famous BaGua (PaKua) texts translated by Joseph Crandall (original) (raw)

Classic BAGUA Texts translated by Joseph Crandall Joseph Crandall, translator, is a Ba Gua practitioner who has taken onto himself the heroic task of translating and making available many key works of WuShu. NOTE: Some of these are translations, bound workbook style, of Chinese texts, mostly illustrated with line drawings. As Crandall writes in his introduction; "I have been waiting for someone more qualified to come along and do a better job at these translations than I do. I know that there are many out there who could do it." What Crandall doesn't mention is the dedication and knowledge he has brought to the worthy fundamental project. For more translations by Joseph Crandall click: XingYi Texts and Shaolin/Mantis/Mizong Texts NOTE: If you notice a lapse in the number sequence this may be due to Mr. Crandall coming out with a later edition of the same book and a new number.
**Tai Chi**NEW ! KCB019 Bagua San Shou Zhang $25.00, 138 pages This is a translation of a text by Zhang Yao Zhong. Mr. Zhang was a student of the famous teacher Wang Pei Sheng. He studied a number of Wu Dang styles of Kung Fu from him. He is also the author of more than eight books on the arts as well as an advisor to many organizations. This book starts with an intriguing, though complex, section on the relation of the Bagua philosophy to the human body and specifically this art. Next comes a detailed instuction of the 64 lines of Liu De Kuan, the famous student of Dong Hai Chuan and Yang Lu Chan, among others. This major section is followed by an explanation of Bagua standing practice particularly related to the eight trigrams from which the style derives its name. Finally there is a chapter showing a short linking series developed by Wang himself and based on the five elements and their relation to the style. Throw in a few legends and stories mixed with the instructional text and a thorough section linking form and philosophy.
**Tai Chi**KCB018 Orthodox Baguazhang by Lin Sui $36.00 237 pages
**Tai Chi**KCB017 Bagua Seven Star Staff $25.00, 95 pages This books records three routines from Guo Gu Min and two from Liu Xing Han. Guo's were published in 1998. This special weapon of Bagua is generally made from "bitter bamboo" and filled with mercury to create an effect like a blackjack. This text shows lines of staff movement most of which is relatively easy to learn. The latter section of drawings is particularly clear.
**Tai Chi**KCB016 Long Xing Baguazhang by Huang Bo Nian $20.00, softbound, 50 pages This was a famous book which came out in the thirties. It shows the postures of "Dragon" Bagua by a student of Li Cun Yi's: Huang Bo Nian. The photographs are very dated and difficult to see clearly as to exact details of movement but Huang's Bagua postures is evident. There are applications notes and some partner photos as well as a number of interesting introductions by different scholars including Jiang Rong Jiao. Though even Crandall himself says that the actual content of the book is disappointing it is, nonetheless, one of the first books on Bagua ever to be published and an important addition to a good Bagua library. Some intersting essays on fighting and practing, and general concepts in Bagua.
Bagua Straight SwordKCB015 BaGua Zhuan Jian (BaGua Turning Sword) by Liu Xing Han & Huang Xin Translated and compiled by Joseph Crandall $25.00, softbound, 84 pages, This is a combination of two versions of the same Ba Gua sword set. The first is very close to a version Joseph Crandall learned from Zhang Jie one of Liu Xing Han's students. The second, by Huang Xin, a grand-student of Liu Xing Han,is from a series of articles in Wu Hun magazine. Each set runs, of course, to 64 moves. In this case, though the reproduction on the photographs is not great, there is more breakdown in the photographic second section of the text than in the illustrated first section. The names of the moves are correlated so the illos and photos aid one another .
Bagua Chopping SaberKCB014 Yin Yu Zhang's BaGua Zhang by Yin Yu Zhang Translated by Joseph Crandall $20.00, softbound, 69 pages, This is a translation of Yin Yuzhang's two books, Ba Gua Zhang Jian Lun (A Simple Book on Ba Gua Zhang) and Kan Dao Shu Lian Xi Fa (Practice Method of the Chopping Saber Art). Both of these books were published by the Qingdao Martial Arts School in the 1930's. Yin Yu Zhang is the son of the famous Bagua master Yin Fu. Photos are of Yin himself. INCLUDES: Descriptions of 8 palms from the Yin Fu system; Kan Dao Shu Lianxi Fa contains descriptions of two routines for practicing the two hand saber; (this type of saber saw widespread use by the Chinese soldiers in World War II).
