College WAMN Green Valley, WV E AMN = amen WAMO Pittsburgh, PA L A)llegheny M)onogahela O)hio, 3 Rivers converge there WAMR Miami, FL E A)m)or) or love WAMU Washington, DC O A)m)erican U)niversity WAMV Amherst, VA L A)m)herst, V)A WAMX Milton, WV S A)lbum M)ix) WAMZ(FM) Louisville, KY S A)merica's M)uz)ic (Country format) WANB Waynesburg, PA L W)a)yn)esb)urg, Pennsylvania WANC Ticonderoga, NY L A)dirondack N)orth C)ountry WANC(TV) Asheville, NC L A)sheville N)orth C)arolina, was WISE-TV, now on a radio station in Ticonderoga, NY WANE(TV) Ft. Wayne, IN L Fort W)a)yn)e) WANY(FM) Albany, KY L A)lban)y) WAOW Wausau, WI L Sister station of W)KO)W); W)A)usau WAPA San Juan, PR S Gua)p)a) which is pronounced the same as WAPA means pretty or attractive WAPB Murfreesboro, TN S A)ll P)oints B)ulletin (was a news/talk station) WAPE(FM) Jacksonville, FL S The Big A)p)e) WAPI Birmingham, AL O A)labama P)olytechnic I)nstitute (Auburn) WAPL-FM Appleton, WI L A)p)pl)eton WAPO Chattanooga, TN O W). A). P)atterson, O)wner WAPP(FM) New York, NY S Big A)p)p)le WAPR Selma, AL O A)labama P)ublic R)adio WAPS Akron, OH O A)kron P)ublic S)chools WAPT Jackson, MS O A)merican P)ublic (Life Insurance) T)elevision WAQI Miami, FL S A)q)ui) Mambi Note: Spanish: 'Mambi is Here' Mr. Mambi is a Cuban Patriot, aqui = here WAQY(FM) Springfield, MA E W)A)CKQ)Y) 'Wacky 102' WARA Attleboro, MA L A)ttleboro R)adio A)ssociates WARD Pittston, PA O Jim W)a)r)d), owner/PD/talk show host, until his death in 1997 WARE Ware, MA L W)a)r)e), MA WARH-FM Grantite City, IL S The St. Louis Gateway A)r)ch) WARM-FM York, PA O Station was a sister station to WARM in Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, PA WARO Canonsburgh, PA S W)e A)re R)adio O)ne (at 540 kHz), also known as 'Arrow' WASH Washington, DC S W)a)s)h)ington WATD Marshfield, MA L W)e're a)t the D)ump, where the transmitter was located WATO Oak Ridge, TN S A)t)o)m Note: Secret work was done on the atomic bomb during World War II WATR Waterbury, CT L W)a)t)er)bury, CT WATS Sayre, PA L W)averly NY, A)t)hens PA, S)ayre, PA WATV(TV) Newark, NJ O A)tlantic T)elev)ision (Now WNET) WATW Ashland, WI S A)shland T)ops W)isconsin or A)t the T)op of W)isconsin WAUC Wauchula, FL L W)a)u)c)hula WAUK Waukesha, WI L W)a)u)k)esha WAUN Kewaunee, WI L Kew)a)u)n)ee WAUR Aurora, IL L A)u)r)ora WAUS(FM) Berrien Springs, MI O A)ndrews U)niversity S)tation WAVA(FM) Arlington, VA L A)rlington, V)irginia) WAVI Dayton, OH S A)v)i)ation Note: now WDAO WAVK(FM) Marathon, FL S W)a)v)e of the K)eys WAVL Apollo, PA L A)pollo V)andergrift and L)eechburg WAVR(FM) Waverly, NY L W)av)er)ly WAVS Davie, FL E W)a)v)es) WAVT(FM) Pottsville, PA O A)V) T)idmore WAVY-TV Portsmouth, VA L Nearby ocean is wavy WAWA West Allis, WI L W)est A)llis-W)a)uwatosa WAWA West Allis, WI L W)est A)llis, W)isconsin now dark WAWZ Zarephath, NJ O A)lma W)hite Z)arephath Note: Alma White founded a college in connection with the Pillar Of Fire religious group. Zarephath is next to Bound Brook. WAXN-TV Charlotte, NC E AXN='Action' (Action 64) WAXN(TV) Kannapolis, NC E AXN=Action 64 WAXO Kenosha, WI E Chosen because it could be said as a word [1962-1969] WAXY(FM) Ft. Lauderdale, FL E WAXY = Waxie WAYL Minneapolis, MN E WAYL='whale' Note: now KXXR WAYV(FM) Atlantic City, NJ E WAYV='Wave' WAYX Waycross, GA L W)a)ycross (X) WAZL Hazleton, PA L Ha)z)l)eton WAZS Summerville, SC S W)onderful A)z)aleas), home of Azalea Festival WBAB Atlantic City, NJ S W)ith B)oardwalk a)nd B)eaches Note: Calls now in Babylon, NY WBAB(FM) Babylon, NY L B)a)b)ylon, NY WBAI(FM) New York, NY O B)roadcast A)ssociates I)nc. WBAL Baltimore, MD L Bal)timore, Maryland WBAM-FM Montgomery, AL S B)a)m)a Country WBAM(FM) New York, NY O B)a)m)berger Broadcasting Note: later WOR-FM WBAP Ft. Worth, TX S W)e B)ring a) P)rogram WBAR Bartow, FL L B)a)r)tow WBAU(FM) Garden City, NY O B)roadcasting-A)delphi U)niversity WBAW Barnwell, SC L B)arnwell A)llendale W)illiston WBAX Wilkes-Barre, PA S W)e B)urn A)nthracite Ex)clusively WBAY Green Bay, WI L Green B)a)y) WBBM Chicago, IL S W)orlds B)est B)attery M)aker, originally owned by Mallory Battery Co. WBBR New York, NY S B)loomburg B)roadcasting R)adio Note: formerly WNEW WBCB Levittown, PA L B)ucks C)ounty, PA B)urlington County, NJ WBCH Hastings, MI L B)arry C)ounty H)astings WBCK Battle Creek, MI L B)attle C)reek) WBCM Bay City, MI L B)ay C)ity, M)ichigan WBCN Boston, MA O B)oston C)oncert N)etwork, now WBMX WBCO Bucyrus, OH L B)uc)yrus, O)hio WBCT(FM) Grand Rapids, MI S B)est C)ount)ry (was WJFM) WBCU Union, SC O B)roadcasting C)ompany of U)nion WBCW Jeanette, PA S W)e b)roadcast from C)entral W)estmoreland County, now WKFB 770 KHz WBDC Washington, DC S W)B) affiliate in D).C). WBDG Indianapolis, IN S B)en D)avis (High School) G)iants WBDK Algoma, WI L B)rown, D)oor and K)ewaunee counties WBDN Brandon, FL L B)rand)on) WBDT Dayton, OH S W)B) D)ayt)on WBEC Pittsfield, MA O B)erkshire E)agle C)o. Note: 'Berkshire Eagle' newspaper WBEE Rochester, NY S Busy B)e)e) WBEN Buffalo, NY O B)uffalo E)vening N)ews(paper) WBEV Beaver Dam, WI L B)e)av)er WBEY-FM Crisfield, MD E BEY='Bay' Country WBEZ(FM) Chicago, IL O B)oard of E)ducation WBFD Bedford, PA L B)edf)ord) WBFF Baltimore, MD S B)altimore F)ourty-F)ive WBFG(FM) Detroit, MI S W)e B)roadcast F)or G)od Note: now WLLZ(FM) WBFM Sheboygan, WI S B)-93 F)M) WBFR Birmingham, AL O B)irmingham F)amily R)adio WBGA Brunswick, GA L B)runswick, G)a) WBGE(FM) Peoria, IL O B)&G) E)nterprises [B&G being the last initials of the station owners] WBGG Pittsburgh, PA S BGG='The Burgh', was WWSW WBGN Bowling Green, KY L B)owling G)reen), KY WBGO Newark, NJ O B)ob G). O)ttenhoff, one of the founders WBGU Bowling Green, OH O B)owling G)reen U)niversity WBHB Broadway, VA L B)roadway-H)arrisonb)urg WBHJ Tuscaloosa, AL S B)irmingh)am J)amz WBHK Birmingham, AL S B)irmingh)am's K)iss FM WBHM Birmingham, AL L B)irmingh)am) WBHP Huntsville, AL O W)ilton B)uster H)arvey P)ollard WBHR St. Cloud, MN S The B)ig H)ouse that's R)ed Note: formerly WVAL WBIC Islip, NY L B)ay Shore, I)slip, C)enter Moriches, later WLIX, WLUX, now WLIE WBIO Parsippany, NJ F B=13, IO=10, BIO=1310 for frequency WBIQ Birmingham, AL S B)irmingham I)Q) WBIR Knoxville, TN O John B)i)r)dwell Note: now WIMZ WBJB (FM) Lincroft, NJ S B)rookdale J)ersey B)lues WBJI Blackduck, MN L B)emidj)i) WBJZ Berlin, WI S B)erlin J)az)z WBKB(TV) Chicago, IL O B)alaban & K)atz B)roadcasting Note: later WENR-TV, now WLS-TV WBKI(TV) Campbellsville, KY S The W)B) for K)entucki)ana WBKO(TV) Bowling Green, KY S B)owling G)reen K)entucky's O)wn WBKR(FM) Owensboro, KY S B)ig K)entucky R)adio WBKW Beckley, WV L BKW = Airport Code for Beckley WBLF Bellefonte, PA L Initials of owner's (Cary Simpson) wife or B)ell)ef)ont WBLK Buffalo, NY E BLK = Black, (Urban format) WBLM Portland, ME S B)l)im)pville Beat WBLY Springfield, OH O B)ob L). Y)ontz, founder WBMA Beaufort, NC S W)elcome B)eaufort M)orehead A)rea WBMA Birmingham, AL L B)irm)ingham, A)labama WBMB West Branch, MI L W)est B)ranch M)ichigan's B)est WBMD Baltimore, MD L B)altimore, M)D) WBMG Birmingham, AL L B)irm)ing)ham, now WIAT WBMI West Branch, MI L W)est B)ranch M)I)chigan WBMS Boston, MA S W)e're B)oston's M)usic S)tation, now WILD WBMX(FM) Oak Park, IL S B)lack M)usic Ex)perience Note: calls now in Boston WBNB St. Thomas, VI O B)ob 'n) B)ob (Bob Nobel and Bob Moss) WBND-LP South Bend, IN L South B)en)d) WBNG Binghamton, NY L B)in)g)hamton WBNJ(FM) Barnegat, NJ L B)arnegat, N)ew J)ersey WBNR Beacon, NY L B)eacon-N)ewburgh R)adio WBNS Columbus, OH O W)olfe B)ank N)ewspaper and S)hoes WBNS Columbus, OH O W)olfe (famuly) B)ank N)ews and S)hoes WBNW Concord, MA S B)loomberg N)etwork business news WBNX Bronx, NY L B)ron)x) Note: Now WKDM, New York WBNZ Benzonia, MI L B)eN)Z)ie County WBOC-TV Salisbury, MD S W)e're B)etween the O)cean and the C)hesapeake WBOG Tomah, WI L Refers to area's cranberry b)o)g)s WBOQ(FM) Gloucester, MA E BOQ = 'Bach', classical format WBOS(FM) Boston, MA L B)o)s)ton WBOW Terre Haute, IN S B)anks o)f W)abash River WBPM Kingston, NY S B)est P)opular M)usic WBPR Barrington, IL S B)arrington P)ublic R)adio, silent, calls now in Worcester, MA WBPR(FM) Worcester, MA O B)oston P)ublic R)adio WBPV(FM) Charlton, MA O B)ay P)ath V)ocational High School WBQN Barceloneta, PR S B)orinq)uen), the indigenous tribe name for the island of Puerto Rico WBRC Birmingham, AL O B)ell R)adio C)orporation, now WERC, calls on TV channel 6 WBRE Wilkes-Barre, PA O Louis B)altimore R)adio & E)lectric Note: now on TV 28, radio is WBCR WBRI Indianapolis, IN S W)onderful B)ible R)adio for I)ndianapolis WBRK Pittsfield, MA L B)er)k)shire Mountains WBRM Marion, NC S W)onderful B)lue R)idge M)ountains WBRU(FM) Providence, RI O B)R)own U)niversity or B)r)u)ins WBRV Booneville, NY L B)lack R)iver V)alley WBRW Bridgewater, NJ L B)r)idgew)ater, later WSPW, now WWTR WBRY Woodbury, TN L W)oodb)ur)y) WBRY Waterbury, CT L W)aterb)ur)y), calls now in Woodbury, TN WBSB Baltimore, MD S B)altimore'S B)est Note: now using other calls WBSD Bulington, WI O B)urlington area S)chool D)istrict WBSO Wellesley Hills, MA O B)abson's S)tatistical O)rganization Note: now WROL-Boston WBT Charlotte, NC S W)orld's B)est T)extiles, W)atch B)uicks T)ravel, W)orld's B)lowT)orch Note: station started by Chamber of Commerce WBTH Williamson, WV O W)illiamson B)inehorne T)homas H)ogg WBTM Danville, VA S W)orld's B)est T)obacco M)arket WBTN Bennington, VT L B)enningt)on) WBUK Ft. Shawnee, OH S BUK = Buck(eye) State WBUR-FM Boston, MA O B)oston U)niversity R)adio WBUS(FM) Miami Beach, FL S Magic BUS Note: now WLVE WBUT Butler, PA L B)u)t)ler, PA (see WLER) WBUX Doylestown, PA E BUX=Bucks (Bucks County, PA), now WISP WBVA Bayside, VA L B)ayside, V)a) WBVM Tampa, FL S B)lessed V)irgin M)ary WBVR(FM) Bowling Green, KY E BVR='Beaver' WBWA(FM) Bayfield, WI L B)ayfield-W)ashburn-A)shland, coverage area, now WEGZ WBWI-FM West Bend, WI L W)est B)end W)i)isconsin WBYN-FM Boyertown, PA L B)oy)ertown) WBZA Springfield, MA O W)B)Z) Note: was repeater for WBZ, Boston WBZE Tallahassee, FL E BZE = breeze WBZR Tunkhannock, PA S B)uz)zar)d Country WCAA(FM) New York, NY S C)a)liente 105.9 Note: was WHBI and WNWK, now WXNY-FM WCAC Storrs, CT O C)onnecticut A)gricultural C)ollege WCAE Pittsburgh, PA S W)e C)an A)lways E)ntertain Note: was WTAE, now WEAE WCAI-FM Woods Hole, MA L C)ape a)nd I)slands WCAK Cattletsburg, KY L C)attletsburg-A)shland, K)entucky WCAN Canajoharie, NY L Can)ajoharie, NY WCAU(TV) Philadelphia, PA S W)here C)heer A)waits Y)ou Note: Original CBS radio station under Bill Paley's ownership, now WPHT WCAX Burlington, VT S C)ollege of A)gricultural Ex)tension Service WCBE-FM Columbus, OH L C)olumbus B)oard of E)ducation WCBI Columbus, MS O C)olumbus B)irney I)mes WCBM Baltimore, MD L C)hateau Hotel, B)altimore M)aryland WCBN Ann Arbor, MI O C)ampus B)roadcasting N)etwork, University of Michigan's student station WCBS New York, NY O C)olumbia B)roadcasting S)ystem WCBU Peoria, IL O B)radley U)niversity WCBY Cheboygan, MI L C)heB)oY)gan, MI WCCC Hartford, CT S C)olor, C)larity and C)ut, was owned by Savitt Jewelers WCCM Lawrence, MA F non-standard Roman numerial representation of frequency, 800 kHz WCCO Minneapolis, MN O W)ashburn C)rosby Milling Co)mpany WCCR Clarion, PA L C)larion C)ounty R)adio WCCW Traverse City, MI S C)herry C)apitol of the W)orld WCDB(FM) Albany, NY S C)apital D)istrict's B)est WCDL Carbondale, PA L C)arbond)al)e WCDN Chardon, OH L C)hard)on) WCDR Cedarville, OH O C)ed)ar)ville Baptist College WCDS Glasgow, KY O C)indy, Christy, D)avid, Danny and S)arah Note: daughters, sons and wife of owner WCEH Hawkinsville, GA L C)ochran E)astman and H)awkinsville WCEM Cambridge, MD L C)ambridge) M)aryland WCEN Mt. Pleasant, MI L C)E)N)tral Michigan WCEV Cicero, IL S C)hicagoland's E)thnic V)oice WCFL Chicago, IL S C)hicago F)ederation of L)abor Note: now WMVP WCFM Williamstown, MA O W)illiams C)ollege F)M) WCFT Tuscaloosa, AL O C)hapman F)amily T)elevision WCFX(FM) Mt. Pleasant, MI S F)ox)y 95 (current slogan: All Hits 95 CFX) WCGO Chicago Hights, IL L C)hicago)o) Heights WCGQ Columbus, GA S C)olumbus G)eorgia's Q) WCGV(TV) Milwaukee, WI S W)isconsin's C)hoice for G)reat V)iewing WCGY(FM) Lawrence, MA O C)urt G)owdy), now WMKK WCHA Chambersburg, PA L C)h)a)mbersburg WCHL Chapel Hill, NC S W)here C)hapel H)ill L)istens WCHR(FM) Trenton, NJ S C)h)r)istian (format) Note: now WNJO, see WTTM WCHS Charleston, WV L C)h)arles)ton WCHV Charlottesville, VA L Ch)arlottesv)ille, VA WCIB(FM) Falmouth, MA S C)ape and I)slands B)roadcasting WCIC(FM) Pekin, IL S W)e're C)entered I)n C)hrist WCIL Carbondale, IL L C)arbondale, I)l)linois WCIN Cincinnati, OH L C)i)n)cinnati, OH WCIQ Mt. Cheaha, AL S C)heaha Mt. I)Q), all Alabama PTV Affiliates have IQ in call letters WCIR(FM) Beckley, WV S C)hrist I)n R)adio WCIU-TV Chicago, IL S C)hicago I)llinois U)HF, Chicago's first UHF WCIX(TV) Miami, FL F CIX = 6 WCJT(FM) Louisville, KY O C)ourier-J)ournal & T)imes Note: later WHAS-FM, off air in the early 50s WCKL Catskill, NY L C)atsk)il)l, NY WCKR Miami, FL O C)ox-K)night R)adio Note: now WIOD WCKT(TV) Miami, FL O C)ox-K)night T)elevision Note: now WSVN WCKY Cincinnati, OH L C)ovington, K)entuckY), Original City WCLE Clevland, TN L C)l)e)veland, TN WCLG Morgantown, WV O C). L)eslie G)olliday WCLI Corning, NY O C)orning L)eader Newspaper WCLR Skokie, IL S C)hicago's L)ight R)ock, now WTMX WCLR-FM Piqua, OH E CLR='clear', now WDPT WCLV Cleveland, OH L C)l)ev)eland WCLX Westport, NY E CLX='CLassic', Progressive Rock format WCMB Harrisburg, PA L C)um)b)erland County WCMC Wildwood, NJ L C)ape M)ay C)ounty WCMF(FM) Rochester, NY O C)ommunity M)usic Service WCMH(TV) Columbus, OH L CMH = 'Columbus Muncipal Hanger', airport designator Note: formerly WLWC(TV) WCMI Ashland, KY S W)here C)oal M)eets I)ron WCMQ Miami, FL E CMQ = Callsign of popular Havana station WCMU Mt. Pleasant, MI O C)entral M)ichigan U)niversity WCMX Leominster, MA S C)ountry M)usic X), Roman for 10, now religious WCNA Scottsboro, AL S W)e C)over N)orth A)labama, now WKEA-FM WCNC-TV Charlotte, NC L C)harlotte N)orth C)arolina WCNL Newport, NH L C)laremont, N)ewport/New L)ondon WCNN Atlanta, GA S C)able N)ews N)etwork WCNW Fairfield, OH S C)ountry an)d W)estern, former format WCNY(TV) Syracuse, NY L C)entral N)ew Y)ork WCOA Pensacola, FL S W)onderful C)ity o)f A)dvantages WCOC Meridian, MS O C)rystal O)il C)ompany WCOD Hyannis, MA L Cape C)o)d), MA WCOL Columbus, OH L C)o)l)umbus, OH WCOP Boston, MA O C)o)p)ley Square Broadcasting Co. Note: has had numerous call letters since WCOR Lebanon, TN S W)ilson C)ounty's O)wn R)adio WCOS Columbia, SC S C)olumbia's O)wn S)tation WCOU Lewiston, ME O Faust C)o)u)ture, also see WFAU, Augusta, ME WCOW Sparta, WI L COW - America's Dairyland WCOZ Boston, MA E COZ = 'Cozy', now WJMN WCPA Clearfield, PA L C)learfield, P)A) WCPO Cincinnati, OH O C)incinatti P)o)st Newspaper Note: now WUBE, calls used by TV-9 WCPX Chicago, IL O C)hicago P)ax), formerly WCFC WCQM Park Falls, WI L C)hequamegon N)ational F)orest WCRB(FM) Lowell, MA O C)harles R)iver B)roadcasting WCRM Clare, MI S C)rossr)oads of M)ichigan, located near geographic center Note: now dark WCRN(FM) Tamaqua, PA O C)ur)ran) Communications Note: formerly WZTA, now WMGH WCRV Washington, NJ S W)arren C)ounty's R)adio V)oice, now dark WCRW Chicago, IL O C)linton R). W)hite WCRX(FM) Springfield, MA O C)harles R)iver Brdcsting eX)tension Note: formerly owned by (Ted Jones) WCRB Boston, now WAQY WCSC Charleston, SC L C)harleston, S)outh C)arolina WCSG Grand Rapids, MI O C)ollege and S)eminary of G)rand Rapids Baptist College WCSH-TV Portland, ME O C)ongress S)quare H)otel Note: once owned