9.5 MOVIE EQUIPMENT (original) (raw)

Grahame N's Web Pages

9.5MM EQUIPMENT CATALOGUE (non Pathéscope/Pathé/Pathex apparatus)

The following exhausting! but probably not exhaustive list of 9.5mm equipment doesn't include items from Pathé or Pathéscope which are catalogued separately. One-offs, privately made, or conversions, are generally not included.

These lists just show cine cameras and projectors, naturally there were various accessories like spools, cans, splicers, film viewers, exposure meters, projection screens and the like, made or supplied by many of the companies listed and other smaller firms - these are not included here, but are now on a separate list.

Where you see a blue underlined hyperlink, click on it for a photo / illustration or a full illustrated article. You may need to return to this listing by clicking on 'back'.

If you know of other 9.5mm cameras or projectors, an e-mail with details would be much appreciated!

Grahame Newnham at:- presto @ pathefilm.uk (remove the spaces for correct e-mail address)

Unless stated otherwise, all the cine cameras listed were clockwork driven and most cine projectors took 120metre / 400foot spools.

Although listed here, not all the items were actually on sale in the UK.
Many if not all of the companies produced cine equipment in the other 'home movie' film gauges but only 9.5mm items are listed here.
The company names & addresses detailed in these lists applied when they were trading; few, if any, exist today.
Sorry about the quality of some of the pictures - when time permits they may be improved!
(Where an entry begins with an asterix * it signifies I have an example in my collection - if I can still find it! )
Dates are only approximate and have usually come from magazine adverts, reviews, trade catalogues/announcements etc.

Many of the simpler projectors, little more than toys really, often used a low voltage lamp, perhaps just 6 to 10 watts, fed from the 230 volt AC mains supply via a dropper resistance, normally in a separate ventilated black box. These were electrically quite dangerous even when new, but today with perished and cracking wiring they really are lethal!! If you are going to get these simple machines in working order, use a modern type QI lamp like a 6volt 10watt M29 and feed it from a proper mains transformer and ensure everything is earthed for complete safety! I have recently experimented just using an LED (light emitting diode) lamp cluster from a cheap tiny torch in the Astor and Bingoscope machines - this is fed from a small battery and gives results probably brighter than the original lamp, virtually no heat and electrically safe!

If you are running a better quality vintage projector from the A.C. mains, plug it in via an Earth Leakage Trip adaptor device (as used in the garden for electrical tools) - these cost under a tenner and could save your life! Remember that much of Europe had 110 volt mains electricity supplies, so do avoid connecting 110 volt equipment directly to our UK 230/240 volt AC mains supply!!


Just come across this photocopy from a magazine - a cine projector - but what make is it please? The spools mean that this is a 9.5mm cine projector - artist's impression - the sprocket doesn't seem to have any teeth! Certainly a decent size, motor driven, pilot lamp, maybe 500 watt lamp, so doesn't come from the toy class. Currently I have no idea - maybe Elmo or Sakurascope from Japan, perhaps Germany or Eastern Europe - probably 1930s (judging by the Pathé spools), but artist signature is dated 1948?.

If anyone can help - then please let me know - it can end up in the correct section or maybe even in a new one!
- e-mail me at: presto @ pathefilm.uk (remove the spaces for correct e-mail address)



I have just spotted another 'unknown' 9.5mm cine projector! In the UK Amateur Cine World magazine dated November 1939, in the Edwin Gorse advert (page 373), the secondhand listing includes - '9.5mm Soho projector, 60 foot, hand turn 17/6d'. From the little detailed there, it may be just a simple toy. But more information is needed!

So again, if anyone can help with more information, or perhaps you even have one in your collection -
- e-mail me at: presto @ pathefilm.uk (remove the spaces for correct e-mail address)


ALEF Alef, Optische Anstalten A. Lehmann, Fürth, GERMANY Distributed in the UK by:- Luminos Ltd., 22 Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn Circus, LONDON, EC4

ALEF - GER - general article and illustrations/photos 06Dec2017 15Jun2019

*ALESCOPE PROJECTOR - GER 1929 - Similar appearance to Pathe Baby, geneva movement, notched title device, shutter in front of lens, 30/60ft cassettes only

ALEF MODEL B CINE CAMERA - GER 1933 - "P" charger loading, 8-32fps, f2.8 Meyer lens
*BILCIN 171 PROJ. - GER 1933 - Sprocket fed, geneva movement, notched titles, hand/motor, 25w 25v
*'MICKEY MOUSE' BILCIN 187 PROJ. - GER 1934? - Colour box with Mickey Mouse theme, barrel shutter, 30/60ft cassettes, battery lighting MES lamp, hand turned.
*BILCIN 186? PROJ. - GER 1934? - Black pressed steel, gate,claw, gearing similar to model 187, 30/60ft cassettes, provision for lantern slides.
*BILCIN 85 PROJECTOR - GER 1935? - Black tinplate, barrel shutter, twin claw, similar to other models, 30/60ft cassettes, mains voltage lamp

ARGUS Thames Ciné Products Ltd. Ashford, Middlesex, UK

ARGUS - UK - general article and illustrations/photos 11Jun2019

ARGUS CINE CAMERA - GB 1936 - 100ft spools, triple lens turret, vari-speeds, backwind etc.

ASTOR Cinemaker Company, Egerton Street, Nottingham, UK

*ASTOR CINE VISER - GB 193? - Not a projector, just a viewer but quite rare these days - intended just for 30ft and 60ft films on spools - battery powered torch bulb illumination - quite adequate, but small 2 inch image. Contained in largish bakelite housing so not suitable for use as an editor. Just found one at last! July 2012 - thanks so much to Trevor Adams for the copy of the instructions! Probably late 1930s as I think this example was bought around 1940 - box is price marked at 59/6d (just on £3).

* ASTOR JUNIOR PROJECTOR - GB 194? - Small toy projector, die-cast body, 60ft spools, 24volt 6watt lamp - resistance fed from mains. Mechanism (Pathescope Ace copy), seems similar to Homray.
* ASTOR 22 PROJECTOR - GB 1947 - Mazac die-cast black finish body, 16volt 8watt MES lamp fitted at rear, motor drive, 300ft spools - review ACW March 1947 - virtually the same as the Bingoscope C5 and Hunter listed below.
* ASTOR 33 PROJECTOR - GB 1947 - Mazac die-cast black finish body as Astor 22 above. Lamp (in a small bayonet mount) is fitted from the side. Identical to the Bingoscope C5 and Hunter projectors.

BEAULIEU Beaulieu Industrie, Ramorantin, FRANCE (Marcel Beaulieu, ex. Pathé engineer, died 1986)

BEAULIEU C9 CAMERA - FR 1953 - 100ft spools, vari-speeds, interchangeable lens, parallex correction

BEAULIEU T9 CAMERA - FR 1953 - As C9 but with double lens turret
BEAULIEU R9 CAMERA - FR 1960 - 100ft spools, vari-speed, triple lens turret, reflex viewing (similar to 16mm R16)

BING BRITISH Construments Ltd., 18 Grays Inn Road, London, UK Distributed by: Leon Rees & Co. 12 New Union Street, London EC2, UK

*BING BRITISH MODEL 1 - UK 193? - enclosed 30ft spools & 15ft rolls of film only, fixed lens, models for 4.5volt battery or mains via dangerous dropper resistance! Hand turned or clockwork.

