Ohio Museum of Transportation - GM New-Look Production Lists (original) (raw)

The Ohio Museum of Transportation shim.gif (43 bytes) Coach Manufacturer Production Lists

Some of these lists are quite large and may take a while to fully load

The production lists are posted as an educational reference only.

The Ohio Museum of Transportation is not affiliated with General Motors Corp.

We are adding some additional detail to the production lists to indicate preserved coaches, special notes, etc. Not all lists are done as we constantly receive new information and the lists will be updated as time allows.

If you know of a preserved GM New Look coach, please email us at webmaster@omot.org and let us know so we can list it as a preserved coach in our listings.


The production listings on this site are believed to be accurate based on the information we have, however errors may occur.

Points to remember

1. The information was obtained from a GM production listing.

2. The transit system or company listed as the purchaser is who GM had recorded. There were many times third parties involved in the acquisition especially for small transit companies so a coach that ran for your system may be listed under a third party.

3. The fleet number on the production list is what the coach was delivered with from GM. Companies may have changed the coach numbers on arrival.

4. Coaches that went to GM Engineering or were demonstrators typically had the coach serial number as the coach number. The GM listing did not show the number assigned to the engineering and demo coaches however.

5. The delivery date was the month and year that the coach was delivered to the purchaser, not necessarily when it was built. With engineering and demo's that were later sold, it refers to when GM actually delivered the bus to the ultimate purchaser.

6. Serial numbers listed as NOT BUILT occurred from either a cancelled order (cancelled before manufacture) or GM skipping the number all together.

7. Stock Job coaches are coaches that were ordered but no special specifications were given with the order.

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Page updated on November 15, 2006