Taxonomy of Wordplay (original) (raw)
- Longest Palindrome Beginning with Each Letter
- Longest Palindrome Centered on Each Letter
- Longest Tautonym Beginning with Each Letter
- Longest Head 'n' Tail Beginning with Each Letter
- Longest Head 'n' Tail Centered on Each Letter
- Longest Start and End Prefix Beginning with Each Letter
- Word with the Lowest Ratio Length to Number of Different Letters for Each Length
- Longest Word that Starts and Ends with Each Letter
- Shortest Word that Starts and Ends with Each Letter
- Longest Word Containing One Type of Vowel for Each Vowel
- Longest Word Containing One Type of Consonant for Each Consonant
- Word Spelled with First N Letters for Each N
- Word Spelled with Every Nth Letter in Alphabet for Each N
- Word with Highest Letter Sum for Each Length
- Word with Lowest Letter Sum for Each Length
- Shortest Word with Last Letter Next In Alphabet after First for Each Letter
- Word Containing the Most Repeats of Each Letter
- Word with the Highest Ratio Letter Repeats to Length for Each Letter
- Word with the Most Infrequently Used Letters for Each Length
- Word with the Most Frequently Used Letters for Each Length
- Longest Word with Consecutive Letters Adjacent on Phone Keypad, Beginning with Each Letter
- Word Containing Most Consecutive Letters in the Alphabet after Each Letter
- Word Containing Most Consecutive Letters in Order after Each Letter
- Word Spelled with E Before I, Beginning with Each Letter
- Word Spelled with I Before E after C, Beginning with Each Letter
- Common Words with Unique Ending and Uncommon Partner, for Each Letter
- Longest Word Spelled with One Finger on Typewriter for Each Finger
- Shortest Word for Each Number of Syllables
- Homophones Differing by Each Letter
- Longest One-Syllable Word Beginning with Each Letter
- Longest Two-Syllable Word Beginning with Each Letter
- Longest Word That, When a Letter is Changed, Radically Changes Pronunciation Beginning with Each Letter
- Word That is a Confusing Code for Each Letter
- Word That Begins with Each Silent Letter
- Word That Contains Each Silent Letter
- Word That Ends with Each Silent Letter
- Word That, When a Suffix is Added, Reveals a Silent Letter
- Word with Two Different Pronunciations of Each Letter
- Pronounced Differently When Capitalized, Beginning with Each Letter
- Plural with Same Spelling but Pronunced Differently, Beginning with Each Letter
- Word That Sounds Like Letters, Beginning with Each Letter
- Acronym That Has Become Uncapitalized, Beginning with Each Letter
- Word Created as an Anagram, Beginning with Each Letter
- Trade Name That Has Become Uncapitalized, Beginning with Each Letter
- Word That Exists Only in an Idiom, Beginning with Each Letter
- Word Formed by Borrowing or Lending Letters to Frequent Companions, Beginning with Each Letter
- Portmanteau Beginning with Each Letter
- Self-Antonym Beginning with Each Letter
- Antonym of Two Different Words, Beginning with Each Letter
- Plural That Ends with Each Letter
- False Antonym Beginning with Each Letter
Entire Word
sesquipedalian word (long word), longest [1-33,4-56,80,5-82,7-6,11-166,174,12-38,13-117,151,15-234,16-24,93,17-30,115,20-37,182,214,21-26,22-205]
see "Longest Word" article
palindrome (same word when letters are reversed) [18-6]
a. longest [11-173]
common words: rotator, reviver, deified (7-t)
uncommon word: kinnikinnik (11)
b. beginning with each letter [L6,286,11-210,12-93,23-48]
see list [Longest Palindrome Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fpalindrome%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
c. centered on each letter [4-133,210,5-6,15-50,208,16-22]
see list [Longest Palindrome Centered on Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fpalindrome%5Fcentered%5Fon%5Feach%5Fletter)
tautonym (word formed by repeating a sequence of letters)
a. longest [13-43]
common words: couscous, mahimahi, beriberi (8-t)
uncommon words: tangantangan, chiquichiqui (12-t)
hyphenated words: bumpety-bumpety, bumpity-bumpity (14-t)
phrase: per second per second (18)
b. beginning with each letter [L175,13-39,15-241,19-27]
see list [Longest Tautonym Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Ftautonym%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
head 'n' tail word (word formed by repeating a sequence of letters with one letter inserted between them)
a. longest
common words: hotshot, felafel (7-t)
uncommon words: einsteins, tarantara, muckamuck, overcover, galengale, okeydokey, outscouts, outshouts, pungapung, trinitrin (9-t)
hyphenated words: convexo-convex, eensie-weensie (13-t)
phrase: gentleman's gentleman (19)
b. beginning with each letter [1-249,3-48,107,4-132,170,5-6,24,181]
see list [Longest Head 'n' Tail Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fhead%5F'n'%5Ftail%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
c. centered on each letter [1-249,3-48,107,4-132,170,5-6,24,181]
see list [Longest Head 'n' Tail Centered on Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fhead%5F'n'%5Ftail%5Fcentered%5Fon%5Feach%5Fletter)
start and end (starting and ending letters of word are identical)
a. longest prefix
common word: abracadabra (4)
uncommon word: benzeneazobenzene (7)
hyphenated word: pleasantness-unpleasantness (12)
b. beginning with each letter
see list [Longest Start and End Prefix Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fstart%5Fand%5Fend%5Fprefix%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
number of different letters
a. isogram (all letters different), longest [L296,7-33,9-54,18-67]
common word: uncopyrightable (15)
b. pair isogram (each letter occurs two times), longest [L14,128,1-201,4-136,142,5-25,111,205,6-13,212,7-33,15-136,16-156,219,18-140]
common word: intestines (10)
uncommon word: scintillescent (14)
c. trio isogram (each letter occurs three times), longest [7-33,88,15-138,18-140,23-28]
common word: deeded (6)
uncommon word: sestettes (9)
hyphenated word: blah-blah-blah (12)
d. tetrad isogram (each letter occurs four times), longest [1-142,18-140]
uncommon word: kukukuku (8)
e. polygram (each letter occurs more than once), longest [5-49,110]
common word: reengineering (13)
uncommon words: transistorisations, unprosperousnesses (18-t)
phrase: intestinal calculuses (20)
f. geometric shapes [3-109,5-236,13-176,213,15-109,125,154]
i. pyramid word (one letter occurs once; one letter occurs twice; etc.), longest
common words: evennesses, keennesses, sanenesses, sereneness, sleeveless (10-t)
hyphenated word: dead-endednesses (15)
ii. tetrahedron word (one letter occurs once; two letters occur twice; etc.), longest
common word: instantiations (14)
iii. reverse tetrahedron word (one letter occurs four times; two letters occur three times; etc.), longest
uncommon words: argillaceocalcareous, autosuggestibilities, counterassassination, countertransferences, existentialistically, inappreciativenesses, interesterifications, semicapitalistically, teleutosporiferouses, ultraminiaturization (20-t)
g. ratio length to letters, highest
common word: senselessnesses (3.75)
uncommon word: kukukuku (4)
hyphenated words: pip-pip-pip, tat-tat-tat (4.5-t)
phrase: yadda yadda yadda (5)
h. ratio length to letters, highest non-tautonym [L158,298]
common word: senselessnesses (3.75)
hyphenated words: pip-pip-pip, tat-tat-tat (4.5-t)
phrase: yadda yadda yadda (5)
i. ratio length to letters, lowest for each length
see list [Word with the Lowest Ratio Length to Number of Different Letters for Each Length](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fwith%5Fthe%5Flowest%5Fratio%5Flength%5Fto%5Fnumber%5Fof%5Fdifferent%5Fletters%5Ffor%5Feach%5Flength)
j. different letters, most [M56]
common word: uncopyrightable (15)
uncommon words: blepharoconjunctivitis, carbomethoxyglycines, dimethyltubocurarines, diphenylthiocarbazones, mandibulopharyngeals, phenylthiocarbamides, pseudolamellibranchiata, pseudolamellibranchiate, psychogalvanometric, ... and 4 others (16-t)
phrases: computerized axial tomography scanner, rocky mountain flowering raspberry (19-t)
switch word (letters like train cars can be switched to a siding), longest [M38, 1-11,2-59,5-6,205, Dudeney]
common words: sensuousness, interpreting (12-t)
uncommon word: sensuousnesses (14)
phrase: yadda yadda yadda (15)
spelling graphs (draw line from letter to letter looping back for repeated letters) [M41, 13-131,141,14-23,89,251]
a. eodermdrone (spelling graph cannot be drawn in the plane without crossing lines), shortest
uncommon word: metasomatoses (13)
isomorph or matching letter pattern (words that repeat letters in the same places) [12-181]
e.g., DADDY = MOMMY since D & M in 1st, 3rd, 4th places
a. longest well-mixed [6-146,7-238]
common words: comprehensible & counterexample (14-t)
common words: decolonization & underestimates (14-t)
common words: discriminative & simplification (14-t)
common words: breathtakingly & chlorpromazine (14-t)
common words: excommunicated & transsexuality (14-t)
common words: coevolutionary & unsynchronized (14-t)
common words: recolonization & underestimates (14-t)
common words: excommunicates & transsexuality (14-t)
common words: rambunctiously & thermodynamics (14-t)
uncommon words: hygroexpansivity & hypermasculinity (16-t)
uncommon words: neurochemistries & postchlorination (16-t)
phrases: breakdown voltages & granulocytopenias (17-t)
phrases: knights commanders & meadow spittlebugs (17-t)
phrases: bacteriophagouses & working hypothesis (17-t)
b. shortest word with no matching isomorph
common words: eel (3)
uncommon words: zzz (3)
c. short patterns
i. four letters, all 15 possible [4-228,5-3]
ii. five letters, all 52 possible [4-113,12-106]
iii. six letters, all 203 possible [4-229,5-3]
iv. eight letters with two doubles, all 210 possible [9-206]
d. transposal or same numbers of repeated letters
i. ten letters, all 42 possible [4-231,5-14]
Subset of Word
identical letters
a. pairs
i. consecutive doubled letters, containing most [L166,1-152,218,4-180]
common word: bookkeeper (3)
ii. doubled letters, containing most
common words: subcommittee, possessiveness, immunosuppression, commonness, appellee, oppressiveness, barrenness, immunosuppressant, speechlessness, effortlessness, addressee, aggressiveness, bookkeeper, committee, greenness, heedlessness, heelless, keenness, needlessness, ... and 27 others (3-t)
uncommon words: possessionlessness, successlessness (4-t)
phrase: committee on committees (6)
iii. for each letter, shortest
iv. two pairs, all 351 possible [6-17,83,10-246,16-156]
v. five letter words, all 260 possible [12-56,93,151]
b. starts and ends with the same letter
i. longest
common word: straightforwardnesses (21)
uncommon word: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)
ii. for each letter, longest
see list [Longest Word that Starts and Ends with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fword%5Fthat%5Fstarts%5Fand%5Fends%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
iii. for each letter, shortest
see list [Shortest Word that Starts and Ends with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fshortest%5Fword%5Fthat%5Fstarts%5Fand%5Fends%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
c. tripled letter, shortest [L297,2-191,5-7,14-151,154,217,15-16,104,154,16-157]
uncommon word: zzz (3)
d. quadruples [L297,2-53,3-147,180,5-8,23,12-91,14-90,15-18,84,19-4]
e. quintuples [1-31,3-252,4-144,5-8,12-91,17-26]
f. repeats of any one letter [5-23,7-6]
i. most
common word: senselessnesses (7)
uncommon words: floccinaucinihilipilification, humuhumunukunukuapuaa, possessionlessnesses (9-t)
phrase: between the devil and the deep blue sea (10)
hyphenated phrase: wadi al-arabah, wadi arabah, wadi el-arabah (13)
ii. most for each letter
see list [Word Containing the Most Repeats of Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fcontaining%5Fthe%5Fmost%5Frepeats%5Fof%5Feach%5Fletter)
iii. ratio repeats to length, highest, for each letter
see list [Word with the Highest Ratio Letter Repeats to Length for Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fwith%5Fthe%5Fhighest%5Fratio%5Fletter%5Frepeats%5Fto%5Flength%5Ffor%5Feach%5Fletter)
repeated letters, most
common words: psychophysiological, electroencephalography (8-t)
uncommon words: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, laryngotracheobronchitises, octamethylpyrophosphoramides, phosphatidylethanolamines (10-t)
phrases: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, psychopathic personality disorder, the decline and fall of the roman empire (12-t)
alternating [4-77,5-73,12-91]
a. two-cadence (letter repeated every two), longest [17-26,23-214]
common words: divisibility, visibilities (5-t)
uncommon word: humuhumunukunukuapuaa (8)
b. three-cadence (letter repeated every three), longest
common words: effervescence, inconveniencing, unexpectednesses (5-t)
hyphenated word: swelled-headednesses (6)
c. four-cadence (letter repeated every four), longest
common words: ineligibilities, inevitabilities (4-t)
phrases: binomial distribution, read between the lines (5-t)
d. five-cadence (letter repeated every five), longest
common words: collaboration, contamination, individualism, concatenation, preponderance, multiculturalism, insemination, corroboration, directionality, dimensionality, librarianship, bioengineering, nonfunctional, decontamination, registerable, underdevelopment, indecipherable, multitudinous, belligerence, ... and 81 others (3-t)
uncommon words: benzeneazobenzene, indecipherablenesses, noncontamination, recollectivenesses (4-t)
phrase: textured vegetable protein (5)
repeated prefix, longest [11-147,213,12-24]
common words: prepress, tartaric, kinkiness, barbarically, preprepared, alfalfas, assassin, barbaric, murmured, ... and 7 others (6-t)
uncommon word: countercountermeasure (14)
hyphenated word: testament-testamentar (18)
internal structure
a. nontrivial internal palindrome, longest [L25,7-24,89,18-12,20-99]
common word: sensuousness (11)
phrase: yadda yadda yadda (14)
b. nontrivial internal tautonym, longest [11-221,12-23,13-39,88,15-18]
common words: possessed, pinging, commonsense, mudslinging, whinging, tzitzit, entente, binging, prepress, zinging, sentential, metastasis, tartaric, metastases, kinkiness, satiation, dinging, barbarically, gnatcatcher, ... and 61 others (6-t)
uncommon word: countercountermeasure (14)
hyphenated word: testament-testamentar (18)
c. nontrivial internal head 'n' tail, longest
common words: fractionation, bandstands, grandstands, handstands, hodgepodge (9-t)
uncommon word: intestinointestinal (17)
hyphenated phrase: wadi al-arabah, wadi arabah, wadi el-arabah (19)
d. internal isogram [18-237,243]
unusual spelling
a. to spell, most difficult
common word: dumbbell [see "Misspelling" article]
uncommon word: desiccate [see "Misspelling" article]
b. exceptions to I before E [23-71]
i. E before I
see list [Word Spelled with E Before I, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fspelled%5Fwith%5Fe%5Fbefore%5Fi%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
ii. I before E after C
see list [Word Spelled with I Before E after C, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fspelled%5Fwith%5Fi%5Fbefore%5Fe%5Fafter%5Fc%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
c. American word ending "our" but pronounced like "or," multisyllabic
common words: glamour, troubadour
d. variant spellings of a non-foreign word, most
uncommon words: catercorner : cater-corner & cater-cornered & catacorner & cata-cornered & catty-corner & catty-cornered & kitty-corner & kitty-cornered (9)
ending -gry [9-43,152,10-152,19-131,20-84,*22-195,23-6,9,28,153,25-253,30-232]
i. example
see "-Gry" article
ii. similar examples
see list [Common Words with Unique Ending and Uncommon Partner, for Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fcommon%5Fwords%5Fwith%5Funique%5Fending%5Fand%5Funcommon%5Fpartner%5Ffor%5Feach%5Fletter)
all letter orders in word [17-252]
bigrams or digrams
a. beginning, all 676 possible [B129,8-89,207,12-39]
b. ending, all 676 possible [B101,3-152,211,8-165,208,12-39,152,16-157]
c. start and end, all 676 possible
i. longest [4-45,195,5-15,6-186]
ii. shortest [5-40,81]
d. straddling hyphen, all 676 possible [14-199,15-16,18-90]
e. anywhere, all 676 possible [2-215,3-19,8-88,153,9-17,15-215,16-26]
f. double, triple, quadruple, all 676 possible [22-162]
g. long strings, all 325 possible [15-72,153,212]
h. five letter words, all 13000 possible [11-226,12-22]
trigrams, all 17576 possible [2-166,245,3-17,179,253,4-59,81,124,5-22,12-91,15-84]
tetragram sets, all 23751 possible [16-14,67,92,154,219]
Entire Word
all vowels, longest [L156,7-98,23-214]
common words: a, e, i, o, u (1-t)
uncommon words: euouae, aiaiai (6-t)
three letter words, all 216 possible [11-185,215]
all-vowel Hawaiian words [7-98]
Subset of Word
each once [L160, 23-214]
a. each vowel once, longest
common word: unsportsmanlike (15)
uncommon words: entwicklungsroman, subpostmastership, unaccomplishments (17-t)
phrases: bucking transformers, disjunct tetrachords (19-t)
b. each vowel including y once, longest [2-64]
common words: uncomplimentary, uncopyrightable (15-t)
uncommon word: hydrometallurgists (18)
phrase: florist's chrysanthemums (22)
c. each vowel once, shortest
common word: sequoia (7)
uncommon word: eunoia (6)
d. each vowel including y once, shortest
common words: eukaryotic, buoyancies (10-t)
uncommon words: oxyuridae, oxygeusia (9-t)
each once in order [L160]
a. each vowel once in order, longest
common word: facetious (9)
uncommon word: abstentious (11)
hyphenated word: gathering-ground (15)
b. each vowel including y once in order, longest [2-64]
common word: facetiously (11)
uncommon word: abstemiously (12)
c. each vowel once in order, shortest
common word: facetious (9)
uncommon word: caesious (8)
d. each vowel including y once in order, shortest
common word: facetiously (11)
e. each vowel once in reverse order, longest
common word: subcontinental (14)
f. each vowel including y once in reverse order, longest
phrase: syrup of ipecac (13)
g. each vowel once in reverse order, shortest [1-25]
common word: subcontinental (14)
uncommon word: muroidea (8)
h. each vowel including y once in reverse order, shortest
phrase: syrup of ipecac (13)
vowel string, longest [L177]
common word: queueing (5)
uncommon words: aiaiais, euouaes (6-t)
restricted numbers of vowels
a. containing one vowel, longest [L177]
common word: strengths (9)
b. containing two vowels, longest [L177]
common word: spendthrifts (12)
uncommon words: promptscripts, schwartzbrots (13-t)
c. containing three vowels, longest
common words: bremsstrahlung, forthrightness, draftsmanships, sportsmanships (14-t)
uncommon word: strengthlessness (16)
phrases: bursting strengths, crushing strengths, knights grand cross, spendthrift trusts (17-t)
d. containing four vowels, longest
common word: shortsightedness (16)
uncommon words: handcraftsmanships, strengthlessnesses (18-t)
phrase: from strength to strength (22)
e. containing five vowels, longest
common word: straightforwardness (19)
hyphenated word: north-northwestwardly (20)
phrase: go from strength to strength (24)
restricted vowel types
a. univocalic or containing one type of vowel [L173,23-214]
i. longest
common word: relentlessnesses (16)
uncommon word: strengthlessnesses (18)
hyphenated phrase: bright-light districts (20)
ii. longest, for each vowel
see list [Longest Word Containing One Type of Vowel for Each Vowel](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fword%5Fcontaining%5Fone%5Ftype%5Fof%5Fvowel%5Ffor%5Feach%5Fvowel)
b. containing two types of vowels, longest
common word: disinterestednesses (19)
uncommon words: humuhumunukunukuapuaas, thermophosphorescences (22-t)
phrase: there's no love lost between them (27)
c. containing three types of vowels, longest
common words: electroencephalogram, buckminsterfullerene (20-t)
uncommon word: antidisestablishmentarianisms (29)
phrases: cut the ground from under someone's feet, intermediate range ballistic missile (33-t)
hyphenated phrase: wadi al-arabah, wadi arabah, wadi el-arabah (34)
d. containing four types of vowels, longest
common word: electroencephalography (22)
uncommon word: floccinaucinihilipilifications (30)
phrases: erasable programmable read only memory, take the ground from under someone's feet, the cards are stacked against something (34-t)
e. containing five types of vowels, longest
common word: dichlorodifluoromethane (23)
uncommon word: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)
f. each twice [3-18,147,5-17,13-88,14-90]
trigrams, all 216 possible [4-59,124,6-83,8-153]
tetragrams, all 625 possible [7-140,8-21,88]
all 120 possible orders [2-208,3-18,8-20,9-92,10-84,12-92,122,152,18-154,20-156,213]
Entire Word
all consonants, longest
common words: bs, cs, ds, fs, gs, hs, js, ks, ll, ls, ms, ns, ps, qs, rs, ss, ts, vs, xs, zs (2-t)
uncommon word: tsktsks (7)
Subset of Word
consonant string, longest [L178,15-38,83]
common word: catchphrase (6)
uncommon word: hirschsprung (7)
containing one consonant, longest [23-214]
common words: adieu, aurea, aemia, aerie, audio, eerie, queue (5-t)
uncommon words: aiaiais, euouaes, ouabaio (7-t)
containing two consonants, longest [23-214]
common words: aquaria, nouveau, aeolian, aurorae, amoebae, aqueous, sequoia (7-t)
uncommon words: aizoaceae, epieikeia (9-t)
containing three consonants, longest [23-214]
common words: ideologue, autoroute, idealogue, auditoria, ololiuqui, equivoque, audacious, audiotape, beauteous (9-t)
uncommon words: ouagadougou, paeoniaceae (11-t)
containing four consonants, longest [L157]
common word: onomatopoeia (12)
uncommon word: fouquieriaceae (14)
containing five consonants, longest [L157]
common word: onomatopoeias (13)
uncommon word: auriculariaceae (15)
monoconsonant or containing one type of consonant [12-55,90]
a. one type of consonant for each consonant
i. longest
common words: nonunion, alleluia, assesses (8-t)
uncommon words: assessees, coccaceae (9-t)
hyphenated word: sous-souses (10)
ii. longest, for each consonant
see list [Longest Word Containing One Type of Consonant for Each Consonant](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fword%5Fcontaining%5Fone%5Ftype%5Fof%5Fconsonant%5Ffor%5Feach%5Fconsonant)
containing two types of consonants, longest
common words: sensuousness, uneasinesses (12-t)
uncommon words: nauseousnesses, sensuousnesses (14-t)
phrase: yadda yadda yadda (15)
containing three types of consonants, longest
common word: unconsciousnesses (17)
uncommon word: unostentatiousnesses (20)
containing four types of consonants, longest
common word: conscientiousness (17)
uncommon words: institutionalisations, unconscientiousnesses (21-t)
phrase: not to put too fine a point on it (25)
containing five types of consonants, longest
common words: internationalization, institutionalization (20-t)
uncommon words: counterreconnaissances, transubstantiationists (22-t)
hyphenated word: pleasantness-unpleasantnesses (28)
biconsonant, for each, longest [12-165]
n-grams [9-125]
Vowel-Consonant Patterns
Entire Word
consonym (words with same consonant pattern), longest [11-42]
e.g., BeTRay = oBiTuaRy
common words: macroevolutionary & microevolutionary (17-t)
common words: spectrophotometer & spectrophotometry (17-t)
common words: indistinguishable & indistinguishably (17-t)
common words: interdependences & interdependencies (17-t)
uncommon words: diphenylaminechlorarsine & diphenylaminechloroarsine (24-t)
uncommon words: electroencephalographs & electroencephalographies (24-t)
uncommon words: microspectrophotometres & microspectrophotometries (24-t)
uncommon words: polytetrafluorethylenes & polytetrafluoroethylenes (24-t)
uncommon words: stereophotomicrographs & stereophotomicrographies (24-t)
phrases: transmission electron microscopes & transmission electron microscopies (32)
consonym list, longest [19-217,20-155]
common words: rs & res & airs & ears & eras & ires & iris & oars & ores & ours & rays & rise & roes & rose & rosy & rues & ruse & ryes & areas & arias & arise & arose & auras & erase & euros & raise & reuse & rouse & ureas & years & yores & yours & aeries & arouse & aureus & eyries & reseau (37)
uncommon words: rs & ars & ers & ors & ras & res & ris & ros & rsi & rus & aers & airs & aors & aras & ares & aris & arse & arsy & ears & eras & eres & eros & erse & ires & iris & oars & oras & ores & oris & ours & rais & rasa & rase & rays & reas & rees & reis & reus & rias & rios & rise & roes & rois & roos & rosa & rose & rosy & rous & rues & rusa & ruse & ryas & ryes & ures & ursa & ursi & urus & aeras & aeros & airas & aires & araus & areas & arias & aries & arise & arose & aruas & aruis & arusa & aryas & auras & aures & auris & ayres & erase & eries & erose & euros & eyers & eyras & eyres & ioras & iyars & oreos & orsay & oyers & raias & raise & rasae & rayas & resai & resay & resee & resue & reuse & reyes & roosa & roose & rosea & roues & rouse & uraos & urase & ureas & urias & ursae & yairs & years & yeres & yores & yours & aeries & araise & arauas & arayse & ariose & ariosi & arioso & arouse & aureus & aurous & ayries & euryas & eyries & ieroes & irayas & iyyars & oriyas & ourous & reseau & uraeus & urease & yarays & yearas & aieries & aureous (137)
phrases: rs & ars & ers & ors & ras & res & ris & ros & rsi & rus & aers & airs & aors & aras & ares & aris & arse & arsy & ears & eras & eres & eros & erse & ires & iris & oars & oras & ores & oris & ours & rais & rasa & rase & rays & reas & rees & reis & reus & rias & rios & rise & roes & rois & roos & rosa & rose & rosy & rous & rues & rusa & ruse & ryas & ryes & ures & ursa & ursi & urus & Aires & Arias & Aries & Arius & Ayers & Euros & Oreos & Reyes & aeras & aeros & airas & aires & araus & areas & arias & aries & arise & arose & aruas & aruis & arusa & aryas & auras & aures & auris & ayres & erase & eries & erose & euros & eyers & eyras & eyres & ioras & iyars & oreos & orsay & oyers & raias & raise & rasae & rayas & resai & resay & resee & resue & reuse & reyes & roosa & roose & rosea & roues & rouse & uraos & urase & ureas & urias & ursae & yairs & years & yeres & yores & yours & aeries & araise & arauas & arayse & ariose & ariosi & arioso & arouse & aureus & aurous & ayries & euryas & eyries & ieroes & irayas & iyyars & oriyas & ourous & reseau & uraeus & urease & yarays & yearas & Eurasia & aieries & aureous (146)
phrases: rs & IRS & ORs & ars & ers & ors & ras & res & ris & ros & rsi & rus & IRAs & aers & airs & aors & aras & ares & aris & arse & arsy & ears & eras & eres & eros & erse & ires & iris & oars & oras & ores & oris & ours & rais & rasa & rase & rays & reas & rees & reis & reus & rias & rios & rise & roes & rois & roos & rosa & rose & rosy & rous & rues & rusa & ruse & ryas & ryes & ures & ursa & ursi & urus & Aires & Arias & Aries & Arius & Ayers & Euros & Oreos & Reyes & aeras & aeros & airas & aires & araus & areas & arias & aries & arise & arose & aruas & aruis & arusa & aryas & auras & aures & auris & ayres & erase & eries & erose & euros & eyers & eyras & eyres & ioras & iyars & oreos & orsay & oyers & raias & raise & rasae & rayas & resai & resay & resee & resue & reuse & reyes & roosa & roose & rosea & roues & rouse & uraos & urase & ureas & urias & ursae & yairs & years & yeres & yores & yours & aeries & araise & arauas & arayse & ariose & ariosi & arioso & arouse & aureus & aurous & ayries & euryas & eyries & ieroes & irayas & iyyars & oriyas & ourous & reseau & uraeus & urease & yarays & yearas & Eurasia & aieries & aureous (149)
well-mixed consonyms, longest [23-214]
common words: predicts & periodicities (13)
uncommon words: subternatural & isobutyronitrile (16)
well-mixed words with same consonant-vowel pattern, longest
common words: destructible & distractable (12)
words with the same consonants [17-76,148]
i. longest well-mixed
common words: copyrightable & autobiographical (16-t)
common words: nondeterministic & antidiscrimination (16-t)
common words: interconnected & contraindication (16-t)
common words: misdemeanors & radioimmunoassay (16-t)
common words: diagnostically & oligonucleotides (16-t)
common words: scintillating & antagonistically (16-t)
common words: grandchildren & dendrochronology (16-t)
common words: indistinctly & conditionalities (16-t)
common words: transposable & inseparabilities (16-t)
common words: transparently & representational (16-t)
uncommon words: northeasternmost & antiauthoritarianisms (21-t)
uncommon words: electrohomoeopathies & chorioepitheliomatous (21-t)
uncommon words: strongylocentrotidae & electrodisintegration (21-t)
uncommon words: teletranscriptions & antisupernaturalistic (21-t)
uncommon words: transdiaphragmatic & parathyroidectomising (21-t)
phrases: mushroom slab construction & north american blastomycosis (26)
ii. longest not well-mixed
common words: nondeterministic & antidiscrimination (18)
uncommon words: hydroxydeoxycorticosterones & hydroxydesoxycorticosterone (27)
phrases: transmission electron microscopes & transmission electron microscopies (31)
hyphenated phrases: generative-transformational grammar & transformational-generative grammar (33)
iii. longest list
common words: arts & rats & rest & rots & rust & ruts & sort & star & stir & tars & artsy & aster & astir & astra & ester & rates & reset & reste & riots & rites & roast & roost & roots & rotas & rotes & rotis & roust & routs & rusty & satyr & sitar & stair & stare & steer & store & story & stray & stroy & sutra & tares & tears & terse & tiers & tires & torso & torus & tours & trays & trees & treys & tries & trios & trois & trues & tyers & tyros & yurts & aorist & aortas & arista & astray & autres & easter & eaters & iritis & ouster & oyster & ratios & reseat & routes & satire & satori & sauter & seater & sortie & stereo & storey & suiter & suitor & surety & suture & teaser & triose & uterus & yester & aerates & airiest & asteria & austere & auteurs & eeriest & estuary & riotous & roseate & sootier & eateries (96)
uncommon words: ernst & nerts & rants & rents & ronts & runts & snirt & snort & starn & stern & tarns & terns & trans & trins & trons & turns & antars & antres & arnuts & astern & enstar & enters & estrin & inerts & insert & instar & inters & intros & nester & nestor & niters & nitres & nitros & norits & nortes & nostra & notars & noters & orants & ratans & renest & rentes & resent & retans & roints & rontes & rotans & rotons & rutins & santir & santur & saturn & sentry & sinter & snorty & starny & sterna & sterni & sterno & stoner & storin & strain & strany & streen & strene & strine & sturin & tarins & tenors & tenser & tensor & terins & ternas & ternes & toners & tonsor & torans & tornus & tourns & trains & transe & treens & triens & trines & tronas & trones & tuners & tyrans & unrest & unrust & unsort & anestra & anestri & antaras & antiars & antsier & arantas & arnauts & aroints & aroynts & artisan & aruntas & astrain & atoners & aunters & earnest & eastern & enroots & entires & entrees & entries & estrone & instore & intarsi & intires & ironist & isotron & istrian & nastier & natures & nearest & neritas & nerites & neuters & nitroso & nitrous & norates & norites & nrityas & nutrias & nutsier & oestrin & orantes & orients & ornates & outruns & ratines & rations & ratoons & resiant & restain & retains & retenes & retinas & retines & retsina & retunes & rosetan & rousant & royston & runites & runouts & rytinas & santour & sartain & saunter & seatron & senator & sintery & stainer & starnie & stearin & stoirin & stonier & storeen & sturine & styrene & styrian & taniers & teeners & tenours & tenures & ternise & tersion & toaners & tonsure & toranas & torsion & traynes & treason & trenise & trienes & triones & triunes & tsarina & tureens & turions & tyrians & tyrones & uniters & unroost & unroots & unterse & untires & uranist & yantras & yestern & anoestra & anoestri & antiaris & antisera & arenites & arsenate & arsenite & arsonate & arsonite & artesian & aryanist & asterion & astorian & astraean & asturian & auntsary & austrian & earstone & erastian & erinites & esurient & eternise & eusterna & inertias & intarsia & intarsio & isonitro & itureans & naturise & nayarits & neurites & neuritis & neustria & niteries & notaries & notarise & oestrone & oneriest & orations & orotinas & outearns & outsnore & raetians & rainiest & rainouts & rainsuit & ratanies & rationes & rationis & resinata & resinate & resonate & retinise & retinues & reunites & roestone & rosinate & routines & ruinates & rutinose & sanatory & sanitary & santeria & saturnia & satyrine & sauterne & seatrain & senatory & senorita & serenata & serenate & serenity & serotine & serotiny & snootier & snoutier & sonority & staurion & stearine & stearone & sutorian & taironas & tarianas & taureans & taurines & teensier & teresian & torenias & torinese & tournees & tourneys & tournois & trainees & triaenes & turanose & turinese & tyrosine & unsurety & uranates & uranites & urinates & urosteon & ustarana & yestreen & aaronites & aerations & aeronauts & aniseroot & arenosity & arseniate & aurantias & erionites & estuarian & estuarine & eyestrain & irisation & ituraeans & nayaritas & neoterise & notorious & onerosity & orientise & outreason & routinise & roystonea & sanataria & sanatoria & sanitaire & sanitaria & sanitoria & seniority & seriation & souteneur & triaenose & unaustere & unriotous & uniseriate (334)