*BING BRITISH MODEL 2 - UK 193? - similar design but larger body accepts up to 60ft films
*BING BRITISH MODELS 3 to 5 - UK 193? - film holder on top of projector takes up to 60ft films
(models 2 to 5 could be focussed! - other similar Construments projectors sold as RAY, BINGOSCOPE etc.)

BINGOSCOPE Construments Ltd., 18 Grays Inn Road, London, UK Distributed by: Leon Rees & Co. 12 New Union Street, London EC2, UK

BINGOSCOPE - UK - general article and illustrations/photos (06Aug2017)

*BINGOSCOPE C1 ? PROJECTOR - UK circa 1934 - closed spools only, hand-turned, mains dropper (approx 730 ohms on 240volt tapping) probably for 12 volt 0.3amp (4 watt) MES lamp, internal film take-up. *BINGOSCOPE B1 PROJECTOR - UK 193? - tiny (6inches high), hand-turned for 15ft films, 4.5volt battery *BINGOSCOPE B2 ? PROJECTOR - UK circa 1935 - closed spools only, hand-turned, battery connections for 6 volt battery? (probably 0.5 amp, 3 watt lamp?), internal film take-up, Pathéscope "Ace" type mechanism.
BINGOSCOPE B4 PROJECTOR - UK circa 1937 - open spools, hand-turned, mains dropper - see picture *BINGOSCOPE C3 ? PROJECTOR - UK circa 1937 - up 60ft spools, hand-turned, mains dropper resistance for 12 volt 6 watt lamp?, Pathéscope "Ace" type mechanism, internal film take-up.
BINGOSCOPE C4 PROJECTOR - UK circa 1937 - up to 60ft spools, hand-turned, mains dropper resistance, Pathéscope "Ace" type mechanism, brackets at rear for film take-up, otherwise similar to the C3 model. *BINGOSCOPE C5 ? PROJECTOR - UK 1940 - 400foot / 120 metre spool capacity, hand or motor driven versions, no sprockets; distributed by R.F.Hunter as the "Hunter", which was even reviewed in the " Home Movies & Home Talkies" magazine dated July 1940! Also later, (1947?), sold as "Astor 22" or "Astor 33".

B.M.C. Unknown Northern Ireland UK - 1953

B.M.C. CINE PROJECTOR - UK 1953 - 400foot / 120 metre spool capacity, motor driven, 100 & 250 watt lamp - was it ever put into production?

BOLEX Jacques Bolsky, Geneva, SWITZERLAND (sold out designs etc. to Paillard around 1930)

*BOLEX AUTO-CINE PROJECTOR - SWIT 1929 - Dual 16/9.5mm Bols, dual gate sprocket & gate, v.rare!

PAILLARD-BOLEX Paiilard-Bolex, Sainte Croix, SWITZERLAND (UK Distributors: Cinex Ltd.)

BOLEX - Switzerland. - general article and illustrations/photos (23Jan2016) - 01Aug2019

P & PA PROJECTORS - SWIT 1934? - Motor drive, indirect lighting, 250/400watt prefocus lamp, stills, reverse

PA PROJECTOR - SWIT 1934? - As P model, but with notched title stop device
D PROJECTOR - SWIT 1930 - As P model, but dual 9.5mm/16mm. (Separate gate, sprockets, spool spindles)
PAILLARD-BOLEX HOME TALKIE PROJ. - SWIT 1932 - 9.5/16, model D equipped with coupled turntable
*DA PROJECTOR - SWIT 1933-37 - As D model, but with notched title stop device - typical serial number - 4443
*DA-37 PROJECTOR - SWIT 1937 - Improved version of the DA, with better cooling & 400watt lamp - typical serial numbers - 6227; 6644
G9 PROJECTOR - SWIT 1935 - Motor drive, direct lighting, gear driven take-up, A1/7 500watt prefocus lamp
G916 PROJECTOR - SWIT 1935 - Motor drive, direct lighting, gear driven take-up, dual 9.5mm/16mm
*G3 PROJECTOR - SWIT 193? - Similar to G916 but 8mm/9.5mm/16mm. 800ft, later models 2/4 blade shutter - typical serial number - 30814
*BOLEX TALKIE PROJ. - SWIT 1939 - Models similar to G916 or G3 but with optical sound on 9.5mm/16mm
*H9 CAMERA - SWIT 1936 - 100ft spools, vari-speeds, single or triple "C" mount lens turret, backwind
.... (similar to 16mm version, look for tiny H9 on chromed front end of detachable optical viewfinder - typical serial number - 9123)

CAMPRO Home Cine Cameras Ltd., 18 Gray's Inn Road, London, UK

CAMPRO - UK - Article & illustrations/photos - 21Oct2015 10May2017

*TYPE 1 CAMERA / PROJECTOR - GB 1935 - "P" charger for filming, 30ft closed spool for projection, simple "dull/bright" setting lens, wire-frame viewfinder, clockwork drive, external battery for special 6volt 6watt bulb., no focussing for projection! Even tiny picture is dim! See July & Aug '35 ACW Typical serial no. 2068.

*TYPE 2 CAMERA / PROJECTOR - GB 1936 - Similar to above model but with better f1.9 fixed focus lens with proper iris control (f1.9 marked 'projection only' but as a 12 year old kid I got reasonable results even at full aperture) - (included in my article Group 9.5 magazine No.89 Spring 1997). Typical serial nos. 2951, 9807

CELFIX R.F.Hunter Ltd., Celfix House, 51 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1, UK

* P.120 9.5/16 DUAL GAUGE PROJECTOR - GER 1933-35 - 'Left-handed' design, part self-threading, stills, reverse, 250 watt A1/7 prefocus lamp

CINAK Cinak, France

CINAK NO.1 - PROJECTOR - FR 192? - Hand turned - 30/60ft cassettes & small spools, mains voltage lamp.

CINE NIZO Cine Nizo, Neizoldi & Kramer, G.m.b.H., Munich, GERMANY (UK Importer: Peeling & Van Neck Ltd. 4/6 Holborn Circus, London, E.C.1)

CINE NIZO - GER - Article & illustrations/photos - 27Aug2017

PROJECTOR - GER 1929 - Multi-gauge versions, including 17.5mm! Distintive fluted lamphouse. Rare!

MODEL C PROJECTOR - GER 1931 - 400ft spools, motor drive, sprocket feed/take-up - no further details at present - see photo!
MODEL H PROJECTOR - GER 193? - 400ft spools, motor drive, sprocket feed/take-up - thanks to Graham Sinden for the photo
*MODEL F CAMERA - GER 1933 - 16 & 32fps, 'P' charger loading, continuous run, provision for limited backwind, f3 Trianar, f2.8 Cassar or f1.5 focussing lens, typical serial no: 133386
MODEL M CAMERA - GER 1933 - 8,16,24,32fps, f2.8 interchangeable lens, 50ft loading, typical serial no: 306112
MODEL K3 CAMERA - GER 1933 - Vari-speeds, triple lens turret, parallax correction, 100ft loading
MODEL K CAMERA - GER 1933 - As K3 above, but single lens (no turret)

The company Neizoldi & Kramer was founded in Germany around 1925; from then till the late 1930s they manufactured a range of cine equipment in various gauges including the original cine projector which had interchangeable mechanisms for most gauges including 17.5mm. Little of this early cine equipment arrived in the UK. By the 1960s Braun had acquired the Nizo name and began manufacturing quality cine equipment in std 8mm and later Super 8mm.

