Psychonauts - Covered by Razputin's Domain (original) (raw)

What is to be a glorious summer of Psychonauts content updates begins with the addition of the w.i.p. enemies section, detailing the game's many foes.

Ryan pulls the venerable Tim Schafer away from the excitement of Psychonauts' impending release for a few seconds, and asks him three brief (read: long) questions about the game and himself.

Psychonauts now only $10 from Amazon

The superb Jake points out that you can now get Psychonauts for a price even more amazing than it was before! I'll let the quote from the Double Fine news page do the talking:

"Anyway, did you know you can buy the PS2 and PC versions of Psychonauts on Amazon for under ten bucks! This crazy pricing (oh, and the Excellence, too) has put Psychonauts on Amazon's list of Top Sellers in video games! At the time of this writing, dear reader, we are at #4 on that list. Make sure your penny-pinching dog buys a few copies for his friends and we'll put Psychonauts at #1! Yeah! Poor, poor World of Warcraft. They must be sobbing into their woven-out-of-shredded-hundred-dollar-bill hankie's now."

So, there you have it. Go and buy the PC version (will work anywhere) or the PS2 version (NTSC/US only I think) at once! Or for a friend as a gift.

Posted by Ryan on August 28th 2006. Comment here, 0 so far.

Tim Schafer interviewed by The Guardian

Popular UK newspaper The Guardian has conducted a nice little interview with Tim Schafer, asking him about various fairly typical topics. It's an interesting read nonetheless, although he's still remaining tight-lipped about what's coming next from Double Fine.

Plus of course this is in a very widely read national newspaper, which is always good for shining exposure on the likes of Double Fine and whatnot. You never know, the punters might be so impressed by his reasoning that they'll rush out to buy his next game without hesitation. Or not.

Click on the thumbnail or here to view the whopping 632kb jpeg scan of the whole interview, helpfully scanned and submitted by the most excellent Donald Evans. Thanks Donald!

Posted by Ryan on August 19th 2006. Comment here, 0 so far.

Double Fine Yo-Yos now for sale

Yo-Yos are one of those things that everybody wants. So, what do you do when Double Fine offers a light-up Two-Headed Baby Yo-Yo and a Psychonauts Yo-Yo? You go out and buy one, of course! Or perhaps both. Heck, why not get one for every member in your family?!

Tim playing with his Yo-Yo

Check out the Two-Headed Baby Yo-Yo store page, and of course the Psychonauts Yo-Yo store page. And if you aren't already convinced, be sure to watch the commercial, where you can see Tim Yo-Yoing it like a pro.

Posted by Ryan on May 2nd 2006. Comment here, 1 so far.

Tim Schafer talks about next game, and the past

As Mojo points out, there is a new interview up with Tim Schafer � the designer of Psychonauts, which you of course knew already � talking about himself, his early days back when he worked at LucasArts, and the next game that's on the agenda for Double Fine.

"I just wish we had the luxury of having game design where you [the game designer] think something will be popular so you fight for it. People may not understand it, but you have to give them the chance to like it. That gets harder and harder."

There's not much to go on when it comes to guessing what this new title will be, other than that it's "different from anything [Tim has] done before". Still, it makes for some good reading, and hearing about the development of classics like Monkey Island is always good. Read!

Posted by Ryan on April 5th 2006. Comment here, 2 so far.

Razputin's Domain celebrates first birthday

Razputin's Domain is now one year old (or at least, was a month ago), after both the site and forums were introduced on February 16th, 2005 as MixnMojo's primary hotspot for Psychonauts news, information, and � of course � community.

Although the site has remained fairly quiet as of late, the community has been very much alive and currently has a whopping 34,442 forum posts to its name � a huge thanks to those who have contributed, and an invitation for those who have not yet gotten involved to do so.

The site will continue to evolve somewhat during 2006, accompanied by a planned redesign; the current layout was basically based around the pre-release torrent of news and features, and it's become a little harder to work with as far as providing general content such as backstory and all that goes. So, it'll be redesigned with this in mind.

Needless to say, general content will be expanded so that there are more (detailed) character profiles, a thorough guide of the locations in the game, easter eggs (thanks to the forum contributors!), and more � it'll be a lot more fleshed-out, basically.

Finally, the community aspect will be concentrated on so that getting fan work (art/fic/music/etc) exposed and permanently archived in a safe place is a little easier, and so that the forums are tied in with the website a little better, bridging the perceived gap between them.

Until that lot happens, news will continue as normal on the front page. Hope that end-of-year status update was helpful!

Posted by Ryan on March 18th 2006. Comment here, 2 so far.

Tim Schafer interviewed by Working Title

Tim Schafer: he led Double Fine into creating the fantastic Psychonauts, and he's currently working on something new � chances are, it isn't Psychonauts 2. Still, that's no problem; it's bound to be fantastic.

How do I know this, you ask? Well, it wasn't because I read this interview, but it could have been! So, be sure to read this brand new interview over on Working Title where Tim talks about Psychonauts' popularity, the next generation, and more.

Posted by Ryan on March 18th 2006. Comment here, 0 so far.

Benny's Psychonauts Saved Game Editor

Fancy a bit of help while playing Psychonauts? Wish there were a tool to give you a hand? Benny has brought yet another cracking utility to the Psychonauts market entitled "Psychonauts Saved Game Editor". Quite simply, it allows you to adjust your saved game files in ways such as adding more lives, changing which level you will resume at, and more!

For more information, check out the official download area. It will also be added as per usual to the Razputin's Domain download area after a while.

Posted by Ryan on February 16th 2006. Comment here, 1 so far.