Tom Little (1955-2006) (original) (raw)

Tom Little


Tom Little with an image he was working on at Brand X Editions for the artist Chuck Close. Click to enlarge

The Tom Little Printmaking Prize at Kent State University

Tom's obituary from an Ohio paper

Tom's cats, Agnes and Joan

A shot of Tom at a workshop in North Carolina

Pictures of Tom on his motorcycle by John Fletcher

A shot of Tom byDennis McNet

Article about a 149-color Chuck Close print (created with assistance from Tom Little)

Two Photos of Tom Little by Tom Warren

Thoughts on Tom by Mark Bloch

Tom's unfinished painting of Standing Rock in the Cuyahoga River, May 2006.
He was going to do a screen of dots overtop it and paint those.

See eight Tom Little collages from 1996

Article about M’bwebwe

A memorial for Thomas D. Little at Pratt Institute

Earlier version of the letter about the Thomas D. Little Prize established at Kent State University