Parallax Press - Mindfulness in Daily Life (original) (raw)

Parallax Press is a nonprofit publisher founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. We publish books and media on the art of mindful living and Engaged Buddhism. We are committed to offering teachings that help transform suffering and injustice. Our aspiration is to contribute to collective insight and awakening, bringing about a more joyful, healthy, and compassionate society.

Photo of a framed calligraphy print that says "drink your tea"

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Dealing with Difficulty

Founding Author

To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.

Thich Nhat Hanh


“If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear.”

Joanna Macy

“I am a class of color created by a colonial mind missing its own self-worth. But the dance of my ancestors in my bones has kept me awake and kept me alive.”

Dr. Larry Ward

“Healing is always possible, especially when we have a spiritual practice to take care of our body and mind. In fact, to be aware that you have a body and to learn to listen to it is already healing. The healer, the healed, and the healing process are in each other, they are each other— they interare.”

Sister Dang Nghiem

“In our lifetime there is only one person we must encounter, one person we must meet as though we were passionately in love. That person is the essential Self, the true Self.”

Zenju Earthlyn Manuel


Terry Barber and Hisae Matsuda, smiling and holding a copy of book True Virtue

On this International Women’s Day, we celebrate Terry Barber and her commitment to spreading the teachings of mindfulness and peace. Her dedication and hard work have been a true gift to the community, and we are grateful for all that she has done.

By Liz McKellar

At Home in the World retreat

Have you ever felt lonely or like you didn’t belong? Looking this way and that way for your “True home”? Deer Park Monastery invites you to an international Online Retreat,…

By Parallax Press

The Energy of Prayer

Read our first Staff Pick of 2024: The Energy of Prayer, How to Deepen Your Spiritual Practice by Thích Nhất Hạnh

By Parallax Press

Articles from The Mindfulness Bell