Online World of Wrestling (original) (raw)

| | TNA WRESTLING RESULTS NWA: Total Nonstop Action PPV August 21, 2002 - Nashville, Tennessee - Aired LiveAnnouncers: Mike Tenay & Don West.. Jerry Lynn pinned AJ Styles in the falls count anywhere match with the cradle piledriver. James Storm & Chris Harris b Brian Lee & Ron Harris. Lee attacked a plant fan and "lost focus"..Chris Harris pinned Ron Harris. After the match, Lee & Harris did double H-bombs on both Storm & Harris.. Sonny Siaki beat Jimmy Yang in a best 2/3 match.. Brian Lawler pinned Slash after a legdrop off the top rope. Low Ki def Red & SATs to retain the X-Title..Ron Killings pinned Monty Brown with a totally botched up finish to keep the NWA title. AJ Styles pinned Jerry Lynn with a Styles clash on a chair in the no DQ match. Jerry Lynn drew AJ Styles 3 falls each in the 10:00 Iron Man match. Show ended with a brawl with a masked Bullet who they teased was Bob Armstrong as the mystery foe for Jarrett. They went about 1:00 when Bob came out, showing it wasn't him (they found a hell of a ringer, with the same Bob Armstrong legs, big guns and doing all the Bob Armstrong mannerisms which probably most of the country doesn't even know).. END OF SHOW.... Go Back To TNA History | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

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