AM 970 WCSM Celina-St. Marys, OH L C)elina-S)t. M)ary WCSN Chicago, IL S C)hicago's S)porting N)ews WCSP Washington, DC O C)-S)P)an WCST Berkeley Springs, WV O C)harles S)amuel T)rump WCSU Wilberforce, OH O C)entral S)tate U)niversity WCSX(FM) Detroit, MI E CSX = Classics WCTC New Brunswick, NJ O C)hant)ic)leer Broadcasting, original owner WCTD Federalsburg, MD L C)aroline, T)albot and D)orchester counties, now WTDK-FM WCTH(FM) Plantation Key, FL E CTH='Catch' now 'Thunder Country' WCTN Potomac, MD S C)hrist t)o t)he N)ation WCTR-AM Centreville, MD L C)ent)r)eville WCTS Minneapolis, MN O C)entral T)heological S)eminary WCTS(FM) Cincinnati, OH O C)incinnati T)imes-S)tar Note: later WKRC-FM, now WKRQ(FM) WCTY Norwich, CT S C)ount)ry) WCUB Manitowoc, WI O C)u)b) Radio, Inc. WCUM Bridgeport, CT S Radio C)u)m)bre, Spanish for Mountaintop, was WNAB WCUP L'Anse, MI L W)estern C)entral U)pper P)eninsula WCUW Worcester, MA O C)lark U)niversity W)orcester WCVB(TV) Boston, MA F CVB = C)hannel V) [Roman numeral 5] B)oston WCVE(TV) Richmond, VA O C)entral V)irginia E)ducational TV WCVH(FM) Flemington, NJ S C)ommunity V)oice of H)unterdon County WCVN(TV) Covington, KY L C)ov)in)gton WCVO(FM) Columbus, OH S C)hristian V)oice of O)hio WCVU(FM) Naples, FL E CVU = Sea View WCVY(FM) Coventry, RI L C)ov)entry) High School WCWA Toledo, OH E CWA = Seaway (St. Lawrence Seaway) WCWC Ripon, WI S W)e're C)entral W)isconsin's C)hoice WCWM(FM) Wiliamsburg, VA O C)ollege of W)illiam and M)ary WCWP(FM) Long Island, NY O C).W). P)ost University WCXI Detroit, MI S C)ountry Eleven XI = 11, 1130 kHz Note: now WWWW(AM) WCYB-TV Bristol, VA L C)ity) of B)ristol WCZY(FM) Mt. Pleasant, MI S C)oz)y)-FM WDAC(FM) Lancaster, PA O D)ean A)llen C)rawford WDAE Tampa, FL S W)onderful D)ays a)nd E)venings Note: now WUSA(AM) WDAL Meridian, MS S W)e D)o a) L)ot WDAM(TV) Hattiesburg, MS O D)avid A). M)adison WDAN Danville, IL L D)a)n)ville, IL WDAO Dayton, OH L D)a)yton O)hio WDAQ Danbury, CT S D)a)nbury 98Q) WDAS Philadelkpha, PA O D)annenbaum a)nd S)teppacher WDAV(FM) Davidson, NC O D)a)v)idson College WDBF Delray Beach, FL L D)elray B)each F)lorida WDBO Orlando, FL L D)own B)y O)rlando WDBQ Dubuque, IA L D)ub)uq)ue, IA WDCB Glen Ellyn, IL O D)uPage C)ommunity B)roadcasters WDCD Albany-Clifton Park, NY O D)ean C)rawford WDCF Dade City, FL L D)ade C)ity F)lorida WDCG(FM) Durham, NC S D)urham's C)ountry G)iant, now CHR WDCN Nashville, TN L D)avidson C)ounty-N)ashville, now WNPT WDDZ Pawtucket, RI O DZ = 'Disney' (Radio Disney) WDEF Chattanooga, TN S D)E)F), sequence, wanted WABC WDEK DeKalb, IL L D)e)K)alb, now WCPY) WDEL Wilmington, DE L Wilmington, D)e)l)aware WDEP Ponce, PR S D)e)p)ortes (Sports) WDET(FM) Detroit, MI L D)e)t)roit WDFB Danville, KY S D)oing the F)ather's B)usiness, Christian Radio WDFH(FM) Ossining, NY S W)ild D)ogs f)rom H)ell WDFN Detroit, MI S D)etroit's F)an) (was WWWW(AM) & WCXI) WDGC Downer's Grove, IL L D)owners G)rove C)ommunity WDGG(FM) Ashland, KY E DGG='Dog', 93.7 The Dawg WDGY Minneapolis, MN O D)octor G)eorge Y)oung Note: now on 630 from 1130 WDHA(FM) Dover, NJ O D)rexel H)ill A)ssociates WDHF(FM) Chicago, IL O D)e Haan H)i-F)i store, now WNUA WDHN New Brunswick, NJ O D)aily H)ome N)ews, short-lived FM station, call is now on WDHN Television in Dothan, AL WDIA Memphis, TN O D)i)a)ne (first name of daughter of original owner) Note: also attributed to W)e did) i)t a)gain when the owners were able to get two stations (first in Jackson, MS) on the air after WWII WDIO(TV) Duluth, MN F D)uluth channel 1)0) IO=10 WDIQ Dozier, AL S D)ozier I)Q) WDIV-TV Detroit, MI F D)etroit IV = 4 (Channel 4) WDIY-FM Bethlehem, PA S D)o I)t Y)ourself WDIZ(FM) Orlando, FL E DIZ = 'Dis'ney World WDJC Birmingham, AL S W)itnessing D)aily for J)esus C)hrist OR D).J). C)rawford, owner WDJF Westport, CT O D)onald J). F)lamm, now WEBE WDJK-FM Xenia, OH S D)J) 95, now WZLR WDJM-FM Framingham, MA O D. Justin McCarthy, former President of Framingham State College WDJS Mount Olive, NC L W)ayne D)uplin J)ohnston S)ampson (Counties) WDJZ Bridgeport, CT O Started by D)aniel J). Fernicola WDKB DeKalb, IL L D)eK)alb) WDKX(FM) Rochester, NY S D)ouglas K)ing Malcolm X) WDLC Port Jervis, NY S W)e D)eliver L)arger C)overage WDLP Fenwick, MI O D)aniel L)ee P)ettengill WDLP Panama City, FL O D)orothea L)indstrom P)erry [owner's wife] WDLP-LP Miami, FL O W)illiam D)e L)a P)ena WDLY Sevierville, TN S D)ol)lywood) Resort, now WSEV-FM WDMJ Marquette, MI O M)ining J)ournal WDMP Dodgeville, WI L D)odgeville-M)ineral P)oint WDNC Durham, NC L D)urham, N)orth C)arolina WDNH(FM) Honesdale, PA L D)elaware an)d H)udson Canal WDNL(FM) Danville, IL L D)an)vil)le, IL WDNT Dayton, TN L D)ayton), T)ennessee WDOD Chattanooga, TN S D)ynamo o)f D)ixie WDOL Athens, GA E DOL='doll', the 'Dixie Doll' WDOR Sturgeon Bay, WI L D)o)or) County WDOV Dover, DE L D)o)v)er, DE WDOW Dowagiac, MI L D)O)W)agiac, MI WDRC Hartford, CT O D)oolittle R)adio C)ompany WDRE Hempstead, NY E DRE='dare, as in daring music, now WZAA WDRK Greenville, OH L D)ar)k)e County, note: now defunct WDRM(FM) Decatur, AL L D)ecatur R)adio M)arket WDRV Chicago, IL S The D)r)iv)e, reference to Lake Shore Drive WDSD-FM Dover, DE L D)over-S)myrna, D)elaware WDSM Duluth, Minnesota L D)uluth-S)uperior + M)utual, Your Duluth-Superior Mutual station, before ABC affiliation WDST(FM) Woodstock, NY L W)ood)s)t)ock WDSU(TV) New Orleans, LA O D)e Soto Hotel/New Orleans S)tates (newspaper)/Joseph R. U)halt Note: was on AM 1280 WDSY(FM) Pittsburgh, PA E DSY = Daisy (former slogan) WDTH Duluth, MN L D)ulut)h) Note: now KUMD WDTL Cleveland, MS L DTL='Delta' (Mississippi Delta) WDTN(TV) Dayton, OH L D)ayt)on) WDTV(TV) Pittsburgh, PA O D)uMont T)V) Note: now KDKA-TV WDTW(FM) Detroit, MI L 'DTW'=Detroit airport designation code WDTZ-LP Delhi Township, OH S W)e're D)elhi T)ownship's Z)98 WDUL Duluth, MN L D)u)l)uth, previously WGEE, KXTP, and WAKX-AM at 970 kHz, neither the WDUL-FM of the 1940s nor the WDUL-AM of today are in any way connected or related to KDUL-TV, the low-power UPN TV affiliate that operated briefly in 2000-2001 WDUL(FM) Duluth, Minnesota L D)u)l)uth, Minnesota, dark as is is former TV companion WDUN Gainesville, GA O D)u)n)lap Family WDUQ(FM) Pittsburgh, PA O D)u)q)uesne University WDUX Waupaca, WI O Once owned by the owners of W)D)U)Z, Green Bay WDUZ Green Bay, WI S Founded in the 40s and borrowed the detergent slogan 'D)u)z) does it all' WDVE Pittsburgh, PA E DVE='dove', was airing ABC's Love format WDVR(FM) Philadelphia, PA S D)elaware V)alley R)adio WDWS Champaign, IL O D)avid W). S)tevick WDXB Jasper, AL S D)ix)ie 102.5 WDXE Lawrenceburg, TN O D)ix)ie) Network, Former Owner WDXI Jackson, TN O D)ix)i)e Network, Former Owner WDXN Clarksville, TN O D)ix)ie N)etwork, Former Owner WEAF New York, NY S W)ater E)arth A)ir and F)ire Note: now WFAN WEAG Starke, FL S E)a)g)le Country WEAN Providence, RI S W)e E)nterain a) N)ation WEAS Savannah, GA S E)mory and A)gnes S)cott, two universities in original city of license, Decatur, GA WEAU Eau Claire, WI L E)A)U) Claire WEAW Evanston, IL O E)dward A). W)heeler Note: now WPRZ WEBB Baltimore, MD S W)e E)njoy B)eing B)lack, now WVIE/1370 WEBC Duluth, MN O E)dwina & B)arbara C)linton WEBE(FM) Bridgeport, CT S WEBE = WeeBee WEBO Owego, NY O E)rdman B)roadcasting of O)wego WEBQ Harrisburg, IL S W)e E)ntertain B)eyond Q)uestion WEBR Buffalo, NY S W)e E)xtend B)uffalo's R)egards WECL Elk Mound, WI S E)au C)laire L)ite WEDC Chicago, IL O E)mil D)enemark C)adillac WEDH(TV) Hartford, CT S E)d)ucational H)artford WEDR-FM Miami, FL O E). D). R)ivers, same person WGOV/Valdosta, GA named for WEEF Highland Park, IL O E)ly E). F)ink WEEF Highland Park, IL S Your E)thnic E)ntertainment F)requency WEEI Boston, MA O E)dison E)lectic I)lluminating WEEP Pittsburgh, PA S 'WEEP' for Joy WEEX Easton, PA O E)aston E)x)press, Newspaper WEFM(FM) Chicago, IL O E)dwin F). M)cDonald Note: now WUSN, former Zenith Corp. president WEGE Westerville, OH S E)ag)le) WEGG Rose Hill, NC L EGG=Town is in center of NC's vast poultry growing/processing area WEGL(FM) Starview, PA E EGL='eagle', was WRHY WEGX(FM) Philadelphia, PA E EGX = 'Eagle' WEHH Elmira, NY L) E)lmira H)eights H)orseheads WEHT(TV) Evansville, IN L E)vansville-H)enderson, KY T)V WEIB Northampton, MA O Cutting E)dge I)ncorporated B)roadcasting WEIO Eau Claire, WI S 'E-I-E-I-O' from 'Old McDonald Had A Farm...' WEIR Weirton, WV L W)e)i)r)ton WEIU(FM) Charleston, IL O E)astern I)llinois U)niversity WEJL Scranton, PA O E)dward J). L)ynett WEKH(FM) Hazard, KY O E)astern K)entucky University-H)azard WEKU(FM) Richmond, KY O E)astern K)entucky U)niversity WELA Elizabeth, NJ L E)l)iza)beth Note: now WJDM WELC Welch, WV L W)e)l)ch WELI New Haven, CT S Eli) Yale University or Eli) Whitney WELM Elmira, NY L E)l)m)ira WELO Tupelo, MI L Tupe)l)o), MS WELS Kinston, NC O E). L)inwood S)cott WELV Ellenville, NY L E)l)lenv)ille WELY Ely, MN L E)l)y) WEMC Berrien Spings, MI O E)manuel M)issionary C)ollege Note: now WKZO WEMD-AM Easton, MD L E)aston, M)aryland) WEMM Huntington, WV O Dr. E). M). M)ortenson WEMP New York, NY S E)m)p)ire State [Building] WEMP Milwaukee, WI L E)m)p)ire Building WEMR Tunkhannock, PA L E)ndless M)ountains R)adio WEMU Ypsilanti, MI O E)astern M)ichigan U)niversity WENE Endicott, NY O E)mpire N)e)wspapers Note: now WMRV WENG Englewood, FL L E)n)g)lewood WENR Chicago, IL O E). N). R)oland Electric Co. Note: merged with WLS WENS(TV) Pittsburgh, PA S W)e're E)ntertainment N)ews S)ports, now WQEX-TV WENY Elmira, NY L E)lmira, N)Y) WEOA Evansville, IN S E)vansville O)n the A)ir, old call letters have been revised WEOS Geneva, NY S E)cho o)f the S)eneca WEOW(FM) Key West, FL E WEOW='Wow' WEPG South Pittsburg, TN O E)aton P)ugh G)ovan WEQX(FM) Manchester, VT L Mt. E)q)uinox) WERE Cleveland, OH E WERE...We're Cleveland WERI Westerly, RI L WE)sterly, R)hode I)sland WERS(FM) Boston, MA O E)mer)s)on College or E)merson R)adio S)ervices WERT Van Vert, OH L Van W)e)r)t) WERV Aurora, IL L RV='River', Fox River nearby WERZ Exeter/Portsmouth, NH E WE R = 'we are Z-107' WESH(TV) Daytona Beach, FL O W)right E)s)ch), original licensee WESL East St. Louis, IL L E)ast S)t. L)ouis, now WQQX WESM-FM Princess Anne, MD L E)astern S)hore of M)aryland WESO Southbridge, MA L WE)bester-SO)outhbridge WEST Easton, PA L E)as)t)on, PA WESU(FM) Middletown, CT O W)e)s)leyan U)niversity WESX Salem, MA L E)s)sex) County WETA Washington, DC O W)ashington E)ducational T)elevision A)ssociation WETB Johnson City, TN O E)ast T)ennessee B)roadcasting WETK(TV) Burlington, VT S E)ducational T)elevision WETN(FM) Wheaton, IL O W)he)at)on) College WETO(TV) Greeneville, TN S E)ast T)ennessee's O)wn, now WEMT WETP Sneedville, TN S E)ast T)ennessee P)ublic TV, was WSJK WETS(FM) Johnson City, TN O E)ast T)ennessee S)tate University WETT Ocean City, MD L Atlantic Ocean is wet WEUC Ponce, PR O E)ducacion U)niversidad C)atolica WEUP Huntsville, AL O W)e) U)p) (allegedly when this daytimer signed on each morning, the first broadcast was 'We up...are you?') WEVC-FM Evansville, IN O E)v)ansville C)ollege, now WUEV WEVD New York, NY O E)ugene V). D)ebs Memorial Radio Fund WEVE Eveleth, MN L E)v)e)leth WEVS Holland, MI O E)dward V)erS)ears WEVU(TV) Ft. Meyers, FL E WEVU=We View WEW St. Louis, MO S W)e E)nlighten the W)orld WEWB(TV) Schenectady, NY O E)astern? W)arner B)rothers WEWN(SW) Birmingham, AL O E)ternal W)ord N)etwork WEWS(TV) Cleveland, OH O E)dward W)illis S)cripps (Scripps-Howard) WEXL Royal Oak, MI S W)e E)x)cel)l WEZF(FM) Burlington, VT S E)Z) F)avorites WEZK(FM) Knoxville, TN S EZ) Listening, K)noxville WEZO Rochester, NY S E)Z) Listening WEZV Allentown, PA S E)Z) Listening for the V)alley WEZX(FM) Scranton, PA E EZ=easy Note: once easy listening, now classic rock WFAA Dallas, TX S W)orking F)or A)ll A)like Note: now KLIF, calls in use by TV was KLDD and KRQX WFAN New York, NY S Sports F)a)n) WFAS White Plains, NY O F)rank A). S)eitz WFAT(FM) Portage, MI O Winking reference to owner's girth ;) WFAT-TV Johnstown, PA S FAT, we'll grow on you WFAU Augusta, ME O F)a)u)st Couture, also see WCOU, Lewiston, ME WFAW Fort Atkinson, WI L F)ort A)tkinson, W)isconsin WFBC Knoxville, TN O F)irst B)aptist C)hurch Note: When licensed to Knoxville, TN WFBG Altoona, PA O W)illiam F). G)able Co. WFBL Syracuse, NY S F)irst B)roadcast L)icense or W)e F)eature B)etter L)istening Note: now WDCW, calls now on 1050 in Baldwinsville, NY WFBR Baltimore, MD S F)irst B)altimore R)egiment, now WJZ-AM WFBS Berwick, PA O F)ennessy B)roadcasting S)tations WFCC Chatham, MA L F)rom C)ape C)od WFCJ Dayton, OH S W)itnessing F)or C)hrist J)esus WFCJ(FM) Miamisburg, OH S W)itnessing f)or C)hrist J)esus WFCR(FM) Amherst, MA S F)ive C)ollege R)adio Note: once F)our College Radio WFCV Ft. Wayne, IN S F)t. Wayne C)hristian V)oice WFDD Winston-Salem, NC S W)ake F)orest D)emon D)eacons WFDF Flint, MI O F)rank D). F)allain WFDL Fond du Lac, WI L F)ond d)u L)ac WFDU-FM Teaneck, NJ O F)arleigh D)ickenson U)niversity WFEC Miami Springs, FL O F)lorida E)ast C)oast Broadcasting Note: now WCMQ WFFG Marathon, FL S W)orld's F)inest F)ishing G)round WFFT(TV) Fort Wayne, IN F F)ifty F)ive T)elevision WFGE(FM) Murray, KY E FGE='Froggie', Froggy 103.7 WFGL Fitchburg, MA L F)itchburg), G)ardner and L)eominster, was WFGM WFGL Fitchburg, MA L F)itchburg), G)ardner and L)eominster, was WFGM WFGL Fitchburg, MA L F)itchburg), G)ardner and L)eominster, was WFGM WFGM(FM) Fairmont, WV S F)airmont's G)ood M)usic WFGY(FM) Altoona, PA S F)rog)gy) WFHB(FM) Bloomington, IN S F)ire H)ouse B)roadcasting, housed in the old fire house headquarters on 4th Street WFHC-FM Henderson, TN O F)reed H)ardeman C)ollege (now University) WFHN(FM) Fairhaven, MA L F)airh)aven) WFIA Lousiville, KY S F)aith I)n A)merica WFID Rio Piedras, PR S High F)i)d)elity WFIF Milford, CT F F)i)f)teen Hundred on the Dial WFIG Sumter, SC S W)orld F)amous I)ris G)ardens WFIL Philadelphia, PA E FIL='Phil'adelphia WFIN Findley, OH L F)i)n)dley WFIQ Florence, AL S F)lorence I)Q) WFIT(FM) Melbourne, FL O F)lorida I)nstitute of T)echnology WFIU(FM) Bloomington, IN O F)M I)ndiana U)niversity WFIW Hopkinsville, KY S W)hitest F)lour i)n the W)orld (Acme Mills) WFKN Franklin, KY L F)rank)lin) WFKS Daytona Beach, FL S F)lorida's K)is)s WFKY Frankfort, KY L F)rankfort, K)Y) WFKZ(FM) Plantation Key, FL O F)rank K)uliz)ky, original owner WFLA Tampa, FL L W)estern F)l)orida) WFLC(FM) Miami, FL S F)l)orida's C)oast WFLD(TV) Chicago, IL O F)iel)d) Communications, original owner WFLI Lookout Mountain, TN E FLI='Fly', owner William Benns was a pilot, named his station, and disc jockeys (Tommy Jett, Johnny Eagle) after birds, planes) WFLS Fredericksburg, VA O F)ree-L)ance S)tar (Newspaper) WFLW Monticello, KY S W)here F)amilies L)isten W)isely WFLY Albany, NY O Frank Lord York, original owner WFLY(FM) Albany, NY O F)rank L)ord Y)ork WFMD Frederick, MD L F)rederick, MD) WFME New York, NY S W)here F)aith M)eans E)verything, 1560 was historically WQXR and W2XR WFMF(FM) Chicago, IL S F)rom M)arshall F)ields department store, now WILV WFMJ Youngstown, OH O W)illiam F). M)aag, J)unior WFMN(FM) Alpine, NJ O Commercial license for pioneering FM, W2XMN WFMO Fairmont, NC L F)airm)o)nt WFMR Milwaukee, WI S F)M) R)adio-first FM in the city WFMS Indianapolis, IN O W)illiams F)M) S)ervice [original owner - Martin Williams] WFMU(FM) East Orange, NJ S F)M) U)psala College, license transferred to Auricle Communications, a group of former staffers WFNC Fayetteville, NC L F)ayetteville, N)C) WFNP(FM) New Paltz, NY L F)rom N)ew P)altz WFNX(FM) Boston, MA E FNX = Phoenix, Boston weekly publication WFNY Racine, WI O Jerome F)een)ey), now WEZY WFOL Fairfield, OH O Walter F. F)o)l)lmer