phrases: Star & arts & erst & orts & rast & rats & rest & rets & rits & rost & rots & rtas & rust & ruts & sart & sort & star & stir & syrt & tars & tors & tres & tris & tsar & turs & Astor & Ister & Istra & Rasta & Setar & Stair & Stara & Story & Surat & Taser & Tirso & Toros & Tours & Trois & Tyrus & airts & arets & artsy & aster & astir & astra & astre & astro & astur & atars & earst & ester & estro & iters & orsat & raits & rasta & ratas & rates & ratos & ratus & reast & reest & reets & reist & resat & reset & resit & reste & resty & retes & riots & ritas & rites & ritsu & roast & roats & roist & roost & roots & roset & rosit & rosti & rotas & rotes & rotis & rotos & rotse & roust & routs & royst & rusot & rusty & rutas & ryots & satyr & serta & serto & serut & seter & sirat & sitar & sorta & sruti & stair & stare & stary & stear & steer & stere & stire & stoor & store & story & stour & strae & stray & stria & strie & stroy & sture & styre & surat & surti & sutor & sutra & taras & tares & taris & taros & tarsi & tarso & tasar & taser & tears & teers & teras & teres & terse & tiars & tiers & tires & tiros & toras & tores & toros & torse & torsi & torso & torus & tours & trays & trees & treys & trias & tries & trios & trois & trous & troys & trues & turis & turse & tyers & tyres & tyros & yurts & Artois & Austro & Easter & Estero & Istria & Seurat & Souter & Taurus & Teresa & Tories & Troyes & airest & aorist & aortas & aretes & arista & aristo & arties & astare & asteer & astero & astray & atrios & atsara & aurist & austro & autres & easter & eaters & erotes & estero & estray & iritis & istria & oaters & orates & osetra & ostrea & ostrya & ouster & outers & oyster & raisty & raitas & ratios & ratoos & reasty & reatas & reates & reesty & reseat & resite & restie & restio & resuit & reties & retuse & riatas & roates & rootsy & rosety & routes & saeter & satara & satire & satori & satrae & satura & satyra & sauter & searat & seater & seroot & setier & sooter & sorite & sortie & soutar & souter & starey & stayer & stayre & steare & steery & stereo & steyer & storey & stoure & stoury & striae & suerte & suiter & suitor & surety & suture & tairas & tarsia & taurus & tayras & teaser & terais & tiaras & tiaris & tiroes & tories & torose & torous & touser & toyers & triose & trouse & tuyers & tyroes & urates & urites & urutus & uterus & yarest & yartas & yartos & yatras & yester & yourts & yurtas & Ariosto & Astaire & Austria & aerates & aeriest & aerosat & airiest & areitos & aristae & aristoi & arsoite & asarota & asteria & atarois & atorais & atresia & aurates & austere & austria & auteurs & eeriest & esotery & estuary & euaster & irisate & isotria & oariest & ooriest & osteria & ostiary & otarias & otaries & ouriest & outrays & outsoar & oystery & raiyats & riotise & riotous & roeiest & rooties & roseate & routous & saturae & sauteur & sautoir & seriate & setaria & sootier & stourie & suetier & toories & toryise & touries & tourise & tousier & tuyeres & urostea & yaourts & yaretas & eateries & eerieest & etaerios & eyeroots & outraise & satureia & sautoire & yeastier & aureities & autosauri & autosauria (362)
consonants minus vowels, highest
common word: straightforwardness (9)
uncommon words: handcraftsmanships, strengthlessness (10-t)
phrase: judgment not withstanding the verdict (15)
ratio consonants to vowels, highest [L178,10-118,221]
common word: strengths (8)
vowels minus consonants, highest
common word: onomatopoeia (4)
uncommon words: euouae, aiaiai, fouquieriaceae (6-t)
phrase: ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono (9)
ratio vowels to consonants, highest
common words: adieu, aurea, aemia, aerie, audio, eerie, queue (4-t)
uncommon words: aiaiais, euouaes, ouabaio (6-t)
alternating vowel/consonant [L169,23-161]
a. longest
common words: verisimilitude, rehabilitative (14-t)
uncommon word: diketopiperazines (17)
phrases: morituri te salutamus, political executives (19-t)
b. longest including y
common word: generalizability (16)
uncommon word: honorificabilitudinity (22)
no matching vowel pattern, shortest
common words: nouveau (7-t)
common words: neurula (7-t)
seven letter, all 128 possible [1-138,10-221,11-20,215,12-22,92,217]
eight letter
a. one vowel, all eight possible [5-26]
b. six vowels, all 28 possible [3-213]
Alphabetical Order
Entire Word
letters in alphabetical order
a. longest [3-176]
common words: biopsy, chinos, chintz, bijoux, abhors, almost, begins, chimps (6-t)
uncommon word: aegilops (8)
b. longest with possible repeat [3-176]
common word: billowy (7)
uncommon word: aegilops (8)
c. all possible orders [11-246]
letters in reverse alphabetical order
a. longest [11-246,23-214]
common words: sponged, wronged (7-t)
b. longest with possible repeat
common words: spooked, spoofed, spiffed, sniffed, sponged, spooled, spooned, trolled, wronged (7-t)
uncommon word: spoonfeed (9)
lipogram (word missing certain letters)
a. spelled with letters from first half of alphabet, longest [1-35,5-26,5-226]
common words: blackballed, blackmailed (11-t)
uncommon word: hamamelidaceae (14)
phrase: a face like a fiddle (16)
hyphenated phrase: black-backed jackal (17)
b. spelled with letters from last half of alphabet, longest [5-226,12-91,23-214]
common word: torturous (9)
uncommon words: nonsupports, nontortuous (11-t)
hyphenated word: tootsy-wootsy (12)
c. spelled with hexadecimal letters, longest
common words: acceded, defaced, effaced (7-t)
uncommon word: fabaceae (8)
hyphenated word: face-bedded (10)
d. spelled with first n letters, longest
see list [Word Spelled with First N Letters for Each N](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fspelled%5Fwith%5Ffirst%5Fn%5Fletters%5Ffor%5Feach%5Fn)
e. without AB, longest
common word: psychoneuroimmunology (21)
uncommon word: hydroxydesoxycorticosterones (28)
phrases: cut the ground from under someone's feet, twist someone round one's little finger (33-t)
f. without ABCD, longest
common words: neurophysiologists, hypersensitivities, presumptuousnesses (18-t)
uncommon words: philoprogenitivenesses, pyopneumoperitonitises (22-t)
phrase: put one's money where one's mouth is (28)
g. without A to H, longest
common words: nutritionists, intuitionists, postpositions (13-t)
uncommon words: nonintrusionisms, nonintrusionists, supposititiously (16-t)
phrase: trust institutions (17)
h. without A to K, longest
common words: synonymously, monotonously (12-t)
uncommon words: nonsynonymous, nontumultuous (13-t)
phrase: woolly opossums (14)
i. without A to N, longest
common word: torturous (9)
uncommon words: poppyworts, prosupport, prototropy, puttyroots, zoosporous (10-t)
hyphenated word: tootsy-wootsy (12)
j. without A to Q, longest
common words: trysts, struts, trusty (6-t)
uncommon word: susurrus (8)
k. without A to S, longest
common words: t, u, v, w, x, y, z (1-t)
uncommon words: wuzzy, tutty, tuzzy (5-t)
hyphenated word: tut-tut (6)
l. spelled with every nth letter in alphabet, longest
see list [Word Spelled with Every Nth Letter in Alphabet for Each N](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fspelled%5Fwith%5Fevery%5Fnth%5Fletter%5Fin%5Falphabet%5Ffor%5Feach%5Fn)
letter-shift pair (shift letters to new letters in the alphabet to form another word)
e.g., HAL => IBM: H + 1 => I, A + 1 => B, L + 1 => M a. rot-13 pair (shift letters by half the alphabet to form another word) i. longest common words: creel & perry (5-t) common words: green & terra (5-t) uncommon words: abjurer & nowhere (7-t) uncommon words: chechen & purpura (7-t) ii. longest reversed common words: rebore & rebore (6-t) common words: ravine & ravine (6-t) uncommon words: tavering & tavering (8) b. fixed offset shift pair (shift letters by a fixed offset to form another word) [L139,2-24,11-188,12-243,13-27,23-59] i. longest common words: primero & sulphur [shift of 23] (7) uncommon words: corocoro & wiliwili [shift of 6] (8) ii. longest reversed common words: rebore & rebore [shift of 13] (6-t) common words: bonnet & judder [shift of 10] (6-t) common words: hitter & napped [shift of 22] (6-t) common words: ravine & ravine [shift of 13] (6-t) common words: lethal & shoals [shift of 19] (6-t) uncommon words: tavering & tavering [shift of 13] (8) iii. longest multiple common words: diffs => cheer => jolly [shifts of 25, 6] (5) iv. most multiple common words: ply => ean => ier => sob [shifts of 15, 19, 3] (3-t) common words: sap => god => owl => wet [shifts of 14, 22, 4] (3-t) uncommon words: obo => ana => bob => ere => huh => nan => viv [shifts of 12, 13, 16, 19, 25, 7] (6-t) uncommon words: cui => ewk => gym => iao => mes => sky => uma [shifts of 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 18] (6-t) c. changing offset shift pair (shift letters by a changing offset to form another word), longest [12-50] e.g., EMU => FOX: E + 1 => F, M + 2 => O, U + 3 => X common words: fracas & oblong [shift of 9] (6-t) common words: rostra & sorrow [shift of 25] (6-t) common words: talcum & uakari [shift of 25] (6-t) uncommon words: kahikateas & nemoricole [shift of 3] (10) d. multiplicative offset shift pair (shift letters by a multiplicative factor through alphabet to form another word), longest [15-48] e.g., ONE => WRY: O * 5 => W, N * 5 => R, E * 5 => Y common words: humani & namers [factor of 5] (6-t) common words: bonobo & revere [factor of 9] (6-t) uncommon words: dildoes & rubrica [factor of 11] (7-t) uncommon words: forebay & pavings [factor of 7] (7-t) uncommon words: cereals & kanauri [factor of 21] (7-t) uncommon words: martels & mundari [factor of 21] (7-t) uncommon words: nomexes & tamilic [factor of 7] (7-t) e. shiftgram pair (shift letters through alphabet and transpose to form another word), longest [M179, 12-218,13-22,88,182] common words: deflectors & distraught [shift of 11] (10-t) common words: nonnuclear & reflective [shift of 17] (10-t) common words: preserving & refractive [shift of 13] (10-t) common words: spaghettis & stepladder [shift of 15] (10-t) common words: forbidding & twinklings [shift of 5] (10-t) uncommon words: pentadactyle & precipitants [shift of 15] (12) phrases: harlequin opal & presumptively [shift of 4] (13-t) phrases: doppler effect & tertius gaudet [shift of 11] (13-t) f. atbash pair (reflect letters across center of alphabet) [37-50] e.g., ARK => ZIP: A => Z, R => I, K => P i. longest common words: grogs & tilth (5) ii. longest reversed common words: boorish & shrilly (7) hyphenated words: klop-klop & klop-klop (8)
roller-coaster (word with letters that alternate between going forward and backward in alphabet), longest [22-175,239]
common words: decriminalization, parameterizations (17-t)
uncommon word: decontextualizations (20)
hyphenated phrase: through-and-through coal (21)
letter sums (add together positions of letters in alphabet)
a. highest, for each length
see list [Word with Highest Letter Sum for Each Length](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fwith%5Fhighest%5Fletter%5Fsum%5Ffor%5Feach%5Flength)
b. lowest, for each length
see list [Word with Lowest Letter Sum for Each Length](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fwith%5Flowest%5Fletter%5Fsum%5Ffor%5Feach%5Flength)
c. words with same letter sum, longest well-mixed [M184, 13-25,15-18]
common words: authoritativenesses & dichlorodifluoromethane (23)
uncommon words: chlorotrifluoroethylene & floccinaucinihilipilifications (30)
hyphenated words: hystero-salpingo-oophorectomies & supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)
phrases: soviet russia ) of the union of soviet socialist repub & pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises (44)
d. word with unique letter sum, shortest
common words: a (1-t)
common words: b (1-t)
common words: c (1-t)
common words: h (1-t)
uncommon words: overscrupulousnesses (20-t)
uncommon words: polyvinylpyrrolidone (20-t)
hyphenated words: south-southwestwardly (20)
phrases: respiratory syncytial virus (25)
hyphenated phrases: human T-cell lymphotropic virus III (30)
e. balanced letter sum (average position of letters in alphabet equal to 13.5), longest [M186]
common word: vaingloriousnesses (18)
uncommon words: noninstitutionalized, institutionalisation, autotransplantations, cystourethrographies, hydrodesulfurization, intercrystallization, nondestructivenesses, photoautotrophically, proindustrialization, ... and 2 others (20-t)
phrase: quos deus vult perdere prius dementat (32)
f. letter sum divisible by each letter, longest
e.g., CAB = C(3) + A(1) + B(2) = 6, which can be divided by 1, 2 and 3
common word: barbaric (8)
hyphenated word: teeter-tottered (14)
letter product (multiply together positions of letters in alphabet)
a. subtransposition (words with same letter product), longest well-mixed [M183, 13-25,15-18]
common words: psychotherapists & phosphodiesterase (17-t)
common words: multiconductor & manufacturability (17-t)
common words: personalization & microencapsulated (17-t)
common words: procrastination & anachronistically (17-t)
common words: thermoregulation & neuropharmacology (17-t)
common words: crystallographer & paternalistically (17-t)
common words: respectfully & postbaccalaureate (17-t)
uncommon words: reithrodontomyses & pseudosaccharomycetaceae (24)
phrases: creatine phosphokinases & as different as chalk and cheese (27-t)
phrases: methyldihydromorphinones & hormone replacement therapies (27-t)
phrases: topological transformations & dynamic spatial reconstructor (27-t)
b. closest to one million
common word: curing (1000188)
uncommon words: typey, teaette (1000000-t)
c. closest to two million
common words: ingrain, cuffing, curbing, raining (2000376-t)
uncommon word: teethy (2000000)
d. closest to three million
common word: peyote (3000000)
e. closest to four million
common words: brining, braining, girding, luring, ruling, uncurl (4000752-t)
f. closest to five million
common words: juicing, coining (5000940-t)
g. word with unique letter product, shortest
common words: a (1-t)
common words: c (1-t)
common words: k (1-t)
common words: q (1-t)
common words: r (1-t)
common words: u (1-t)
common words: v (1-t)
common words: w (1-t)
common words: y (1-t)
... and 3 others
uncommon words: kg (2-t)
uncommon words: qi (2-t)
uncommon words: wu (2-t)
phrases: HQ (2-t)
phrases: CQ (2-t)
digital word (letters replaced by their alphabetical positions as decimal numbers) [22-51,177,23-175]
e.g., WORD = (23, 15, 18, 4)
a. numberdrome (digital word palindrome), longest
e.g., HAIR = (8, 1, 9, 18)
common word: insulins (8)
hyphenated word: abba-dabba (9)
b. digital charade pair (digital words the same ignoring separations between numbers), longest well-mixed
e.g., ABOVE = (1, 2, 15, 22, 5), LOVE = (12, 15, 22, 5)
common words: craving & crabbing (8)
c. digital reversal pair, longest
e.g., ABULIA = (1, 2, 21, 12, 9, 1), SULU = (19, 21, 12, 21)
common words: debug & gabbed (6-t)
common words: hovel & bobber (6-t)
uncommon words: jararaca & maharaja (8)
d. numbergram (digital transposal set), largest [22-177]
common words: nows & owns & snow & sown & axiom & clods & colds & exams & maxes & melds & mused & odium & scold & wanes & weans & caused & clades & decals & licked & mailed & medial & sauced & scaled & dieback (24)
uncommon words: cours & holms & howks & kymri & marys & merls & merus & milor & mirky & mures & muser & roumi & rumes & scour & serum & sowar & symar & syrma & yarms & abmhos & abohms & acrasy & almehs & ambers & aumrie & brames & breams & brecks & carbos & carles & carobs & caroli & caryas & causer & cesura & cholas & clares & clears & coarbs & cobras & corail & corial & elmira & embars & erucas & hambos & hamels & himalo & holmia & huacos & kawrie & kowhai & lacers & licker & lorica & maholi & mailer & myaria & olchas & recals & remail & rickle & sarcel & sarcle & saucer & scaler & schola & sclera & shacky & uremia & acholia & baciroa & hamelia (73)
hyphenated words: no-show & owners & resown & rowens & synroc & wenros & worsen & boronic & bromine & carneys & cedrols & censure & chounse & coaxers & cobiron & coenuri & cohunes & colders & coursed & crenels & demures & die-work & dyermas & embrion & erineum & ermelin & erodium & hounces & melders & moldier & nochels & nourice & onychas & redowas & resumed & scenary & scolder & scoured & sombred & sourced & unireme & weaners & woaders & amberoid & anerobic & aneuches & awardees & boehmian & bohemian & brocades & carbeens & carbenes & cedrelas & cenobiar & chelonia & cheneaus & cinereal & coalshed & cordiale & daycares & declares & deer-lick & embreads & halidome & hieleman & necrobia & raceline & reliance & remailed & remedial & rescaled & saucered & shawanee & bridecake & abecedaria (75)
phrases: Marys & Mures & Remus & Sumer & cours & holms & howks & kymri & marys & merls & merus & milor & mirky & mures & muser & roumi & rumes & scour & serum & sowar & symar & syrma & yarms & Elmira & Mailer & Oshawa & abmhos & abohms & acrasy & almehs & ambers & aumrie & brames & breams & brecks & carbos & carles & carobs & caroli & caryas & causer & cesura & cholas & clares & clears & coarbs & cobras & corail & corial & elmira & embars & erucas & hambos & hamels & himalo & holmia & huacos & kawrie & kowhai & lacers & licker & lorica & maholi & mailer & myaria & olchas & recals & remail & rickle & sarcel & sarcle & saucer & scaler & schola & sclera & shacky & uremia & acholia & baciroa & hamelia (80)
phrases: no show & no-show & owners & resown & rowens & synroc & wenros & worsen & air wood & boronic & bromine & carneys & cedrols & censure & chounse & coaxers & cobiron & coenuri & cohunes & colders & con brio & coursed & crenels & demures & die-work & dyermas & embrion & erineum & ermelin & erodium & hounces & melders & moldier & nochels & nourice & onychas & red elms & redowas & resumed & scenary & scolder & scoured & sombred & sourced & unireme & weaners & woaders & wood ash & Bohemian & amberoid & anerobic & aneuches & awardees & bar codes & beni amer & boehmian & bohemian & brocades & carbeens & carbenes & cedrelas & cenobiar & chelonia & cheneaus & cinereal & coalshed & cordiale & day cares & daycares & declares & deer lick & deer-lick & due cares & embreads & halidome & hieleman & in a creel & necrobia & raceline & red scale & reliance & remailed & remedial & rescaled & saucered & shawanee & bridecake & abecedaria (88)
e. numbergram (digital transposal set), largest all words of different length [22-51]
common words: dropouts & peasantry & pasteboard & breakfasted (4-t)
common words: stormy & mastery & cathouse & aerobatic (4-t)
common words: moult & amulet & tamable & backbeat (4-t)
common words: snouts & tinkles & beatniks & databases (4-t)
common words: mount & toucan & tackled & backdate (4-t)
common words: outrow & coulter & latchkey & traceable (4-t)
common words: snout & unseat & beatnik & database (4-t)
common words: immunity & militancy & vaccinates & dialectical (4-t)
common words: wanton & untamed & bandmate & backdated (4-t)
... and 23 others
uncommon words: plymouths & breastplow & factorially & bicarpellate & acetabulifera (5-t)
uncommon words: mossgrown & mongrelism & meadowgrass & greenbackism & cardiomegalia (5-t)
uncommon words: splintwoods & functionless & nickelization & allodification & pseudoadiabatic (5-t)
uncommon words: tryworks & carryouts & carrytales & hackbuteers & halobacteria (5-t)
uncommon words: pinworks & unprosaic & lampshades & amphisbaena & ascalaphidae (5-t)
uncommon words: unstony & unousted & unjellied & dealbation & abalienated (5-t)
... and 19 others
sum pair (adding adjacent letters forms another word) [12-216]
e.g., CAN => DO: D = C + A, O = A + N
a. longest
common words: affine => glows (6-t)
common words: sanded => torii (6-t)
uncommon words: mandira => normas (7-t)
uncommon words: canfuls => dotage (7-t)
uncommon words: exciton => calcic (7-t)
uncommon words: charpoy => kishen (7-t)
uncommon words: baghdad => cholee (7-t)
uncommon words: czarish => casaba (7-t)
... and 3 others
b. longest progressive
common words: look => adz => ed => i (4-t)
common words: trio => lax => my => l (4-t)
common words: sank => toy => in => w (4-t)
uncommon words: enfin => stow => mil => vu => q (5-t)
uncommon words: dolby => sana => too => id => m (5-t)
uncommon words: sande => tori => iga => ph => x (5-t)
uncommon words: lazzo => mazo => nao => op => e (5-t)
uncommon words: abyed => cadi => dem => ir => a (5-t)
uncommon words: cymba => bloc => nar => os => h (5-t)
... and 3 others
difference pair (subtracting adjacent letters forms another word) [B43,3-231,4-139,8-163,207,10-48,12-216]
e.g., BONBON => MALMA: M = O - B, A = N - O, L = N - B
a. longest
common words: miters => doomy (6-t)
common words: kiters => boomy (6-t)
common words: hazels => gauss (6-t)
common words: eldest => shyly (6-t)
common words: waiter => vroom (6-t)
uncommon words: bonniest => mazedly (8)
b. longest progressive
common words: lint => cut => ha => g (4-t)
common words: pint => gut => la => k (4-t)
common words: onto => ate => go => r (4-t)
common words: barn => aid => re => m (4-t)
common words: sing => jug => on => a (4-t)
common words: trio => bit => so => d (4-t)
uncommon words: garni => fide => wey => rf => l (5-t)
uncommon words: minie => dued => ipa => so => d (5-t)
uncommon words: nards => mink => duc => ir => q (5-t)
uncommon words: oriel => wids => nek => it => o (5-t)
uncommon words: dowts => orca => wob => hm => u (5-t)
uncommon words: grouf => octo => lie => cd => y (5-t)
... and 4 others
c. chaotic words (no repeated differences between adjacent letters), longest [23-180]
common words: misapprehension, euphemistically, uncontroversial, impressionistic, interrogatories, physiotherapist, macroscopically, expressionistic, overzealousness, microenterprise, accomplishments, tyrannosauruses (15-t)
uncommon words: autosuggestibility, hemibasidiomycetes, photofluoroscopies (18-t)
d. chaotic pairs (no repeated inter-letter shifts), longest [23-110]
interpret, statesman (9)
letters restricted to mathematical sequences [5-51,108]
a. all letters restricted to squares = ADIPY, longest
common words: payday, papaya (6-t)
hyphenated word: yada-yada-yada (12)
phrase: yadda yadda yadda (15)
b. all letters restricted to primes = BCEGKMQSW, longest
common words: emcees, cesses, messes (6-t)
uncommon words: meseemses, sweeswees (9-t)
c. all letters restricted to Fibonacci sequence = ABCEHMU, longest
common words: became, hubbub (6-t)
uncommon word: macacahuba (10)
equidistant word (nth letter same distance from A as nth letter from end is from Z), longest
common words: hovels, wizard (6-t)
hyphenated word: klop-klop (8)
letters in order minus not, longest
common words: begrudgingly, acquaintanceship, biodegradability (7-t)
uncommon words: acquaintanceships, biopsychologist, intersubstitutability (8-t)
hyphenated word: north-northwestwardly (9)
phrase: developmental psychologist (10)
total disorder (no letter in its alphabetic place), longest [12-91]
common word: deinstitutionalization (22)
uncommon words: floccinaucinihilipilifications, trinitrophenylmethylnitramines (30-t)
phrases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, commissioners standard ordinary table, erasable programmable read only memory, fractional orbital bombardment system, ... and 6 others (34-t)
vicinal (each letter has an alphabetic neighbor in the word), longest [M168, 16-176,220,17-28]
common word: unreconstructed (15)
uncommon word: reticuloendotheliums (20)
phrase: lord chamberlain of the households (30)
letter sum of equal-sized pieces equal [M186,3-10,4-185]
e.g., EXIT: E(5) + X(24) = 29 = I(9) + T(20)
a. numerical tautonym (two halves have same sum), longest
common words: vasoconstriction, conditionalities, whatchamacallits, unconventionally, persuasivenesses (16-t)
uncommon word: dicyclopentadienyliron (22)
phrase: laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth (30)
b. three equal-sized pieces have same sum, longest
common word: exterminator (12)
uncommon word: microspectroscopes (18)
phrase: reconnaissance in force (21)
c. four equal-sized pieces have same sum, longest
common word: underpayment (12)
d. five equal-sized pieces have same sum, longest
phrase: transfer payment (15)
balance points [M186,2-37,31-11]
e.g., STEAD balances at T: 1 * S(19) = 1 * E(5) + 2 * A(1) + 3 * D(4))
a. word balances about some position, longest
common words: consubstantiation, unintelligibility, thoughtlessnesses (17-t)
uncommon word: polytetrafluoroethylenes (24)
phrase: gilles de la tourette's syndrome (27)
b. word balances about central position, longest
common words: consubstantiation, unintelligibility, thoughtlessnesses (17-t)
uncommon word: microspectrophotometric (23)
phrase: rotational quantum numbers (24)
c. ratio balance point to length, leftmost
common word: wrongheaded (0.36)
d. ratio balance point to length, rightmost
common word: aces (0.87)
last in reverse alphabetical order, for each letter [B98,5-186]
base 26 words [10-30,14-113]
number names [13-55,14-166,23-20]
Subset of Word
consecutive letters in alphabet
a. containing most [L168,4-10,144,5-22,11-36,108,12-169,15-77,151,154,212,16-156]
common words: disenfranchising, goldfinches, lightfaced (7-t)
uncommon words: perquisition, preconquest, prequalifications, propinquities, sesquiterpenoid, appropinquates, appropinquations, appropinquities, benzoxyacetanilide, ... and 23 others (8-t)
hyphenated word: quasi-complimentary (10)
phrases: knight of st john of jerusalem, knights of st john of jerusalem, quos deus vult perdere prius dementat (11-t)
b. containing most, for each letter
see list [Word Containing Most Consecutive Letters in the Alphabet after Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fcontaining%5Fmost%5Fconsecutive%5Fletters%5Fin%5Fthe%5Falphabet%5Fafter%5Feach%5Fletter)
c. consecutive alphabetic letters in left-to-right order
i. containing most
common words: reconstructive, redistributive, absconded (5-t)
ii. containing most, for each letter [L168,4-207,7-62,88,188]
see list [Word Containing Most Consecutive Letters in Order after Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fcontaining%5Fmost%5Fconsecutive%5Fletters%5Fin%5Forder%5Fafter%5Feach%5Fletter)
d. consecutive alphabetic letters in order consecutively, containing most [L168]
common words: overstuffed, understudy (4-t)
e. consecutive runs of consecutive alphabetic letters, containing most
common words: damndest, sophist, catastrophist (3-t)
uncommon word: echinoders (4)
f. ratio of consecutive alphabetic letters to length, highest
common words: backed, braced, cabled, quarts, squirt (0.83-t)
uncommon word: klompen (0.85)
g. consecutive alphabetic letters in reverse order consecutively, containing most
common words: environmental, transponder, federation, exponential, nutshell, weaponry, proponent, responder, deutsche, respondent, federally, preponderance, correspondingly, jihad, unresponsive, environmentalism, confederation, exponentiation, gutsy, ... and 81 others (3-t)
hyphenated words: bouts-rimes, weapon-maker (4-t)
h. consecutive run up and down, longest
common word: overstuffed (7)
phrase: overstuffed chair (8)
letters in alphabetical place or alphabet crashes [5-133,140,206,12-59]
a. letters in alphabetical place without shifting alphabet, containing most
common word: archetypical (5)
phrase: archegonial chambers (6)
b. letters in alphabetical place with shifting alphabet, containing most
common words: inoperative, cooperatively, neighborlinesses (6-t)
phrases: adenosine monophosphate, archiepiscopal staves, cyclic adenosine monophosphate, filiform apparatus, ... and 4 others (7-t)
c. no letters in alphabetical place, longest
common word: deinstitutionalization (22)
uncommon words: floccinaucinihilipilifications, trinitrophenylmethylnitramines (30-t)
phrases: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, commissioners standard ordinary table, erasable programmable read only memory, fractional orbital bombardment system, ... and 6 others (34-t)
d. last letter invariant, for each letter [4-96]
e. first letter reverse invariant, for each letter [4-91]
last letter next in alphabet after first letter
a. shortest, for each letter
see list [Shortest Word with Last Letter Next In Alphabet after First for Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fshortest%5Fword%5Fwith%5Flast%5Fletter%5Fnext%5Fin%5Falphabet%5Fafter%5Ffirst%5Ffor%5Feach%5Fletter)
Typewriter Order
Entire Word
spelled with letters from typewriter top row, longest [L171,1-25]
common words: perpetuity, proprietor, repertoire, typewriter (10-t)
uncommon word: teetertotter (12)
hyphenated word: pretty-prettier (14)
spelled with letters from typewriter middle row, longest [L171]
common word: alfalfas (8)
uncommon word: shakalshas (10)
hyphenated word: algal-algals (11)
spelled with letters from typewriter bottom row, longest [L171]
common words: b, c, m, n, v, x, z (1-t)
uncommon word: zzz (3)
spelled in left-to-right typewriter order, longest [3-176,12-154]
common words: quips, quaff, quash, woops, qualm, quill, topaz, weeps, weigh (5-t)
uncommon words: wettish, qwertys (7-t)
spelled in right-to-left typewriter order, longest [4-118,12-154]
common word: chappie (7)
hyphenated word: boot-tree (8)
spelled with typewriter letters from left hand, longest [L171]
common words: abracadabras, aftereffects, desegregated, reverberated, stewardesses, watercresses (12-t)
uncommon words: sweaterdresses, tesseradecades (14-t)
phrase: great crested grebes (18)
spelled with typewriter letters from right hand, longest [L171,16-249]
common words: polyphony, homophony (9-t)
uncommon words: kinnikinnik, hypolimnion (11-t)
hyphenated words: johnny-jump-up, miminy-piminy, niminy-piminy (12-t)
spelled with alternating hands on typewriter, longest [16-249]
common words: neurotoxicity, dismantlement (13-t)
uncommon words: antiskepticism, leucocytozoans (14-t)
phrases: laugh and lay down, protocorm theory (15-t)
spelled with one finger on typewriter
a. longest [L171,16-249]
common word: deeded (6)
uncommon word: deedeed (7)
b. longest, for each finger
see list [Longest Word Spelled with One Finger on Typewriter for Each Finger](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fword%5Fspelled%5Fwith%5Fone%5Ffinger%5Fon%5Ftypewriter%5Ffor%5Feach%5Ffinger)
spelled with adjacent keys on typewriter, longest
common word: redresses (9)
uncommon words: assertresses, desertresses (12-t)
spelled with keys in groups, longest
common word: patronymics (11)
uncommon word: multispeeded (12)
typewriter shiftword (shift hand position on typewriter to form another word)
a. one hand, longest
common words: castrati & castrato (8-t)
common words: bittered & buttered (8-t)
common words: scammers & scanners (8-t)
common words: tittered & tottered (8-t)