CINE-TECHNIQUE Cine-Technique, 45 Blvd Beaumarchais, Paris, FRANCE (owner was Rene Llorens, ex. Pathé engineer) (UK Importer: E.M. Smith, Hounslow, Middx)

CINE-TECHNIQUE - France - Article & illustrations/photos - 31Dec2014 02Mar2015

*PRATIC 300 PROJECTOR - FR 1969 - Die-cast body, 1000ft spools, f1.2 lens, 21.5v 250w DKM lamp

COMETE 600 PROJECTOR - FR 1970 - 2000ft spools, 24volt 250watt lamp, fixed speed of 16fps
COMETE 600 PROJECTOR - FR 1985 - New look, 2000ft spools, 24volt 250watt lamp, fixed speed 24fps
*COMETE 600 TALKIE PROJECTOR - FR 1986 - 2000ft spools, 24volt 250watt A1/259 lamp, fixed speed 24fps, bass/treble tone controls

CINÉGEL S.A. CinéGel, 29 Rue Armand Saffroy, Le Mans, FRANCE (imported to UK only after around 1960) (UK Distributors: AICO Ltd. Hounslow, Middx)

(Most of these Ciné-Gel projectors were also supplied in std 8mm and 16mm versions)

CINÉ-GEL - France - Article & illustrations/photos - 15Mar2016 08May2016

*ROYAL 200 PROJECTOR - FR 1955 - built into grey rexine covered wood case, sprockets, 220/110volts, power rewind, A1/26 200watt B15/s lamp, 35mm f1.6 lens

ROYAL 205 PROJECTOR - FR 1953 - Built into case, 300watt indirect lighting, fixed 16/24fps speeds, 300m/1000ft spools, available with magnetic rec/playback, described in (French) "Cine 9.5" no.311 Jan/Apr 2012
*ROYAL 210 PROJECTOR - FR 1948- 5? - Black finished alloy die-cast body, sprockets, power rewind, 115v 200w, 35mm f1.6 lens
ROYAL 215 PROJECTOR - FR 1950-55? - Grey finished alloy die-cast body, sprockets, power rewind, 115 volt 250/300 watt lamp, interchangeable parts supplied for 8mm; 9.5mm; 16mm. appears similar to the Royal 210 listed above.
ROYAL 220 PROJECTOR - FR 1948-5? - die-cast body, sprockets, power rewind, 110/220volt 500w lamp, 1000ft spools
ROYAL 225 PROJECTOR - FR 1948-5? - as the 220 model, but dual gauge 9.5/16mm, stills.
ROYAL 230 PROJECTOR - FR 1949-195? - dual gauge 9.5/16mm optical sound, 1600ft spools, 500 watt, no amplifier
*ROYAL 235 PROJECTOR. - FR 1954-1964 - dual gauge 9.5/16mm optical sound, 1600ft spools, built in amplifier, A1/9 750 watt prefocus lamp
ROYAL 500 PROJECTOR - FR 1958 - Built into wooden case, indirect 500 watt lighting, motor rewind
*REINETTE CAMERA - FR 1950 - Simple single speed, pressed steel body, special 15m film charger, interchangeable 20mm f2.5 H. Roussel lens in non-standard screw mount, typical serial numbers: 330. 627
HL CAMERA - FR 1955 - Variable filming speeds 8-48fps, frame couunter, backwind, interchangeable "C" mount lens, 100ft spools
SUPER HL CAMERA - FR 1957 - As HL but with triple lens turret and zoom viewfinder
*SUPER HL ZOOM CAMERA - FR 1960 - As HL but with fitted Berthiot f3.8 17mm-85mm zoom lens. (see ACW 25March1965) Typical serial number: BB1271
G PROJECTOR - FR 1960-69 Modern plastic bodied, 400 foot spools, sprockets, framing, room lamp socket, 8v 50w lamp, 35mm Gelor f1.5 lens
*GS PROJECTOR - FR 1960-69 As 'G' model, with 8v 50w lamp, & tape sync. facilities - (reviewed in Amateur Cine World August 9 1962)
GR PROJECTOR - FR 1960-68 As 'G' model, but 10v 100w Saipe lamp, tape sync. facilities & reverse run
AS-150 PROJECTOR - FR 1968 Announced as new 9.5mm model, but probably never put into production

CINERIC Societe Cineric, 111 Rue Villiers-de-L'Isle Adam, Paris, France Not marketed in the UK (In 1960's merged with Ercsam/Pathe)

CINÉRIC - Paris, France - Article & illustrations/photos - 13Nov2017

CINERIC TYPE F PROJ. - FR 1958 - Built into case, 500 watt lamp, power rewind, 400 foot or 1000 foot spool version, magnetic rec/play option

*CINERIC TYPE T PROJ. - FR 1955 - Built into case, 500 watt lamp, power rewind, 400 foot / 120 metre spools, specially made for Tiranty, a French Photo store

CIRSE Cirse Srl, Via Cavour 47, Torino, Italy (9.5 model not marketed in the UK)

SUPER COMET PROJECTOR - ITALY 1955-58 - Nylon gear driven, 500watt lamp, motor/lamp switches, 400ft spools, optical framing, power rewind, 110/230volts

CORONET The Coronet Camera Co., F.W. Pettifer, 48 Great Hampton Street By 1932: 310 Summer Lane, Birmingham 19, UK By 1946: Coronet Ltd. at same Summer Lane address till 1967 (All 9.5mm production ceased during WW2 when factory bombed)

CORONET - UK - general article and photos (extra illustrations 05/31Dec2014) 11Oct2019

*MODEL 1 PROJECTOR - GB 1932-36 - Simple hand turned, 30/60ft closed spools only, A1/73 40v 15w lamp

*MODEL 11 PROJECTOR - GB - 1937 - Maltese cross film drive, motor drive, sprocket take-up only, A1/73 40v 15w lamp
MODEL 11A PROJECTOR - GB 1939 - As Model 11 but with improved f2 projection lens and A1/2 115 volt 50 watt lamp
*MODEL A CAMERA - GB 1932 - Low priced (75/-) "P" charger loading, maltese cross film drive, barrel shutter, f3.9 lens with bakelite surround, typical serial no. 02401
*MODEL B CAMERA - GB 1937 - Similar to above but modified nickel plated lens mount, tripod bush, pressed steel & leatherette finish, typical serial no. D10997
MODEL C CAMERA - GB 1938 - Similar to model B but with conventional shutter, single frame and 'slow motion' 64fps facility

(Thanks to Douglas Macintosh for spotting the missing Coronet Model C 9.5mm cine camera- a very rare specimen!)

CUMO Cumo - (maker unknown), Spain

CUMO - SP - 1930 approx. - Designed for running 16mm and 9.5mm notched prints, 300watt 125 volt lamp, 100metre / 300foot spools. looks motor driven. Spotted by a member of the French 9.5 Club at the Calella 9.5mm Festival. More information gladly accepted!