Note: now WCNW WFOR Hattiesburg, MS L F)o)r)rest County, MS WFOX Norwalk, CT S The F)o)x) WFOY St. Augustine, FL S F)ountain o)f Y)outh WFPB(FM) Falmouth, MA O F)almouth P)ublic B)roadcasting WFPG Atlantic City, NJ S W)orld's F)amous P)layground Note: now on FM, once was WPG at 1100 kHz WFPL(FM) Louisville, KY O F)ree P)ublic L)ibrary WFQR-FM Harwichport, MA E WFQR='Frank' FM, also see WFRQ WFRO Freemont, OH L F)r)eemont, O)hio WFRQ-FM Mashpee, MA E FRQ='Frank' FM, also see WFQR WFRS(FM) Smithtown, NY O F)amily R)adio S)mithtown WFRV-TV Green Bay, WI L F)ox R)iver V)alley WFSB(TV) Hartford, CT O F)ranklin S) B)eebe-former publisher of Washington Post (Post-Newsweek) WFSU(FM) Tallahassee, FL O F)lorida S)tate U)niversity WFTC Kinston, NC S W)orld's F)inest T)obacco C)enter WFTC(TV) Minneapolis, MN S W)e're F)ox T)win C)ities WFTE(TV) Salem, IN F channel F)ifT)y-E)ight WFTL Ft. Lauderdale, FL L F)t). L)auderdale WFTM Maysville, KY S W)orld's F)inest T)obacco M)arket WFTQ Worcester, MA F F)ourt)een Q), 1440 kHz WFTS-TV Tampa, FL S F)amily T)elevison S)tation WFTW Ft. Walton Beach, FL L F)t). W)alton Beach WFTY(TV) Washington, DC F F)if)ty) Note: now WBDC WFUL Fulton, KY L F)u)l)ton, KY. Note: now WKZT WFUN Ashtabula, OH S F)u)n) WFUR Grand Rapids, MI O F)u)r)niture City Broadcasting WFUV(FM) Bronx, NY O F)ordham U)niversity's V)oice WFVA Fredericksburg, VA L F)redericksburg V)A) WFXB St. Louis, MO S the F)ox) WFXF(FM) Chillicothe, IL S 94.3 The F)ox) WFXW Geneva, IL L F)ox) River is nearby WFYC Alma, MI S W)orking F)or Y)our C)ommunity WFYI(TV) Indianapolis, IN S F)or Y)our I)nformation WFYR Chicago, IL E FYR='fire' (Great Chicago Fire) Note: now WWBZ, calls now on in Elmwood, IL WGAL Lancaster, PA S W)onderful G)arden's a)t L)ancaster WGAN Portland, ME O Guy G)a)n)nett Broadcasting WGAR Cleveland, OH O G). A). R)ichards Note: now WNKR WGAT Gate City, VA L G)a)t)e City WGAW Gardner, MA L G)a)rdner WGAY(FM) Washington, DC O Connie B. G)a)y), acquired station with those call letters WGBA-TV Green Bay, WI L G)reen B)ay-A)ppleton formerly WLRE-TV for founder Lyle R. Evans WGBB Freeport, NY S W)here G)reat B)roadcasting B)egins WGBC-TV Meridian, MS O G)lobal B)roadcasting C)ompany, original owner WGBF Evansville, IN O G). B). F)inke Furniture Co. WGBH(FM) Boston, MA L Transmitter on G)reat B)lue H)ill WGBI Scranton, PA S G)od B)less the I)rish WGBS New York, NY O G)imbel B)rothers S)tore Note: evolved into WINS WGBX-TV Boston, MA O Extension of W)G)B)H WGBY-TV Springfield, MA O Part of f the W)G)B)H Educational Foundation WGCA-FM Quincy,IL S W)e're G)od's C)hristian a)lternative WGCB Red Lion, PA S G)od C)hrist and the B)ible WGCH Greenwich, CT L G)reenwic)h), CT WGCI Chicago, IL O G)lobetrotter C)ommunications I)nc. WGCL-TV Atlanta, GA S W)e're G)eorgia's C)l)ear TV, formerly WGNX(TV) until 4 July 2000 WGCM(FM) Gulfport, MS L G)ulf C)oast of M)ississippi WGCU Fort Myers. FL O Florida G)ulf C)oast U)niversity WGDR Plainfield, VT O G)oddard C)ollege R)adio, originally WGOD WGEE Green Bay, WI L 'GEE'=long G for G)reen Bay WGEM Quincy, IL S G)e)m) City WGEO(SW) Schenectady, NY O G)eneral E)lectric O)verseas Note: later VOA, now silent WGER Bay City, MI O GER)ity Broadcasting WGFA Watseka, IL S W)orld's G)reatest F)arming A)rea WGFM Cheboygan, MI S G)old F)M), calls once used in Schnectady, NY WGFW Black Mountain, NC O G)raham, W)illiam F)ranklin (Billy Graham) WGGA Gainesville, GA L G)ainesville, G)eorgia) WGGB(TV) Springfield, MA O G)uy G)annett B)roadcasting Note: formerly WHYN-TV WGGG Gainesville, FL S W)atch G)reater G)ainesville G)row WGGH Marion, IL O G)eorge G). H)arold WGGR Greenwood, IN S G)reater G)reenwood R)adio, now WTLC WGH Newport News, VA S W)orld's G)reatest H)arbor WGHF(FM) Brookfield, CT O W)illiam G)eorge H)enry F)inch, now WRKI(FM) WGHJ(FM) Lawrence, MA O G)eorge H). J)asper, later WCGY, now WMKK WGHP Detroit, MI O G)eorge H). P)helps Note: now WXYT WGHP-TV High Point, NC L W)inston-Salem, G)reensboro, H)igh P)oint WGHQ Kingston, NY S G)eneral H)eadq)uarters, popular term after WWII WGHT Pompton Lakes, NJ S G)old H)it)s WGIV Charlotte, NC S G)I) Veterans, now silent WGKA Atlanta, GA O G)lenk)a)ren Associates WGKS Lexington, KY E KS='kiss' WGL Ft. Wayne, IN S W)orld's G)reatest L)oudspeaker-Magnavox or W)ith G)od's L)ove WGLF(FM) Tallahassee, FL L G)ul)f) of Mexico WGLR Lancaster, WI S G)rant County-L)ancaster R)adio WGLT(FM) Normal, IL S G)ladly We L)earn and T)each [Illinois State University motto, from Chaucer] WGLV(TV) Easton, PA S G)reater L)ehigh V)alley (Station now dark) WGLY(FM) Goulds, FL S W)here G)od L)oves Y)ou Note: now WRTO WGME Portland, ME O Guy G)annette of M)aine), former owner WGMS Bethesda, MD S W)ashington's G)ood M)usic S)tation WGN Chicago, IL S W)orld's G)reatest N)ewspaper WGNB(FM) Chicago, IL O W)G)N) WGNC Gastonia, NC L G)astonia, N)C) WGNG Pawtucket, RI S G)old 'n) G)reat, was WPAW, now WDDZ WGNO(TV) New Orleans, LA S W)e've G)ot N)ew O)rleans WGNS Murfreesboro, TN S G)ood N)eighbor S)tation WGNU Granite City, IL S What's G)n)u), GNU = NEW WGNX(TV) Atlanta, GA O W)G)N), Note: owned by WGN's parent company WGNY Newburgh, NY L G)oshen N)ew Y)ork, original location WGNZ-AM Fairborn, OH S G)ood N)ewz) 1110 WGOG Walhalla, SC S W)alhalla, G)arden o)f the G)ods WGOP Albany, GA S W)onderful G)od o)f P)ower Note: now WYJZ WGOV Valdosta, GA O G)o)v)ernor E.D. Rivers WGOW Chattanooga, TN S G)O) Radio WGPA Bethelehem, PA O G)lobe P)ublishing A)ssociation WGPC Albany, Ga S W)orld's G)reatest P)ecan C)entre WGPL Portsmouth, VA S G)osp)el) WGPR Detroit, MI S W)here G)od's P)ower R)adiates WGR Buffalo, NY O G)eorge R)and WGRB Chicago S G)ospel R)adio B)lessed, was WGCI, those calls remain on FM WGRD Grand Rapids, MI L G)r)and) Rapids WGRP Greenville, PA L G)r)eenville, P)ennsylvania WGRR(FM) Cincinnati, OH S G)r)eat Oldies WGRV Greeneville, TN L G)r)eenev)ille WGRY Grayling, MI L G)R)aY)ling, MI WGRZ(TV) Buffalo, NY F Z resembles 2, TV channel, also see WGR WGS Bethel Park, PA S W)orld's G)reatest S)tation, part 15 low power AM WGSA Ephrata, PA S G)arden S)pot of A)merica WGSB Geneva, IL L G)eneva, S)t. Charles and B)atavia Note: now WFXW WGSB Mebane, NC S G)reat S)peckled B)ird, southern gospel format WGSK South Kent, CT L W)arren, W)ashington, W)ingdale W)ebatuck G)aylorsville S)herman S)outh K)ent WGSM Huntington LI, NY S W)orld's G)reatest S)uburban M)arket. now WNYH WGST Atlanta, GA O G)eorgia S)chool of T)echnology WGTB Washington, DC O G)eorget)own University B)rodcasting, now WCSP WGTC Greenville, NC S W)orld's G)reatest T)obacco C)enter WGTC(FM) Mayhew, MS S G)olden T)riangle C)ommunications WGTD Kenosha, WI O G)ateway T)echnical D)istrict WGTE(FM) Toledo, OH O G)reater T)oledo E)ducational Television Foundation WGTM Wilson, NC S W)orld's G)reatest T)obacco M)arket WGTO Cypress Gardens, FL S G)ulf T)o O)cean, 50 kW at 540 kHz WGTS(FM) Takoma Park, MD S G)ateway t)o S)ervice WGTZ(FM) Eaton, OH O G)reat T)rails Broadcasting WGUC(FM) Cincinnati, OH O U)niversity of C)incinnati WGUN Atlanta, GA S The Big GUN in Dixie, was once WEAS in Decatur, GA WGVO Greenville, OH L G)reenv)ille, O)hio WGY Schenectady, NY O G)eneral Electric, SchenectadY) WHA Madison, WI S W)isconsin, H)eartland of A)merica WHAD Delafield, WI O W)H)A)-D)elafield Note: WHA, Madison, WI WHAD Delafield, WI S WHA-D)elafield WHAG Hagerstown, MD L H)a)g)erstown WHAI Greenfield, MA O John H)a)i)gis WHAJ(FM) Bluefield, WV O H)ugh a)nd J)im Shott WHAK Rogers City, MI O H)arvey A). K)lann WHAM Rochester, NY E Chosen by owner George Eastman because they sounded nice WHAR Clarksburg, WV L Har)rison County, WV WHAS Louisville, KY S W)e H)ave a) S)ignal WHAV Haverhill, MA L H)a)v)erhill, MA WHB Kansas City, MO S W)orld's H)appiest B)roadcaster WHBF Rock Island, IL S W)here H)istoric B)lackhawk F)ought WHBG 1400 Harrisburg, PA L H)arrisb)urg), now WNNK-AM WHBI Newark, NJ O H)oyt B)rothers I)ncorporated Later WNWK WHBM Park Falls, WI O H)arold B). M)cCarty WHBQ Memphis, TN S W)e h)ave B)etter Q)uartets WHBS Holiday, FL O H)oliday B)roadcasting S)ystem WHCB(FM) Bristol, TN S H)eralding C)hrist's B)lessings WHCM Palatine, IL O W)illiam H)arper C)om)munity College WHCN(FM) Hartford, CT O H)artford C)oncert N)etwork WHCT-TV Hartford, CT O H)artford C)BS T)elevision, now WUVN, calls now on an LPTV WHCU Ithaca, NY L H)ome of C)ornell U)niversity WHCY-FM Blairstown, NJ S H)ot C)ountry) WHDF Huntsville, AL L H)untsville, D)ecatur and F)lorence WHDG Rhinelander, WI S H)od)ag) Country (a Hodag is a mythical creature that supposedly lives in Rhinelander) WHEB Portsmouth, NH O carries the initials, H.E.B., of the original owner WHEC Rochester, NY O H)ickson E)lectric C)o Note:(now used on TV channel 10), now WWWG WHED Washington, NC S W)e H)elp E)nterprise D)evelop WHEN Syracuse, NY E Easily remembered, single syllable word WHER Memphis, TN S Sam Phillip's station for 'HER', all female airstaff, see WHIM, Providence, RI, now WOWW WHEZ Portage, MI S W)h)ere the music is always E)Z) WHFH Flossmoor, IL O H)omewood-F)lossmoor H)igh school WHFM(FM) Rochester, NY O W)H)AM F)M) WHFR-FM Dearborn, MI O H)enry F)ord Community College R)adio WHFR(FM) Dearborn, MI O H)enry F)ord College R)adio WHFS(FM) Annapolis, MD S H)igh F)idelity S)tereo WHFV(TV) Fredericksburg, VA S H)istoric F)redericksburg V)irginia, now dark WHGR Houghton Lake, MI L H)oughton Lake, G)rayling, R)oscommon WHHH Warren, OH O H)elen H)art H)ulbert, publisher of co-owned newspaper, now WRBP WHHH(FM) Indianapolis, IN S H)oosier H)ot H)its, slogan not currently used WHHQ Elizabethton, TN S H)ail H)oly Q)ueen, now dark WHIM Providence, RI S Once a station for 'HIM', countering female-targetting stations, see WHER, Memphis, TN WHIO Dayton, OH L Oh)i)o WHIQ Huntsville, AL S H)untsville, I)Q) WHIS Bluefield, WV O H)ugh I). S)hott WHIZ Zanesville, OH L W)e're H)ere I)n Z)anesville WHJB Greensburg, PA O H). J). B)rennan, Former Owner WHJC Matewan, WV S W)e H)erald J)esus C)hrist WHK Cleveland, OH O H). K). Carpenter (VP & GM) WHKO-FM Dayton, OH O FM sister of W)H)IO), slogan is K99.1 FM WHKP Hendersonville, NC S W)here the H)eavens K)iss the P)eaks WHKW(FM) Louisville, KY E The Hawk WHKY Hickory, NC L H)ick)ory) WHLA La Crosse, WI O W)H)A)-La Crosse Note: WHA, Madison, WI WHLB Virginia, MN O H)ead of the L)akes B)roadcasting Co. WHLI Hempstead LI, NY L H)empstead L)ong I)sland WHLM Bloomsburg, PA O Harry) L). M)agee WHLO Akron, OH E HLO = 'Hello' Radio WHLS Port Huron, MI O H)armon L). S)tevens WHLT-TV Hattiesburg, MS S H)attiesburg-L)aurel T)elevision WHLW Lakewood, NJ L H)owell-L)akew)ood, NJ WHMB Indianapolis, IN S H)eralding the M)essiah's B)lessings WHMH(FM) Sauk Rapids, MN O H)erbert M)atthew H)oppe WHMI-FM Howell, MI S H)it M)usic and I)nformation WHMP Northampton, MA L H)am)p)shire County WHMS(FM) Champaign, IL O H)elen M). S)tevick Note: original owner's wife WHN New York, NY L H)otel N)avarro, first studio location (now WEVD) WHNC Henderson, NC L H)enderson, N)C) WHNF(FM) New York, NY O W)H)N F)M Note: later WMGM and WHN-FM WHNK Parkersburg, WV S H)an)k) 1450 WHNS Greenville, SC O H)arry n) S)tella, original owner Harry Pappas and wife Stella WHNT Huntsville, AL L H)un)t)sville WHO Des Moines, IA S Who is it? or W)ith H)ands O)nly (allegedly, due to slogan associated with owner, Palmer Chiropractic School) WHOD Homestead, PA L H)o)mestead), now WAMO, Pittsburgh WHOI(TV) Peoria, IL L H)eart o)f I)llinois WHOK Lancaster, OH L H)o)ck)ing County WHOM Jersey City, NJ O H)arry O') M)ealia WHON Centerville, IN S H)eart o)f N)ation WHOP Hopkinsville, KY L H)o)p)kinsville, KY WHP Harrisburg, PA L H)arrisburg, P)A WHPA Honesdale, PA L H)onesdale, P)A), now WDNH WHPA(FM) Hollidaysburg, PA L H)ollidaysburg, P)A), now WMAJ-FM WHQR-FM Wilmington, NC S W)ilmington's H)igh Q)uality R)adio (classical-music public radio) WHRB(FM) Cambridge, MA O H)arvard R)adio B)roadcasting WHRD Huntington, WV E HRD = 'herd' (Thundering Herd, Marshall University team) WHRF Riverhead, NY S WHRF = 'Wharf' Radio WHRI(SW) Noblesville, IN O W)orld H)arvest R)adio I)nternational WHRK(FM) Memphis, TN O H)arold R). K)relstein, Plough Bcstg Executive WHRM Wausau, WI L R)ib M)ountain WHRM Wausau, WI L R)ib M)ountain, transmitter location WHRW(FM) Binghamton, NY O H)arpur College R)adio W)orkshop WHRY Hurley, WI L H)ur)ley) WHSA Brule, WI L H)ayward, S)uperior, A)shland WHSM Hayward, WI L H)ayward-S)pooner-M)inong WHSS Hamilton, OH O H)amilton S)chool S)ystem WHTG Eatontown, NJ O H)arold and T)heo G)ade WHTH Heath, OH L H)eat)h) WHTM-TV Harrisburg, PA O H)arrisburg T)imes-M)irror (former owners) WHTZ Newark, NJ E HTZ = Hits (known as Z100) WHUB Cookeville, TN S The H)u)b) of the Upper Cumberland, the Hub City WHUD(FM) Peekskill, NY L H)u)d)son Valley WHUN Huntingdon, PA L H)u)n)tingdon WHUR Washington, DC O H)oward U)niversity R)adio WHUS Storrs, CT S UConn H)u)s)kies WHVK(FM) Tullahoma, TN S H)untsv)ille K)ountry WHVL(TV) State College, PA L H)appy V)all)ey WHVR Hanover, PA L H)anov)er) WHVY(FM) Springfield, MA S H)eav)y) for AOR Note: now WMAS-FM again WHWC Menomonie, WI L W)H)A-W)est C)entral Wisconsin Note: WHA, Madison, WI WHWH Princeton, NJ O H)erbert W)indsor H)obler, founder WHYL Carlisle, PA L H)arrisburg, Y)ork and L)ancaster WHYN Springfield, MA L H)olY)oke-N)orthampton Note: original cities of license Holyoke-Northampton WHYY Philadelphia, PA S W)idening H)orizons for Y)ou and Y)ours WHZN Hazleton, PA L H)az)leton) note: now WKZN WIAT Birmingham, AL S I)t's A)bout T)ime, was WBMG WIBA Madison, WI O W)i)sconsin-B)a)dger Broadcasting, former owner WIBC Indianapolis, IN O I)ndiana B)roadcasting C)ompany WIBF-FM Philadelphia, PA O W)illiam I)rwin and B)enjamin F)ox, now WPPZ WIBG Philadelphia, PA S I) B)elieve in G)od Note: once owned by St. Paul's Church, now WZZD WIBH Anna, IL S I)'ll b)e h)appy WIBI(FM) Carlinville, IL O I)llinois B)ible I)nstitute at Blackburn College WIBU Poynette, WI S W)ind i)s b)eing u)sed, was wind-powered, now WDLS WIBW Topeka, KS S) W)here I)nvestment B)rings W)ealth WICC Bridgeport, CT S I)ndustrial C)enter of C)onneticut WICE Providence, RI L ICE = 'Ice' for broadcast of hockey games WICH Norwich, CT L Norw)i)c)h) WICN Worcester, MA S I)nter-c)olligate N)etwork WICO Salisbury, MD L W)i)c)o)mico County, MD WICR Indianapolis, IN O I)ndiana C)entral University R)adio [now the University of Indianapolis] WICZ Binghamton, NY O Guziew)i)c)z) WIDB Carbondale. IL S W)e i)n d)a b)asement, studios in Basement of Dormitory Wright-III, 1972-1986 at SIU WIDR Kalamazoo, MI O W)estern I)nter-D)ormitory R)adio, Western Michigan University's student station WIEL Elizabethtown, KY L E)l)izabethtown WIFR Freeport, IL L W)isconsin-I)llinois-F)reeport-R)ockford WIGL Superior, WI E WIGL='97 Wiggle', cutesy nickname for an early 60's top 40 station, dark merged with WAKX WIGM Medford, WI O I)rma and G)eorge M)eyer WIHM Taylorville, IL S I)mmaculate H)eart of M)ary WIHS Middletown, CT S W)e're i)n H)is S)ervice, Religious WIIL Kenosha, WI L WI)sconsin and IL)linois, postal abbreviations for the two bordering states WIIT(FM) Chicago, IL O I)llinois I)nstitute of T)echnology WIKB Iron River, MI L I)ron Mountain K)ingsford B)reitung Township, original location of license WIKE Newport, VT S WIL St. Louis, MO S W)atch i)t L)ead WILI Willimantic, CT L W)i)l)li)mantic, CT WILK Wilkes-Barre, PA L W)i)l)k)es-Barre WILL Urbana, IL L University of I)l)l)inois WILM Wilmington, DE L W)i)l)m)ington, DE WIMA Lima, OH L Li)m)a) WIMN Stillwater, MN L W)i)sconsin-M)in)nesota Note: now WEZU WINC Winchester, VA L W)i)n)c)hester WIND Chicago, IL L Gary, I)n)d)ana, original city of license WING Dayton, OH S Airplane WING, birthplace of aviation WINK-TV Fort Myers, FL