uncommon words: bitterweeds & butterweeds (11)
phrases: ferret badger & ferret-badger (12-t)
phrases: sweet grasses & sweetgrasses (12-t)
phrases: water skaters & water slaters (12-t)
b. both hands, longest
common words: escort & waxier (6)
phrases: Mitford & burdies (7)
Subset of Word
spelled using all typewriter fingers, shortest
common words: panelist, dystopia, pralines, plaudits, biplanes, captions, clasping, elapsing, esophagi, jackpots, pleasing, scalping (8-t)
spelled using all typewriter fingers in order, shortest
spelled using all typewriter fingers in reverse order, shortest
uncommon word: kiplingesque (12)
Frequency Order
Entire Word
a. without E, longest
common words: institutionalization, indistinguishability, psychopharmacologist (20-t)
uncommon word: floccinaucinihilipilifications (30)
phrase: you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours (34)
b. without ET, longest
common words: chlorofluorocarbons, psychophysiological (19-t)
uncommon word: hydrochlorofluorocarbons (24)
phrase: anhydrous hydrofluoric acids (26)
c. without ETA, longest
common words: psychophysiology, uncompromisingly (16-t)
uncommon word: silicochloroforming (19)
d. without ETAI, longest
common word: unscrupulously (14)
uncommon word: phyllospondylous (16)
phrase: synchronous clocks (17)
e. without ETAIN, longest
common words: polymorphous, chlorophylls, scrupulously (12-t)
uncommon words: hypophosphorous, chylophyllously, hydrosulphurous (15-t)
phrase: old world scops owl (16)
f. without ETAINS, longest [L239]
common word: chlorophyll (11)
uncommon words: promorphology, rhombporphyry (13-t)
phrase: by hook or by crook (15)
sumword (word converted to the sum of the frequency of its letters per thousand words in normal text) [23-43,45]
a. most infrequently used letters, for each length
see list [Word with the Most Infrequently Used Letters for Each Length](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fwith%5Fthe%5Fmost%5Finfrequently%5Fused%5Fletters%5Ffor%5Feach%5Flength)
b. most frequently used letters, for each length
see list [Word with the Most Frequently Used Letters for Each Length](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fwith%5Fthe%5Fmost%5Ffrequently%5Fused%5Fletters%5Ffor%5Feach%5Flength)
c. sumgram pair (words with same sumword sum), highest
common words: disinterestedness & lightheartednesses (13.26)
uncommon words: intercomprehensibilities & pseudointernationalistic (16.74-t)
uncommon words: pseudointernationalistic & tetraiodophenolphthalein (16.74-t)
phrases: neither fish nor flesh nor good red herring & terminating building and loan association (23.59)
hyphenated phrases: non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus & peoples' commissiariat of internal affairs (23.92)
Subset of Word
rare letters
a. containing JQXZ [B119,1-69,249,3-180,19-4,90,23-91]
b. containing JQXZ in all possible positions [23-146,216]
c. containing three rare letters, all possible [5-162,206,12-91,13-179,214,15-84,17-149]
Letters Selected from Given Set
Entire Word
spelled with chemical symbols, longest [7-198,9-42]
common word: underrepresentation (19)
uncommon word: hypothalamicohypophyseal (24)
phrases: infectious necrotic hepatitises, pneumocystis carinii pneumonias (29-t)
spelled with overlapping chemical symbols, longest
common word: fraternization (14)
phrase: fraternal insurance (18)
spelled with two-letter U.S. postal codes, longest [9-91,23-217]
common words: victoria, megawatt, armorial, calamari, inviscid, malarial, melamine, calamine, inguinal, mandalas, mahimahi, cascaras, mainland, malarias, mandarin, memorial, moorland (8-t)
uncommon word: convallarias (12)
spelled with overlapping two-letter U.S. postal codes, longest
common words: invariants, invariance, mascarpone, hilarities, invariable, invariably, invincible, invincibly, warinesses (10-t)
uncommon words: ascaridiases, ascaridiasis, ascaridioses, ascaridiosis, ascaridoidea, malarialized (12-t)
phrases: cascarilla bark, cascarilla oils, malarial fevers (14-t)
spelled with piano notes, longest [L167,11-38]
common words: acceded, baggage, cabbage, defaced, effaced (7-t)
uncommon words: debagged, fabaceae, cabbaged, fagaceae (8-t)
hyphenated word: face-bedded (10)
Morse code [1-207,8-209,13-159]
a. specific patterns of dots and dashes
i. Morse code is entirely dots, longest
common word: sissies (7)
ii. Morse code is entirely dashes, longest
common word: motto (5)
uncommon word: motmot (6)
iii. Morse code is entirely dot-dashes, longest
common word: entente (7)
iv. Morse code is entirely dash-dots, longest
common word: tartar (6)
v. Morse code is entirely dot-dot-dashes, longest
common words: fetid, frena, erred (5-t)
uncommon word: fained (6)
vi. Morse code is entirely dot-dash-dots, longest
common word: retinae (7)
uncommon word: retinene (8)
vii. Morse code is entirely dot-dash-dashes, longest
common word: empty (5)
uncommon word: wayang (6)
viii. Morse code is entirely dash-dot-dashes, longest
common words: tempt, twang (5-t)
uncommon word: yeggman (7)
ix. Morse code is entirely dash-dash-dots, longest
common word: mate (4)
uncommon word: matata (6)
b. sequence of repeated dots in Morse code, longest
common word: hashishes (20)
uncommon words: bakhsheeshes, bakhshishes (24-t)
c. sequence of repeated dashes in Morse code, longest
common word: bottommost (15)
uncommon word: myomotomy (17)
d. Morse code for each letter is 1 symbol, longest
common word: tee (3)
uncommon word: teetee (6)
e. Morse code for each letter is 2 symbols, longest
common words: manana, mannan, minima (6-t)
uncommon words: anamnia, miamian (7-t)
f. Morse code for each letter is 3 symbols, longest
common word: woodworks (9)
phrase: sour gourds (10)
g. Morse code for each letter is 4 symbols, longest
common word: flyby (5)
h. palindrome in Morse code, longest
common word: intransigence (13)
i. isomorse pair (same Morse code words if pauses are ignored) [6-187]
i. longest well-mixed
common words: kibbles & travesties (10-t)
common words: blacking & blanketing (10-t)
common words: chagrins & chatterers (10-t)
common words: chillies & cheeriness (10-t)
common words: cocking & contenting (10-t)
common words: deceitful & dentifrice (10-t)
common words: greenwing & generating (10-t)
common words: krills & tendinitis (10-t)
common words: quaking & quantitate (10-t)
... and 23 others
uncommon words: eke & pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises (47)
ii. longest measured in number of dots and dashes
common words: limberness & reimburses (25)
uncommon words: buckishly & thanklessly (31-t)
uncommon words: disspreading & bessemerizing (31-t)
uncommon words: highbinders & hephthalites (31-t)
uncommon words: eke & pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises (31-t)
phrases: hand gallops & signature loans (34)
iii. longest list
common words: babe & bans & bath & begs & digs & duns & nips & bates & deans & death & dimes (11)
uncommon words: pah & prs & axes & emfs & pase & pedi & pens & prie & wers & wins & with & aneth & pedee & penie & petes & wease & weens & wites & ettins & weenie (20)
phrases: PA's & PAs & axs & pas & wus & Anas & Wide & anas & emus & pede & peni & pets & pree & weas & weri & wide & wit's & wits & wits' & emits & etnas & weets (22-t)
phrases: PRs & pah & prs & axes & emfs & pase & pedi & pens & prie & wers & wins & with & aneth & pedee & penie & petes & wease & weens & wites & at ease & ettins & weenie (22-t)
phrases: BLs & DUIs & ThDs & basi & beds & dels & dinh & nils & Benes & Bethe & bene s & benes & betis & deeds & deres & didie & dines & neids & teils & deedie & testis & testees (22-t)
iv. highest word to symbol ratio [8-171]
common words: d & ne & ti & tee (1.33)
uncommon words: bai & bed & del & did & dui & nil & bene & deed & dere & dine & neid & nied & teil & tiel & tsai & testee (2-t)
uncommon words: xi & nai & ned & tel & tid & tui & nene & teed & tine & titi & teene & teetee (2-t)
uncommon words: xis & nais & nasi & neds & tels & tids & tuis & tusi & nenes & telei & teres & terse & tines & tithe & titis & teenes & teethe & teetees (2-t)
uncommon words: pah & prs & axes & emfs & pase & pedi & pens & prie & wers & wins & with & aneth & pedee & penie & petes & wease & weens & wites & ettins & weenie (2-t)
hyphenated words: xi & nai & ned & tel & tid & tui & nene & teed & tine & titi & teene & tee-tee & teetee (2.16)
v. no two Morse sequences decode to same letter, longest list
j. Morse code reversal pair (reversed Morse code words if pauses are ignored)
i. longest
common words: identical & internecine (11-t)
common words: preempted & intemperate (11-t)
common words: fracture & intertwined (11-t)
common words: shipping & antipathies (11-t)
common words: urgently & maintenance (11-t)
uncommon words: shiverings & settlednesses (13)
phrases: 3 & do something as though it were going out of fashion (42)
ii. longest measured in number of dots and dashes
common words: shipping & antipathies (24-t)
common words: shivering & wavinesses (24-t)
uncommon words: funiculars & secularized (30)
phrases: 3 & do something as though it were going out of fashion (108)
k. iskot pair (reverse dots and dashes and ignore pauses in Morse code to form another word) [12-216]
i. longest
common words: nostalgia & lamentation (11)
uncommon words: tent & pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises (47)
ii. longest measured in number of dots and dashes
common words: nostalgia & lamentation (22)
uncommon words: goatsbeard & infamatory (25-t)
uncommon words: alarmedly & cornrowed (25-t)
uncommon words: tent & pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises (25-t)
phrases: second banana & once upon a time (30)
Telephone keypad
a. isotel pair (word spells out same telephone number as another word) [8-227,11-215]
i. longest well-mixed
common words: rearrested & reasserted (10-t)
common words: comprising & conspiring (10-t)
uncommon words: compurgator & constrictor (11-t)
uncommon words: reimbursing & reincurring (11-t)
uncommon words: ungossiping & uninspiring (11-t)
ii. isotel pair with no letters in common, longest
common words: astride & brushed (7-t)
common words: amounts & contour (7-t)
common words: damaged & ecocide (7-t)
common words: hotbeds & invader (7-t)
uncommon words: amoebids & bondager (8-t)
uncommon words: acacetin & cacafugo (8-t)
uncommon words: jingling & khoikhoi (8-t)
b. spelled with consecutive letters on adjacent keys, longest for each letter
see list [Longest Word with Consecutive Letters Adjacent on Phone Keypad, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fword%5Fwith%5Fconsecutive%5Fletters%5Fadjacent%5Fon%5Fphone%5Fkeypad%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
c. spelled with even phone keys, longest
common words: contamination, communicating, communication, contaminating (13-t)
uncommon words: monocontaminating, monocontamination (17-t)
d. spelled with odd phone keys, longest
common word: selflessly (10)
uncommon words: perplexedly, reexpressed, preferredly, sleeplessly, derepressed, expressless, pepperweeds, skysweepers, welldresser, ... and 2 others (11-t)
hyphenated words: self-perplexed, well-expressed (13-t)
e. spelled using all phone keys, shortest
common words: idolatry, keypunch, playtime, enthalpy, dilatory, foxtails, adroitly, gunwales, haylofts, uneasily, unfairly (8-t)
f. spelled using phone keys in groups, longest
common word: irredeemably (12)
uncommon word: zoometrically (13)
spelled with amino acid abbreviations, longest
common word: serval (6)
spelled with overlapping amino acid abbreviations, longest
common words: his, met, pro (3-t)
phrase: Valais (6)
spelled with Roman numerals, longest
common words: civic, civil, livid, mimic, villi, vivid (5-t)
uncommon word: dividivi (8)
zodiacal signs, longest [15-110,152]
months, longest [15-110,152]
isosephy [14-215]
"nice" words (letters in "nice" minus letters not in "nice")
common word: inconvenience (9)
hyphenated word: nievie-nievie-nick-nack (10)
Subset of Word
Telephone keypad
a. spelled using all phone keys in order, shortest
Letter Appearance
Entire Word
spelled with short lowercase letters = acemnorsuvwxz, longest [L155]
common word: uncommonnesses (14)
uncommon word: curvaceousnesses (16)
phrase: arcanum arcanorums (17)
spelled with tall lowercase letters = bdfghijklpqty, longest [6-188,12-216]
common words: highlight, hillbilly (9-t)
uncommon words: lighttight, lillypilly (10-t)
hyphenated word: highty-tighty (12)
spelled with letters with descenders = gjpqy, longest
common words: g, j, p, q, y (1-t)
uncommon word: gyppy (5)
spelled with letters with ascenders = bdfhijklt, longest
common words: titbit, tidbit (6-t)
uncommon words: tikitiki, libidibi (8-t)
rotation or reflection symmetry [L27,1-39,4-92,144,11-177,237,14-221]
a. spelled with vertical symmetry letters = AHIMOTUVWXY, longest [12-109]
common words: automata, thataway, mahimahi (8-t)
uncommon words: homotaxia, thymomata, myomotomy (9-t)
hyphenated word: mouth-to-mouth (12)
b. spelled with horizontal symmetry letters = BCDEHIKOX, longest [11-237,12-216]
common word: checkbook (9)
uncommon word: coccidiocide (12)
hyphenated word: hoochie-coochie (14)
c. spelled with full-symmetry letters = HIOX, longest
common words: hi, ho, oh, ox (2-t)
uncommon word: ohio (4)
hyphenated word: hoo-oo (5)
d. catoptron (word which remains the same when it is reflected in a mirror), longest
i. vertical catoptron, longest
common word: toot (4)
uncommon words: aitia, imami, aiaia (5-t)
hyphenated word: tat-tat-tat (9)
e. upside-down word (word that remains the same when it is turned upside down) [14-221]
i. longest lowercase
common words: passed, dollop, palled, sasses (6-t)
uncommon word: sooloos (7)
ii. longest uppercase
common word: swims (5)
f. upside-down word pair
i. longest lowercase
common words: assed & passe (5-t)
common words: alles & salle (5-t)
common words: dooms & swoop (5-t)
uncommon words: salades & sapeles (7-t)
uncommon words: pappous & snodded (7-t)
ii. longest uppercase
common words: nos & son (3)
uncommon words: nonis & sinon (5-t)
uncommon words: nimis & siwin (5-t)
unusual punctuation [19-67]
Subset of Word
ratio dotted to undotted letters, highest [1-169,23-153]
common words: jib, jig (0.66-t)
uncommon words: fiji, iiwi, jibi (0.75-t)
ratio letters with descenders to those without, highest
common words: pappy, jaggy, guppy, gypsy, peppy, piggy, poppy, puppy, pygmy (0.8-t)
ratio letters with ascenders to those without, highest
common words: killifish, hillbilly (0.88-t)
hyphenated word: fifty-fifth (0.9)
Relations to Other Words
a. Word Lists
pangram (list of words containing all the letters of the alphabet) [1-101,116,4-239,5-52,107,181,205,10-41,84,103,11-245,16-234,20-90,154,21-225]
a. fewest letters
uncommon words: waqf & jynx & speltz & vugh & mockbird [see "Pangram" article]
b. fewest words
uncommon words: qwerty & flax & buckjumping & vozhds [see "Pangram" article]
c. containing most different letters, two words [6-111,172,10-42,21-27,84]
uncommon words: poldavy & thumbscrewing (20) [see "Pangram" article]
uncommon words: blacksmith & gunpowdery (20) [see "Pangram" article]
d. containing most different letters, three words [10-42]
uncommon words: jumbling & frowzy & sketchpad (23) [see "Pangram" article]
uncommon words: browzing & kvetchy & mudflaps (23) [see "Pangram" article]
e. alphabetic word chains [12-174,218]
f. consonym [23-240]
overlapping words
a. crash list (word list with matching letters in some positions)
i. longest symmetric [11-230]
see "Crashing Words" article
ii. one-crash [19-146,215]
iii. pan-crash [8-112,15-186,211]
iv. non-crash, longest [B71,5-107,174,6-67,156,15-95,151,19-91]
b. chain (list of overlapping words) [15-93,212]
c. circle or ring (list of overlapping words that loops back to the first word) [B23,1-215,9-161,10-189,11-215,18-167]
d. compasses [23-54]
cryptarithmetic word sets [23-67]
a. word equation using every digit, longest [23-67]
e.g., NINE * FOUR + FIVE = FORTY-ONE (20) (9895 * 3074 + 3865 = 30421-095)
word groups [1-212,10-85]
a. finite projective geometry [8-250,10-85,11-216]
b. square free and cadences [16-252,17-26]
c. Platonic solids [13-9,15-247]
d. word dice [3-29,6-108]
e. balanced [13-9,15-247]
word squares [16-231]
a. simple [11-36,12-90,154,216,13-30,86,212,23-40,152,195]
b. double [13-4,195,14-13,25,121,153,15-70,23-216]
c. compound [14-74,152,16-110,214,17-30]
d. reversible [14-210,213,15-16]
e. diagonal [14-213,15-233,16-26]
f. spiral [15-233,16-26,93]
g. triangular tiles [16-32]
h. hexagonal tiles [13-124,151]
i. rug words [13-182,213]
j. cubes [11-156,12-76]
k. state abbreviations [23-53]
l. latin [23-226]
subtransposal list, longest [2-24,12-218,23-109]
word girders, longest [L159,9-150,23-50,109]
Entire Word
reversal pair (reverse the letters in a word to form another word) [L38,288,14-93,151,218]
a. longest
common words: desserts & stressed (8)
b. inside-out word pair (reverse letters in word halves and/or reverse word halves), longest
common words: downward & drawdown (8-t)
common words: backward & drawback (8-t)
common words: alerting & relating (8-t)
common words: presents & serpents (8-t)
common words: brawlers & warblers (8-t)
common words: brawling & warbling (8-t)
uncommon words: aminations & animations (10-t)
uncommon words: generation & renegation (10-t)
uncommon words: underparts & understrap (10-t)
uncommon words: underdraws & undersward (10-t)
deletion [L110,9-161,23-190]
a. beheadment (delete first letter in a word to form another word)
i. longest [6-198]
common words: preservationists => reservationists (16)
uncommon words: prestandardizations => restandardizations (19-t)
uncommon words: preacknowledgements => reacknowledgements (19-t)
phrases: asynchronous transmission => synchronous transmission (24)
ii. longest progressive [6-198,12-154]
common words: stabled => tabled => abled => bled => led => ed => d (7)
uncommon words: prestates => restates => estates => states => tates => ates => tes => es => s (9)
iii. longest double progressive [6-198,12-154]
common words: fireplaces => replaces => places => aces => es (10-t)
common words: immigrants => migrants => grants => ants => ts (10-t)
uncommon words: reafforesting => afforesting => foresting => resting => sting => ing => g (13-t)
uncommon words: rewarehousing => warehousing => rehousing => housing => using => ing => g (13-t)
iv. longest double [7-168,9-62]
common words: deinstitutionalization => institutionalization (22)
uncommon words: deinstitutionalizations => institutionalizations (23-t)
uncommon words: indistinguishablenesses => distinguishablenesses (23-t)
uncommon words: reinstitutionalizations => institutionalizations (23-t)
uncommon words: undistinguishablenesses => distinguishablenesses (23-t)
phrases: go in at one ear and out at the other => in at one ear and out at the other (28)
v. for each letter, longest [6-88,181,198,213,13-159,14-219,15-155,16-96,220,17-85,23-214]
vi. n-progressive, longest [6-198]
b. curtailment (delete last letter in a word to form another word)
i. longest progressive [7-168,9-62,11-152]
common words: lapsers => lapser => lapse => laps => lap => la => l (7-t)
common words: parsecs => parsec => parse => pars => par => pa => p (7-t)
common words: parsers => parser => parse => pars => par => pa => p (7-t)
common words: passers => passer => passe => pass => pas => pa => p (7-t)
common words: pastels => pastel => paste => past => pas => pa => p (7-t)
common words: erasers => eraser => erase => eras => era => er => e (7-t)
uncommon words: quadratics => quadratic => quadrati => quadrat => quadra => quadr => quad => qua => qu => q (10-t)
uncommon words: maximisers => maximiser => maximise => maximis => maximi => maxim => maxi => max => ma => m (10-t)
uncommon words: minimisers => minimiser => minimise => minimis => minimi => minim => mini => min => mi => m (10-t)
uncommon words: pindarised => pindarise => pindaris => pindari => pindar => pinda => pind => pin => pi => p (10-t)
uncommon words: pindarises => pindarise => pindaris => pindari => pindar => pinda => pind => pin => pi => p (10-t)
uncommon words: quintettes => quintette => quintett => quintet => quinte => quint => quin => qui => qu => q (10-t)
uncommon words: quintettos => quintetto => quintett => quintet => quinte => quint => quin => qui => qu => q (10-t)
ii. longest double progressive [9-62]
common words: canonically => canonical => canonic => canon => can => c (11-t)
common words: contentedly => contented => content => conte => con => c (11-t)
uncommon words: linguistically => linguistical => linguistic => linguist => lingui => ling => li (14)
iii. longest nontrivial [7-168,9-62]
common words: mitochondrial => mitochondria (13-t)
common words: hypochondriac => hypochondria (13-t)
common words: epiphenomenal => epiphenomena (13-t)
common words: underachiever => underachieve (13-t)
common words: steeplechaser => steeplechase (13-t)
uncommon words: ginglymoarthrodial => ginglymoarthrodia (18-t)
uncommon words: palaeodictyopteran => palaeodictyoptera (18-t)
uncommon words: ununderstandablest => ununderstandables (18-t)
phrases: phthalocyanine green G => phthalocyanine green (20)
hyphenated phrases: human T-cell lymphotropic virus I => human T-cell lymphotropic virus (28)
iv. longest double [7-168,9-62]
common words: disadvantageousnesses => disadvantageousness (21-t)
common words: straightforwardnesses => straightforwardness (21-t)
uncommon words: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (47)
c. delete letter from any position to form another word
i. longest progressive
common words: colonizers => colonizes => colonies => colones => clones => cones => ones => one => ne => e (10)
uncommon words: centralisers => centralises => centralise => centralis => centrals => centals => centas => cents => cens => ens => ns => s (12-t)
uncommon words: lenticulated => lenticulate => lenticulae => lenticule => lenticle => lentile => lentil => lenti => leni => lei => li => i (12-t)
uncommon words: lenticulates => lenticulate => lenticulae => lenticule => lenticle => lentile => lentil => lenti => leni => lei => li => i (12-t)
uncommon words: generalisers => generalises => generalise => generalis => generals => general => genera => gener => gene => ene => ne => e (12-t)
ii. longest nontrivial
iii. longest double deletion
d. alternating terminal elision (alternate between deleting first and last letters to form a word list), longest [8-87]
common words: cloners => cloner => loner => lone => one => on => n (7-t)
common words: craters => crater => rater => rate => ate => at => t (7-t)
common words: graters => grater => rater => rate => ate => at => t (7-t)
common words: stoners => stoner => toner => tone => one => on => n (7-t)
common words: laments => lament => ament => amen => men => me => e (7-t)
uncommon words: escallops => scallops => scallop => callop => callo => allo => all => ll => l (9-t)
uncommon words: rescripts => escripts => escript => script => scrip => crip => cri => ri => r (9-t)
uncommon words: ketamines => etamines => etamine => tamine => tamin => amin => ami => mi => m (9-t)
uncommon words: upraisers => upraiser => praiser => praise => raise => rais => ais => ai => i (9-t)
e. terminal elision (delete first and last letters to form another word)
i. longest [L118]
common words: preoccupations => reoccupation (14-t)
common words: gratifications => ratification (14-t)
common words: revolutionists => evolutionist (14-t)
uncommon words: prestandardizations => restandardization (19-t)
uncommon words: preacknowledgements => reacknowledgement (19-t)
phrases: asexual reproductions => sexual reproduction (20)
ii. longest progressive [L118]
common words: braless => rales => ale => l (7-t)
common words: cleanse => leans => ean => a (7-t)
common words: cloners => loner => one => n (7-t)
common words: bracers => racer => ace => c (7-t)
common words: amasses => masse => ass => s (7-t)
common words: ashamed => shame => ham => a (7-t)
common words: beaters => eater => ate => t (7-t)
common words: craters => rater => ate => t (7-t)
common words: bothers => other => the => h (7-t)
... and 61 others
uncommon words: charoseth => haroset => arose => ros => o (9-t)
uncommon words: calamined => alamine => lamin => ami => m (9-t)
uncommon words: calamines => alamine => lamin => ami => m (9-t)
uncommon words: charosets => haroset => arose => ros => o (9-t)
uncommon words: charosety => haroset => arose => ros => o (9-t)
uncommon words: awakeners => wakener => akene => ken => e (9-t)
... and 25 others
phrases: strainings => training => rain in => aini => in (10)
f. dismembered (delete either first or last letters to form words) [7-168,213,8-87,174]
i. longest
common words: preservationists : reservationists & preservationist (16)
uncommon words: prestandardizations : restandardizations & prestandardization (19-t)
uncommon words: preacknowledgements : reacknowledgements & preacknowledgement (19-t)
ii. word torture or progressive dismemberment (word all of whose contiguous subsequences are words), longest
common words: fires : fire & ires & fir & ire & res & es & fi & ir & re (5)
uncommon words: amusers : amuser & musers & amuse & muser & users & amus & muse & sers & user & amu & ers & mus & ser & use & am & er & mu & rs & se & us (7-t)
uncommon words: brooses : broose & rooses & broos & ooses & roose & broo & oose & oses & roos & bro & oos & ose & roo & ses & br & es & oo & os & ro & se (7-t)
iii. word with no contiguous subsequence that is a word, longest
common words: suck (4)
uncommon words: xylyl (5)
iv. word with no subsequence that is a word, longest
common words: jib (3-t)
common words: try (3-t)
uncommon words: juju (4-t)
uncommon words: typy (4-t)
uncommon words: jynx (4-t)
g. delete consecutively repeated letters to form a word, longest
common words: interviewees => interviews (12)
uncommon words: multimillionairess => multimillionaire (18)
phrases: pharaoh's serpents' eggs => pharaoh's serpentses (20)
hyphenated phrases: human T-cell lymphotropic virus III => human T-cell lymphotropic virus I (30)
h. letter subtraction (delete all copies of letter in a word to form another word)
i. longest
common words: adventuress => adventure (11-t)
common words: hairinesses => harnesses (11-t)
common words: smatterings => mattering (11-t)
common words: unsheathing => unseating (11-t)
common words: worldliness => wordiness (11-t)
uncommon words: multimillionairess => multimillionaire (18)
phrases: chenodesoxycholic acids => chenodeoxycholic acid (22-t)
phrases: desoxyribonucleic acids => deoxyribonucleic acid (22-t)
phrases: knights grand commanders => knight grand commander (22-t)
phrases: le chatelier's principles => le chatelier principle (22-t)
ii. longest progressive [L116,6-210,23-131,216]
common words: erasers => eases => ass => a (7-t)
common words: titbits => ibis => bs (7-t)
uncommon words: restarters => estates => stats => tat => a (10-t)
uncommon words: sputterers => putterer => puerer => purr => pu (10-t)
uncommon words: tetrasters => erasers => eases => ass => a (10-t)
hyphenated words: passe-passes => paepae => papa => aa (11)
iii. each letter, each position [23-229]
i. charitable (delete any letter to form another word) [4-171,5-53,109,8-109,M88]
i. longest
common words: shoots : hoots & soots & shots & shots & shoos & shoot (6)
ii. progressive charitable (all contiguous and non-contiguous subsequences are words), longest
common words: ads : ads & ad & as & ds (3-t)
common words: bes : bes & be & bs & es (3-t)
common words: fas : fas & as & fa & fs (3-t)
common words: has : has & as & ha & hs (3-t)
common words: his : his & hi & hs & is (3-t)
common words: ill : ill & il & ll (3-t)
common words: gos : gos & go & gs & os (3-t)
common words: dos : dos & do & ds & os (3-t)
common words: ass : ass & as & ss (3-t)
... and 12 others
uncommon words: peats : peats & eats & pats & peas & peat & pets & ats & eas & eat & ets & pas & pat & pea & pes & pet & pts & as & at & ea & es & et & pa & pe & ps & pt & ts (5-t)
uncommon words: prees : prees & pees & pree & pres & rees & ees & pee & pes & pre & prs & ree & res & ee & es & pe & pr & ps & re & rs (5-t)
uncommon words: abyes : abyes & abes & abye & abys & ayes & byes & abe & abs & aby & aes & aye & ays & bes & bye & bys & yes & ab & ae & as & ay & be & bs & by & es & ye & ys (5-t)
uncommon words: pahis : pahis & ahis & pahi & pahs & pais & phis & ahi & ahs & ais & his & pah & pai & pas & phi & phs & pis & ah & ai & as & hi & hs & is & pa & ph & pi & ps (5-t)
j. stingy (cannot delete any letter to form another word), shortest [5-54]
common words: jib (3-t)
common words: try (3-t)
k. delete-reverse [Neil Picciotto]
i. longest
common words: retriever => reverter (9)
uncommon words: kinnikinnick => kinnikinnik (12-t)
uncommon words: kinnikinniks => kinnikinnik (12-t)
ii. longest progressive
common words: redcaps => spacer => recap => pace => cap => pa => a (7-t)
common words: deliver => revile => liver => evil => lie => il => l (7-t)
common words: redeems => seeder => redes => seer => res => er => r (7-t)
common words: redness => sender => redes => seer => res => er => r (7-t)
common words: spacers => recaps => space => caps => sac => cs => s (7-t)
common words: spacier => recaps => space => caps => sac => cs => s (7-t)
common words: streams => smarts => trams => mart => ram => ma => a (7-t)
common words: reliant => tailer => relit => tile => lit => ti => i (7-t)
common words: seaport => tropes => sport => tops => pot => to => o (7-t)
... and 4 others
uncommon words: animates => stamina => animas => samia => aims => sma => am => m (8-t)
uncommon words: asarones => senoras => sarons => soras => sars => sra => ar => r (8-t)
uncommon words: decalogs => solaced => decals => laced => deal => lad => da => a (8-t)
uncommon words: cinerins => sirenic => ineris => siren => neri => ire => er => r (8-t)
uncommon words: assuaged => degauss => suaged => degas => sage => eas => sa => a (8-t)
uncommon words: degreens => sneered => dreens => sneer => reen => nee => ee => e (8-t)
... and 52 others
hyphenated words: sanitises => sestinas => snitses => set-ins => snite => tins => sit => ti => i (9-t)
hyphenated words: steppings => snippets => step-ins => snipes => spins => snip => pin => ni => i (9-t)
l. sliding window (word that contains other words that first increase and then decrease in length), longest
e.g., PAST = P & PA & PAS & PAST & AST & ST & T
common words: fires : fi & fir & fire & fires & ires & res & es (5)
uncommon words: morales : mo & mor & mora & moral & morale & morales & orales & rales & ales & les & es (7-t)
uncommon words: amusers : am & amu & amus & amuse & amuser & amusers & musers & users & sers & ers & rs (7-t)
uncommon words: camises : ca & cam & cami & camis & camise & camises & amises & mises & ises & ses & es (7-t)
uncommon words: cathars : ca & cat & cath & catha & cathar & cathars & athars & thars & hars & ars & rs (7-t)
uncommon words: damaras : da & dam & dama & damar & damara & damaras & amaras & maras & aras & ras & as (7-t)
uncommon words: brooses : br & bro & broo & broos & broose & brooses & rooses & ooses & oses & ses & es (7-t)
... and 5 others
m. isodeletion (delete letter to form a word with the same letter pattern as another word)
i. longest well-mixed
common words: phenylketonurics => cytomegalovirus (16)
uncommon words: decipherabilities => underachievement (17-t)
uncommon words: copolymerizations => malacopterygians (17-t)
uncommon words: porphyrogenitisms => hydrodynamicists (17-t)
uncommon words: desulphurizations => pseudocharitable (17-t)
uncommon words: superastonishment => obdiplostemonies (17-t)
uncommon words: unaffordabilities => chemosterilizing (17-t)
... and 2 others
phrases: fractional equation => harbinger-of-spring (18-t)
phrases: mercury vapour light => crested guinea fowl (18-t)
phrases: ventriculographies => pigment bordeaux Ns (18-t)
phrases: norwegian elkhounds => plymouth porcelain (18-t)
phrases: topographic old ages => balance of payments (18-t)
ii. longest not well-mixed
common words: oversimplification & oversimplifications (19-t)
common words: overgeneralization & overgeneralizations (19-t)