Sun style Bagua KCB013 (formerly #6) Sun Style BaGua Zhang including BaGua Sword by Sun Lu Tang Translated by Joseph Crandall $30.00, softbound, 107 pages, As Mr. Crandall notes in his introduction, Sun LuTang - though very famous- left only difficult writings on martial arts. This book was the first made available to the public on the art of BaGua. Mr. Crandall admits to having made some running starts : now he has finally come out with a translation which he feels can give the non-Chinese reader a "taste" of one of the most famous of BaGua stylists. Also included is Sun's "BaGua Straight Sword". This is an essential text for the collector as well as the practitioner. Though Sun is probably less revered in Asia than we are often led to believe, his work is nonetheless seminal. This book is one of the keystones of that work. INCLUDES: Sun's sword section includes: Ten Forms of Usage of Bagua's Sword; Essential Text about Bagua Sword; 8-Character Sword Practice; and complete 8 part sword form.
WuDang Bagua Elk Horn knivesKCB012 WuDang BaGua LianHuan Yue (Elk Horn Knives) by Huang Xin Translated by Joseph Crandall $20.00, softbound, 69 pages, This is a straight translation of a fairly involved Elk Horn knife set from the WuDang school of BaGua. 64 postures with multiple illustrated figures of the movements. Definitely for those who have that ability to learn formal movements through the written word. Overall the instruction is clear and fairly detailed. This can be done with a little hard work. INCLUDES: We have here a 64 movement form that also represents the animals: lion, snake, bear, dragon, phoenix, chicken, unicorn, monkey. Though not originally or exclusively a BaGua weapon it nonetheless shows a perfect correspondence to the art itself. More about the elk horns?
Yin Yang Bagua Pan KCB011 Yin Yang Ba Pan BaGua by Ren Zhi Cheng. Translated & edited by Joseph Crandall $20.00, softbound, 53 pages, It has been put to rest, according to our belief, that Dong Hai Chuan was indeed the inventor of Ba Gua Zhang. Kang Ge Wu's work on this is phenomenal and extensive. However, if there is a contestant in the running for an alternative theory this style would be it. Developed in the area of Dong's birthplace this branch of "Eight Levels" or "Eight Circles" is shown with old, but very neat photos. A truly twisty system where the main difference from what we know of as BaGua lies in "mud stepping"not being emphasized. A classic book with some great postures. If you want to see a little better version as far as the photos - not to mention an reprint of the original Chinese - see our Lion Books section. Eight palms, fighting applications, weapons and special training. Also incorporates short hacking saber set.
Fu style Draqon Bagua KCB010 Fu Style Dragon Shaped BaGua (Fu Shi) LONG XING BAGUAZHANG by Fu Yong Hui & Lai Zhong Hong Translated by Joseph Crandall $25.00, softbound, 76 pages, Fu ZhenSong (1881), the creator of Fu style BaGua, was a formidable and admired martial artist.Friend of Yang Chen Fu, Sun Lu Tang and others. He was a popular and influential teacher at some of the key points in the "modernization" of martial arts starting long before the Republic. Fu style itself is a respected member of the BaGua family with tight turns and sure footwork. Written by Fu YongHui who studied not only under his father but explored BaJi with Li Shu-Wen and BaGua with Sun Lu Tang and who, in turn, taught Bao Chan Mai (Bow Sim Mark): this is a nice introduction with pictures and well as illustrations. Fu Yong Hui himself poses for the photos. INCLUDES: Warm ups; 8 Changing Palms; 64 Dragon Form BaGua: a higher level Ba Gua Push Hands, with some prearranged movements; also supplementary training.
Yin style Linked Bagua KCB009 Yin Shih LianHuan Zhang (Yin Style Eight Trigrams Continuous Palms) by Zhu BaoZhen Translated by Joseph Crandall $28.00, softbound, 127 pages, According to translator Joseph Crandall this is an even better introduction to Yin style of Ba Gua than his earlier, larger book by Zhang Lie. As always, Mr. Crandall's translation is clear and easy to understand, his books executed with detailed concern about the material and useful additions to a Ba Gua practitioners library. Having translated some of this material ourselves we can attest to the essential accuracy and tremendous savings in time and effort to have this useful body of work done with concerted effort. INCLUDES: A very interesting approach. This book is composed of 32 "transitions" on the circle, very short direction changes. It then goes on with corresponding applications for self-defense. Also has a section on 12 Linked Leg Moves and 8 Standing postures. Admittedly some of the applications are hard to catch but it does serve as a basis for the understanding of Ba Gua's flavor.This compilation stems from a series of articles published in ZhongGuo WuShu ZaZhi (Chinese Martial Arts Magazine).