S CBS affiliate featuring the CBS Eye logo, eyes wink WINS New York, NY O I)nternational N)ews S)ervice, Hearst Wire Service WINV Inverness, FL L I)n)v)erness WINX Rockville, MD E WINX = winks WIOD Miami, FL S W)onderful I)sle of D)reams WIOI Brunswick, GA F IOI = 101, 100.7 mHz WION Ionia, MI L I)o)n)ia WIOO Carlisle, PA F I00=100, at 1000 on the dial (shown as 100 on many radios) WIOQ(FM) Philadelphia, PA F IOQ = 102, 102.1 mHz WIOS Tawas City, MI L I)O)S)co County WIOV Ephrata, PA F IOV=105 on the dial WIOV(FM) Ephrata, PA F IOV='one oh 5', Roman numeral V=5 WIP Philadelphia, PA L W)ireless i)n P)hiladelphia Note: calls may have been random WIRE Indianapolis, IN O I)ndianapolis R)adio E)nterprise, now WXNT WIRN Buhl, MN S I)ron R)an)ge WIRO Ironton, OH L I)r)o)nton WIRQ Irondequoit, NY L I)r)ondeq)oit WIRR Virginia-Hibbing, MN S I)ron R)ange R)adio WIRT(TV) Hibbing, MN S I)ron R)ange T)elevision WIS Columbia, SC S W)onderful I)odine S)tate Note: now WVOC, used on TV-10 WISC-TV Madison, WI L W)i)s)c)onsin WISM Madison, WI L W)i)s)consin M)adison, now WTDA, calls used in Altoona, WI WISN Milwaukee, WI O The W)i)s)consin N)ews WISP Doylestown, PA S I)nspired by the S)p)irit (logo at site: '24-Hour All-Catholic Radio') WISU Terre Haute, IN O I)ndiana S)tate U)niversity WITF Harrisburg, PA S W)here I)t's T)op F)light WITI(TV) Milwaukee, WI O I)ndependent T)elevision I)nc. (original owner) WITM Elizabethton, TN L I)n t)hese M)ountains, now dark WITO Ironton, OH L I)ront)o)n WITR Rochester, NY O I)nstitute T)echnology of R)ochester WITS Boston, MA S W)e're I)nformation, T)alk & S)ports, now WMEX WIUM(FM) Macomb, IL O W)estern I)llinois U)niversity's M)acomb station WIUS(FM) Macomb, IL O W)estern I)llinois U)niversity's s)tudent station WIUW(FM) Warsaw, IL O W)estern I)llinois U)niversity's W)arsaw station WIVB(TV) Buffalo, NY S W)e're 4 [IV] B)uffalo, formerly WBEN-TV WIVK Knoxville, TN S I)ndependent V)oice of K)noxville WIVS Superior, WI L W)I) (Wisconsin), V)illage of S)uperior, was on 850 in Crystal Lake, IL WIWB-TV Suring, WI S W)i)sconsin's W)B) Network WIWS Beckley, WV O I)ra W). S)outhern WIXT(TV) Syracuse, NY F IX = Roman numeral 9 T)elevision WIXV(FM) Savannah, GA F IXV = 95 (frequency is 95.5 mHz) WIXY E. Longmeadow, MA E WIXY = Wixie Note: was WTYM, now WAQY-AM WIXZ McKeesport, PA O Owned by WIZY in Cleveland, now dark WIYC St. Thomas, VI S I)t's Y)our C)ountry Note: now WVPI WIZD Rudolph, WI E WIZD='Wizard' WIZF(FM) Erlanger, KY E The W)I)Z) F)M WJAB Huntsville, AL S J)azz A)nd B)lues WJAC Johnstown, PA O J)ohnstown A)utomotive C)ompany WJAD Bainbridge, GA O J)ohn A). D)owdy (owner's son) Note: calls moved to Albany, GA WJAG Norfolk, NE S W)ith J)oy a)nd G)ladness WJAR Providence, RI S J)ohn A)rthur R)eilly, stations first engineer WJAS Pittsburgh, PA S W)orld's J)olliest A)erial S)tation WJAX Jacksonville, FL E JAX = Jacks(onville) WJBE Knoxville, TN O J)ames B)rown E)nterprises WJBK Detroit, MI S J)esus, B)e K)ind Note: now WCZY(AM) (calls on TV channel 2) WJBO Baton Rouge, LA O J)enson B)roadcast O)rganization WJBW(FM) Jupiter, FL S J)uke B)ox 99.5 WJCF(FM) Westover, WV O C)raig F)rankenstein Note: now WMCG(FM) WJCL(FM) Savannah, GA O J). C). L)ewis WJCR(SW) Upton, KY S W)here J)esus C)hrist R)eigns WJCW Johnson City, TN O J)ames C). W)ilson, thought to have been funded by his wife, Josephine, a Massengill Pharmaceuticals heiress; hence, the vernacular Where Josephine’s Cash Went WJDA Quincy, MA O J)ames D). A)sher WJDM Elizabeth, NJ O J)ohn, D)ominick and M)ike WJDQ Meridian, MS S W)e J)ust D)on't Q)uit WJDX Jackson, MS S J)ackson D)istant X) - Transmitter (as in the old ham 'DX' lingo) WJEL Indianapolis, IN O J). E)verett L)ight Career Center WJER Dover/New Phila, OH O J)erry E). R)eeves WJER Dover-New Philadelphia, O J)eramiah E). R)eeves (father of Agnes J. R. Greer) WJET Erie, PA S J)e)t), on AM and FM WJFK Manassas, VA S J)ohn F)itzgerald K)ennedy WJFL Vicksburg, MS S W)in J)ust f)or L)istening WJFM Grand Rapids, MI O J)ohn F)etzer WJFW-TV Rhinelander, WI O J)asper F). W)illiams, owner of the TV station who was killed in a plane crash a couple of years ago WJGS(FM) Houghton Lake, MI O J)acob and G)arnett S)parks (now WUPS) WJHL-TV Johnson City, TN O J)ohnson City, H)aynes L)ancaster WJHP Jacksonville, FL O J)ohn H). P)erry Note: once WVOJ and WQIk, now WJGR WJHR Flemington, NJ S J)ersey's H)ometown R)adio WJIB Cambridge, MA S JIB=ship part WJIE(FM) Louisville, KY S W)here J)esus i)s E)xalted WJIL Jacksonville, IL S W)here J)acksonville i)s L)istening WJIT New York, NY E JIT = Spanish, 'Hit', now WZRC WJIW Greenville, MS S W)here J)esus i)s W)orthy WJJD Chicago, IL O J). J). D)avies, now WYLL WJJG Elmhurst, IL O J)oseph J). G)entile, Inc. WJJH Ashland, WI O J)erry J)ames H)ackman, original owner, now owned by Heartland Communications WJJZ Philadelphia, PA S J)az)z), calls previously used in Mt. Holly, NJ WJKC St. Croix, VI O J)onathan K)eys C)ohen WJKL Elgin, IL O Rick J)ak)l)e WJKY Jamestown, KY L J)amestown, K)Y) WJLA-TV Washington, DC O J)oseph L). A)lbritton WJLB Detroit, MI O J)ohn L). B)ooth Broadcasting Co. Note: now WQBH(AM), calls on FM WJLK Asbury Park, NJ O J). L)yle K)inmouth, publisher of the Asbury Park Press WJLS(FM) Beckley, WV O J)oe L). S)mith WJMJ(FM) Hartford, CT S J)esus, M)ary and J)oseph WJML Petoskey, MI O J)ohn, M)ichael, and L)inda Harrington Note: children of original owner (now WKLZ) WJMN Boston, MA E JMN = 'Jammin' WJMN-TV Escanaba, MI O J)ane M)orton N)orton of the station's ownership family WJNC Jacksonville, NC L J)acksonville, N)C) WJNY Watertown, NY L J)efferson County, N)ew Y)ork WJOE Port St. Joe, FL L Port St. J)o)e) WJOI(FM) Detroit, MI E JOI = Joy, once in Pittsburgh at 93.7 mHz WJOK Gaithersburg, MD E JOK='joke', had all-comedy format, now WMET. WJOL Joliet, IL L J)o)l)iet WJON St. Cloud, MN O See WWJO WJOX Birmingham, AL E JOX='Jocks, sports-talk format WJPA Washington, PA S W)ashington-J)efferson (College), P)a) WJPC Chicago, IL O J)ohnson P)ublishing C)ompany WJPD Ishpeming, MI O Dr. J)ames P). D)eegan (Senior) owner WJPF Herrin, IL L W)illiamson J)ackson P)erry F)rankin (counties) WJPG Green Bay, WI O J)ohannas (owner) P)ress-G)azette (newspaper) Note: now WNFL WJR Detroit, MI O J)ewett R)adio & Phonograph Co. WJRD Tuscaloosa, AL O J)ames R). D)oss, Jr. WJRH Easton, PA S J)ames R)enwick H)ogg, honors long-time member of the college's Board of Trustees WJRO Glen Burnie, MD S W)here J)esus R)ings O)ut WJRS(FM) Jamestown, KY L J)amestown and R)ussell S)prings WJRT Flint, MI O Original licensee W)J)R) Detroit WJRZ(FM) Manahawkin, NJ E JRZ = Jersey WJSM Martinsburg, PA S J)esu S)alvador M)undo Note: Latin: Jesus, Savior of the World WJSN Jackson, KY L J)acks)on) WJSO Jonesborough, TN L J)ones)bo)rough, now WKTP WJSU Anniston, AL O J)acksonville S)tate U)niversity, original licensee WJSV Mt. Verson Hills, VA O J). S). V)ance (see WTFF) Note: now WTOP-DC WJTL Lancaster, PA S J)oy T)o the L)ord WJTO Bath, ME S W)here J)ets T)ake O)ff, Brunswick Naval Air station is nearby WJTT Red Bank, TN E JTT='Jet', see WFLI, same owner WJTV Jackson, MS S J)ackson T)elev)ision WJTW Joliet, IL L J)oliet), IL WJUB Plymouth, WI O J)u)b)ilation Ministries WJUN Mifflinton, PA L J)u)n)iata County WJUX Monticello, NY E 'Jukebox' WJVL Janesville, WI L J)anesv)il)le WJVS(FM) Cincinnati, OH O Great Oaks J)oint V)ocational S)chool WJW Cleveland, OH O J)ohn W)eimer Note: Originally in Mansfield, then Akron, now used on TV WJWL Georgetown, DE S W)onderful, J)ust W)onderful L)istening WJXN Jackson, MS L JXN = Jackson WJXR(FM) Maclenny, FL S J)ax)onville R)adio WJYI Milwaukee, WI E JYI='joy', Joy 1340 WJYL(FM) Louisville, KY S J)oy) of L)ouisville WJYM Bowling Green, OH E JYM = Jim (owned by Jimmy Swaggart) WJZ Newark, NJ L J)erZ)ey Note: now WABC, calls on TV-13 Baltimore WJZB(TV) Worcester, MA TV S J)ohn Z). B)uckley, employee of WJZB, now WJZM Clarksville, TN O J). Z). M)iller WJZZ(FM) Detroit, MI S J)az)z) Format WKAD-FM Canton, PA O W)atts, (K)elly and A)lan Pruse and D)ave Casselbury, original owners, now WHGL WKAT Miami Beach, FL O Frank L. Kat)zentine WKAY(TV) Kannapolis, NC O Kay Faw, wife of founder, Rev. Garland Faw WKBD(TV) Detroit, MI O K)aiser B)roadcasting-D)etroit Note: now owned by Paramount WKBG(TV) Cambridge, MA O K)aiser B)roadcasting-G)lobe Note: publishers of Boston Globe, was WTAO-TV and WXHR-TV, now WLVI(TV) WKBK Keene, NH O see WKBR, Manchester, NH - K)eene WKBR Manchester, NH O K)ilgore B)arkley R)ust, original owners WKBW Buffalo, NY S W)ell K)nown B)ible W)itness Note: Put on air by Evangelist Clinton Churchill, now WWKB, calls on TV 7 WKCI New Haven, CT O K)opps C)ommunications I)ncorporated WKCK-FM Chesapeake, VA S K)ic)k) WKCR New York, NY S K)ing's C)rown R)adio (Columbia Univ logo) WKDZ Cadiz, KY E KDZ = Cadiz WKEE(FM) Huntington, WV E KEE = key WKEF-TV Dayton, OH S K)athryn E). F)lynn, secretary (and now wife) of original owner WKEN Dover, DE L K)e)n)t County, Delaware, now using other calls WKER Pompton Lakes, NJ O K)e)r)r [Bob Kerr] Radio Corporation Note: Now WGHT WKEZ(FM) Tavernier, FL E KEZ='Keys' EZ listening in the K)eys WKFD Wickford, RI L W)ick)f)ord) WKFR(FM) Kalamazoo, MI S K)eener F)ourteen R)adio, tribute to WKFR(AM) of Battle Creek WKHS Worton, MD O K)ent County H)igh S)chool WKHJ-FM Mountain Like Park, MD S W KHJ) reference to the LA station. WKIN Kingsport, TN L K)i)n)gsport, now WGOC WKIO(FM) Urbana, IL S K)eep I)t O)n WKIP Poughkeepsie, NY L PoughKIP)sie (some liberties with spelling) WKIS(FM) Boca Raton, FL S K)i)s)s WKIZ Key West, FL L KIZ = Keys WKJC Tawas City, MI O J)ohn C)arroll WKJF Cadillac, MI O J)ohn F)etzer WKJG-TV Ft. Wayne, IN O W)illaim K)unkel, president of the Ft. Wayne J)ournal-G)azette WKJG-TV Ft. Wayne, IN O W)illaim K)unkel, president of the Ft. Wayne J)ournal-G)azette WKKD Aurora, IL L W)ill, K)ane, K)endall and D)uPage counties WKLB Manchester, KY O L)arry and L)inda B)arker WKLB(FM) Waltham, MA E KLB = Country 'Club', once used on 105.7 in Framingham, MA WKLD Cleveland, AL L K)level)and), AL WKLE(TV) Lexington, KY L K)ET L)e)xington WKLK Cloquet, MN E KLK='Cloquet' WKLN Cullman, AL L K)ul)man), now WKUL WKLO Louisville, KY L K)Y-L)o)uisville Note: now WDJX, calls in Danville, KY WKLS(FM) Atlanta, GA O K)ennedy, L)atham & S)wan WKMC Roaring Spring, PA O W)alter K)ramp - M)orrison's C)ove, Location WKMG(TV) Orlando, FL O K)atherine M)eyer G)raham [Washington Post-owned] was WCPX WKMI Kalamazoo, MI L K)alamazoo, MI) WKMT Kings Mountain, NC L K)ings M)ount)ain WKMU(TV) Murray, KY L K)ET M)u)rray WKMX Enterprise, AL E MX='Mix' WKNB New Britain, CT L K)ensington-N)ew B)ritain, now WRYM WKNT Kent, OH L K)en)t) WKNW Sault Ste. Marie, MI S 'KNOW-AM' WKNY Kingston, NY L K)ingston, N)ew Y)ork WKOJ(FM) Middletown, NY S K) from previous calls (WKGL), O)range J)ams WKON(TV) Owenton, KY L K)ET O)wen)ton WKOR Starkville, MS S K)ing o)f R)ock WKOT Kingston, NY S K)ingston, O)ur T)own, now dark WKOW Madison, WI S K)O)W) = Cow WKPB Knoxville, TN O K)noxville P)ublishing B)oard, short lived early FM WKPC-TV Louisville, KY S K)entuckiana P)eople's C)hoice WKPD(TV) Paducah, KY L K)ET P)ad)ucah WKPE-FM South Yarmouth, MA L K)ap)e) Cod (Kod?) WKPI(TV) Pikeville, KY O K)ET P)i)keville, Kentucky Educational Television WKPR Kalamazoo, MI O W)illiam K)uip)er) WKPT Kingsport, TN L K)ingsp)ort), TN WKQX(FM) Chicago, IL E Chosen by then-owner NBC because it sounded experimental WKRB(FM) Brooklyn, NY O K)ingsborough College R)adio-B)rooklyn WKRC Cincinnati, OH O K)odel R)adio C)ompany WKSE Buffalo, NY E KSE = Kiss WKSO(TV) Somerset, KY L K)ET S)o)merset WKSS Hartford-Meriden, CT S K)is)s) WKSU(FM) Kent, OH O K)ent S)tate U)niversity WKSW-FM Urbana, OH E KS='Kiss' Country 101.7 WKTI(FM) Milwaukee, WI S I)-94, interstate runs through the city WKTL(FM) Struthers, OH S W)e're the K)ey t)o L)earning WKTN Kenton, OH L K)ent)on) WKUE(FM) Elizabethtown, KY O W)estern K)entucky U)niversity-E)lizabethtown WKUL Cullman, AL L K)u)l)lman WKUZ-FM Wabash, IN S Your Indiana K)u)z)in WKWF Key West, FL L K)ey W)est F)lorida WKYC Cleveland, OH S Originally K)Y)W; slogan at the time of call change was 'K)Y) in C)leveland' WKYU Bowling Green, KY O W)estern K)entucky U)niversity WKZN Kenosha, WI L W)aukegan K)enosha Z)ion N)ewport [1969-1982] WKZO Kalamazoo, MI L K)alamaz)o)o, Michigan WKZT Fulton, KY O K)enneth Z). T)urner. WKZT(TV) Elizabethtown, KY L K)ET Eliz)abetht)own WKZW Sandersville, MS S K)Z) 94.3 WLAC Nashville, TN O L)ife a)and C)asualty Insurance Co. WLAD Danbury, CT O L)ee a)nd D)aniel, hatmakers in Danbury in 1948 WLAN Lancaster, PA L L)a)n)caster, PA WLAP Lexington, KY S W)e L)ove a)ll P)eople Note: once religious format WLAQ Rome, GA S W)e L)augh A)t Q)uarles, competitor was co-owned by Happy Quarles WLAT Manchester, CT S L)a)t)ino Radio WLAV Grand Rapids, MI O L)eonard A). V)erslius WLAX-TV La Crosse, WI L L)a), X stands for Crosse WLBB Carrollton, GA S W)e L)ove B)utter B)eans Note: Judge Tisinger, the original owner was a big fan of butter beans WLBJ Bowling Green, KY O L).B). Jenkins, now silent WLBL Auburndale, WI S W)isconsin, L)and of B)eautiful L)akes WLBN Lebanon, KY L L)eb)an)on WLBT(TV) Jackson, MS O L)amar (Life Insurance) B)roadcast T)elevison WLCA Godfrey, IL O L)ewis and C)lark Community College WLCR Torrrington, CT (dark) L L)itchfield C)ounty R)adio, now silent WLCV(CC) Louisville, KY S L)ouisville C)ampus V)oice WLDB Atlantic City, NJ O L)eroy & D)orothy B)remmer Note: was WUSS, now WGYM WLDS Jacksonville, IL S L)incoln D)ouglas S)tation WLDY Hollywood, FL S The L)ad)y) Note: now WLQY WLEM Emporium, PA S L)and of the E)endless M)ountain WLER(FM) Butler, PA L Butl)e)r). PA, FM sister of WBUT WLEV(FM) Easton, PA L L)e)high V)alley WLFB(TV) Bluefield, WV O L)iving F)aith Ministries, B)luefield WLFG(TV) Grundy, VA O L)iving F)aith Ministries, G)rundy WLGC(FM) Greenup, KY S W)e L)ove G)reenup C)ounty WLHS West Chester, OH O L)akota H)igh S)chool WLIB New York, NY L L)i)b)erty Bank Building, original location WLIE Islip, NY L L)ong I)sland E)xpressway, was WLUX WLIF(FM) Baltimore, MD S playing the "Beautiful Music of L)i)f)e, now WZFT WLIM Patchogue, NY S L)ong I)sland WLIP Kenosha, WI O William L)i)p)man, the founder and 40 years-plus owner WLIQ Quincy, IL S W)e're L)i)ght, as in 'lite rock' WLIR(FM) Garden City, NY S L)ong I)sland R)adio Note: now WDRE(FM) WLIS Old Saybrook, NY L L)ong I)sland S)ound WLIT(FM) Chicago, IL E LIT = Lite WLIX Islip, NY L L)ong I)sland X)-roads, later WLUX, now WLIE WLJN Traverse City, MI S L)ord J)esus' N)ame WLJS Jacksonville, AL O J)acksonville S)tate University WLKF Lakeland, FL L L)ak)eland F)lorida WLKI(FM) Angola, IN O L)ak)e Cities Broadcasting, I)nc. (also refers to 101 lakes in and around area) WLKK(FM) Wethersfield, NY E LKK='Lake', Buffalo market on Lake Erie WLKM Three Rivers, MI S W)el)k)om)e WLKW Providence, RI S L)=Roman 50, K)W); was 50 Kw at 990 kHz WLKY-TV Louisville, KY L L)ouisville, K)Y) WLLH Lawrence, MA L L)owell L)awerence H)averhill, MA WLLI Joliet, IL L Read sideways, looks like 'WILL' for Will County, IL WLLK(FM) Burnside, KY E LLK='Lake', Lake 93.9 WLLV Louisville, KY S L)ov)e WLLZ(FM) Detroit, MI E WLLZ = Wheels WLMI Kane, PA O L)aurel M)edia I)ncorporated WLML(FM) Lake Park, FL S W)here L)egendary M)usic L)ives WLMU Syracuse, NY O L)eM)oyne College WLNA Peekskill, NY S L)ocal N)ews A)uthority WLNC Laurinburg, NC L L)aurinburg, N)C) WLNE New Bedford, MA S W)e L)ove N)ew E)ngland WLNH Laconia, NH L L)aconia, N)H) WLNY-TV Riverhead, NY S W)e L)ove N)ew Y)ork WLOB Portland, ME S L)o)b)ster State WLOC Munfordville, KY S W)e L)ove O)ur C)aves WLOD Pompano Beach, FL S W)onderfull L)and o)f D)reams Note: now WWNN