고급소설 읽기의 또 다른 재미 (original) (raw)

Bernard Werber is a true phenomenon in Korea and Open Books' best-selling author. According to polls, he is one of the most beloved foreign writers in the Land of the Morning Calm.

His 1991 debut novel, The Ants (Les fourmis), was the #1 bestseller in Korea in 1993. The novels, stories and encyclopedias he has written since then are tremendously popular among young and adult readers alike. What his many Korean fans particularly enjoy is the unique blend of science, imagination and adventure in his stories and the fact that still today, Werber's "idea laboratory" continues to deliver surprising results at a pace of about one book a year.

Open Books' editions of Tree (L'arbre des possibles) and Butterfly (Le papillon des étoiles) feature illustrations by world-renowned French artist Moebius (Jean Giraud). The edition of Paradis sur mesure is illustrated by five of the most talented Korean artists, a mix of well-established names and emerging talents. Werber's play Nos amis les humains was staged in a Seoul theater in Summer 2010, starring well-known local actors.

The author has paid several visits to Korea since the 1990s to greet his fans, meet the press and mesmerize the audience during lectures at universities. In May 2010, he was in Seoul as a special guest of the Seoul International Book Fair. In November 2013, he came to Seoul and Paju Book City to celebrate 20 years of success in Korea, promote his new series Third Humanity (Troisième humanité) as well as the launching of the Bernard Werber e-book app. He came back in the spring of 2016 and again in 2019, each time giving lectures and book talks and appearing extensively in the press as well as on TV and radio shows, even at sports events. And of course signing thousands of books.

Works by Bernard Werber in translation from Open Books (with year of publication of the Korean edition)

Les fourmis Trilogy (1993~1997)
Les Thanatonautes (1994)
L'encyclopédie du savoir relatif et absolu (1996)
Le livre du voyage (1998)
Le père de nos pères (1999)
L'empire des anges (2000)
L'ultime secret (2002)
L'arbre des possibles (2003)
Nos amis les humains (2004)
Le papillon des étoiles(2007)
Les Dieux Trilogy (2008~2009)
Paradis sur mesure (2010)
Le miroir de Cassandre (2010)
La nouvelle encyclopédie du savoir relatif et absolu (2011)
Le rire du Cyclope (2012)
Troisième humanité (2013)
Troisième humanité - Les micro-humains (2014)
Troisième humanité - La voix de la Terre (2016)
Le sixième sommeil (2017)
Demain les chats (2018)
Depuis l’au-delà (2019)