common words: chlorofluorocarbon & chlorofluorocarbons (19-t)
uncommon words: dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane & dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (32)
phrases: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate & nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphates (41)
iii. longest progressive
common words: phenylketonurics => cytomegalovirus => ambidextrously => endolymphatic => packinghouse => normatively => fulminates => hailstone => hurdling => belugas => bander => plots => trip => job => ey => e (16-t)
common words: acknowledgements => acknowledgments => acknowledgment => grandiloquent => packinghouse => normatively => fulminates => hailstone => hurdling => belugas => bander => plots => trip => job => ey => e (16-t)
uncommon words: immunohematologists => immunohematologist => immunohematologic => immunopathologic => immunopathology => confirmability => thermodynamic => packinghouse => normatively => fulminates => hailstone => hurdling => belugas => bander => plots => trip => job => ey => e (19-t)
uncommon words: anthropomorphitisms => anthropomorphitism => anthropomorphitic => anthropomorphite => anthropomorphic => anthroposophic => phlorizinizes => ambitendency => pulverizing => fulminates => hailstone => hurdling => belugas => bander => plots => trip => job => ey => e (19-t)
insertion [9-161]
a. hydration (more than one way to add letter to front to form another word), longest [6-198]
common words: enunciation : denunciation & renunciation (0.11)
uncommon words: evolutionists : devolutionists & revolutionists (0.13-t)
uncommon words: athematically : mathematically & pathematically (0.13-t)
uncommon words: irelessnesses : tirelessnesses & wirelessnesses (0.13-t)
b. hospitable (insert letter anywhere to form another word), longest [4-171,23-134,M88]
common words: ruse : cruse & reuse & russe & russe & ruses (4)
uncommon words: cares : scares & chares & cadres & caries & carers & caress (5-t)
uncommon words: curie : ecurie & courie & cuirie & curnie & curiae & curies (5-t)
uncommon words: gamas : agamas & gramas & gammas & gambas & gamays & gamash (5-t)
uncommon words: heres : theres & haeres & heares & herbes & herems & heresy (5-t)
uncommon words: manes : emanes & meanes & magnes & mandes & manebs & maness (5-t)
uncommon words: pates : spates & plates & pastes & patres & patels & patesi (5-t)
uncommon words: sores : tsores & scores & soares & sordes & sorees & sorest (5-t)
c. hostile (cannot insert letter anywhere to form word), shortest length > 3 [5-54,5-109]
common words: ahoy (4-t)
common words: apex (4-t)
common words: city (4-t)
common words: coax (4-t)
common words: cpus (4-t)
common words: drew (4-t)
common words: ebbs (4-t)
common words: else (4-t)
common words: espy (4-t)
... and 21 others
deletion and insertion [9-161]
a. charitable and hospitable, longest [5-54,8-109]
uncommon words: bets : ets & bts & bes & bet & abets & beets & beats & betas & betsy (4-t)
uncommon words: bits : its & bts & bis & bit & obits & baits & bints & bites & bitsy (4-t)
uncommon words: abas : bas & aas & abs & aba & babas & abbas & abbas & abacs & abase (4-t)
uncommon words: agas : gas & aas & ags & aga & magas & aigas & agbas & agals & agast (4-t)
uncommon words: ared : red & aed & ard & are & bared & acred & arced & aread & aredd (4-t)
uncommon words: amia : mia & aia & ama & ami & bamia & aemia & amnia & amiga & amias (4-t)
... and 15 others
b. stingy and hostile, shortest [5-54]
common words: idly (4-t)
common words: razz (4-t)
common words: ugly (4-t)
substitution [9-161]
a. onalosi or complete garble group (word that can have a letter changed anywhere to form another word), longest [3-108,4-171,5-54]
common words: beers : deers & biers & bears & beefs & beery (5-t)
common words: boots : coots & blots & boats & boobs & booth (5-t)
common words: clink : blink & chink & clank & click & cline (5-t)
common words: crass : brass & class & cress & crabs & crash (5-t)
common words: crows : brows & chows & craws & crocs & crowd (5-t)
common words: bales : dales & biles & babes & balas & baled (5-t)
common words: dells : bells & dills & deals & deles & della (5-t)
common words: cress : dress & chess & crass & creds & crest (5-t)
common words: ducks : bucks & decks & dunks & duces & ducky (5-t)
... and 20 others
uncommon words: classes : glasses & chasses & clesses & clauses & clashes & classis & classed (7-t)
uncommon words: candies : bandies & condies & caddies & cannies & candles & candids & candied (7-t)
uncommon words: caracas : maracas & curacas & camacas & caricas & carajas & caracks & caracal (7-t)
uncommon words: pasters : basters & pesters & palters & passers & pastors & pastels & pastern (7-t)
uncommon words: poppies : coppies & pappies & potpies & popsies & popples & poppits & poppied (7-t)
b. isolano (word that cannot have a letter changed anywhere to form another word), shortest [2-62,3-108,4-171,12-153,13-28]
common words: envy (4-t)
common words: evil (4-t)
common words: upon (4-t)
phrases: XML (3-t)
phrases: WNL (3-t)
c. word ladders, networks or stairs [6-67,156,9-119,20-168,22-28,76,88,141,216,23-154,31-89]
i. full vowel substitution, longest [1-156,3-48,8-190,207,9-17,11-109,12-37,22-172,216,23-92]
common words: patting & petting & pitting & potting & putting (7)
uncommon words: chacking & checking & chicking & chocking & chucking (8-t)
uncommon words: clacking & clecking & clicking & clocking & clucking (8-t)
uncommon words: halloing & helloing & hilloing & holloing & hulloing (8-t)
uncommon words: massiest & messiest & missiest & mossiest & mussiest (8-t)
uncommon words: rackling & reckling & rickling & rockling & ruckling (8-t)
uncommon words: tracking & trecking & tricking & trocking & trucking (8-t)
ii. full vowel including y substitution, longest
common words: as & es & is & os & us & ys (2)
uncommon words: happed & hepped & hipped & hopped & hupped & hypped (6)
iii. full vowel including y substitution, shortest > 1
common words: as & es & is & os & us & ys (2)
iv. consecutive letter substitution, most
common words: bared => cared => dared => eared => fared (5-t)
common words: baring => caring => daring => earing => faring (5-t)
common words: hokey => holey => homey => honey => hooey (5-t)
uncommon words: jat => kat => lat => mat => nat => oat => pat => qat => rat => sat => tat (11-t)
uncommon words: jats => kats => lats => mats => nats => oats => pats => qats => rats => sats => tats (11-t)
v. consecutive letter substitution, longest
common words: porting => posting => potting => pouting (7)
uncommon words: portering => postering => pottering => poutering (9)
phrases: w chromosomes => X chromosomes => Y chromosomes => z chromosomes (12)
vi. minimal-length or ideal, longest [21-103,23-22,154]
emplants => emplanes => enplanes => enplaned => unplaned => unplayed => unprayed => ungrayed => ungreyed (8)
vii. reversal, minimal length [12-44,151,153,13-26,84,122,14-90,15-16,16-164,21-103,23-91]
viii. minimal alphabetic or pangrammatic, nine letter [18-90,20-154,21-145,22-223]
ix. minimal alphabetic or pangrammatic, four and five letter [23-125,215]
x. garble group, most [1-165,3-144,211,4-15,6-67,156,12-217]
xi. square and root [3-122,12-217]
xii. transaddition set, most [15-151]
xiii. longest [12-36,119,152,23-154]
xiv. alphabetic substitution [15-208]
xv. substitute-letter transposals, most [17-195,18-23,220,23-109]
xvi. letter sets [11-158]
xvii. stepladder [22-240,23-27]
d. letter pairs, all 325 possible [2-70]
movement [L110,9-161]
a. head-to-tail shift (move letters from front of word to end to form another word) [L93,3-24,7-176,238,8-47,112,233,11-216,12-153]
i. longest nontrivial one letter
common words: devaluate => evaluated (9)
uncommon words: denunciate => enunciated (10)
phrases: dactinomycin => actinomycin D (12)
hyphenated phrases: G-strophanthin => strophanthin-G (13)
ii. longest two letter [L92,8-112,11-216]
common words: allocation => locational (10)
iii. longest three letter
common words: outbreak => breakout (8-t)
common words: inground => rounding (8-t)
uncommon words: manslaughter => slaughterman (12)
phrases: dye sensitizing => sensitizing dye (14)
iv. longest four letter
common words: workpiece => piecework (9-t)
common words: boathouse => houseboat (9-t)
common words: sidetrack => trackside (9-t)
common words: oversleep => sleepover (9-t)
uncommon words: backscratch => scratchback (11)
hyphenated words: blah-blah-blah => blah-blah-blah (12-t)
hyphenated words: overcrossing => crossing-over (12-t)
hyphenated words: yada-yada-yada => yada-yada-yada (12-t)
phrases: heir-presumptive => presumptive heir (15-t)
phrases: heir presumptive => presumptive heir (15-t)
phrases: sole corporation => corporation sole (15-t)
v. longest five letter
common words: guesthouse => houseguest (10-t)
common words: fortepiano => pianoforte (10-t)
uncommon words: housemother => motherhouse (11-t)
uncommon words: sextodecimo => decimosexto (11-t)
uncommon words: grasshopper => hoppergrass (11-t)
hyphenated words: goose-barnacle => barnacle-goose (13-t)
hyphenated words: meter-kilogram => kilogram-meter (13-t)
phrases: sauce hollandaise => hollandaise sauce (16)
b. letter shift (move letter anywhere in word to form another word), longest
common words: sexploitation => exploitations (13-t)
common words: statelessness => tastelessness (13-t)
uncommon words: adiadochokinesis => diadochokinesias (16)
hyphenated words: s-dichloro-ethylene => dichloroethylenes (17)
c. exchange or metathesis (exchange two letters in a word to form another word), longest [L99]
common words: certification => rectification (13-t)
common words: accouterments => accoutrements (13-t)
common words: conservations => conversations (13-t)
uncommon words: microspectrophotometers => microspectrophotometres (23)
d. exchange first and last letter, longest
common words: denouncer & renounced (9-t)
common words: dignifies & signified (9-t)
uncommon words: decommissioner & recommissioned (14-t)
uncommon words: demythologizer & remythologized (14-t)
e. exchange all occurrences of two letters, longest
common words: conservation => conversation (12)
uncommon words: nonconservational => nonconversational (17)
transposition (rearrange letters to form another word) [L80,290,3-24,136,9-21,85,14-60,88,17-220,19-207,20-23,23-26,207]
a. longest
i. well-mixed [11-173,14-93,22-3,100]
common words: antiparticles & paternalistic (13)
uncommon words: cinematographers & megachiropterans (16)
phrases: inarticulatenesses & natural necessities (18)
ii. not well-mixed
common words: algorithmically & logarithmically (15)
uncommon words: hydroxydeoxycorticosterones & hydroxydesoxycorticosterone (27)
phrases: heisenberg uncertainty principles & heisenberg's uncertainty principle (31-t)
phrases: throw out the baby with the bathwater & throw the baby out with the bath water (31-t)
phrases: tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner & tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner (31-t)
hyphenated phrases: generative-transformational grammar & transformational-generative grammar (33)
b. most [L86,292,9-216,10-21,12-153,172,214,218,14-137,149,153,218,15-22,106,16-93]
i. quality
common words: palest & pastel & petals & plates & pleats & septal & staple (42)
uncommon words: anestri & antsier & nastier & neritas & ratines & resiant & restain & retinas & retsina & starnie & stearin & taniers (84)
ii. not quality
common words: apres & pares & parse & pears & prase & rapes & reaps & spare & spear (9)
uncommon words: arets & aster & astre & earst & rates & reast & resat & serta & stare & stear & strae & tares & taser & tears & teras (15-t)
uncommon words: atles & laets & lates & least & leats & salet & setal & slate & stale & steal & stela & taels & tales & teals & tesla (15-t)
uncommon words: angriest & angrites & astringe & gairtens & ganister & gantries & granites & ingrates & rangiest & reasting & stearing & tangiers & tasering & tearings & tigreans (15-t)
phrases: Setar & Taser & arets & aster & astre & earst & rates & reast & resat & serta & stare & stear & strae & tares & taser & tears & teras (17-t)
phrases: Stael & Tesla & atles & laets & lates & least & leats & salet & setal & slate & stale & steal & stela & taels & tales & teals & tesla (17-t)
phrases: Tigreans & angriest & angrites & astringe & gairtens & ganister & gantries & granites & inert gas & ingrates & rangiest & reasting & seat ring & stearing & tangiers & tasering & tea rings & tearings & tigreans (19)
c. complete transposal lists
i. rotated (all possible rotations of letters form other words), longest [L93]
common words: ate & tea & eat (3)
uncommon words: aras & rasa & asar & sara (4-t)
uncommon words: alan & lana & anal & nala (4-t)
uncommon words: doli & olid & lido & idol (4-t)
uncommon words: aing & inga & ngai & gain (4-t)
uncommon words: esky & skye & kyes & yesk (4-t)
ii. nearly complete
uncommon words: ate & eat & tae & tea & eta (3-t)
uncommon words: are & ear & era & rea & aer (3-t)
uncommon words: ets & set & tes & tse & est (3-t)
uncommon words: art & rat & tar & tra & rta (3-t)
uncommon words: ayr & ray & rya & yar & ary (3-t)
d. highest ratio count divided by length
common words: apres & pares & parse & pears & prase & rapes & reaps & spare & spear (1.8)
uncommon words: arets & aster & astre & earst & rates & reast & resat & serta & stare & stear & strae & tares & taser & tears & teras (3-t)
uncommon words: atles & laets & lates & least & leats & salet & setal & slate & stale & steal & stela & taels & tales & teals & tesla (3-t)
e. non-tautonym exchange front and rear non-word parts, longest
common words: inground & rounding (8)
uncommon words: decimosexto & sextodecimo (11)
hyphenated words: yada-yada-yada & yada-yada-yada (12)
phrases: inter arma silent leges & silent leges inter arma (20)
f. first transposal, solid word, for each letter [4-28,143]
g. last transposal, solid word, for each letter
h. cycles or rings [15-147]
i. all possible
i. four-letters [4-55,169]
ii. five-letters [3-25,11-107]
iii. six-letters [3-27]
iv. ten-letters [4-231]
transdeletion (delete one letter and rearrange to form another word) [L110,9-161]
a. longest
i. well-mixed [22-100]
common words: antidemocratic => accreditation (14-t)
common words: discontinuance => denunciations (14-t)
common words: decentralizing => credentialing (14-t)
common words: multicharacter => architectural (14-t)
common words: conservatories => controversies (14-t)
common words: discolorations => consolidators (14-t)
common words: astrophysicist => psychiatrists (14-t)
common words: precariousness => repercussions (14-t)
common words: representation => interoperates (14-t)
uncommon words: hypsistenocephalism => panmyelophthisises (19)
phrases: atmospheric inversion => comprehensivisation (20-t)
phrases: cutter classification => facilities contracts (20-t)
ii. not well-mixed
common words: immunoprecipitations => immunoprecipitation (20)
uncommon words: dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes => dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (32)
phrases: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphates => nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (41)
b. longest progressive [L119,4-73,6-210,12-141,15-153,21-75]
common words: consolidations => consolidation => conditionals => dislocation => coalitions => isolation => inositol => soliton => tonsil => toils => slot => lot => to => t (14-t)
common words: demonstrations => demonstration => denominators => moderations => dominators => dominator => tandoori => oration => ration => intro => torn => rot => to => t (14-t)
uncommon words: superalimentations => presentationalism => malpresentations => malpresentation => presentational => septentrional => presentation => pretentions => pertinents => pentrites => strepent => pretest => tester => terts => test => tet => et => t (18)
c. double repeated transdeletion [Whitely, p. 27]
common words: indoctrinated => indoctrinate => interaction (13)
uncommon words: microcrystalline => intercosmically => myelinoclastic (16-t)
uncommon words: arhynchobdellida => rhynchobdellida => rhynchobdellid (16-t)
uncommon words: representational => transperitoneal => pretranslation (16-t)
d. longest deletion in each position (Baltimore transdeletion) [L122,1-213,22-58]
common words: restates : testers & staters & staters & estates & restate & restate & tessera & tessera (8-t)
common words: hectares : retches & heaters & chaster & chaster & creates & teaches & cheater & reaches (8-t)
common words: teachers : retches & heaters & chaster & chaster & creates & teaches & cheater & reaches (8-t)
common words: cheaters : retches & heaters & chaster & chaster & creates & teaches & cheater & reaches (8-t)
common words: rangiest : resting & ratings & retinas & strange & triages & seating & tearing & erasing (8-t)
common words: angriest : resting & ratings & retinas & strange & triages & seating & tearing & erasing (8-t)
common words: ingrates : resting & ratings & retinas & strange & triages & seating & tearing & erasing (8-t)
common words: emigrant : terming & migrant & raiment & garment & tearing & migrate & teaming & mangier (8-t)
common words: reactors : rectors & roaster & carrots & tracers & coaters & coaters & creator & coarser (8-t)
... and 12 others
uncommon words: enigmatists : missetting & misstating & ministates & magnetists & magnetists & instigates & stigmatise & estimating & estimating & misseating & misseating (11-t)
uncommon words: idolatrises : siderotils & solitaires & solidarist & estradiols & estradiols & asterioids & dialisters & sodalities & editorials & editorials & solidarise (11-t)
uncommon words: galanteries : generalist & generalist & antiglares & antiglares & snaileater & estrangela & tegenarias & legataries & gelatinase & galanterie & geraniales (11-t)
uncommon words: enteralgias : generalist & generalist & antiglares & antiglares & snaileater & estrangela & tegenarias & legataries & gelatinase & galanterie & geraniales (11-t)
uncommon words: ulcerations : cornulites & uranotiles & ultrasonic & nucleators & nectarious & alectorius & antiulcers & inoculates & ulceration & urceolinas & alectrions (11-t)
e. Baltimore progressive [4-67,11-215,14-150,15-20,16-23,17-72]
transaddition (add one letter and rearrange to form another word) [9-161]
a. cannot add a letter and transpose to form word, shortest [4-109]
common words: hazy (4-t)
common words: jinx (4-t)
common words: jury (4-t)
common words: razz (4-t)
common words: waxy (4-t)
b. alphabetic [4-115,248,5-105,13-102,17-37,83]
common words: tier : irate & tribe & trice & tried & retie & refit & tiger & their & trike & tiler & miter & inter & petri & trier & tiers & trite & uteri & rivet & write (19)
uncommon words: te : eat & bet & tec & ted & tee & fet & get & the & tie & jet & ket & let & met & net & toe & pet & tre & set & tet & tue & vet & wet & ext & yet & tze (25-t)
uncommon words: rase : areas & baser & acres & dears & saree & fares & gears & rheas & arise & rejas & saker & seral & reams & earns & arose & rapes & rears & sears & stare & ureas & versa & swear & raxes & years & razes (25-t)
uncommon words: seer : saree & beers & ceres & redes & resee & frees & serge & sheer & siree & jeers & reeks & reels & meres & sneer & erose & perse & qeres & serer & seers & trees & reuse & verse & sewer & sexer & eyres (25-t)
uncommon words: ates : aetas & beast & cesta & sated & tease & feats & gates & haste & iteas & tajes & stake & slate & steam & nates & aotes & spate & stare & easts & teats & saute & vesta & waste & texas & yeast & zetas (25-t)
phrases: At : ata & tab & cat & dat & eat & aft & tag & hat & ati & taj & kat & lat & mat & ant & oat & apt & qat & art & sat & tat & tau & vat & twa & tax & yat & AZT (26-t)
phrases: T & As : atas & bats & cats & stad & teas & fast & stag & hats & atis & tajs & task & slat & mats & tans & oats & spat & qats & rats & asts & atts & taus & vats & twas & xats & stay & AZTs (26-t)
transubstitution (substitute one letter and rearrange to form another word)
a. longest well-mixed [M149, 22-100]
common words: transliterations => gastrointestinal (16)
uncommon words: centrifugalisation => intercartilaginous (18-t)
uncommon words: hypersophisticated => physiotherapeutics (18-t)
uncommon words: diphosphoglycerate => spectroheliography (18-t)
uncommon words: contemporarinesses => stenospermocarpies (18-t)
uncommon words: internationalities => tetranitroanilines (18-t)
uncommon words: anodoluminescences => uneconomicalnesses (18-t)
phrases: adenosine monophosphate => put an ape in someone's hood (22)
b. changeover (change one letter and move it to form another word), longest
common words: preservationist & reservationists (15)
uncommon words: prestandardization & restandardizations (18-t)
uncommon words: attitudinarianisms & latitudinarianisms (18-t)
uncommon words: preacknowledgement & reacknowledgements (18-t)
phrases: eastern diamondback rattlesnake & western diamondback rattlesnake (29)
c. switchback (change first letter and reverse the rest to form another word), longest
e.g., SPOT => ATOP
common words: grosser & pressor (7-t)
common words: assuage & degauss (7-t)
common words: crosser & pressor (7-t)
common words: erosive & revisor (7-t)
common words: dresser & presser (7-t)
common words: regatta & wattage (7-t)
common words: inosine & venison (7-t)
uncommon words: metallics & oscillate (9)
d. backswitch (change last letter and reverse the rest to form another word), longest
e.g., AREA => ERAS
common words: redrawn & warders (7-t)
common words: nailers & reliant (7-t)
common words: erosive & visored (7-t)
common words: animals & laminar (7-t)
common words: entraps & partner (7-t)
common words: carters & retrace (7-t)
common words: carters & retract (7-t)
common words: ellipse & spilled (7-t)
uncommon words: levitators & rotatively (10)
words within words [L110,11-74]
a. charade (concatenate words to form another word) [23-184]
i. snowball or rhopalic (concatenate words increasing in length to form another word), longest [9-103,11-19,113]
common words: temperamentally : t & em & per & amen & tally (15)
uncommon words: hexachlorocyclohexane : h & ex & ach & loro & cyclo & hexane (21)
ii. reverse snowball or reverse rhopalic (concatenate words decreasing in length to form another word), longest [11-113,178]
common words: interventionism : inter & vent & ion & is & m (15-t)
common words: interventionist : inter & vent & ion & is & t (15-t)
uncommon words: acetylcholinesterases : acetyl & choli & nest & era & se & s (21-t)
uncommon words: heterotransplantation : hetero & trans & plan & tat & io & n (21-t)
uncommon words: pseudocholinesterases : pseudo & choli & nest & era & se & s (21-t)
uncommon words: stereomicroscopically : stereo & micro & scop & ica & ll & y (21-t)
uncommon words: stereophotogrammetric : stereo & photo & gram & met & ri & c (21-t)
iii. composed of common words, longest [2-205,4-116,8-41]
common words: misrepresentations : mis & re & pre & sent & at & ions (18-t)
common words: overrepresentation : over & re & pre & sent & at & ion (18-t)
common words: antidiscrimination : an & ti & disc & rim & in & at & ion (18-t)
uncommon words: consubstantiationists : con & subs & tan & ti & at & ion & is & ts (21-t)
uncommon words: irreprehensiblenesses : ir & re & pre & he & ns & ible & ne & ss & es (21-t)
phrases: keep someone's nose to the grindstone : keep & so & me & on & es & nose & to & the & grin & ds & tone (31)
iv. forward and reverse (concatenate words both forward and reversed to form another word), longest [L111,9-186]
common words: ergonomist : er & go & no & mist & ts & im & on & ogre (10-t)
common words: subversion : sub & ve & rs & ion & no & is & rev & bus (10-t)
uncommon words: syngenesiotransplantations : syn & gen & es & io & tra & ns & plan & ta & ti & ons & sn & oi & tat & na & lp & sn & ar & toi & se & neg & nys (26)
hyphenated words: pleasantness-unpleasantnesses : plea & sa & nt & ne & ss & un & plea & sa & nt & ne & ss & es & ses & se & nt & na & sae & lp & nus & se & nt & na & sae & lp (28)
phrases: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphates : ni & co & ti & na & mi & de & ad & en & ine & di & nu & cl & eo & ti & de & ph & os & ph & ates & set & ah & ps & oh & pe & di & to & el & cu & ni & de & ni & ne & da & ed & im & an & it & oc & in (41)
v. square word (word that when spelled in a square forms words for every row and column), longest
uncommon words: abominate : abo & ama & min & bit & ate & one (9-t)
uncommon words: acetamide : ace & ati & tam & cad & ide & eme (9-t)
uncommon words: acetonide : ace & ati & ton & cod & ide & ene (9-t)
uncommon words: aboiteaus : abo & aia & ite & btu & aus & oes (9-t)
uncommon words: acetamids : ace & ati & tam & cad & ids & ems (9-t)
uncommon words: acetonate : ace & ata & ton & cot & ate & ene (9-t)
... and 616 others
b. linkade (overlap words to form another word)
i. composed of common words, longest
common words: paranormalities : par & ran & an & norm & ma & alit & lit & it & ties (15)
uncommon words: autohemotherapies : auto & to & oh & he & em & moth & the & he & er & rap & pies (17)
phrases: take the wind out of someone's sails : take & et & the & hew & wind & do & out & to & of & fs & some & me & eon & on & ne & es & ss & sail & ails (29)
ii. composed of three-letter maximally overlapping words, longest
common words: capered : cap & ape & per & ere & red (7-t)
common words: tapered : tap & ape & per & ere & red (7-t)
common words: layered : lay & aye & yer & ere & red (7-t)
uncommon words: methamphetamine : met & eth & tha & ham & amp & mph & phe & het & eta & tam & ami & min & ine (15)
phrases: cooperative store : coo & oop & ope & per & era & rat & ati & tiv & ive & ves & est & sto & tor & ore (16)
iii. composed of four-letter maximally overlapping words, longest
common words: charms : char & harm & arms (6-t)
common words: amends : amen & mend & ends (6-t)
common words: honest : hone & ones & nest (6-t)
common words: palest : pale & ales & lest (6-t)
common words: parent : pare & aren & rent (6-t)
common words: forest : fore & ores & rest (6-t)
common words: direst : dire & ires & rest (6-t)
common words: scowls : scow & cowl & owls (6-t)
common words: skinks : skin & kink & inks (6-t)
... and 4 others
uncommon words: homerically : home & omer & meri & eric & rica & ical & call & ally (11)
iv. composed of five-letter maximally overlapping words, longest
common words: pasterns : paste & aster & stern & terns (8)
uncommon words: supranasal : supra & upran & prana & ranas & anasa & nasal (10)
c. alternade or binade (word made from two words that are interlaced every other letter), longest [L170,9-104]
common words: spallation : salto & plain (10)
uncommon words: curtainless : cranes & utils (11-t)
uncommon words: carpetweeds : crewes & apted (11-t)
uncommon words: spallations : saltos & plain (11-t)
uncommon words: triennially : tinily & renal (11-t)
d. embedded word (word embedded in interior of another word) [7-177,238,8-185,9-172,12-217]
i. longest reversed
common words: sensuousness : sensuous (8)
uncommon words: listerelloses : sollerets (9-t)
uncommon words: listerellosis : sollerets (9-t)
ii. longest two-way nested progressive 3-5 letter
common words: covariances : varia & once & cs & ian & arc & coves (11-t)
common words: ballplayers : play & aller & bs & lay & per & balls (11-t)
common words: pilgrimages : grim & lag & pies & rim & gag & piles (11-t)
common words: housekeeper : keep & see & hour & eke & use & hoper (11-t)
uncommon words: ethylenediaminetetraacetates : ine & amt & die & net & era & lacet & yat & the & es & ami & dine & nete & etra & lac & yet & that & ees (28)
phrases: minnesota multiphasic personality inventories : ers & pon & ica & slit & hay & pin & tiv & ule & amn & sotto & neri & mines & sic & hap & per & tis & ulo & mna & alit & tyin & oven & est & nor & nie & mis (42)
iii. longest three-way nested progressive 3-5 letter
common words: warplanes : plane & wars & lane & warps & plan & wares (9)
uncommon words: cinephotomicrographies : micro & tog & ephor & nap & ihi & ces & rog & micra & top & hoh & epi & cines & cro & mig & tora & hop & eph & nie & cis (22-t)
uncommon words: counterreconnaissances : conn & rea & ris & tes & nance & cous & nai & ons & recs & ran & tec & une & cos & con & ren & era & tis & unsa & once & cs (22-t)
uncommon words: selenacyclopentadienes : cyclo & nape & entad & lie & ene & ss & clop & yen & act & nad & lei & een & ses & pen & lot & cycad & nai & lee & senes (22-t)
phrases: subacute sclerosing panencephalitises : pan & gen & inc & rose & eph & lal & sci & tet & cui & base & sus & ing & spane & once & lerp & cha & ESL & uti & act & bis & sues & sin & rog & lep & can & sen & tec & cue & aph & bali & utis & ses (35)
iv. longest four-way nested progressive 3-5 letter
uncommon words: stephanofilariasises : arias & fili & nos & hae & steps & fila & nor & aias & phi & tes & ses & ila & fria & hanos & pis & stees & fil & noa & har & epi & tas & sises (20)
phrases: magnetophotophoresises : ore & tophs & hoi & ops & nete & mags & top & hoh & topo & eres & nis & mages & hot & pop & oho & tre & Agnes & mises & pho & toto & eph & nor & ges & ais & mes (22)
phrases: the cards are stacked against someone : dag & kea & cin & tas & rest & sas & dom & are & con & thee & ack & ted & saga & rei & sans & dt's & caro & eme & hon & te & tac & sked & rea & aga & sin & DST & ars & come & eon & the & est & rack & aed & sag & dai & RNs & ats & com & hee & tone (32)
hyphenated phrases: castillo de san marcos national monument : nat & sion & coal & marm & sano & loden & lume & tin & cast & cos & arn & mat & ani & sonal & dem & oon & lum & stile & cant & arc & mos & ann & sat & De-ion & loa & LLM & ion & tum & sen & cat & mar & NCO & sas & den & oat & lion & lal & tim & son & aum & cent (35)
v. longest five-way nested progressive 3-5 letter
uncommon words: transportabilities : sport & nab & ail & rit & ties & tabi & orl & pit & sie & trans & port & sab & nil & ait & tries & tab & pori & slit & rani & tes & rta & obi & split & ani & tres (18)
phrases: magnetophotophoresises : phot & oop & thor & ees & agni & Mses & ore & tophs & hoi & ops & nete & mags & top & hoh & topo & eres & nis & mages & hot & pop & oho & tre & Agnes & mises & pho & toto & eph & nor & ges & ais & mes (22)
phrases: personal digital assistants : digit & lal & aas & ons & sist & rant & pes & tala & gis & dis & alis & sont & ran & pets & ala & its & digs & lis & nat & soan & perts & git & dial & las & onas & sis & rta & pents & dig & alit & ona & slas & rsi & est & pants (25)
e. charlinkade (word that can be broken up into both concatenated words and overlapping words), longest composed of common words [11-150]
common words: actionable : act & ion & able & act & ti & ion & on & nab & able (10)
f. balanced compound word (word is a concatenation of equal-sized smaller words), longest [11-124,191,214,232,12-23,52,13-28,88]
common words: accountability : account & ability (14-t)
common words: addressability : address & ability (14-t)
common words: collectability : collect & ability (14-t)
common words: counterattacks : counter & attacks (14-t)
common words: counterchanged : counter & changed (14-t)
common words: counterbalance : counter & balance (14-t)
common words: counterculture : counter & culture (14-t)
common words: chickenhearted : chicken & hearted (14-t)
common words: convertibility : convert & ibility (14-t)
... and 37 others
uncommon words: phosphatidylethanolamine : phosphatidyl & ethanolamine (24-t)
uncommon words: formaldehydesulfoxylates : formaldehyde & sulfoxylates (24-t)
uncommon words: trimethylenetrinitramine : trimethylene & trinitramine (24-t)
phrases: intercontinental ballistic missile : intercontinental & ballistic missile (32)
g. hidden reversals [23-55]
h. ana-gram-mar chains [23-248]
i. word interlocks
letter bank (words formed from letters selected from a set)
e.g., ABCD yields the words A, AB, AD, ADD, BAD, CAB, CAD, etc.