DEKKO Cameras Ltd,, Slough, Bucks, UK London Depot: 17, Thavies Inn, London E.C.1 (after 1938: Dekko Cameras Ltd., Telford Way, East Acton, London, W3, UK)

DEKKO - UK - general article and photos - 02June2019 21June2019

*DEKKO CAMERA - GB 1935-39 - Original bakelite bodied model, 8-64fps, stills, P charger, 25mm f1.9 focussing or 23mm f2.5 fixed focus "C" mount lens, typical serial no. 6654

*104 CAMERA - GB 1939-52 - Metal bodied version, parallax correction, 8-64fps, P charger, 25mm f1.9 focussing or 23mm f2.5 fixed focus "C" mount lens, typical serial no. C/319
*MODEL 3 PROJECTOR - GB 1935 - Copy of first Coronet, silver lamphouse, handturned, A1/1 50volt 25watt lamp, 30ft & 60ft closed spools, soon 300ft 'super attachment' and motor drive available.
MODEL 4 PROJECTOR - GB 1936? - Think the motor drive /300ft super attachment version of model 3 above was 'model 4'
MODEL 1939 PROJECTOR - GB 1939 - Motor drive, sprockets, 50volt 25watt lamp -
*MODEL 48 PROJECTOR - GB 1939 - Motor drive, sprockets, A1/2 115volt 50watt lamp
*MODEL 119A PROJECTOR - GB 1950-55 - Variable speed motor drive, feed & take-up sprockets, stainless gate, Dallmeyer 38mm lens, A1/7 prefocus 115volt 500watt lamp, switched room lamp socket, (see ACW review Jan1950)


DITMAR Ditmar, AUSTRIA (UK Distributor: Actina Ltd 10 Dane Street, High Holborn, London, WC1, UK)

DITMAR - Austria - general article and photos - 12Oct2019

*DITMAR-DUO PROJ. - AUS 1935-1955? - Sprockets, A1/5 250watt or A1/87 400watt prefocus lamp, 400ft spools, 8/9.5mm & 9.5/16mm (& 8/16mm) models. ACW review Feb1939 - typical serial number: 2515 (8mm/9.5mm model)
*CAMERA - 2190 - AUS 1936 - 'P' charger film loading, metal body, f2.9 20mm focussing Cassar lens or f1.8 20mm Berthiot etc. - see the general article and photos above, twin filming speeds 16/32fps, aperture/footage counter visible in viewfinder. separate detachable handle for still pictures. See July '36 ACW - typical serial number: K3271.
CAMERA - 2195 - AUS 1936? - 50ft spool loading, 16/32fps, aperture & footage counter visible in viewfinder
*NEW CAMERA -2390 - AUS 1938? - Standard model now includes extinction type exposure in viewfinder, twin filming speeds 16/32fps, rear finder with parallex adjustment for close-ups, footage indicator in viewfinder, 'P' charger loading, separate handle for still pictures. Review ACW June'38 - Typical serial number: K2229; K2523
NEW CAMERA - 2395 - AUS 1938? - Standard model now includes extinction type exposure, and other features as 2390 charger model, 50ft spool loading
PHOTOCELL CAMERA - 2290 - AUS 1937 - Top mounted bakelite housing with meter, 'P' charger, otherwise features as other models above.
PHOTOCELL CAMERA - 2295 - AUS 1937 - Top mounted bakelite housing with meter, 50ft spool loading, otherwise features as other models above.

E.K.A. Eberlein & Krug, Karolinen-Strasse 26/28, Furth/Bayern, GERMANY (UK Distributor: J.J. Sibler Ltd.)

EKA PROJECTOR - GER 1950's - Simple hand turned machine, takes 100m/300ft spools, 'intermittent sprocket' (Geneva movement?) film drive. (See 9.5 Magazine issues 76 & 77)

E.K.S. E.K.S. Ltd, London, UK

EKS PROJECTOR - UK 1950s ? - Simple hand turned machine, 110/220volt, 50watt lamp, looks like Lapierre (France) product or copy.

ELMO Elmo Co. Ltd., Nagoya, JAPAN (UK Distributor: Abbott Bros., 303 Thorold Road, Ilford, UK)

9.5MM ELMO PROJECTOR - Japan - article & illustrations 26Jan2015 28Jan2015

ELMO PROJECTOR - JAPAN 1934/35 - American style with pedestal base, sprockets, motor, stills, 75 volt (later 150 volt) 500 watt lamp via prism, pilot light, room light dimmer, 2" lens. (See ACW review Feb 1935 / HMHT May 1934 & Jan 1935 / Book -The 9.5mm Cinephotographer by Harold Abbott - the importer!) Also a 16mm version.

EMEL BI-FILM PROJECTOR - FR 1935 - 9.5/16mm, motor drive, Hermagis f1.6 lens, 500/750watt lamp

ENSIGN Houghton-Butcher Ltd, Walthamstow, London, UK (1930's: Ensign Ltd, High Holborn, London, WC1, UK (later Ross-Ensign Ltd.)

ENSIGN UNIVERSAL PROJECTOR - GB 1939-1940 - article & illustrations 20Jun2019 12Oct2019

*UNIVERSAL PROJECTOR - GB 1939 - tri-gauge, motor drive, reverse, stills, motor rewind, A1/5 250watt / A1/7 500watt prefocus lamp, Dallmeyer lenses - sold as single, dual or tri-gauge - typical serial no.6027 (see September 1939 Amateur Cine World magazine review)

EPIMO Exploitation Des Procedes De L'Industrie Moderne, 15 rue Simon-Dereure, Paris 18, FRANCE

*SADAR HANDY PROJECTOR - FR 1950 - Black bakelite body, sprockets, motor/hand, 100 watt indirect

(Strangely these projectors use a Pathe Vox/"H" cam/claw and a bakelite lens marked Pathe?)
SADAR DEAUVILLE PROJECTOR - FR 1951 - Built into case, up to 1000 watt lamp, 16/24fps, silent or sound.
SADAR BIARRITZ PROJECTOR - FR 1953 - Built into case, improved design with 400 watt indirect lighting

ERCSAM Ercsam, 63 Avenue Philippe Auguste, later - 221 Rue Lafayette, both - Paris, FRANCE (In 1960's became Ercsam-Pathe-Cineric) (9.5mm products not marketed in the UK)

