Intelligent Design Creationism & Its Critics Philosophical Theological & Scientific Perspectives: Robert T Pennock: Trade Paperback: 9780262661249: Powell's Books (original) (raw)

Synopses & Reviews

The last decade saw the arrival of a new player in the creation/evolution debate — the intelligent design creationism (IDC) movement, whose strategy is to act as "the wedge" to overturn Darwinism and scientific naturalism. This anthology of writings by prominent creationists and their critics focuses on what is novel about the new movement. It serves as a companion to Robert Pennock’s Tower of Babel, in which he criticizes the wedge movement, as well as other new varieties of creationism.

The book contains articles previously published in specialized, hard-to-find journals, as well as new contributions. Each section contains introductory background information, articles by influential creationists and their critics, and in some cases responses by the creationists. The discussions cover IDC as a political movement, IDC’s philosophical attack on evolution, the theological debate over the apparent conflict between evolution and the Bible, IDC’s scientific claims, and philosopher Alvin Plantinga’s critique of naturalism and evolution. The book concludes with Pennock’s "Why Creationism Should Not Be Taught in the Public Schools."


"This book is a terrific one-volume summary of the scientific, philosophical and theological issues." Scientific American The MIT Press


An anthology of writings by proponents and critics of intelligent design creationism.


The last decade saw the arrival of a new player in the creation/evolution debate--the intelligent design creationism (IDC) movement, whose strategy is to act as the wedge to overturn Darwinism and scientific naturalism. This anthology of writings by prominent creationists and their critics focuses on what is novel about the new movement. It serves as a companion to Robert Pennock's

About the Author

Cornelia Vismann is a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studyat the Wissenschaftskolleg of Berlin and an Assistant Professor atthe Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurtam Main. In addition to research in rhetoric and media theory inrelation to law, she has practiced in the area of labor law. Her publicationsinclude "Jurisprudence: A Transfer-Science", in Lawand Critique (1999), Akten: Medientechnik und Recht [Files:Media-Technique and Law] (2000), and, with Friedrich Kittler,Vom Griechenland [On Greece] (2001).

Table of Contents

I Intelligent Design Creationism's "Wedge Strategy" 1
1 The Wedge at Work: How Intelligent Design Creationism Is Wedging Its Way into the Cultural and Academic Mainstream 5
II Johnson's Critique of Evolutionary Naturalism 55
2 Evolution as Dogma: The Establishment of Naturalism 59
3 Naturalism, Evidence, and Creationism: The Case of Phillip Johnson 77
4 Response to Pennock 99
5 Reply: Johnson's Reason in the Balance 103
III A Theological Conflict? Evolution vs. the Bible 109
6 When Faith and Reason Clash: Evolution and the Bible 113
7 When Faith and Reason Cooperate 147
8 Plantinga's Defense of Special Creation 165
9 Evolution, Neutrality, and Antecedent Probability: A Reply to McMullin and Van Till 197
IV Intelligent Design's Scientific Claims 237
10 Molecular Machines: Experimental Support for the Design Inference 241
11 Born-Again Creationism 257
12 Biology Remystified: The Scientific Claims of the New Creationists 289
V Plantinga's Critique of Naturalism and Evolution 335
13 Methodological Naturalism? 339
14 Methodological Naturalism under Attack 363
15 Plantinga's Case against Naturalistic Epistemology 387
16 Plantinga's Probability Arguments against Evolutionary Naturalism 411
VI Intelligent Design Creationism vs. Theistic Evolutionism 429
17 Creator or Blind Watchmaker? 435
18 Phillip Johnson on Trial: A Critique of His Critique of Darwin 451
19 Welcoming the "Disguised Friend" - Darwinism and Divinity 471
20 The Creation: Intelligently Designed or Optimally Equipped? 487
21 Is Theism Compatible with Evolution? 513
VII Intelligent Design and Information 537
22 Is Genetic Information Irreducible? 543
23 Reply to Phillip Johnson 549
24 Reply to Johnson 551
25 Intelligent Design as a Theory of Information 553
26 Information and the Argument from Design 575
27 How Not to Detect Design - Critical Notice: William A. Dembski, The Design Inference 597
28 The "Information Challenge" 617
VIII Intelligent Design Theorists Turn the Tables 633
29 Who's Got the Magic? 639
30 The Wizards of ID: Reply to Dembski 645
31 The Panda's Thumb 669
32 The Role of Theology in Current Evolutionary Reasoning 677
33 Appealing to Ignorance Behind the Cloak of Ambiguity 705
34 Nonoverlapping Magisteria 737
IX Creationism and Education 751
35 Why Creationism Should Not Be Taught in the Public Schools 755
36 Creation and Evolution: A Modest Proposal 779
37 Reply to Plantinga's "Modest Proposal" 793
Index 799