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Oswald Mosley – An Inspiration for 21st Century Europe

“Peron or Death!”

The story of President Juan Peron and his secret meeting with Oswald Mosley. General Juan Peron was once described as the only 20th century dictator who never had anybody shot. He was the colourful post-war President of Argentina who [...]

The Philosophy of Fascism

Being a lecture delivered by Sir Oswald Mosley at the English Speaking Union on Wednesday, 22nd March 1933. OUR opponents allege that Fascism has no historic background or philosophy, and it is my task this afternoon to suggest that [...]

Towards a Fascist Europe

Views may vary as to the causes of the division of Europe and the restoration of the Balance of Power, but dispute can scarcely arise concerning the re-emergence of a situation and a system which has invariably brought war. [...]

The Theft of Leisure

How Financial Democracy robbed working people of the Age of Leisure. “As science increases the means to produce.” How often those words appear in the writings and speeches of Oswald Mosley. As far back as 1932, Mosley foresaw the [...]

What are your views about race?

Let me state quite simply that in my view a man should be as determined to preserve his own race as to preserve his own family. Then we will have a look at what science has to say on [...]

Irelands Right to Unite

Irelands Right to Unite When Entering European Union What interest has an Englishman in Ireland? The answer is that this Englishman proved his interest in Ireland and friendship for her people when, as the youngest member of the [...]


Unemployment, Public Works, the Trade Unions The other sphere in which the government must give a decisive lead is in the organisation of public works on a great scale. In an island or even a continental economy overheating, [...]

MI5 and Jeffrey Hamm

Before the War, Edward Jeffrey Hamm was a non-active member of British Union. He didn’t sell ‘Action’ on the streets, he wasn’t a speaker and he held no official position in his local Harrow branch. He did take part [...]

Spheres of Influence

I have long suggested a division of the world into three main spheres of influence to replace the make-belief of a world force in the present United Nations, which by reason of its inherent divisions can never function effectively. [...]

Policy for Europe

How are we to regard the Union of Europe? - As something to be postponed so long as possible because it drags us out of our island fortress and exposes us to contact and competition with other peoples whom [...]

Roll of Honour 1939 – 1945

This list contains a representative number of the members of British Union who gave their lives in the Second World War: Lionel Aitken, Squadron Leader, RAF 59 Squadron, killed in flying operations, Dunkirk. British Union “I” Squad. 7 July [...]

Top 10 Lies about Oswald Mosley and his supporters

1. The people of East London rose up and defeated Oswald Mosley at the Battle of Cable Street. The Battle of Cable Street wasn’t fought between Blackshirts and the people of East London. It was fought between the police [...]

The Syndical Revolution

This is an examination of the revolutionary tradition of Syndicalism as an alternative to Socialism which has led in practical effect to the totalitarian regime of Communism on the Continent, and bureaucracy, direction of labour and the denial of [...]

BUF Medical Policy

The British Union of Fascists presents to the people of Great Britain in this paper, a brief summary of some of the principle points of its policy in connection with what is probably the most vital of all National [...]

The State and the Citizen

The moral and social law and convention of Britain provide the most startling of all contrasts with the Briton's strange illusion that he is free. The plain fact is that the country is hag-ridden. In no other civilised country, [...]

The Myth of Cable Street

For more than 70 years, Mosley’s enemies have maintained the myth that the East End of London rose up against the Blackshirts at the Battle of Cable Street and British Union went into decline. Nothing could be further from [...]

What is Money For ?

We will never see an end of ructions, we will never have a sane and steady administration until we gain an absolutely clear conception of money. I mean an absolutely not an approximately clear conception. I can, if you [...]

Usury the Primary Issue

‘Usury’ by its strictest definition is any interest charged on a loan. It is regarded as a sin by Islam and by Catholicism, and Judaism prohibits usury charged to fellow Hebrews. Aristotle condemned usury, and so does Buddhism. Dante [...]

First on Television

In the long running ban of Oswald Mosley from all forms of mass communication, it is an interesting fact that he was, in all probability, the first politician to be seen on television. It was on 28th July 1930, [...]

William Buckley Interview

MR. BUCKLEY: Just after the First World War, a young British aristocrat, age 22, was elected to the House of Commons, and it has recently been remarked that Sir Oswald Mosley was the brightest man of his generation to [...]

Food and Farming Policy

Without food there can be no life. Without adequate and wholesome food there can be no health. Good Government must ensure sufficient wholesome food for the health of the people. This is an overcrowded island, with only two-thirds of [...]

The man with two membership cards.

The double life of Walter Johnson, British Union District Leader Pudsey. On page 6 of ‘Blackshirts-on-Sea’ the author writes: “Any group study of Mosleyites inevitably comes to the conclusion that none of them could be described as ‘ordinary’”. This [...]

What is your attitude to the Jews?

I am not an anti-Semite. Anti-Semitism is hatred of all Jews on account of their race. I attack some Jews on account of what they do, but I never attack any Jew on account of his birth. I never [...]

Mosley’s Views on anti-Semitism

More drivel is talked about the Jews and anti-Semitism than most subjects; both ways. The anti-Semitic view that all Jews are born wicked, or that all Jews should be the sacred objects of the system, seems to me equal [...]

