The Rhombic Enneacontahedron and relations (original) (raw)

The Rhombic Enneacontahedron and relations

The above 90 sided figure is the rhombic enneacontahedron. It consists of sixty fat rhombi ('R') (gold coloured) as found in the rhombic dodecahedron and thirty thin rhombi ('r') (bronze coloured) as found in the medial rhombic triacontahedron. It is a zonohedron, and is also referred to as a zonohedrified dodecahedron. It can only be formed from these particular rhombi, a quality I refer to as being rhombo-static.

The centre figure is a rhombo-flexible triacontahedron.

There is a isomorph to the rhombic enneacontahedron: the great rhombic enneacontahedron, shown above right.

Partial zonohedrifications of the dodecahedron

As a zonohedron bands of parallel edges can be removed from the polyhedron leaving a remnant polyhedron which is also normally rhombo-static, although there are some exceptions.

To define partial zonohedrifications of the dodecahedron it is useful to label the 10 axes of the dodecahedron as A through J. As an axis of the dodecahedron is equivalent to two opposite faces of an icosahedron, these axes are best shown on an icosahedron as follows:


In total there are 210 possible combinations of axes. Any selection of just one axis leads to a line segment. There are two distinct ways to select two axes, those relating to edge connected triangles (eg AB) and those related to vertex connected triangles (eg BC). These selections lead to a thin ('r') rhombus and a fat ('R') rhombus respectively. For three or more axes the figures are given below. All possible selections of axes are equivalent to one of the selections below as is shown in tabular form here.

The selected axes are shown on the icosahedron next to each figure, note that in most cases this icosahedron has been rotated to show the symmetry of the polyhedron. Note also that all cases including those where the symmetry is given as 'none' are symmetric through central inversion.

In 1970 Steve Baer described a dissection of the rhombic enneacontahedron into 120 parallelepiped blocks [1] . The blocks are in five forms, denoted_A B C D_and E(my italics). These are equivalent to the 3 axes cases below. The reference to Baer gives the number of Baer Cells required to construct the polyhedron in the form (A,B,C,D,E). The data was generated by David Koski and is included here with his permission. George Hart has an interesting page on dissections of rhombohedra which includes discussion of the rhombic enneacontahedron.

David Koskihas also discovered the interesting facts that hold true for all the polyhedra below:

If axes = n then:

10 Axes

Axes: ABCDEFGHIJ Symmetry: icosahedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (60,30) Baer: (10,20,30,30,30) VRML, OFF

9 Axes

Axes: ABCDEFGHI Symmetry: 3-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (48,24) Compliment: A Baer: (7,14,21,21,21) VRML, OFF

8 Axes

Axes: ABCDEFGH Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (38,18) Compliment: BC Baer: (5,10,14,13,14) VRML, OFF Axes: ABCDEFHI Symmetry: 2-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (36,20) Compliment: AB Baer: (4,8,14,16,14) VRML, OFF

7 Axes

Axes: ABCDEFG Symmetry: 3-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (30,12) Compliment: CDE Baer: (4,7,9,6,9) VRML, OFF Axes: ABCDEFH Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (28,14) Compliment: ADE Baer: (3,6,9,9,8) VRML, OFF
Axes: ABCDEGH Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (26,16) Compliment: ABC Baer: (2,4,9,11,9) VRML, OFF Axes: ABCDFGH Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (28,14) Compliment: ACE Baer: (3,6,8,9,9) VRML, OFF
Axes: ABDEFGH Symmetry: 3-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (30,12) Compliment: BCD Baer: (3,8,9,6,9) VRML, OFF

