(original) (raw)

European Ammo Box Translations
by James W. Rawles, S.O. Wendell, Klaus Ferfort, and Jaume M. Canaves i Vives
Copyright 2005-2013, by James W. Rawles. All Rights Reserved

Revised May, 2013

In response to repeated requests from newsgroup subscribers, here is a combined re-posting of translations
of German, Spanish, and Swedish military ammunition box and crate markings:

PART 1: German

Abbreviation German English

B. Beobachtung observation

B-patrone Beobachtungspatrone observation cartridge (exploding)

Blei lead

Exerzierpatrone inert (training) cartridge

Gesch. Geschoss bullet

Gl'spur Glimmspur dim ignition tracer

kurz short

L. Ladestreifen charger

L. Lieferung lot (batch)

lang long

l.S. leichtes Spitzgeschoss aluminum-cored bullet

L'spur Leuchtspur bright ignition tracer

m.E. mit Eisenkern mild steel core ball

MG Maschinengewehr machinegun

MP Maschinenpistole submachinegun

n.A. neue Art new type

nah short range

Patr. Patrone cartridge

Patrh. Patronenhuelse cartridge case

Pist. Pistole pistol

P. Phosphorgeschoss incendiary

P.m.K. Phosphorgeschoss mit Kern armor-piercing incendiary

PP Pistolenpatrone pistol cartridge

Platzpatrone blank cartridge

Pulver gunpowder

PzB Panzerbuechse antitank rifle

Rdf. Rheindorf Rheindorf factory of Dynamit Nobel

S* brass case

S. Spitzgeschoss (light) pointed ball bullet

Stahl steel

S. Still subsonic

SE Sinter Eisen sintered iron (AP)

S.m.E. Spitzgeschoss mit Eisenkern pointed bullet w/ iron core

S.m.K. Spitzgeschoss mit Kern armor piercing (AP)

S.m.K.H. Spitzgeschoss mit Kern Hart AP w/tungsten carbide core

StG Sturmgewehr assault rifle

s.S. schweres Spitzgeschoss heavy pointed ball bullet

Tragschlaufe carrying loop

Trop. Tropenpack tropic pack

Ub Uebung practice

Zdh. Zuendhuetchen primer

PART 2: Spanish

Abbreviation Spanish English

acero steel

bala bullet

carabina carbine

cartucho cartridge

cartucho de guerra live round

cartucho de instruccion inert round; dummy

corto short

concurso match

corrosivo corrosive

especial special

ES especial sobre cargada high pressure test cartridge

fabrica militar military arsenal

F fogueo blank

fulminante primer; priming

fulminante no corrosivo non-corrosive priming

I incendiaria incendiary

largo long

laton brass

L luminosa tracer

LP luminosa perforante armor piercing tracer

m modelo model

N normal full metal jacket ("ball")

P perforante armor piercing

plomo lead

punta hueca hollow point

QI quimica incendiaria chemical incendiary

R reglaje observation; fire adjustment

S (German designation) (light) pointed ball

SS (German designation) heavy pointed ball
schweres Spitzgeschoss

subfusil submachinegun

TH trazadora humosa smoke tracer

TL tranzante lumenosa luminous tracer

vaina cartridge case

Part 3: Swedish

Abbreviation Swedish English

ag automatgevar semiautomatic rifle

aldre older

am ammunition ammunition

ask askar box

bandade belted

brandprj brandprojektil incendiary bullet

g gevar rifle

k karbin carbine

kal kaliber caliber

kg kulsprutegevar light machinegun

kpist kulsprutepistol machinepistol (submachinegun)

kptr kammarparton low-powered cart. for indoor firing

ksp kulspruta machinegun

kspband kulspruteband machinegun belt

ml, M modell model

nband normalband belted ball cartridges

oml omladded reloaded

ovnprj ovnprojektil gallery practice bullet

p pansar armor piercing

pist pistol pistol

pprj pansarprojektil armor piercing bullet

pptr pansarpatron armor piercing cartridge

prickskytte sharp round (match grade, for sniping)

prj projektil bullet

ptr patron cartridge

ramad in chargers

red lng reducerad laddning reduced loading

sk skarp, skarpa live cartridge

sl, slj sparljus tracer

slbrandband sparljusbrandband belted tracer and incend. cartridges

slnband sparljusnormalband belted tracer and ball cartridges

slpband sparljuspansarband belted tracer and AP cartridges

slprj sparjusprojektil tracer bullet

slptr sparljuspatron tracer cartridge

spetskula pointed bullets

trubbkula round-nosed bullets

wolframskarna tungsten carbide (AP) core

BTW, if anyone in the U.S. have any available, I am looking for a supplier for 60
rounds of Swedish made 6.5 x 55 tracer (white or red tip), and 400 rounds of 6.5 x 55 AP
ammo ("pansar" - black tip). Let me know if you can provide all or just part of this. Since
this is for my personal use, I'm willing to pay top dollar. I also have lots of
ammunition, magazines, and precious metals to trade.

Since so many of you rec.gunners own 6.5 x 55 Swedish Mausers, I thought that It would
be appropriate to repost S.O. Wendell's answers to FAQs about the brass stock disks and
the aluminum trajectory compensation plates found on many Swedish Mausers:

The Model 1896 was originally made for the round nose m/1894 6.5x55 mm bullet. It was
replaced by a pointed bullet in 1941. Since the sights
were for the round nose the rectangular aluminum plate was added to show how thepoint of
aim, and the distance markings on the sights, had to be changed.

"Sikte for trubbkula" means "Sights for round-nose bullets"
"Skjutning med spetskula" means "Shooting with pointed bullets"
"Avstand" means "Distance"
"Sikte/Rp" (Rp is short for Riktpunkt) means "Sights/Point of Aim"

The figures, i e "100-250 300/-3" mean that at an actual distance of
100 to 250 meters you should use the 300 meter scale on the sights,
and aim low (I'd say 3 decimeters, or 1 foot low), since the higher
velocity of the pointed bullet means a flatter trajectory. At an
actual distance of 400 meters you should use the scale for 500 meters
and aim dead-on, and so on.

It seems like the M1896s, with sights for round-nose bullets, were
fitted with the aluminum plate during the war, while the Model 1938 carbines (those made
after 1941 at least) had sights made for the pointed
bullets, and had yellow decals (or aluminum plates) on the stock
indicating point of aim for shooting with round-nose bullets.

A round brass disk in the stock tells the exact measurement of the bore. It has a scale that
goes from 6.46 mm up to 6.59 mm. The exact bore diameter is marked on the disc with a
small triangular mark. The state of the barrel, in three steps, 1, 2 and 3 could also be

Thanks again to S.O. Wendell. Danke to Klaus Ferfort for his assistance in the German
translations. Muchas gracias to Jaume M. Canaves i Vives, for his assistance in the
Spanish translations.

I hope that you find this information useful. Your comments,
additions/deletions/corrections are appreciated.

James Wesley, Rawles <><


I'm the author of numerous firearms FAQS on topics including:
AR-15 magazines, M1 Carbine magazines, M14/M1A magazines, M1911 magazines,
FN/FALs and L1A1s, Mauser rifles, pre-1899 cartridge guns, and European Ammo Box
Markings Translations. These FAQs are available at

I'm also the author of pro-gun survivalist novels and a screenplay. For info,

I'm also the author of the Internet's most popular daily blog on family preparedness. See:

Copyright 2005-2013, by James Wesley, Rawles