a. words extracted from same letter bank, longest list
common words: aster : rates & stare & tares & tears & arrest & assert & asters & easter & eaters & rarest & raster & raters & reseat & seater & stares & stater & taster & taters & teaser & tetras & treats & aerates & arrests & asserts & rasters & ratters & restart & restate & seaters & starter & staters & tasters & tatters & teasers & tessera & arrestee & arrester & esterase & reassert & restarts & restates & retreats & starters & arrestees & reasserts (46)
uncommon words: actioners : anoretics & atroscine & canotiers & certosina & conarites & cortesian & creations & narcotise & reactions & tricosane & accretions & anorectics & asterionic & atroscines & carnotites & certations & certosinas & cestracion & cinerators & connarites & containers & contraries & cotarnines & crenations & estanciero & narcotines & narcotises & octonaries & resanction & sanctioner & tricosanes & acierations & antierotics & carnosities & centrations & cestracions & cestraciont & cinerations & concertinas & constrainer & contristate & coscenarist & creationist & cresotinate & estancieros & interoceans & reactionist & recitations & recreations & retractions & sanctioners & scenarioist & transection & triaconters & acetostearin & acrocentrics & acrosternite & anacreontics & cancerations & cartooneries & cestracionts & citraconates & concreations & consarcinate & consecration & consectaries & constrainers & containerise & contorniates & contrariness & contristates & coscenarists & creationists & cresotinates & incanestrato & incinerators & interactions & narcaciontes & narcoticness & nonsectarian & ratiocinates & reactionists & recantations & restionaceae & retroactions & scatteration & scenarioists & sectionaries & seroreaction & stercoranist & stercorarian & stercoration & transcension & transections & transoceanic & triacontanes & acetoarsenite & acrosternites & antirecession & antiresonance & centroacinose & cestraciontes & ciceronianist & consarcinates & consecrations & consternation & containerises & contrarieties & corecreations & creationistic & cretinisation & eroticisation & incanestratos & incarcerators & incinerations & nonresistance & nontransience & reactionaries & reactionarist & reassociation & recitationist & recreationist & retractations & scatterations & scenarisation & sectorisation & seroreactions & stercoranists & stercorarians & stercorations & tetracosanoic & transcensions & acetoarsenites & actinocrinites & antirecessions & antiresonances & ciceronianists & concentrations & concretisation & consternations & contesseration & contrarinesses & contrectations & cottonocracies & incarcerations & interactionist & interreactions & narcoterrorist & narcoticnesses & nonresistances & reactionarists & reassociations & recitationists & reconsecration & recontractions & recreationists & reincarnations & rostrocarinate & scenarisations & sectorisations & sericitisation & seroresistance & sonneratiaceae & anticreationist & canisterisation & concretisations & concretrisation & contesserations & interactionists & nonconsecration & octocentenaries & reactionariness & reconsecrations & rostrocarinates & sacrosanctities & scenarioisation & sericitisations & seroresistances & tritriacontanes & aristocraticness & canisterisations & containerisation & interassociation & interconsonantic & reconcentrations & reincarnationist & retrocessionaire & containerisations & interassociations & reactionarinesses & reincarnationists (192)
hyphenated words: actioners : anoretics & atroscine & canotiers & certosina & conarites & cortesian & creations & narcotise & reactions & tricosane & accretions & anorectics & asterionic & atroscines & carnotites & certations & certosinas & cestracion & cinerators & connarites & containers & contraries & cotarnines & crenations & estanciero & narcotines & narcotises & octonaries & resanction & sanctioner & tricosanes & acierations & antierotics & carnosities & centrations & cestracions & cestraciont & cinerations & concertinas & constrainer & contristate & coscenarist & creationist & cresotinate & estancieros & interoceans & re-creations & reactionist & recitations & recreations & retractions & sanctioners & scenarioist & transection & triaconters & acetostearin & acrocentrics & acrosternite & anacreontics & cancerations & cartooneries & cestracionts & citraconates & concreations & consarcinate & consecration & consectaries & constrainers & containerise & contorniates & contrariness & contristates & coscenarists & creationists & cresotinates & incanestrato & incinerators & interactions & narcaciontes & narcoticness & nonsectarian & ratiocinates & reactionists & recantations & restionaceae & retroactions & scatteration & scenarioists & sectionaries & seroreaction & stercoranist & stercorarian & stercoration & transcension & transections & transoceanic & triacontanes & acetoarsenite & acrosternites & antirecession & antiresonance & centroacinose & cestraciontes & ciceronianist & consarcinates & consecrations & consternation & containerises & contrarieties & corecreations & creationistic & cretinisation & cross-reaction & eroticisation & incanestratos & incarcerators & incinerations & non-resistance & nonresistance & nontransience & reactionaries & reactionarist & reassociation & recitationist & recreationist & retractations & scatterations & scenarisation & sectorisation & seroreactions & stercoranists & stercorarians & stercorations & tetracosanoic & transcensions & acetoarsenites & actinocrinites & antirecessions & antiresonances & ciceronianists & concentrations & concretisation & consternations & contesseration & contrarinesses & contrectations & cottonocracies & cross-reactions & incarcerations & interactionist & interreactions & narco-terrorist & narcoterrorist & narcoticnesses & nonresistances & reactionarists & reassociations & recitationists & reconsecration & recontractions & recreationists & reincarnations & rostrocarinate & scenarisations & sectorisations & sericitisation & seroresistance & sonneratiaceae & anticreationist & canisterisation & concretisations & concretrisation & contesserations & cross-resistance & interactionists & narco-terrorists & nonconsecration & octocentenaries & reactionariness & reconsecrations & rostrocarinates & sacrosanctities & scenarioisation & sericitisations & seroresistances & tritriacontanes & aristocraticness & canisterisations & containerisation & cross-resistances & interassociation & interconsonantic & reconcentrations & reincarnationist & retrocessionaire & containerisations & interassociations & reactionarinesses & reincarnationists (200)
phrases: actioners : anoretics & atroscine & canotiers & certosina & conarites & cortesian & creations & narcotise & reactions & tricosane & accretions & anorectics & asterionic & atroscines & carnotites & certations & certosinas & cestracion & cinerators & connarites & containers & contraries & cotarnines & crenations & estanciero & narcotines & narcotises & octonaries & resanction & sanctioner & tricosanes & acierations & antierotics & carnosities & centrations & cestracions & cestraciont & cinerations & concertinas & constrainer & contristate & coscenarist & creationist & cresotinate & estancieros & interoceans & nero anticos & re-creations & reactionist & recitations & recreations & retractions & rosin cerate & sanctioners & scenarioist & transection & triaconters & acetostearin & acrocentrics & acrosternite & anacreontics & cancerations & cartooneries & caster action & cestracionts & citraconates & concreations & consarcinate & consecration & consectaries & constrainers & containerise & contorniates & contrariness & contristates & coscenarists & creationists & cresotinates & incanestrato & incinerators & interactions & narcaciontes & narcoticness & nonsectarian & ratiocinates & reactionists & recantations & restionaceae & retroactions & rosin cerates & scatteration & scenarioists & sectionaries & seroreaction & stercoranist & stercorarian & stercoration & transcension & transections & transoceanic & triacontanes & acetoarsenite & acrosternites & antirecession & antiresonance & carnation rose & centroacinose & cestraciontes & ciceronianist & coni arteriosi & consarcinates & consecrations & consternation & contact series & container cars & containerises & contrarieties & corecreations & cotton stainer & creationistic & cretinisation & cross-reaction & eroticisation & incanestratos & incarcerators & incinerations & non-resistance & nonresistance & nontransience & race rotations & reactionaries & reactionarist & reassociation & recitationist & recreationist & retractations & scatterations & scenarisation & sectorisation & seroreactions & stercoranists & stercorarians & stercorations & tetracosanoic & transcensions & acetoarsenites & actinocrinites & antirecessions & antiresonances & aortic stenosis & carnation roses & ciceronianists & concentrations & concretisation & consternations & contesseration & contrarinesses & contrectations & cotton stainers & cottonocracies & cross-reactions & incarcerations & interactionist & interreactions & narco-terrorist & narcoterrorist & narcoticnesses & nonresistances & reactionarists & reassociations & recitationists & reconsecration & recontractions & recreationists & reincarnations & rostrocarinate & scenarisations & sectorisations & sericitisation & seroresistance & sonneratiaceae & star connection & anticreationist & associate in arts & association area & attraction cones & canisterisation & cesarean section & concretisations & concretrisation & contesserations & creation science & cross-resistance & interactionists & narco-terrorists & nonconsecration & octocentenaries & reactionariness & reconsecrations & rostrocarinates & sacrosanctities & scenarioisation & sericitisations & seroresistances & socratic ironies & star connections & titanic iron ores & tritriacontanes & aortic stenosises & aristocraticness & association areas & caesarean section & canisterisations & cesarean sections & containerisation & contract carriers & creation sciences & cross-resistances & interassociation & interconsonantic & reconcentrations & reincarnationist & retrocessionaire & association center & caesarean sections & containerisations & creation scientist & interassociations & reactionarinesses & reincarnationists & association centers (232)
hyphenated phrases: actioners : anoretics & atroscine & canotiers & certosina & conarites & cortesian & creations & narcotise & reactions & tricosane & accretions & anorectics & asterionic & atroscines & carnotites & certations & certosinas & cestracion & cinerators & connarites & containers & contraries & cotarnines & crenations & estanciero & narcotines & narcotises & octonaries & resanction & sanctioner & tricosanes & acierations & antierotics & carnosities & centrations & cestracions & cestraciont & cinerations & concertinas & constrainer & contristate & coscenarist & creationist & cresotinate & estancieros & interoceans & nero anticos & re-creations & reactionist & recitations & recreations & retractions & rosin cerate & sanctioners & scenarioist & transection & triaconters & acetostearin & acrocentrics & acrosternite & anacreontics & anti-Socrates & cancerations & cartooneries & caster action & cestracionts & citraconates & concreations & consarcinate & consecration & consectaries & constrainers & containerise & contorniates & contrariness & contristates & coscenarists & creationists & cresotinates & incanestrato & incinerators & interactions & narcaciontes & narcoticness & nonsectarian & ratiocinates & reactionists & recantations & restionaceae & retroactions & rosin cerates & scatteration & scenarioists & sectionaries & seroreaction & stercoranist & stercorarian & stercoration & transcension & transections & transoceanic & triacontanes & acetoarsenite & acrosternites & antirecession & antiresonance & carnation rose & centroacinose & cestraciontes & ciceronianist & coni arteriosi & consarcinates & consecrations & consternation & contact series & container cars & containerises & contrarieties & corecreations & cotton stainer & creationistic & cretinisation & cross-reaction & eroticisation & incanestratos & incarcerators & incinerations & non-resistance & nonresistance & nontransience & race rotations & reactionaries & reactionarist & reassociation & recitationist & recreationist & retractations & scatterations & scenarisation & sectorisation & seroreactions & stercoranists & stercorarians & stercorations & tetracosanoic & transcensions & acetoarsenites & actinocrinites & antirecessions & antiresonances & aortic stenosis & carnation roses & ciceronianists & concentrations & concretisation & consternations & contesseration & contrarinesses & contrectations & cotton stainers & cottonocracies & cross-reactions & incarcerations & interactionist & interreactions & narco-terrorist & narcoterrorist & narcoticnesses & nonresistances & reactionarists & reassociations & recitationists & reconsecration & recontractions & recreationists & reincarnations & rostrocarinate & scenarisations & sectorisations & sericitisation & seroresistance & sonneratiaceae & star connection & anticreationist & associate in arts & association area & attraction cones & canisterisation & cesarean section & concretisations & concretrisation & contesserations & creation science & cross-resistance & interactionists & narco-terrorists & nonconsecration & octocentenaries & reactionariness & reconsecrations & rostrocarinates & sacrosanctities & scenarioisation & sericitisations & seroresistances & socratic ironies & star connections & titanic iron ores & tritriacontanes & aortic stenosises & aristocraticness & association areas & caesarean section & canisterisations & cesarean sections & containerisation & contract carriers & creation sciences & cross-resistances & interassociation & interconsonantic & reconcentrations & reincarnationist & retrocessionaire & association center & caesarean sections & containerisations & creation scientist & interassociations & reactionarinesses & reincarnationists & association centers (233)
b. unique letter bank, longest
common words: chlorofluorocarbons (19-t)
common words: overgeneralizations (19-t)
common words: intellectualization (19-t)
uncommon words: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)
phrases: byelorussia) of the union of soviet socialist republic (46)
c. letter bank that is a word, longest
common words: densenesses => dens (11)
uncommon words: paleogeologies => aegilops (14-t)
uncommon words: salpiglossises => aegilops (14-t)
d. letter bank that transposes to a word, longest
common words: interconnectedness => centroids (18-t)
common words: characteristically => hysterical (18-t)
common words: deconstructionists => introduces (18-t)
uncommon words: microspectrophotometrically => hypsometrical (27)
hyphenated words: pleasantness-unpleasantnesses => unstaple (28)
phrases: omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis => tourmalines (32-t)
phrases: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis => dermatoglyphics (32-t)
hyphenated phrases: wadi al-arabah, wadi arabah, wadi el-arabah => whalebird (34)
e. ratio of longest word to shortest, highest
common words: nest & tenseness & tensenesses (2.75)
uncommon words: lens & lenes & senselessnesses (3.75)
hyphenated words: ta & atta & tat-tat-tat (4.5)
phrases: Day & yadda yadda & yadda yadda yadda (5)
f. deletion from letter bank
i. longest well-mixed
common words: disadvantageousnesses => adventitious (21)
uncommon words: floccinaucinihilipilifications => consultantships (30-t)
uncommon words: trinitrophenylmethylnitramines => impersonality (30-t)
phrases: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => mountain plovers (47)
ii. longest not well-mixed
common words: deinstitutionalization => institutionalize (22)
uncommon words: floccinaucinihilipilifications => consultantships (30-t)
uncommon words: trinitrophenylmethylnitramines => methylmorphines (30-t)
phrases: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => mountain plovers (47)
iii. longest progressive
common words: comprehensibility => incomprehensibly => comprehensible => incompressible => compressible => recompiles => implores => primrose => primos => proms => spoor => sops => ps => s (14-t)
common words: incomprehensibility => incomprehensibly => comprehensible => incompressible => compressible => recompiles => implores => primrose => primos => proms => spoor => sops => ps => s (14-t)
common words: magnetohydrodynamics => thermodynamics => aerodynamicist => discriminatory => syndicator => syndication => dynastic => sanctity => nystatin => antsy => stay => sty => ys => y (14-t)
uncommon words: carbomethoxyglycines => carbomethoxyglycine => carboxyhemoglobin => carbonylhemoglobin => carbohemoglobin => agrochemicaling => oligomenorrhea => memorialing => laminogram => morling => morillon => minor => norm => nor => or => r (16-t)
uncommon words: psychogalvanometric => psychogalvanometers => electronystagmography => megaphenocrysts => sphygmomanometre => phantasmagory => anthroponyms => pythonomorphs => syntrophy => syntropy => sporty => tryps => tryst => sty => ys => y (16-t)
uncommon words: phenylthiocarbamides => sympatheticoadrenals => hyperdimensionalities => methylprednisolone => methylmorphines => interpolymers => reemployments => petromoneys => tryptones => syntropy => sporty => tryps => tryst => sty => ys => y (16-t)
uncommon words: mandibulopharyngeals => hyperglobulinemias => myohemoglobinurias => myohemoglobinuria => hemoglobinuria => beglamouring => neuroglioma => glamouring => unarmorial => monaural => rouman => mourn => nonrun => our => ruru => u (16-t)
uncommon words: pseudolamellibranchiate => pulmobranchiates => unproblematics => nucleoprotamines => interoperculums => petroselinum => nonpetroleums => presumptuousnesses => preposterousness => portunus => sprout => spurt => rusts => tutus => tut => u (16-t)
uncommon words: pseudolamellibranchiata => pulmobranchiates => unproblematics => nucleoprotamines => interoperculums => petroselinum => nonpetroleums => presumptuousnesses => preposterousness => portunus => sprout => spurt => rusts => tutus => tut => u (16-t)
uncommon words: diphenylthiocarbazones => brachycephalizations => schizophrenetically => hyperpolarizations => proselytization => paralyzations => pyritizations => aryanizations => syntonizations => sanitization => zionists => zoists => sizists => tzitzit => tz => z (16-t)
phrases: computerized axial tomography scanner => computed axial tomography scanner => physiological sodium chloride solution => lymphangitis ulcerosas => psychoneuroimmunologists => neuropsychologists => neurophysiologists => nippostrongyluses => nippostrongylus => unpropitiously => pruinosity => topsyturn => puttyroots => upryst => rusty => yurt => tutty => yu => y (19)
iv. longest well-mixed consonant
common words: indeterminately => detrimental (15-t)
common words: revolutionaries => revelators (15-t)
common words: irrationalities => irritants (15-t)
common words: authoritatively => throttle (15-t)
uncommon words: archaeoastronomies => orchestrinas (18-t)
uncommon words: pyramidoattenuates => premeditations (18-t)
uncommon words: archaeocalamiteses => reacclimatises (18-t)
uncommon words: supranationalities => supernatants (18-t)
v. longest not well-mixed consonant
common words: deinstitutionalization => institutionalization (22)
uncommon words: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (47)
vi. longest progressive consonant
common words: deconstructionists => constructionists => constructionist => constructions => instructions => interactions => nutritions => iterations => retains => tenias => uneasy => is (12-t)
common words: reconstructionists => constructionists => constructionist => constructions => instructions => interactions => nutritions => iterations => retains => tenias => uneasy => is (12-t)
uncommon words: incompressiblenesses => compressiblenesses => impressiblenesses => impressibleness => persuasibleness => praisableness => parabolanuses => payableness => blueness => oiliness => nisus => eases => is (13-t)
uncommon words: disproportionatenesses => disproportionateness => disproportionations => disproportionates => disproportions => disproperties => superports => properties => repartees => prats => ratios => iotas => is (13-t)
uncommon words: incommensurablenesses => commensurablenesses => immensurablenesses => mensurablenesses => miserablenesses => miserlinesses => surlinesses => realnesses => lionesses => nesses => essays => eases => is (13-t)
uncommon words: unrepresentativenesses => representativenesses => presentativenesses => presentivenesses => presentnesses => presentness => personations => arsonations => suntans => intense => tenias => uneasy => is (13-t)
uncommon words: consubstantiationists => consubstantiationist => consubstantiations => unsubstantiations => substantiations => sustentations => ostentations => tentations => initiations => tuitions => tenias => uneasy => is (13-t)
vii. longest well-mixed vowel
common words: straightforwardnesses => microcassette (21)
uncommon words: octamethylpyrophosphoramides => osteochondropathies (28)
phrases: look through rosy spectaclesglasses => sporobolomycetaceae (32)
viii. longest not well-mixed vowel
common words: deinstitutionalization => institutionalization (22)
uncommon words: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosises => pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (47)
ix. longest progressive vowel
common words: dematerialization => materialization => medicalization => privatization => pagination => inaction => calico => cisco => brows (9-t)
common words: individualization => initialization => militarization => privatization => pagination => inaction => calico => cisco => brows (9-t)
common words: professionalization => regionalization => disorganization => vocalization => pagination => inaction => calico => cisco => brows (9-t)
common words: deindustrialization => industrialization => militarization => privatization => pagination => inaction => calico => cisco => brows (9-t)
common words: disadvantageousnesses => disadvantageousness => disadvantageously => advantageously => cadaverous => ravenous => sellout => coups => dub (9-t)
common words: authoritativenesses => authoritativeness => authoritatively => approximative => clomipramine => stigmatized => transient => write => cyber (9-t)
uncommon words: deinstitutionalizations => institutionalization => divisionalisations => fictionalization => disorganization => vocalization => pagination => inaction => calico => cisco => brows (11-t)
uncommon words: deinstitutionalization => institutionalization => divisionalisations => fictionalization => disorganization => vocalization => pagination => inaction => calico => cisco => brows (11-t)
uncommon words: overindividualization => deindividualizations => individualization => spiritualization => circumnavigation => humanization => pagination => inaction => calico => cisco => brows (11-t)
uncommon words: antidisestablishmentarianisms => antiestablishmentarianism => disestablishmentarianism => establishmentarianism => premillenarianisms => libertarianism => megavitamin => abdicating => triadic => washings => might (11-t)
uncommon words: antidisestablishmentarianism => antiestablishmentarianism => disestablishmentarianism => establishmentarianism => premillenarianisms => libertarianism => megavitamin => abdicating => triadic => washings => might (11-t)
uncommon words: reinstitutionalization => institutionalization => divisionalisations => fictionalization => disorganization => vocalization => pagination => inaction => calico => cisco => brows (11-t)
uncommon words: reinstitutionalizations => institutionalization => divisionalisations => fictionalization => disorganization => vocalization => pagination => inaction => calico => cisco => brows (11-t)
phrases: illegitimate recombination => illegitimate pollination => legitimate pollination => specific magnetizations => decriminalization => militarization => privatization => pagination => inaction => calico => cisco => brows (12)
logogram (word whose letters can be regrouped to form smaller words), longest ratio words to length [5-141,12-170]
common words: fires : fire & ires & fir & ire & res & es & fi & ir & re & s (2.8)
uncommon words: minorates : minorate & norates & minora & norate & orates & minor & orate & rates & ates & mino & rate & ate & ino & min & nor & ora & rat & tes & at & es & in & mi & no & or & ra & te & t (3.88-t)
uncommon words: romanises : romanise & manises & anises & omanis & romani & anise & manis & omani & roman & anis & ises & mani & oman & roma & ani & man & nis & rom & ses & an & es & is & ma & ni & om & ro & se & s (3.88-t)
uncommon words: ketamines : etamines & ketamine & etamine & tamines & amines & etamin & tamine & amine & mines & tamin & amin & keta & mine & ami & eta & ine & ket & min & tam & am & es & et & in & ke & mi & ne & ta & t (3.88-t)
phrases: cast oned : astoned & astone & cast on & stoned & aston & stone & toned & as to & cast & oned & tone & ast & cas & ned & one & sto & ton & as & ca & ed & ne & on & st & to & t (4)
bi-logogram (word whose letters can be regrouped and/or reversed to form smaller words), longest ratio words to length [5-141,12-170]
common words: fires : fire & ires & fir & ire & res & es & fi & ir & re & s (2.8)
uncommon words: dilacerates : dilacerate & lacerates & lacerate & acerate & cerates & cerate & areca & calid & lacer & rates & acer & alid & ates & cali & cera & erat & lace & rate & ace & ate & era & ila & lac & lid & rat & rec & tes & ac & at & ce & di & er & es & il & la & ra & te & t (4.18)
phrases: splashings : plashings & splashing & lashings & plashing & lashing & ashing & shings & splash & hings & lashi & plash & salps & shing & alps & hing & ings & lash & salp & shin & IHS & LPs & alp & ash & hin & ing & las & PL/1 & SP & as & gs & hi & in & la & sh & s (4.2)
hyphenated phrases: sacramentalists : sacramentalist & sacramental & mentalists & sacramenta & mentalist & sacrament & mentalis & ramental & amental & ramenta & A-lists & amenta & mental & rament & alist & ament & crame & ental & lists & menta & ramen & sacra & talis & alis & amen & arca & cram & ists & list & ment & tali & ame & arc & ila & ist & lat & lis & men & ram & sac & Cr & ac & al & am & en & is & li & me & nt & ra & sa & st & ta & ts & t (4.26)
Subset of Word
a. Hangman, best words to play
see "Hangman" article
b. Jotto [1-21,22-206]
see "Crashing Words" article
c. Ghost [20-206]
i. shortest guaranteed win when used as first word in game
Qungs, Qutbs
d. Scrabble [5-99,9-211,12-134,153,222,14-11,78,184,230, 15-19,86,107,183,239,16-19,79,155,188,229,17-30,34]
i. highest single word score
common word: psychoanalyzing (1427)
uncommon word: oxyphenbutazone (1508)
e. Poker [5-105,173]
f. Boggle [15-166,212]
g. Shelling Peas [23-166,169]
h. Chess [3-148,14-251]
i. Merology [23-12,92,93]
compound parts-of-speech [12-53]
last in reverse alphabetical order, for each letter
complete permutations
a. 3,4,5 - letters [20-195]
b. tetragram [17-125,147,176,18-23,40,155,21,28]
Entire Word
a. for each number of syllables [3-77,148,173,7-22,12-91,151,153,215,15-164,211,23-214]
i. one syllable, for each letter
see list [Longest One-Syllable Word Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fone-syllable%5Fword%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
ii. two syllables, for each letter
see list [Longest Two-Syllable Word Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Ftwo-syllable%5Fword%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
shortest, for each number of syllables [3-46,77,148,5-27,14-113,151,216,15-18,84,36-318,37-21]
