Exhibits & Events (original) (raw)

Occidental College (Oxy) Special Collections and College Archives (SCCA) extends the opportunity to students, faculty, staff, and community partners to participate in our Exhibits Program. This program seeks to advance the Library’s mission to support teaching, learning, research, and other forms of intellectual engagement. We aim to increase the visibility of and present original research using SCCA collections, recognize significant gifts to the Library, and develop collaborations between the Library, campus partners, and the community.
For more information, please visit SCCA's Exhibit Guide.

Upcoming Events

Hidden Histories: Oxy and Japanese American Incarceration by Thea Wilson ('24)
Wednesday, March 6, 2023, 12:00-1:00 pm
Gallery, 2nd floor of the Library

Since October 2023, Occidental College senior Thea Wilson has been reprocessing and rehousing the College's Japanese American Relocation Collection (JARC) through an internship with Special Collections & College Archives (SCCA). This internship was made possible through the generous funding of the Grace Nixon Foundation. Through her work, Thea has facilitated preservation and future access of these important materials.

Thea will present about her reprocessing work and share some of the stories she unearthed through the process. This presentation will be accompanied by an exhibit at the Library titled Hidden Histories: Oxy and Japanese American Incarceration. In this exhibit, you can see some of the materials that Thea worked with throughout her internship.

100th Anniversary of Birds of California
Thursday, November 30, 2023 - February 29, 2023
Gallery, 2nd Floor of the Library
Collaboration between Special Collections and the Moore Lab of Zoology

Spotlight Exhibits

Coming Soon