ERCSAM - France - general article and photos 15Dec2019

SENIOR M.30 PROJECTOR - FRANCE ?? - motor drive & rewind, sprocket feed/take-up, A1/6 115volt 300watt prefocus lamp
*SENIOR M.50 PROJECTOR - FRANCE 1948-51 - motor drive & rewind, sprocket feed/take-up, A1/87 115volt 400watt prefocus lamp
SENIOR M.60 PROJECTOR - FRANCE 1952-?? - motor drive & rewind, sprocket feed/take-up, A1/7 115volt 500watt prefocus lamp
*MINOR PROJECTOR - FRANCE 1948-5? - simple sprocket fed design, side-by-side spool arrangement, 40mm lens, A1/4 100watt pre-focus lamp, 110/220volt, serial no: (inside lamphouse cover) 23 - very weird threading path!
VALIX PROJECTOR - FRANCE 1950-5? - pressed steel, carry handle, motor rewind, small 30x27x16cm
MAJOR PROJECTOR - FRANCE 1950-5? - reverse run, still picture, 1000ft spools, 750watt lamp
CAMEX OS CAMERA - FRANCE 1950-58 - Bayonet mount lens, special Camex film charger
*CAMEX GS CAMERA - FRANCE 1950-58 - 8-32fps, still picture, backwind, viewfinder adjustable for tele & wide angle, parallax correction, bayonet mount lens - Som Berthiot 20mm f1.9 focussing. Takes original Camex film charger and later DB type for up to 12 metres of film. Typical serial nos: 11704 (black);31870 (beige)
CAMEX HS CAMERA - FRANCE 1950-58? - As GS but with chromed interior
CAMEX VU CAMERA - FRANCE 1950-58 - As GS but with universal viewfinder
*MALEX RECORD PROJECTOR - FRANCE 1953 - motor drive, motor rewind, 500watt lamp
MALEX SUPER 100 PROJECTOR - FRANCE 195? - motor drive, motor rewind, 12volt 100watt lamp
MALEX RECORD M1000 PROJECTOR - FR 1958 - motor drive, A1/59 1000watt prefocus lamp, tape-sync
MALEX RECORD M1000 AR PROJECTOR - FR 1958 - as model M1000, but with reverse running
MALEX CLUB 100 PROJECTOR - FR 1960? - as Super 100 but 12volt 100watt reflector lamp etc.

*AUTO-CAMEX CAMERA - FRANCE 1970 - f3.8 Som Berthoit 17-85mm compact zoom with reflex viewfinder, CdS auto-exposure for 12 to 400asa, 16fps electric drive, 50foot / 15metre Kodak/Pathé M14 (Webo) magazine loading. Supplied with pistol grip/trigger release, lens hood and instruction booklet.

(this camera was actually manufactured by Formosa Flash, 64 Boulevard Magenta, Paris, 10e. and sold in the UK for £199 by E.M. Smith, Hounslow, Middx. It was based on the EPC Std 8mm Camex model - see 9.5 Review Oct 1970)

EUMIG Elektrizitats Und Metallwaren Industrie Gesellschaft of Vienna, AUSTRIA

EUMIG - Austria - general article and pictures 13Jan2015 15Jun2015

P1 PROJECTOR - AUSTRIA 1931 - hand, convertable to motor drive, 400ft spools

C1 CINE CAMERA - AUSTRIA 1932 - bakelite body, 16fps, charger loading, f1.4 - f2.8 lens choice
*C2 CINE CAMERA - AUSTRIA 1935 - bakelite body, as C1 but semi-coupled exp. meter, charger loading, typical serial nos: 4068, 5138
*C39 CINE CAMERA - AUSTRIA 1938 - metal body, semi-coupled meter, charger loading, speeds 8,16,32 fps, f2.7 18mm Trioplan lens, typical serial no. 23560
P11/SUPER PROJECTOR - AUSTRIA 1935-39 - pressed steel, 250/400watt prefocus lamp, reverse, stills, motor rewind
*P111 PROJECTOR - AUSTRIA 1935 - pressed steel, motor drive, 250watt mains lamp, stills, hand rewind
*P25 PROJECTOR - AUSTRIA 1951 - post-war version of 'Super'. Stills, reverse, power rewind, 500 watt. (ACW review Feb 1954)

FEX Fex, France

FEX PROJECTOR - FRANCE 1955? - hand turned, probably special 55 volt 0.5 amp B22/s lamp, 400ft spools

FILO Unknown French manufacturer

*FILO PROJECTOR - FRANCE 1933 - Dual gauge 9.5/16mm, motor drive. See P.235 HMHT mag. Nov33

.............. model A with mains voltage lamp, model B with 16volt 60 or 100watt lamp, notched title device

GIC Groupement Industriel Cinematographique, Paris, FRANCE (founded by Marcel Beaulieu around 1949) some products distributed in the UK by Photax (London) Ltd., 70 Charlotte Street, London W1

*GIC PROJECTOR - FRANCE 1951-? - Motor drive, 300watt 110volt lamp, f1.5 40mm lens

*GIC CAMERA - FRANCE 1950-5? - 50ft spools, sprocket feed, start button threaded for cable release, single interchangeable "C" mount lens, normally f1.9 20mm focussing Som Berthiot, feeler type footage counter (counter window plastic usually goes opaque, viewfinder engraved for telephoto, typical serial number: 20996.
ETM CAMERA - FRANCE 1950-5? Triple turret, 100ft spools, sprocket feed, vari-speeds 8-72fps, single frame, backwind

GIVJOY A.J. Holladay & Co. Ltd, 3 Aldermanbury Avenue, London EC2, UK (appears to be a German Leonard Müller import rebadged for the UK)

GIVJOY -General article and photographss etc.06May2017

*GIVJOY 9.5 projector - GB 1932? - Tinplate, magic lantern style, hand-turned, takes up to 60 foot / 15 metre spools, closed cassettes & 15ft rolls of 9.5mm film, mains voltage household lamp, lamphouse has letters 'LM' (Leonard Müller - maker of 35mm, 16mm & 9.5mm tinplate projectors)

HEURTIER Heurtier & Cie, Square Franklin-Roosevelt, (Le Rond-Point), Saint-Etienne, Loire, FRANCE (Various UK importers / distributors: initially early 1960s - D,M Bentley of Brighouse, Yorkshire, UK then from 1965 Films In Miniature Ltd., Manderley, Straight Mile, Romsey, Hants, UK later - College Road, Woolston, Southampton, UK)

HEURTIER - France - general article and pictures 02Feb2015 10May2017

SUPERTRI 38 projector - FRANCE 1938 - Tri-gauge machine manufactured for many years, motor drive

SUPERTRI 44 projector - FRANCE 1947 - sprockets rotate for three gauges, triple claw, 250/500watt lamp
SUPERTRI 50 projector - FRANCE 1950 - somewhat similar to the 44 model, 400ft or 1000ft spool arms
(typical Supertri 50 serial number: 9487)
SUPERTRI 53 projector - FRANCE 1953 - restyled, 400ft or 1000ft spool arms, 110 volt, 250/500watt lamp
SUPERTRI 58 projector - FRANCE 1957 - as model 53, but rotary switch for motor & lamp, 110/220volt
(typical Supertri 58 serial number: 103069)
MONOFILM projector - FRANCE 19?? - single gauge version of the Supertri model
*SUPERTRI 60 projector - FRANCE 1960-70 - as model 58, but with reverse running, A1/7 500watt prefocus lamp. see "Centre Sprocket|" review in 21June1962 Amateur Cine World magazine, (typical Supertri 60 serial number: 104338)
MONOSON projector FR 1953-70 - magnetic sound based on Monofilm design
SUPERSON projector FR 1953-70 - magnetic sound based on Supertri design
*HSM projector - FRANCE 1953-70 - Larger quality machine, silent/sound models, magnetic / optical sound machines have 6 or 15 watt amplifiers, single/multi-gauge, 2000 foot spool capacity, earlier machines have pre-focus mains voltage lamps upto - A1/59 1000watts, later machines (my example included) have A1/242 240volt 1000watt Q17 valve base projector lamp; 32.5mm diameter lens mount - f1.5 35mm & 50mm lenses / f1.8 25mm for 8mm. (typical HSM tri-gauge opt/mag serial number: 73164)
SUPER PANORA-LUX - FR 1968 - De-luxe version of HSM for professional use - made to order. f1.2 lens in larger mount with 'scope lens mounting, can be upgraded to 110volt 1200w lamp using external transformer

HOMRAY Homray Projector Company, 46 High Pavement, Nottingham, UK

*HOMRAY - GB 1939 - Hand-turned. Simple upright casting, not even snubber rollers! Mains dropper resistance fed MES 16volt 8watt (0.5amp) lamp like original Pathéscope 'Ace'. Motorised version also available. Originally marketed as the 'DELTA' - within a month or two it had become the 'Homray' marketed from the same address.