WLOE Eden, NC S L)and O)f E)den WLOF Orlando, FL S W)e L)ove O)rlando F)lorida Note: now WOMX WLOH Lancaster, OH L L)ancaster, O)h)io WLOL Minneapolis, MN L L)and o)f L)akes Note: now KSJN WLOM Chattanooga, TN L L)o)okout M)ountain, now WSKZ WLOS Asheville, NC S W)onderful L)and o)f S)ky WLOU Louisville, KY L L)o)u)isville, KY WLOV-TV Tupelo, MS O L)o)v)e Communications WLOX Biloxi, MS L Bil)o)x)i WLPL Baltimore, MD S L)and of P)leasant L)iving Note: now using other calls WLQY Hollywood, FL E LQY = Lucky 13 WLRE Elloree, SC E LRE=Elloree WLRH(FM) Huntsville, AL O L)ibrary R)adio H)untsville WLRN(CC) Bethlehem, PA S L)ehigh R)adio N)etwork WLRN(FM) Miami, FL E L)eaRN), Note: school board station WLRS(FM) Louisville, KY O L)ouisville R)adio S)chool WLS Chicago, IL S W)orlds L)argest S)tore (once owned by Sears) WLSD Big Stone Gap, VA S W)here L)ove S)ounds D)ifferent, gospel/religious WLSH Lansford, PA L L)ansford S)ummit H)ill WLSR Lima, OH S L)ima's S)oft R)ock WLTF(FM) Cleveland, OH S L)it)e F)M WLTL LaGrange, IL O L)yons T)ownship High School WLTN Littleton, NH L L)ittlet)on) WLUC-TV Marquette, WI O Former sister station of WLUK, Green Bay WLUK-TV Green Bay, WI S L)u)ck)y 11 WLUM West Allis, WI S W)e L)ove You) M)ilwaukee WLUP Chicago, IL E The L)u)p) Loop-Central Part of Chicago WLVE(FM) Miami Beach, FL S L)ov)e) WLVI(TV) Cambridge, MA F LVI = Roman numeral 56 WLVJ Royal Palm Beach, FL L L)ov)e J)esus WLVL Lockport, NY S Lively) Voice) of L)ockport WLVP(FM) Franklin, NJ O L)ouis V)ander P)latte Now: WSUS (FM) WLVR-FM Bethlehem, PA S L)ehigh V)alley R)adio WLVT(TV) Allentown, PA L L)ehigh V)alley T)elev)ision WLW Cincinnati, OH S W)orld's L)owest W)ages WLWA(TV) Atlanta, GA O Was Crosley/W)L)W) A)tlanta, now WXIA WLWC(TV) Columbus, OH O WLW C)olumbus, now WCMH(TV) WLWD(TV) Dayton, OH O WLW D)ayton WLWI(TV) Indianapolis, IN O WLW I)ndianapolis WLWL New York, NY S W)e L)isten and W)e L)earn (no longer in use) WLWT(TV) Cincinnati, OH O WLW T)elevision WLXG Lexington, KY S L)ex)ington G)old Note: changed from oldies to sports WLXR La Crosse, WI S L)a Crosse R)adio, X='Crosse' WLYC Williamsport, PA L L)y)c)oming County WLYF(FM) Miami, FL E LYF = Life WLYH-TV Lancaster-Labanon, PA L L)ancaster/L)ebanon-Y)ork-H)arrisburg; dual city ID WLYH(TV) Lancaster, PA L L)ebanon Y)ork H)arrisburg, originally licensed to Lebanon WLYH(TV) Lancaster, PA L L)ancaster Y)ork H)arrisburg WLYN Lynn, MA L L)y)n)n WLYT Cleveland, OH S W)e L)ove Y)ou T)ruely Note: now using other calls WLYT(FM) Charlotte, NC E 'LYT'=Lite WLZR(FM) Milwaukee, WI E LZR = Laser (CD's) WLZZ(FM) Bryant, OH S WLZZ = wheels (WLLZ was already taken) WMAD Sun Prairie, WI L M)a)d)ison, suburban Madison WMAF Madison, FL L M)a)dison, F)lorida WMAG(FM) High Point, NC S M)a)g)ic WMAJ State College, PA S M)a)j)or in college (home of Penn State) WMAJ-FM Hollidaysburg, PA S M)a)j)ic 104.9 WMAL Washington, DC O Dr. M). A). L)eese, optician WMAM Marinette, WI L M)arinette a)nd M)enominee WMAQ Chicago, IL O W)illiam) A). Q)uinn, publisher of Chicago Daily News, now WSCR WMAQ-TV Chicago, IL S W)e M)ay A)sk Q)uestions (from the TV's 50th anniversary) WMAR(TV) Barltimore, MD L M)a)r)yland WMAS Springfield, MA O M)offat, A)lbert S). Note: FCC issued call WHEU, Moffat appealed and WMAS was granted in 1932 WMAX Grand Rapids, MI S M)a)x)imum News, Weather and Sports WMAZ Macon, GA S W)atch M)ercer A)ttain Z)enith Note: Mercer University WMBA Ambridge, PA O M)iners B)roadcasting-A)mbridge WMBD Peoria, IL S W)orld's M)ost B)eautiful D)rive [Grandview Drive, original location of station] WMBF Miami Beach, FL L M)iami B)each, F)L Note: now WQAM WMBH Joplin, MO S W)here M)emories B)ring H)appiness WMBI Chicago, IL O M)oody B)ible I)nstitute WMBL Morehead City, NC S W)here M)orehead Beaufort L)istens WMBM Miami Beach, FL S W)here M)inistry B)lesses M)any WMBN Petoskey, MI L M)ichigan's B)eautiful N)orth WMBR(FM) Cambridge, MA L W)alker M)emorial B)asement R)adio, studio located in the basement of that MIT building, formerly known as WTBS(FM) WMBT Shenandoah, PA O W)olf M)urray B)rennan T)oole, now dark WMC Memphis, TN O M)emphis C)ommercial-Appeal, Newspaper WMCA New York, NY O Hotel M)c)A)lpin WMCB Martinsville, IN O M)organ C)ounty B)roadcasters WMCH Church Hill, TN O Harry M)organ, C)hurch H)ill WMCN St. Paul, MN O M)acalester C)ollege WMCR Kalamazoo, MI O W)estern M)ichigan C)ollege R)adio, now WMUK WMCR Oneida, NY L M)adison C)ounty R)adio Note: 1600KHz, was WONG: 'The Wong station on the Right side of your dial' WMCS Milwaukee, WI S M)ilwaukee's C)ommunity S)tation WMCU(FM) Miami, FL O M)iami C)hristian U)niversity WMCW Harvard, IL S M)ilk C)apital of the W)orld, town slogan WMDC Mayville, WI L M)ayville and D)odge C)ounty WMDN(TV) Meridian, MS L M)erid)ian) WMDO Wheaton, MD E M)und)o) = World (Spanish) WMDT-TV Salisbury, MD S M)aryland) T)elevision WMEL Melbourne, FL L M)e)l)bourne WMER Celina, OH L M)e)r)cer County WMEV Marion, VA S W)onderful M)ountain E)mpire of V)irginia, now WUKZ WMFD Mansfield, OH L M)ansf)ield) WMFL Monticello, FL L M)onticello F)L) WMFM(FM) Milwaukee, WI O M)ilwaukee Journal F)M) WMFO(FM) Medford, MA L M)edf)o)rd WMFR High Point, NC S W)e M)ake F)urniture R)ight WMGA Moultrie, GA S W)atching M)oultrie G)row A)griculturally WMGE(FM) Ft. Lauderdale, FL S MGE='Mega' 103.5 (rhythmic oldies), was WSHE(FM) WMGG(FM) Columbus, OH S MGG = Magic WMGK Philadelphia, PA E MGK = 'Magic' WMGM(FM) New York, NY O M)etro-G)oldwyn-M)ayer, calls now in Linwood, NJ WMGN Madison, WI S M)ag)ic N)inety-eight WMGR Bainbridge, GA O M)arvin G)riffin R)adio, former GA governor WMGW Meadville, PA O M)arry G)ean W)inslow WMGZ Montgomery, AL S M)ontg)omery's Z)103 Note: now using other calls WMHB Waterville, ME L M)ayfower H)ill B)roadcasting, Colby College sits atop that hill WMHC(FM) South Hadley, MA O M)ount H)olyoke C)ollege WMHT(FM) Schenectady, NY L M)ohawk-H)udson T)elevision WMHW(FM) Mt. Pleasant, MI S W)e're M)oore H)all W)ireless (or Elmer Fudd version: W)e're M)oore H)all W)adio)(WMHW is Central Michigan University's student-run radio station) WMID Atlantic City, NJ O M)i)d) Atlantic Broadcasting Co. WMIL Milwaukee, WI L M)i)l)waukee WMIN Hudson, WI L Refers to adjacent M)i)n)nesota WMIT(FM) Black Mountain, NC L Mount M)i)t)chell Note: transmitter site on highest peak East of the Mississippi WMJC Smithtown, NY E MJC = Magic WMJI Cleveland, OH E MJI = Magic WMJJ Birmingham, AL E MJJ='Magic' WMJT(TV) Milwaukee, WI O M)ilwaukee J)ournal T)V Note: now WTMJ-TV WMJX Boston, MA E MJX = 'magic' WMKK(FM) Lawrence, MA S MKK='Mike FM' WMKV Reading, OH L M)aple K)noll V)illage retirement community, studio location WMLM Saint Louis, MI S W)e're the M)iddle of L)ower M)ichigan, in geographical center of Michigan's Lower Peninsula WMLP Milton, PA L M)ilton-L)ewisburg P)A WMML Mobile, AL O M)-M)el) Tillis, now WLVV WMMM Westport, CT S W)estport's M)odern M)inute M)an Note: Reference to Minuteman Statue in area WMMN Fairmont, WV O M)ansfield M). N)eely, later Senator WMMR Philadelphia, PA O M)etrom)edia R)adio WMMS Bath, ME S W)here M)ost of M)aine is S)erved, big signal at 730 Note: now WJTO WMMS(FM) Cleveland, OH O M)etrom)edia S)tereo WMNB North Adams, MA S M)usic for the N)orthern B)erkshires WMNC Morganton, NC L M)organton, N)C) WMNF-FM Tampa, FL S M)ember-Sponsored N)on-Commercial F)M WMNI Columbus, OH O W)illiam R. M)n)i)ch, founder WMNN Minneapolis, MN O M)innesota N)ews N)etworks WMNN Mineapolis, MN S M)innesota N)ews N)etwork WMNR Monroe, CT L M)on)r)oe WMOC Chattanooga, TN L M)o)c)casin Bend, Chattanooga landmark WMOG Brunswick, GA S W)onderful M)arshes o)f G)lynn [County] WMOH Hamilton, OH L M)iddletown-O)xford-H)amilton WMOR Morehead, KY L M)o)r)ehead, KY WMOT Murfreesboro, TN L M)iddle o)f T)ennessee, MTSU near state geographic center WMOU Berlin, NH L In the White M)o)u)ntains WMOW Crandon, WI L Sister station of W)AO)W); M)etonga Lake WMPS Memphis, TN O M)emphis P)ress-S)cimitar, Newspaper Note: now WODZ, formerly WRVR(AM) WMPT South Williamsport, PA L W)ill M)ont P)A T)own, AM silent, FM now WZXR-FM WMPT(TV) Annapolis, MD O M)aryland P)ublic T)elevision WMQC Westover, WV S W)e're M)organtown's Q)uality C)hoice WMQT Marquette, MI E MQT='Marquette' WMRD Middletown, CT L M)iddletown R)ad)io WMRE Charles Town, WV S M)emor)ie)s 1550 WMRH Waupun, WI L Refers to nearby Horicon M)ar)sh) WMRN Marion, OH L M)ar)ion), OH WMRO Aurora, IL O M)artin R). O)'Brien, now used in Gallatin, TN WMRV Endicott, NY O M)er)v) Griffin WMRZ South Miami, FL E MRZ = Memories WMSE Milwaukee, WI O M)ilwaukee S)chool of E)ngineering WMSL Decatur, AL O M)utual S)avings L)ife Insurance Note: now WAVD WMSN-TV Madison, WI L M)adis)on) WMSP-FM Harrisburg, PA O M)arket S)quare P)resbyterian C)hurch WMSR Manchester, TN L M)anches)ter), TN WMST Mt. Sterling, KY L M)t. S)t)erling WMT Cedar Rapids, IA O W)aterloo M)orning T)ribune WMTA Central City, KY O M)essenger T)imes A)rgus, newspaper (original owner) Note: 45th anniversary on 11 January 2000 WMTC Vanceleve, KY S W)in M)en t)o C)hrist WMTG Dearborn, MI S M)ot)own G)old WMTH Park Ridge, IL O M)aine T)ownship H)igh School WMTN Morristown, TN L M)orrist)own) WMTR Morristown, NJ L M)orrist)own R)adio WMTS Murfreesboro, TN O M)iddle T)ennessee S)tate (call letters were donated by 810 WMTS, now WAPB) WMTU Houghton, MI O M)ichigan T)echnological U)niversity WMTV(TV) Madison, WI S M)adison T)V) WMTW(FM) Poland Springs, ME L M)t). W)ashington - transmitter location, now WHOM, TV station retains the calls WMUA(FM) Amherst, MA O M)assachusetts U)niversity - A)mherst WMUB Oxford, OH O M)iami U)niversity B)roadcasting WMUF Paris, TN O M)u)f)fin, name of owner's dog WMUH-FM Allentown, PA L M)u)h)lenberg College WMUK(FM) Kalamazoo, MI O W)estern M)ichigan U)niversity-K)alamazoo WMUL Huntington, WV O M)arshall U)niversity WMUS Muskegon, MI L M)u)s)kegon WMUU Greenville, SC O W)orld's M)ost U)nusual U)niversity Note: Bob Jones University WMVS(TV) Milwaukee, WI O M)ilwaukee V)ocational S)chool, original name of the licensee, which is now known as Milwaukee Area Technical College WMVY(FM) Tisbury, MA L M)artha's V)iney)ard WMXJ(FM) Pompano Beach, FL E MXJ = Magic WMXQ Birmingham, AL E MXQ='Mix', now WYSF WMXS Montgomery, AL E MX='Mix' WMYR Ft. Myers, FL L Ft. M)y)er)s WMYX(FM) Milwaukee, WI E MYX = mix WNAB Bridgeport, CT S We're N)uts a)bout B)ridgeport, now WCUM WNAH Nashville, TN L Na)sh)ville, TN OR W)ith N)ews A)bout H)eaven WNAK Nanticoke, PA L N)a)ticok)e, now WZFM WNAM Neenah, WI L N)eenah a)nd M)enasha WNAN-FM Nantucket. MA L N)a)n)tucket WNAO(TV) Raleigh, NC O N)ews a)nd O)bserver (newspaper) Note: now WRDC, channel 28 WNAR Murfreesboro, TN S W)e N)eed A) R)adio! Note: now WMTS (was used when the station was on the cable system, as a promotional tool to get support for student radio at Middle Tennessee State University) WNAS(FM) New Albany, IN O N)ew A)lbany High S)chool WNAT Philadelphia, PA S W)e N)ever a)re T)ired Note: station no longer exists WNAV Annapolis, MD L N)a)v)al Academy in Annapolis WNAW North Adams, MA L N)orth A)dams WNAX Yankton, SD S N)orth A)merican Ex)periment Note: Slogan used in 1922 by the Federal Radio Apparatus Company, the Yankton-based transmitter manufacturer (original licensee) WNBC New Britain, CT L N)ew B)ritain, C)t Note: now used on channel 4 in New York City WNBC(TV) New York, NY O N)ational B)roadcasting C)ompany (once also on AM 660) WNBF Binghamton, NY S W)ins N)ew B)inghamton F)riends WNBH New Bedford, MA L N)ew B)edford H)otel WNBI Park Falls, WI O N)orthland B)roadcasting, I)nc., former owner WNBK(TV) Cleveland, OH O N)B)C K)leveland (they couldn't use WNBC) WNBM(FM) Bronxville, NY S) W)e are N)ew York's B)est M)ix of R&B WNBP Newburyport, MA L N)ewb)uryport) WNBQ(TV) Chicago, IL O N)B)C, sister to WMAQ), call now WMAQ-TV WNBT(TV) New York, NY O N)B)C T)elevision (later WRCA-TV, now WNBC) WNBW(TV) Washington, DC O N)B)C W)ashington Note: now WRC-TV WNBY Newberry, MI L N)ewB)errY), MI WNCB Duluth, MN O N)orth C)entral Christian B)roadcasting WNCF(TV) Montgomery, AL S W)here N)ews C)ome F)irst WNCI(FM) Columbus, OH O N)ationwide C)ommunications, I)nc. WNCK-FM Nantucket, MA L N)antuc)k)et WNCN(FM) New York, NY O N)ew York C)oncert N)etwork WNCO Ashland, Ohio L N)orth C)entral O)hio. WNCR-FM Cleveland, OH O N)ationwide C)ommunications R)adio, now WGAR-FM WNCY(FM) Green Bay, WI S N)ew C)ountrY WNDB Daytona Beach, FL L D)aytona B)each WNDE Indianapolis, IN E NDE = Indy WNDR Syracuse, NY S Your W)on)d)er) Station at 1260 on the dial WNDT(TV) Newark, NJ S N)ew D)imensions in T)elevision, now WNET(TV) WNDU South Bend, IN O N)otre D)ame U)niversity WNDY-TV Marion, IN E NDY='Indy' (Indianspolis) WNEB Worcester, MA O N)ew E)ngland B)roadcasting WNEC Henniker, NH O N)ew E)ngland C)ollege WNEK Springfield, MA O W)estern N)ew E)ngland K)(c)ollege WNEM Flint, MI O N)orthe)astern M)ichigan Corp., original owner WNEP(TV) Scranton, PA L N)orthe)ast P)ennsylvania WNET(TV) Newark, NJ O N)ational E)ducational T)elevision WNEU(CC) Boston, MA O N)orthE)astern U)niversity Note: student carrier current station at 560 kHz from 1961 to 1968, now WRBB at 104.9 WNEW New York, NY L N)e)w) York Note: now WBBR WNFA-FM Port Huron, MI S W)onderful N)ews F)or A)ll WNFL Green Bay, WI S N)ational F)ootball L)eague WNGC(FM) Athens, GA S N)orth G)eorgia C)ountry WNHC New Haven, CT L N)ew Haven, C)onnecticut WNHS Newcomerstown, OH O N)ewcomerstown H)igh S)chool (LPFM) WNHV White River Jct, VT L N)ew H)ampshire-V)ermont WNHW Nags Head, NC S N)ags H)ead W)adio [sic], now WZPR WNIB(FM) Chicago, IL O N)orthern I)llinois B)roadcasting WNIC Detroit, MI E NIC = Nice WNIJ(FM) DeKalb, IL S N)orthern I)llinois University's j)azz station WNIN-TV Evansville, IN F Channel N)i)n)e WNIU(FM) Rockford, IL O N)orthern I)llinois U)niversity WNJO Trenton, NJ S N)ew J)ersey's O)ldies Note: was WCHR WNJR Newark, NJ L N)ew J)ersey R)adio WNJU(TV) Linden, NJ L N)ew J)resey U)HF WNKU Highland Heights, OH O N)orthern K)entucky U)niversity WNLC New London, CT L N)ew L)ondon C)onneticut WNLK Norwalk, CT L N)orwal)k), CT WNMT Nashwauk, MN S N)orthern M)innesota's T)alk Radio WNMU Marquette, MI O N)orthern M)ichigan U)niversity WNNC Newton, NC L N)ewton, N)C) WNND(FM) Chicago, IL E WNND='Windy' WNNE-TV White River Jct, VT L N)orthern N)ew E)ngland WNNJ Newton, NJ L N)ewton N)ew J)ersey WNNK Harrisburg, PA E WNNK = Wink WNNO Wisconsin Dells, WI F N)ine N)ine O)h, Former Frequency WNNY New York, NY S N)oticias N)ueva Y)ork, was WBNX, WKDM WNOE New Orleans, LA O James A. Noe) WNOG Naples, FL L N)aples O)n the G)ulf WNOP Newport, KY L N)ewp)o)rt WNOR Norfolk, VA L Nor)folk, VA WNOU Indianapolis, IN E NOU='now' - Radio Now, now WIBC WNOV Milwaukee, WI S W)isconsin's N)egroes' O)wn V)oice WNOW York, PA O N)aomi O). W)illiams, wife of the owner HJ Williams WNOX Knoxville, TN L Kn)o)x)ville, TN Note: now WIVK(AM) WNPB Morgantown, WV O W)est Virginia N)orthern P)ublic B)roadcasting or in jest, W)e N)eed P)ledge B)reaks WNPE Watertown, NY O N)orth Country P)ublic E)ducation WNPI Watertown, NY S N)orth Country P)ublic I)nformation WNPL(TV) Naples, FL L N)ap)l)es, now WXCW WNPR Norwich, CT S N)orwich P)ublic R)adio WNPT Northport, AL L N)orthp)ort) WNPT(TV) Nashville, TN O N)ashville P)ublic T)elevison WNPV Lansdale, PA S N)orth P)enn V)alley WNQM Nashville, TN S N)ashville Q)uality M)inistries WNRB Boston, MA O N)ational R)religious B)roadcasters, onetime owner, formerly WMEX, WITS, WMRE WNRE Circleville, OH O N)elson R). E)mbrey, founder, note: now defunct WNRI Woonsocket, RI L N)orthern R)hode I)sland WNSB Norfolk, VA O N)orfolk S)tate University B)roadcasting WNSH Beverly, MA L N)orth S)h)ore WNSH(FM) Newark, NJ S N)as)h)ville, country