6 Axes

Axes: ABCDEF Symmetry: None* Rhombi: (R,r) = (20,10) Compliment: ACDE Baer: (2,3,5,5,5) VRML, OFF Axes: ABCDEH Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (18,12) Compliment: ABDE Baer: (1,2,6,7,4) VRML, OFF
Axes: ABCDFH Symmetry: 2-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (20,10) Compliment: BCEF Baer: (2,4,4,6,4) VRML, OFF Axes: ABCDGH Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (18,12) Compliment: ABCE Baer: (1,2,4,7,6) VRML, OFF
Axes: ABCEFG Symmetry: None* Rhombi: (R,r) = (22,8) Compliment: BCDE Baer: (2,5,5,3,5) VRML, OFF Axes: BCDEFG Symmetry: Tetrahedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (24,6) Compliment: AEFG Baer: (4,4,6,0,6) Rhombo-flexible VRML, OFF
Axes: ABDEGH Symmetry: 3-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (18,12) Compliment: ABCD Baer: (0,2,6,6,6) VRML, OFF

5 Axes

Axes: ABCDE Symmetry: None* Rhombi: (R,r) = (12,8) Compliment: ABCEF Baer: (1,1,2,4,2) VRML, OFF Axes: ABCEF Symmetry: None* Rhombi: (R,r) = (12,8) Compliment: ABCDE Baer: (0,1,3,3,3) VRML, OFF
Axes: ABCEH Symmetry: 5-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (10,10) Compliment: ACDGH Baer: (0,0,5,5,0) VRML, OFF Axes: ACDGH Symmetry: 5-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (10,10) Compliment: ACDEF Baer: (0,0,0,5,5) VRML, OFF
Axes: ABEFG Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (16,4) Compliment: BCDEF Baer: (1,4,2,1,2) VRML, OFF Axes: BCDEF Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (16,4) Compliment: ABDEF Baer: (2,2,3,0,3) Rhombo-flexible VRML, OFF
Axes: ABDEF Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (14,6) Compliment: ABDEF Baer: (1,2,2,2,3) VRML, OFF Axes: ACDEF Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (14,6) Compliment: ABEFG Baer: (1,2,3,2,2) VRML, OFF

4 Axes

Axes: ABCD Symmetry: 3-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (6,6) Compliment: ABDEGH Baer: (1,0,0,3,0) VRML, OFF Axes: ABCE Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (6,6) Compliment: ABCDGH Baer: (0,0,2,2,0) VRML, OFF
Axes: ABDE Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (6,6) Compliment: ABCDEH Baer: (0,0,0,2,2) VRML, OFF Axes: ACDE Symmetry: None* Rhombi: (R,r) = (8,4) Compliment: ABCDEF Baer: (0,1,1,1,1) VRML, OFF
Axes: AEFG Symmetry: Octahedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (12,0) Compliment: BCDEFG Baer: (0,4,0,0,0) VRML, OFF Axes: BCDE Symmetry: None* Rhombi: (R,r) = (10,2) Compliment: ABCEFG Baer: (1,1,1,0,1) VRML, OFF
Axes: BCEF Symmetry: 2-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (8,4) Compliment: ABCDFH Baer: (0,0,2,0,2) VRML, OFF

3 Axes

Axes: ABC Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (2,4) Compliment: ABCDEGH Baer: 'D' (0,0,0,1,0) VRML, OFF Axes: ACE Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (4,2) Compliment: ABCDFGH Baer: 'C' (0,0,1,0,0) VRML, OFF
Axes: ADE Symmetry: 2-fold pyramidical Rhombi: (R,r) = (4,2) Compliment: ABCDEFH Baer: 'E' (0,0,0,0,1) VRML, OFF Axes: BCD Symmetry: 3-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (6,0) Compliment: ABDEFGH Baer: 'A' (1,0,0,0,0) VRML, OFF
Axes: CDE Symmetry: 3-fold dihedral Rhombi: (R,r) = (6,0) Compliment: ABCDEFG Baer: 'B' (0,1,0,0,0) VRML, OFF

Rhombo-flexible cases.

For cases with more than 4 axes only two cases are rhombo-flexible:

All 4-axis and 3-axis cases are rhombo-flexible.


My thanks to David Koski for providing information relating to Baer Cell construction and for his permission to republish his data.


[1] Baer, Steve, Zome Primer, Zomeworks, 1970.