21st Century Crusade

“The idea is no longer the martyred form of the oppressed, but the beginning of a higher form. Men are beginning not to look down, but to look up. And it is precisely at this point that a new [...]

18b Detainees List

Free DOWNLOAD of 18b Detainees List in Pdf format Details of British Union members who were arrested, interrogated and imprisoned without charge or trial by the British Government under the notorious Regulation 18b during WW2. Many of these POW’s were detained [...]

What is your attitude to Israel?

I adhere to the policy of a Jewish national home, which I suggested in The Alternative as follows:- “For over two thousand years the Jews have asked for a national home, and sought again to become a nation .... To [...]

The European Declaration

That Europe a Nation shall forthwith be made a fact. This means that Europe shall have a common government for purposes of foreign policy, defence, economic policy, finance and scientific development. It does not mean Americanisation by a complete [...]

Power Over Finance

To play with the problem of finance, merely by nationalising the Bank of England which for all practical purposes is nationalised already, is only worthy of the make-believe of a Labour Party which has no serious intention of putting [...]

Foreign Policy

Our foreign policy should also be the subject of a book in itself, but the main principles may here be stated very briefly. The measures of national reconstruction already described involve automatically a change in our foreign policy. We [...]

First Casualties of WW2

Twenty year old AC2 Ken Day and twenty-two year old AC2 George Brocking, both Royal Air Force ground crew acting as volunteer air gunners for the day, died together when their Wellington L4275 was blown out of the sky [...]

Earl’s Court – Peace Rally

The Earls Court Peace Rally was the largest indoor political meeting in the history of the world. It was held in London on Sunday 16 July 1939 - less than 7 weeks before Britain declared war on Germany and [...]

Europe a Nation

EUROPE a Nation is an idea which anyone can understand. It is simple but should not on that account be rejected; most decisive, root ideas are simple. Ask any child what is a nation? He will probably reply, a [...]

The Idea of ‘Europe’

‘Europe’ is more than an economic region from which bloated bureaucrats and political nonentities draw salaries and perks. Before the conniving Count Kalergi and his banker friends, and before cabals such as the Bilderberg Group, there was ‘Europe’ as [...]

Zionism and the Power Elite

Zionism and the Power Elite Any discussion of the relationship between Zionism and the “power elite” in Western countries must inevitably begin with a qualification of meanings, as these terms have been used in ways as to imply [...]

The Corporate State

The main object of a modern and Fascist movement is to establish the Corporate State. In our belief, it is the greatest constructive conception yet devised by the mind of man. It is almost unknown in Britain; yet it [...]

Stability & Progress

In the ranks of Conservatism there are many who are attracted there by the Party's tradition of loyalty, order and stability - but who are, none the less, repelled by its lethargy and stagnation. In the ranks of Labour [...]

Oswald Mosley: Briton, Fascist, European

Richard Crossman wrote in 1961 that "Mosley was spurned by Whitehall, Fleet Street and every party leader at Westminster simply and solely because he was right." No doubt, as Crossman added, he was spurned because he "was prepared to [...]

Overseas Network

From its earliest days, the British Union of Fascists attracted large numbers of British overseas members, not only from the Empire and Colonies but also from continental Europe. Many of these members had the unique opportunity to experience the [...]

The First at Dunkirk

Shortly before he died, my old friend Eric Hamilton Piercy asked me to set down the story of the small part we played in the rescue of the British Expeditionary Force from France in 1940 as many inaccurate versions [...]

European Socialism

The greatest achievement of Syndicalism, however, is likely to be in the European field. European Socialism, which is its modern form, stands for the Union of Europe on a Socialist basis. This has become necessary if the international operations [...]

Higher Forms

Since the war I have stressed altogether five main objectives. The true union of Europe; the union of government with science; the power of government to act rapidly and decisively, subject to parliamentary control; the effective leadership of government [...]

Britain First Rally 1939

Britain First - Exhibition Hall, Earls Court, July 16th, 1939 Fellow Britons, tonight the British people are here, (Cheers) and tonight from this great audience will be heard the voice of British people telling Parliament, telling Parties, telling [...]

Regulation 18B

Imprisonment Without Charge Or Trial. Prior to World War II, England had a long tradition of free speech that extended to criticism of government policy during war and to campaigns for peace. William Pitt campaigned against the war with [...]

Cheap Labour

We British in particular can draw full warning from our past against the errors which all Europe is now committing. It is not a matter of theory but of fact that the chief industries of Britain were ruined in [...]

The Kent-Wolkoff affair

How Churchill almost lost the War. Winston Churchill must have been a very unhappy man when he died in 1965. By then everything he set out to achieve had turned pear-shaped – mostly as the result of the Second [...]

Guerrilla Warfare

America and Europe are only now learning in the hard way the elementary facts of modern political struggle. It is above all a battle of ideas and, as I pointed out long ago, it is impossible to enter that [...]

Mosley’s Policies – An Outline

Oswald Mosley died 40 years ago and much in the world has changed since then. Fresh challenges have arisen and new dangers threaten the people of Europe. But much of what Mosley advocated in his lifetime is still relevant [...]

Christ, Nietzsche, & Caesar

Our opponents allege that Fascism has no historic background or philosophy, and it is my task this afternoon to suggest that Fascism has roots deep in history and has been sustained by some of the finest flights of the [...]


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