format for New York/New Jersey, formerly WFME WNSI Jacksonville, AL S N)ews, S)ports and I)nformation WNSR Brentwood, TN S N)ashville's S)ports R)adio WNSR Lynn, MA S N)orth S)hore R)adio Note: now WLYN WNST Milton, WV O N)aseeb S). T)weel Note: Now WZZW WNTA(TV) Newark, NJ O N)ational T)elefilm A)ssociates (Now: WNET) WNTH(FM) Winnetka, IL O N)ew T)rier H)igh School WNTI(FM) Hackettstown, NJ F NTI = Ninty-One mHz WNTK New London, NH S N)ews T)alk) Radio WNTM Mobile, AL S News)-T)alk M)obile, was WKRG WNTN Newton, MA L N)ewt)on) WNTP Philadelphia, PA S N)ews T)alk P)hiladelphia, was WZZD and WIBG WNTQ(FM) Syracuse, NY F Ninety T)hree Q)uality WNTR Silver Spring, MD S N)ews-T)alk R)adio WNTS Indianapolis, IN S N)ews T)alk S)ports, now Hispanic was WGEE WNUA Chicago, IL S NU='new' N)u) A)ge WNUR Evanston, IL O N)orthwestern U)niversity R)adio WNVA Norton, VA L N)orton, V)irginia) WNVE Rochester, NY S The N)erv)e) WNVR Naugatuck, CT L N)augatuck V)alley R)adio WNVT Parkersburg, WV S V)alley's N)ews T)alk WNVY Pensacola, FL S N)av)y), a big part of Pensacola's past and present WNWC Madison, WI O N)orth W)estern C)ollege WNWC Madison, WI O N)orthw)estern C)ollege WNWK(FM) Newark, NJ L N)ew)ark), was WHBI, later WCAA, now WXNY-FM WNWN(FM) Coldwater, MI E Revised form of WANG, calls from 1972-77 Note: was WTVB-FM from 1952-1972 WNWO(TV) Toledo, OH L N)orthw)est O)hio, formerly WDHO WNWS South Miami, FL S N)ew)s)-Talk Note: now WMRZ WNYC New York, NY L N)ew Y)ork C)ity WNYE(FM) New York, NY O N)Y) Department of E)ducation WNYG Babylon, NY S N)ew Y)ork G)ospel WNYH Huntington, NY L N)ew Y)ork H)untington, was WGSM WNYT(TV) Albany, NY S W)atch (or W)e're?) N)ew Y)ork T)elevision WNYU(FM) New York, NY O N)ew Y)ork U)niversity WNYW(SW) New York, NY O Radio N)ew Y)ork W)orldwide Note: now WYFR WOAI San Antonio, TX S W)orld O)f A)griculture I)nformation WOAK(FM) La Grange, GA O O)a)k)side Christian School WOAY Oak Hill, WV L was to be WOAK (Oak Hill), handwritten FCC application was misread WOBL Oberlin, OH L O)b)erl)in WOBM(FM) Toms River, NJ L O)cean B)urlington M)onmouth WOBN Westerville, OH O O)tterb)ein) College WOBO Batavia, OH L B)atavia O)H WOBR Wanchese, NC S W)onderful O)uter B)anks R)adio (on coast) WOC Davenport, IA S W)orld o)f Chiropractic, Palmer School WOCA Ocala, FL L O)c)ala) WOCB West Yarmouth, MA L O)sterville, C)ape Cod, B)arnstable WOCG Huntsville, AL O O)akwood C)olleg)e WOCN Miami, FL E OCN = Ocean WOCN-FM Orleans, MA S O)c)ean) 104 WOCO Oconto, WI L O)c)o)nto WOCQ(FM) Berlin/Ocean City, MD L O)cean C)ity WODE(FM) Easton, PA E ODE=O)ld)ie)s WODL Birmingham, AL E ODL='Oldies' WODS(FM) Boston, MA S O))d)ies) 103 WOFL(TV) Orlando, FL L O)rlando F)l)orida WOFX Cincinnati, OH S The F)ox) WOGB Kaukauna, WI L O)shkosh-G)reen B)ay WOGL(FM) Philadelphia, PA S O)ld G)ol)d WOIO(TV) Cleveland, OH L O)hi)o) WOIR Homestead, FL E OIR = HEAR in Spanish WOKY Milwaukee, WI E Mil-w)o)k)y WOLA Barranquitas, PR S O)l)a) means wave WOLC(FM) Princess Anne, MD S W)atch, O)ur L)ord C)ometh, non-profit Christian station WOLD(LP) Woodbridge, NJ S O)l)d)ies WOLF Syracuse, NY S Memorable name and image for 'WOLF' WOLG(FM) Carlinville, IL S O)ur L)ady of G)uadalupe WOLM Lake Mary, FL L L)ake M)ary WOLS Florence, SC O O). L)ee S)tone WOMC Detroit, MI L W)ayne O)akland & M)acomb Counties WOMI Owensboro, KY O O)wensboro M)essenger I)Inquirer, newspaper WOMN Hamden, CT S W)om)an), now WQUN [was targeting women] WOMR-FM Provincetown, MA S O)uter M)ost R)adio WOMT Manitowoc, WI S O)ver M)anitowoc T)heatre (site of original studios) WOND Pleasantville, NJ S W)o)n)d)erful Music WONE Dayton, OH O Group O)n)e) Broadcasting, see WTUE WOOD Grand Rapids, MI L Wood, used in furniture making WOPA Oak Park, IL L O)ark P)ark A)rms Hotel WOPI Bristol, TN/VA S W)atch O)ur P)opularity I)ncrease WOR New York, NY S W)orld o)f R)adio WORC Worcester, MA L Worc)ester, MA WORD(FM) Pittsburgh, PA S Word of God (religious format) WORG Orangeburg, SC S W)atching O)rangeburg's R)apid G)rowth Note: now on FM in Elloree, SC WORK York, PA L Yo)r)k), later WZIX and WOYK WORL Christmas, FL L O)r)l)ando, in Orlando metro, calls once in Boston WOSH Oshkosh, WI L Oshkosh, WI WOSU Columbus, OH O O)hio S)tate U)niversity WOTV(TV) Grand Rapids, MI O Modification of WOOD-TV after WOOD AM-FM sold TV station in early seventies and kept rights to WOOD call sign Note: now, current owner LIN Broadcasting is re-using WOOD-TV sign on Channel 8 and shifted WOTV sign to the former WUHQ(TV) Channel 41 Battle Creek, MI, which it is LMAing WOTX Lunenburg, VT S The O)ut)law WOUB Athens, OH O W)e're O)hio U)niversity B)roadcasting WOUC Cambridge, OH O O)hio U)niversity-C)ambridge WOW Omaha, NE O W)oodmen o)f the W)orld Insurance Co. WOWK(TV) Huntington, WV L O)hio W)est Virginia K)entucky WOWO Ft. Wayne, IN S Ft. W)ayne o)ffers W)onderful O)pportunities WOYK York, PA S Baltimore Radio Show bought the station in the 80's, tried to return to the original call letters. They were not available, so this was the next best thing. WPAB Ponce, PR O P)orto Rican A)merican B)roadcasting Co. (Note arcane spelling of Puerto Rico) WPAD Paducah, KY L P)a)d)ucah, Kentucky WPAM Pottsville, PA L P)ottsville A)mplitude M)odulation WPAT Paterson, NJ L Pat)erson, NJ WPAW Pawtucket, RI L P)a)w)tucket, later WXTR, WGNG, WICE, WDDZ WPBC Bangor, ME O P)enobscot B)roadcasting C)ompany WPBG(FM) Peoria, IL S P)eoria's B)ig) Oldies WPBN(TV) Traverse City, MI O P)aul B)unyan Network) WPBR Palm Beach, FL L P)alm B)each R)adio WPCD(FM) Champaign, IL O P)arkland C)ollege D)istrict WPCF(FM) Panama City, FL L P)anama C)ity F)lorida WPCH(FM) Atlanta, GA E PCH = Peach WPCK Kaukauna, WI S Green Bay P)ac)k)ers WPCN Mount Pocono, PA L P)oc)on)o Mountains WPCS(FM) Pensacola, FL O P)ensacola C)hristian S)chool WPCT Putnam, CT L P)utnam, C)T) WPDH(FM) Poughkeepsie, NY L P)oughkeepsie D)utchess County H)udson Valley WPDR Portage, WI O P)ortage D)aily R)egister, newspaper WPDR Portage, WI O P)ortage D)aily R)egister WPEN Philadelphia, PA O William Pen)n Broadcasting WPEO Peoria, IL L P)e)o)ria, IL WPFB Middletown, OH O P)aul F). B)radon WPFL(FM) Winter Park, FL L W)inter P)ark F)L) WPFM Providence, RI S P)rovidence F)M), now WBRU WPFP Park Falls, WI L P)ark F)alls P)hillips WPFR(FM) Terre Haute, IN O P)aul F)ord R)adio WPFW Washington, DC O P)acifica F)oundation W)ashington WPG Atlantic City, NJ S W)orld's P)layg)round Note: merged with WNEW(AM)-1130 WPGB(FM) Pittsburgh, PA L P)ittsb)urg)h WPGC(FM) Morningside, MD L P)rince G)eorges C)ounty, MD WPGH-TV Pittsburgh, PA L P)ittsburg)h) WPGR Monroeville, PA S W)e're P)ittsbugh G)ospel R)adio WPGU(FM) Urbana, IL L P)arade G)round U)nit Note: where some post WW-II hammers set up a lot of their equipment, now a dormitory for U of I students WPHB Philipsburg, PA L P)h)ilipsburg) WPHG Atmore, AL S W)e P)roclaim H)is G)lory WPHM Port Huron, MI L P)ort H)uron, M)ichigan WPHR(FM) Cleveland, OH E PHR = 'Power' FM WPHT Philadelphia, PA S W)e're P)hiladelphia's T)alk S)tation Note: was WPTS (briefly) and WCAU WPIT Pittsburgh, PA L P)i)t)tsburgh, Pennsylvania WPIX(TV) New York, NY E PIX = Picture, Daily News-NY's Picture Newspaper WPJB(FM) Providence, RI O P)rovidence-J)ournal B)ulletin WPJK Orangeburg, SC S W)e P)roclaim J)esus K)ing WPKE Pikeville, KY L P)ik)e)ville WPKN(FM) Bridgeport, CT S P)urple K)night N)etwork Note: originally the campus station for the University of Bridgeport (Purple Knights) WPLA Plant City, FL L P)l)a)nt City Note: now WFNS WPLB Lakeview, MI O P)aul L)ewis B)roadcasting WPLG(TV) Miami, FL O P)hilip L)eslie G)raham [Washington Post-owned] WPLJ New York, NY S W)hite P)ort & L)emon J)uice, R&B song WPLM Plymouth, MA L P)l)ym)outh or W)e P)lay L)ovely M)usic WPLN-FM Nashville, TN O P)ublic L)ibrary of N)ashville WPLR(FM) New Haven, CT S P)opul)ar) 99, Note: now AOR WPLW Carnegie, PA S W)e P)reach the L)iving W)ord, now WZUM once again WPLY Plymouth, IL L P)l)y)mouth, WI WPLY Philadelphia, PA S W)e P)l)ay) WPMT York, PA S P)ennsylvania M)ovie T)ime, when it switched from CBS to independent in the early 1980's it showed mostly movies WPNA Oak Park, IL O P)olish N)ational A)lliance WPNC Plymouth, NC L P)lymouth, N)C) WPNE-TV Green Bay, WI S P)ublic N)ews and E)ducation WPNF Brevard, NC L P)isgah N)ational F)orest WPNH Plymouth, NH L P)lymouth, N)H) WPOE Greenfield, MA L P)o)e)t's Seat Tower, local landmark, now WGAM WPOM Riviera Beach, FL E POM = 'Palm' trees WPON Pontiac, MI L Pontiac, MI WPOP Hartford, CT S P)o)p)ular Music, Now All News WPOR Portland, ME L P)o)r)tland WPOW(FM) Miami, FL S P)o)w)er 96 WPPA Pottsville, PA L P)ottsville P)A) WPPJ(CC) Pittsburgh, PA S P)oint P)ark (College) J)ournalism WPPN Des Plaines, IL S P)asion) or passion WPQR(FM) Uniontown, PA S W)estern P)ennsylvania Q)uality R)adio WPRB(FM) Princeton, NJ O P)rinceton R)adio B)roadcasting WPRE Prairie du Chien, WI E PRE='Prairie' WPRI(TV) Providence, RI L P)rovidence, R)hode I)sland WPRK(FM) Winter Park, FL L W)inter P)ar)k) WPRM San Juan, PR O P)uerto R)ico M)usic, name of the SCA background Music Service that once owned the Station WPRO Providence, RI L Pro)vidence, Rhode Island WPRR Altoona, PA S P)ennsylvania R)ailr)oad Note: Altoona: Major railroad center WPRW Manassas, VA L P)r)ince W)illiam County WPRY Perry, FL L P)err)y) WPRZ Evanston, IL E PRZ = Praise (Religious Format) WPSC-FM Wayne, NJ O W)illiam P)aterson S)tate C)ollege WPSE Erie, PA O P)enn S)tate, E)rie WPSL Port St. Lucie, FL L P)ort S)t. L)ucie WPSL Monroeville, PA O P)unchy S)ylves L)eib, owner's daughter, later WRUA WPST(FM) Trenton, NJ S P)as)sport) Radio WPTB Statesboro, GA S W)onderful P)lace t)o B)e WPTF Raleigh, NC S W)e P)rotect T)he F)amily, slogan of owner: Durham Life Insurance Company WPTN Cookeville, TN L P)ut)n)am County WPTR Albany, NY O P)at)r)oon Broadcasting Co. WPTT McKeesport, PA L P)it)t)sburg, was channel 22, now AM 1360 WPTZ(TV) Plattsburg, NY E PTZ = Plattsburg WPUT Brewster, NY L P)u)t)nam County WPVI(TV) Philadelphia, PA F P)hilly VI=6 (TV channel 6) WPVL Platteville, WI L P)lattev)il)le WPVQ Greenfield, MA L P)ioneer V)alley WPXC-FM Hyannis, MA E PXC='Pixy' WPXH Gadsden, AL S P)ax) TV Network WPXI(TV) Pittsburgh, PA F P)ittsburgh XI=11 (TV channel 11) WPXN(TV) New York, NY O P)ax)on N)et WPXT Portland, ME S P)ortland Fox) T)elevision, now affiliated with WB WPZA Ann Arbor, MI O P)iz)za) (Domino's Pizza) Note: now WTKA WPZM Athens, AL E PZM='Possum' WQAM Miami, FL S W)e Q)uit a)t M)idnight, a long time ago WQBA Miami, FL E QBA = Cuba, Spanish format WQBC Vicksburg, MS S W)e Q)uote B)ettter C)otton WQBS San Juan, PR O Q)uality B)roadcasting S)ystem WQBU Garden City, NY S Q)ue B)u)ena or It's Great WQCC La Crosse, WI S C)oulee C)ountry WQCR(FM) Burlington, VT S Q)ueen C)ity R)ock Note: now WOKO WQCY Quincy, IL L Q)uinc)y), IL WQDR Raleigh, NC S Q)uad)r)aphonic, from early 1970's when FM quad technology debuted WQDY Calais, ME L Q)uod)dy) Bay, located to the south of the city WQEC-TV Quincy, IL S Q)uincy E)ducational C)hannel WQED-FM Pittsburgh, PA S Q)uod E)rat D)emonstrandum, Latin for 'that which was to be demonstrated, has been' WQEW New York, NY E QEW = NEW (as close as they could get to WNEW) Note: formerly WQXR(AM), now WFME WQFM Milwaukee, WI S Allegedly Q)uiet F)or M)ilwaukee (now WJZI) WQII San Juan, PR S 1)1)-Q, station name under its original AC format WQIN Lykens, PA O Q)ui)nn) Note: now dark WQLR(FM) Kalamazoo, MI S Cl)ear) 106.5 FM (when it was MOR; now hot AC with slogan 'Q-Lite 106.5') WQLV Millersburg, PA S L)ov)e 99 FM WQNF(FM) Valley Station, KY O Co-owned with W)Q)M)F WQOW Eau Claire, WI L Sister station of W)KO)W); Q = Eau Claire WQPM Princeton, MN S Q)uick P)ower M)agnet Note: now KCLI WQQQ Easton, PA F QQQ = 99.9 mHz, now in Sharton, CT (103.3 mHz) WQQQ(FM) Sharon, CT S Q)-103 FM WQRA Warrenton, VA S W)arrenton's Q)uality R)a)dio Note: now WUPP WQRC(FM) Hyannis, MA S Q)uality R)adio C)ape WQSR-FM Sarasota, FL S Q)uality S)tereo R)ock, calls now in Baltimore WQSV Ashland City, TN L W)onderful Q)uaint S)ycamore V)alley WQTE Adrian, MI E QTE = Cutie WQVR Rochester, NY S The R)iver) WQXI Atlanta, GA S QXI = 'Quixie' in Dixie WQXQ(FM) New York, NY O FM sister to WQXR (call now WQXR) WQXR(FM) Newark, NJ E W2XR, derived from original experimental calls WQYT(FM) Binghamton, NY E QYT = Quiet as in 'Your Quiet Island' Note: now WHWK(FM) WRAC Racine, WI L R)a)c)ine, WI WRAL-FM Raleigh, NC L R)a)l)eigh, NC WRAN Dover, NJ L R)an)dolph Township Note: now dark WRAS(FM) Atlanta, GA O R)adio a)t S)tate (Georgia State University) WRBA Homestead, FL O R)edlands B)roadcasting Note: now WOIR WRBB(FM) Boston, MA S R)adio B)ack B)ay Note: evolved from carrier current WNEU WRBC Jackson, MS O R)ebel B)roadcasting C)ompany (now WKXI) WRBD Pompano Beach, FL S R)adio B)roward) or R)ockin' B)ig D)addy WRBH(FM) New Orleans, LA O R)adio for the B)lind and H)andicapped WRBQ Tampa, FL O R)alph B)eaver (Chief Engineer) WRBR(FM) South Bend, IN S W)here R)iver B)end R)ocks WRBS Baltimore, MD S R)eligious B)roadcasting S)ervice WRC Washington, DC O R)adio C)orporation of America Note: now WWRC WRCA New York, NY O R)adio C)orporation of A)merica Note: now WFAN (formerly WNBC (again), WRCA, WNBC and WEAF), calls used in Waltham, MA WRCB Chattanooga, TN O R)ust C)raft B)roadcasting WRCG Columbus, GA S W)onderful R)adio C)olumbus G)eorgia WRCH New Britain, CT S R)ic)h) Music Note: became WRCQ WRCH(FM) New Britain, CT O R)adio C)orporation of H)artford, original owner WRCK Chicago, IL S The R)oc)k), now WLS-FM WRCN(FM) Riverhead, NY O R)iverhead C)on)temporary WRCO Richland Center, WI L R)ichland C)o)unty WRCR Spring Valley, NY L R)ockland C)ounty R)adio WRCT(FM) Pittsburgh, PA O R)adio C)arnegie T)ech WRCU Hamilton, NY O R)adio C)olgate U)niversity WRCV-TV Philadelphia, PA O R)C)A V)ictor (based across the river in Camden), now KYW-TV WRCX-TV Dayton, OH O R)oss C)ommunications Ex)cellent WRDB Reedsburg, WI L R)eed)sb)urg WRDI Egg Harbor City, NJ O James R)od)eo I)nc. WRDL(FM) Ashland, OH O Ashland University R)adio D)epartment L)abratory WRDU(FM) Raleigh, NC L R)D)U)-Airport Symbol for Raleigh-Durham WRDW Augusta, GA S W)here R)adio d)oes W)ander WRDZ LaGrange, IL O R)adio D)isney WREC Memphis, TN O W)ooten R)adio and E)lectric C)ompany WREF Ridgefield, CT L R)idge)f)ield, also R)adio E)ight F)ifty WREK(FM) Atlanta, GA E REK='wreck' Ramblin' wreck from Georgia Tech WREL Lexington, VA S R)obert E). L)ee (Burried at Washington & Lee Univ) WREN Lawrence, KS L) Law)r)e)n)ce WREN Topeka, KS O Jenny W)r)e)n) Flour Company, now KKHK, Kansas City WREO Ashtabula, OH O R)adio E)nterprises of O)hio Note: now WFUN WRET(TV) Charlotte, NC O R)obert E)dward T)urner Note: now WCNC WREV-FM Cambridge, MN S R)e)v)olution Radio Note: now KZNT WREX Rockford, IL O Named for son of original owner L.E. Caster, Rex N. Caster, who was killed in action during World War II. WRFC Athens, GA S W)e're R)adio's F)irst C)hoice WRFL(FM) Lexington, KY S R)adio F)ree L)exington WRFM Hialeah, FL S R)adio F)am)iliar WRFT Indianapolis, IN O R)adio F)ranklin T)ownship Schools WRFW River Falls, WI L R)iver F)alls W)I WRFY Reading, PA S W)onderful R)adio f)or Y)ou WRGA Rome, GA L R)ome G)eorgia) WRGB(TV) Schenectady, NY S W). R). G.) B)aker, GE engineer, head of the NTSC WRGP-FM Homestead, FL S R)adio G)olden P)anther, Florida International University's mascot WRGP(TV) Chattanooga, TN O) R)amon G). P)atterson, now WRCB(TV) WRGS Rogersville, TN L R)og)ers)ville WRGT-TV Dayton, OH S R)eal G)ood T)elevision or W)rig)ht) before your eyes, Dayton is home of the Wright Brothers WRHC Coral Gables, FL S R)adio H)avana C)uba WRHN Rhinelander, WI L R)h)in)elander WRHO-FM Oneonta, NY S Was W)arrior R)adio