Prayer for Uzbekistan. Photos (original) (raw)
On the intact part of Berlin wall it is written: "Politik ist die Fortsetzung des Krieges mit anderen mitteln" (Politics is continuation of the war by other means). In our time the politics is everywhere. We became the politically thinking people, not only politicians, but usual people: politically thinking traders and teachers, religious leaders, pastors and parents, husbands and wives�
What of human life events touch us most of all? The love which has the deep roots in human hearts evokes responses each time when we get in touch with personal feelings, the romantic stories, the noble aspirations to start a family, the effort of working to bring up the children and running the home� in those situations we recognize our lives, our fears, our hopes and our dreams, because in similar way we live our own lives. We love, we start our families, raise the children and support our families. Actually, for us there is nothing beyond the bounds of our personal lives, where there are rooms for the whole universe. That's the way of how we feel about ourselves.
But when people discuss about lives of others they often use other measurements. Instead of the terms of love, they use the terms of numbers. In such a way the human eternal beings turn into merely numbers. Come to think of it! Your wife is just a number. Your husband is no more than just a digit in someone's report. Your children are nothing but numerical symbols flashing on the screen. And your nation as a whole is only the approximate statistical quantities. Digits do not love, they do not feel and therefore they cannot weep. When a figure is erased from blackboard there are not any emotional aspects in that: nor compassion, nor regrets. Yes, too often people treat other people so callously as if they truly numbers on a blackboard.
Yet we know through the Lord Jesus that each person is of great value in God's opinion. It is much more than political power and domination and it is much more than value of all oil and gold on the Earth. God hears our cry, and knows our every thought! Therefore we pray about our country - Uzbekistan, for all those who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceful life with all reverence towards God, who wants everyone to be saved.
The digits have no faces, unlike them we do. The love produces more perfect fruits if to see each other face to face.
We want to give you an opportunity to look at other pictures of today's Uzbekistan, pictures of the peaceful labor and hope. We call on all people of good will to not withdraw of their plans related to Uzbekistan under the influence of politically minded information. Put your hope in God!Pray with us that games of politics and religious extremism will not plunge Uzbekistan into the abyss of civil war.
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This action is exclusively private initiative of Christians in Uzbekistan. There is no organization or political powers which support the action.