Cappelletti or Multi Landy? (original) (raw)

| | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | Cappelletti or Multi Landy defense to 1NT? | | | | | | | | The only difference between Cappelletti and Multi Landy defences to 1NT is that the meaning of the 2♣/♦ bids is reversed. | | | | | | | | Cappelletti Multi Landy 2♣ = single suited hand 2♣ = both majors (could be 5-4) 2♦ = both majors (could be 5-4) 2♦ = single suited hand | | | | | | | | In Cappelletti 2♣ shows a single suited hand and the overcaller can show a single suited ♦ hand by bidding 2♣ and passing partner's 2♦ relay. Playing Multi Landy a single suited ♦ hand cannot be shown at the two level. Note that a single suited ♣ hand cannot be shown at the two level when playing either convention. | | | | In Cappelletti the 2♦ bid shows both majors and advanced is totally fixed if he is equal length as he simply has to guess. Playing Multi Landy 2♣ shows both majors and advancer bids 2♦ when equal length so the best major suit fit is always found. This really is a HUGE advantage. | | | | | | | | Now not being able to overcall a natural 2♣ (playing either convention) or 2♦ (when playing Multi Landy) may seem a big disadvantage, but is it? If you have a single suited ♦ hand then you can bid that with 2♣ playing Cappelletti and stop in 2 ♦ if the opponents let you. But with both systems you cannot compete with ♣'s below the 3♣ level. | | | | But I think that there's no problem whatsoever, 2♣ and 2♦ bids have little pre-emptive value. Consider the next two hands, RHO has opened a strong NT. Suppose it's equal vulnerability � what do you do? | | | | | | | | Hand A Hand B With Hand A I would like to defend rather than bidding ♣'s effectively at the three level. ♠ 982 ♠ 9 ♥ Q43 ♥ Q43 With Hand B I would not bid 2♣/♦ (single suited hand) � I don't really see the point when the suit is a minor. I would simply bid 3♣ and make it more difficult for the opposition. ♦ A4 ♦ Q4 ♣ AK963 ♣ QJ108742 | | | | | | | | So there we are, we don't need the Cappelletti 2♣ bid when our suit is ♦'s and Cappelletti has no advantage over Multi-Landy whatsoever. Multi-Landy has the huge advantage of advancer being able to show equal length in the majors. | | | | | | | | | | | | Pattaya Bridge Club - | | | | | |