see list [Shortest Word for Each Number of Syllables](#selected%5Flists%5Fshortest%5Fword%5Ffor%5Feach%5Fnumber%5Fof%5Fsyllables)
add one letter to add two syllables, shortest [B35]
common word: are => area, ide => idea (3-t)
no known pronunciation, shortest [4-8]
uncommon word: balge (5)
change one letter to radically change pronunciation
a. longest [3-49]
common word: encourages => entourages (10)
b. longest, for each letter
see list [Longest Word That, When a Letter is Changed, Radically Changes Pronunciation Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Flongest%5Fword%5Fthat%5Fwhen%5Fa%5Fletter%5Fis%5Fchanged%5Fradically%5Fchanges%5Fpronunciation%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
add letters to reduce syllables, shortest [3-49]
rhopalism [14-244]
Entire Word
refractory rhyme (word with no common rhyme), example of [8-14,208,9-47,13-180,14-87,23-209]
see "Refractory Rhyme" article
Subset of Word
endings, most [9-59,86]
homophones (words spelled differently but pronounced the same)
uncommon words: uncomplementarinesses => uncomplimentarinesses (21)
homophones with no removable prefix or suffix, longest
uncommon words: corespondent => correspondent (25)
most letters in list with no removable prefix or suffix
uncommon words: scissel & scissile & sicel & sisal & sisel & sissle & syssel (42)
longest phrase with no removable prefix or suffix
phrases: Grothendieck K-theory => growth-and-decay theory
most [7-107]
uncommon words: aer & air & are & ayer & ayr & e'er & ere & err & eyre & heir & ur (11)
longest with few letters in common [1-144]
uncommon words: shofar => chauffeur (3 out of 15)
uncommon words: ceresin => Saracen (2 out of 14)
uncommon words: cotter => Kadir (1 out of 11)
uncommon words: cough => Kaf (0 out of 8)
longest transposal [L97]
uncommon words: discreteness => discreetness (12)
confusing code words
e.g. G as in GNU, K as in KNOT
see list [Word That is a Confusing Code for Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fthat%5Fis%5Fa%5Fconfusing%5Fcode%5Ffor%5Feach%5Fletter)
homographs (words spelled the same but pronounced differently)
different pronunciations, most [1-107,151,2-146,4-8,63,11-217]
uncommon word: as (like; Roman coin; Persian card game; plural of a; Norse Aesir god) (5)
capitonym (word that changes pronunciation when capitalized)
see list [Pronounced Differently When Capitalized, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fpronounced%5Fdifferently%5Fwhen%5Fcapitalized%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
see list [Plural with Same Spelling but Pronunced Differently, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fplural%5Fwith%5Fsame%5Fspelling%5Fbut%5Fpronunced%5Fdifferently%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
stress homographs [14-248]
Entire Word
gramograms (words that sound like sequences of letters) [B97,19-222]
a. longest
common word: elementarily (LMNTRLE) (12)
uncommon word: eosinophilous (ESNFLS) (13)
b. for each letter
see list [Word That Sounds Like Letters, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fthat%5Fsounds%5Flike%5Fletters%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
phonetic spellings identical with regular spelling, longest
common word: spendthrifts (12)
uncommon word: transformists (13)
pig latin words that also are words, longest
common words: plunder => underplay (7)
variable pronunciation, most [8-20]
all possible diphthongs, shortest [18-111]
Subset of Word
silent letters
a. longest sequence [5-150]
uncommon word: brougham (4, ugha)
b. for each letter [B46,6-164,15-90,152,212,20-47]
i. at beginning
see list [Word That Begins with Each Silent Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fthat%5Fbegins%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fsilent%5Fletter)
ii. internally
see list [Word That Contains Each Silent Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fthat%5Fcontains%5Feach%5Fsilent%5Fletter)
iii. at end
see list [Word That Ends with Each Silent Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fthat%5Fends%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fsilent%5Fletter)
c. homophones, for each letter [10-26,83,152,11-89]
see list [Homophones Differing by Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fhomophones%5Fdiffering%5Fby%5Feach%5Fletter)
d. pronounced when suffixed [18-240,19-22]
see list [Word That, When a Suffix is Added, Reveals a Silent Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fthat%5Fwhen%5Fa%5Fsuffix%5Fis%5Fadded%5Freveals%5Fa%5Fsilent%5Fletter)
ghost letters, for each letter [B88,9-106,175,243]
see "Ghost" article
suffix, most variable pronunciation [4-118,7-55,243]
common words: borough, thorough, tough, hiccough, nought, bough, trough, though, ought, cough, through [see "Pronunciation Variants" article]
word with different pronunciations of same letter, for each letter [11-176,237]
see list [Word with Two Different Pronunciations of Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fwith%5Ftwo%5Fdifferent%5Fpronunciations%5Fof%5Feach%5Fletter)
phoneme, variable spelling, most [8-232,11-217,12-24,90,17-224,18-25,184]
one letter, most phonemes [17-224,219,18-23,101,19-213]
rules for pronouncing G violated [18-62,153]
Acronyms, anagrams, portmanteaus [17-210,23-19,37]
acronym that has become an uncapitalized word
e.g., SCUBA = Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
uncommon word: wysiwyg (7)
for each letter
see list [Acronym That Has Become Uncapitalized, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Facronym%5Fthat%5Fhas%5Fbecome%5Funcapitalized%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
word formed as an anagram
e.g., SPANDEX = expands
for each letter
see list [Word Created as an Anagram, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fcreated%5Fas%5Fan%5Fanagram%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
portmanteau word (word formed by mixing two other words)
common word: parsec (1913)
for each letter
see list [Portmanteau Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fportmanteau%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
Words with unusual origins
fossil (word that occurs only in idioms)
for each letter
see list [Word That Exists Only in an Idiom, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fthat%5Fexists%5Fonly%5Fin%5Fan%5Fidiom%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
metanalysis or affix-clipping or folk etymology (words formed by moving a letter to or from a frequent companion word)
for each letter
see list [Word Formed by Borrowing or Lending Letters to Frequent Companions, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fword%5Fformed%5Fby%5Fborrowing%5For%5Flending%5Fletters%5Fto%5Ffrequent%5Fcompanions%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
trade names that have become words
for each letter
see list [Trade Name That Has Become Uncapitalized, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Ftrade%5Fname%5Fthat%5Fhas%5Fbecome%5Funcapitalized%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
unknown origin, shortest [8-113, Brandreth82-216]
common word: OK
doublet (completely different words from same root), example of
common words: glamour & grammar
most different etymologies
pink (8) (a ship, to serrate, light red, yellow pigment, to wink, small, a minnow, to knock in a car's engine)
Homographs, most [2-122,146,14-180,216,17-220]
different meanings or senses, most [11-228]
common word: break (245)
different parts of speech, most
common word: like (8)
Synonyms and Antonyms
double synonyms or words with two different synonymous meanings, shortest
common word: list & roll (4) (set of names & tilt)
synonymic and antonymic reversals and transposals [8-111]
synonymous reversal, longest
common word: pat => tap (3)
synonymous transposal, longest
common word: angered => enraged (7)
uncommon word: adulation => laudation (9)
uncommon word: amatorian => inamorata (9)
uncommon word: listerize => sterilize (9)
anagram (synomymous phrase containing the same letters), longest
uncommon word: unconventionalities : unite in novel actions (19)
antigram (antonymous phrase containing the same letters), longest
common word: protectionism : nice to imports (13)
contranyms (homographic antonym) [2-179,9-29,11-27,12-167,15-154]
for each letter
see list [Self-Antonym Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fself-antonym%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
contranyms, homophonic [22-38]
common words: aural & oral (heard & spoken)
common words: fiance & fiancee (female betrothed & male betrothed)
common words: raise & raze (erect & tear down)
common words: succor & sucker (aid & hoodwink)
common words: enumerable & innumerable (countable & uncountable)
uncommon words: erupt & irrupt (burst out & burst in)
uncommon words: eradicate & irradicate (pull up by the roots & root deeply)
uncommon words: petalless & petalous (lacking petals & having petals)
uncommon words: reckless & wreckless (careless & careful)
double-duty antonyms (antonyms of two or more words) [8-111,19-93]
antonyms, most
common word: acute : chronic & blunt & obtuse & dull & grave (5)
for each letter
see list [Antonym of Two Different Words, Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fantonym%5Fof%5Ftwo%5Fdifferent%5Fwords%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
pseudantonyms (synonyms that appear to be antonyms)
see list [False Antonym Beginning with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Ffalse%5Fantonym%5Fbeginning%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
Unusual plurals
ending, for each letter [3-169,198]
see list [Plural That Ends with Each Letter](#selected%5Flists%5Fplural%5Fthat%5Fends%5Fwith%5Feach%5Fletter)
drop s to make a plural [B63,3-195,4-8,4-80,14-145,218]
a. shortest
common words: assess => asses (6-t)
common words: caress => cares (6-t)
uncommon words: less => les (4-t)
uncommon words: cess => ces (4-t)
uncommon words: dess => des (4-t)
uncommon words: jess => jes (4-t)
uncommon words: hess => hes (4-t)
uncommon words: fess => fes (4-t)
... and 3 others
b. longest
common words: adventuress => adventures (11)
uncommon words: multimillionairess => multimillionaires (18)
c. makes its own plural
uncommon word: necropolis => necropoli
switching first two letters to make plural, example of
uncommon word: falaj => aflaj
add letters to beginning to make plural, example of
uncommon word: loti => maloti
uncommon word: sente => lisente
uncommon word: xhosa => amaxhosa
no letters in common with plural, longest [3-211]
uncommon word: cow => kine (3/4)
colliding plurals (words with homographic plurals), example of
common word: axes : axe & axis
common word: bases : base & basis
common word: ellipses : ellipse & ellipsis
a. plurals [3-211,19-168,214]
b. singulars [5-28]
c. singulars plus plurals [5-28]
internal [3-195,15-85]
ending with -ate and -ition
common words: cognate & cognition (0-t)
common words: sedate & sedition (0-t)
common words: superstate & superstition (0-t)
phrases: superstate & Superstition (12)
ratio embedded pronouns to length
common words: ushers : hers & her & she & he & us (0.83)
uncommon words: ita : it & ta & i (1-t)
uncommon words: itas : as & it & ta & i (1-t)
highest including reversed
common words: ushers : hers & her & she & he & us (0.83)
uncommon words: ati : at & it & i (1-t)
uncommon words: ita : it & ta & i (1-t)
uncommon words: sati : as & at & it & i (1-t)
uncommon words: itas : as & it & ta & i (1-t)
highest with letters anywhere
common words: showtime : whose & most & some & them & this & whom & him & his & its & she & who & he & it & me & so & we & i (2.12)
uncommon words: euchromatins : another & certain & nother & theirn & theirs & other & thine & each & hern & hers & hisn & mine & more & most & ourn & ours & same & some & such & them & thir & this & thon & thou & tone & ane & che & her & him & hin & his & ich & its & mun & one & she & ten & as & at & he & it & me & so & ta & un & us & i (3.91)
phrases: white mangroves : whatsomever & whatsoever & otherwise & something & somewhat & whatever & whomever & whosever & another & everwho & neither & whoever & either & nother & theirn & theirs & whatso & other & there & thine & twain & where & whose & hern & hers & hisn & mine & more & most & same & some & thee & them & thir & this & thon & tone & what & when & whom & ane & her & him & hin & his & its & one & own & she & ten & who & as & at & he & it & me & so & ta & we & i (4.28)
Unusual past tense
add "d"
common word: heard (hear)
uncommon word: deflead (deflea)
uncommon word: kend (ken)
Adjectives and Adverbs
false comparatives
common word: temp & temper & tempest
repeated words, most [19-167,22-46,29-89]
see "Repeated Words" article
self-referential [5-172,7-253,17-242,18-219,20-95]
nested clauses, most [22-49]
rhopalism or snowball or increasing or decreasing word length [L135,14-243]
first letters in alphabetical order or reverse alphabetical order
oronym (shift word boundaries to form another phrase or sentence)
Word lists
synonym chains [21-100]
kangaroo words [1-245,9-111]
synonym squares [23-101]
oxymorons [23-102]
Entire Word
one letter words [5-238]
number nouns [23-188]
Selected Lists
Longest Palindrome Beginning with Each Letter
a common word: aha (3) uncommon word: adinida (7) hyphenated word: abba-dabba (9) b common words: bib, bob (3-t) uncommon word: boob (4) c common word: civic (5) d common word: deified (7) e common words: eke, ere, eve, ewe, eye (3-t) uncommon word: eleele (6) f common word: f (1) uncommon word: finnif (6) g common words: gag, gig (3-t) uncommon word: goog (4) phrase: gipsy's pig (9) h common word: h (1) uncommon words: halalah, hagigah, hadedah (7-t) i common word: i (1) uncommon words: imami, igigi (5-t) j common word: j (1) k common word: kayak (5) uncommon word: kinnikinnik (11) l common word: level (5) m common words: minim, madam (5-t) uncommon word: malayalam (9) n common word: noon (4) uncommon word: nauruan (7) o common word: o (1) uncommon words: otto, oppo, osso (4-t) phrase: Ogopogo (7) p common word: peep (4) uncommon word: peeweep (7) hyphenated word: pip-pip-pip (9) q common word: q (1) uncommon word: qazaq (5) r common words: rotator, reviver (7-t) uncommon word: rotavator (9) s common words: stats, stets, seres, sagas, sexes, solos (5-t) uncommon word: shaddahs (8) phrase: stent nets (9) t common word: tenet (5) uncommon words: terret, tippit, tibbit, tallat, tirrit (6-t) hyphenated word: tat-tat-tat (9) u common word: u (1) uncommon word: ululu (5) v common word: v (1) uncommon words: viv, vav, vov (3-t) w common word: w (1) uncommon words: wow, waw (3-t) hyphenated word: wow-wow (6) x common word: x (1) uncommon word: xx (2) y common word: y (1) uncommon word: yaray (5) z common word: z (1) uncommon words: zzz, zuz, ziz (3-t)
Longest Palindrome Centered on Each Letter
a common word: rotator (7) hyphenated word: tat-tat-tat (9) b common word: b (1) uncommon word: sawbwas (7) c common word: c (1) uncommon words: soccos, succus (6-t) d common word: redder (6) uncommon word: shaddahs (8) hyphenated word: abba-dabba (9) e common word: stets (5) uncommon words: racecar, sememes, hadedah (7-t) f common word: deified (7) g common word: sagas (5) uncommon word: degged (6) h common word: aha (3) hyphenated word: so-hos (5) i common word: reviver (7) hyphenated word: pip-pip-pip (9) j common word: j (1) uncommon word: kajak (5) k common word: deked (5) uncommon word: kinnikinnik (11) l common word: solos (5) uncommon word: sooloos (7) m common word: m (1) uncommon word: sammas (6) n common words: tenet, minim (5-t) uncommon word: adinida (7) o common words: noon, toot (4-t) uncommon word: devoved (7) p common word: p (1) uncommon word: tippit (6) phrase: Ogopogo (7) q common word: q (1) r common word: seres (5) uncommon word: nauruan (7) s common word: ss (2) uncommon word: seesees (7) t common word: rotor (5) uncommon word: seities (7) phrase: stent nets (9) u common words: dud, mum, nun, pup (3-t) uncommon words: ululu, arura, alula, stuts (5-t) v common words: civic, level (5-t) uncommon word: rotavator (9) w common word: ewe (3) uncommon word: peeweep (7) x common word: sexes (5) y common word: kayak (5) uncommon word: malayalam (9) z common word: z (1) uncommon words: kazak, qazaq (5-t)
Longest Tautonym Beginning with Each Letter
a uncommon words: atlatl, akeake, anaana (6-t) hyphenated words: alang-alang, algal-algal, aloun-aloun (10-t) b common word: beriberi (8) uncommon words: bellabella, bunyabunya (10-t) hyphenated words: bumpety-bumpety, bumpity-bumpity (14-t) c common word: couscous (8) uncommon word: chiquichiqui (12) d common word: dumdum (6) uncommon word: dividivi (8) hyphenated word: double-double (12) e uncommon word: eleele (6) f uncommon word: froufrou (8) hyphenated word: fifty-fifty (10) g common word: grigri (6) uncommon words: ganggang, greegree, grisgris, guitguit (8-t) hyphenated words: girly-girly, goody-goody (10-t) h uncommon words: hotshots, hilahila (8-t) hyphenated words: housey-housey, housie-housie (12-t) i uncommon word: ipilipil (8) hyphenated word: ilang-ilang (10) j uncommon word: jigjig (6) k uncommon words: kohekohe, kawakawa, kavakava, khoikhoi, khuskhus, kinakina, kouskous, kukukuku (8-t) l common word: ll (2) uncommon words: lavalava, lapulapu, lomilomi (8-t) hyphenated word: links-links (10) m common word: mahimahi (8) n uncommon word: nagnag (6) hyphenated words: never-never, night-night, nonny-nonny, nudge-nudge, nulla-nulla (10-t) o uncommon word: oo (2) hyphenated word: onga-onga (8) p common word: pawpaw (6) uncommon words: poroporo, palapala, pioupiou, piripiri (8-t) hyphenated word: pretty-pretty (12) phrase: per second per second (18) q uncommon word: quinaquina (10) r uncommon words: rewarewa, riroriro (8-t) s common word: ss (2) uncommon word: sweeswee (8) hyphenated word: softly-softly (12) t common words: tsetse, tartar, testes (6-t) uncommon word: tangantangan (12) u uncommon word: ulaula (6) v uncommon words: verver, valval (6-t) w uncommon word: wallawalla (10) x uncommon word: xx (2) y uncommon word: yariyari (8) hyphenated word: yabber-yabber (12) z uncommon word: zoozoo (6) hyphenated word: zero-zero (8)
Longest Head 'n' Tail Beginning with Each Letter
a common word: algal (5) hyphenated words: argie-bargie, argle-bargle, artsy-fartsy (11-t) b common words: bib, bob (3-t) uncommon word: belibel (7) phrase: biblia abiblia (13) c common word: c (1) uncommon word: calycal (7) hyphenated word: convexo-convex (13) d common words: dad, did, dud (3-t) uncommon words: dvandva, derider (7-t) e common words: esses, edged (5-t) uncommon word: einsteins (9) hyphenated word: eensie-weensie (13) f common word: felafel (7) g common words: gag, gig (3-t) uncommon word: galengale (9) phrase: gentleman's gentleman (19) h common word: hotshot (7) i common word: i (1) uncommon words: ingoing, ingling (7-t) hyphenated words: itsy-bitsy, itty-bitty (9-t) j common word: j (1) uncommon word: jigajig (7) phrase: justices' justice (15) k common word: k (1) uncommon word: khalkha (7) l common word: l (1) uncommon words: lal, lol (3-t) phrase: low blow (7) m common words: magma, mamma (5-t) uncommon word: muckamuck (9) phrase: malariae malaria (15) n common word: nun (3) uncommon word: neminem (7) hyphenated word: nighty-night (11) o common word: onion (5) uncommon words: overcover, okeydokey, outscouts, outshouts (9-t) p common word: pampa (5) uncommon word: pungapung (9) q common word: q (1) uncommon word: quelque (7) r common word: r (1) hyphenated word: river-driver (11) s common words: shish, shush, salsa, sense (5-t) hyphenated word: six-o-six (7) t common word: texte (5) uncommon words: tarantara, trinitrin (9-t) hyphenated word: tetes-a-tetes (11) u common word: u (1) uncommon word: ugrug (5) v common word: verve (5) hyphenated word: vis-a-vis (7) w common word: w (1) uncommon words: wow, waw (3-t) phrase: what's what (9) x common word: x (1) y common word: y (1) uncommon word: yay (3) z common word: z (1) uncommon word: zanza (5)
Longest Head 'n' Tail Centered on Each Letter
a common word: felafel (7) uncommon words: muckamuck, pungapung (9-t) hyphenated word: tetes-a-tetes (11) phrases: biblia abiblia, goutte a goutte (13-t) b common word: b (1) uncommon words: obo, aba (3-t) hyphenated words: argie-bargie, argle-bargle (11-t) c common word: c (1) uncommon words: overcover, outscouts (9-t) d common word: d (1) uncommon word: okeydokey (9) hyphenated word: river-driver (11) e common word: pep (3) uncommon words: arear, caeca, peepe (5-t) hyphenated word: do-se-dos (7) phrase: malariae malaria (15) f common word: f (1) uncommon word: outfout (7) hyphenated word: artsy-fartsy (11) g common words: algal, edged, magma (5-t) hyphenated word: old-gold (7) h common word: aha (3) uncommon word: outshouts (9) i common words: shish, onion (5-t) uncommon word: trinitrin (9) j common word: j (1) uncommon word: anjan (5) k common word: eke (3) uncommon words: kokko, arkar (5-t) phrase: Oshkosh (7) l common word: salsa (5) uncommon words: quelque, ingling, khalkha (7-t) m common words: pampa, mamma (5-t) n common word: sense (5) uncommon words: tarantara, galengale (9-t) o common words: bob, mom, pop, tot (3-t) uncommon words: ingoing, mesomes (7-t) hyphenated word: convexo-convex (13) p common word: p (1) uncommon word: pippi (5) phrase: Ogopogo (7) q common word: q (1) r common word: verve (5) s common word: hotshot (7) phrase: gentleman's gentleman (19) t common word: hatha (5) uncommon word: einsteins (9) u common word: shush (5) v common word: eve (3) hyphenated word: arsy-varsy (9) w common word: ewe (3) uncommon word: abwab (5) hyphenated word: eensie-weensie (13) x common word: texte (5) uncommon word: manxman (7) y common word: eye (3) uncommon word: calycal (7) hyphenated words: eighty-eight, nighty-night (11-t) z common word: z (1) uncommon word: zzz (3)
Longest Start and End Prefix Beginning with Each Letter
a common word: abracadabra (4) hyphenated words: argie-bargie, argle-bargle, artsy-fartsy (5-t) b common word: bonobo (2) uncommon word: benzeneazobenzene (7) c common word: calendrical (3) hyphenated words: collar-to-collar, convexo-convex (6-t) d common words: decrepitude, dorado, decade, decide, decode, degrade, delude, denude, deride (2-t) uncommon words: dvandva, derider, desuetudes, diascordia (3-t) hyphenated word: door-to-door (4) phrase: diamond cut diamond (7) e common words: entitlement, entrapment, enticement, entailment, entrainment, entrenchment, entanglement, entertainment (3-t) uncommon word: einsteins (4) hyphenated word: eyeball-to-eyeball (7) f common word: felafel (3) hyphenated word: face-to-face (4) phrase: fleury counterfleury (6) g common word: galangal (3) uncommon word: galengale (4) hyphenated word: ground-to-ground (6) phrase: gentleman's gentleman (9) h common word: hotshot (3) hyphenated word: hand-to-hand (4) hyphenated word: hither-and-thither (6) i common words: ingesting, ionization, interpoint, ingathering, ingratiating, insulins (3-t) hyphenated words: itsy-bitsy, itty-bitty (4-t) j uncommon word: jigajig (3) phrase: justices' justice (7) k common words: keystroke, keepsake (2-t) uncommon word: kingmaking (4) l common words: lyrically, learnable, legible (2-t) hyphenated word: links-and-links (5) phrase: little by little (6) m common words: microeconomic, microcosmic, mesdames (3-t) uncommon words: muckamuck, mannesmann (4-t) hyphenated word: mouth-to-mouth (5) phrase: malariae malaria (7) n common word: nicotinic (3) hyphenated word: nighty-night (5) phrase: nous verrons ce que nous verrons (11) o common words: orchestrator, onion, orator, originator (2-t) uncommon words: overcover, okeydokey, outscouts, outshouts (4-t) p common words: pampa, periscope, phonograph, photograph (2-t) uncommon word: pungapung (4) hyphenated word: pleasantness-unpleasantness (12) q uncommon word: quelque (3) r common words: restructures, rasboras, redelivered, rediscovered, respires, restores (3-t) hyphenated word: river-driver (5) phrase: rational operation (6) s common words: sheesh, statist, strategist, stylist, structuralist, starburst, shortish, shish, stardust, shush, stockist, samosa, shrewish, salsa, seedcase, sense, sheepish, shellfish, stablest, ... and 19 others (2-t) uncommon words: singularising, sterraster (4-t) hyphenated words: station-to-station, surface-to-surface (7-t) phrase: shoulder to shoulder (8) t common word: tormentor (3) uncommon words: tarantara, taratantara, trinitrin (4-t) hyphenated words: tetes-a-tetes, toxin-antitoxin (5-t) phrase: the blind leading the blind (8) u common word: underground (3) uncommon word: undergrounder (5) v common words: verve, vegetative (2-t) hyphenated word: vis-a-vis (3) w common words: worldview, warsaw, wallow, wheelbarrow, whew, widow, willow, window, winnow, withdraw, withdrew (1-t) uncommon word: wishtonwish (4) hyphenated words: west-southwests, woman-to-woman (5-t) phrase: wheels within wheels (6) x common word: xerox (1) y common words: yummy, yucky, yeasty, yukky, yeomanry, yearly, yesterday, youthfully (1-t) hyphenated words: yackety-yack, yada-yada-yada, year-on-year (4-t) phrase: yadda yadda yadda (5) z uncommon words: zaragoza, zanthorhiza, zanza, zeolitize, zeroize (2-t)
Word with the Lowest Ratio Length to Number of Different Letters for Each Length
16 common word: phenylketonurics (1.14) uncommon words: ventriculography, pulmobranchiates (1.06-t) 17 common words: comprehensibility, neuropsychologist, microencapsulated, deoxyribonuclease, uncomprehendingly (1.21-t) uncommon words: diacetylmorphines, entwicklungsroman, hydrobasaluminite, hyperconjugations, pterygomandibular (1.13-t) phrases: buckthorn families, pitch nodule makers (1.06-t) 18 common words: oversimplification, neurophysiological, neuropsychological, neuropsychologists (1.28-t) uncommon words: carboxyhemoglobins, entwicklungsromane, hydrobasaluminites, hyperglobulinemias, pseudoromantically, psychogalvanometer, triphenylformazans, ventriculographies (1.2-t) phrase: hydromagnetic waves (1.12) 19 common words: oversimplifications, incomprehensibility (1.35-t) uncommon words: psychogalvanometric, superacknowledgment (1.18-t) 20 common words: magnetohydrodynamics, radiopharmaceuticals (1.42-t) uncommon words: carbomethoxyglycines, mandibulopharyngeals, phenylthiocarbamides, superacknowledgement (1.25-t) 21 common word: psychoneuroimmunology (1.5) uncommon words: dimethyltubocurarines, superacknowledgements (1.31-t) 22 common words: counterrevolutionaries, electroencephalography (1.83-t) uncommon words: blepharoconjunctivitis, diphenylthiocarbazones (1.37-t) phrase: calcium hydrogen sulfite (1.29) 23 common word: dichlorodifluoromethane (1.64) uncommon words: pseudolamellibranchiata, pseudolamellibranchiate (1.43-t) phrases: calcium hydrogen sulfites, double wingback formation, qualified majority voting (1.35-t) 24 uncommon word: blepharoconjunctivitises (1.5) phrases: double wingback formations, public works and ways system (1.33-t) 25 uncommon word: spectroheliokinematograph (1.66) phrase: public works and ways systems (1.38)
Longest Word that Starts and Ends with Each Letter