H)artwick O)neonta, now R)adio H)artwick O)neonta WRHU(FM) Hempstead, NY O R)adio H)ofstra U)niversity WRHY(FM) Starview, PA S R)adio H)arrisburg-Y)ork WRIB Providence, RI O R)I) B)roadcasting WRIF(FM) Detroit, MI S RIF=The 'riff' WRIP Windham, NY S RIP='Rip' van Winkle (lived in Greene County) WRIV Riverhead, NY L R)i)v)erhead (Long Island) WRIZ Coral Gables, FL S RIZ = Rise to the Right Side of Your Dial Note: now WRHC WRJC Mauston, WI L R)adio J)uneau C)ounty WRJL Eva, AL S W)e R)ejoice in J)esus our L)ord WRJN Racine, WI O R)acine J)ournal N)ews WRJN Racine, WI O R)acine J)ournal N)ews WRJO Eagle River, WI O R)oger and Mary J)o) Utnehmer, ex wife WRKC(FM) Wilkes-Barre, PA O R)adio K)ing's C)ollege WRKL New City, NY L R)ock)l)and County WRKO Boston, MA O RKO)-General Broadcasting WRKR Racine, WI L R)acine-K)enosha-R)ock counties WRKR(FM) Portage, MI S The Classic R)ock)er) Note: now classic-leaning AOR WRKT Erie, PA S R)ock)et) Note: now using other calls WRKU Forestville, WI O R)oger and K)aren U)tnehmer WRKY Hollidaysburg, PA S R)ock)y) 104.9 WRKY(FM) Steubenville, OH E RKY = Rocky WRLL Berwyn, IL E RLL='real' Real Oldies 1690 WRLU Algoma, WI O R)oger L). U)tnehmer WRM Urbana, IL S W)e R)each M)illions Note: now WILL WRMR Cleveland, OH S R)em)ember) (MOYL-type format) WRMT Rocky Mount, NC L R)ocky M)ount) WRNG Atlanta, GA S R)in)g) named for Atlanta highway permimiter known as the 'ring' (now WCNN) WRNJ Hackettstown, NJ S R)adio N)ew J)ersey WRNL Richmond, VA O R)ichmond N)ews-L)eader, Newspaper WRNN(TV) Kingston, NY S R)egional N)ews N)etwork Note: formerly WTZA(TV) WRNO(FM) New Orleans, LA S R)ock of N)ew O)rleans WRNW(FM) Mount Kisco, NY S W)onderful R)adio N)orthern W)estchester Notes: now: WYNY, RNW-107.1 is where Howard Stern got his start. COL was moved to Briarcliff Manor WROA Gulfport, MS S W)onderful R)ivera o)f A)merica WROC Rochester, NY L R)o)c)hester Note: now WPXY(AM) (calls on TV channel 8) WROK Rockford, IL L R)o)ck)ford, IL WROL Boston, MA S relationship to WORL, longtime previous set of calls WROS Scottsboro, AL O R)o)s)e Kirby WROS Scottsboro, AL S Wild R)o)s)e of Scottsboro, now WZCT WROZ-FM Lancaster, PA E ROZ='rose', was WGAL-FM WRPI(FM) Troy, NY O R)ensselaer P)olytechnic I)nstitute WRPN Ripon, WI L R)ip)on), was WCWC WRQC Cleveland, OH E RQC = Rock Note: now using other calls WRQN(FM) Westbrook, ME S R)ockq)in)' 101 WRRD Jackson, WI E WRRD='word', Milwaukee's Word WRRF Washington, NC S W)e R)adiate R)eal F)riendship WRR(FM) Dallas, TX S W)here R)adio R)adiates WRRH Franklin Lakes, NJ O R)amapo R)egional H)igh, now silent, calls used in Puerto Rico WRRM Cincinnati, OH E WRRM = warm WRRN-FM Warren, OH L W)ar)r)en) WRRO Warren, OH L W)ar)r)en, O)hio, now WRBP formerly WHHH WRRS Cullman, AL O R)eality R)adio S)tation WRSA(FM) Decatur, AL L R)eds)tone A)rsenal WRSC State College, PA L R)adio S)tate C)ollege WRSD Homestead, FL L R)adio S)outh D)ade Note: now WOIR WRSL Corbin, KY O W).G. Morgan, R)ay Doss, S). C. Bybee and L)anier Burchett WRST(FM) Oshkosh, WI S R)adio S)tation of the T)itans, school couldn't get WSUO for Wisconsin State University-Oshkosh and wanted consecutive call letters) WRSU New Brunswick, NJ O R)utgers, S)tate U)niversity WRTA Altoona, PA S R)adio T)alk-A)ltoona WRTL Rantoul, IL L R)ant)oul), IL Note: became WUFI, now WJCI WRTO Chicago, IL E R)it)mo) or beat WRTO(FM) Goulds, FL S Radio R)it)mo), Spanish-Radio Rhythm WRTP Chapel Hill, NC L R)esearch T)riangle P)ark WRTT Huntsville, AL S R)ocket), Huntsville is known as Rocket City WRTV(TV) Asbury Park, NJ O W)alter R)eade T)V, went dark in 1954 WRTV(TV) Indianapolis, IN S W)e ar)e T)V), years before the Toys
R' Us concept
WRUA Monroeville, PA O Bur)u)a) Communications, Greensburgh dentist, later WXVX
WRUC(FM) Schenectady, NY O R)adio of U)nion C)ollege
WRUF Gainesville, FL O R)adio: U)niversity of F)lorida
WRUR Rochester, NY O R)adio U)niversity of R)ochester
WRUS Russellville, KY L R)u)s)sellville
WRVA Richmond, VA L R)ichmond V)irginia)
WRVB Madisom, WI S W)isconsin's R)adio V)oice of the B)ible, now WNWC
WRVC(FM) Cattletsburg, WV S R)iv)er C)ities
WRVE Schenectady, NY S The R)iv)e)r
WRVL Lynchburg, VA S R)adio V)oice of L)iberty University
WRVO Oswego, NY S R)adio V)oice of O)swego
WRVR Aurora, IL S The R)iv)er), reference to Fox River
WRVR(FM) New York, NY O R)iv)er)side Church Note: now WLTW(FM)
WRVV Harrisburg, PA S RVV-'the RiVer', the 2 V's on their logo form a wave
WRXO Roxboro, NC L R)ox)boro)
WRZE-FM Hyannis, MA E RZE='Rose'
WSAC Ft. Knox, KY S W)e S)erve A)rmor C)enter
WSAI Cincinnati, OH S W)e're S)ick a)nd I)rritated
WSAR Fall River, MA S W)e S)how A)dvertising R)esults
WSAU Wausau, WI L Waus)a)u), WI
WSAV-TV Savannah, GA L S)a)v)annah Note: calls once on 630 kHz
WSAW-TV Wausau, WI L W)aus)a)u, W)isconsin, formerly WSAU
WSAY Rochester, NY E Wha' S)a)y)? Note: now WXXI-AM
WSB Atlanta, GA S W)elcome S)outh, B)rother
WSBC Chicago, IL O W)orld S)torage B)attery C)ompany
WSBE(TV) Providence, RI O S)tate B)oard of E)ducation Note: now owned by Rhode Island Public Telecommunciations Association
WSBF St. Louis, MO O S)tix, B)aer and F)uller department store, statiom existed in the mid-1920's
WSBF(FM) Clemson, SC S S)tudent B)roadcast F)acilities
WSBF(FM) South Bend, IN O S)outh B)end T)ribune F)M
WSBG(FM) Stroudsburg, PA L S)troudsb)urg)
WSBK(TV) Boston, MA O SBK = Storer Broadcasting NYSE Abbreviation
WSBR Superior, WI O S)uperior B)r)oadcasting Co, call letters now Boca Raton, FL
WSBR Boca Raton, FL L B)oca R)aton
WSBS Great Barrington, MA S S)outhern B)erkshire's radio S)tation
WSBT South Bend, IN O S)outh B)end T)ribune (newspaper)
WSBW Sister Bay, WI L S)ister B)ay, W)I
WSBY-FM Salisbury, MD L S)alisb)ury)
WSCB(FM) Springfield, MA O S)pringfield C)ollege B)rdcsting
WSCD Duluth. MN O St. S)cholastica C)ollege-D)uluth
WSCR Chicago, IL S The S)c)or)e [sports talk]
WSDM-FM Chicago, IL S S)mack D)ab in M)iddle of FM dial at 97.9 Note: WLUP-FM
WSDR Sterling, IL L S)terling D)ixon R)ock Falls, IL
WSDS Ypsilanti, MI S W)e S)erve D)etroit's S)uburbs
WSEO(FM) Nelsonville, OH L S)outh E)ast O)hio
WSEV Sevierville, TN L S)e)v)ierville
WSFA(TV) Montgomery, AL S W)ith the S)outh's F)inest A)irport, the radio predecessor was located at what is now Gunter Air Force Station
WSFL Springfield, MA L S)pringf)iel)d Note: became WJKO 1953
WSFT Baltimore, MD S S)of)t)
WSFX Wilmington, NC S S)uper F)ox)
WSGN Birmingham, AL S S)outh's G)reatest N)ewspaper (B'ham News) Note: now WZZK(AM), now in Gadsden
WSGW Saginaw, MI L S)aG)inaW), MI
WSHB(SW) Columbia, SC O H)erald B)roadcasting
WSHE(FM) Orlando, FL S S)h)e)'s Only Rock and Roll, formerly in Ft. Lauderdale
WSHG(FM) Ridgeland, SC E SHG = Shag, for the popular SC/NC dance
WSHH Pittsburgh, PA E SSH = Wish
WSHM Springfield MA) L S)pringfield-H)olyoke, M)assachusetts
WSHU Fairfield, CT O S)acred H)eart U)niversity
WSIA(FM) Staten Island, NY L S)taten I)sland A)rea
WSIE(FM) Edwardsville, IL O S)outhern I)llinois University-E)dwardsville
WSIU Carbondale, IL O S)outhern I)llinois U)niversity
WSIU(FM) Carbondale, IL O S)outhern I)llinois U)niversity [at Carbondale]
WSIV Pekin, IL S W)e S)erve the I)llinois [River] V)alley, now WGLO
WSIX Nashville, TN O S)i)x) Thirty-Eight Tire Co., Former Owner
WSJK Sneedville, TN L S)needville, J)ohnson City and K)noxville, now WETP
WSJM St. Joseph, MI L S)t. J)oseph, M)ichigan
WSJO(FM) Egg Harbor City, NJ S S)outh J)ersey's O)wn
WSJS Winston-Salem, NC O W)inston-S)alem J)ournal S)entinel
WSJV(TV) Elkhart, IN L S)t. J)oseph V)alley
WSKG(FM) Binghamton, NY L S)tanley K)iehl G)amble Note: named in memory of well-known local clergyman
WSKI Montpelier/Barre, VT L Winoos)k)i River or 'SKI-ing'
WSKY Asheville, NC S The Big S)k)y)
WSKZ Chattanooga, TN S S)tereo, K)Z), looked good on bumper sticker
WSLB Ogdensburg, NY O S)t. L)awrence B)roadcasting Co.
WSLI Jackson, MS O S)tandard L)ife I)nsurance Co.
WSLM Salem, IN L S)al)em)
WSLR Akron, OH E WSLR = Whistler Radio
WSLS Roanoke, VA O S)henadoah L)ife S)tation Note: now WSLC
WSLV Ardmore, TN L S)tate L)ine V)oice (Borders Alabama)
WSM Nashville, TN S W)e S)hield M)illions, slogan of owner: National Life and Accident Insurance Company
WSMB New Orleans, LA O S)aenger Amusement-M)aison B)lanche
WSMD Mechanicsville, MD L S)outhern M)aryland)
WSMK Dayton, OH O S)tanley M). K)rohn Note: now WING
WSMM Sault Ste. Marie, MI L S)ault Ste. M)arie, M)ichigan Note: now WYSS
WSMN Nashua, NH L S)alem, M)anchester and N)ashua
WSMV Nashville, TN S W)e S)hield M)illions, V added for V)ision
WSNC-FM Winston-Salem, NC S W)inston-S)alem, N)orth Carolina
WSNG Torrington, CT S S)in)g)
WSNI(FM) Philadelphia, PA E SNI = Sunny
WSNJ Bridgeton, NJ L S)outh N)ew J)ersey
WSNO Barre, VT E SNO='snow'
WSNW Seneca, SC L S)eneca an)d W)alhalla
WSNY(FM) Columbus, OH S S)un)ny), once in Boston and Schenactady, NY
WSOC Charlotte, NC S S)ounds o)f C)harlotte
WSOM Salem, OH S W)onderful S)ound o)f M)usic
WSON Henderson, KY L Henders)o)n)
WSOO Sault Ste. Marie, MI L SOO = Sault
WSOU(FM) South Orange, NJ L S)o)u)th Orange
WSOY Decatur, IL L S)o)y)beans, the primary crop of the area
WSPA Spartanburg, SC L S)p)a)rtanburg, South Carolina
WSPB Sarasota, FL L S)arasota, P)almetto and B)radenton
WSPC Albermarle, NC S W)e S)erve P)feiffer C)ollege, owned by an alum of the university
WSPD Toledo, OH O S)p)eed)y Oil Company
WSPK Poughkeepsie, NY S S)tereo P)oughk)eepsie
WSPR Springfield, MA O S)p)ringfield R)epublican, local newspaper
WSPT Stevens Point, WI L S)tevens P)oint)
WSPW Bridgewater, NJ S S)P)orts
WSPW Bridgewater, NJ S S)p)orts, was WBRW, now WWTR
WSPY Sandwich, IL L S)andwich, P)lano and Y)orkville
WSPZ Northport, AL E SPZ='Sports'
WSRF Ft. Lauderdale, FL E S)ur)f)
WSRS(FM) Worcester, MA S W)orcester's S)tereo R)adio S)tation
WSRW Hillsboro, OH O S)erena R)ose W)inslow, founded David Winslow.
WSSC Sumter, SC S W)e S)erve S)umter C)ounty
WSSH(FM) Lawrence, MA E WSSH = Wish, calls now in Vermont
WSSQ(FM) Sterling, IL O S)eith S)erafin Q)uality
WSSS-FM Charlotte, NC S S)uper S)ounds of the S)eventies
WSSU Superior, WI O S)uperior S)tate U)niversity Note: now KUWS
WSTC Stamford, CT S S)tamford T)own C)hannel, S)tamford T)own C)enter, S)t)amford C)T
WSTM(FM) St. Matthews, KY L S)t). M)atthews Note: now WRKA
WSTM(TV) Syracuse, NY O S)yracuse T)imes-M)irror
WSTU Stuart, FL L S)t)u)art
WSTV Steubenville, OH L St)eubenv)ille, OH
WSUA Miami, FL S S)u)a)ve-Spanish, Radio Smooth
WSUA(CC) Albany, NY O S)tate U)niversity at A)lbany
WSUA(CC) Albany, NY O S)tate U)niversity at A)lbany
WSUB Groton, CT L S)u)b)marines based in Groton-New London
WSUE Sault Ste. Marie, MI L SUE = Sault
WSUF-FM Noyack, NY L S)u)f)folk County, NY
WSUI Iowa City, IA O S)tate U)niversity of I)owa
WSUN St. Petersburg, FL S W)hy S)tay U)p N)orth?
WSUS(FM) Franklin, NJ L S)u)s)sex county
WSUX Seaford, DE L S)u)ssex) county"
WSVA Harrisonburg, VA L S)henandoah Valley of V)irginia)
WSVH-FM Savannah, GA L S)av)annah)
WSVN(TV) Miami, FL F SVN = 7
WSVP West Warwick, RI S S)ea V)oice of the P)eople, was WWRI, now WLKW
WSWB (TV) Scranton, PA L S)cranton/W)ilkes-B)arre
WSWP(TV) Beckley, WV O S)outhern W)est Virginia P)ublic TV
WSWT(FM) Peoria, IL E SWT = Sweet
WSWW Plattville, WI S W)e S)erve W)estern W)isconsin
WSYB Rutland, VT S W)e S)erve Y)ou B)est
WSYR Syracuse, NY L S)y)r)acuse
WSYX(TV) Columbus, OH F SYX = 'six', channel 6 TV Note: formerly WTVN-TV
WTAB Tabor City, NC L T)a)b)or City
WTAG Worcester, MA O W)orcester T)elegram a)nd G)azette
WTAJ(TV) Altoona, PA S T)elevision A)ltoona-J)ohnstown
WTAL Tallahassee, FL L T)a)l)lahassee OR T)al))k radio
WTAM Cleveland, OH S W)here t)he A)rtists M)eet Note: Currently- W)e're Cleveland's T)alk A)M)
WTAQ La Grange, IL S W)estern T)owns A)long the Q)uincy RR
WTAS Crete, IL O T)ony A). S)antucci, now WYCA
WTAW College Station, TX S W)atch T)exas A)ggies W)in, Texas A&M
WTAZ(FM) Morton, IL L T)a)z)ewell county, Illinois
WTBC Tuscaloosa, AL O T)uscaloosa B)roadcasting C)ompany
WTBS(FM) Cambridge, MA O T)ech B)roadcasting S)ervice, MIT, now WMBR
WTBU(CC) Boston, MA S T)erriers (of) B)oston U)niversity, Howard Stern, John Gambling III, Pete Salant and others started at WTBU
WTBU-TV Indianapolis, IN O T)elevision from B)utler U)niversity
WTCB Columbia, SC S W)e T)ake C)are of B)usiness
WTCC(FM) Springfield, MA O S)pringfield T)echnical C)ommunity C)ollege
WTCG(TV) Atlanta, GA O T)urner C)ommunications of G)eorgia Note: now WTBS
WTCM Traverse City, MI L T)raverse C)ity M)I
WTCN Minneapolis, MN O T)win C)ities N)ewspapers (Tribune & Pioneer Press), now WWTC, was channel 11
WTCR(FM) Huntington, KY S T)ri-State C)ountry R)adio
WTCS Fairmont, WV S T)own and C)ountry S)tation
WTCX Lakeville, MN S T)win C)ities Note: now KZNR
WTDK-FM Federalsburg, MD S T)he D)uck)
WTDR Talladega, AL S T)hund)er) 92.7
WTDS(FM) Toledo, OH O T)oledo D)epartment of S)chools, it should have been WTBE for Toledo Board of Education
WTDY Madison, WI S T)od)ay) radio
WTEB(FM) New Bern, NC S W)here T)omorrow's E)ducation B)egins or T)hurman E) B)rock, school president
WTEM Bethesda, MD S The T)e)am) Note: sports format
WTEN(TV) Albany, NY F T)e)n), Station is on channel 10
WTFF Mt. Verson Hills, VA O T)he F)ellowship F)orum, KKK publication Note: now WTOP-DC
WTFM(FM) Kingsport, TN L T)ri-Cities F)M)
WTFX(FM) Louisville, KY S T)he F)ox)
WTHD(FM) Lagrange, IN S T)h)und)er Country
WTHI-TV Terre Haute, IN L T)erre H)aute, I)N
WTHR(TV) Indianapolis, IN F Channel T)h)ir)teen
WTHS(FM) Miami, FL S W)orlds T)o H)ear and S)ee Note: now WLRN
WTHS-TV Miami, FL S W)orlds T)o H)ear and S)ee
WTHU Thurmont, MD L T)h)u)rmont
WTIC Hartford, CT O T)ravelers I)nsurance C)ompany
WTID Reform, AL S T)i)d)e 101.7, Alabama Crimson Tide
WTIG Massillon, OH S T)i)g)ers, Massillon Tigers [high school sports team and name of early NFL team]
WTIK Durham, NC S W)here T)obacco i)s K)ing
WTIQ Manistique, MI L ManisT)I)Q)ue, MI
WTIU-TV Bloomington, IN O T)elevision from I)ndiana U)niversity
WTIU(TV) Bloomington, IN O T)elevision-I)ndiana U)niversity
WTJC-TV Springfield, OH S W)itnessing 'T)il J)esus C)omes, now WBDT
WTJS Jackson, TN O T)he J)ackson S)un, Newspaper
WTJU-FM Charlottesville, VA S T)homas J)efferson's U)niversity Note: owned by the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia
WTKK(FM) Boston, MA S TKK='Talk', was WJIB(FM)
WTKM Hartford, WI S W)e're t)he K)ettle M)oraine, a glacial formation common in the area
WTKN Daleville, AL S W)e're T)alk)in) (Talk radio)
WTLC(FM) Indianapolis, IN S W)ith T)ender L)oving C)are
WTMC Ocala, FL S W)elcome T)o M)arion C)ounty
WTMD Towson, MD L T)owson, M)D)
WTMJ Milwaukee, WI O T)he M)ilwaukee J)ournal, Newspaper
WTMP Tampa, FL L T)am)p)a, FL
WTMX Skokie, IL S T)he M)IX)
WTNC Thomasville, NC L T)homasville, N)C)
WTND Orangeburg, SC O T)imes an)d D)emocrat [Newspaper] Note: now silent
WTNJ(FM) Mt. Hope, WV O T)ony Gonzales & N)ick J)oe Rahall
WTOD Toledo, OH S W)e're T)op o)f the D)ial, 1560 kHz
WTOE Spruce Pine, NC L T)o)e) River which flows through Avery, Mitchell and Yancey Counties
WTOF Canton, OH S T)ower o)f F)aith
WTOP Washington, DC F T)o)p) of the Dial, at 1500 kHz
WTOR Torrington, CT L T)o)r)rington, now WSNG, Sing Radio
WTOS Wauwatosa, WI L City known locally as 'T)o)s)a'
WTPA-TV Harrisburg, PA S T)elevision P)ennsylvania), was associated with FM that became WNNK; another FM station (WQVE) then picked up the WTPA call sign
WTPI Indianapolis, IN S T)op) of I)ndy at 107.9, top of the dial
WTRC Elkhart, IN O T)ruth R)adio C)ompany, Newspaper
WTRL Bradenton, FL O T)r)ail) Broadcasting, near the Tamiami Trail
WTRN Tyrone, PA L T)yr)on)e
WTRW Two Rivers, WI L T)wo R)ivers, W)isconsin
WTRY Troy, NY L T)r)oy), NY
WTSB Lumberton, NC S W)here T)obacco S)ells B)est
WTSJ Covington, KY S W)ith T)he S)ounds of J)oy