HUNTER R.F. Hunter Ltd., "Celfix House", 51 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1

HUNTER - GB 1940 - see BINGOSCOPE C5 and ASTOR 22 & 33

ILLUSTRA Illustra Enterprises, 159 Wardour Street, London, W.1

ILLUSTRA 9.5MM SUPER PROJECTOR- GER 193? - Actually a rebranded Alef Bilcin 101 - hand-turned or motor driven, 300 foot / 100 metre spools (also 16mm version)

JANKO Janko, 10 Rue Mousset-Robert, Paris, FRANCE (not marketed in UK)

*JANKO PROJECTOR - FRANCE 1954-56 - Simple handturned or motor driven tinplate machine, special 55volt 0.5amp B22/s lamp

JANCOLUX PROJ. - FRANCE 1955-59 - As above, motor driven, fan cooled 100/200watt lamp, power rewind

JEFE Industrias Joaquin Saludes, Valencia, SPAIN (not marketed in UK)

JEFE - Spain - general article and pictures 22Jun2015

JEFE 1 PROJECTOR - SPAIN 1930s - Simple handturned, closed cassettes only - (this example in Australian collection is missing the base assembly) - extra arm allowed 300ft spools to be fitted JEFE BABY - SPAIN 1930s - simple hand turned, up to 30m / 100ft spools JEFE SUPER - SPAIN 1930s - another simple hand turned machine, up to 15m / 60ft spools? JEFE SENIOR - SPAIN 1940s? - hand turned or motor driven, 6volt 20watt lamp, 100m / 300ft spools (also 8mm model) JEFE LUX - SPAIN 1950s? - hand turned or motor driven, brighter 10volt 75watt lamp, 100m / 300ft spools (also 8mm model)
(above details from a Spanish collector - with many photos- now in the article link above!)

KEYSTONE Keystone Manufacturing Company, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

KEYSTONE - USA - general article and illustrations/photos/instructions (16Oct2017)

*SUPREME MODEL 925/2 PROJ. - USA 1930 - Pressed steel, hand-turned, 30/60ft cassettes, barrel shutter, mains lamp

*SUPREME MODEL 948-2 PROJ. - USA 1939 - 400ft spools, barrel shutter, sprockets, hand/motor drive, 3 colour filter wheel, mains lamp

KYNKO Chas Wright Ltd. UK

KYNKO CAMERA/PROJECTOR - GB 1932 -Clockwork drive,f1.9 Dallmeyer lens,bakelite body -Flickers 68

LAPIERRE LaPierre-Cinema, 38 Quai Jemmapes, Paris, FRANCE

LAPIERRE - France - general article and extra photos - 25July2009 / 14Aug2017

*TYPE C PROJECTOR - FR 193? - Mazak castings, hand turned, 30/60 foot cassettes. geneva film movement
*TYPE 3 PROJECTOR - FR 1949? - Pressed steel, wood base, geneva type film movement, hand turned
*TYPE J1 PROJECTOR - FR 1949? - Simplified model, hand drive, 55v .6a 33watt lamp, mains cable is dropper resistance
TYPE RL50 PROJECTOR - FR 1950? - No information yet, just the model!
TYPE RL52-B PROJ. - FR 1953 - Pressed steel mounted on wood base, 400ft spools, geneva movement, motor or hand drive, 33watt lamp, 30mm lens
TYPE RL52-C PROJ. - FR 1955 - Pressed steel, geneva movement, 400ft spools, motor or hand drive
*TYPE L60 PROJ. - FR 1955? - Green pressed steel, geneva movement, motor or hand drive,70watt indirect lighting,36mm lens,interchangeable mechanism for 8mm. (still listed by D.M. Bentley in 1962 at £7.18.6d hand turned model)
*TYPE L70 PROJ. - FR 1958? - Horizontal layout pressed steel, motor drive, 100 watt lamp, 110/230volt
TYPE L100 PROJ. - FR 1959? - Similar to the L70 model, but with interchangeable mechanisms for 8mm and 9.5mm
TYPE A80 PROJ. - FR 196? - Very little information apart from the photo
*CINE BR - TYPE B2 PROJ. - FR 1958? - Bronze pressed steel, single sprocket, indirect lighting, A1/21 B15/s mains 100w lamp
'NEW' CINE BR PROJ. - FR 1960? - Like B2 but wood case, toggle switches, larger lens/speed control knob
CINE BR LUM PROJECTOR - FR 1965 - Upgraded version with transformer fed 12volt 100watt lamp.
CINE BR EXTRA LUM PROJECTOR - FR 1965 - As BR LUM but with fast rewind. Brighter picture?

LIGONIE Ligonie S.A., 16 Avenue Felix-Faure, Paris XV (UK importers - L.G.P. (Cine); Nine-Five Film Services and Ted Smith)

LIGONIE - France - general article and extra information/photos etc. - 27Feb2016

* EUROP 951S PROJECTOR - FR 1968?- 197? - Version of Pathé Europ using up original parts with some new components, 12 volt 100 watt A1/231 lamp, synchronous motor with fixed 16/24 fps speeds, 1000ft spools, f1.5 Som Berthiot lens in 32.5mm mount, optical framing, badged Europ Super. Typical serial nos: 12323; 12351 (think we can assume last two numbers are production quantities!). Safer to fit three core mains lead!

EUROP IM 250S PROJECTOR - FR 1969 - As 951 but 24v 250w QI lamp, mounted on Heurtier mag. stripe sound base
* LIGONIE AUTOREFLEX ZOOM CAMERA - FR - 1967- 197? Auto exp., 50ft Webo mag. loading, electric drive - full review 9.5 Review magazine June 1967.
* LIGONIE SK2001/SK2002 CINE CAMERA - FR - 1976-1984? - Semi-auto exposure; 100ft spool loading, triple "C" mount turret, electric drive, 2 - 64 fps, - actually a Ligonie modified 16mm Beaulieu R16/60EL. Electrics unreliable. Does anyone have English (or even French instructions) please? (My example has serial number space blank!)

