Parties and Elections in Europe (original) (raw)

| | | | | | | | Home | | Calendar | | Countries | | References | | Links | | Content | | | - | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------ | | ---------------------------------------------------- | | ------------------ | ----- | ------------------------- | ----- | --------------------------- | ----- | ----------------------------- | ----- | ------------------- | ----- | ----------------------- | | | | | Parties andElections in Europe | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


| | 2024 | | 2022 | | 2017 | | 2012 | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ----- | --- | ----- | --- | | Party | Ideology | % | Seats | % | Seats | % | Seats | % | Seats | | | | **Rassemblement National (RN) **National Rally (a) | Right-wing populismNational conservatism | 29,3 | 125 | 18,7 | 89 | 13,2 | 8 | 13,6 | 2 | | | **Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP) **New Popular Front (b) | Democratic socialism Social democracyGreen politics | 28,0 | 178 | 25,7 | 131 | - | - | - | - | | | **Ensemble (ENSEMBLE) **Collection | Liberalism | 20,0 | 150 | 25,8 | 245 | - | - | - | - | | | **Les R�publicains (LR) **The Republicans (c) | Liberal conservatismGaullism | 10,5 | 56 | 10,4 | 61 | 15,8 | 113 | 27,1 | 194 | | | **Horizons (HORIZONS) **Horizons | Liberal conservatism | 0,7/ENS | 6/(18) | ENS | (30) | - | - | - | - | | | **Union des D�mocrates et Ind�pendants (UDI) **Union of Democrats and Independents | Liberalism | 0,5/ENS | 3/(2) | 0,9 | 3 | 3,0 | 18 | - | - | | | **Debout la France (DLF) **France Arise (d) | GaullismNational conservatism | 0,3 | - | 1,1 | 1 | 1,2 | 1 | DVD | (2) | | | **Parti Socialiste (PS) **Socialist Party | Social democracy | 0,1/NFP | 2/(61) | NUP | (27) | 7,4 | 29 | 29,4 | 280 | | | **Parti Radical de Gauche (PRG) **Radical Party of the Left | Social liberalism | 0,0 | - | 0,6 | 1 | 0,5 | 3 | 1,7 | 12 | | | **La France Insoumise (FI) **Indomitable France (e) | Democratic socialism EcosocialismLeft-wing populism | 0,0/NFP | -/(69) | NUP | (69) | 11,0 | 17 | FG | (1) | | | **Les �cologistes-Europe �cologie Les Verts (LE) **The Ecologists-Europe Ecology The Greens (f) | Green politics | 0,0/NFP | -/(26) | NUP | (16) | 4,3 | 1 | 5,5 | 17 | | | **Parti Communiste Fran�ais (PCF) **French Communist Party | Communism | 0,0/NFP | -/(8) | NUP | (12) | 2,7 | 10 | FG | (7) | | | **La R�publique en Marche (LREM) **The Republic Onwards | Liberalism | ENS | (98) | ENS | (133) | 28,2 | 308 | - | - | | | **Mouvement D�mocrate (MoDem) **Democratic Movement (g) | Centrism | ENS | (33) | ENS | (46) | 4,1 | 42 | 1,8 | 2 | | | **Parti Radical (PR) **Radical Party | Liberalism | ENS | (2) | ENS | (4) | UDI | (3) | 1,2 | 6 | | | **G�n�rations (Gs) **Generations | Democratic socialism Ecosocialism | NFP | (6) | NUP | (4) | - | - | - | - | | | **Nouveau Centre/Les Centristes (NC) **New Centre/The Centrists (h) | Conservative liberalism | DIV | (1) | LR | (1) | UDI | (2) | 2,2 | 12 | | | **Gauche R�publicaine et Socialiste (GRS) **Republican and Socialist Left | Democratic socialismEuroscepticism | NFP | (1) | DVG | - | DVG | (1) | PS | (3) | | | **Ensemble (ENS) **Collection | SocialismEcosocialism | NFP | - | NUP | (4) | FI | (3) | FG | (2) | | | **Agir-La Droite Constructive (AGIR)**Act-The Constructive Right | Conservative liberalism | - | - | ENS | (6) | - | - | - | - | | | **Alliance Centriste (AC) **Centrist Alliance | Liberalism | - | - | - | - | LREM | (1) | 0,6 | 2 | | | **Front de Gauche (FG)**Left Front | CommunismDemocratic socialism | - | - | - | - | - | - | 6,9 | 10 | | | **Mouvement pour la France (MPF)**Movement for France | Nation conservatismSocial conservatism | - | - | - | - | - | - | 0,5 | 1 | | Others/DIV | 11,9 | 57 | 11,4 | 46 | 8,6 | 27 | 9,5 | 41 | | | | Total | - | 577 | - | 577 | - | 577 | - | 577 | | | | Turnout (1st round) | 66,7 | 47,5 | 48,7 | 57,2 | | | | | | |

� 2024 Wolfram Nordsieck. Source: Minist�re de l'Int�rieur ( For full coverage, click here (1945-present). Notes: (a) 2012: Rally Marine Blue (RBM); 2017: National Front (FN); (b) 2022: New Ecological and Social People's Union (NUPES); (c) 2012: Union for a Popular Movement (UMP); 2024: The Republicans (LR), 6,6%, 39 seats + The Republicans/�ric Ciotti (LR), 3,9%, 17 seats; (d) 2012: Republic Arise (DLR); 2022/2024: Sovereignist Right (SR); (e) 2012: Left Party (PG); (f) 2012/2017/2022: Europe Ecology The Greens (EELV); (g) 2012: The Centre for France (LCF); (h) 2012: New Centre (NC); 2017: The Centrists (LC).