WTSK Tuscaloosa, AL L T)us)k)aloosa
WTSL Lebanon, NH L T)win S)tates L)ebanon
WTSN Dover, NH O T)ri S)tate N)etwork
WTSO Madison, WI F T)en S)even O)h, 1070 kHz
WTSO Madison, WI F T)en S)even O)h, 1070 KHz
WTSR(FM) Trenton, NJ O T)renton S)tate C)ollege (now College of New Jersey)
WTSU-FM Troy, AL O T)roy S)tate U)niversity
WTSV Claremont, NH L T)win S)tates V)alley radio
WTSX(FM) Port Jervis, NY S T)ri S)tate Crossroads (X-roads)
WTTB Vero Beach, FL S W)here t)he T)ropics B)egin
WTTG(TV) Washington, DC S T). T). G)oldsmith, DuMont engineering head
WTTM Trenton, NJ S W)orld T)akes, T)renton M)akes (clever rearrangement of slogan associated with city) Note: Now WCHR
WTTN Watertown, WI L W)at)ert)own)
WTTO Birmingham, AL F T)elevision T)wenty-O)ne
WTTV Bloomington, IN O Sarkes T)arzian T)elev)ision
WTTW(TV) Chicago, IL S W)indow t)o t)he W)orld
WTUE(FM) Dayton, OH E TUE = 'two', see sister station WONE (1 and 2)
WTUP Tupelo, MS L T)u)p)elo, MS
WTUS Mannington, WV S T)oday's U). S). Country
WTVB Coldwater, MI O T)win V)alley B)roadcasters, original owners
WTVK(TV) Knoxville, TN L T)elev)ision K)noxville, was WTVK
WTVM(TV) Columbus, GA O T)elev)ision M)artin [Theatres]
WTVP(TV) Peoria, IL L T)elev)ision P)eoria
WTWN Wells River, VT L T)w)in) states (VT and NH)
WTWO-TV Terre Haute, IN F Channel T)w)o)
WTWW(SW) Lebanon, TN S) W)e t)ransmit w)orldw)ide
WTYD New London, CT E TYD = Tide, Station on Long Island Sound
WTYM E. Longmeadow, MA E TYM = TIME for Beautiful Music Note: was WJKO w/ R&R, became WTYM 1963
WTZA(TV) Kingston, NY S T)appan Z)ee Bridge) to A)lbany
WTZR(TV) Chicago, IL O T)V from Z)enith R)adio) Note: now WBBM-TV
WUAB Cleveland, OH O U)nited A)rtists B)roadcasting
WUAL-FM Tuscaloosa, AL O U)niversity of A)l)abama
WUBZ(FM) Philipsburg, PA E UBZ='B)uz)Z'
WUCF-FM Orlando, FL O U)niversity of C)entral F)lorida
WUEV Evansville, IN O U)niversity of E)v)ansville, was WEVC
WUFI Rantoul, IL L U)niversity of) I)illinois
WUGA-FM Athens, GA O U)niversity of G)eorgia)
WUHF Rochester, NY F U)H)F) TV band
WUHQ(TV) Battle Creek, MI S You)r H)eadq)uarters, studios in HQ of former FortCuster army base, now WOTV
WUIS(FM) Springfield, IL O U)niversity of I)llinois at S)pringfield
WUKY(FM) Lexington, KY O U)niversity of K)entucky)
WULF(FM) Hardinsburg, KY E WULF='Wolf', 94.3 The Wolf
WUMB(FM) Boston, MA O U)niversity of M)assachusetts-B)oston
WUMP Athens, AL S U)m)p)ire, sports-talk format
WUNC-FM Chapel Hill, NC O U)niversity of N)orth C)arolina
WUNO San Juan, PR S U)n)o) is "One" in Spanish
WUOG-FM Athens, GA O U)niversity o)f G)eorgia
WUOL(FM) Louisville, KY O U)niversity o)f L)ouisville
WUOM-FM Ann Arbor, MI O U)niversity o)f M)ichigan
WUOT(FM) Knoxville, TN O U)niversity o)f T)ennessee
WUPE Pittsfield, MA E WUPE = Whoopie
WUPI Peabody, MA E WUPI = Whoopie
WUPM Ironwood, MI L U)pper P)eninsula M)ichigan
WUPN(TV) Greensboro, NC S U)nited P)aramount N)etwork
WUPQ Newberry, MI L U)pper P)eninsula
WUPS(FM) Houghton Lake, MI S UPS-'We deliver the hits'
WUSB Stony Brook, NY O U)niversity of S)tony B)rook
WUSF(FM) Tampa, FL O U)niversity of S)outh F)lorida
WUSL(FM) Philadelphia, PA L USL='US 1', US Federal Highway 1 runs through area
WUSM-FM Hattieburg, MS O U)niversity of S)outhern M)ississippi
WUSN(FM) Chicago, IL S U)S) N)inety-Nine, 99.5 KHz
WUST Bethesda, MD L U). S)t)reet in minority neighborhood
WUSV-TV Albany, NY O U)nion S)treet V)ideo, now WEWB
WUTC(FM) Chattanooga, TN O U)niversity of T)ennessee at C)hattanooga
WUVR Lebanon, NH - L U)pper V)alley R)adio
WUWF(FM) Pensacola, FL O U)niversity of W)est F)lorida
WUWM Milwaukee, WI O U)niversity of W)isconsin-M)ilwaukee
WVAF(FM) Charleston, WV S W)est V)irginia F)M
WVAH(TV) Hurricane, WV S W)est V)irginia, A)lmost H)eaven
WVAL St. Cloud, MN O V)a)l) Jacobson, former owner
WVAM Altoona, PA S V)oice of the A)llegheny M)ountains
WVAR Richwood, WV L W)est V)irginia), R)ichwood
WVAS-FM Montgomery, AL S V)oice of A)labama S)tate
WVBC Bethany, WV O V)oice of B)ethany C)ollege
WVBF(FM) Framingham, MA O V)irginia B). F)airbanks, wife of owner
WVBG(TV) Albany, NY O V)ision B)roadcasting G)roup
WVBO Oshkosh, WI S V)alley's B)est O)ldies
WVBR-FM Ithaca, NY S V)oice of the B)ig R)ed (Cornell)
WVCA Gloucester, MA S V)oice of C)ape A)nn, now WBOQ
WVCF Eau Claire, WI S W)isconsin V)oice of C)hristian Youth
WVCG Coral Gables, FL L V)oice of C)oral G)ables
WVCS(FM) California, PA S V)oice of C)alifornia S)tate College
WVCX Tomah, WI S W)isconsin V)oice of C)hristian Youth
WVCY(TV) Milwaukee, WI O V)oice of C)hristian Y)outh
WVEC Norfolk, VA S W)e V)alue E)ach C)ustomer
WVEK-FM Weber City, VA L W)estern V)irginia/E)astern K)entucky
WVER(TV) Rutland, VT L V)e)r)mont
WVET Rochester, NY O V)eterans B)roadcasting C)orp. Note: now WPXY(AM)
WVFR Ridgefield, CT S V)oice of F)airfield in R)idgefield
WVGO Richmond, VA S V)irg)inia's O)ldies
WVHC(FM) Hempstead, NY O V)oice of H)ofstra C)ollege Note: now WRHU(FM)
WVIA-TV Scranton, PA S The W)orld V)i)a) T)elev)ision
WVII(TV) Bangor, ME F VII = Roman numeral 7
WVIP Mt Kisco, NY S V)ery I)mportant P)lace (on your dial) for V)ery I)mportant P)eople
WVIR(TV) Charlottesville, VA L V)i)r)ginia
WVIT-TV New Britain, CT O V)iacom I)nc. T)elevision, previous owners, now owned by NBC
WVJS Owensboro, KY O V)incent J)oseph S)teele
WVKO Columbus, OH S V)oice of K)olumbus, O)hio
WVLD Valdosta, GA L V)al)d)osta
WVLK Lexington, KY S V)ersailles-L)exington K)entucky (Versailles was first city of license)
WVLT(FM) Vineland, NJ S V)ineland L)it)e
WVLT-TV Knoxville, TN S V)ol)unteer T)V
WVLY(FM) Milton, PA L The Susquehanna V)al)ley)
WVMA Oak Hill, WV S W)est V)irginia M)usic A)uthority
WVMR Frost, WV S W)est V)irignia M)ountain R)adio
WVMT Burlington, VT L V)erm)ont) Note: ex-WCAX(AM)
WVNA Tuscumbia, AL S V)oice of N)orth A)labama
WVNJ Newark, NJ S V)oice of N)ew J)ersey Note: later WSKQ, now WJWR. Calls now used in Oakland (Bergen County) at 1160AM
WVNO Mt. Vernon, OH S V)oice of N)orthern O)hio
WVNY(TV) Burlington, VT L V)ermont/N)ew Y)ork
WVOC Columbia, SC S V)oice o)f C)olumbia
WVOJ Jacksonville, FL S V)oice o)f J)acksonville Note: once used by WQIK(AM)-1320, now at 970
WVOL Berry Hill, TN S V)o)l)unteer (State Slogan)
WVON Chicago, IL S V)oice o)f N)egro Note: now WGCI(AM)
WVOR Rochester, NY S V)oice o)f R)ochester
WVOS Monticello, NY S V)oice o)f S)ullivan County
WVOT Wilson, NC S V)oice o)f T)obacco
WVOV Huntsville, AL S V)oice o)f the V)alley Note: now WTAK
WVOX New Rochelle, NY S VOX=Latin, 'Voice', Voice of Westchester County
WVOY Charlevoix, MI L CharleV)O)Y), MI
WVOZ San Juan, PR S VOZ="Voice" in Spanish
WVPO Stroudsburg, PA S V)oice of the P)o)conos
WVPR(FM) Windsor, VT O V)ermont P)ublic R)adio
WVPS(FM) Burlington, VT O next letter up from WVPR
WVRQ Viroqua, WI L V)ir)oq)ua
WVSC Somerset, PA S V)oice of S)omerset C)ounty
WVSL(FM) Valley Station, KY L V)alley Station-L)ouisville Note: now WQNF
WVSR(FM) Charleston, WV S West V)irginia S)uper R)adio
WVTL Amsterdam, NY S V)alley's T)alk L)eader
WVTM(TV) Birmingham, AL O V)ulcan T)imes-M)irror, Vulcan statue is in Birmingham
WVTV(TV) Milwaukee, WI O One-time owner Gaylord Broadcasting had the letters TV in all its stations' callsigns
WVUA Tuscaloosa, AL S V)oice of the U)niversrity of A)labama
WVUD Newark, DE S V)oice of the U)niversity of D)elaware
WVUM(FM) Coral Gables, FL S V)oice of the U)niversity of M)iami
WVVA(TV) Bluefield, WV L W)est Virignia-V)irginia)
WVXU Cincinnati, OH S V)oice of X)avier U)niversity
WWBB Madison, WV O B)oone B)roadcasting
WWBF Bartow, FL L B)artow F)lorida
WWBR Windber, PA L W)indb)er)
WWBT Richmond, VA O Sister station of W)B)T) Charlotte
WWCA Gary, IN S W)orking W)ith the C)alumet A)rea
WWCC Honesdale, PA S W)ayne C)ounty's C)ountry, now WSPN
WWCF Baraboo, WI O W)illiam C). F)orrest, now WOLX
WWCH Clarion, PA O W)illiam C)urtis H)earst
WWCO Waterbury, CT L W)aterbury, C)o)nnecticut
WWCR(SW) Nashville, TN S W)orld W)ide C)hristian R)adio
WWCT(FM) Peoria, IL E C)aterpillar T)ractor [Rumored. Caterpillar was not the owner. Supposedly was going to be WCAT, but Caterpillar Tractor Co. was going to fight it, so the final callsign came from quick backpedalling.]
WWDB(FM) Philadelphia, PA O W)illiam and D)olly B)anks, co-owners
WWDC Washington, DC L W)ashington D)C)
WWDL(FM) Scranton, PA O D)oug L)ane, founder/owner
WWDM(FM) Sumter, SC S W)onderful W)orld of D)imensional M)usic, was beautiful music
WWEB Wallingford, CT O W)allingford E)ducational B)roadcasting
WWFG-FM Ocean City, MD S F)rog)gy 99
WWGY Grove City, PA S Frogg)y), frequently-used country format moniker
WWJ Detroit, MI O W). J). Scripps of Scripps-Howard
WWJC Duluth, MN S W)onderful W)orld of J)esus C)hrist, now WQRM
WWJO St. Cloud, MN O WJ)O)N Broadcasting Corp.
WWKI Kokomo, IN L K)okomo I)ndiana
WWLC Balsam Lake, WI S L)ake C)ountry
WWLE Cornwall-On-Hudson, NY O W)illiam L). E)dmonds
WWLG Baltimore, MD S L)eg)ends 1360
WWLP-TV Springfield, MA O W)illiam L). P)utnam, original owner
WWLS Moore, OK O L)arry S)teckline
WWMD Hagerston, MD L W)estern M)aryland)
WWMT(TV) Kalamazoo, MI S W)e're W)est M)ichigan T)elevision (was WKZO-TV)
WWNC Asheville, NC L W)estern N)orth C)arolina
WWNK Cincinnati, OH E WNK = Wink
WWNL Pittsburgh, PA S W)e're N)ew L)ife Radio, formerly WEEP
WWNN Pompano Beach, FL S W)inners N)ews N)etwork
WWNR Beckley, WV S N)ick R)ahall
WWNS Statesboro, GA S W)elcome W)here N)ature S)miles
WWNY Watertown, NY L W)atertown, N)ew Y)ork
WWOC(FM) Avalon, NJ L W)ildwood-O)cean C)ity
WWOG(FM) Boca Raton, FL S W)onderful W)ord o)f G)od Note: now WKIS
WWOM(FM) Albany, NY S W)onderful W)orld o)f M)usic Note: now WKLI(FM)
WWOM(TV) New Orleans, LA S W)onderful W)orld O)f M)ovies
WWON Waynesboro, TN E WON='one', W-ONE
WWON Woonsocket, RI L W)o)on)socket, see WWON Waynesboro, TN, now WOON
WWOR(TV) Worcester MA L W)o)r)cester, now used by Secaucus, NJ channel 9
WWPB(FM) Miami, FL O W)onderful W)illiam P)aul B)rake Note: now WLYF
WWPT Westport, CT L W)estp)ort)
WWRI West Warwick, RI L W)est W)arwick, R)I), became WSVP and WLKW
WWRI West Warwick, RI L W)est W)arwick R)hode I)sland
WWRL New York, NY O W)oodside R)adio L)abs, Woodside, LI
WWRU Elizabeth, NJ O R)adio U)nica
WWRV Brockton, MA S The R)iv)er
WWRW-FM Wisconsin Rapids, WI L W)onderful W)isconsin R)apids, W)isconsin, now WGLX in Plover, WI
WWSC Glens Falls, NY L W)arren-W)ashington-S)aratoga C)ounties
WWSE Jamestown, NY S W)onderful W)orld of S)tereo E)ntertainment
WWSW Pittsburgh, PA O W)illiam S). W)alker
WWTC Minneapolis, MN L T)win C)ities
WWTI Watertown, NY L W)atertown - T)housand I)slands
WWUH West Hartford, CT O U)niversity of H)artford
WWUS(FM) Big Pine Key, FL S U)S)-1, only road through the Keys
WWVA Wheeling, WV L W)heeling W)est V)irginia)
WWVU Morgantown, WV O W)est V)irginia U)niversity
WWWB(TV) Campbellsville, KY S The W)-W)-W)B)! (now WBKI)
WWWG Rochester, NY S W)here W)e W)orship G)od
WWZB(FM) Chicago, IL O Z)enith B)roadcasting Note: later WEFM
WXCC Williamson, WV S C)oal C)ountry
WXCI Danbury, CT F XCI='91' in Roman numerals (91.7)
WXFL Florence, AL L F)l)orence
WXHB Richton, MS L H)attiesb)urg, MS or H)ub), when former talk format
WXHR(FM) Boston, MA O H)arvey R)adio Laboratories, later WJIB(FM), now WTKK
WXIA(TV) Atlanta, GA F X)I) A)tlanta, Roman numerals for 11, alternately 11 A)live
WXIX(TV) Cincinnati, OH F XIX = Roman numerals for Channel 19
WXKS-FM Boston, MA E KS = 'Kiss'
WXLC Waukegan, IL S X='across', Across L)ake C)ounty
WXMC Parsippany, NJ L X)roads of M)orris C)ounty
WXOW La Crosse, WI L Sister station of W)KO)W); X = Crosse
WXPK Briarcliff Manor, NY S The P)eak)
WXPN(FM) Philadelphia, PA S) X)perimental P)ennsylvania N)etwork
WXPS(FM) Briarcliff Manor, NY E XPS = Express radio
WXRK(FM) New York, NY S RK = Rock format
WXRL Lancaster, NY. O R)amblin' L)ou Schriver, President and GM
WXRR Hattiesburg, MS S WX)XX R)ock and R)oll, (WXXX was area rock station in 60's and 70's)
WXRV Haverhill, MA S The R)iv)er
WXSM Blountville,TN S The Ex)treme S)ports M)onster
WXTK-FM West Yarmouth, MA S Ex)treme T)alk), original branding
WXTR Pawtucket, RI S Ex)t)r)a Radio. was WPAW, now WDDZ
WXTZ Indianapolis, IN E XTZ='Ecstasy' in Stereo
WXVI Montgomery, AL F XVI = 16, 1600 kHz
WXVT-TV Greenville, MS F XV=Roman numeral for channel 15, T)elevsion
WXVX Monroeville, PA F XVX=Roman 1510, later WPGR
WXXA-TV Albany, NY S X)X), most recognizable combination of letters, like eXXon, A)lbany
WXXI-TV Rochester, NY F XXI=Roman Numerals for Channel 21
WXXI(TV) Rochester, NY F Channel 21 (XXI)
WXXS Lancaster, NH S XXS='Kiss' Kiss 102
WXXV-TV Gulfport, MS F XXV=Roman numeral for channel 25
WXYZ Detroit, MI S XYZ = 'The Last Word in Broadcasting', now WXYT, calls on channel 7 TV
WYBC(FM) New Haven, CT O Y)ale B)roadcasting C)ompany
WYBT Blountstown, FL L B)lountst)own
WYCC(TV) Chicago, IL S W)e're Y)our C)ity C)olleges, owned by City Colleges of Chicago
WYCD(FM) Detroit, MI S W)e're Y)oung C)ountry D)etroit
WYCR(FM) Hanover, PA L Y)ork C)ounty R)adio
WYDD(FM) Pittsburgh, PA E WYDD='wide' Widen the World of Pittsburgh Note: now WJJJ
WYDN(TV) Worcester, MA S Y)our D)aystar N)etwork
WYFF Greenville, SC S Y)our F)amily F)riend, formerly WFBC-TV
WYFR(SW) Okeechobee, FL S W)e're Y)our F)amily R)adio
WYGR Wyoming, MI L W)y)oming-G)rand R)apids
WYLF Penn Yan, NY S Y)our L)ifetime F)avorites
WYLL Chicago, IL S His WYLL (Will, religious format)
WYLN-TV Hazleton, PA S W)e're Y)our L)ocal N)etwork
WYLO Jackson, WI F W)ay) L)o)w, 540 kHz (now WZER)
WYMJ-FM Beavercreek, OH S M)aj)ic 104, now WXEG
WYMT-TV Hazard, KY S W)e're Y)our M)ountain T)elevision
WYND Nags Head, NC E WYND='wind' due to coastal gusts
WYNF(FM) Tampa, FL S Y)ou N)ow F)ound and Y) N)inety F)ive
WYNS Lehighton, PA E WYNS='wins', now WBYN
WYOW Eagle River, WI L Sister station of W)AO)W)
WYRS(FM) Manahawkin, NJ S W)e're Y)our R)adio S)tation
WYSS Sault Ste. Marie, MI S YES-FM
WYST Baltimore, MD S Y)our S)t)ars Note: now using other calls
WYSU(FM) Youngstown, OH O Y)oungstown S)tate U)niversity
WYVE Wytheville, VA L W)y)thev)ille)
WZAD(FM) Wurtsboro, NY E WZAD = Wizard
WZBG Litchfield, CT O B)oys & G)irls, name of licensee
WZBN Zion, IL L W)aukegan Z)ion B)Benton N)ewport (townships) [1967-1982]
WZEE Madison, WI S ZEE 104
WZGC(FM) Atlanta, GA O G)eneral C)inema
WZIP(FM) Akron, OH S University of Akron Z)i)p)s
WZIX York, PA E Music='MuZIX', owner in the early 70's was Shelly Gross owner of Music Fair Enterprises
WZMX Hartford, CT S M)ix), from former AC format, now Urban 'Hot'
WZNF(FM) Rantoul, IL F Z) N)inety-F)ive
WZNL Norway, MI S Z)ephyr Broadcasting's N)orthern L)ights
WZNT San Juan, PR S Z)eta N)oventa y T)res, or Z-93
WZON Bangor, ME O Stephen King's 'The Dead Z)o)n)e'
WZOR Mishicot, WI S Raz)o)r), formerly WGBM
WZPR Meadville, PA S Z)ip)per) Note: Zipper was invented in Meadville
WZRC New York, NY S Z) R)oc)k, now brokered Korean
WZRD(FM) Chicago, IL S WZD='Wizard'
WZRH Zephyr Hills, FL L Z)ephyr) H)ills
WZRZ(FM) Cincinnati, OH S Z)-R)ock Format
WZTA-FM Tamaqua, PA O Floyd Z)immerman/T)a)maqua (Now: WMGH)
WZTV(TV) Nashville, TN O Robert Z)elle T)V)
WZUM Carnegie, PA E ZUM='zoom', became WPLW and is again WZUM
WZVN Naples, FL F Carried on cable channel 7 [Z)ev)en)]
WZZM(TV) Grand Rapids, MI S Chosen because the calls look the same upside down
WZZN(FM) Chicago, IL E ZZN='The Zone, changed calls TEN TIMES in its history (all under the same ownership)
WZZO Allenton, PA E ZZO='zoo'
WZZS(FM) Zolfo Springs, FL L Z)olfo S)prings
XEFAJ Mexico City, DF O F)rancisco A)guirre J)iminez, founder of Grupo Radio Centro.
XERB Tijuana, BN L R)osarito B)each, BC, Original City Note: now XEPRS
XETRA Tijuana, BN E XTRA = Extra (for former all news format)
ZBM Bermuda L B)erm)uda
ZDRC Cebu, Phillipines S R)adio C)ebu
ZNS Nassau, Bahamas S Z)ephyr N)assau S)unshine