MEOPTA Meopta Prerov, a.s. Kobelikova 1, 750 02 Prerov Czech Republic (not marketed in the UK)

ADMIRA LEDVINKA CAMERA - CZ 1934 - Cassar f2.5 lens, 8/16/24/64fps

SCOLAR - CZ 1934 - Projection heads for 8mm/9.5mm/5 x 5 slides; 110volt 250watt lamp, 120m/400ft spools
JUBILAR - CZ 1945-50 - Conventional style projector, 110volt 250watt lamp, 240m/800ft spools

MICKEY MOUSE UK distributor (currently unklnown) (possibly a German Leonard Müller import)

MICKEY MOUSE - Photographs and extra information - 11May2017

MICKEY MOUSE PROJECTOR - MODEL 'A' - Early 1930s - simple 'toy' - takes 30/60 foot cassettes or 15 foot roll of 9.5mm film. Sold for showing short Disney-Mickey Mouse films. Illumination from mains voltage 40 or 60 watt household lamp bulb. *MICKEY MOUSE PROJECTOR - MODEL 'B' - Early 1930s - simple 'toy' - takes 30/60 foot cassettes or 15 foot roll of 9.5mm film. Sold for showing short Disney-Mickey Mouse films. Run from 4.5 volt 'flat' type torch battery. Lovely colour cardboard box has white screen in the side.

MICKSON L. Mousseau 46, rue Paul Bert Angers, FRANCE (not marketed in the UK)

MICKSON 1 PROJECTOR - FR 194?-50 - no details known

MICKSON 2 PROJECTOR - FR 1949-5? - 300metre/1000ft spools, 16/24fps, 750watt lamp, 40mm f1.5 lens, sound or silent versions

MICRO CINE Possibly Paillard, Switzerland ?

* MICRO CINE VIEWER - SWITZ 193? - Black metal box with geneva movement, takes 30ft closed spools - same mechanism as the Presenta!

MIDAS Camera-Projectors Limited, Bush House, London, WC2, UK

*MIDAS CAMERA/PROJECTOR - GB 1933 - Clever but complicated design, electric drive for filming, powers lamp for hand-turned projection, special 30ft magazine, sprockets, f2.5 lens.

SUPER-MIDAS CAMERA/PROJECTOR - GB 1937 - By 1937 the original Midas was being sold off (by 'John Browning - Scientific Instrument Makers' still using the Bush House address) at 35/- - that is £1.75 - and a modified model advertised which had a dropper resistance for mains use and 300ft spools mounted on a base-board with rollers to feed the film in and out of the camera/projector ..... prices were from £4-15sh-0d (£4.75) - see the ACW December 1937 page 339.
(included in my article Group 9.5 magazine No.89 Spring 1997)

MIDGET MOVIE Midget Movie Ltd, Garford Street, London, E14,UK

*MIDGET MOVIE CAMERA/PROJECTOR - GB 1932? - Brown bakelite body with Brittania style emblem, hand-turned, up to 50ft roll - darkroom loaded!, waterhouse stops, wire finder, MES lamp. (My example has serial number 3!) (included in my article Group 9.5 magazine No.89 Spring 1997)

MILLER Miller Cine Co. Ltd., 106 Barton Street, Gloucester, UK

MILLER - GB - ACW review, photos, scans and pre/post war notes 03Aug201530Jun2016

MILLER CAMERA - GB 1934 - Leatherette & chrome finish, vari-speeds, 'P' charger loading, 'C' mount lens - see ACW April & May 1934

*MILLER 'B DE-LUXE' CAMERA - GB 1939 - Neater design, spec. as above, usually Ross 25mm f1.9 lens, typical serial nos. 2043, 2588- review ACW June 1939

MOVIREX France - possibly ex.G.I.C. (see above)

SUPER MOVIREX B60 CAMERA - FR 1961 - Triple lens turret, multifocal viewfinder, 50ft spool loading, vari-speeds, Berthiot lenses, see 1961 Wagram catalogue

NORIS (originally: Ernst Plank KG), after 1932 - Noris Projektion GMBH, Hohfederstrabe 40, D-8500 Nurnberg, WEST GERMANY (UK distributors: Luminos Ltd, 48 Belsize Lane, Hampstead, London N.W.3

NORIS 9.5 - GER - Article with photos and magazine scans 30Aug201703Sep2017

NORIS 9.5 PROJECTOR - GER 1934 - Simple hand-turned in 9.5mm and 16mm versions

NORIS 9.5 KADETT PROJECTOR - GER 1938 - Second model, still hand-turned, up to 200 foot / 60 metre spools, 9.5mm and 16mm versions
*NORIS PICCOLO PROJECTOR - GER 195? - Khaki stove enamel finish, hand turned, 100ft spools maximum, single claw, B15/s 240v 75watt lamp
*NORIS JUNIOR PROJECTOR - GER 1952-57 - Blue/green stove finish, sprockets, framing, motor drive, 240v 100w A1/21 B15/s lamp, not blower cooled, f2.5 50mm lens. - see ACW review November 1953 - dim picture, no height adjustment, but only £19.19shillings with fibre carry case.

PEERLESS S.P. Equipments Ltd., 9 Golden Square, London, W1, UK but also see Triplico - below

* SPECIAL PEERLESS - GB 1937 - 400ft spools, beta movement, motor driven, sprockets, originally 50 watt lamp, later 200 watt, kits for conversion to 16mm and later 8mm. Soon became "Triplico" from a company in Liverpool, later Salford (Manchester) - see Triplico below.

PRESENTA Presenta Ltd., 73-74 Chiswell Street, London EC1, UK

*PRESENTA POCKET CINÉ - GB 1935 - Pocket sized hand turned viewer and projector for 9.5mm film in closed cassettes

PROJECT BIEN Project Bien - well that's what the label says! Obviously made and sold in France

PROJECT BIEN PROJECTOR - FR 1945? - A simple hand-turned projector with sprocket feed and take-up, takes 400ft spools, 110 volt -the plastic switch suggests post-WW2 - perhaps very early 1950s (France changed to 220 volts in the mid 1950s) The name simply means 'Projects well' in English - can anyone help with more info please?

RADEX Radex?, trade mark 'DW', projector & film boxes 'Made in England'

*RADEX TOY PROJECTOR - GB 193? - Tiny, simple pressed steel toy projector. Sold pre-war in Woolworths in 6d parts - film loops only, takes 4.5v 'flat' torch battery.

RAY Construments Ltd., 18 Grays Inn Road, London, UK Dist: Leon Rees & Co. 12 New Union Street, London EC2

9.5MM RAY PROJECTORS - A few extra details with some photos - 08Jul2019 22Dec2019

*RAY TOY PROJECTOR - Model 1 - GB 1933? - Simple hand turned with brass gate, external flywheel, integral lamp holder with condenser lens, 30/60ft cassettes.

*RAY TOY PROJECTOR - Model 2 - GB 1935? - Simple toy as above, but with hinge back lamphouse, chromed gate

SAKURASCOPE PROJECTOR - JAPAN 1932 - Tri-gauge 8/9.5/16mm

SCRENUS No information, but British made

SCRENUS - GB - Article & photos 06Feb2015 13Jan2016

*SCRENUS CAMERA/PROJECTOR - GB 1932 - Small hand turned tin-can! Sold by Gamages for £1.38!

charger loading for filming, 30ft cassettes for projection. Lens has two waterhouse stops - 'film'/'project'.
A label in the lid proclaims "British Patent No. 368444 - Patented throughout the World". Seems the Screnus company failed soon after the camera/projector arrived, so another company bought the parts and continued assembly, minus the 'Screnus' name - mine is one of these. They are pretty rare. Trevor Adams from NZ tells us that the sales line was "From Scene to Screen in one Machine" - pity the copy writer didn't design the thing! (included in my article Group 9.5 magazine No.89 Spring 1997) Small review in ACW October 1935. John Lanser from Australia has found an early example and it is called "Screnus" not "Screenus" !!

