The Flowers Of Romance (original) (raw)

One of the semi legendary early bands of the punk era along with the London SS, Masters Of The Backsides and Subterraneans. The Flowers of Romance's claim to fame is perhaps the number of people en route to or from more well known bands. The origins of the band go back to an unnamed band in the summer of 1976 featuring Jo Faull (guitar) and Sarah Hall (bass) two faces on the early punk scene and girlfriends of Steve Jones and Paul Cook. They were rehearsing with Viv Albertine (guitar) and Palmolive (drums) " ...we spent all summer in this horrible squat, every day, we did have discipline. It was so hard because I could hardly play." later on " It was a bedroom band...We played Ramones songs, and couldn't keep time. Sid went from singer to also playing sax. It was a bunch of interesting looking people so we'd get interviewed and we'd never done anything and could hardly play..." Viv Albertine 'England's Dreaming' by John Savage. Pete Frame in his New wave Family Tree in Zigzag September 1977 remarks of the band "fast and monotonous...extremely monotonous. Their one innovation: the drum kit had no cymbals." Sarah & Jo. Photo Caroline Coon Steve Jones & Jo Photo Bob Gruen