a common word: adenocarcinoma (14) uncommon word: abetalipoproteinemia (20) hyphenated word: alpha-naphthylthiourea (21) b common word: backstab (8) uncommon word: breadcrumb (10) c common words: carcinoembryonic, crystallographic, chemotherapeutic (16-t) ERROR: chrysanthemummonocarboxylic d common word: decontextualized (16) uncommon words: deinstitutionalized, deuterochloroformed (19-t) e common word: extraordinaire (14) uncommon word: ethylenediaminetetraacetate (27) f common word: flameproof (10) uncommon word: feedingstuff (12) g common words: groundbreaking, gerrymandering, grandfathering (14-t) uncommon word: gravitochemicaling (18) h common words: houndstooth, horseradish (11-t) uncommon word: hysterosalpingograph (20) i common word: illuminati (10) uncommon words: ichthyocephali, improvisatrici (14-t) j ? k common word: knickknack (10) uncommon word: killickinnick (13) l common word: lexicographical (15) uncommon word: litiscontestational (19) m common word: multiculturalism (16) uncommon word: magnetoencephalogram (20) n common word: nondiscrimination (17) uncommon word: nonindustrialization (20) o common word: obbligato (9) uncommon word: overbravado (11) p common word: proprietorship (14) uncommon word: primogenitureship (17) q uncommon word: qaraqalpaq (10) r common words: reflectometer, rehabilitator, restauranteur (13-t) uncommon words: radiobroadcaster, reindustrializer (16-t) hyphenated word: refrigerator-freezer (19) s common word: straightforwardnesses (21) uncommon word: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34) t common word: traditionalist (14) uncommon word: transubstantiationalist (23) u uncommon word: ushabtiu (8) v uncommon words: viv, vav, vov (3-t) w common word: wheelbarrow (11) hyphenated word: winter-fallow (12) x common word: xerox (5) y common word: youthfully (10) uncommon word: yieldability (12) z uncommon word: zizz (4)
Shortest Word that Starts and Ends with Each Letter
a common word: aha (3) uncommon word: aa (2) b common words: bib, bob (3-t) uncommon word: bb (2) c common word: chic (4) d common words: dad, did, dud (3-t) phrase: DD (2) e common words: eke, ere, eve, ewe, eye (3-t) uncommon word: ee (2) f common word: fief (4) phrase: FF (2) g common words: gag, gig (3-t) phrase: GG (2) h common words: hash, high, hush (4-t) uncommon words: huh, heh, hah, hoh (3-t) i common words: indri, issei (5-t) uncommon words: ici, ihi (3-t) phrase: II (2) j ? k common words: kick, kink (4-t) uncommon word: kok (3) l common word: ll (2) m common words: mom, mum (3-t) uncommon word: mm (2) n common word: nun (3) phrase: NN (2) o common word: onto (4) uncommon word: oo (2) p common words: pep, pip, pop, pup (3-t) uncommon word: pp (2) q uncommon word: qazaq (5) r common words: rear, roar (4-t) phrase: RR (2) s common word: ss (2) t common words: tit, tot (3-t) phrase: Tt (2) u uncommon words: utu, ulu, uku (3-t) v uncommon words: viv, vav, vov (3-t) w common word: whew (4) uncommon words: wow, waw (3-t) x common word: xerox (5) uncommon word: xx (2) y common words: yummy, yucky, yukky (5-t) uncommon word: yay (3) z uncommon words: zzz, zuz, ziz (3-t)
Longest Word Containing One Type of Vowel for Each Vowel
a common word: abracadabras (12) uncommon word: tathagatagarbhas (16) hyphenated phrase: macassar agar-agars (17) e common word: relentlessnesses (16) uncommon word: strengthlessnesses (18) i common words: philistinism, disciplining, highlighting (12-t) uncommon word: instinctivistic (15) phrases: filling knittings, pitching niblicks (16-t) hyphenated phrase: bright-light districts (20) o common words: chloroforms, cottonwoods, schoolbooks, schoolrooms, schoolworks, strongholds (11-t) uncommon word: loxolophodonts (14) phrase: worst of both worlds (17) u common words: dumbstruck, numbskulls, untruthful (10-t) uncommon word: struldbrugs (11) phrases: thrush fungus, turn up trumps (12-t) y common word: rhythms (7)
Longest Word Containing One Type of Consonant for Each Consonant
b common word: baobab (6) uncommon word: ouabaio (7) c common word: acacia (6) uncommon word: coccaceae (9) d common words: iodide, doodad, deeded, eddied (6-t) uncommon word: diiodide (8) f common words: fief, fife (4-t) uncommon word: feoffee (7) g common words: aggie, gauge, gouge (5-t) hyphenated words: gee-gee, goo-goo (6-t) phrase: OO gauge (7) h common words: aha, hoe, hue (3-t) uncommon word: heiau (5) hyphenated words: hee-hee, hoo-hah, ohia-ai (6-t) j common word: j (1) uncommon word: ouija (5) k common word: kookie (6) uncommon word: kukukuku (8) l common word: alleluia (8) m common words: momma, aemia, mamma (5-t) uncommon words: mommie, mammie, muumuu, mummia, mammae, meemie, amamau, amimia, amomum, ... and 4 others (6-t) n common word: nonunion (8) p common words: poppa, appui, pappi, pupae (5-t) uncommon words: epopoeia, papiopio, pioupiou (8-t) hyphenated word: pip-pip-pip (9) q common word: quoque (6) uncommon word: quiaquia (8) r common words: arriere, aurorae (7-t) uncommon word: riroriro (8) s common word: assesses (8) uncommon word: assessees (9) hyphenated word: sous-souses (10) t common word: tattoo (6) uncommon word: autoette (8) hyphenated words: tat-tat-tat, tete-a-tete, tit-tat-toe (9-t) v common words: eve, ova, via, vie (3-t) uncommon word: evovae (6) w common words: awe, ewe, owe, wee, woe, woo (3-t) uncommon words: weewee, waiwai (6-t) x common word: axe (3) uncommon words: euxoa, oxeae (5-t) z common word: ooze (4) uncommon words: zooeae, zoozoo (6-t)
Word Spelled with First N Letters for Each N
1 common word: a (1) uncommon word: aa (2) 2 common word: baa (3) uncommon word: ababa (5) 3 common words: baa, cab (3-t) uncommon word: bacaba (6) 4 common words: add, baa, bad, cab, dab, dad (3-t) uncommon words: bacaba, ababda (6-t) hyphenated word: abba-dabba (9) 5 common word: acceded (7) hyphenated word: abba-dabba (9) 6 common words: acceded, defaced, effaced (7-t) uncommon word: fabaceae (8) hyphenated word: face-bedded (10) 7 common words: acceded, baggage, cabbage, defaced, effaced (7-t) uncommon words: debagged, fabaceae, cabbaged, fagaceae (8-t) hyphenated word: face-bedded (10) 8 common word: beachhead (9) uncommon word: cabbagehead (11) 9 common words: acidified, beachhead (9-t) uncommon words: cabbagehead, deacidified (11-t) 10 common words: acidified, beachhead (9-t) uncommon words: cabbagehead, deacidified (11-t) 11 common word: highjacked (10) uncommon words: cabbagehead, deacidified (11-t) 12 common word: blackballed (11) uncommon words: alkalifiable, cicadellidae, fiddledeedee, fiddleheaded (12-t) hyphenated words: diddle-daddled, fiddle-faddled (13-t) phrase: a face like a fiddle (16) hyphenated phrase: black-backed jackal (17) 13 common words: blackballed, blackmailed (11-t) uncommon word: hamamelidaceae (14) phrase: a face like a fiddle (16) hyphenated phrase: black-backed jackal (17) 14 common words: magnificence, ballhandling, feebleminded, blackballing, blackmailing (12-t) uncommon words: hamamelidaceae, jinglejangling (14-t) hyphenated word: nickeling-and-diming (18) 15 common words: megalomaniacal, biogeochemical (14-t) uncommon word: mechanicochemicaling (20) 16 common word: phenomenological (16) uncommon words: mechanicochemicaling, meningoencephalocele (20-t) phrase: philadelphia chippendale (23) 17 common word: phenomenological (16) uncommon words: mechanicochemicaling, meningoencephalocele (20-t) phrase: philadelphia chippendale (23) 18 common words: phenomenological, microprogramming (16-t) uncommon word: cineangiocardiographic (22) phrase: packed like herring in a barrel (26) 19 common word: paraprofessionals (17) uncommon word: cineangiocardiographies (23) phrase: heap coals of fire on someone's head (29) 20 common word: electroencephalogram (20) uncommon word: antidisestablishmentarianisms (29) phrase: the cards are stacked against something (34) 21 common word: dichlorodifluoromethane (23) uncommon word: floccinaucinihilipilifications (30) phrases: take the ground from under someone's feet, tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis, the cards are stacked against something (34-t) 22 common word: dichlorodifluoromethane (23) uncommon word: floccinaucinihilipilifications (30) phrases: give someone enough rope to hang himself , take the ground from under someone's feet, tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis, the cards are stacked against something (34-t) 23 common word: dichlorodifluoromethane (23) uncommon word: floccinaucinihilipilifications (30) phrases: give someone enough rope to hang himself , hold with the hare and run with the hounds, know which side one's bread is buttered on, law of conservation of angular momentum, ... and 4 others (34-t) 24 common word: dichlorodifluoromethane (23) uncommon word: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34) 25 common word: dichlorodifluoromethane (23) uncommon word: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34) 26 common word: dichlorodifluoromethane (23) uncommon word: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34)
Word Spelled with Every Nth Letter in Alphabet for Each N
2 common words: cockamamie, acquiesces (10-t) uncommon word: gammacismuses (13) hyphenated word: quasi-sagacious (14) 3 common words: paydays, pajamas, papayas (7-t) uncommon word: papadams (8) hyphenated word: yada-yada-yada (12) phrase: yadda yadda yaddas (16) 4 common words: yummy, aemia, mamma, mammy, mummy, queue (5-t) uncommon word: qaimmaqam (9) 5 common words: kappa, pukka (5-t) uncommon word: kukukuku (8) 6 common words: gammas, massas, assays, magmas, mammas (6-t) uncommon word: gyassas (7) phrase: Magsaysay (9) 7 common words: aha, ova (3-t) uncommon words: haha, hova (4-t) hyphenated word: hoo-hah (6) 8 common words: a, i, q, y (1-t) uncommon word: aiaiai (6) 9 common word: sass (4) 10 common word: auk (3) uncommon word: kukukuku (8) 11 common word: wall (4) uncommon word: wallawalla (10) 12 common words: mamma, mammy (5-t) 13 common word: an (2) uncommon word: anaana (6)
Word with Highest Letter Sum for Each Length
2 common word: zs (45) uncommon words: xx, wy (48-t) 3 common word: wry (66) uncommon word: zzz (78) 4 common words: fuzz, toys, vows, your (79-t) uncommon word: tuzz (93) hyphenated word: zu-zu (94) 5 common word: wussy (107) uncommon word: wuzzy (121) 6 common word: syzygy (127) uncommon word: xystus (128) 7 common word: tryouts (138) uncommon word: zyzzyva (151) 8 common word: synonymy (150) uncommon word: zyzzyvas (170) 9 common word: torturous (167) uncommon word: zorotypus (175) 10 common word: tumultuous (183) uncommon word: puttyroots (189) hyphenated word: topsy-turvy (201) hyphenated word: tuzzy-muzzy (229) 11 common word: trustworthy (207) 12 common word: synonymously (217) uncommon word: tumultuously (220) hyphenated word: tuzzy-muzzies (237) 13 common word: untrustworthy (242) 14 common word: presumptuously (241) uncommon word: untrustworthys (261) 15 common word: trustworthiness (248) uncommon word: untrustworthily (263) phrase: statutory trusts (276) 16 common word: presumptuousness (261) uncommon word: unpresumptuously (276) 17 common word: trustworthinesses (272) uncommon word: untrustworthiness (283) phrase: quantity surveyors (289) 18 common word: presumptuousnesses (285) hyphenated word: post-structuralists (290) phrase: return to our muttons (307) 19 common word: unconstitutionality (281) uncommon word: untrustworthinesses (307) phrase: statutory instrument (312) 20 common word: counterrevolutionary (291) uncommon word: polyhydroxybutyrates (318) phrase: statutory instruments (331)
Word with Lowest Letter Sum for Each Length
2 common word: ad (5) uncommon word: aa (2) 3 common word: baa (4) 4 common word: babe (10) uncommon words: baba, abba (6-t) 5 common word: baaed (13) uncommon word: ababa (7) 6 common words: acacia, dabbed (18-t) uncommon word: bacaba (10) 7 common word: cabbage (21) uncommon word: cachaca (20) 8 common word: deadhead (32) uncommon word: fabaceae (24) 9 common word: beachhead (37) uncommon word: beccaccia (30) hyphenated word: abba-dabba (16) 10 common word: academical (52) uncommon words: deadheaded, chachalaca (41-t) hyphenated word: face-bedded (39) 11 common word: abracadabra (52) uncommon word: cabbagehead (39) 12 common word: abracadabras (71) hyphenated word: bibble-babble (56) ERROR: cabbageheads 13 common word: decaffeinated (83) uncommon word: anacardiaceae (66) phrase: bag and baggage (59) 14 common words: megalomaniacal, biogeochemical (107-t) uncommon word: hamamelidaceae (81) phrase: heading cabbage (69) 15 common word: unchallengeable (122) uncommon word: lardizabalaceae (101) phrase: heading cabbages (88) hyphenated phrase: bald-headed eagle (76) 16 common words: saccharification, hardheadednesses (139-t) uncommon word: lactobacillaceae (105) phrase: acadian chickadee (82) 17 common word: electromechanical (147) uncommon word: mechanochemicaled (122) phrase: acadian chickadees (101) hyphenated phrase: black-backed jackal (93) 18 common word: immunodeficiencies (176) uncommon words: chlamydomonadaceae, mechanochemicaling (143-t) phrase: glacial acetic acids (122) hyphenated phrase: saddle-backed jackal (109) 19 common word: electromagnetically (200) uncommon word: mechanicochemicaled (134) phrase: octadecadienoic acid (128) 20 common word: electroencephalogram (196) uncommon word: chlamydobacteriaceae (154) phrase: dodecahedral cleavage (136) hyphenated phrase: black-capped chickadee (123)
Shortest Word with Last Letter Next In Alphabet after First for Each Letter
a common words: adsorb, absorb, adverb, aplomb (6-t) uncommon word: ab (2) b common words: blanc, bronc, basic, boric (5-t) uncommon word: bc (2) c common words: cod, cud (3-t) uncommon word: cd (2) d common words: die, doe, due, dye (3-t) uncommon word: de (2) e common word: elf (3) uncommon word: ef (2) f common words: fig, fog (3-t) g common words: gash, gush (4-t) h common word: hi (2) i ? j common words: jack, jerk, junk (4-t) uncommon word: jak (3) k common words: keel, kill (4-t) uncommon word: kol (3) l common words: loam, loom (4-t) uncommon words: lam, lum, lym (3-t) m common words: man, men (3-t) uncommon word: mn (2) n common word: no (2) o common words: outcrop, overtop, overlap (7-t) uncommon word: op (2) p uncommon word: pdq (3) q common word: queer (5) uncommon word: qur (3) r common word: rs (2) s common words: sat, set, sit (3-t) uncommon word: st (2) t common words: thou, tofu (4-t) uncommon word: tu (2) u phrase: Ustinov (7) phrase: UV (2) v common word: vow (3) w common word: wax (3) x common word: xerography (10) uncommon word: xylary (6) hyphenated word: x-ray (4) y uncommon word: yez (3) z common word: zebra (5) uncommon word: za (2)
Word Containing the Most Repeats of Each Letter
a common word: abracadabra (5) uncommon words: taramasalata, astragalocalcaneal, calcaneoastragalar, palaeacanthocephala, tathagatagarbha (6-t) phrases: anathema maranatha, australian sarsaparilla, jamaica sarsaparilla, sierra nevada de santa marta, ... and 4 others (7-t) hyphenated phrase: wadi al-arabah, wadi arabah, wadi el-arabah (13) b common words: bubbly, bubblegum, psychobabble, technobabble, bobbin, bobble, backstabbed, hobnobbing, blubbery, absorbable, baobab, blabbermouth, babble, blabbed, blubber, bobbed, bobby, bubble, bumblebee, ... and 31 others (3-t) uncommon words: flibbertigibbet, beblubbered, becobwebbed, bubbybush, flibbertigibbety (4-t) hyphenated word: bibble-babble (6) c common words: cryptococcal, concupiscence (4-t) uncommon words: chroococcaceae, chroococcaceous, circumcrescence, echinococcic, micrococcaceae, micrococcic (5-t) d common words: diddled, granddaddy, muddleheaded (4-t) uncommon word: dunderheadededness (5) hyphenated word: diddle-daddled (7) e common words: underrepresented, teleconference, overrepresented, beekeeper, interdependencies, peacekeeper, reemergence, gedankenexperiment, effervescence, representativeness, reengineered, greenskeeper, overengineered, agreeablenesses, apprehensivenesses, comprehensivenesses, deliberatenesses, desperatenesses, disinterestednesses, ... and 21 others (5-t) uncommon word: ethylenediaminetetraacetate (7) phrase: between the devil and the deep blue sea (10) f common word: riffraff (4) hyphenated word: fluffy-ruffle (5) g common words: gigging, aggregating, gagging, giggling, goggling, wigwagging, zigzagging (4-t) uncommon word: huggermuggering (5) hyphenated word: wagger-pagger-bagger (6) h common words: photolithography, hyperthermophilic, hashish, highlight, hitchhike (3-t) uncommon words: rhamphorhynchus, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, dinaphthothiophene, hypothalamicohypophyseal, ichthyophthiriasis, ichthyophthirius, rhamphorhynchid, rhamphorhynchoid, ... and 5 others (4-t) phrases: hold with the hare and run with the hounds, run with the hare and hunt with the hounds (7-t) i common words: indistinguishability, indivisibility, ineligibilities, invincibilities, invisibilities (6-t) uncommon word: floccinaucinihilipilification (9) j common words: jujutsu, jujitsu, jejune (2-t) uncommon word: jejunojejunostomy (4) k common word: knickknack (4) l common words: colloquially, multicellular, allegorically, lollapalooza, ballistically, villanelle, legalistically, elliptically, dillydally, hillbilly, illegally, illogically, intellectually, skillfully, unskillfully, volleyball, willfully, ... and 3 others (4-t) uncommon words: polysyllabically, lillypilly, allochlorophyll, alloplastically, hyperpolysyllabically, intellectualistically, paleolimnologically (5-t) phrases: all hell is let loose, all's well that ends well (6-t) m common words: mammogram, immunocompromised (4-t) phrase: maximum and minimum thermometer (8) n common words: nondenominational, nonfunctioning, nonintervention, inconveniencing (5-t) hyphenated words: non-insulin-dependent, nonny-nonny (6-t) phrase: noncondensing engine (7) o common word: chlorofluorocarbon (5) uncommon words: hydrochlorofluorocarbon, pseudomonocotyledonous, monogonoporous (6-t) phrase: don't halloo till you're out of the wood (8) p common word: whippersnapper (4) hyphenated word: pip-pip-pip (6) q common words: quoque, equivoque (2-t) uncommon word: qaraqalpaq (3) r common words: extraterrestrial, extraterritorial, counterterrorism, extraterritoriality, extracurricular, refrigerator (4-t) uncommon words: ferriprotoporphyrin, ferroprotoporphyrin (5-t) hyphenated words: refrigerator-freezer, strawberry-raspberry (6-t) hyphenated phrase: reverse-current circuit breaker (7) s common word: senselessnesses (7) uncommon word: possessionlessnesses (9) t common words: constitutionality, transubstantiation, institutionalization, statuette, scuttlebutt, phototypesetter, unconstitutionality, deinstitutionalization, attestation, tattooist, attractant, extraterritoriality, constitutionalist, substitutability, intertextuality, intermittent, tattletale, ... and 5 others (4-t) uncommon words: ethylenediaminetetraacetate, teetertotter, tetrasubstituted, anticonstitutionalist, hastatosagittate, intersubstitutability, throttlebottom, totipotentiality, transubstantiationalist, ... and 9 others (5-t) hyphenated words: tat-tat-tat, testament-testamentar, tittle-tattle, ... and 4 others (6-t) phrases: pentaerythritol tetranitrate, throw out the baby with the bathwater, throw the baby out with the bath water (7-t) u common words: unscrupulousness, tumultuous, unscrupulous (4-t) uncommon word: humuhumunukunukuapuaa (9) v common words: innovative, overview, pervasive, investigative, overdrive, subversive, savvy, preventative, evasive, divisive, invective, invasive, evocative, survivability, survivable, uninvolved, devolve, overactive, divisiveness, ... and 81 others (2-t) uncommon words: overconservative, ovoviviparous, overvivid, overinvolve, vulvovaginal, ovoviviparism, ovoviviparousness, velvetleaves, vivisective, ... and 9 others (3-t) phrases: dum vivimus vivamus, dum vivimus, vivamus (4-t) w common word: powwow (3) hyphenated word: wow-wow (4) x common words: xerox, exotoxin (2-t) uncommon word: hexahydroxycyclohexane (3) y common words: polygyny, synonymously, syzygy, synonymy, psychophysiology, polydactyly (3-t) uncommon words: polyhydroxybutyrate, hyperpolysyllabically (4-t) z common word: pizzazz (4)
Word with the Highest Ratio Letter Repeats to Length for Each Letter
a common words: aha, baa (0.66-t) uncommon word: aa (1) b common words: bib, bob, ebb (0.66-t) uncommon word: bb (1) c common word: cocci (0.6) uncommon word: coccic (0.66) d common words: add, dad, did, dud, odd (0.66-t) uncommon word: dodd (0.75) phrases: DD, DDD (1-t) e common words: teepee, bee, eel, eke, ere, eve, ewe, eye, fee, gee, lee, nee, peewee, see, tee, wee (0.66-t) uncommon word: ee (1) f common word: off (0.66) uncommon words: faff, fuff (0.75-t) phrase: FF (1) g common words: egg, gag, gig (0.66-t) phrase: GG (1) h common words: ah, ha, hash, he, hi, high, ho, hs, hush, oh (0.5-t) uncommon words: huh, heh, hah, ahh, shh, hoh (0.66-t) i common words: bikini, initio, simili, iritis, fi, hi, ibis, if, il, im, in, ir, iris, is, it, kiwi, mi, pi, ti (0.5-t) uncommon word: iiwi (0.75) phrases: II, III (1-t) j common word: js (0.5) k common words: kick, kink, ks (0.5-t) uncommon words: kok, kakkak (0.66-t) phrase: KKK (1) l common word: ll (1) m common words: mom, mum (0.66-t) uncommon word: mm (1) n common words: inn, nun (0.66-t) phrase: NN (1) o common words: voodoo, hoodoo, boo, coo, moo, too, woo, zoo (0.66-t) uncommon word: oo (1) p common words: pep, pip, pop, pup (0.66-t) uncommon word: pp (1) q common word: qs (0.5) r common word: err (0.66) uncommon word: brrr (0.75) phrase: RR (1) s common word: ss (1) t common words: tit, tot (0.66-t) uncommon word: tatt (0.75) phrase: Tt (1) u common words: up, us (0.5-t) uncommon words: utu, ulu, muumuu, uku (0.66-t) v common words: ve, vs (0.5-t) uncommon words: viv, vav, vov (0.66-t) w common words: powwow, we, whew, ws (0.5-t) uncommon words: wow, waw (0.66-t) x common words: ax, ox, xs (0.5-t) uncommon word: xx (1) y common words: syzygy, by, ey, my, ye, yo, ys (0.5-t) uncommon word: yay (0.66) z common word: pizzazz (0.57) uncommon word: zzz (1)
Word with the Most Infrequently Used Letters for Each Length
2 common word: by (37) uncommon word: xx (8) 3 common word: jug (54) uncommon word: zzz (3) 4 common word: buzz (50) 5 common word: fuzzy (73) uncommon word: buzzy (70) 6 common word: dybbuk (128) uncommon word: kumbuk (125) hyphenated word: jug-jug (108) 7 common word: pizzazz (180) uncommon word: zyzzyva (134) 8 common word: buzzword (241) uncommon word: kukukuku (160) 9 common word: buckyball (292) uncommon word: kukukukus (226) hyphenated word: mucky-muck (224) 10 common word: humbugging (356) uncommon word: xyloglyphy (319) hyphenated word: fuzzy-wuzzy (145) 11 common word: quizzically (396) uncommon word: bumfuzzling (331) 12 common word: piggybacking (456) uncommon word: zygophyllums (421) hyphenated word: wibbly-wobbly (380) 13 common word: swashbuckling (573) uncommon word: brachyphyllum (496) hyphenated word: high-mucky-muck (414) 14 common word: unscrupulously (624) uncommon word: brachyphyllums (562) hyphenated word: high-muck-a-mucks (540) phrase: milky way galaxy (536) 15 common word: polymorphically (693) uncommon word: chylophyllously (637) hyphenated word: high-muckety-muck (623) phrase: roxbury waxworks (605) 16 common word: psychophysiology (740) uncommon words: psychophysically, hydroxylammonium (720-t) hyphenated word: high-muckety-mucks (689) phrase: burkwood viburnum (644) 17 common word: cryptographically (830) uncommon word: hydroxylammoniums (786) phrases: dum vivimus vivamus, dum vivimus, vivamus (683-t) 18 common word: psychopharmacology (864) uncommon word: sphygmographically (808) hyphenated phrase: black-backed jackals (788) 19 common word: psychophysiological (948) uncommon word: hydrodesulphurizing (929) phrase: quillback carpsucker (844) hyphenated phrase: ch'ung-ch'ing, chungking (816) 20 common word: psychopharmacologist (1073) uncommon word: psychobiographically (961) phrase: quillback carpsuckers (910)
Word with the Most Frequently Used Letters for Each Length
2 common word: et (209) uncommon word: ee (236) 3 common word: tee (327) 4 common word: tees (393) uncommon word: tete (418) 5 common words: tenet, eerie (486-t) uncommon word: teene (513) 6 common words: testee, settee (602-t) uncommon word: teetee (654) 7 common word: entente (672) uncommon word: entetee (722) 8 common word: teetered (748) uncommon word: teaettes (773) 9 common words: teensiest, reiterate (808-t) uncommon word: theetsees (835) hyphenated word: tete-a-tete (916) 10 common word: sententiae (890) uncommon word: teentsiest (899) hyphenated word: tete-a-tetes (982) 11 common word: leatherette (976) uncommon word: tennesseean (979) hyphenated word: tetes-a-tetes (1048) 12 common word: serenenesses (1050) uncommon word: teetertotter (1125) 13 common word: earnestnesses (1103) uncommon word: tetraacetates (1118) hyphenated word: teeter-totters (1191) 14 common word: entertainments (1137) uncommon word: enterocenteses (1212) hyphenated word: teeter-tottered (1277) 15 common word: attentivenesses (1242) uncommon word: heterogeneratae (1267) hyphenated word: teeter-tottering (1285) 16 common word: relentlessnesses (1291) uncommon word: regeneratenesses (1353) 17 common word: reinterpretations (1335) uncommon word: inattentivenesses (1382) phrase: interest lotteries (1420) 18 common word: representativeness (1413) uncommon word: interrelatednesses (1454) phrase: set one's teeth on edge (1508) 19 common word: disinterestednesses (1510) uncommon word: tenderheartednesses (1541) phrase: neither here nor there (1563) 20 common word: internationalization (1450) uncommon word: representativenesses (1597) hyphenated word: testament-testamentar (1642)
Longest Word with Consecutive Letters Adjacent on Phone Keypad, Beginning with Each Letter
a common word: anticoagulants (14) uncommon word: antichristianly (15) b common word: bechamel (8) uncommon word: bicentricity (12) phrase: block and block (13) c common words: councilman, clothbound, councilmen (10-t) uncommon word: christocentricity (17) d common words: downcourt, doltishly (9-t) uncommon word: downthrusts (11) e common words: entitlements, enchantments (12-t) ERROR: enchaicnements f common word: flagstick (9) uncommon word: flagsticks (10) g common word: ganciclovir (11) phrase: game of chance (12) h common words: halothane, humanlike (9-t) uncommon word: hustlements (11) phrases: hail columbia, handle blanks (12-t) hyphenated phrase: half-Christian (13) i common word: icebound (8) uncommon word: ileocolitis (11) j common words: joviality, jealously (9-t) uncommon words: jovicentric, jumblements (11-t) phrase: justice courts (13) k common word: kilovolts (9) uncommon words: kamchadale, kamchadals (10-t) hyphenated word: kana-majiris (11) l common word: luxuriantly (11) phrase: lots to blanks (12) m common word: maladjustment (13) uncommon word: multicentricity (15) n common words: nunchaku, nuptials (8-t) uncommon word: neothalamus (11) o common word: obelisks (8) uncommon word: obliviality (11) p common words: phlebitis, planeload, plantlike (9-t) uncommon words: phleboliths, pilpulistic, ptolemaists (11-t) r common word: rustlike (8) uncommon word: rhadamanthus (12) phrase: rice christian (13) s common word: shantytown (10) uncommon words: silicicolous, stylistician (12-t) phrase: silence cloths (13) t common words: triviality, thumbnails (10-t) uncommon words: trivialists, thricecocks, tylenchulus (11-t) phrase: triple blocks (12) u common word: unchristian (11) uncommon word: unchristianlike (15) v common words: virulently, visibility (10-t) w common word: wouldn (6) uncommon word: wolvishly (9) x common word: x (1) uncommon word: xoana (5) phrase: x virus (6) y common word: yokels (6) uncommon word: yokelish (8)
Word Containing Most Consecutive Letters in the Alphabet after Each Letter
