MSU-LGCLL:: Papers submitted to QUALICO-94 (original) (raw)
Andreyev S. and Vislinskaya E. Establishment of Differential Characteristics of Inductive Classes by Means of Discriminant Analysis (on the Material of Poetic Works by English Romanticists)
Agranat T.B. The Develop,ent of Analytism in the Hungarian Declension
Alexeyenko L., Gryaznuchina. The Computer Version of the "Part-of-Speech" Concept
Anoshkina J.G. Morphological Processor for the Russian Language
Arold, Anne. Vergleich von verschiedenen Methoden der Clusteranalyse in Linguistishen Forschungen (Cluster-analyse in der Linguistik)
(Baskevich V.M. Statistical Analysis of Lexical Units in Texts of Different Functional Styles)
Beliaeva L.N. Theoretical Principles of Linguistic Database Design in Natural Language Processing
Benko V. and Kostolansky E. Some Quantitative Data on the Machine-Readable Version of KSSJ
Boroda, Moisey G. Towards the Principles of Segmantation of a Coherent Text
Van den Bosch, Antal; Content, Alain; Daelemans, Walter and De Gelder, Beatrice Analysing Orthographic Depth of Different Languages Using Data-Oriented Algorithms.
Breiter M.A. Length of a Chinese Word in Relation to its other Systemic Features
Budzhak, Svitlana. Variable Rule Analysis of "v/u" Alternation Coustrains in Canadian Ukrainian
Cherneyko L.O. and Dolinsky V.A. "Sud'ba" and "rok". Semantics of Noun as an Object of Conceptual and Quantitative Analysis.
Chizhova L.A. and Shibaeva M.V. Multicomponent Names of International Organizations as Terminological Units
Choudry, Amitav. Models of Bilingual Measurement and their Adaptability in the Indian Context
Darchuk N. The Research of Computer Paradigmatics of the Verb.
Devos, Filip; Van Gyseghem, Nanca; Vanderberghe, Ria and De Caluwe, Rita Modelling Vague Lexical Time Expressions by Means of Fuzzy Set Theory
Dolinsky V.A. Moscow Students' Word Associations
Dolinsky V.A. and Rudakov S. Associative Thesaurus of Syndromes
Domeij, Richard; Hollman, Joachim and Kann, Vigo. Detection of Spelling Errors in Swedish not Usinga Word Listen Clair
Ermolenko G.V. The Problem of Measuring Linguostatistic Pecularities of Author's Speech in Fiction Texts
Enguchart, Chantal and Malvashe, Pierre. Automatic Natural Acquisition of a Terminology
Godbert, Elisabeth and Pasero, Robert. A Logical Representation for the Conceptual Coherence of a Sentence
Gryaznuchina T.A. and Alexeyenko L. Computer Model of the Suffix Zone in Ukranian
Hrebicek, Ludek. The Stairway of Subsustems
Hue, Jean-Fracois. Lexical Constraint Grammars
Hsin-Hsi, Chen and Yue-Shi Lee. Approximate N-Gram Markov Model for Natural Language Generation
Kapitan M.E. From Latin To Modern Romance Languages: Testing Regularities for Words System Features Evolution
Karapetjanc A.M. Affinity of Phonetical and Graphic Representations of the Basic Units of Chinese
(Karimova G.O. An Attempt of Quantitative-Systemic Study of Hyperlexemic Dictionary)
Karpilovs'ka E.A. Correlation Between Mono- and Multy-Dimensional Units Whithin Suffixal Inventory of Modern Ukrainian Language (To the problem of determination of order parameters in language system)
Kazakevich O.A. Minor Languages of Russian on Computer
Klymenko N.F. About Equilibrium in the Morphemic Subsystem of Language
Kolodyazhnaya L.I. The Calculation of Quantitative Characteristics of Philological Dictionaries in UNILEX-D System
Kolodyazhnaya L.I. and Polikarpov A.A. Study of Quantitative Correlations between Stylistics, Grammar and Polysemy of Words (On the Basis of Ozhegov Dictionary)
Kichi, Ejiri Word Frequency Distribution in Japanese Text
(Kretov A.A., Voronina I.E. Linguistic Substantiation of Programme Word Synthesis (Using Data from Russian)
Krylov Y.K. Hurst's Law as a Universal Law of Quantitative Linguistics of a Coherent Tetx
Krytskaya V. Lemmatizator as the Recognizing Word Model
Kuang-Hua, Chen and Hsin-Hsi, Chen. Coprpus-Based Analyses of Adjectives: Automatic Clustering
(Kukushkina O.V. Use of Specialised Dictionary Database for Russian Language Morphology Investigation)
Kuzmin L.A. Correlations Between Semantic, Derivational and Chronological Characteristics of English Adjectives
Ljalkova I. Systematic Characteristics of English Synonyms
Maslov M.U. and Garjaev P.P. Fractal Presentation of Natural Language Texts and Genetic Code
Moscalenko T.A. Quantitative Analysis of Different Levels Lexical Units Distribution in Legislative Texts: Word forms, Lexemes, Hyperlexemes]
Orlov Y.K. The Dynamics of Frequency Structure (Graphic Computer Pattern)
Orlova L. The Inflection of Nouns in the PC Aspect
(Piotrovsky R.G. In Search of Synergetic Mechanisms of Language)
(Pokrovskaya E.A. Database on Russian Synonyms and its Quantitative-Systemic Investigation)
Polikarpov A.A. Evolutionary Aspects of a Language as a Natural Classification System
Rajnova, Dobrina Statistic Simulation of Text with Reference to Dynamics of its Units
Rykov V. Menzerath Law for printed speech
Saukonnen, Pauli Problems in Measuring and Interpreting Linguistic Variation
Savchuk S.O. Stylistic Typology of Texts on the Basic of Quantitative Analysis of Particular Sources of its Content.
Shaikevich A.Y. Lexicostatistical Analysis of Literary Characters (Problems and Approaches)
Shelov S.D. Systematic Arrangement of Terms in the Dictionary: Quantitative Approach to Linearization.
Silnitsky G.G. Synaergetic Generative Grammar
Silnitskaya G. On the Problem of "Syntactic Bifurcation"(Polysemy of the English Infinitive)
Soldatenkova M., Sergutina S. Inter-Level Correlations of Etymological Types of English Verbs
Stepanov A.V. Automatic Typological Analysis of Semitic Morphology
Sun Da Jiang and Tsutsumi, Junya; Tomoaku, Hitta; Kotaro, Ono; Shino, Nobesawa; Nakanishi, Masakazu An Intelligent Chinese Input System Using Statistical Information between Words
Sutcliffe, Richard F.E. and Bronwyn, Slater Disambiguation by Association: Two Algorithms and their Assessment
Sutcliffe, Richard F.E.; O'Sullivan, Donnie; McElligot, Annette Creating a Large Semantic Lexicon for Nouns
Tsutsumi, Junya and Nitta, Tomoaki; Ono, Kotaro; Nobesawa, Shiho; Nakanishi, Masakazu. Multi-Lingual Machine Translation Based on Statistical Information
Tuldava, Juhan. Information Measures of Causality
(Voronina I.E., Kretov A.A., Suvorov A. An Attempt of Automatic Study of Russian Sullabo-Tonic Versification)
Zlatoustova L.V. Typological and Stylistic Characteristics of the Phonetic Word with Examples from some Indo-European Language
(Zubov A.V. Probabilistic-Algorithmic Model of Creating of Russian Verse-Text)