Yin style Linked Bagua KCB008 Swimming Body Linked BaGua (YU SHEN LIANHUAN BAGUAZHANG) by Wen Zhong Shi Translated by Joseph Crandall $30.00, softbound,120 pages, A very interesting system of Ba Gua attributed originally to Gao Yi-Sheng. It incorportates both Pre-natal (the first 8 trigrams) and Post-Natal (64 changes) movements. It originates from Cang country in China, one of the most famous areas in all of China for martial practice. Each of the 64 Post-Natal forms is accompanied by a short, clear self-defense explanation. INCLUDES: A section on Prenatal Bagua; then Postnatal 64 Palms (this part concentrates more on the fighting technique); Bagua San Shou (more free hand applications to fighting).
Genuine Bagua TransmissionKCB007 Genuine Ba Gua Transmission by Sun Xi Kun Second edition Translated by Joseph Crandall $25.00 softbound, 50 pages, A great old Ba Gua text with wonderful funky photographs. Truly a classic of early Ba Gua literature. A very famous BaGua text and one of the earliest. INCLUDES: Notes on lineage and history; martial arts priniciples; move breakdown with pictures of Sun himself; sections on weapons of BaGua such as the Elk Horns, Spring Autumn Knife, straight sword; and spear. Click to see Table of Contents.
Yin style Bagua KCB005 Yin Style Baguazhang by Zhang Lie Translated by Joseph Crandall was $50.00 perfect bound Plum price now only 35.00 , 250 pages, An extensive explanation of one of the longest and most involved Ba Gua Palm sets. Originally said to be derived from Yin Fu's method through "Cao" style, this is a long and quite thorough set incorporating, to our eyes, elements of LuoHan (Shaolin) Boxing and an unusual amount of kicking resembling the even more rare Jiao Men style. Interesting notes by writer Zhang Lie on applications relating to the separate circles. INCLUDES: Writings about Yin style theory and principles with some correlations on the I Ching, posture and movement; pixtures and explanations on the key Yin form with 64 ( 8 sets of 8 one for each animal) Palm actions!; four subsets each of upper body and lower body movement; a 9 section tendon stretching walking form.
Wu Dang Bagua KCB004 WuDang BaGua Fei YinTao & Fei YuLiang Translated by Joseph Crandall $25.00, softbound, 85 pages, Wu Dang is a famous area for Taoist practitioners in China. A mountainous region with many temples it has developed a very distinct blend of martial arts with many systems. WuDang movements are often done with very fluid, soft and graceful movements. BaGua is particularly popular there with its obvious relations to the I Ching (Book of Changes) and Taoism. Here is one of the only instructional texts in English on this expressive version of the 8 Trigrams Palm. INCLUDES: Sections on studying on your own; teaching BaGua; posture; basics; the entire form breared by Fei Yin Tao.
Bagua SaberKCB003 BaGua Saber by Guo Zhen Ya Translated by Joseph Crandall $18.00, 40 pages, A clear and well illustrated explanation of the BaGua broadsword. Step by step instruction highlighted with very clear figures; not to mention a neat set. INCLUDES: A detailed explanation of this set, one of the few in English. (By the way one can always use a "normal" sized broadsword to practice. Many people are unaware of the fact that the large sized broadsword is not because it's BaGua but because ALL practitioners of that area near BeiJing employ oversized sabers for forms. More about BaGua Saber?
Cheng style Bagua KCB002 Cheng Family BaGua Palms by Ma You Qing & Liu Jing-Ru Translated by Joseph Crandall $25.00, 88 pages, According to translator Joseph Crandall this book, while showing a simple approach, also gives some insights into theory. Cheng style is the other major branch, along with Yin Style, of BaGua studies and this book should be a welcome addition to any enthusiast's library. Having translated some of this material ourselves we can attest to the essential accuracy and tremendous savings in time and effort to have this useful body of work done with concerted effort. INCLUDES: Cheng style's 'Eight Big Palm Changes"; the 8 mother palms Chi Kung walking; a 24 movement duet form; text on Cheng style key points; practicing with a post; info on internal practice; BaGua masters biographies, more text on principles and BaGua "songs."
Jiang style Bagua KCB001 BaGua LianXi Fa by Jiang Rong Qiao Translated by Joseph Crandall $25.00 , 97 pages, This is one of the best introductory BaGua Eight Changing Palms available. A standard for much BaGua instruction in China, the so called "New" BaGua palms are clear, simple and yet disctinctly BaGua. Shihfu Mancuso, Professor Kang GeWu and many others teach this series as a foundational form. Beautifully illustrated by famous martial "artist" Zhou Yuan-Long. INCLUDES: Posture, general principles, the eight palm shapes, the entire 8 changing palms of the "new" or "original" style, and comments. More about the Jiang Style BaGua ? Our DVD on this style...
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