a common words: feedback, fabricated, backfield, obfuscated, biofeedback, bifurcated, barefaced, backfilled, backfired, boldface, prefabricated (6-t) uncommon word: blackfigured (7) hyphenated word: right-about-faced (9) b common words: feedback, fabricated, backfield, obfuscated, biofeedback, objectified, bifurcated, barefaced, backfilled, backfired, boldface, prefabricated (5-t) uncommon words: fredericksburg, blackfigured (6-t) hyphenated word: right-about-faced (8) c common words: disenfranchising, goldfinches, lightfaced (7-t) phrase: floodlight projector (8) d common words: foreshadowing, dogfighter, grandfathering, eightfold, featherbedding, flighted, foresighted, dehumidifying, delightful, disenfranchising, dogfishes, farsighted, farsightedness, figurehead, freighted, frightened, goldfinches, goldfishes, lightfaced, ... and 6 others (6-t) phrase: floodlight projector (7) e common words: refreshing, spaceflight, foreshadowing, firefight, nightlife, preflight, freewheeling, angelfish, safelight, dogfighter, fletching, reshuffling, firelight, gunfighter, motherfucking, featherweight, filmographies, fishmonger, grandfathering, ... and 81 others (5-t) uncommon word: jetfighter (6) phrases: knight of st john of jerusalem, knights of st john of jerusalem (11-t) f common words: fishing, finishing, flashing, refreshing, insightful, dogfight, spaceflight, infighting, shoplifting, foreshadowing, firefight, nightlife, furnishing, downshifting, fortnightly, preflight, filmography, gunfight, freewheeling, ... and 81 others (4-t) uncommon word: jetfighter (5) hyphenated word: half-joking (7) phrases: knight of st john of jerusalem, knights of st john of jerusalem (10-t) g common words: straightjacket, highjack, hijacking (5-t) uncommon words: jacklight, kjeldahlizing (6-t) phrases: knight of st john of jerusalem, knights of st john of jerusalem (9-t) h common words: straightjacket, hijinks, highjack, hijack (4-t) uncommon words: jacklight, jakhalsbessie, kjeldahlization, kjeldahlize, ... and 5 others (5-t) phrases: checkbook journalism, jamaica honeysuckle, knight of st john of jerusalem, knights of st john of jerusalem, ... and 3 others (8-t) i common words: kilojoules, jailbreak, jaywalking, jellylike, jerkily, jokingly, killjoy (4-t) uncommon word: jasminelike (6) phrase: Kilimanjaro (7) phrase: pack journalism (8) j common word: lumberjack (4) uncommon word: jasminelike (5) phrase: Kilimanjaro (6) phrases: japanese hemlock, pack journalism (7-t) k common words: unsportsmanlike, sportsmanlike, kleptomaniac, lymphokines (6-t) l common words: implementation, compilation, manipulation, computational, compliance, compliant, predominantly, deployment, polynomial, developmental, promotional, incompatibility, amplification, multiprocessing, simplification, recompiling, paranormal, counterexample, comprehensible, ... and 81 others (5-t) uncommon words: plasmoquin, plasmoquine, sphenosquamosal (6-t) hyphenated word: quasi-complimentary (10) phrase: quos deus vult perdere prius dementat (11) m common words: implementation, compilation, manipulation, optimization, computational, compliance, experimentation, compliant, uncompressed, predominantly, deployment, polynomial, developmental, misconception, promotional, optimizing, decompression, incompatibility, amplification, ... and 81 others (4-t) uncommon word: prosequendum (7) hyphenated words: quasi-complimentary, quasi-important (9-t) phrase: quos deus vult perdere prius dementat (10) n common word: quadraphonic (5) uncommon words: perquisition, preconquest, prequalifications, propinquities, sesquiterpenoid, appropinquates, appropinquations, appropinquities, equiparations, ... and 19 others (8-t) phrases: equivalent evaporations, previous question, private notice question, quality point averages, ... and 8 others (9-t) o common word: quasiperiodic (5) uncommon words: perquisition, quasiperiodicity, preconquest, perquisitor, prequalifications, propinquities, sesquiterpenoid, appropinquates, appropinquations, ... and 42 others (7-t) hyphenated words: quasi-productive, quasi-provocative (8-t) p common words: pratiques, perquisite, quasiparticle, picturesque, prerequisite, quadruplets (6-t) uncommon words: preacquisitive, superequivalent, superinquisitive (7-t) hyphenated phrase: quarter-wave plates (8) q common word: ventriloquism (6) hyphenated word: quasi-interviewed (7) r common word: liverwurst (6) s common word: liverwurst (5) t common words: overwrought, liverwurst (4-t) u common words: purview, waveguide, unwavering, overwrought, unswerving, liverwurst, unreviewed, housewives (3-t) v common words: whatsoever, overview, overwrite, shortwave, overwhelmingly, waveform, waiver, overwritten, disavow, vaporware, worldview, viewfinder, giveaway, overblown, heavyweight, viewable, whosoever, purview, midwives, ... and 81 others (2-t) hyphenated words: ex-servicewoman, grave-wax (3-t) phrases: downy false foxglove, extraordinary wave, yellow foxglove (4-t) w common words: taxiway, expressway, waxy (3-t) phrase: waxy maize (5) x common words: explicitly, homosexuality, sexuality, extensively, proximity, epoxy, externally, oxymoron, expectancy, expressly, toxicity, exponentially, bisexuality, experimentally, heterosexuality, exemplary, orthodoxy, exploratory, carboxylase, ... and 81 others (2-t) uncommon words: benzoxyacetanilide, parahydroxybenzoic (8-t) y common words: recognizably, recognizability (5-t) uncommon word: brazenfacedly (8) hyphenated phrase: gazelle-faced wallaby (9) z common words: cannibalized, carbonized, bureaucratized (6-t) uncommon word: brazenfaced (7) phrase: exchange stabilization fund (10)
Word Containing Most Consecutive Letters in Order after Each Letter
a common word: absconded (5) b common words: backside, backwardness, subcode, backgrounded, backslide, absconded, biocides, backdate, blockaders, backslidden, backslider, backhanded, barricade, blockade, brocade, ... and 7 others (4-t) hyphenated word: backside-front (5) c common word: schadenfreude (4) phrases: children of light, code flag (5-t) d common words: debriefing, defaming, videoconferencing, defogger, defrag, defecting, defusing, defecating, diversifying, indefatigable, underfunding, detoxifying, understaffing, deflowering, demystifying, denitrifying, defragged, decalcifying, misidentifying, ... and 35 others (4-t) hyphenated word: dead-freight (5) e common words: spaceflight, preflight, refight, overflight, prizefighter (4-t) uncommon word: reflectographies (5) f common word: flagship (4) g common words: graphical, pornographic, demographic, graphing, cryptographic, typographical, geophysical, oceanographic, glutathione, typographic, geophysics, ghosting, cartographic, topographic, toughie, cryptographically, topographical, gunship, spectrographic, ... and 81 others (3-t) phrase: laughing jackass (5) h common words: hijinks, highjack, hijack (4-t) i common words: straitjacket, straightjacket, hijinks, highjack, hijack (3-t) uncommon word: rijksdaalder (4) j common words: jackal, jerkily, jokingly (3-t) phrase: jack salmon (5) k common word: kleptomaniac (4) uncommon word: kilmarnock (5) l common words: culmination, flamenco, supplementation, luminosity, eliminator, plasminogen, illuminator, delamination, lamination, fulminations, luminiferous, lymphadenopathy, leguminous, elimination, filamentous, flamingo, illumination, lamentation, luminous, ... and 10 others (4-t) uncommon words: aluminotype, alimentotherapy, aluminography, helminthosporia, helminthosporin, helminthosporium, helminthosporoid, laminograph, laminography, ... and 25 others (5-t) m common words: minicomputer, menopause, misanthrope, misanthropy, acetaminophen, magnetosphere, immunosuppression, immunotherapy, menopausal, immunocompromised, aminopeptidase, immunoprecipitation, mentorship, gymnosperms, immunosuppressant, maintop, ... and 3 others (4-t) uncommon word: semnopitheque (5) n common words: newsgroup, censorship, entropy, synopsis, uncompressed, incompatibility, unopened, interoperability, francophone, anthropologist, unstoppable, introspection, inoperative, neoprene, anthropological, underdeveloped, synopses, xenophobia, notepad, ... and 81 others (3-t) uncommon words: nonopaque, semnopitheque (4-t) phrases: animis opibusque parati, antelope squirrel (5-t) o common words: opaqueness, opaque (3-t) uncommon word: opaquers (5) p common words: prequel, pique, applique, parquet, epoque, pratique, piquant, palanquin, paraquat, piquet, perquisite, prequalifying, opaqueness, picaresque, opaque, physique, picturesque, plaque, prerequisite, ... and 10 others (2-t) uncommon words: piqueros, pulquerias, opaquers, appliquers, picqueters, piquerias, piqueurs (4-t) q common word: aquarist (4) r common words: reconstructive, redistributive (5-t) s common words: reconstructive, constitutive, obstructive, nondestructive, deconstructive, constructivism, redistributive, stimulative, nonconstructive, distributivity, constructive, destructive, destructiveness, distributive, instructive, ... and 3 others (4-t) phrase: distributive law (5) t common words: intuitive, turnover, intrusive, truelove, trouve, obtrusive, antediluvian, reconstructive, constitutive, obstructive, nondestructive, retributive, triumvirate, deconstructive, constructivism, redistributive, stimulative, intrusiveness, intersubjective, ... and 26 others (3-t) phrases: distributive law, intrusive growth, turn over a new leaf (4-t) u common words: purview, unreviewed (3-t) v common words: overview, overwrite, overwritten, disavow, vaporware, viewfinder, giveaway, overblown, heavyweight, viewable, purview, previewed, viewings, interviewee, rearview, overwrote, overdrawn, viewership, overwrought, ... and 81 others (2-t) hyphenated word: grave-wax (3) w common word: waxy (3) phrase: waxy maize (4) x common words: explicitly, homosexuality, sexuality, extensively, proximity, epoxy, externally, oxymoron, expectancy, expressly, toxicity, exponentially, bisexuality, experimentally, heterosexuality, exemplary, orthodoxy, exploratory, carboxylase, ... and 81 others (2-t) uncommon word: oxygenizable (5) y common words: synchronization, hybridization, polymerization, proselytization, symbolization, stylization, systemization (3-t) uncommon words: hypnotizability, hypnotizable, unhypnotizable, etymologizable, hydrolyzable, oxygenizable, photolyzable, polymerizable, pyrolyzable, ... and 2 others (4-t) z common words: recognizable, customizable, unrecognizable, recognizably, squeezable, cognizable, zaibatsu, zabaglione, recognizability, memorizable, sizable, sizeable (3-t) uncommon words: mozambican, mozarabic, zambuck (4-t)
Word Spelled with E Before I, Beginning with Each Letter
a albeit b being c counterfeit d deity e either f feisty g geiger h height i isocheim j jangadeiro k kaleidoscope l leisure m murein n neither o obeisance p protein q quisqueite r reveille s seize t their u ureic v verein w weird x xylindein y yankeeism z zeitgeist
Word Spelled with I Before E after C, Beginning with Each Letter
a ancient b boccie c concierge d deficient e efficient f financier g glacier h hacienda i inefficient j juicier k kakistocracies l liquefacient m mutafacient n nescience o omniscient p proficient q quiescencies r rubefacient s species t theocracies u unscientific v valenciennes w wardencies x xylomancies y ? z zincier
Common Words with Unique Ending and Uncommon Partner, for Each Letter
a sabre, macabre, cabre (abre) chapel, lapel, scapel (apel) b debt, doubt, abt (bt) c circuit, biscuit, cuit (cuit) d sudsy, woodsy, pudsy (dsy) e delay, relay, belay, rokelay (elay) metro, retro, vespetro (etro) f safely, wifely, rifely (fely) g length, strength, youngth (gth) h think, chink, hink (hink) chuck, shuck, huck (huck) i piece, niece, griece (iece) diem, requiem, riem (iem) Friday, holiday, centiday (iday) siege, liege, griege (iege) rigid, frigid, boigid (igid) rifle, stifle, trifle, nifle (ifle) stigma, sigma, enigma, sterigma (igma) j sojourn, adjourn, rejourn (journ) k ? l cleat, bleat, pleat, leat (leat) m memory, armory, emory (mory) n infer, confer, granfer (nfer) known, renown, nown (nown) minnow, winnow, lennow (nnow) o coconut, donut, econut (onut) boost, roost, coost (oost) p ipso, calypso, apso (pso) q prequel, sequel, cakchiquel (quel) r strafe, carafe, agrafe (rafe) carbon, bourbon, charbon (rbon) briar, friar, moriar (riar) proud, shroud, stroud (roud) bruce, truce, spruce, cruce (ruce) s assay, essay, missay (ssay) miscue, rescue, fescue (scue) t martyr, satyr, bogatyr (tyr) continue, retinue, detinue (tinue) u squad, quad, duad (uad) stupid, cupid, proctotrupid (upid) sugar, cougar, bougar (ugar) persuade, dissuade, ruade (uade) audio, studio, preludio (udio) tumor, rumor, humor, mundugumor (umor) v invader, evader, pervader (vader) w swam, wigwam, dwam (wam) x ? y maybe, gybe, clitocybe (ybe) cycle, recycle, calycle (ycle) everyone, anyone, sinkyone (yone) z seizure, azure, brizure (zure)
Longest Word Spelled with One Finger on Typewriter for Each Finger
1 common words: a, q, z (1-t) uncommon word: qazaq (5) 2 common words: ss, ws, xs (2-t) phrase: SSs (3) 3 common word: deeded (6) uncommon word: deedeed (7) 4 common words: b, f, g, r, t, v (1-t) uncommon word: brrr (4) 5 common words: yummy, mummy (5-t) uncommon words: muumuu, humhum, hummum, muhuhu (6-t) 6 common words: i, k (1-t) uncommon word: ki (2) phrases: III, KKK (3-t) 7 common word: loll (4) 8 common word: p (1) uncommon word: pp (2)
Shortest Word for Each Number of Syllables
2 aa, io (2-t) 3 w (1) 4 ieie (4) 5 oxyopia, oogonia (7-t) 6 oniomania, opiomania, amyotonia (9-t) 7 eosinopenia, eopaleozoic (11-t) 8 epizootiology, aminoaciduria (13-t) 9 epizootiological, urobilinogenuria (16-t) 10 epizootiologically, diastereoisomerism (18-t) 11 diastereoisomerically (21) 12 humuhumunukunukuapuaa (21) 13 honorificabilitudinitatibus (27)
Homophones Differing by Each Letter
a oar & or b lamb & lam c scent & sent d add & ad e bye & by f barff & barf g reign & rein h hour & our i waive & wave j hajji & haji k knot & not l halve & have m primmer & primer n damn & dam o callous & callus p psalter & salter q ? r carries & caries s scent & cent t butt & but u buy & by v civvies & civies w two & to x beaux & beau y rey & re z bizz & biz
Longest One-Syllable Word Beginning with Each Letter
a arched (6) b broughammed (11) c craunched (9) d draughts (8) e earthed (7) f flinched (8) g grouched (8) h haunched (8) i itched (6) j jounced (7) k knights (7) l launched (8) m mooched (7) n naughts (7) o oinked (6) p preached (8) q quenched (8) r reached (7) s squirrelled (11) t thoughts (8) u umphs (5) v vouched (7) w wreathed (8) x xysts (5) y yearned (7) z zouaves (7)
Longest Two-Syllable Word Beginning with Each Letter
a archfiends (10) b breakthroughs (13) c clotheshorse (12) d draughtboards (13) e earthtongues (12) f flameproofed (12) g groundsheets (12) h hairsbreadths (13) i inthralled (10) j juneteenths (11) k knickknacks (11) l lightweights (12) m moosetongues (12) n nightclothes (12) o outstretched (12) p ploughwrights (13) q quickthorns (11) r roughstrings (12) s scratchbrushed (14) t throatstraps (12) u unstretched (11) v versesmiths (11) w wherethrough (12) x xanthines (9) y yourselves (10) z zeitgeists (10)
Longest Word That, When a Letter is Changed, Radically Changes Pronunciation Beginning with Each Letter
a academics (academies) (9) b ballets (bullets) (7) c calamite (calamity) (8-t) carousal (carousel) (8-t) chemises (chemists) (8-t) collagen (collages) (8-t) d designed (designee) (8) e encourages (entourages) (10) f fuchsia (fuchsin) (7) g gorilla (golilla) (7) h hideous (hideout) (7) i intimas (intimes) (7) j jacobean (jacobian) (8) k karate (karats) (6) l laniard (laniary) (7) m merengues (meringues) (9) n nemesia (nemesis) (7-t) novella (novelly) (7-t) o outrances (outranges) (9) p polyphone (polyphony) (9) q quinine (quinins) (7) r revenges (revenues) (8-t) reveries (reverses) (8-t) routings (routines) (8-t) s saccharic (saccharin) (9) t telephone (telephony) (9) u unarm (unary) (5) v valencias (valencies) (9) w washes (wastes) (6-t) winded (winked) (6-t) worded (worked) (6-t) x ? y ? z ?
Word That is a Confusing Code for Each Letter
a ayin (ion) b bdell- (dell) c ctene (teen) d djin (gin) e ewe (you) f feeze (phase) g gnu (new) h heir (air) i ius (use) j jinni (genie) k knout (newt) l llareta (yareta) m mnemic (nemic) n nitid (knitted) o oued (wed) p psi (sigh) q quay (key) r rathe (wrath) s seeder (cedar) t tsine (sign) u Ur (err) v veldt (felt) w werste (versed) x xurel (jurel) y ye (the) z zabra (sabra)
Word That Begins with Each Silent Letter
a aisle b bdellium c czar d djinni e eider f ? g gnaw h hour i ius j justitiae k know l ? m mnemonic n Ngo o oedipal p psyche q ? r Rzeszow s ? t tsunami u ? v ? w write x ? y yean z ?
Word That Contains Each Silent Letter
a liar b debt c indict d handsome e twitched f halfpenny g phlegm h ghost i business j rijsttafel k blackguard l talk m panmnesia n monsieur o people p sapphire q cinq-cents r forecastle s viscount t apostle u plaque v fivepence w two x fauxbourg y prayer z rendezvous
Word That Ends with Each Silent Letter
a parmigiana b comb c en banc d sangfroid e borne f roman a` clef g bourg h myrrh i hegari j Bitolj k Perak l fauteuil m ? n autumn o ? p coup q ? r foyer s apropos t rapport u nunchaku v ? w tow x doux y day z oyez
Word That, When a Suffix is Added, Reveals a Silent Letter
a real & reality b bomb & bombard c muscle & muscular d edge & edgar e line & linear f ? g resign & resignation h vehicle & vehicular i fruit & fruition j ? k ? l balk & balkan m ? n condemn & condemnation o theory & theoretical p receipt & reception q ? r ? s bourgeois & bourgeoisie t ballet & balletic u circuit & circuituous v ? w cow & coward x beaux & beauxite y portray & portrayal z oyez & oyezes
Word with Two Different Pronunciations of Each Letter
a intraabdominal b bomb c accept d diced e preempted f fixatif g suggest h hah i skiing j ? k knotwork l lincoln m mnemonic n noting o coordinate p polygraph q ? r couturier s socialism t heartthrob u continuum v pavlov w worthwhile x xerox y yearly z tzaritza
Pronounced Differently When Capitalized, Beginning with Each Letter
a august (majestic, month) b begin (start, former Israeli leader) c concord (agree, New Hampshire capital) d degas (remove gas from, French artist) e ewe (female sheep, African language) f forest (area with trees, town in Belgium) g guy (male, Flemish ruler) h herb (plant, short for Herbert) i ill (sick, river in Austria) j job (occupation, Bible character) k kin (relatives, Manchu ancestors) l lima (bean, city in Peru) m mole (birthmark, Sudanese people) n nestles (snuggles, beverage maker) o our (belonging to us, river in Belgium) p polish (shine, of Poland) q quiche (egg pie, department in Guatemala) r rainier (more rainy, U.S. mountain) s said (spoke, Middle Eastern port) t tangier (more tangy, city in Morocco) u ? v vital (essential, Palestinian author) w worms (invertebrates, German city) x xi (Greek letter, Chinese river) y ? z zemi (fetish, Naga people)
Plural with Same Spelling but Pronunced Differently, Beginning with Each Letter
a ? b bourgeois c chassis, corps d ? e ? f faux pas g ? h ? i ? j ? k ? l ? m ? n ? o ? p pince-nez q quebecois r rendezvous s ? t ? u ? v vaudois w ? x ? y ? z ?
Word That Sounds Like Letters, Beginning with Each Letter
a apiarian (APREN) b beadier (BDR) c cesium (CZM) d devious (DVS) e eosinophilous (ESNFLS) f effeminacy (FMNSE) g gillotti (GLOT) h echevarria (HAVREA) i Iberian (IBREN) j jacuzzi (JQZ) k caseous (KSES) l elementarily (LMNTRLE) m eminency (MNNC) n anencephalous (NNCFLS) o obediency (OBDNC) p penial (PNEL) q curiosity (QRESET) r arcadian (RKDN) s aesculapian (SQLAPN) t tedious (TDS) u european (UROPN) v veneer (VNER) w doubloon (WN) x expediency (XPDNC) y wireless (YRLS) z xerophagy (ZRFAG)
Acronym That Has Become Uncapitalized, Beginning with Each Letter
a asdic (Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee) b base (Building + Aerial + Span + Earthbound object) c canola (CANada Oil + Low Acid) d dopa (DihydrOxyPhenylAlanine) e elhi (ELementary school + HIgh school) f fido (Freaks + Irregulars + Defects + Oddities) g gox (Gaseous OXygen) h hela (HEnrietta LAcks) i ibuprofen (Iso-BUtyl PROpionic PHENyl) j jato (Jet-Assisted TakeOff) k kip (KIlo- + Pound) l laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) m maser (Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) n nitinol (NIckel + TIn + Naval Ordinance Laboratory) o obo (Oil Bulk Ore) p parsec (PARallax SECond) q quango (QUAsi-Non Governmental Organization) r radar (RAdio Detection And Ranging) s scuba (Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) t tepa (Tri-Ethylene Phosphor-Amide) u ursigram (Union Radiophonique Scientifique Internationale -GRAM) v vidicon (VIDeo + ICONoscope) w wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get) x ? y yuppie (Young Urban Professional + -PIE) z zip (Zone Improvement Plan)
Word Created as an Anagram, Beginning with Each Letter
a amantadine (adamantine), anogra (onagra) b bass-ackward (ass-backward) c cotarnine (narcotine), comenic acid (meconic acid) d dacelo (Alcedo), delichon (Chelidon) e erewhonian (nowhere + -ian), ellagic acid (galle + -ic) f ? g gifola (Filago), gyminda (Myginda) h ? i itaconic acid (aconitic acid) j ? k ? l livetin (vitellin), lutidine, lyxose m ? n nopinene o ? p panulirus, parosela, pulvic acid q ? r ? s sideburns (Burnsides), spandex (expands) t tellima, therblig (Gilbreth), threose, tigonin, trilisa u ? v ? w ? x ? y ? z ?
Trade Name That Has Become Uncapitalized, Beginning with Each Letter
a adrenalin, amytal, aqua-lung, aspirin, autoharp, automat b band-aid, benzedrine, breathalyzer c chartreuse, coke, cube steak d dacron, deepfreeze, dictaphone, ditto, dramamine, dumpster e escalator, exercycle f formica, freon, frisbee g gunite, gunk h heroin, hula-hoop i identi-kit j jacuzzi, jeep, jell-o, jetway k kerosene, kewpie, klaxon, kleenex l lanolin, laundromat, levis, librium, loafer, lucite, lycra m mace, masonite, minicam, moviola, muzak, mylar n naugahyde, novocain, nylon o orlon, ouija p parcheesi, peg-board, pentothal, ping-pong, playbill, plexiglas, polaroid, pong, popsicle, pyrex q quaalude, quonset r roquefort, roller derby s seconal, skivvies, spackle, stetson, styrofoam t tarmac, teflon, telecopier, telephoto, teletype, touch-tone, trampoline u ugli v valium, velcro w windbreaker, windsurfer x xerox y yo-yo z zipper
Word That Exists Only in an Idiom, Beginning with Each Letter
a agley (gang aft agley) b bejeebers (scare the bejeebers out of) c cockles (cockles of the heart) d druthers (if I had my druthers) e escutcheon (blot on the escutcheon) f fritz (on the fritz) g gird (gird one's loins) h haw (hem and haw) i ish (ish kabibble) j jig (the jig is up) k kith (kith and kin) l lam (on the lam) m muchness (much of a muchness) n nip (nip and tuck) o offing (in the offing) p petard (hoist by one's own petard) q QT (on the QT) r raring (raring to go) s shebang (the whole shebang) t tat (tit for tat) u umbrage (take umbrage at) v vale (vale of tears) w welkin (make the welkin ring) x ? y yen (have a yen for) z zoot (zoot suit)
Word Formed by Borrowing or Lending Letters to Frequent Companions, Beginning with Each Letter
a common word: accomplice (a complice => accomplice) common word: adder (a naddre => an addre) common word: apple (a napple => an apple) common word: apron (a napron => an apron) common word: auger (a nauger => an auger) common word: aught (a naught => an aught) uncommon word: auncel (lancelle => l'auncelle) uncommon word: aventail (la ventaille => l'aventaille) hyphenated word: aitch-bone (a nachebon => an achebon) b common word: broil (amb-ustulare => am-bustulare) c uncommon word: cunette (lacunetta => la cunetta) d uncommon word: dab (adept => a dab) e uncommon word: emony (anemone => an emony) uncommon word: eyas (a neyas => an eyas) f ? g uncommon word: guglia (l'aguglia => la guglia) h uncommon word: haberdine (labordean => l'abordean) i common word: ingot (lingot => l'ingot) j ? k ? l common word: lone (alone => a lone) uncommon word: lamantin (la manati => lamanti) uncommon word: lierre (l'ierre => lierre) m ? n common word: newt (an ewt => a newt) common word: nickname (an ekename => a nekename) common word: nonce (then anes => the nanes) common word: notch (an otch => a notch) common word: nother (an other => a nother) uncommon word: nain (mine ain => my nain) uncommon word: nidget (an idiot => a nidiot) uncommon word: nope (an owpe => a nowpe) o common word: orange (a naranj => an aranj) common word: ouch (a nouche => an ouche) p uncommon word: precle (l'aprecle => la precle) q ? r uncommon word: rouse (drink carouse => drink a rouse) s slope (aslope => a slope) t common word: tone (thet on => the tone) uncommon word: tother (thet other => the tother) u common word: umpire (a noumpere => an oumpere) v ? w uncommon word: wis (iwis => i wis) x ? y ? z uncommon word: zamia (azaniae => a zaniae)
Portmanteau Beginning with Each Letter
a anecdotage (anecdote, dotage) b brunch (breakfast, lunch) c chortle (chuckle, snort) d dramedy (drama, comedy) e edutainment (education, entertainment) f flunk (flinch, funk) g gerrymander (Gerry, salamander) h hokum (hocus-pocus, bunkum) i immittance (impedance, admittance) j jolt (joll, jot) k knurl (knur, gnarl) l lidar (light, radar) m motel (motor, hotel) n nickelodeon (nickel, melodeon) o Oxbridge (Oxford, Cambridge) p prissy (prim, sissy) q quiddle (quiddity, fiddle) r ruckus (ruction, rumpus) s smog (smoke, fog) t transceiver (transmitter, receiver) u umpteen (umpty, -teen) v volumeter (volume, -meter) w wistful (wistly, wishful) x xeriscape (xeric, landscape) y Yinglish (Yiddish, English) z zillionaire (zillion, millionaire)
Self-Antonym Beginning with Each Letter
a aught (all, nothing) b bull (edict, nonsense) c cleave (separate, join) d dust (remove fine particles, cover with fine particles) e enjoin (direct or impose, prohibit or forbid) f fast (rapid, unmoving) g garnish (add to food, subtract from wages) h hysterical (terrified, funny) i into (divided into, multiplied by) j jake (uncouth, fine) k kick off (begin, die) l literally (actually, figuratively) m moot (debatable, not worthy of debate) n nervy (showing calm courage, excitable) o overlook (inspect, ignore) p peruse (examine in detail, look over casually) q quiddity (an inessential feature, the essence) r ravel (entangle, disentangle) s seed (remove the seeds, distribute the seeds) t temper (harden steel, soften justice) u unbending (rigid, relaxing) v vernacular (nonstandard speech, standard speech) w weather (withstand a storm, wear away) x x (select, deselect) y yuk (express pleasant surprise, express unpleasant surprise) z zing (improve, criticize)
Antonym of Two Different Words, Beginning with Each Letter
a acute (chronic, blunt, obtuse, dull, grave) b bare (covered, full) c close (open, remote, aloof, liberal) d dull (sharp, clear, interesting) e establish (disprove, abolish, repeal, abrograte) f free (costly, enslaved) g go (stop, come) h hard (soft, easy) i ill (well, good) j just (unfair, extremely) k keep (release, break, neglect) l little (big, great, important) m mad (calm, sane) n noble (cheap, base, ignoble) o obscure (bright, famous, lucid) p poor (wealthy, good) q quicken (slacken, arrest, deaden) r rise (fall, sit, retire) s soft (loud, rough, harsh) t tough (soft, weak) u universal (parochial, particular) v various (uniform, many) w well (ill, badly) x x (select, unselect) y yield (keep, withstand) z zero (infinite, entity)
Plural That Ends with Each Letter
a vasa b sleyb c calpullec d filid e alae f ashraf g airig h liroth i bani j khawarij k pulik l armsful m goyim n kronen o derrings-do p aides-de-camp q qaraqalpaq r kroner s ? t matzot u haleru v tiv w sons-in-law x eaux y groszy z hertz
False Antonym Beginning with Each Letter
a abuse & disabuse b bar & debar c catenate & concatenate d dent & indent e estimable & inestimable f flammable & inflammable g genius & ingenious h habited & inhabited i ? j join & conjoin k ? l loosen & unloosen m merge & immerge n nude & denude o ovoid & obovoid p passive & impassive q quest & inquest r ravel & unravel s scribe & inscribe t tend & intend u ? v valuable & invaluable w weave & inweave x ? y ? z ? record not output: chemical symbols record not output: prime, longest record not output: trigram deletion, longest