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������ �2.3 / 09.02.2025

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* * *

On this site you will find the manufacturing history of the photographic cameras and equipment in czarist Russia, since the appearance of the first cameras in 1840s to 1917, as well as developmental stages of the Soviet photographic industry down to the disintegration of the USSR in 1991. This site does not consider theoretical and art aspects of photography and the development of the Soviet photo-journalism, etc. It is a concise chronology of events and appearance of various models on the market, as well as their characteristics and feature sets.

Here are collected exhibits of the cameras (including variations) and attachments for the photography, that were ever released in USSR, as well as most of the cameras designed before October revolution of 1917, with information based on the materials that are available to me at this time. There is a page with technical information as well as an illustration for each unit. Besides, an "additional materials" section is provided along with the text and illustrations, helping with cultural understanding of the epoch and the feeling of the environment in developing photographic industry of Russia for past 200 years.
(Unfortunately, at this time the information is available only in Russian. There are plans in the future to translate the text to English. Please see the site navigation tree left.)
Faithfully yours, George Abramov.

* * *

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