OPENGREY.EU - Grey Literature Database - (original) (raw)

The System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe used to give open access to 700.000 bibliographical references of grey literature (paper) produced in Europe and allowed to export records and locate the documents.

Examples of grey (gray) literature include technical or research reports, doctoral dissertations, some conference papers, some official publications, and other types of grey literature.

OpenGrey covered Science, Technology, Biomedical Science, Economics, Social Science and Humanities.

Subjects – SIGLE Classification

System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe

01 Aeronautics

02 Agriculture, plant and veterinary sciences

03 Environmental pollution, protection and control

05 Humanities, psychology and social sciences

06 Biological and medical sciences

07 Chemistry

08 Earth and atmospheric sciences

09 Electronics and electrical engineering, computer science

10 Energy and power

11 Materials

12 Mathematical sciences

13 Mechanical, industrial, civil and marine engineering

14 Methods and equipment

15 Military sciences

16 Missile technology

17 Navigation, communications, detection and countermeasures

19 Ordnance

20 Physics