Online World of Wrestling (original) (raw)

| | NWA PAY PER VIEW NWA Starcade 1987 "Chi-Town Heat"November 26, 1987 - UIC Pavilion - Chicago, Illinois MATCH: Sting & Michael Hayes & Jimmy Garvin vs Eddie Gilbert & Rick Steiner & Larry Zbysko ended in a DRAW..UWF HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Steve Williams defeated Barry Windham to retain the title..SCAFFOLD MATCH: The RockNRoll Express defeated The Midnight Express..NWA TV & UWF TV TITLE MATCH: Nikita Koloff defeated Terry Taylor to win the UWF TV title.. TAG TITLE MATCH: Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard defeated The Road Warriors by DQ..US TITLE CAGE MATCH: Dusty Rhodes defeated Lex Luger to win the title!WORLD TITLE STEELE CAGE MATCH: Ric Flair defeated Ronnie Garvin to win the title! FADE TO BLACK.... Go Back To NWA History | Go Back To WCW History | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

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