The Whole Child - For Early Care Providers (original) (raw)

abc's of child development
For parents
for early care providers

Children thrive in a well-ordered and predictable environment, where daily routines such as arrivals and departures, mealtimes, nap times and toileting are dealt with consistently by all caregivers. Daily routines provide opportunities for children to learn more about themselves, the world and other people. Daily routines also offer children a sense of stability, and a feeling of warmth and caring from their teachers. The challenge is to develop appropriate daily routines for children which offer them a sense of consistency and security, yet remain flexible and responsive to the individual needs of each child.

Daily Schedule
In order to establish daily routines, most preschool classrooms follow a basic daily schedule. Among other things, a schedule can help to ensure the consistency that young children need and also help teachers encourage all areas of development by planning a wide range of activities. It's helpful to think of a daily schedule as a guide which is responsive to children and teachers. Flexible schedules let us capitalize on those moments that arise when children discover something that interests them. They allow us to extend a play period so the children gain maximum satisfaction from what they're doing. In creating schedules, it is also important to provide a healthy balance for children, between group times and more solitary moments, quiet and noisy activities, indoor and outdoor play.

Transition times are important because they can make the day seem smooth and well-organized, or rushed and unpleasant. Allowing enough time so children make the transition gradually is the best way to avoid stressful situations.
In addition to allowing a realistic amount of time for transitions to take place, it always helps to warn once in advance before a change in activities. This gives the children a chance to finish what they are doing and their cooperation is more likely. It might also help move the process along if we comment favorably about the next activity and avoid situations where all the children are expected to do the same thing at the same time.

Separation Anxiety
(see Babies Are Children, Too)

The way we handle daily routines is especially important for babies. Through such tasks as feeding and diapering, we communicate to the child that they can trust us, and that we can be relied on to nourish and provide for them. This special bond of trust is called "attachment." Child psychologists assert that the trust and attachments that develop within the first two years of life can determine the emotional future of the child.
Here are some tips that help children develop this bond of attachment:

The Process of Toileting
Going to the toilet is a necessary social skill that most children develop sometime around their second year. The process of toilet learning takes time, understanding and patience. The most important rule is not to rush children into using the toilet. As in all aspects of child care, communication with families is essential. The first step in the toilet learning process is talking with families about their ideas and beliefs. The more we can work in cooperation with families, the smoother toilet learning will be for the child.
There is no set age at which toilet learning should begin. The right time depends on each child's physical and emotional readiness. A child is ready to learn to use the toilet when he remains dry for at least 2 hours at a time or is dry after nap; he indicates beforehand that a bowel movement or urination is about to occur; he seems uncomfortable in a wet or soiled diaper; he asks to wear underwear.
Here are some further ideas for encouraging healthy, respectful toilet learning in toddlers:

From the Food and Nutrition Information Center, The Interactive Food Guide Pyramid

From Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers & Families, Young Explorers

From the National Network for Child Care, Appropriate Limits for Young Children,: A Guide for Discipline, Part One nncc/Guidance/limits1.html

From the Ohio State University Extension Factsheet, Families Meeting the Challenge: Make Lemons into Lemonade: Use Positives for Disciplining Children

From the ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education, How Can We Strengthen Children's Self-Esteem? strengthen_children_self.html

From the National Network for Child Care, Self-Esteem and Children

From the Food and Nutrition Information Center, The Interactive Food Guide Pyramid

From Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers & Families, Young Explorers

From Healthfinder, Healthfinder for Children