SIEMENS Siemens & Halske - Berlin, Germany UK Distributer - Cinepro Limited, 1 New Burlington Street, Regent Street, London, W.1., UK

*SIEMENS 16/9 PROJECTOR - GER 1938 - Beta film transport (no claw), A1/5 50volt 250watt pre-focus lamp, 9.5mm/16mm, 400ft spools, motor driven, stills, reverse

SPECTO Specto Ltd., Farnham Royal, Bucks, UK from 1938: Vale Road, Windsor, UK (founded 1935 by Czech: J. Danek)

SPECTO LTD - GB - Extensive article and photos/scans 29Apr201508Jun2019

*SPECTO 100 DUAL ('D') - GB 1950? - 9.5mm/16mm, 900ft/300m spools, A1/15 50volt250watt pre-focus lamp.
*EDUCATIONAL DUAL (DE) PROJ. - GB 1950? - 9.5/16mm, improved gate, 900foot / 300metre spools, A1/15 50volt 250watt pre-focus lamp
*500 DUAL (XD) - GB 195? - 9.5/16mm, similar to above, but internal resistance feeds A1/7 115volt 500watt pre-focus lamp
SPECTO 500 PROJECTOR - GB 195? - details the same as dual gauge model
SPECTO LEADER 500 - GB 1960 - Special batch made for 9.5mm specialist dealer D.M. Bentley, as 500 model.

STARLETT This is product name produced by French company MDC distributed by Orbi-Film & Orbi-Export

STARLETT CAMERA - FRANCE - 1950-5? - 100ft spools, variable speeds, single frame

SUPER- NINEFIVE D.D.S. (Direct Discount Supplies), High Street, Much Wenlock, Salop, TF13 6AD

SUPER-NINEFIVE - GB - article with scans/ photos etc. 06Oct2015

*SUPER-NINEFIVE PROJECTOR - 1979/1980 - 400ft spools (1000ft attachment), f1.4 20-32mm zoom lens, power rewind, A1/17 8volt 50watt lamp, fixed speed 18fps (private UK conversions of the Super 8mm "Plus-O-Matic 202" projector from Raynox of Japan) - typical serial number 504297.

TRIPLICO Originally "Special Peerless", from Sales Producers S.P. Equipments Ltd. 9 Golden Square, London, W1, UK later "Triplico" from Direct Trading, Church Street, Liverpool, UK and from 1953 - D.T.O. (Direct Trading Organiasation) Limited, Victoria House, Southport, Lancashire.

*TRIPLICO JUNIOR PROJECTOR - GB 1937-48 - 400foot/120metre spools, sprockets, motor drive, power rewind, beta movement, 25volt 50watt B15/s ASCC lamp

*TRIPLICO SENIOR TRI-GAUGE PROJECTOR - GB 1937-48 - Similar design to 'Junior', 110volt 200watt B15/s ASCC resistance fed lamp
TRIPLICO 'ECONOMICAL' - GB 1953 - Cross between Junior / Senior, 25v 50watt B15/s ASCC lamp, upgradable to 200 watt lamp, convertable to 16mm

VEDETTE I.S.C.A. / Isuar Cinema, Barcelona, Spain

VEDETTE 333 PROJECTOR - Spain 1950s - Sprockets, motor drive, 400ft spool capacity (currently no further details - can you help?)


Return to: NINE-FIVE MENU ................or return to MAIN MENU

Created Oct2000 ...... Last updated: 21 November 2024 ...... 95gear.htm ....... © Grahame .L. Newnham Collection, USC HMH Foundation Moving Image Archive MM to MMXXIV
19August 2004 - Bingoscope projectors added with photos, plus cross reference to Astor/Delta/Homray
24January 2006 - Screenus updated, photo added
04December2007-EKS added. 02Feb2008 Siemens added; 11Feb2009 Fex added.
23July2009 - Extra LaPierre models C/L100/A80 and full article added
01Oct2009 - Movirex B60 camera added; 19May2010 - Jefa projector added; thanks Norman (Australia)
May2010 Peerless ref./photo added - thanks Martyn Stevens!
Nov2010 Super-Midas added. 13Feb2012 Reinette & Camex GS photos added, minor text updates
Mar2012 Ditmar article and extra camera info added.
July2012 Astor Cineviser added - thanks Andrew Stacy & his dad!
Aug2012 Astor 22 added - thanks Jennie Beadle! Astor 33 added and a few safety notes.
Oct2012 Coronet model C camera added - thanks to Douglas Macintosh (IOM)
Dec2012 - More Cine-Nizo detail and photo added - Project Bien projector & photo added
March2013 - Extra Jefe Spanish made projector details added - thanks so much Lluis from Barcelona!
28March2013 - extra info for Cine-Nizo model F camera added
29April2013 - Coronet projector photo added
08June2013 Coronet camera A & model 2 projector photos and Coronet article added
03Juily2013 Some lamp types added / 15Aug2013 Cinegel 205 picture added
21Aug2013 Ligonie SK2001 & CineNizo model C photos added
03Nov2013 Cinegel HL zoom photo added 08Jul2014 Extra Lapierre models added
02Aug2014 - Miller B camera photo improved, Miller, Eumig, Coronet, Dekko camera typical serial numbers added
08Oct2014 - Cine-Nizo H projector/photo added / 17Oct2014 GIC camera photo/extra detail; Eumig P25 review
01Dec2014 - Ercsam entries updated & Minor photo added / 31Dec2014 - Cine-Technique page added
13Jan2015 - Eumig page added / 19Jan2015 - Auto-Camex info added & Eumig data improved. / 26Jan2015 Elmo page added
30Jan2015 - extra Peerless data & advert added / 02Feb2015 - Heurtier page added / 06Feb2015 Screenus page added
29Apr2015 - extensive Specto article/photos added / 22Jun2015 - Jefe article & pictures added / 03Aug2015 Miller notes added
02Oct2015 - Super-Ninefive added / 16Oct2015 - Query corner added / 21Oct2015 - Campro article added, updated 25Oct2015
09Nov2015 - Bolex G talkie date corrected / 23Jan2016 Bolex article added / 18Feb2016 - Ligonie Autoreflex photo & text updated
15Mar2016 - Ciné-Gel article/pictures page added / 20Apr2016 - Vedette projector added / 08Dec2016 - Cumo projector added
06May2017 - Givjoy article/photos added / 11May2017 - Mickey Mouse article/photos added
27&30Aug2017 - Cine Nizo & Noris articles added / 03Sep2017 - Noris Kadett projector added
16Oct2017 - Keystone article/photos added / 02June2019 - Dekko article & photos added
11Jun2019 - Argus article/illustrations added / 20Jun2019 - Illustra aded / 04Oct2019 - Triplico 'Economical' added
07Oct2019 - BMC projector added / 25Feb2020 - Specto logo added
21Nov2024 - Ercsam M.30 projector added